The Municipal Electors of Wellington will shortly be faced with the duty of deciding on which day of the week tho statutory half-holiday is to be observed. In view of the present agitation to have the day changed from Wednesday to Saturday, the retailtraders of the City of Wellington desire to express their emphatic opinion that great loss and injury will result to trade and property in the City, should the proposed alteration , bo effected. The following reasons are submitted why Wednesday should be retained as the statutory half-holiday: — THAT the Wednesday half-holiday has given general satisfaction. THAT there is more retail trade done in Wellington on Saturday than on any other three days in the week combiued: THAT Wednesday is a more suitable and convenient day for the half-holiday than Saturday, both for buyers and sellers. THAT the Wednesday half-holiday constitutes an agreeable break in the middle of the week, which is greatly appreciated by the majority of tradesmen and their assistants. ■ , ■ ■ THAT a' large proportion of the retail trade at present done on Saturday would be lost or diverted in other directions if a day other than Saturday we're chosen, because no other day suits the countrj and suburban people so well. The week's work is practically over, the children are not at school, and hence parents and children are free to come to town to make any purchases necessary. THAT artisans, labourers, factory hands, and others have their holiday on Saturday, hence, if the retailers are closed, a very large section oi the public will have no opportunity of making their purchases m the day time, but will have to resort to late shopping. ■' THAT though the supporters of Saturday contend that Friday night will do for a late night, they forget that Saturday is followed by Sunday's rest, while Friday is followed by a working morning. THAT with the ever-increasing rates and taxes in the City, tradespeople cannot afford to do a lesser volume of business, and the natural consequence of any decrease will be an increase of the cost of living in tho City, which is already too high. ... THAT, despite statements to the contrary, the retention of the Wednesday half-holiday will NOT afiect any class of workers who at present observe the Saturday. THAT those shopkeepers who prefer to close on Saturday will have the option of closing on that day, as at present, but . if Saturdaj is decided on, no such option is permitted; a position which is surely as undemocratic as it is unfair. THAT the present Act exempts the following trades:—Butchers, Hairdressers, Tobacconists, Bakers, Chemists, Confectioners, Fishmongers, Florists, Photographers, Refreshment Eooms, Hotels, and Fruiterers, so that a large number of the shops in the City, and ALL the shops outside the district, will still be opeuon Saturday, while a few of the ■ traders in the City will be compelled to clcse. This is claimed to be manifestly unjust. . , , THAT the present accommodation at tennis courts, cricket and football grounds, bowling greens, _ and other -..i grounds is taxed to the utmost on Saturdays, and over-crowding and great inconvenience will result if these pleasure resorts'are asked to accommodate nearly double'the number on that day. ■ . . ... THAT from time immemorial in all civilised countries, Saturday afternoon and evening have been the times at which a ■' ■ large proportion of the community have , made their purchases, aud it is certain that this custom would not have sur- : vived up to the present if it had not proved, for very many reasons, a suitable and convenient one. It 13 equally clear that no radical alteration in any matter affecting the social or business habits of the, community should be , entered upon' except where absolute necessity for the alteration has been shown to exist. ■ . THAT the advocates of the alteration to Saturday have 110 Other reason to urge than the personal enjoyment which they will receive if Saturday afternoon is made a holiday. They entirely ignore the interests of the general public in the matter. The real question is: Shall Business give way to Pleasure? THAT upwards of 5000 shoppers come into Wellington each Saturday by the Suburban trains, and these will be a clis- . tinct'loss to the City. , W CONCLUSION, is it reasonable to ask that the business methods and customs which have made Wellington the leading retail City in the-Dominion, should be disturbed and upset; that a large number of the City traders should_ suffer serious loss; that- ■ the value of the , City property should be depreciated, and that two-thirds of the population should be subjected to loss ami inconvenience, in order that a small section of the community may be able to indulge in week-end excursions and other expeditions ? In every instance throughout New Zealand where Saturday half-holiday has been tried it has proved a dismal failure. It is certain that those interested in the welfare of our City will show by their votes at the Poll that NO sufficient reason has been advanced to warrant the disorganisation, loss, and inconvenience that will result if the proposed change to Saturday is accomplished, and will assist us in our endeavour to uphold the present arrangement, which has been found eminently satisfactory. These vSews are endorsed by 532 Shopkeepers ''In Wellington, and who are fra favour of the retention of the
BOROUGH OF ONSLOW. ' ANNUAL ELECTION OF MAYOR. In the Matter of "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1908," and tho "Local Elections and Polls Act, 1908," and the Acts amending the same respectively. I HEREBY give notico that the following persons have been duly nominated as Candidates for the Office of Mayor of the Borough of Onslow:— JOSEPH GEORGE HARKNESS FRANK HOLDSWOKTH. As there is only one vacancy to be filled, I also give notice that a Poll will bo taken as between tho above candidates on WEDNESDAY, the 26th day of APRIL, 1911, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. POLLING PLACES. The Anglican Clmrchrooni, Porirua Road, Khandallah. The AYesleynn Church, Ngaio. Mr. Terreni's -Residence, Victoria tract, Maarama, Kaiwarra. The Methodist Church Meeting Room, Porirua. Road, The Onslow Borough Office, Ballance Street, WollinEton. HENRY ABRAHAM, Returning Officer. Onslow Borough Oflice, Ballance Street, Wellington, . 19th April, 1911 ! BOROUGH 01? ONSLOW. BIENNIAL ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS. In the Matter of "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1908," and the "Local ' Elections and Polls Act, 1908/' and the Acts' amending the same respectively. . . . ... I HEREBY give, notice that the following persons have been nominated for the office of Councillor for the Ngaio and Kaiwarra Wards respectively:— NGAIO WARDCHRISTOPHER APLIN, Jun. GEOTGE B WILLIAM DARVALE S| P LY^S D G. KAIWARRA WARDWILLIAJI HENRY BOWDEN PATRICK CAVANAGH richlrd ay. dingwall. TAMES CALDWELL GARDNER FREDERICK ARCHIBALD KIERNAN. As there are only three vacancies to hn filled in each ward, I hereby also give ™tir! that a Poll will be taken a* between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.' r POLLING" PLACES. ) NGAIO WARD- '• The Wciloyan Church, Ngnio. The Onslow Borough Olhce, Ballauce Street, Wellington. i> KAIWARRA WARD--1 Mr Terreni's Residence, Victoria Track, ' Maarama, Kaiwarra. The Methodist Chinch Meeting Room, Porlruu Road, Kaiwarra. The Onslow Borough Office, Ballance Street, Wellington. HENRY ABRAHAM, I Returning Officer. I onslow Borough Office Ballance Street. Wellington, 1 19th April, 1911 I TO PATENTEES.. PATENTS of Every Description made and worked out by Experts. All kinds of machinery and electrical appti. ) tnciss inndo and repaired at tho iertoral I Works. Tory and Holland Street* WALTER ANDREWS I Proprietot*
3OARO AN3 RESIDENCE. '■Q'iONEHURST." (3 i-i'MUNUa STREET, AUCKLAND, NtiW ZEALAND. Strictly FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND' UESIDHNCB. Telegrams: "Stonehuret," Auckland. MRS. AUJIiKT A. BROWN, Proprietress. Wl S H A W HOUSE, Oriental Bay, corner of Hay St, : SUPERIOR PRIVATE BOARD AND RESIDENCE. MRS. WILSON. 5G Oriental Bay. . Single and Duublo Uooms. Trams stop at Door. Lovely Harbour View. Telephone 231 G. BOARD-RESIDENCE. A LADY, in well-appointed Home, offers to gentlemen board-residence; private sitting-rojm if desired; neighbourhood pleasant and retired; position convenient; references exchanged. Apply No. 777, "Dominion" Office. ' ' CHKISTCHURCH. " PRIVATE Board and Residence, 34 Cashel Street, West Christchurch. Houso pleasantly situated, within five • minutes of G.P.0., Gardens; terms niodet rate. PRIVATE Board aud Residence, 133 Sydney Street. Tclcphono Ao. 31JJ. LET, Furnished Bedroom, suit two mutes. Apply after 5 p.m. to " Taranaki Street. V' ACINT—D. aud S. Bed-sitting Balcony Rooms; lovely harbour view; " perfect hot-water service; quiet. 5J floui- >■ cott Street. , ACANCY for a Gentleman wanting a Superior Home. For, address apply ■ "Terrace," "Dominion" Office. i ANTED, Paying Guest in comfortable home, about mile from P. 0.; • ladyjreferr£d._^PiyJ^_£_f._.__. aiiELWAlTANGl HOUSE, Boulcott Street. Vacancy few Boarders, all convern- ;- enc( , si 'Phone, 5 minutes from U.P.0.; ': Moderate. G ,—.. '■ j FOR LEASE OR --OHANCE. ■i . — - EXCEPTIONAL FARM FOR LEASE. I Inm ACHES, 22 miles from Waitara, 1 iOU good road, 900 acres grassed; - owner will fall and grass another L'OO • ucrc<- carrying SOO sheep, 'h(l cattle, and II "5 (hi'rv cows; splendid fattening country; • 5-roomed house, whare, sheep and catUe yards 25 paddocks. Rent, Bs. an acre. , ■ A. L. WILSON AND CO., 5 26 Brandon Street. ' nnO LEASE, a Contracting and House- ' JL Furnishing Business, with Factory nnd Largo Two-story Shop in tho very S centre of good business town. Tho pro- ; m ; scs are suitable for any largo business ■ 11 conjunction with above. Owner re- '■ firine Will leaso for a term at £3 10?. per week. Apply "Cabinet," "Dominion" J § Office. : . STRAIGHT-OUT LEASE. r f»/»P ACRES, 5 miles from Stratford, J&OO good metalled road; all in - Ern ss; good fences; G-roomed house, good shod, loft, implement shed, very conveni- ' ent; rent, £\ per acre, with optional P.C, KEMP AND SAWLE, Stratford. -FUJNK AND MINGLE, LTD., Motor Garage, Palmerston. Wo have in stock a large assortment of Argyll Spares, Dunlop, and Michelin Tyres, Oils, Grease, and Benzine Cars for Sale or Hire. Agents for "OVERLAND" Cars. Telephone 120,
TO LET. mo LET, for. 5 years from Septemhei next (being unespired term oi Lease), MOST COMMODIOUS DETACHED WAREHOUSE, in main thoroughfare, and centre of the City oi Chi'istchurqh. Frontage of 57 feet depth of/167 feet, 12,000 feet of flooi space. All modern conveniences ant equipment. Reasonable rental. Will suil almost any business. For fullest infor tnation apply BOS 35. CHRISTCHURCH. HOUSES TO LET 7 Rooms, Thorndon Quay, 31s. 7 Rooms, Island Bay, 265. Gd. . 5 Rooms, Island Bay, 235. aud 14s. 5 Rooms, Northland. 15s. 10 Rooms, Karori, furnished, £i 3s. 9 Rooms, Lower Hutt, furnished, JC3 3s 6 Rooms, Kelburne, furnished, 47s.'Gα. G Rooms, Creswick, furnished, 425. Gd. Apply S- GEORGE NATHAN, 20 Hun ter Street. __ TO LET, an opportunity and withou recourse if you forget to vote early and it's John Fuller, Junr., who remind you. TO LET, new, 5 rooms, Roseneath, I minutes from car; never been oc cupied; large section, gas; rent, 12s. 6d Easson. Bros., Kilbirnie. 'Phone 3135. nnO LET, first-class well-furnished G -I. roomed Villa, every convenience best part Scatoun, 255. Potter. Seatoun. nnO LET, good 5-roomcd House, balcony JL view. 20 Stafford Street. Apply 2 Stafford Street, oft' Majoribanks Street. rpO LET, new, 5 rooms, Adams Terrace JL off Aro Street, rent 15s. per week Easson Bros., Kilbivnie. 'Phone 3135. rjU) LET, large 6-roomed Houso, etabl< X cowshed, etc., on 61 acres land, Ovei ton Terrace and Evans Bay Road, Ki birnie. Apply Miles, 51 Austin Street, to 8 p.m. TO LET, Two Small Cottages. Appl 22 Drummond Lane, off Tinakoi Road. - • T~ O LET, 5-roomed house, Angus Avenue large piece ground. Apply 78 Kussel Terrace. TO LET, 7-roomed House, Wright St 225. (id.; Shop and 5 Rooms, Cub Street, 455.'; 4 Rooms, Abel Smith Streel 18s. V. Jensen, 233 Cuba Street. O LET, Evans Bay Road, Id. Section 6-rooined House, newly papered; fireplaces. Apply G. Fairchild, 54 Wei lington Road, Kilbirnie. JT\O LET, 3-roomed cottage with conven: 1. ences, M'lntyre Street, Brooklyn E. rent, 9s. Apply 59 Wordsworth Street. b~LET, new, 4 and 5 rooms, Islan Bay, 205.; 4 rooms, Berhamporc, 12s. 5 rooms, Kilbirnie, 175.; 5 room?, Kai warra, 12s. Gd. Easson Bros., Kilbirnu 'Phono 3135. _____ TO LET, Roseneath, 5-roomed housj every convenience, 15s. per woe] Apply 153 Cuba Street. TO LET, Karaka Bay, five-roomed Fui nished Cottage; electric light; ai conveniences. Apply J. Marshall, Worse Bay. ______ rpo LET, Kilbirnie and Newtowi, i and 6 rooms; rent lnw; modsrn coi veniences. J. J- Bo.vd, Kilbirnie. TfflM. (QONWAN, SHOP AND OFFICE FITTER, AND SHOW CASE MAKEH. Glass Casoi Window Fittings stocked. ELLER'S AVENUE, WILLIS ST. Estimates given and work carried [ out with skill and promptitude. Telephone 25U.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1111, 26 April 1911, Page 2
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2,077Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1111, 26 April 1911, Page 2
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