j GOVERNMENT NOTICES. i rua 7.13 a.m., 1.20, 5.10, G.I, 0.39 p.m.. Jchnsonvillo 8.11, 0.10 a.m., 1.49, 5.35, G. 28, 7.35, 10.20, 11.50 p.m. . The 6.30 a.m. twin- from AVcllingion will step only at Ngaio, Johnsonvillc, Porirua, Plinimerton, Paokakariki, Pnraparaumu, Otaki, Jlanak.ni, Levin, Kopiitnraa, Shannon, and Longburn for passengers. NOTE.—The Napier-Thorndon Down Mail train will not stop for passengers between Paekakariki and Wellington. All other trains will stop, for passengers, where required, with the exception of Express and Mail trains, which will make tfsual steps. (See exceptions above.i On lSth April, 1911, in addition to ordinary trains, special trains stopping at. all stations as required, will run as foI°FOR PAEKAKARIKI. - Wellington den. 10.20 a.m. ~ . , FOR AY-ELLlNGTON—Paekakariki dep. FEILDING'PACES, 17th and 18th APRIL. ON 17th APEIL (EASTER MONDAI).Special trains leave Wellington for Palmerston North at G. 30 a.m., connecung ai Palmerston North with train leaving therefor Feilding at 11.17 a.m. On 17th and 13th April tram leaves Feilding at 4.10 p.m., connecting at Palmerstoii North with tram leaving tlwro for Wellington at 5.35 p.m. On 17th and lSth April the nsual 5.0 d p.m. Palmerston North-Foxton tram will 'cave Palmerston North at 6.55 p.m., Foxton arr. 8.25 p.m. Holidav Excursion Tickets to Feitemc available" for return until 10th Jlay, will be issued at AVanganui, Taihapo, Foxtou, Dannevirke, and intermediate stations, on direct lino of route bv morning trains only on 18th April. The issue of. Holiday Excursion Tickets for Easter Holiday covers 17th April. TE ARO-WOODVILLE LINE. NOTE.—On Good Friday and Easter Monday, Day Excursion Tickets issued at any station'between Te Aro and Upper Hiitt, inclusive, to any station between Upper Hutt and Te Aro, inclusive, will not be available by the trains. leaving Wellington for Woodville at 7.4G a.m., and Woodville for Wellington at 1.20 p.m. either on the outward or return journey. ON 13th APRIL.•In addition to the Ordinary trains Special Trains will run as below:— FOR. MASTERTON.-AYellington dep. 11.45 p.m., Petone 12.10 a.m., on 14th, Lower Hutt 12.17, Upper Hutt 12.07, Kaitoke 1.31), Featherston 2.50. Greytown 2.50 (arr." 3.17), Cirterton 3.28, Masterton arr. 3.51. ' This train will stop between AYellington and Lower Hutt only to lift passengers for north of Lower Hutt, north of. Lower .Hutt it will srop at all stations as required. FOR AVELLINGTON.-Masterton den. 2.50, 11.0 p.m., Cartertou 3.14, 11.35 p.m"., Feathersfoii 3.51 p.m., 12.25 a.m. on 14th, Kaitoke 5.25 p.m. These trains stop at all stations, as required, for passengers. NOTE-The 1.20 p.m. Woodville-Wel-lington train .will not stop to take up passengers .between Masterton and Welling. °ON 14th APRIL (GOOD FRIDAY).With the exception of the 7.43 a.m. AVel-linston-Wooclville and 1.20 p.m. AVood-ville-Wellington'trains, the 7.30 a.m. train Masterion to Wellington, the 4.35 p.m. train- Wellington to Masterton, which will run as usual, the Ordinary Time-table will be suspended. Other trains, stopping if required at all stations (except where otherwise specified), will run as under:— UP. . FOR AVOODYILL'E.-Featherston 3.1S p.m., Greytowu 3.25 p.m., Masterton 6.30 a.m., (i.O p.m. ■ FOR UPPER HUTT.-Te Aro dep. 7 0 5.55, 10.15 a.m., 3.30 p.m., Wellington 7.9, 9.4,. 10.27 a.m., 1.25, 2.25, 5.10, 3.25 p.m., Ngahawanga 7.21, 9.16, 10..39 a.m., 1.37 2.37. 5.52, 9.38 p.m.. Petone. 7.30, 9.25. 10.4.0 a.m., 1.-16, 2.46, 6,1, 9.51 p.m.. Lower Hutt, 7.40, 9.3J, 11.0 a.m., 1:59, 2.55, 6.10, 10.0 p.m. FOR LOWER HUTT.-Te Aro dep. 7.0, 8.55, 9.30, 10.15 a.m., 5.30, fi.s p.m., Wellington 7.9, 9.1, 9.40. 10.27, 11.5, a.m. 12.20, 1.25, 2.25, 4.5, 5.40, G. 15, 7.44, 8.30, 9.25, 10.35 p.m. DOWN. FOR MASTERTON.-Woodville dep. 7.5 a.m., 7.0 piin.- , ' FOR FEATHERSTON AND CROSS CREEK.—Woodville dop. 7.5 a.m., Pahiatua 7.35, Eketahtina 8.35 a.m., Jlasterton .10.0 a.m., Greytown 10.33 a.m., Fcatherslcn 11.5 a.m. TOR WELLINGTON AND TE ARO.Upper Hutt-7.43, 8.13, 11.50* a.m., 1.0 , , ■i.o*, 5.5*, 7.20*. p.m., Lower Hutt 7.21, 8.37, 9.25, 10.20", 11.45* a.m., 12.35*, 1.45*, 3.0*, 4.45, 5.15, 5.50*, 7.5', 8.3*-, 9.20* p.m. NOTE—The trains leaving-To Aro at 8.55, 10.15 a.m., 5.30 p.m., Wellington 9.4, 10.27 a.m., 5.40 p.m., Upper Hutt 7.43 a.m., 1.0, and 5.5 p.m. will make the usual motor train stops between Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt for passengers if returned. The 1.25 and 9.25 p.m. trains from AVel--1 lin'ton will also stop at Heretatißga, if ' required, for passengers. 'Does not run to Te Aro. . TAUHEKIXIKAU RACES, 15th and 17th APRIL. On Saturday, 15th April, a Special Pas- ; senger Train for/ Featherston, stopping where required, will leave Wellington at , 8.44 a.m., Ngahauranga 8.50, Petono 9.5, Lower Hutt 9.10, Upper Hutt 9.48, Kai- ' toke 10.21, Featherston air. 11.31 a.m. ' A special pasiengar train from Feithor- \ ston to Wellington, stopping, if required, at all stations, will run as follows:— Featherston dep. 5.45 p.m., Kaitoke, 7.33, J Upper Hutt 8.3, and arr. Wellington 9.15 p.m. AXEMEN'S AND SPORTS CARNIVAL AT UPPER HUTT. (EASTER SATURDAY). 1 ON 15th APRT.L- ---: DAY EXCvkSION FARES TO 1 ' y?l/ER HUTT. An admission charge- of Is. to Maid- ' stone Park Grounds will be mode an en- ' trance 'to Grounds. Hot water supplied 1 free. • 1 Trains leave Te Aro at 8.55, 9.55, and 1 1.8 p.m., Wellington 0,4, 10.15 a.m., 1.10, ' and 1.20 p.m. : Trains leave Upper Hutt for AVelling- ; ton and intermediate stations at 4.48, 5.5, ' and 5.45 p.m. ON 17th APRIL (LAbTER MONDAY).— U'ltu tne exception ui tno i.-iti a.m. 1 Wellington-Wooiivnie, amt lz\) p.m. '■ Wootivniß-Ueuingtou trails, tho ~30 a.m. train lUasterton io me 4.u0 ■ p.m. train udnngkn iu jlasceriou,' " winch win run a» UMial, the uruinary time-cabio will bo suspended. utner trams, itoppiug, it required at , all stations vw-'t'i". wncre otnerwisu •" specineuj, will run us uuuer:— Ul'. FOR. WOODYlLuj—Featherston dep. 6.0 p.m., breytown 0.2 p.m., jiasterton b.dO a.m., i.-i> p.m. j i-'Ult x'JiAljiiixiSTON AND MASTErii'ON.—Wellington tlep. 8.35 a.m., ' iNgattaurauga v.n, I'etone 8.5b, Lower ilutt U. 2, upper iiutc sus, ikaitoks lu.^l,' i'catkerston i 1.33, Ureytowu 11.33 a.m.,' (arr. 12.0 noon), Cartertou U'.lb' p.m., - Jiasterton urr. i.'.44 p.m. i'UK . FjiAl'nliKM'UN — Wellington I dep. U. 40 a.m., i'etono 13-56, Lower Hutt 5 7.U, Upper Hutt. 7.35.', ivaitoko 8.3 a.m. This train will stop only at i'etone, Lower Hutt, Upper butt, Kaitoke, Summit, and Cross for passengers, j I'OK UPPER MUTT—Tβ Aro dep. s 9.31, 10.20 a.m., 1.15, 5.20 p.m., Welhng■l, ton 7.9, 9.14, 10.30, 11.5 a.m., 1.30, 3.10, - 5.30, 9.U5 p.m., Ngahauranga 7.21, 1).5(i, e 10.42, li;i? a.m., 1.43, 3.2?, 5.42, 9.38 p.m., - Petoue 7.30, 10.5, 10.51, 11.28 a.m., 1.53, r 3.3G, 5.51, 9.51 p.m., Lower Hutt 7.40, .- 10.10, 11.1, 11,10 a.m., 2.1, 3.4-1, (i.O, 10.0 5 p.m. i. FOR LOWER HUTT-Te Aro dep. > 0.31, 10.1, IU.SJ, 11.50 a.m., I.la, 5.20, 0.5 <• p.m., Wellington 7.9, 9.14, 9.-1-1, 10.11; 10.30, U. 5 a.m., 12 noon, 1.30, 2.25, 3.15, 4.5, 5.30, G. 15, 7.5, 7.44, 8.30, 9.25, 10.35, 11.30 p.m. NOTE.—Holiday Excursion Tickets to n Featherston will NOT be available by the . 7.4'j a.m. Wellintrton-Woodville train. !' DOWN. !• FOR MASTEKTON-Woodvillo dep. ' 7.5 a.m., 8.5 p.m., I'aliiutua 7.35 a.m., , 8.3G p.m., Ekctaliuna 8.35 a.m., 9.30 p.m. FOR FEATITHKSTON AND CROSS ''_ CREEK—Woodville dep. 7.5 a.m., Palliatiia 7.35, Eketahtina 8.35 a.m., Masterton j 10.0 a.m., 5.23' p.m., Greytown 10.33 a.m., j G. 2 p.m., Featherston air. 11.4 a.m.; G. 50 'FOR WELLINGTON AND TE AROllasterton dep. 2.50*, 5.23 p.m.-, Cartcr- ). ton 3.14', 5.54*, Greytown 3.20», G. 2, ~ Featherston 3.51*, 5.50', 6.50", Kaitoke 5.25*, 7.30-, 5.53* p.m., Upper nutt 7.43, n 8.43, 11.50 a.m., 1.3*, 3.44', 4.43, 5.5*, ), 5.48°, 6.8", 7.1.V, 8.39*, 9.23* p.m., Lower ~ Hutt 7.21. 8.17. 8.37. 9.25, 10.17*, 11.0 ~ a.m., 12.35, 1.48 s , 2.38*, 3.20*. 4.34', 5.9, n 5.2G, 5,50", 6.50*. 7.5*,. S.o', 0.20*, 10.29" i p.m.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1100, 12 April 1911, Page 3
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1,244Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1100, 12 April 1911, Page 3
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