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4 PEASES OF THE MOON. APRIL. Day. in , , m. FirH nuarter G 525 p.m. Full moon l<l 2 7 a.m. . Last nuarter 22 fl § "- m - Kcw moon M 5-3 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day. 5 p.m.: £cts, 5.33 n.m. Thursday. HIGH WATER. To-daj-. 3.5 a.m.; 3.33 p.m. To-morrow, 4.1 a.m.; l -W p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.15 a.m.: sets, 5.27 D.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY. APKIL 11. ' AOP.ANGI, s.s. (6.10 a.m.), 4268 tons, Evans, from San Francisco. Passengers: First saloon- Miss E. Brown. Dr. Hoskinsrs. Messrs. W. W. Xaughton. Kelahcr. Second saloon-Misses Gal!. Graham, Handley. Jones, Laurence, l'inkney. Prime, Mestlanics Crabtrae, Do Fraea. Greenhnf and 2 children, Mitchell. Prime and 2 children. J. W. Prime, Walker. Messrs. Banks. Collins, D. Colley, Crabtree, Earl, Gresnlcaf. Gibbon, Green, J. H. Lopez. Mitchell (2). 11. Prime, Mathe-on. Picato. and Pcar.sall. StecraKD—Mrs. Pearson, Messrs. Aranuni. Cronier, Callaghan, llune, Mapstone, M'Connell, Mullen, Mill, Murceson, OMei, 'O'Doiinell, Pearson, Kacich. Tennyson, Waring. Walker, Whitta. MAKAROA, e.s. (7.20 a.m.), 2593 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Pacciißore: Saloon -Mioses Kopley, Clegg, Engelbrecht, Fusse", M'Gec, White, Malcolm. Caldow, Craddock. Chapman, Wood, Cameron. Pollard. Mesdames Chin, M'Kenzie. Engelbrecht, Hntton. Keys, Beadmore and 2 children, Hunter andchild, Sinclair, Carson. Clegs, Evan , ;, Alexander, Marfell, Xcfli-'ia. Eitchic, M'Kay. Hcrsley, Robinson, Hoyce. MWgley, Chanman, *.Moi», Howe. M'Cabe. Thomson (2). Arena. Thompson, Burton. Schafcr, Masters Sinclair, Chapman, Captain M'Donald. Hflvs. Sinclair, Lynch, arid Wood, Dr. Lillie, Messrs. Lumby, Patterson, Watson. Burnett, D. A. Aiken. Hayncs, Cleplwd, Kennedy and child. Garland. Keys. Ro?e. Carson. Pennell, Clark. FraKr, Gibbons. Edwards, St'Lerui, Oliver. Forbe:, Clark, lire, Scascr, Grisbv, James. Lvans, M:;honey, Marfell, Neehaii, Williams, Simeon. M'Nco, Sir.o!:ik, Clcmise. Rhodes, Jfiuiv. Mcrriion, Finch, Frizzo'.!. Roherts, andelav. Piarrett, Ilaraett. Teliver, Muir, Fahy, Hartstone, .Tones, ThompEon, Bowie, Avcus. Alder, Hunter, and O'Shaushucssy; o5 " ARAPAWA, s.s. (7.20 a.m.). 268 tons, Corby. from Wanganui. MOA. b.s. (7.4_5. a.m.). 188 tons, Sawyer, from Wanganui. NIKAU. s.s. (S.<s a.m.). 245 tons, Hay. from Motucka. HAUFOTO, s.s. (10.15 a.m.). from Auck-land,-Gisborne, Napier- Passengers: Sa!oon-Mis=es Essex. Thomson, Evans <2>. Mcsdamcs Mitchcllhil, Harvey, Evans, Ks»e.x. Messrs. lic-ed. :>fitfliellhil. Oall.nehcr (2), Gillespie. Moid. Frost, Weight. Gold. Biscett, Johiifon. Evan:-. Davic. Burton. Cohen. Essex, Master JlitchsUliil; 5 steer'ALEXANDER, s.s. (1 P.m.). 377 tons, Vickernnn. from New Plymouth. KAIKOUiiA. s.s. (6.25 p.m. 1:1 the stream). 6998 tons, M'Kcllar, from London, via way ports. KOMATA, s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 1594 tor.s, Angus, from Went port. PATEENA, s.s. (9.35 p.m.). 1212 tons. Carey, from Nelson and Picton: 190 msKoncers. BLENHEIM, e.s. (9.50 p.m.). 120 ton?, V atson. from Blenheim. 07'AWA, s.s. (10.55 p.m.), 110 tons, Nieholor. from Blenheim. MANA, s.s. (11.25 p.m.), 134 tons, Dixon, from Pa tea. WEDNESDAY, .APRIL 12. KIRIPAKA, s.s. (0.30 a.m.). 133 tons, M'lntouh. from P.ttea. AOBEKE. s.s. (1.50 a.m.). 77 tons, Fisl;. from Patca. DEPARTURES. TUESDAY. APRIL 11. MAPOURIKA, s.-;. (1 P.m.). 1203 tons. Crawford, for Picton, Nelson, Westport. and Grcymouth. KAPUNI, s.B. (1.20 p.m.). 150 tons, Jackson, for Patca. NGARU, scow (1.45 p.m.), 120 tons, liven, for Tonga Bay. IIUIA, s.s. (4.25 p.m.), 127 tons, Burt, for WaiiEanui WAKATtI, g.s. (6.15 p.m.). 157 tone, Wills, for Kaikoura and Lyttelton. NIKAtJ, s.b. (6.15 p.m.), 2« tons, Hay, for Kelson and Motucka. HAUROTO, e.s. (7.5 p.m.). 1983 tons, Collins, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. MARAROA, s.s. (8.5 p.m.). 2595 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton; !30 passengers. ALF.XANDER, s.s. (8.35 p.m.), 377 tons, Purvis, for Wcstport and Greymouth. RIPPLE, 5. , -. (B.OC p.m.), S7O tons,''Carl-' son, for Napier and Gisborne. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12. ETJKU, s.s. (0.10 a.m.), £5 tons, Nelson, for East Coast. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Tainui,- Waitara. April 12. Aorcre, Patea, April 12. ■ Pohcrua, Greymouth, April 12. Kahu, East Coast, April 12. Wairau, Blenheim, April 12. Corinna, southern ports. April 12.- .- Wanaka, Westport. April 12. . Queeu of tho South, Foxtoii. April 12. Manaroa, Motucka, April 12. Stormbird. Wangauui, April 12. Kapiti, Wanganui, April 12. Maori, < Lytlelton, April 12. Arahura, West Coast, Kelson, Pictop, Apr.

12. Harama, Sydney diicct. April 12. Arawa, Lyttelton, April 12. Holmdale, Itsvwenc, April 15. Huia, Wanganui, April 13. Mokoia. Melbourne, via southern ports. April 13. , „ Wairnea, Greymouth. April 13. Kapuni, Patea, April 13. Nikau, Nelson, MotueUa. April 13. Mararoa, Lyttelton, April 13. Wimmera, lhmedin. Lyttelton, April 13. Petoue, Timaru, April 13. . Monowai, Auckland, Gisbornc, Napier, April 14. . Kurow, Timaru, Apnl 14. Rosamond. Oiichiinga. April 16.' Wakatu. Lyttelton, Kaikoura, April 16. Mapourika, West Coast and Nehon, Picton, April 17. Hippie, Gisborno, April 17. Tarawcra, Auckland, Gisbornc. Napier, Hauroto, Lyttelton, Dunedin, April 18. Wairaki, Kaiapoi, April 18. I PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Aorere, Patca, April 12. l'oherua. Greyniouth, April 12. Kiripaka, Patea, April 12. Moa. Jlotueka, April 12. Mana, Patoa, April 12. Wairau, Blenheim, April 12. Corinnn, Nelson, New I'iymoutU, Onchnnga, April 12 Opawa, Blenheim, Apnl .12. Manaroa, Havclock, April 12. Blenheim, Hlenlicim, April 12. Tainui, Waitara, Mokau, April 12. Stormbird. Wanganui. April 12. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, April 12. Maori. Lyttelton. April 12. Gertie, Foxton, April 12. Kaikoura, Wanganui. April 13. Waimea, Nelson, West Coast, April 13, Kapuni, Patea, April 13. Kapiti, Wanjranui. April 13. Nikau, Nelson, Jlotueka, April 13. Mararoa, Lyttelton. April 13. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, April 13. Mararra, Melbourne, via. southern ports, April 13. Jlokoia, Sydney direc"t, April 13. Wimmera, northern ports, Sydney, April Petonc, Napier, Gisbornc, April 13. Monowai. Lyttelton. Dunedin, April 14. Kuia, Wanganui, April la. ' Rosamond, I'icton, Kelson, New Plymouth, Onehunga, April 18. Tarawcra, Lyttelton anil Dunedin. April 18. Hauroto, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland. April 18. Ripple. Napier, Gisborne. April 18. Mapourika, Picton. Nelson, West Coast. April 18. Wakatu. Kaikoura. Lyttelton. April 18. Kairaki, Napier, Gisborne. April 18. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. ' MOVEMENTS Oi , STEAMERS. MOKOIA. s.s.. left Melbourne April 5, for llobart, Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. Duo Wellington April 12. Leaves bamo day for .Sydney direct. Due Sydney April 16. MAKAMA, s.s.. left Sydney April 8 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington April 12. Leaves April 13 for Lytiei'.ou, Dunedin, lilulf, Hoba.rt, and Melbourne, Due Melbourne April 22. ULIMAUOA, s.s., leaves Melbourne April 12 for Jlobart, Bluff, Dunedin. Lyttelton, and Wellington. Due Wellington Anril 21. Lo:lvcs panic day for .Sydney direct. Due Sydney April 25. WIMMKHA, s.s., left Dunedin April 11 for Lyttelton and Wellington. Due Wellington April 13. Leaves sumo day for northern ports and Sydney. Duo Sydney April 23. OVERSEA SHIWPINC. STKAMEIIS TO AP.IUVE. From London. KAIKOUKA (due today), sailed on January 25, via Auckland. (New Zealand Ship'"lUA OR A "(due' about April 20), tailed on February 11, via Auckland. (Shaw. Savill and Albion Co.. agents.) . INDHAIIAI'.AII (due about April 15). sailed on February 11, via Australia, Auckland and Napier. (Tyscr Line, aeents.) TAINUI (due ab6ut April 18), Bailed on March 4. via Capo Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion. Co,, agents.)

PAPAROA (due abniil May 2). sailed on March C, via Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) NIW'ARU [due about May 17). snilcil on llarrh 18. via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Line, agents.) HOTORIJA (due ::l>aul Jlay 1), sailed mi March 18, via Capo Town and ilobart. l.Vov Zealand Shipping Co., nienl?.) STAR OF CANADA (duo about May 26). sailed on March Z2. via Australia, Auckland, and .Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) lONIC (due about .May 15), sailed on March 30, via Capo Town and llobarl,. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) ' From Mvornoo!.. NEREHANA (due about April 22), sailed on February 18, via Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) MORAYSHIIiE (due about Jlay 14). failed on March 4, via Australian ports and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Lino, agents.) DELPHIC (due about May 10), sailed on March 10, via Auckland. (Shaw. SaviU and Albion 00., agents.) PHAYTON GRANGE (duo about May 22), sailed on April 1, via Capo Town. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. INVER.TAY (due about April 29), sailed on February 18, vin Melbourne and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping C 0... aeciits.) WAKAXUI (due about June 5). Failed on Match 26, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York. HAKPAGUS (due about April 24), sailed on January 7, via- Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) SWANLEY (due about May 8). sailed on February 10, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agent!!.) ■ BRIEZ IZEL (due about May 10). sailed on February 21, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company, agents.) STAR OF AUSTRALIA (due nbont May 18), railed on March 8, via Australia and Auckland. PARTHENIA (due about June 17). sailed on March 29. via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgcty and Co., agents.) From San Francisco. MAITAI (due about April 27), sailed on April 5, via. Papeete and Earotonga. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. DUNCRAIG, Baro.ue, sailed from Livercool March 10. (Johnston and Co.. agents.) HELEN DENNY, barque, sailed from Newcastle on April 7. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. V SYDNEY, April 11. .Arrived.—Warrimoo (10.30 a.m.), from Wel--lAe on ' FREMANTLE, April 11. Arrived.—Mooltan, from London, via Suez. COASTAL. TUESDAY, APRIL 11. AUCKLAND. Sailed— TaVtine (6 p.m.), for tha Islands; Knight of St. George, for Sydney; Monowai, for southern ports; Souall, for Toiaio Bay and Gisbornc. ONEHUNGA. Sailed.—Earawa (4.10 p.m.), for New Plymouth. WANG VKtil. Arrived.—Stormbird (10.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Kapiti 16.25 p.m.), from Wellington. K A PIER. Arrived.—Tarawcra (noon), from Wellington. Sailed.—Storm 17.10 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA. Sailed.—Mana (3.10 a.m.), Aoreru (8.20 a.m.), and Kiripaka (8.30 a.m.), for Wellington. FOXTOtf. Arrived.—Qucc.:i of the South (9 a.m.), fro'ii Wellington. Sailed.-Queen of the South (3.10 p.m.). for Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Rosamond (7.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Jlapourika- (5.20 p.m.), from Wellington. BLF.SHEIM. Arrived.—Opawa and Blenheim (5.30 a.m.). from Wellington. t-aLied. —Opaw'a. (2.30 p.m.), and Blenheim (2/0 p.m.), for Wellington. JIOTUEKA. Arrived.—Mauaroa (9 a.m.), from Wellington. NELFO;?, Arrived.—Kennedy (11.30 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. ,„-,; ~.. ~ Arrived.—Maori (5.45 a.m.). from Wellington; Eunice, scow, from Tlavdoek. To sail—Arawa 12 a.m.- Wednesday), lor Wellington. Sailed.—Coriuna (4.15 p.m.). for Wellington, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onchuitga: Kurow and Kaiapoi, for Timaru; Canonic, for Wcstport; Maori (8.20 p.m.), for Wellington, with 300 passengers. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Mokoia (10 a.m.), from Melbourne and Ilobart, with English mail on board. Sailed.—Tnvorcargill, for Invercargill and Stewart Island. Sailed.—Wimmcra, for Sydney, via Auckland. Pasfongors— Saloon: For Lyltelton— Misses M'Groan, Shannon (2), Bromley. Griffon, McEdamcs Bertie, Griffin, Crinns. Hanson and infant, Messra. Larnach, Gale. Moore. For Wellington-Misses Harris. Grant. M'Kenzie, Mcidames Tamblyn, Crais and ehiid. Thomson, M'Bcath, Fleming. Messrs. M'Ewan, Roach, Thomson, Donscn, Kirk. For Napier-Misses Swinburn, M'Jiae. Adam, Daigkish, Mr. Taylor. For Clis-borno-Mrs. Green. For Auckland-MisECs M'Kcrrow, Moss, Campbell. Mrs. M'Kerrow. Mr. lirook. For Sydney—Missis Sutherland 12), Mr. Fallt. For Tokomaru-Jlr. Sltitch: 24 stcirage for all ports. Sailed.—Mokoia, for Sydney, via Wellington. Pass-onset's—Saloon: For Lyttelton— Misses A.ikman, Couehe, Jlesdames Bradley, Holdeworth. For Wellington—Misses Maxwell, M'Kenzie, Mackintosh, Gill, Mesdames Walsh, Cowley. Messrs. Henderson, Oowley, Master Adams. For Sydney— Misses Stewart, Niven, Messrs. Smart, MacDermott. BLOFF. Arrived.— Hiianui, from Macquario Island. Sailed.—Petone, for Timaru; Koonya, for Duuediu. M.M.S. PIONEER. .' It is understood that H.M.S. Pioneer will proceed from Auckland to Lyttoltor., and thence to Wellington. She U> due at the southern port on May 1 and Wellington on Juno 1. BACK FROM THE KERMADECS. A communication received by the Marine Department from Captain Hooper, of the Government training shin Ainokura, state's that the vessel arrived at tho Great Barrier Island from the Kcrmadecs en Sunday morning. Captain Hooper reports that he visited all the island depots, and found no signs of any wreckage or castaways. . Every depot was intact. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE '-QUEEN." The coastal steamer Qiiesn of the South arrived at Foxton at 9 a.m. to-day. On Monday it was reported that the vessel had been seen making towards the South Spit at Foxton whilst endeavouring to negotiate the bar. This report wa3 correct. Further details show that the little veSsel, whilst trying to enter tho river o:> Friday, touched on the bar, and, owing to the set of the tide to tho south, became unmanageable. She was carried down towards the South Spit for n- distance of three mile?, but, fortunately, managed to r-trike smooth water. Her cantain (Captain Harvey) soon had his vessel miller control again, and decided to make for Kapiti, where the little steamer remained at anchor until 6 a.m. on Monday. An hour later she approached the bar again, but could not get in, and, therefore, anchored under Kapiti, eventually arriving at her destination yesterday as stated. Upon her arrival at Wellington to-day the Oueea of the South will withdraw from the Wellington-Foxtou trade for general overhaul. She will be relieved by tbe Gertie. DELAYED AT AUCKLAND. CONGESTED WHARVES. It was originally intended that tho Tyser Line's steamer Nerehana, should reach Wellington with her Liverpool cargo on Saturday or Sunday next. Messrs. llannatync and Co., local agents for tho company, have, however, received advice, from tho captain of the vessel stating that there is no chance of the Ncrehan:-. leaving Auckland in continual ion of voyage before Thursday. April 20. The cause of this serious delay is said to be tho congested state of the Auckland wharves, 'which are blocked with cargo. : Another Tysoi ftcamer is ilue at the northern port to-day from London, ami the condition of affairs at the "Qucoii ■ City" wharves will naturally ho more ■ acute than ever. The Shaw. Savill and Albion Co.'s Fleamcr Kia. Ora has been delayed, partly on account of the same cau«e. She was expected to arrive at Wellington from London, via way port?, to-morrow. Im , , will nr,t reach here until Thursday. April 20. Khe makes a call at Napier en route to lake in Home cargo. ! EASTER HOLIDAY TIME-TABLE. On account of the Easter holidays several i alterations have been made in the timcI table of the Union Company's steamers. The Mokoia left Uunedin for Lyttelton • and Wellington last evening. She is due ■ in port to-morrow morning, anil , leaves for Sydney direct tho same evening at 9 I o'clock. , The Monowai, from Auckland, via Ghborne and Napier, will not call at Lyt-

li'ilon nn Saturday mi her way south. She arrives at Wellington mi (lood Fn- j< day, and k:ivc;; here mi Saturday, at 2 ), P.lii., for I)um-:lin dire: , !, returning to ■} Lyltelton the following Wednesday. Th" M'lrarr.i will run an excurtion trip ■» fr.-im Lyttelton to Akarna. nn Easier Mon- "■ day in co-.recti'in with the Whelch-Fogwcii ■,' rare, and th? Koonya will act as ten- ii d'jr lo hr.-.l pa;,-:?:iger:: from the Mararon ! at Akaroii. The Ihiiiroto, from Dimcain. will remain 5 p.l Lyltelton until Kastsr Monday, and $ will h'ave on arrival of the first expii ij that day for Wcllingtan, Napier, Ois- R lionio, and Auckland. .! The turbine steamer Maori will run ail K excursion trip from Wellington to Pic- 3 ton on Ea-iier Holiday, ami will Icnvc Wei- J HiiKlan the tnnie night for L.vttcltcn. I,! Ta-iiiorrow evi'iiii'.g both tin. , Marnriia and j tin: Milranu will leave Wellington for f Lytlelton at E. 20 p.m. »■ On her return trip from tho We:-t Coast ;■ ports to Ncbon, Picton, and Wellington. .; the Mapourilsa, which ia due it Nelso-i on i Saturday morning next, remains thcrountil S Monday, when pile will leave for Piclon l> and Wellington. The l'alecna will brinir '; the Mapourika's pa-ccncrcrs lo Pi.ton and ; Wellington on Saturday. .' - (j ARRIVAL OF THE AORANGT. i; Aorangi, Ii.M.S., arrived in the stream at .■ WcJMngton from San Francis: ,, ), via way '■ ports, at 6.10 a.m. yesterday. '] A report of the vessel'? round voyage ; (supplied by the purser. Mr, M, P. Caf- « iin), states that, after leaving Wellington ;, at 8 a.m. on February 4, the vcisel arrived ' at Auckland at 6.30 a.m. on February 6; i ami went into dock. She enme nut ag?.in >£ on lebruary 8, and took in bunker coal j and loaded general'citbo, leaving Auek- 5 land at 12.30 p.m. on February 11. She ' encountered a strong wind and high north- ! east sea on the passage to Rarotonga. < winch port war, readied at 5.30 p.m. on Feb- .' ruary 15. Leaving at 9 a.m. on February ' 16, the vessel reached Papeete at 5.4 p.m. s on February 18, having met with n break- > uown in the engine-room while steaming i between the two porta. Papeete was cleared i at 1.20 p.m. on February 19 for San Fran- ti Cisco. Light northerly winds and swell •: wore oxp;:icnccd to tho Equator, thencs ; moderato wimb and Equally weather to ar- It nvnl at tho American port or. March 0. Between Piipcute and San Francisco nn- ' other breakdown occurred in the engine- ? room. Departure from San Francisco wa? ' taken at 4 p.m. on March 20, and the ves- ■■ sel met with moderate winds and hazy S wet weather during the first few day's ; out; tacaco clear fine weather to Papestc, t which port was readied at 6.10 a.m. on ' April 1. The Aornngi left airain on ths b following day at 5.30 a.m., and arrived at Rarotonga at 6.18 a.m. on' April t, kav- - iiitr again at 6 p.m. on the same day for , Wellington. Tho lost Etagi: of the voy.-ic* " was oliaraotcris:d by iierht to moderate l winds and ?ea. and Tine wcith-r. The vcesel berthed at the Queen's Wharf " JCo. 4 at 5.30 a.m. yesterday to discharao r cargo consisting of tho following linos — 9531 bags barley, 473 sneks t'offec, 150 ca=o3 nnriodicah, 125 cases shell, 4 caflCT vanilla 518 cases banann; ,1253 cases oranges, ami r a larg; quantity of sundries, hardwars. I machinery, etc. 1:

On April 23 the Aorangi will leave Wellington for Lyttelton for docking. She then returns to WelHngton and take* 11 n the Saa Francisco running agaiu an May 3. . KAIKOURA FROJI LOXDON. An arrival i-n port last evening from L-jndon, via way ports, wa-j the Xcw Zoabr.d Shippiiiß Co.'s steamer Kaikoura. The vepiel cleared the Home port 021 January 25. and, after leaving Cane Town on February 20, met heavy \vcath?r so much so that, on March 11, it was found necessary to heave the vc'sv! to for seven hours. Strong S.E. to N.E. winds, rough seas, and heavy rain prevailed rturintr the rert of the passage to Auckland. At the northern port the Kaikoura (li«chnrc'.'<l a. record careo of over 90CO ana left, for Nan:-:r and Wellington 011 Wednesday last. Captain M'Kcllar ifi ip. command of the Knikoura, and tht> other officers are:— Cliicf officer, Mr. G. E. Fox; r.ccoud, Mr. 11. J. AVilib: third. Mr. W. Dcuchars-Crou-ibee; fourth, Mr. F. P. Haincs. Mr. J. Scott is chief engineer. Mr. Rcay second. Mr. A. M. Bart-lay third, Mr. C. Massev fourth, Mr. E. D. Powell fifth, Mr. C. Gibbs sixth. Chief cnKiiißcr, Mr. H. M. Dixon; ser:ond. Mr. C. G. Young; surgeon, Dr. 11. Dunn; chief steward, Mr. Mitchell. After dischavginn 75 ton? of explosives in the stream this morning, the Kaikoura v.ill berth at the King's Wharf. She leaves fw Wanganui to-morrow. Tho Government has necented a tender for the erection of a tower ok tho Tuahino lighthouic. . Mr. J. R. Rowan, chief officer of tho ntoamer Ripple, has cone on holiday, and Mr. Turksma, second ofllccr of the vessel, is relieving him. Mr. J. Parry, cecoml officer of the Kqra Niven, haSj joined tho Ripple in a similar capacity. Mr. G. B. Mercer signed on the Alexander as second officer yestsrday. Mr. C. D. M'Kinlay, who has 'jeeh ashore to rit for his ma.nev's certificate, has joined- the Kini r.s chief officer, and Mr. C. If. Frost has gone ashore ou traniucr. Mcusrs. Bruinatync anrt Co., local agents for the' steamer Kairakl, advise that tho \v?.i,tA will arrive at Wellington from Kaiapoi on Tuesday next. She leaves on tho game day for Napier and Gisbornc. At 2 o'clock this morning H.M.S. Arawa was to havo IoU Lyttelton fov Wellington. Sho should reach port about 4 this afternoon, and will berth at.the Glasgow Wharf to receive Wellington cargo. The Arawa leaves Wellington for London on Thursday. April 20. ■ Captain A. M. Edwin has liron appointed to the temporary command of the Waihora (now at Newcastle), Caplaic; W. Hutchings having gor.o to Melbourne on leave. Tho collier Kurow is expected to arrive at Wellington from Timaru ou Thursday. To-morrow tho F.H.S. steamer Norfolk leaves Wellington for Lyttelton, Duncdin, and tho Bluff. Tho schooner Falcon, which arrived in port from llavclock on Monday night, brought 45,000 feet of timber.

On arrival from Sydney direct this morning, the Union Company's steamer Marama wilt berth at the Queen's Wharl No. 6. A departure from Port Chalmcn for London', via the Bluff, on Sunday afternoon was tho chartered steanor Cranley. Her leading from tho Knight of. tho Garter cargo comprised 11,206 bales wool, 150 iracs wool, 3314 bales llax; 90 bales tow, 701 cr.sks tallow and pelts, 530 cassii na.url gum, 585 bags kauri gum, 1932 bags copra. 10 casea honey, 8 bags hair, and .iimdrics. In addition to Knight of the Garter cargo , she took away tho follpwi::g:-54 casks tallow, 379 bale? wool, 32 bales rabbitskins, and 11 packages' sundries. Capt.nin W. A. Wildman. jm., of the Kennedy, is away on holiday leave, and hie place iVj being taken by Captain A. E. ir. Purvis, of the Waverlcy. Mr. I , ]. E. Kettle, inata of the Wavcrley, hau joined the Kennedy in succession to Mr. M'Leod. Mr. Hume, of tho Alexander, has been promoted. from r.'.xond to first mate. Heavy westerly weather sti-ll prevails on the West Coast of tho South Isbi.d, and, up till a iatc hour yesterday afternoon tho Arahura had not entered Grevmouth. Hopcn wore entertained of g:tting her across th; bar last night. T':d l'ohcrua was still inside the port last night. Mr. F. Jelly (in charge of tho New Zealand Shipping Co.'s stevedoring department), who was hurt on Monday evening whilst engaged in superintending discharge of the Norfolk's cargo, was able to resume duly ycslDrday, although he was still feeling the effects of the accident. The ketch Arena left Nelson on Saturday for Paloiw.ih, where she is loading timber for Wellington. H:AIL NOTICE 3. Subject to necessary alterations, mails will close at the Chief Post Office as under:— THIS DAY, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12. Wanganui, New Plymouth, also Manawatu, Rangitikci. and Taranaki district?, per Manawatu train (Thorndon Station), 6.30 a.m. Wanganui, also Manawatu and Itangitikei'districts, per Manawatu train (Thorndon Station), 3 p.m. Wairarapa. district, per Wairarana train (Lambton Station). 6.30 a.m. and 3.45 n.m. Napier and Hawke's Bay districts, per Manawatu train (Thorndou Station). 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Auckland and district, also New Plymouth and Wanganui, per Main Trunk train (Thorndon Station), 11.15 a.m. Auckland, per Main Trunk irain (second express), 7.« p.m. . Australian States r-.ud South Africa, to cc.niK'ct with Morca at Auckland, per Main Trunk train, 11.15 a.m. Picton, Blenheim, and Nelson, per Pateena 11.50 a.m. llavclock and Bays, per Manaroa. 2.20 p.m. Nokon, per Cnriiina, 5 p.m. I'ictmi, per Kiripaka, 4.20 p.m. Southern oll'coa of New Zealand, also Grcymoutb, llokilika, and Jicefton, per Maori, G p.m. Blenheim, ncr Opawa, 745 p.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 13. Nelson, per Nik:'.ii, 4.20 p.m. Picton. lilouhciiu, and Nelson, per Arahura, 5 p.m. ■ • Southern offices of New Zealand, per Marnroa, 0 p.m. Soutlicrn offices o r Now Zealand, also Australian States (due Melbourne April 22), per Marama, 0 p.m. Cevlon. India. China. Straits Settlements. South Afrira. n'.so Continent of Europe nml United Kingdom, via .Naples (duo London May 22), per Moknin, 6 p.m. Australian Stales (duo Sydney April 17), per Mokoia, 6 p.m. Nelson, per Pateena. 7.45 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 15. Australian .States, to connect ' with

Malicno. at Auckland, uer llain Trunk train, 11.15 s.m. Picton, Blenheim, Xc!?on. Vestnqrt, Greymouth, and Uolrilika, ner Arahtira, 12.50 p.m. Hails for Canada, United States of America, West Indies, United Kingdom, ami Continent o' Europe, via Fiji, Fanning Ishind, Honolulu, and Vancouver, clofo at Auckland, per Xavun. this day, at 9.45 a.m. The next host dispatch for Oontincut of Europe, United Kingdom. Canada, and Eastern State.' of United States of America, will be via Naples,.cJosirn; at VTclliucton, per Mokoi:i, .Thursday, April 13, at C p.m. , Mails for Australian States ar.d South Africa close at Auckland, per Ku?i:A>' Thursday, April 13,. at 'I.'.S n.iii. Mails for tli2 Common .vc.ilth of Australia, Ceylon, India, China, Japan, Straits Settlements, also South Africa, Continent of Europe,-and United Kingdom, per Ii.M.S. Morea, clma at Auckland, on Thursday. April 13, at 7.45 p.m. Steamer fails 4 n.m. Good Friday. Mails fo:- the United Kingdom and Continent of Europe, via Monte Video, ncr Cranlcy, cloze at the Bluff, thir. day. !it 1! a.m. Correspondence must bo [specially :r.!dnvi:::ci. On Kjcrt. Friday, the Postal Department will bo closed in all its branches. Mails by strainers siulinc on the above-named day will close at a p.m. on the previous evening. . The only dispatches by trains on that day will l-o for the WaiY.irana district, which will elofo at 6.30 n.m., and for Jlanawatu, Wnngnuui, Hawlte's Bay, and Auckland districts at 8 a.m. There will be no clearances of the city mid suburban receivers, but the night clearance will no made as , usual. There will be no deliveries by letter-carriers, but en the previous ovenins and Saturday evening there will bc.n. delivery 'over the counter, at, the Chief Pqst Ofrice between '0.33 anil 9:30 p.m. onlv for correspondence addressed'to the Post Office; and at the Drill-shod -between- 8.30 a-ud'WO n.m. for correspondence which is delivered by letter-carriers. On Cicod Friday mails arc not expected to arrive from outside the Dominion. On Saturday April 15, lettercarriers will make two ftiU. deliveries." closing at the Chief Post Office' at 7.45 a.m; niid 1.45 p.m. ■ ■■ • On Kaston'Jfondayviftc.-iPoM Office will >liaopen in oil its branches (except the moneyorder department) from 9 to 10 a.m. Mails by steamers sailins on that day will clnrfl nt 8 a.m. The only dispatches by trains will I be for the Wairarapa district, which will cloeo at 6.30 a.m.; and those for the Jlau.v v.-atu. Waiiffanui. Taraiuiki, llawko's Hay. and 'Auckland district?, which will close at. 0 a.m. There \yill be no day clearances of tlin city and suburban receivers, i\nd no deliveries by letter-carriers. Unless otherwise specilied, registered letters and parcels-post packages must lie handed in and money-order* obtained one. Hour before the ordinary letter-mail closes. All the principal mails by train and steamer close at To Aro and Courtenay Place' Post Offices at the same hours as at. tlio Chief ,I'ost Office, with the exception, that there. 13' no late-fee'clearance. •'■ :, ' D: MILLER. ■•" ' Chief Postmaster. ■ Cliief Post' Office. Wellington, April 12, 1911. METEOROLOGICAL. WEATUEI! AT 4 P.M. YESTERDAY. Capo Maria vac Dicmen.-5.13., lieht; barometer, 30.05; thermornvter, 67. bhowcry; sea moderate. llusECll.—H.E., light; barometer, 0O.1Q; thermometer, 71. Fair; Mil smooth. Manukau Heads.—S.W.. liaht; barometer, 30.15; thermometer, 68. I'air; cen modcrau. Auckland-South, lischt; barometer, 30.14; thermometer, 73. < Fine. Taurani*a.—Calm;- barometer, 30.-12; ■thermometer, 74. Fair; sea smooth* East Cape—South, licht; barometer, 3C.15: thermometer, 75. Fine; r.ea considerable. Gisborne—South,.'ltoht; 30.11:. thermometer, 60. ■ Fine; cm moderate. - Port Jhuriri.—C.ilni; " barombt?r, ■ JOX9; thermometer, 72.. Fine; «a smooth. Wcllinsloii.-Soutli. lisht; barometer, 30.15; thermomoist, 66. Cloudy. Castlcpoint.-S.E., breeze; barometer, 30.15; thermometer, fiß. Cloudy; sea mcikTate. New Plymouth.-W.S.AW, lialit; barometer. 3116; thermomitsr, 63. Ruin: sea smooth. Cape Epini , -!.—West, lkht: barometer. a.! 6; th=rmqiwtcr, 70. Showery; sea smooth. '. ■ Wall3anui.-S.MT., liiht; barometer, 30.13: •thermometer, 67- Fair; ■Cα smooth. ' F-ircwcU Spit:—West, licht; barometer. 30.13; thermoniolcr, G?. H:\zy: ;;a modcrif.'. Cape Foulwind—.'.S.W.. fresh; baronictu , . 30.17; thermometer. M. Fair: ,v~a heavy. Stephsn Islai:;!.— West, lieht; bnrometc". 50.12; thcrmonioter, 59. H.-isty: .rca smoDt!). Cape Campbell.—Couth. Jiliht; barometer. 3C.10; thermometer, 65. Clor.cty; r;:i. moderate. Kaikoura.—K.Ti., bi-rcae; l.nromc'.cr, 30.10: thermometer, 65. Fair: nea smooth. Altaroa Liphthoti!:?.— S.K., frosh; uaromeler, 30.05; thermometer. C-7. llany; ecm moderate. Port Chalmern.-X.13.. fresh: barometer. 3C.CO; thermometer, 63. Fair; s-a moderate. NuBECts.— N.K., iiirh'; baromolcr, 29.98: tl'.frmometer, 57. C'.oudv; s'.'a .smooth. r.hift.-WoU, lisht: br.roincler, 29 93; thermometer, 58. Fair;, sea moderate. SUMMARY AND FORECAST. A westerly storm area !ias nasscil in the south, with westerly and southerly (rile.'; in and southward of Coolc Strait duriua the but the wir.ils have moderatcci to-e'ay.' Rain has fallen jn part?, especially on the Wo;t Coast, llifr'h pressure has continued ir. the north. Heavy seas have been experienced on thn West Coast. Present indicuMono arc for variable winds Kcucvally. iiorther'.icii a.-.d westerlies IncrcasiiiK shortlv southward oC Now . Plvmoulh and Xapier. Uttzv ;:nd c'oudy wcitthor will probaWy prevail, showery in n-rt.3 espooially on the Vc-i, Toast o.n«l southern districts of lh-> South Island. Tho barometer will probalv'y fall slowly in the north, and steadily in the couth. D. C. HATES. Meteorological Offlco, Welliiißlon, April 11, ISII. If we go 011 as we hnvc boon doing, in M ycar>' lime (says Mr. John Hums) there wifi 1)0 nothing bill 1111 .clongiitetl siuin from Lanwisler to l!u},'by. lly the will (if Miss Helen Mary Ciul---on," nj{oil 70, lain of Uawkesyanl Cottage, Uiiiidc.v, KtalfanUliirc, who left estate vnlueil' al over JiSO.flOll. Unwbrsynnl Vriory. Slafforilsliire, bonolits to (li<\ cv.tent of over .tGo.UOII. Miss (iulson also 1 lofl ljoquesis In ntlior Roman Catholic instUulions in Uic noi|;lilwiirlioß(l. A motor-bout voslnuvanl. on (ho Thames is to be a probable innovation in the near future.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1100, 12 April 1911, Page 9

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1100, 12 April 1911, Page 9

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1100, 12 April 1911, Page 9


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