PHASES OF THE MOON. APRIL. Day. hr. m. First Quarter 6 525 p.m. Full moon 14 2 7 a.m. Last Quarter 22 6 6 a.m. New ruoon 29 955 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 2.51 p.m.; sets, 11.41 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 11.9 a.m.; 11.28 p.m. To-morrow, noou. SUN. Sun rises today, 6.10 a.m.; sets, 5.35 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, APRIL 6. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (1.40 a.m.), 19c ions, L.irvey, from roiton. AllAiiiJKA. s.s. li.ij a.m.), loys tons, Lambert, iroui lireymoutn, weapon, i\elsou, iinu Pictou. rusEcngvrs: taaloou—JMisucs uaclt, iveith, Armtc, Unvie, Carter, Mom-.-itewart, w'iiion, Hector, Vavasour, iTDon' aid, Lloyd, Jtt'AUster, and bisters of :-!crcy Vα, Law Hector, McEdames Litchneid ana 2 cnilttren, Walker, O'Leary, Mitts, Lowery, Stratford, Urowii, MX'ormacli and a children, Sydcr, Warren aud child, Burger, Stewart. Stainton and child, Caldwell, Rose, Martindale, Flowerday, Blanc and child, Herd aud b).v, Mercer. Lucas, M'Farlane, Gillow, Mytton, Morpcth, I'qpe, Barton, Laing, Burgess, tDleman, Williams, Hughes ami child, Miller, Rcesby, Messrs. Kinniburgh. Warren, liroivn, Hauckham, M'Cormack, Kcmber lorrcEt, Ross (2), Heiui, Shcrratt, Meara, C. laybr, Anderson, Robinson. Coates, liriasco, Spurdle, Hodges, Martindale, Holmes, Wright, Stewart, Harvey, Carey, p. Glennic, Sydcr, WaldhaiiEcn. Tair.e, Hogg, Kciiau. Lucas, Hallam, Shearer, Kankin, Hayden. Lamb, Mytton, Stewart, Mason. R. A. Wright, M.P., J. H. Pope Kirk, Findlay, Neviu, Iloby, Williams, Lysner. Burgess, Cook, G. P. Griffiths, Best, Williams, Kedgley, Witte. Bell, Jessop and boy. Wilson (2), Jones, C. Lee, M'Comvay (2), H'Callura, Wlmvki, Harrison, Mills (2) Rev. Maslin, Captain Flowerday, and Dr. Kiug: 62 steerage. MARAEOA, s.s. (6.40 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from LytteHmi. Passengers: Saloon -Misses Draper, Raggett, Oliver, Sennan, Gill, Jones, Trczise, Garry, Lough. Loe (2), M'lver, Jones, Thomas (2), Line, Mesdames Itolleston, Gregory, Oliver, Stewart and 3 children, Hart and infant. Wyatt, Thompson, Simpson, Gill, Meadowcroft, Moody Garry, O'llnlloran, Watson, Grant, Pyke, Cahill, Williams, Banks, Stevens, Arundel, Beddingfiold, liarge, Messrs. Bullock. Richards, Fisher, Kae, Rev. Oliver, Bullock, Parl;cs, Sanders. Wilson. Harper. Gill (2), Anderson (2), Wyatt, Street, Thompson, Simpson, Savill. Moody, Allen, Ooie, Pidgeon, Palfrey, Mabin, Lockhart, Brodrick, Marshall, Gribben, Fagg, Whittham, Grant, Farrcll, Henderson, Barker, Do Latour, mil, Jones. Hardy. Banks, Armidel, Lewis, Mcsdon, Wadhain, Stevens. Baggett Branson, O'Neill (2), Master Lowe; 67 steerage. XIKAU. s.s. (6.45 a.m.), 245 tons, Hay, from Nelson. MOKOWAI. s.s. (10.55 a.m.), 3s3S tons, Robertson, from Duncdin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Hisses Hickcns, Leil, Stead, Wright. Dawfon, Mesdames, Percy. Cunningham. Hosking and 3 children. Wright, Rev. J. A. Hosking. Messrs. I.inde, Urr, Mocus, Mainland, M'Gibhon, Jlcndy, Doughty, Lever, Ilollow.iy, Brinn-. dow, Montague, Strang, and Wright; 25 steerage. MOA, s.s. (12/0 p.m.), 188 tons, Savryer3, fr.mi W.i.ngamii. / KAPITI, s s. (12.50 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyes, frnin Wangauui. PATEENA. s.s. (9.25 p.m.), 1212 tons, Crawford, from Kelson and Picton. P-ir-songers: Saloon—Missca Malone, Arnold, Cl'.ant. Clark, Waters. Devcrcaux, Watson. Griffiths, Kay, Millard, Madden. Mesdames Windleburn and child, Warren, Simpson, Morley and 4 children, Allan, Diflison. Robinson and child. Nimmo, Chant. Murray, Sncar, Fry. Gocbel. .Tnniieson. Primer, Anderson nnd 4 children, Griffiths, Watson (2) r.nd child, Kinsella, Wilkin. Bythell, Viohors: Kash. Mollet, Dick. Lovcday. Messrs. Liddlo. Allan (2), Do Freis. Hosean, 'Krilin. Windloburn. Keecan, Ford. Sclbv. Co.tcll. Price, Robinsin, Spear, Giblin, Taylor, Palmer. Fry, Hill. Anderson. Victors. Loveday. Hall. Tompr.ctt. Card". P.attcn. Mollet. Ball. Grimthr-, Tlorlan. Chisiinll, Rpear. Johns, Cnnvay, Rolfe, Dcvereiis;. Woldie. Kelly. M'Lcod. Wnrlfwnn. Rogers, Cifsswcll; 13 steerage. NGATIERE, u.s. (11.20 p.m.), 1090 tons, Dillncr, from Greymouth.
DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, APlilL 6. RANGATIiiA, s.s. t.5.5 a.m.), IO.CCO tons, Louden, for Timaru. KAPUNI, s.s , . (11.55 a.m.). 150 tons, Jackson, for Wanganui. KUAHINi), 5.6. (1.30 p.m.), 10,753 tone, Grcenstreet, for London. (Passenger-list published on April 5.) KOMATA, s.s.; (4.40 p.m.), 1994 tons, Angus, for \\ cttpart. NIKAU, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, for Nelson and MotucUa. ' AOUEKE, s.s. (5.25 p.m.), 77 tons, Fish, for P.-.iea. WANAKA, s.s. (7.20 p.m.), 2«2 tons, Todd, for Wcstport. JEOERAIU. s.s. (5 p.m.). «92 tons. Eolls. for Lyttclton, Duncdin, Bluff, Ilobart, and Melbourne. Passengers: Saloon-For Lyttulton—Nurse Cameron, Miss Capper, Jlessra. Manning. Heed, i'oivell. Onion, and O.xley. Far Duncdin—Misses HoklsworUi, Kuowlcs. ilobdames Mitrhelsou. Uislop. Ciiithric and child,. Holdsworth, Stewart, Watson, Miinro, Messrs. Hopkins, Guthrie, Murray, Stewart. For Hobart—Messrs. M'Donald (2). For Melbourne-Misses Crosbic, Beaver, Sutherland, Pollard, Eochfort, Crosbie, Mcsdames F. Holt, Graham. Messrs. Anderson, Kelly. Wright. MARAROA, s.s. (8.5 p.m.). 2598 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Jli&fcs Monnigatto, Clyde, Mercer, Uard, Mcfdamcs Joblin, Earnes. Tonks. Monk, Messrs. Joblin, Earnes, Montgomery, Madtlison, Bowler, Williams. Mercer. W. Nixon, R. O. Heid. Baron, Monk, E. Burns, W. O. Burns, Izard, Maddison, Wynne, Manning, Harvey, Hunter. Chceseman. MAMA, s.s. (9.5 p.m.), 134 tons, Dixon, for Patea. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (10 p.m.), 19S tons, Harvey, for Foiton. MOXOWAI, ?.s. (10 p.m.), 3433 tons, Robertson, for Napier, Gitbornc. and Auckland. Passengers: Saloon—For Napier— Mesdames Harri&on. East. Messrs. Harriroii Alward. For Gisborne—Misses Tartier, Ingle, Barr, Mesdamcs Graham, Gale, Vr'hittord, Armdle, Messrs. Armdlc. Fairlie, Ileparty. For Auckland— Mispcs M'Oovan, Loekwoad. Henderson, Mesdames Broomwick, Willis, Wilton and 2 children, Gardiner, Messrs. Willis, Wilton, Gardiner, Johns. Sirncs, Cooper. Moore. AEAPAWA. s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 268 tons, Co'rbv. for Wanganui. STORMBIRD. s.s. (10.15 p.m.), 217 tons, Dowell, for Wanganui.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Defender, Lyttclton, April 7. Kiripaka, Patca, April 7. Manaroa, Motuelta, April 7. Blenheim, Ulenheiui, April 7. Kennedy, Nelson, April 7. Opawa, iilenheim, April 7. Maori, Lyttelton, April 7. Warrimoo Melbourne, via. southern ports, April 7. fiuru. East Coast, April 7. Tainui, Waitara, April 7. Wimmera, Sydney, via northern ports, April 7. Aorere, I'atea, April 8. _ Stornibird, Wanganui, April 8. Arapawa, Wanganui, April 8. Kapuni, Wanganui, April 8. • Mana, Patoa, April 8. Nikau, Nelson, Motucka. April 8. Mararoa, LyCtelton, April 8. WhaUatane, Port Chalmers. April 8. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelsou, April 8. Wairau, Karamca, April 8. Rosamond, Onehunga, New Plymouth. April 9. Tarawera, Dunedin, Lyttelton. April 9. Pukaki, southern ports, April 9. Kapiti, Lyttelton, April 9. Queen of the South, Fo.xton, April 9. Alexander, New Plymouth. April 9. Hippie, Gisborno, Fictqn, April 10. Wakalu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, April'lo. llauroto, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, April 11. Ilolmdale. Raweno, April 11. Norfolk, Liverpool, via way ports, Apr. 11. Aorangi, San Francisco, via way ports, April 11. Kaikoura, London, via Auckland, April 11. Jlonowai, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, April 14.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Waimea, Nelson, West Coast, April 7. Kiripaka, Patea, April 7. Manaroa, Motucka, April '(. lllcnhcini, Blenheim, April 7. lluia, Wnngnnui, April 7. Defender, l'icton, llukitika, April 7. Kennedy, Nelson, West Coast, April 7. Opawa, Jilcnheim, April 7. l'atccna, Picton, Nelson, April 7. Maori, Lyttclton, April 7. Warrimoo, Sydney direct. April 7. Wimmcra, Lyttclton, Duncdin, April 7. Aorcrc, Pa tea, April 8. Tainui, Waitara, Jlokau, April 8. Mana, Patea, April 8. Nikau, Nelson, Motucka, April 8. Mararoa, Lyttclton, April 8. Arahura, Pictou, Nelson, West Coa«t April 8. Whakania, Gisbornc, April 8. Huapehu, Lyttelton, April,B. Wairiiu, Blcnliclm, Apiil 9. Alexander, Nelson, West- Coast, April 10 Queen of the South, Wanganui, April 10 Storinbird, Wanganui, April 10. Arapawa. Wanganui, April 10. ' Kapiti. Wanganui. April 10. l'ukaki, l'icton, Wcstport, Grcyniouth April 10. Tai'nwera, Smier, Gisborao, Auckland, April 10.
Rosamond, Pictun, Nelson, Kew Plymouth, Onchung:i, April 10. Iliuirotu. Lyt'.elton, Dunedin, April 11. Mapourika, Nelson, West Coast, April 11. Hippie. Ji.'inlor, Gisliorne, April 11. W'aUatii. Kaikoura, Lyltelton, April 11. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, April 14. IfiTEnCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVICMEXTS OF STEAMERS. WAHHIMOO, s.s., Mt Melbourne, March 29. for llobart. UliilV, Dnncdin. LytU-lton, and Wellington. Due Wellington April 7. Leaves rami; day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney April 11. WIU'MERA, left Sydney March 21 for Auckland. Gisbornc. Nuuier, aud Wellington. Duo Wellington April 7. Leaves same day for Lyttoiton and Duiicdin. MOKOIA. s.s., left Melbourne April 5, for llobart. Bluff, Dunedin. Lyttclton, and Wellington. Due Wellineton April 12. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney April 16. MANAMA, s.s.. leaves Sydney April 8 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington April 11. Leaves April 12 for Lyttclton, Iliinedin, Bluff, llobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne April 22. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. KAIKOURA (due about April 7), sailed on January 25, via Auckland. (Xcw Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KIA OKA (due about April 1C), sailed on February 11, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) INDRABAHAU (due about April 15), sailed on February 11, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Line, agents.) TAIXUI (due about April 18), sailed on March 4, via Cape Town and llobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) PAPAROA (due about May 2), sailed on March 6, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) NIWAHH (due about May 17). sailed on March 18), via. Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Line, agents.) ROTORUA (due about May 1), sailed on March 181, via Cape Town and llobart. {New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) STAB OF CANADA (due about Jtay 26). sailed on March 22, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tvscr Line, agents.) lONIC (due about May 15), sailed on March 30, via Capo Town and llobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) From Livornool. NORFOLK (due about April 11), sailed on February 4, via Cape Town, ilobart, and Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Lino, agents.) KEREHANA (due about April 18), sailed on February 18, via Auckland. (TyEer Line, agents.) MORAYSUIitE (due about May 11!, sailed on March 4, via Australian ports and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) DELPHIC (due about May 10), sailed on March 10, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) BIiAYTON GRANGE (due about May 22), sailed on April 1, via Cape Town. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal.. IXVEItTAY (due about April 29). sailed on February 18. via Melbourne and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) WAKANUI (due about Juno 5), sailed on March 26, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Mow York. lIAHPAGUS (duo about April 20), sailed ,on January 7, via Australia r.ud Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) RWASIjEY (due about May 8), sailed on February 10. via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) BRIEH IZEL (due about May 1C), sailed on February 21, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company agents.) STAR OF' AUSTRALIA (dun about May 18), sailed on March £, via Australia and Auckland. From San Francisco. AORANGI (duo about April 11). sailed on March 20, via, Papeete and Rarotonga. (If.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILER TO ARRIVE. MJNCr.AIG. barque, sailed from Liverpool March 10. (Johnston and Co., agents.)
BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. THTJESDAY, APRIL 6. AUCKLAND. Arrived— Talune (6.30 a.m.), from Earotonga, with San Francisco mail. OX.EIIONGA. Arrived.—Earawa (9.15 a.m.). from Xew Plymouth. Sailed.—Earawa, for New Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon—llissoa Kenny, Fisher, White, Molloy, M.'Donnell, Mesdames White, Howson and infant. Spencer, Nurse Evans, Messrs. Kapliir, Eorci's, Bolus, Evans. • NAPIER. Arrived.—Ripple (7 a.m.). from Wellington. To sail— Wimmera (3.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers: Saloon—Mrs. Tattercall and 2 children, Messrs. Maddison, Warren, Kinvig, Major Crawshaw, Captain Humphries. ■ CAETLEPOINT. Arrived.—Hincmoa (8 a.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI. Sailod.-Moa. (0.15 a.m.), for Wellington. PATEA. Sailed.-Kiripaka (3 p.m.), for Wellin Bt0D" . BLENHDIM. Arrived.—Blenheim (0.45 a.m.) and Opawa (1.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Blenheim r.r.d Opawa (10.30 p.m.), for Wcilinsrton. MOTUEKA. Arrived.—Manai'oa (12.55 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Manaroa (1.55 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Kaitoa (5.<0 a.m.), from Wellington. FAREWELL SPIT. Ngahero passed for Wellington at 10.45 a.m. KARAMEA. . Sailed.-Wairau (3.10 p.m.), for WellingKAIKODRA Arrived.—Wakatu (4 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (7.10 a.m.), from Wellington ; Wakatu and Cygnet, from Kailtoura. Sailed.—Dartford (12.45 p.m.), for Wellington; lljordio, barauc,. for Westnort: Warrimoo (4.45 p.m.), for Sydney, via Wellington, with 270 paescugcrs; Maori (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Tarawcra, from Lyttelton; Kent, from Liverpool, via northern ports; Petone, from Westport; EaUaia (2.30 p.m.), from London direct. Sailed.—Whakatane (10 a.m.), for northern ports; Pukaki, for West Coast. BLUFF. Sailed.—lnvercargiU. for Preservation Inlet; Wairuna, for Oamaru.
PAIiTHENIA LEAVES NEW YOEK. Messrs. Dalgety and Company, local agents for the U.S. and A. Line, have received information which states that tho steamer Parthenin left New York for Australian ports, Auckland, and Wellington on March 29. The vessel is duo here about Juno 6.
WARRIMOO, A FULL SHIP. Again this week tho Sydney boat, which leaves Wellington at 5 p.m. to-day, will be a full ship as far as her passenger accommodation is concerned. For several days past the Union Company's officials have had to refuse to undertake bookings. The Warrimoo is taking about 175 saloon and 137 steeraeo passengers.
THE BEIEZ IZEL. Now en route from New York k> the four Now Zealand main ports with caseoil for the Vacuum Oil Company, tho steamer Driez . Izel left Fort Natal on March 27 for Sydney. Hero she takes in bunkers before proceeding to Auckland. She is line at Wellington on May 10.
AORAXGI, DUB TUESDAY. Tuesday next is the- day on which tho Ii.M.S. Aornngi h expected to arrive at Wellington from San Francisco, via way ports. The vessel should have reached hero on March 30, but owing u> a breakdown in her engine-room she is running late. On arrival the Aoraugi will be laid up, and, before taking up her running again from Wellington on May 3, will bo docked at Lyttclton.
DAIRY PRODUCE PER RUAUINE. Exports of dairy produce from various ports in New Zealand sent forward by the Ruahine, which left for London yesterday, were as follow:— Duller, Cheese, boxes, crates. Auckland 4819 235 Tnranaki 2336 2104 Paten. "84 3019 Wellington 1931 3C89 Lyttclton - 121 Duncdin — 823 Illuff - 837 Totals 10,570 12.759 Tho consignments by tho corresponding boat of last year, which left Wellington on April 7, comprised :-Butter, 20,369 boxes; cheese, 17,529 crates.
TO PREVENT COLLISIONS, In this week's Gazette regulations for preventing collisions r.t sea aro published ill full for general information. These regulations arc in pursuance of tho provisions of Section 191 of the Shipping and tieamen Act, 1938, in force in New Zealand.
WAIIIOHA TO BK LAID UP. The Uiiion S.S. Company's Waihora, which has returned to Newcastle from Valpnr;ii=o. is \o bo laiil up. This course is necessary (sink's the "Daily Commercial News and Shipping Iiisl"), owiiiK to the futijity of competition with vessels not having to pay wages nt the rate vessels registered ill Australia, or Koto Zealand have.
MOAJCA AND MARAJIA EXCIIANGE, Australian liles to hand announce a change of vessels in the Vancouver service, ant , , also in the Sydney-Cook StraitMelbourne run. R. 11.5. Moana, upon arrival at New Zealand from Vancouver, on April 18. is to ho withdrawn, and placed in the Kydney-Cook .Strait-Jlclbourne run, and will leave Melbourne on April 2G for llabart, the IHulf, Duncdin, Lyttclton, Wellington, and Sydney. The Marama, which is due to nrrivo at. Melbourne on April 22, from New Zealand norts, via. llobart, will proceed frara there to Sydney, where the will be placed in the Vancouver mail service, in place of the Moana. Sheleaves Sydney for Vancouver on May 8.
ItUAIIINE DEPARTS. Just after midday the New Zealand Shipping Company's It.M.S. Kuahiuo left the Glasgow Wharf, and moved out into the stream, where the anchor was droppod until 1.30 p.m., at which time rlic left for London, via way ports. The delay was caused by tho vessel having to wait for some .documents. She took away a largo general cargo, aud 250 passengers alro. Her cargo from Wellington included the following lines:— 23S-1 bales wool, 7 packets wool, 248 casks tallow, 98 casks pelts. 7194 carcasses lamb and mutton, 750 uuai'tcrs beef, SCOO l~*.a mutton, 39 carcasses pork, 16 casks lard, 2 casks casings. 14 bales basils, 34 racks Eced, 300 cases apples, 291 packages sundries. The Ilunhine is expected to reach Home on May 17.
KTJArEUTJ'S VOYAGE. As already staled the Now Zealand Shipping Company's IS.M.S. l'.uapehu arrived from London, via way ports, on Wednesday night. Yestoiday the vcErcl berthed at the Queen's Wharf No. 1 Eynth to land passengers and discharge general cargo. Leaving London ou February 16 and Plymouth two days later, t!;o Huapehu, whilst, crossing the Gay of Biscay, experienced dirly weather, but came through without damage. On February 23 Tcncrilfe was reached, and the same evening the vessel continued her voyage to Cane Town, experiencing lino weather down to the Equator; thence rough head ecas until the South African port was made on March 11. The Huapehu made a stay of several hours there before starting out on her run across the Southern Ocean to Hohart. For several days after leaving bad weather was encountered. Eventually, however, the vessel ran into !ino weather, and reached llobart at G a.m. on March 30. On April 1 the final stage of the voyage wns commenced, fresh winds and fairly hi?h sens being met with until Farewell Spit was passed at 8.5 a.m. on Wednesday. When Hearing The Brothers the dense fog which prevailed on Wednesday enveloped her,, and speed had to be considerably reduced, port being made at 7.15 p.m. that day. Captain li. Clifford, formerly of the Eimutalta, is in command, and associated with him are the following officers'.-Chief, Mr. G. F. Head: second, Mr. A. L. Kosc; third, Mr. 11. D.-uveoh; fourth, Mr. R. Hughes; snrgran, Dr. Tcmient. The phicf engineer is Mr. G. Scott, and associated with him in the enpin-s-room are:—Messrs. J. Dylcr., Brown, and Ward. Mr. Cameron is chief refrigerating engineer, with Mr. Patou as assistant. Mr. W. S. Scancs ir, chief rt?w.ird. In addition ti the list of passenws,already published, the following joined the vessel en rout' , :—At. Capo Town: Messrs. .T. ■Ranltin and H. Horaerstone; at, Hobart: Mrs. Wylic. Mef.srr. E. J. Lane. J. Mliuiinn, and L. Chamberlain. It is hoped to dispatch the Ihiapelvu for Lyttolton on Sunday morning next.
It is understood that Mr. G. Sinclair ha 3 been appointed supsrintendinj; stevedore {or the Shaw, Siivill, and Albion Company at Wellington. At 12.45 p.m. yesterday tho Union Company's training chip DMtford cleaved Lyttclton for Newcastle in ballast. From the latter port she takes a cargo of coal to San Francisco. Uapourika, s.s., arrived at GrcymoutU from Wellington, .via. way ports, at 6 a.m. yesterday. She left pn tho return trip at 4 p.m. Telegraphic advice received from Port Chalmers states that the New Zealand Shipping Company's cargo steamer Hakaia. arrived from London at 2.30 p.m. yesterday. She subsequently visits Tiinaru' and Lyttelton to discharge. Yesterday inoruiug the F.-H.-S. Line'a steamer Kent arrived at Dunediu from Lyltelton' to continue Home loading. Sho is expected to Ret away for Wanganui on Monday. She then makes calls at Waitara, Picton, and Wellington, and ia expected to sail for Avonmouth about April 20. s Owing to heavy rain work at Auckland has been hampered. , Consequently the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s steamer Kaikoura did not leavo the northern port until on Wednesday. It will be Tuesday afternoon before she reaches Wellington, for she is making calls at Tokomaru Uay aud Napier en route. Mr. O. N. Greenland, purser of the Monowai, has gone to Duncdin for orders, and his place has been taken by Mr. Sell, who has been ashore ou tick leave. A favourable wind enabled tho barque Glenshec to leavo her r.uchoraco in the stream yesterday for Falmoutli. She left at 3.55 p.m. The Tyser Line's cargo Btcanicr Whakarua will leave Wellington for Gisbornc at naon to-uiorrow. A Press Association telegram received from Auckland states that the Taluno arrived from the Eastern Pacific Islands yesterday morning. She has on board 1381 cases of bananas, and 3267 cases of oranges for Wellington. To-niorrow the Maoriland Steamship Company's steamer Knncrdaie is to leave Greymouth for Lyttelton. she rcturna to tho latter port to load timber for Australia, Mr. J. Ryan, late chief officer of the Waipori, who has been on holiday leave, joined ihe Araliura yesterday, relieving Mr. Bold, who goes on holiday. It is announced that tho Canterbury Steamship Company's steamer l'etona, and the barijtic Manurewa arc to load lull cargoes of timber shortly at Kydia Bay on behalf of .Messrs. l'arkcr. Lamb, anil Co., Sydney. The quondam Tyser liner Indradevi, which was sold some timo ago to Messrs. Furnoss; Withey, and Co.. of West Hartlcpool, has been named the Chaso Side. The following cable message was published in Sydney lust week (states the Duncdin ••Star"):—"A small steamer named the fiechelt, which wa3 only adapted for harbour work, had been running in the ferry service from Vancouver, British Columbia, for some time. One Saturday sho was overtaken by an cquinoxial Bale, and foundered in the Sound with all hands, 39 lives being lost. Among them was Captain James, who was formerly ah officer on the K'.M.S. Moana" Captain James came out on the Tofua as third officer in March, 1900, and war, later third officer of the Jfoana, and then of the Marama. lie resigned from the Union Company's service in 1909, and went to Vancouver, where his people reside. About April 15 tho Union Company's tramp steamer Waitemata is expected to leave Calcutta, for New Zealand ports. Woi-k is proceeding'steadily in connection with tho repairing of the Knight of the Gaiter, and already some of the heavy hull platca have been removed.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1096, 7 April 1911, Page 7
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3,451SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1096, 7 April 1911, Page 7
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