6 . MASKS OF 'NIK MOON. ji Alton. Day, b.ra. New moon 1 0 1 p.m. First quarter 8 10 31 a.m. Full moon 15 11 28 a.m. Last quarter 23 11 56 a.m. New moon 31 0 8 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 1.42 a.m.; Eds, 4.58 p.m. 1110 It WATER. To-day, 1.18 a.m.; Uβ p.m. To-morrow, 2.5 a.m.; 22/ p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.53 a.m.; sets, 5.58 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, MAIiCH 25. NIKAU, s.s. (5.15 a.m.), 252 tone, Hay, from s.s. (6.45 a.m.). 2598 tons, Mannine, from Lyticlton. Passengers: SaloonMiJes Taylor, Maunder. .Wood. Turn ml c>l \fnvhnrv M'C'aiie, Wilson and cluui, O'BrfcS l"o r rtic" Jlaciean llerdinan, Paris. r^a^ ,eß d&£ B l^S S SS'oS'Rofanf|; children, Thompson, Culvert. r^ B^wW4LSS ?eni^ r ' G iilespie c'nneM C°vyne Peters, Bojol. Gramsc, Alteon EnElaml Whittaker, Lewis.. Wayst>^ne. C Wood W lian"Gould, Keck. Ma.ter K OTWA ; sI S (7"o r: a S m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, a.m.). 7207 tons, Fosdick. fr K l \l'lTl i . t s r s a '(?.ls a.m.), Z42 tons. Sawyers, r ™ANll"A,T=!'(lo.2o a.m.), 2«2 tons, Todd, fl pATKENA. tO "s. (5.10 p.m.), 1212 tons, Carey, from Nelsoi and Picton. Passengers: Sa-loon-Misses Williams Brown, Young. Pope, Saxon, Devine, llall, $>»«*. Wli inker Wapon. Oorrie. Bentley, Carey. I i k on WemSSo Knaraker. Messrs. Bchacl, ColcTove liarrv, Koniervillc, Kothcnsbcrß, Speai- James, Madge, Soma , Sir;B. Lockart, rattcrson, O'Connell. Owen. Dcvinc, ««BS, V idian, Lambert. Love, Campbell, Peters, BaivUy,' Barlow, Smale, Allen, Ward, fiiifflths, Donald and 2 children, Stevens, Scrle, Ji'lovc and 3 children, Kecnan, Cook, \\atson. Smith, Shaw, Sheply, K° ll ß" E .Vj' ,e^' t , Lo^uSu! o s.s La ( i "fs p.m.), 157 U»,. Wills, K »r..."WKa..tons.Wat. son, from Blenheim. ALKXANDEI!, E.s. (8.50 p.m.), 377 tons, Tickerman, from Wcstport.
SUNDAY,' MABCH 26. STOUMBIRD, s.s. (5.30 a.m.), 217 tons, 7ulk. f s' O S m (6 V a a 'ni S ) m i 27 tons, Hurt, from V, MAOl"l"'o.s. (7.10 a.m.), 3399 tons, Aldwell, from Lyttclton. Passengers: Saloon-Misses Owens, Webster, Koulston, Butler, Casey. M'Laughlin, White, Heath. Freeman, Harrison, Walker, Welch, Fowler, Hal 1. JJesdauic3 Blytu, Mcssent, Bennie, Toswell. Porter and 3 children, Anderson, Roulston, Theimer, Phillips and child. Johns one and 3 children, Whiting. Junsa and child, Barr, Spring, Wordem, Sharman, Brydcn, Bailey, Hanlon, Harrison, Hothcll. Service, liarcraves, Martin, Furze, Fowler, Blundoll, Williams, Pascoe, Meek, Manning, Messrs. Jani'jch, Blylh. Mcssent, Burnett, Hulbort, Captain Manning, Hott, Morn?, 'ioswc 1, Fitzgerald, Hyams, Porter, Shipley, Buckley, M'Bryde, Buchanan, M.P.; Jolinetonc, NortUcote, Kent, Burns, Hale, Whiting, Jurlss. Belcher, Dudley, Duncan, Claxton, Tapper. Spring, Richardu, Nixon, Hamill, Osborne, Pedrc. Redstone, Barnard, Claw, Johnstono, Redpath, Brydcn, Climo, Reid, Brown, Lane, Southall, Vivian, Bailey, Shipley, Hoffman. Hurst, Tockcr. Sturrock, Conuell, Wylic (2), Swinnerton, Fleming, Richardson, Service. Marton, Furze, Stewart Fowler, Bowling, Hutchison, Hall, Pallet, Ewen, P. It. Sargood, Meek, Maunine Tiller. Lloyd. MAPOURIKA, s.s. (10.30 . a.m.). 1203 tons, M'Lcan, from West Coast and Nelson, Passengers: Saloon-Misses Tansoy, Pierson, Mc<dimcs Eddy, Nicholson and ciiild.rlloyte ami 2 children. Kyle. Kerol, Reynolds. Lambert and child. Heath, Messrs. Badley, M'Conville. M'Grcgor, Keen, Hayes, Eddy, Stevens, Phillips. Hammill, Dr. Thurmcr, Thompson, Brosnahan, Miller, Justice Dcnnistoii, Ford, Birch, Peters, Smith, Boyle,. Snodgrass. Smeaton, Paterson. Cooper. Jackson, Livingston, Hamilton, Thomas; 9 S PUKAKI. s.s. (11 a.m.), 1«4 tons, Tato, from southern ports. ARAPAWA, s.s. (1.10 p.m.), 268 tons, Corby, from Lyttelton. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, MARCH 25. : ARAHUBA,. b.s."(l p.m.), 15% tons, Lambert, for Wcstport and Grcymouth, via Picton and Nelson.—l2o saloon passengers. ORANLEY, s.s. (noon). 4644 tone, Seaborne, for Lytteltou. NGARC, scow (3.30 p.m.), 120 tons, liven, for Tonga. Bay. KINI, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 1122 tons, Watson, for Breymonth. NIKAIT, s.s. (5 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka. OP.VWA, s.s. (7.10 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. MARAKOA, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 2593 tons, Manning, for Lyttclton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Napper, Caughley, Ferrer, Gerard' (2), M'Nae. Langridgc, Raine, Mackay, Diddans, Qcddcs, Mesdaines Hcetell, Swcotapple, Tattcrsall, Jones, Nealc and child, Chapman, Oldridge, Thompson, Messrs. Watson, Barnes, Sweetapple, Lee, TiiHersall. Chapman, Beavan, Bird, Rodie, Carny, Turner, Little, Wateon, Carey, Cable, Wyndran, Oldridge, Thompson. SUNDAY, MARCH 26. MURITAT, s.s. (6.6 a.m.), 6440 tons, Lidstone, for London. KIEIPAKA, n.s. (11 a.m.), 133 tons,. M'lntosh, for Patea. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (2 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, for Foxton. KAPUNI, 5.6. (2 p.m.), 150 tons, Jackson, for Patca. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kaitoa, Westport, March 27. Komata, Wesiport, March 27. Ripple, Napier, Gisborne, Picton, Mar. 27. Tarawcra, Dunedin, Lyttelton, March 27. Rosamond, Onehuuga, Now Plymouth, March 27. Poherua, Greymouth. March 27. Kent, Liverpool, via Auckland, March 27. Kotuku, Greymouth, Jlarcli 28. Opawa, Blenheim, March 28. Queen of the South, Foxton, March 28. Jlami, Palea, March 28. Nikau, Kelson, Motueka, March 28. Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 28. . Kiripaka, Patea, March 28. Uauroto, Auckland, Gisborne. Napier, March 28. Kahu, Jfapier, via East Coast, March 29. Corinna, southern jorts, March 29. Uliniaroa, Sydney direct, March 29. Arahura, West Coast, Kelson, Picton, March 29. Victoria, Duncdin. Lyttelton, March 30. Monowai, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, March 51. Jfarama, Melbourne, via Hobart, southern portu, March 31. PROJECTED DEPARTURE!}. Wanaka. Wcstport, March 27. Arawa, Lyttelton, March 27. Orari, Lytteltou, London, March 27. Gertie. 'Foxton, March 27. Aorcrc, Patca, March 27. Alexander, Nelson, West Coast, March 27. Hum, Wanganni, March 27. Munaroa, Motueka, March 27. Bl"nheim, Blenheim, March 27. Storinbird, Woncanui, March 27. Arapawa, Wanganui. March 27. Patecua, Picton. Nelson, March 27. Maori, Lyttclton, March 27. Pukaki. Picton, Westport, Grcymouth, 1 Wnkatii. Kaikoura. Lyttelton, March 27. Tarawora, Napier, Gisborne. Auckland, March 27. Rosamond, Picton. Nelson, New Ply. mouth. Onchunga, March 27. Hauroto. Lyttcltin. Duncdin. March 28. liipple, Napier, Gisborne, March 28. Whangape, Sydney direct, March 28. Manourika. Nelson. West Coast, March 28 kiripaka. Patca, March 28. Kaitoa, Nelson, West Coast, March 28. Niknu, Nelson, Motueka, March 28. Mararoa, Lyttclton, March 28. Mana. Patea, March 28. Kapiti, Wanganui. March 28. Queen of the South. Foxton, March 28. Opawa, Blenheim, March 28. Kalui, Napier, via East Coast, March 29. Corinnn. Nelson, New Plymouth, Ouehunga, March 29. Kahu, Napier, via East Coast, March 29. Victoria, Sydney, via northern ports, March 30. Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via southern ports, Marr.h 30. Marama, Sydney direct. March 31. Monowai. Lvttelton. Duncdin. March 31. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, April 1. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. ULIMAROA, s.s., left Sydney March 85 lor Wellington direct. Duo Wellington
March 29. Leaves March 30 for Lyttelton, Dunodin, liluff, Jlobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne April 8. MAHAMA, s.s., left Mclljourno March 22. for Hobnrt, Jlluff, Diinvdln, Lyttelton, and Wcllingtw. Due Wellington March 31. Leave!! same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney April 4. VICTORIA, s.f., leaves Dunedin March 28, for Lyttelton and Wellington. Due Wellington March 30. Leaves same day for northern ports and Sydney. Duo Sydney April 7. WAIUITMOO, s.F.. leaves Melbourne March 29, for Hobart, Hind', Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. Duo Wellington April 7. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney April 11. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMEHS TO AEItIVE. From London. KAIKOUBA (duo about April 1), sailed on January 25, via. Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) WHAKAIIUA (due about April 7), Bailed on January 50, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. (TyEer Line, agents.) KIA OKA (duo about March 30!, sailed on February 11, via. Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.)' IXDRABARAII (duo about April 10), nailed on February 11. via Australia. Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Line, agentß.l HUAI'EUTJ (due about April 3), Bailed on February 18, via Capo Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) TAINUI (due about April 18). sailed on March 4, via. Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) I'APAKOA (due about May 2), 6ailcd on March 6, via, Auckland. (New Zealand Sliinnins Co., agents.) NIWAIiU (due about May 17). eailcd on March 12, via Australia. Auckland, and Napier. (Tysor Lino, acents.) ROTORUA (duo about May H. Bailed on March 13, via Cape Town and Ilobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool. KENT (due this evening), sailed on January 16. via Australian ports and Auckland. (F.JI..S. Line, agents.) NORFOLK (due about April 9), sailed on February 4, via Cape Town, Hobart, and Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Line, agents.) NETiEIIANA (due about April 18), sailed on February 18, via. Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) MOUAYSniRE (due about May 14), sailed on March 4. via Australian ports and Auckland. (F.-JI.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. WHAKATANE (duo about March 30), sailed on January 21, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) ISVKRTAY (due about April 29). failed on February 18, via Melbourne and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Now York. HAHPAGTJS (duo about April 20). Bailed on January 7, via Australia, and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) SWANLEY (due about, Jiay 8), sailed on February 10, via Australia and Aucklana. (A. and A. Line, agents.) BIMEZ IZEL (duo about May 10). Eailed on February 21, \ia Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company, agents.) STAR OF AUSTRALIA (due about May 18). sailed on March 8, via Australia and Auckland. From San Francisco. AOItANGI (due about April 11). failed on March 20, via Papeete and Rarotonga. .(U.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILERS TO ARRITE. ARIEL, barque, Railed from Liverpool November 18. (Johnston aud Co., agents.) DUNCKAIG, barque, sailed from Liverpool March 10. (Johnßton and Co., agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON, March 24. Arrived.—Marcre, from Wellington. NEWCASTLE, March 26. •Sailed.—Koromiko, for New Zealand. SYDNEY, March 25. Sailed.—TJlimaroa. (3.30 p.m.), for Wellington. MELBOURNE, March 26. Arrived.—Warrimoo.
COASTAL. SATURDAY, MARCH 25. AUCKLAND. Arrived—lnga (9.30 p.m.), from Newcastle; H.M.S. Pioneer, from Sydney; Wairuna, from tho Bluff, via way ports. Sailed.—Karamea, (4.30 p.m.), for London, via, Bio do Janeiro; K*nt (7 p.m.), for Wellington; Hauroto, for Goutliorn ports; Northern Chief, ! barnuo, for Kaipara; Fairburn, auxiliary schooner, for Napier. ONEUUNGA. Arrived.—Barawa (8.15 p.m.), from New Plymouth. ■ WANGANUI. Arrived.—liana (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Arahura (4.50 p.m.), from Wellington. ■ NELSON. Arrived— Waimea. (1.30 p.m.), from Picton and Wellington. . . WESTPORT. Arrived.-Komata (1.45 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.-Victoria (9.5 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—H.M.S. Cambrian (1.45 p.m.), for Auckland.
SUNDAY, MARCH 26. AUCKLAND. Arrived—H.M.C.S. Iris (7.40 a.m.), from Brisbane, via, Norfolk Island; Maheno ill) a.m.), from Sydney; Monowai, from southern port?; Squall, from Gisborue; Louisa Craig, barque, from Newcastle. ONEIIUNGA. Sailed.—Rarawa, (3.30 p.m.), for Now Plvmouth. MANUKAU HEADS. Rarawa will paw , outwards at 6 p.m. EAST CAPE. Kent passed south for Wellington at 4 : p.m. GISBORNE. To sail.—Hauroto (8;), for southern ports. Passengers: For Wellington-Mr, and Mrs. Morley, Mr. Thomson, Justico Chapman, Hessra. Chapman and Hailoy. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.-RcGainond (7 a.m.), from Onehmiga. BLENHEIM. Arrivcd.-Opawa (3 a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. Arrivcd.-Arahura (4.;0 a.m.), from Picton and Wellington; Nikau (b a.m.), from WclliiiEton. Sailcd.-Wavcrley (4 p.m.), for 'Wellington, via Blackbnli. , CAPE FAREWELL. Echo, auxiliary scow, passed west at 4.30 p.m., and Komata. passed cast at 5.20 pm uound for Wellington. WESTPOR.T. Arrived.—Mangapapa (8.15 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailcd.-Koniata. (6.30 a.m.), for Wellington. GKEYMOUTH. Arrived.—Kotuku (6.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.-Pohorua (7.50 a.m.), for Wellington. * LYTTELTON. Arrivcd.-Cranlcy (6.40 a.m.), and Mararoa (11.45 a.m.), from Wellington. F.-H.-S. LINE'S STEAMER KENT. In continuation of her voyago from Liverpool to Wellington tho I'.-H.-S. Linos st«:tmer Kent lcit Auckland for Wellington at V p.m. on Saturday. The vessel may bo expected to show up hero to-iiiglit. ■ TURAKINA ARRIVES AT PLYMOUTH. Information lia3 been received by tho local agents of tha New Zealand Shipping Company stating that R.M.S. Tnrakina, whicli left. Wellington for London ou February 9, via way porls, arrived at Plymouth on Friday last. KAHAMEA FOR LONDON. At 4.30 p.m. on Saturday the Shaw, Savill and A'.oion Company's steamer Karamca cleared Auckland lor London, via Bio dc Janeiro. After leaving Wellington on Sunday, March J9, the vessel proceeded to Gisborne, where a- largo quantity of frozen produce was taken on board. When she left Auckland she was a full ship. ' ULIMAROA LEAVES SYDNEY. Cable advice received by the local agents of the Huddart Parker Company intimates that tho s.s. I'.limaroa left Sydney for Wellington direct at 2 p.m. on Saturday with 66 saloon and CO steerage passengers' for all ports. In addition, the vessel has 1300 tons of cargo for New Zealand, 760 tons of which arc for Wellington. The Ulimaroa. is expected to arrive at Wellington early on Wednesday morning. n.M. WARSHIPS' MOVEMENTS. A change in 11.M.E, Cambrian's . movements is announced. Instead of coming from Lyttelton to Wellington, the warship left the southern port for Auckland at 1.45 p.m. on Saturday. From Auckland she proceeds to Sydney. 11.M.5. Pioncar, Royal Naval drillship for New Zealand, arrived at Auckland ou Saturday from Sydney. CARGO BY EVERTON GRANGE. Tho F.-H.-S. Line's steamer Everton Grange, which left Lytteitou for Avonmouth on Thursday laut, took the following, cargo from New Zealand none:—From Lyttelton—For Avoninouth-10,881 carcasses mutton and. lamb, 8350 jacks wheat, 2156
sacks peas, and 1107 crates cheese. For Liverpool--24,962 carcasses mutton and lamb, 5075 sacks peas, 40 casks tallow, 27 bales rags, and , 42 crates cheese. For Glasjow— 5098 carcasses' mutton and lamb, 200 crates cheese, 558...sacks "wheat, and 2723 sacks peas. Froui. Timaru—For Avonmouth—s7oo carcasses mutton and lamb, and 1553 saclts wheat. FoivLiverpaol—l3,4ls carciuee3 muttoii and lamb, and 914 sackß peas. For Glasgow—63s6 carcasses mutton and lamb, 4 casks caslnl>!j, and 10 casks tallow. From Auckland—F6r Avonraouth—lCß bosCB butter. From! Paten—For Liverpool—6s quarters beef. [Far Glnsgo\v-755 quarters beef, From Warjiianui—FOr Liverpool—sßor:qiia*-. ters beef. • For Glasgow—so 33 carcasi'os mutton and lambi "1123 Quarters beef,'sß cases frozen sundries, '5 carcasses veal, 150 cases preserved meats; and 3 crates ox tongues. From Wellington—For Uvcrpool-30,592 carcasses mutton and lamb, 250 quarterc beef, '00 tons rails, 174 bales flax and tow. For London-94 bales wool, 2 casks brass and 1 package. For Glasgow—3Co cask? tallow, 292 bales (iflXjand Ao)f.. From Port.Chalmers—For Avohmouth— tiß cares cheese. From I'ictcn—For Liverpool--10,697 carcasses mutton and lamb. ■ From'* Bluff'-For Avoncases clieere. For Liverpool— 2888 carcasses mutton and lamb,' 79 cases cheese, 1758 eases preserved meats, and 54 bales tow. For Glasgow-230 cases cheese, 244 quarters and 352 bags beef, 654 Oases runnere, 18' ca c es Dressed meats, 3C6 sacks fescue, ana 1 trunk.
After flU'mk bunkers sit. Westport, Die Gtcamcr Stfathondrick, which was at Wellington recently,' will , leave for New Caledonia. Thero she will probably load ore for the Continent' or England. The fcow Dominion nne been purchased by Mr. Eady, of Hamilton, who will continue to run her in the coastal trade about Auckland. The scow is 25 tons register, and the price paid i 3 stated to be a little over £700. She ,ycas built at Auckland about three years ago. The Weslpbft'. Coal . Company's steamer Canopus, which hae been laid up at Lyltoltou for a. fortnight, is proceeding to Westport to load for Lyttelton. At the end of'this week the Union Company's tvnining ship ParlfiM'd Is to leave Lytteltou for Newcastle, whero she loads for San Francisco. At the present time the Mcjancsian Misclon steamer Southern Cross is loading up at Auckland for the mission stations at tha islands. It is expected that the veccol will get away on April 5. On Saturday morning, shortly after eight o'clock, the- New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Orari arrived at Wellington from Waitara. Tho vessel is expected to leave port for Lyttelton today. Thero she will finish loading, thereafter sailing for London. Mr. W. D. Cameron, late chief officer of tho Kaituna, !m cone to Sydney for the of securing pilotage exemption certilicatcs for Sydney and Newcastle. Last Monday the Union Coinpany'G tramp steamer Waiteuiata. left Calcutta for. Uonibny. At the latter port she takes up mo March loadinjr for New Zealand ports. Tho Canterbury Steamship Company's steamer Pctonc in due hero from the routh to-morrow. Shu leaves in the afternoon for Wanganui. Some time this morning Messrs. Richardson and Co.'s steamer Kipplo is duo in port from Gisborno and I'icton. She is scheduled to leave again to-morrow afternoon for Napier and Gisborne. Captain Lambert rejoined the steamer Arahura on Saturday after a holiday spent in Australia. Captain Crawford, who has been relieving him, came nsliorc for orders. Telegraphic advice received by the Union Company is to the effect that tho Navua cleared Suva for Wellington, via Auckland, on Friday last at 4 p.m. Upon completion of discharge of her cargo of fruit hero the vessel koc3 on to Westport to take In coal. Anticipations in regard to discharge- of the Avawa's Homo cargo were not realised on Saturday. The vessel will be here until this afternoon. Her next port is Lyttolton. After having boon detained at Grcymouth through strces .of weather, llic l'ohorua managed to cross tho bar outward bound for Wellington yesterday. expected hero about 10 o'clock this morning. Cable advice received by the Tyscr Line states that the steamer Marero nrrived at London on March 24 from Wellington. On Wednesday the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's steamer Kumara will lcavo Wellington for .S'aphr and London. Captain F. Holm is proceeding to Europe for the purpose of purchasing a vessel for tho intercolonial timber or coal trade, and perhaps for the coastal trado as well. Tho Tyser chartered <?t«amcr Cranky left Wellington for Lyltell/on at 11.65 a.m. on Saturday. She subsequently visits Dunedin, and then loads up with cargo from the damaged steamer Knight of the Garter. She also takes what other cargo may be offering. ' Messrs. Johnston and Co., local agents for tho steamer Kahu, advise that she will nrriro here from Napier, via the East Coast, on Wednesday. She leaves again tho same day on the return trip. H.M.C.S. Iris nrrived at Auckland at 7.40 yretcrday from Unstoauo. Messrs. Houldcr liros., owners of the steamship Indian Transport, which was delayed at Newport in May last by reason of the labour dispute at. the Alexandra Dock, hnve sent in their claim against tho Newport Corporation for compensation. It is understood that tho total claim is not far short of £12,C00, which is in addition to the. £IPOO already paid as demurrage. Mr. W. Watson, fiflh engineer of the Mararoa, left the vessel at Wellington on Saturday, his place being taken by Mr. G. A. Wilson. Mr. E. C. Lowe, third engineer, nlt-o came ashore, and Mr. J. E. Mugdalo was engaged as fourth. The Wanrika, which arrived in port from Westport via- Lytttlton on Saturday evening, leaves, again for Westport to-day.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1086, 27 March 1911, Page 7
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3,011SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1086, 27 March 1911, Page 7
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