PHASES OF THE MOON. MARCH. Wom Day, h. m. Jew moon l 0 1 p.m. Jfst quarter 8 10 31 a.m. * uil moon 15 n2B a . m , quarter 23 11 56 a.m. ■new moon jt o B a.m. MOON. Sunday. r ' 5eS taday ' ™ "• m -' «*>• «» a. HIGn WATER, • To-day, 7.6 a.m.; 7.27 p.m. 10-morrow, 7.58 a.m.; 8.15 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.49 a.m.; sets, 6.9 p, m ARRIVALS. FRIDAY, MARCH 17. fr?m A ffic."heiin <2 a ' m °' "° tODS ' Nicholi toSWte.' 1 " 35 a ' m0 ' 5K l ° n8 ' Toi Motueki 6 ' 8 ' {Ui 127 t(ms ' Burt ' frc KARAMEA, s.s. (2.30 a.m.), 5563 tons CI POir r P Tn? ort Chalmers. 01 Whi£.n KUA ' s ' s - (5 - 20 IWS toi lf fnir rSOUS ',« £r t 0m Gveymouth. fr™ i u & ;- s - 0395» toes, Aldwe lio-" Vr ?o! - Saloon-Miss iraittohf/ v'i &al way 14awsoii, Hoddai ji uatclue, hdwards, Ledger, Fergusoi Duff'"ril'i r h, N v' £e Ives Jon! JJutt, Coalsworth, Nurse Millington Wc '' 3l esdamcs King, O'Neill, P; tails, Ellis Morley, Hulms, Southcoml u M'Donald, Sutherlan pell %mrn COC r ®' . L , ori ™ cr > Helyard, Clia Fenwick, Newman, Turnlju v-nrfh y n .u' E i vs ' Brooko . Chappoll, Coa father Fmorty, Sir Williuii Stewar ?l£ v K ' n e, Rliodes, Taylor, Tod, M'Co tu>, Maude, Vinccnt, White, Pattalls, G' ttmXi,- T £? nc0 ' -Thompson, Southcoml Holdship, Sim 6, Bird, O'Rorlie, Ellis, N hols, Mureatroyd, Montague, Wheeler, W( iram, Richards, Scarfe, Edwards, Apperle Brown, Lovell, Ellison, Fawkner, Atkinso Cleary, Blamires, Clark, Good, Patterso Rainbow Stewart, Guthrie, Ayar, Fcnwic Heildy, Newman, Butler, Crow, Shan ijSf,? l ' Francis, Harper, Graham, Macefiel \\ llliams, M'Donald, Peoples, Beckcl Lamb, King, Southcomb, Rhodes; 90 stec age. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (7.E0 a.m 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. MONOWAI, s.s. (8 a.m.), 3433 tons, Robei son, from Auckland, Gisbome. and Napie Passengers: Saloon—Misses Jones, Alia Hall, Pager, O'Connor, Mcedamcs Jonc Waters,_ Clarke, Kane, Ben::ie and 2 eh dron, Ivroning and infant, Barry, Ande soil, Rowley, O'Scnton, Messrs. Gurney. He Domlinson, Clarke, Miller, M'Artlmr, Ralf Macdonald, Mason, Fentoa, Rowley, Smal 12 steerage. ULIMAROA. s.s. (9.10 a.m.), 5777 ton Wylie, from Melbourne. Hobart, Bluff. Du: cdin. and Lyttclton. Passentrcrs: Saloon Steed nnd child, Walker. Row Blair, Lftes, Schultz and child, Drinkwatc Allen. Woodliam. •Wilkin. Cox, Jlaywnr Fee, Redstone. Missm Hughes. Hawkc, Ha gctt, Shaekleford, Bedford. M'Lcary, Lee Allen, Talmce, Keer. Haywnrd, Dori Thompson, O'Brien, Messrs. Thomson, ] M'Laughli-n, G. Aldridtre. G. Walker, Row Byrne, Somervillc. Cameron, Roes. Grnhan M'Coll, Schnltz, Jnmieson, Clylord. Setoi Johnston. Haywnrd. Ossiooff, Williamso! Cnrrirk. Reeve, Walton, Fee, Drinkwatcr. KAITOA, s.s. (9 a.m.), 305 tons, Grahau from Wnr.ganui. KAMONA, s.s. (11.30 a.m.), 1425 tons, Piatt from Wnstnort. BLENHEIM, g.s. (noon), 120 tons, Watsoi from Blenheim. WAITUII, s.s. f 12.50 p.m.), 93 tons, Shai from Wairan River. MOA, s.s. (9 p.m.), 188 tons, Sawyers, froi Wauganui. DEPARTURE!!, FRIDAY, MARCH 17. PATEENA, s.s. (12.55 p.m.), 1212 ton: Carey, for l'icton and Nelson. Passenger —Saloon: For Picton—.Misses Laery, M'Lccl: nie, MesdameG llall, Miller, Wilkina, Messrs Cannon, Aliport, iicadc, Dalton, Toinlii: son, Duncan, Clifford. For Nelson—Misse Dement, Miller, iloggitt, Tolmic, Mesdamc Sixters and 3 children, Lightfoot, Youman: Nurse Childs, Jones, Martin, Layton, Gal way, Ituffcl, Messrs. Lawson, Young, Law renee, Aitken, Thompson, J. J. Lewis, l'ikc iiili'3oll, Scarl'e, llodrtart, Galway, ltuil'el. AORERE, s.s. (4 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, fo Patca. ' IIUIA,' s.s. (4.15 p.m.), 127 tons, Burt, fo Motueka. WAKATU, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 157 tons, Wille Tor .Kaikoura. and Lyttclton. KAITOA, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 350 tons, Graham tor Nelson and WeFt Coast. MONOWAI, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 3433 tons. Roll irtson, for Lyttelton and Dunedin.. Pas ;engcrs—Saloon: For Lyttclton—Mesdamei Pascoe and - Williams, Mr. Penman. Foi Dunedin— Miss M'Donald, Mesdanies Taylor iVatson, Rose, Mr. Pyrke. ULIMAKOA, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 5777 tons iVylie, for Sydney. Passengers: SaloonWigscs Appletou (2), Jones, Webb, Pierce loldane, Collinson (2), Brett, Pitt, Rutter iVilliams, Scott (2), Ryan, R. Johns, Johns Croon, Stuart, Ritson, Comerford, Lord Putnam, Clark, Sandilands, Humphreys aranvillc, Reaton, Houltain, Lady Brondi ilesdames Webb, Porter, Brown, Power ant children, Coles, Barker, Blake, Collinson Villianis. Izard, Drummond, Samuel. Fos er, Gouldsmith, Helliker, Tange, Wallace luick. Conrad,. Johnston; Palmer, 11. F Tall, Kimberlcy, Stott, M'Ewan, Berry, J 1. Raine, Vare, Sherwood, Linton, Warburon, Dodd, Putnam, Barber and child landiland3, Oldaker, M. Fox, Humphreys, irown, Mackie, Davis, Dobson, Page and hild, E. Smith. Mason. Basky and child, larvison, Sneddon, Greenaway, Gray, itdge Palmer, Dr. Harvison, Brigadier Iray, Captain Maitlaud, Staff-Captain iDwis, Webb, Revs. T. Sedgrick. Dewdney, Kimberley, Messrs. A. Porer. J. D. Brown, M. Power, H. Coles, J. 11. larkcr, F. Blake, L. Collinion, S. S. Wiliams, W. E. Williams, 0. W. Jones. C. H. zard. Samuel, J. M. Gouldsmith, 11. Wesun, T. L. Buick, Conrad, Beagleliolc. Johnton. A. S. Kempthornc, Tange, 0. Mal'oy, i r . Farmer, M'Ewan, W. Berry, J. G. liaine, 1 Sc'on, Vare, R. M.. Griffiths, Sherwood, . 11. Haslam, Dbdd, Provost, Y'o.ung (2), (. Hoeltins, Power, M'Mnhon, Moris, Fox. C. H. Mendham. C. C. M'Carhy, J. E. Phillips, H. ,T. Harrop, H. W. arrop, H. Ralston, L Humphreys. W. G. r'ickliam, Brown, Barrymoro, M'Kie, L. [ountcr, W. P. Mounter, D. E. F.irrcll, K. [ackenzie, C. Bierre, J. Allan, P. Le Blanc, 'atson. Maude, Ouinn. H. Page, Jl..Miller, ichardson, Master Mackie, Greenaway, icklcben, Boon, pirns. A. Black, Bammfell, neddon. Searlc, Levy, Macfarlanc, Maxell. Ralfe. Master Gray; ard 90 steerage. STORMBIRD. s.s, (6.5 p.m.), 217 tons, Doell, for Wanganui. KAPUNI, s.s. (6.10.p.m.), 100 toils, Jackson, for Patea. , , ~, JtAORI, S.S. (8.20 P.m.), 3399 tons. Aidwell. for Lyttelton; 167 passengers. . REGULUS. s.s. (9.5 p.m.), 585 tons, Tomton, for Westport. _ KAIIU, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 182 tons, Jones, for
E BLENHEI'm. s.s. (midnight), 120 tons, Watson. for Blenheim. OPAWA, s.s. (midnight), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. . WAIRAU, s.s. (midnight), 93 tons, Shaw, for Wairau River. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kapuni, Patea, March 18. Moa, "Wanganui, Picton. March 18. Ruru, Napier. March 18. Blenheim, Blwlieim, March 18. Corinthic,- Lyttelton. March 18. Arapawa, Wanganui. March 18. Nikau, Nelson, MotueUa. March 18. . . Mararoa. Lyttelton, March 18. Mapourika. West Coast. Nelson, Mar. 18. Patcen.a, Nelson, l'ieton, March 18. Hui-a, Motueka, March 18. Wairau, Blenheim, March 18. Komata, Westport, March 18. ' Aorere, Patea, March 19. Opawa, Blenheim, March 13. Tainui. Waitara. March 19. Stormbird, Wanganui. March 19. Kiripaka, Patea, March 19. Maori, Lyttelton, March 19. Alexander,"MaiigarnUau, March 19. » Manaroa, Ilavelock, March 19. Rosamond, Onchunca, New Plymouth, March 19. Hauroto. Bnnedi". Tjyttclton, March 19. Hippie, Nr.pier, Gisborne, Picton. Mar. 19. Koonya., southern ports. March 19. Kowliai, southern ports, March 20. Arawa, London, via way ports, March 20. Surrey, Waitara. March 20. Mana, Patea, March 20. Wakatu, Lyttcltou, Kaikoura, Mar. 21. KapMi, Lytt.elt.on, March 21. Covinna, Onchunga, New Plymouth, Mnrch 21. Tarftu'ora, Auckland, Gisborne. Napier, Mnrch 21. T uritai. Wanpnnui. March 21. Monowai, Dunedin, Lyttelton, March 21. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Ivnhu, East Coast, March 18. Queen of the South, Foxton, March 18. Moa, Wangaiuu, March 18. Wairau, Ulenhcira, March 10. Kamoiia. Lytteltou. March 18. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, March 18. Mararoa, Lyttciton. March 18. Arahura, Picton, Nel6on. West Coast, March 18. Arapawa, Wanpanui, March 18. Karamea, Gisborne, Auckland, London, March 19. Wairau, Blenheim, March 20. Aorere, Patea. March 20. Opawa, Blenheim, March 20. Manaroa, Motueka, March 20. Blenheim, Blenheim, March 20. Tainui. Wai-tara, Mokau, March 20. Iluru, fin-it Coaat, March 20. Stormbird. Wanjjanui. March 20. Kapuni, Pjitea, March 20. Kiripaka, Patea, Marcli 20. Pateena. Picton, Nelson, March 20. Maori, Lyttelton, March 20. Koi/.iya. New Plymouth, Westport, Grevmouth. March 20. Alexander, Nelson, and Wctt Coast March 20. ' Rosamond, Picton, Ncbon, Now Piv mouth, Qnchungn, March 2Q«
Kowhai, Napier, Gisborne. March 20. lJauroto, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland March 20. Tarawera, Dunedin dircct, March 21. Mapourika, Ncleoii, West Coast, Mar. 21 llipplc, Napier, Gisborne, March 21. G'orinna,, Dunedin, Oamaru March 21. Monowai, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland • March 21. Mnna, Patea, March 21. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, March 22 Kapiti, Wanganui, March 22. Surrey, Timaru, Lytlclton, London March 22. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. ' m ' MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MANUKA, s.s., leaves Sydney March 18 for Wellington direct. Due Wellingtoi March 22. Leivcs March 23 for Lyttciton Dunedin (tranships to Mokoia). MOKOIA, s.s., leaves Dunedin (witl transhipments ex Manuka) March 26, foi l. Uluir, Ilobart, and Melbourne. Duo Mel bourne April 1. MOEItAKI, s.s., loft Melbourne March 1 for Ilobart, Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttciton, am Wellington. Duo Wellington March 24 Leaves same day for Sydney dircct. Du> Sydney Starch 28. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney March 15 fol ijn. Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Welling ton. Duo Wellington March 24. Leavei om samo day for Lyttelton and Dunedin, lit- OVERSEA SHIPPING, nS ' STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. ell ' From London. sea rd, KAIKOUBA, fduo about March 20), sailci iii t on January 25, via Auckland. (New Zca ;cs land Shipping Co., apents.J ;s k, WHAKAIIUA (duo about April 5), sailei at,, on January JO, via Australian ports, Auck b 0( laud, and Napier. (Tyscr Line. agents.) nd ARAWA (due about Monday), sailed oj ap ! February 2, via Cape Town and Hobari I }j ) (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) L l s . KIA OJ'A (duo about March '2W, gailc rd, oh February 11, via Auckland. (Shaw ar- Savill and Albion Co., agents.) al- INDRABAKAH (due about April 10). sailci be, on February 11, via Australia, Auckland ri c . and Napier. (Tyscr Line, agents.) ol- RUAPEIHJ (due about April 3), saile ey, on February 18, via Cape Town and He 3n , hart. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. aeents.) 3ii, TAINUI (due about April 18), mailed ci c ]s t March 4, via Cape Town and Ilobart id, (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) Id, PAPAROA (duo about May 2), Billed ci :tt, March 6, via Auckland. (New Zcalan< er- Shipping Co., agents.) NIWARU (duo about May 17), sailed oi i,), March 12, via Australia, Auckland, an< Napier. (Tyscr Line, aeents.) rter From Liverpool. in, KENT (duo about March 26), sailed o: es, January, 16, via, Australian ports and Aucl< lil- land. (F.-H.-S. Lino, agents.) c- NORFOLK (duo about April 9), sailed oi nl, February 4, via Capo Town. Ilobart. an' fe, Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Line, agents.) 11; NEEEHANA (duo about April 18), saile on February 18, via Auckland. (Tyscr Liinc is, agents.) in- MORAYSHIRE (duo about May 14), saile on March 4. via, Australian ports am fe, Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) or, rd, From Montreal. WHAKATANE (due about March 27 sailed on January 21, via Auckland. (Nei ■h' Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) INVEItTAY (due about April 29), Failc ' on February 18. via Melbourne and Aucl in ' land. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents From N;w Yorli. m, CItANLEY (due about March 19). saile on December 24, via Australian ports an ts, Auckland 1 . (Tyser Line, agents.) ILARPAGUS (due about April 20). saile m, on January 7, via Australia and Aucl land. (A. and A. Line agents.) w, SWANLEY (due about May 8), sailed o February 10. via Australia and Auckland m (A. and A. Line, agents.) BR.IEZ IZEL (duo about May 10), saile on February 21, via Auckland. (Vacuui Oil Company agents.) STAR OF AUSTRALIA (duo about Ma: 18). sailed on March 8, via Australia am Auckland. rs k" SAILERS TO ARRIVE. u . ARIEL, barque, sailed from Liverpoc ca November 18. (Johnston and Co.. ntrents.) oa DUNCRAIG, barque..sailed from Livcrnoo j: March 10. (Johnston and Co., agents.) il- • :— I] BY TELEGRAPH. ' OVERSEA. )r . SYDNEY, March 17. Arrived.—Mahcno (9.30 a.m.), from Auch )r land. • ...... .. B ■ ' . HOB ART, March 17. ' Arrived.—Kaiapoi, from Nr.\v Zealand. „ Sailed—Arawa (Thursday), for Welling ton. s- COASTAL. ir FRIDAY, MAROH 17. AUCKLAND. Sailed—Orari, for Waitara and Welling 2 toil. n Sailed.—Whaugape, for Wcstport. r! , ONEIIUNGA. 3, Arrived—Rosamond (8.5 a.m.), from Nov 1. Plymouth. J. Mailed'.—Rosamond (3.30 p.m.), for Ncv i. Plymouth. d NAPIER. J> Arrived.—Wimmera (1.30 p.m.), from Wei lington. ;• NEW PLYMOUTH.. { Arrived.—Rarawa (4.50 a.m.), from One .1 hunga. [ - Sailed.—Corinna (6.25 p.m.), and Raraw; (8.25 p.m.), for Oitthunga. [1 WANGANUI. Arrived.—Arapawa, (8.20 a.m.), from Wei .I lington. n PATEA. Arrived—Kicipaka (10.45 a.m.), from Wei ■- lington. :. , ricroN. :■ Arriycd.-Waimca (2 a.m.), from Welling ! ton; Pjitcena (4.30 p.m.), from Wellington. ] hailed.—Moa (2 p.m.), for Wellington. HAVELOCh". ', Arrived.—Manaroa (8.40 a.m.), from Wei , lington. Sailed—Manaroa (noon), for Wellington i NELSON. ■ , Arr i, r I C'!-Nikau (5.30 a.m.), from Welling . A l '■ i,a 1 P.m.). from Wellington. Sailed.—ls ikau (6, for Wellington. GIiEYMOUTn. ; Sailed.—Ngahere (2 p.m.), for Wellington LYTTELTON. - .„4 rrivcd :~ Warrimo ° (6 ' 55 Rita hint • WMlin' 1 ? a,ld Maral ' oa <8-20 a.m.), froix ; Wellington; lxoJmtii, America,, buuiueiiu," from Gray's Harbour, with I.ZCO.tCU feet, ol . Oregon prae and redwood. Putilii, from Greymouth; Everton Grange, from Timaru . Kaituna, from Westport; llrccze, from Wauganui, via Picton. Sailed— ltimutaiia (5.50 a.m.), for London; Cormtliic (3.50 p.m.), for Wellington; War . rimoo, for Melbourne, via Rlulf; Ngatoro, Joi' Greymouth; Mararoa (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington, with K0 passengers. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Magdala, from Lyttciton. Sailed—Hauroto, for Auckland, via East Coaat ports. Passengers-Suloon; For Lyttciton—Mesdames Denniston, liroadbeht, Messrs. Denniston, Levy, 13roadbent. Foi Wellington—Mi«s Ritchie, Mr. Do Lautour. For Napier—3lis3 Jack, Mr. Jack, Master Jack. For Auckland—Mrs. M'Farlane, Captain M'Farlauc. : ATHENIC LEAVES MONTE VIDEO. The local agents for the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company have received advice stating that It.M.S. Athenic continued her voyage from Wellington to London from Monto Video on Wednesday last. ARAWA LEAVES HODART. Advice received by tho local agents of the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company is to the effect that It.M.S. Arawa continued lier voyage from London to Wellington, from Ilobart, at 6 p.m. on Thursday. Tho vessel will not reach here until Monday evening, and, in all probability, will not berth at the wharf until Tuesday morning. KENT LEAVES NEWCASTLE. Cable advice received by the local agentß of the F.-11.-S. Line intimates that tho , s^'?, 1 . 1101 ' Kent, en route from Liverpool to Wellington, via way ports, continued lier journey from Newcastle to Auckland on Wednesday evening. • She is due at the northern port on Tuesday next, and at Wellington about March 27. She subsequently visits Lyttelton and Dunedin before loading In tho Dominion for Avonmouth. IiUWTAKA FOR LONDON. With a. full cargo of frozen meat, wool and general produce, the New Zaalaml shipping Company's steamer lliiuutaka left Lyttciton for London via Monte Video, 'feueri.Tc, and Plymouth, at 5.30 a m. yesterdas. The following saloon passengers left by the vessel Misses Locke, Coneys, and Sandelly. Mr. and Mrs 11. llcaton Rhodes. Mrs. llarclay, 31rs. Geo. Harper, and Mr .E. J. Pritchard. The Rimutaku. will take on a. large number of passengers (stated to bo 300) a» Monte Video, and is due at Plymouth about y\pril 27. THE CHEAPEST PORT. Some weeks ago (says the "Commercial. News and Shipping List," of Sydney) the question of the cheapest port for shipping in Australia loomed very large on the horizon, and it certainly "appeared as if the shipping fraternity was going to enjoy finite an interesting discussion. As is inevitably the case in such matters, the challenge emanated from Sydney and was directed at Melbourne. The Harbour Trust published comparisons .of tho charges al both ports, computed on tho assumption that tho vessel, a 5000-ton liner, remained in port 24 hours, From the figure! it was
learned thnt the Government dues in the New South. Wale? port would amount to £135 155;,. while -atMelbourne:, .the total would roach £181 -.73;- This was made -up as under:— • • • "-r . - ~, Kqlbouine. ■ Sydney. £ a.. d. '. £ .s. d. Pilotago <5 16 8 <0-0 0 Light dues 125 0 0 - ' 'E3 G 9 Quayage 10 8 4 10 8 4 Totals '. £181 5 0 £135 15 0 Naturally enough, Victorians had a Ely, and sonic explanations were forthcoming making some difference in the totals; hut it was Adelaide that set the Sydney authorities thinking,.,. Not much was . said, hut what transpired .was. effective,' or nUlier. lias been up to the present. It appears that President Searcy, of tlic' Marine Board, secured some figures compiled on the sanis basis as those in Sydney, and disclosed that, as against the charges shown at both ports, Adelaide could only amount to £114 155., or £21 less than, at Sydney, and £66 10s. at, Melbourne; further, that at the Outer Harbour the rate for steamers of over 7000 tans was even less, owing to the special concession, AORANGI AND MAITAI. ' AN INTERCHANGE OF TltlPS The Wellington branch of the Union Company notify an alteration in the tailing date? of both Ii.M.S. Maitai and Aorangi (I f,rqm,Wellington to Sail Francisco next trip-...Xmr;cad of the Maitai leaving here for the American port on May 3, the Aorangi (scheduled to leave San Francisco on Monday for Wellington) will be dispatched. On May 31. the Maitai will leave Wellington for the American port in plare of the Aorangi. These arrangements have beeu ordered in consequence of the accident to the Aorangi whilst'en San Francisco from Wellington this trip. Ijur ing the time that she remains in New Zealand waters .the Maitai will be docked and overhauled at Port Chalmers. Mr. J. A. Grimwood, chief clerlt at the Auckland branch of the Union Steam Ship Company, left by the Navna from. Auckland on Thursday for-Suva, in order : to relievo Mr. G. H. Morgan, manager of the company'. .in the Islands, who goes on holiday leave for-two months.- . About 9 p.m. last evening the signalman at the Heads reported that a whits-painted ketch was passi-ng the entrance. This will probably bo the Lizzie Taylor with a cargo of produce from > Timaru. She was expected to anchor about 1 o'clock this morning. . Yesterday the .Union Company's steamer Whangape, which lias been o\erliau!cd at Auckland, left the northern port for Westport, where she loads coal for Wellington. Upon completion of discharge, tho vessel will take a of. live stock from hero to Sydney. She is scheduled, to leave on Tuesday, March 28. ' A Press Association message received from Lyttelton last'iiight states that when tho New Zealand i Shipping Company's steamer liimutaka left Lyttelton for-London yesterday she had on,board 10.053 b*Ucs of wool, and 76.898 carcasses of frozen mutton. • At 10 p.m. yesterday the Union Company's collier Komata. was to have left Westport for 'Wellington with a load of coal for the Westport Coal -Company. - Today tho-Pohernn, .and Kaitangata arc expected to leave Wellington for the West Coast. Last night tho. collier Kiui was.sclicdulcd t.o leave Greymouth for Wellington, via Onehunga ancl-Now. Plymouth. ~ An arrival in port early this morning will bo tho Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Corinthic from Lyttelton. She is to leavqitoe for London on Thursday next, and is.-.due at the llome port on May 5. -, En route frdm Greymouth to Wellington, via way porfcf,...the' arrived at Westport at' 3 a.m. yesterday, and sailed again for N?J,son at 11 a.m. She is to leave the last-mentioned port for Wellington direct at 7 a.riij to-day, and should show up' here between 5 and 6 o'clock this evening. Beforo entering . tlie Wcllington-'Frisco service, tile Jlanulca-.wiU.bc .docked at Port. Chalmerj. with the. company's San Francisco'"sei:Vico"' l tyill'.'be for' one trip , At 2.30 a.m.; yesterday the Shaw, Savill. and Albion Company's steamer Karainca arrived in the. stream Wellington, and berthed at tlic King's Wharf at daylight for the nurjiAse of receiving Home cargo. It is expected' to dispatch her for Giaborne, Auckltwd, and London at 6 a.m. to-morrow. "Site leaves tho northern port next Saturday... " On Monday' night the Union Company's steamer Ilauiilri is expected to leave Auckland for Limestone Island, East C-oast bays, and Wellington. - Only five hijrscs were .shipped to Sydney yesterday by the Ulimnroii. instead of the usual 50 or so. 11l all probability the reason for the smallnors of the shipment. is the fact that the Whanprajic is malting a special "horse trip" to Sydney on March 28. Yesterday was a fairly slack day on the Wellington wharves, only about a third of the waterside workers usually employed being pruvided v/ith -employment. The same state of affairs is likely, to. occur today, but. ne::t week, indications point to there being plenty of employment. Captain A. 'M'lntyre, late of the scow Ngaru, is to take charge of Mr. J. JlT,rail's schooner Clyde. On Monday next the little vessel, after loadinc 50 tons of coal, is expected to leave Wellington for tho fishing depot- at Kaingaroa, Chiithani Islands. A month will bo spent fishing at the Oliathums before the Clyde returns to Wcllington. Aorangi, R.M.S., is scheduled to leave San Francisco for Wellington on Monday next. The repairs to the vessel have taken longer than anticipated, and, consequently, she will not reach Wellington before April 13. Owing to the timber strike at Bunhury, the Union Company's steamer Kurow is returning from Adelaide to Newcastle, where she will load coal for Lyttelton. Mr- Harold Wheatman, first officer of the I'.-11.-S. Line's steamer Morayshire (due at Wellington on May 18), has been placed in command of tho Huteshire, which is Used to leave London next month for Australian ports. The promotion will bo a popular one. Apparently the number of sheep that are to be brought from the Chatham Islands to Lyttclt-on is considerable, for it is stated that the Canterbury Steamship Company's steamer Storm, which arrived at Lyttelton and returned to the Chathams on Wed-' gesday last, lias still live trips to make. Sno has already made three vovages, and has come back a full ship cach'tiiue.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1079, 18 March 1911, Page 7
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3,504SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1079, 18 March 1911, Page 7
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