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'To-day's Fold." : ; "'••■' V"'/', .."Aunt. Sally," who is to'-.figure so largely at tho garden foto-to bo held at Karon this; afternoon, in aid.ofthe ' funds of tho 5.P.H.W.0.,- created. quite aisensation-as;she was!cdnveyed to tho ' sceno'of hercoming adventures. Some of .hor friends suggested .sending her for a drive through, the'town to invito the publio to- bo su'reTand pay their respects to .-her Vat'tho fete. .A fero- . ciqus-looking Rod Indian, stationed at the cqrner,.of Hattdn Street, wilPdircct peoplo whero to go.-. Prizes for the 'archery, shooting gallery, etc., _havo been most generously, donated, by inter- ' ested friends. . The 'fat. lamb will also .t be .in . holiday. attire,', and will' becomo the property of 'the individual who fues'ses the " correct weight. With right, sunshiny weather, a'most enjoyable afternoon's'duting will 'boijiro- "'. vidbd for. thoso .who- attend • tho fete, •■ particularly tho : children,■'',for -'whom thero will be no end of amusement. ...' V ■■.'■'. ■■ .. .-"• '■••..'' ; .".'■.' :

A Furnishing Tea.: ';:, :'■ Tho, Y.W.C. A; have . been having quite a busy time this week, what#vith the. entertainment .held on .Wednesday evening, < tho, gif t, and furnishing V tea that took.placo in their ncWi'quavers yesterday,, and tho part that many- of •its members'.play in the events of:the garden,party at Karori this afternoon. Tho association has been fortunate in Bqcuring : such ; a building for. their new hostel, ono so roomy, airy, and with such a beautiful view over tho harbour. 'It is really a-three-storied house, and having been built and occupied as a pri'vato nospital, tho rooms are,. in most ' cases, large, lofty, and cheerful looking. It is. expected that there .will bo ■accommodation' for twenty-ono people, including tho matron and maids, and, in addition to tho bedrooms, kitchen, and pantry, thero will bo a dining-room, and a secretary's room for tho transacting of business matters. Ono of-tho attractions of the,placo is the posses-, sion of; a' roof garden—at -present, a wilderness '.of asphalt, but no doubt in tho hear futiiro it will: blossom as tho rose. From its 'height all Wellington is open'to tho eyes of tho beholder— beauty, in its harbour and hills, ugliness, in -tho sprawling mass of roof tops and unacsthotic-looking architecture.. Already tho hostel.has some boarders, andthco is every prospect of others • joining. Gcntlo littlo hints were given to tho visitors yesterday by tho legends chalked upon tho doors, such as "Donor wanted to furnish this room," or "Linen cupboard • needs filling." Judging by tho parcel-laden peoplo that arrived, ' and the - many, bundles of ■ bedding, blankets, and other things, it seemed as. though quite' a great deal in that direction would ;bo accomplish-, ed. However, still more is needed. \ Mrs. M'Clay, tho president, and Mrs. Hobyy tho secretary, received tho visitors as thoy arrived.. Mr. J. G. W. Aitken, on behalf of Mrs. M'Clay, made a_ littlo speech, in which ho stated tho aim', of" tho association, and;also that tho hostel, after tho first year, hoped to bp self-supporting. '■'• In another year's time, or perhaps'two, thoy hoped to cuter upon another campaign for a larger building than tho ono they wcro now occupying. ..'. .'"'■-'. Mrs. Wilford; 'in ■ a happy littlo ■speech, thought that the beautiful day on- which-tho hostel was opened was a happy omen, and, sincerely hoped that in tno firq had vanished tho last of tho difficulties of the association. Slio then formally declared tho building open. Tea was tho dining-room, tho table' being arranged with lycopodium and sweet peas T • ■Among tnoso present* wcro Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. M. A. Williams, -Mrs. Corliss, Miss Coatcs, Mrs. Von Haast, Mrs. Herdraan, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Bulkloy, Mrs. Krceft, Miss Darling, Mrs.- Campbell, Mrs. do Castro, Mrs. Winder, Mrs. Grady,; Miss Lawson, ; Mrs.-Robertson, Mrs. Bennie, Mrs. Ilqtt, Miss Dowdswcll,' Mrs. Easterfield, Miss Lawson, Mrs. Pearson, and many others. ' ... -


t Freckles aro much darker in 6ummcr ihan in winter. Tho deeper colour is duo to the mow intenso action of tho summer 6un.

Tho freckles, sallowncss, redness, coarseness, ' ahd brownness of the skin which tho sun visit!, upon tho complexion will become- but too apparent upon your face, unless you aro determined to safeguard your, complexion against such troubles. Tho only'scientific and effectivo method of removing freckles is accomplished by VALAZE ' ■'..

Valazc, by its own wonderful properties, and even unaided by umssape. sink* into the deepest layers of tho skin, revives, exhilarates, lecus, clears u 01 ail impuritics\and discoloration, and beautifies it as no other preparation has done. This explains why no'freckle, wrinkle, crow's-foot, or any fkin blemish exists on the skin which is fed by Valaze. This explains why the skin that is treated by Valaza is always healthy-and able to bear tho brunt of all weather conditions, and remain ruddy, supple, and refined withal. In jars, 4s. and 7s. Hand in hand with Valaw as n preserver and protector of tho complexion pocs No-vena-Sun and Windproof Creme, which, well rubbed into, the skin, shields tho complexion; preventing freckles, sunburn, redness, nnd sallownessi'- and ensures, clearness-nnd softness of tho skin. In jars, 2s. and 3s. Cd. Of leading' chemists, or direct, post free, from the Jfaison Valaze, Brandon Street. Wellington. '2

Wolllnston Wedding, A very pretty Wedding took plnco at tho Terrace Congregational Church on Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Ethel Picrard, eldest daughter of Mr.-Alfred Picrard, of Karori, was married to Mr. U.'Vincent Wallis, of Leicester, England, tho Rev. J. Patcrson officiating. Tho brido was attended by her three sisters, Misses Winifred, Doris, • and Norah, as bridesmaids. Mr. T. Ward, of' Now .Plymouth, acted as best man, and Messrs. Leonard and Harold Picrard (brothers of tho bride) as groomsmen. A reception was afterwards held at tho residenco of the brido's parents, "Rawhiti," Johnston Street, Karori. Mr. and Mrs. "Wallis left by motor, en routo for Rotorua, where they will spend a week or two beforo leaving for their future homo in Queensland. Tho bouquets, which were exceedingly pretty, came from Miss Murray, florist. Wedding at Palmerston North. At all Saints Church, Palmerston North, on AYcdnosday, Mr. Archibald Wilton, youngest son of the lato Mr. Harry Wilton ( of Bunnythorpc, was married to Miss Annio Johnson. The ceremony was performed by tho Rev. Mr. Stevens. Tho bride, who was given aSvay by her brother-in-law, Mr. Henry Wilton, was;, tastefully dressed in soft cream silk, with silk insertion and allover lace, with the usual veil and orango blossom, and carried a lovely bouquet of white sweet peas arid roses. Miss Leo was chief bridesmaid, and she Was also attended by tho two littlo Misses Dorothy _ and \ Flofcnco 'Wilton. Tho bridesmaids . were dressed, in white embroidered muslin, pink sashes, wbito. leghorn hats, pink trimming, and shower bouquets of pink and white sweet peas. Mr. Frank- Cox, of Bunnythorpo, was best man. Tho bridegroom's present to tho brido was a gold,bangle, and tho bride's presenfto tho bridegroom a greenstono pendant, while tho chief bridesmaid received an amethyst gold .brooch, and tho littlo ones pink coral necklaces. - A reception was afterwards held- at tho brido's sister's residence. . The newlymarried couplo, who were tho recipients of. many valuable presents,.' left for Auckland to spend their honeymoon'.— Palmerston correspondent. . •

Garden Party at Island Bay. This afternoon a garden party is to tako placo in the beautiful grounds belonging , to Mr. R. Kecno, at Island Bay, as a send-off to, tho -Wellington Corporation Tramways Band, who leave very shortly for tho contest in Palmcrston North. The function is under tho patronage of his Worship tho Mayor and.tho City Councillors, and a most enjoyable programmo has been arranged for the afternoon. .Tho Wellington Pipe Band is also assisting, so that lovers of music will be nblo to, spend a most pleasant time. The "proceeds .aro in aid of tho contest fund,, and it is to be hoped that' peoplo will show their interest in the well-being of tho band by their attendance at tho function.

Whero aro tho Girls? The scarcity of femalo labour in Auckland at.tho present time is nioro acute than over it has been in tho .industrial history of, tho province', says tho Auckland "Star." Manufacturers on all sides aro complaining bitterly of tho difficulty in obtaining femalo labour of any kind to assist in.carrying out' the work on baud 'in tho - local factories, and tho position isiintflnflifiedTbyproasoiii of tho .fact that the busy season of tho year has commenced. Firms aro want-, ing, fifties i with good pay and under excellent conditions, and so hard pressed has been one firm that' they havo offered a premium as an inducement to get tho" services of good girls. With tho opening up of new avenues of employment, and extension of industrial enterprises, tho demand . forfemales has been growing year by year, and with a limited supply tho position from tho standpoint has been getting worse and worse. To-day a very serious state of affairs exists! Thero is plenty of work available, but no ono to do it. Tho difficulty is a very roal_ ono to manufacturers, who arc at their wits' end to complete tho big orders on hand. The trouble is not confined to factory labour, but domestics aro also at a premium; and tho samo condition of things appears to prevail in othor centres in New Zealand. ■ It is estimated by ono largo employer of labour that work could bo found for at least doublo tho numbor now engaged in tho different industries. • *

• Fewer girls aro seeking work in factories or as domestics, but more aro anxious to enter offices, and in this direction.a Croat number aro aLsorbed.

A Mornlns Toa. A Very enjoyable tea was given by Miss Beatrice Day in Kirkcaldjo and Stains's toa rooms yesterday morning for Miss Keogh, who is a member of tho Willoughby Company. Tho tables had been prettily decorated ;with coreopsis, flowors that aro always so light and graceful-looking. Among those present wero Sir. and Mrs. Fisher, Mr. arid Mrs. Freoth, Miss M'Ewan, Mrs. Alwyn, Miss Myers, Miss Amy Kane, and M"r. Fry. 1 ________ Mrs. R. W. Kano left on "a visit'to Gisborno on Thursday.

Mrs. J. P. Luko, who has been spending thrco or four, weeks'in-tho south, is expected to return on Sunday..

Mrs. F, Cuff, who has been visiting hor' daughter in Timaru, has bcon spending.a day or two in town while on her way to Auckland. .

Tho frionds of Mrs. J. H. Pollock, of Roxburgh Street, will bo pleased to learn that she is" making slow recovery from her recent serious indisposition.

Mrs. Huthwaite and Mrs. Ling, from Otaki, aro in town, and aro staying at tho Occidental Hotel.

Mrs. and Miss King, who liavo been visiting Wellington, return to-day to Auckland. • •

Mrs. Mackay returns toiAuckland today, after her brief visit to AVcllingtou.

Mrs. Freeman, who is staying at tho Occidental Hotel,' returns to Sydney next Friday.

Tho friends of Madamo Booufvo, who has bocn staying at the Hotel Cecil, will rcret to hoar that sho met with a painful accident-yesterday, cutting her hand so severely that it necessitated stitches being put in. Naturally tho accident has been somewhat of a shock to her.

Mrs. S. Monckton (Hnwko's Bay) is tho guest of Mrs. Monckton in Fcatherston.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Strang (Palmcrston North) and their daughter wcro passengers by the Ulimaroa for Sydney, en routo for England.

Mr. and Mrs. Powell (Htintcrvillo) arc staying at tho Occidental Hotel.

Mr. and Mrs.- Richmond, of Stratford, aro visitors to Wellington.

Mrs. M'Carthy (Ilnwcra) is in town, and is staying at tho Occidental Hotel.

For. the-best and most modern Hair ond Complexion Treatment, Mrs. -TtolleotoD. who has just returned from England nnd America, is recommended. Iliphcst diploma for romovim: suporlluau9 hair. Vibro-massaEe, nairdressiuß, Shampoo* iue and Clipping. 4 Willis Street (over Carroll's). Tel. 1599,-Advt.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1049, 11 February 1911, Page 11

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1049, 11 February 1911, Page 11

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1049, 11 February 1911, Page 11


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