PHASES OF THE MOON. FEBRUARY/. . , Day. h. in. First quarter 7 258 a:m'. Full moon 13 10 7 H.m. Last quarter 21 3 W r.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 6.21 a.m.; sets. 8.56 D.ra. HIGH WATEIJ. , To-day, 5.40 a.m.; 6 p.m. To-morrow, 6.28 a.m.; 6.51 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day. 4.54 a.m.; sets, 7.13 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY. JANUAEY 31. KAITOA, s.s. (7 a.m.), 305 tons. Graham, from Nelson. KENNEDY., s.s. (7.10. a.m.), 226 tons. Wildman, from Fostou. MAHAUOA, 5.6. (8.5 a.m.). 2598 tons. Manning, from Lyttolton.-215 passengers. KAIIONA. s.s. (WO a.m.). 1425 tons. Platts, froDi, Lytteltou. ■ , irOKOIA, s.s. (3.35 p.m.), 3502 tons. M'Lean. from Auckland, Gisbornc, and Nuoicr. JIAMAItI, b.s. (6.20 p.m.). 6659 tons, Holmes, from London, via way ports. WAIIIEA, s.s. (9.10 p.m.), 454 tons. Wildman, from Gisborr.o. FALCON, schooner (10 p.m. in Evans Bay), 95 tons. AinßWortb, from Tlavelock.WAKATU. s.s. (10.50 p.m.), 157 tons. Wills, from Lyttolton and Kalkoura. PATEENA. s.s. (midnight). 1212 tons, M'Lcan, from Picton; 242 paseeneors. DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, JANUAEY 31. PETONE, 6.5. (3.35 p.m.), 708' tons, Woods, for Lyttelton. ' . . I .' JIAI'OUKIKA, e.s. (4.25 p.m.). 1203 tons, Crawford, for Nelson and West Coast. KAITOA, 6.3. (4.25 p.m.), 350 tons. Graham, for Tonga Bay. NllQlu, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 245 tons. Hay.-for Nelson and Jlotucka. ,„ •f.L.t. aOUTH, s.s. (5.40 p.mj, 198 tons, Harvey, for Foston. ' "" RIPPLE, t S.s. (6.20 p.m.), 370 tons. Carl- ■ KENNEDY. P s°s. (7110 p.m.Ulf tons. Graham, for Nelson and West Coast. ... ■ .' MAEAKOA. s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 2598 tons, ilanninsr, for Lytt«lton. '. . .
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Storm, Ly'ttelton, February 1. ■",'",. '. Blenheim, Blenheim. February 1. Himitangi, East Coast, February 1. ' Marere, Wanganui, February 1. ■ Aorere - , Patea, February 1. . ' .. ». Opawa, Blenheim,, February I.' Maparoa, Motuoka, February 1. ]£uia, Wanganui, February 1. Kiripaka, Patcu, February 1. . Kapiti, Wanganui, February 1. Maori, Lyftclton, February 1. ' Corinna, southern ports, February 1. Kahu, NapiiT, East Coast, February 1.. Arahura, West Coast, fielson,' Hcton, February 1. Marama, Sydney direct, February 1. Marere, Wanganui, February 1. Star of India, London, Napier. Feb. 1. Molioia, Lyttelton. Dunedin, Fob. 1. Ecßulur,, Wcistport. February 1. liakanoa, Wcstport. February 2. Queen of the South. Foxton, February 2 Nikau, Nelson, Motucka, Fobruary 2. Mararoa, Lyttelton. February 2. ■ " Victoria, Diincrtin, Lyttelton, Feb. 2. Aorangi, San Francisco, via way norls February 2. : . ' Wairau, Kararaca. February 3. Monowai. Aucliland, Gisborne, Napier, Fobruary 3. . Turakina, Lyttelton. February 3.' Manuka, Melbourne, southern porta, February 3. Navua, Islands, Auckland, Feb. 3. Mdpourika, West Coast, Nelson, Feb 4 Kipple, Napier. Gisborne, Fobruary 5. Mokoia, Dunediu, Lyttelton, February 5 Fe ß b°Sy° n s: N ™ Pll " m0Utl1 ' Komata, .Westport, February 6. Tarawera, Auckland, Gisborae, NaDier February 7. .. • • •.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Stormbird, TVaneanui, February 1. ''■' Storm, Waneanui; February l' ■•■■: • Mana, Patca. February i..: ..,- Kapuni, Patea, February I.' ■ . ' Strathalbyn, Sydney, February U Ilimilangi, Westport. February 1. . Athcnic, Lyttelton, February 1. Waimea, Nelson. West Coast, February 1, Aorere, Patea, February 1. Opawa, Blenheim, February 1. Manaroa. lla-velock. February 1. Blenheim, Blenheim. February 1. Huia, Motuclta, February 1. ' Kapiti, Wnngamii. .February 1. ■ Pateoua. Picton, Nelson, February 1. Maori, Lyttelton, February 1. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Feb. 'l. Corinna, Nelson, New: Plymouth, One. hunja, February 11 Karamca,; Lyttolton. Dunodin. Feb.. 1. Queen of tho South, Foxtoh,' February 2. Nikau, Nelson. Jfotueka, February 2. Mararoa, Lyttelton, February- 2. \ ictoria. northern ports, Sydney, Fob 2 Kahu, Napier, via East Coast, Feb 2 Marama, southern ports, Melbourne February 2... ' . Kiripaka, Patea, February 2. . .Jlarero, Bluff.' London, February 3 ■Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Feb. 3' Manuka, Sydney February 3. Navna, Westport. February 3. J-aknnoai Lyttolton, February 3. pAraliura, Pickm, Nelson, Coaet, P S$ dsoorno,:: Auckland, m?Sth .""onthunitFeb^y ' MV Tarawera. Lyttolton, Dunedin, Feb. 7. Mapourika, Neteou. West Coast. Feb. 7 Hippie, Napier, Gisborne, Feb. 7
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. ■ MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. . o MANUKA, s.s., left Melbourne' January 25 /°u- £° bart ' B1 " tt ' , D « n rfin. Lyttclton, and Wellington. . Duo Wellington February 3. Leaves same dny for Sydney direct., Duo Sydney February 7. MAHAIIA, s.s., left Sydney January 28 for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington February 1. Leaves February 2, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, liobart, , and Melb°u.rne. Duo. Melbourne-February 11. ULIMAItOA-, 6.5.,. leaves Melbourne February 1, for Hobart. Bluff. Dunedin, Lvttclton, and Wellington. Duo .Wellington February 10. Leaves same day for Sydney, direct, Duo Sydney February R VICTORIA, s.s.. left Dunedin January ?J; ~£ . o r L y ttc!t "« "la Wellington. Duo Wellington February 2. Leave! same- dav for nortkern ports and Sydney. Duo Sydney . February 10. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO AEEIVE. Fro.f. London. STAR OF INDIA (due to-day), sailed on Pioveinbcr 25, via. Australian norts and Auckland. (Tyeer Line, agents.) MUttITAI (duo about Feoruary 22),' railed on December 16, via Australian ports Auckland, and Napier. (Tyeer Line agents.) ' . TONGAKIRO (duo about February 7) sailed on December U. via Capo Town and Jiobart. (New Zealand. Shipping ' Co., COKINTHIO ■ (due about February 21). sailed on January 5, via. Cape Towa and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co. agents.) ■ JIUAHIKE (duo about March 6),'' sailed on January 21, via Capo Town- and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KAIKOUR.Y (duo about March 17), sailed on January 25, via' Auckland; . (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool. SUHEEY (duo about February 20), sailed on December 10, via Australian ports and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) KENT (duo about March 27), sailed on January 16, via Australian ports acd Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Line, agents.) , From Montreal. KUMAKA (duo about February -25),' sailed on December'2o, via Australian ports and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co agents.] WIIAKATANE (duo about March 27). sailed ou January 21, via Auckland. (Hew Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York. DALMORE (duo about February 20), sailed on November 19, via. Australian . ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agent 6.) MAGDALA (duo about March 2), sailed on December 10, via Australian ports. (Dalgety and Co., agents.) CHANLEY (due about March 11), sailed' on December 24, via Australian porta and Auckland. (Tyser Lino, agents.) STKATHENDItICK (duo about March 1) sailed on December 10. via. Auckland! (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) . \ lIARPAGUS (duo about April .17), sailed on January 7, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) From -an Francisco. AOHANGI (duo to-morrow), sailed on January u, via Papeete and Harotonga. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILER TO ARRIVE'. ARIEL, bareuc, sailed from Lvioroool November 18. (Johnston and Co., agents.) . BY TELEGRAPH OVERSEA. NEWCASTLE. January 31. Sailed.-Clan Shaw, for Dunedin. . , . t'IIEMANTLE, January 31. Arrived.-Maccdonia, from London. , . , SYDNEY, January 31. Arrivod.-Warrimoo (7 a.m.), from Wellington.
COASTAL, TUESDAY. JANUAKY 31. AUCKLAND. Sailed.-Condor, German warship (11.30 a.m.), for Newcastle; Kersaint. French warship (11.45 a.m.). for Wellington: Navua (3.20 p.m.), for Wellington; Monowai. for southern ports. OXEHUN'GA. Sailed.—Earawa (4 p.m.), for New Plymouth. KAPIKH. Arrived.-Tarawem (12.45 p.m.), from Wcl-Sailod'.-Star ot India, (noon), for Wellington. WANGANUI. Arrived.-Huia. (7.30 a.m.), and Kapiti (8.15 a.m.), from Wellington. PATE A.. Arrived , .—Aorcre (10 a.m.), and Kiripaka (10.30 a.m.); Xrom Wellington. Sailed.—Aorero (10 p.m.), lor Wellington. PICTON. Arrived—Rosamond (7.10 a.m.), from Wellington. . . ' . BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Blenheim (0.20 a.m.), and Onawa (6.45 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Blenheim and Opawa (5.30 p.m.), for WellinEton. MOTOEKA. ; Arrived.—Manaroa' (8.30 a.m.). frqm Wellington. r To sail.-Jlanaroa (8 p.m.), for Wellington. FAREWELL SPIT. .. Keahero passed cast for WoUingEori at WESTPOET. Arrived.-Putiki (0.45. a.m.), from Welling, ton;, kurow (5.10 p.m.). from Wellington. Sailed.-liegulus (3.30 p.m.), for Wellington. . .■•■•" ■ ■ ■ . KAIKOUEA. Sailed.—Wakatu (10 a.m.), for Wellincton. lyttelton: _A.rrived.-Maori (6.45 a.m.), and Orarr (7.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Amelia Sims, schooner (8 a.m.). from Wellington; Arapava, from Picton. Sailed.-T-Corinna,.( p.m.). for Wellington, Nclfiou, New Plymouth, and Ononunga; Storm, for Picton and WanKnnui; Maori, for Wellington, with 320 pa6£cncer3. DTJKEDIN. . Arrived.-Manuka. from Bluff: Eoserie, 'from Auckland. Sailed.—Victoria. (4 'p.m.), ■ for northern ports and Sydney. ' PasEcnccrs—Saloon ■ For WcllinKton-XKsseo ■ Shaw. Douzlas, Morfatt, Lanrcnson. Stewart, Hood. Taine, slesdn.mes Hannay. Burns, Betts and infant. Tonkins, Norton and child. M'Lonnan ■ Messrs. Caldron. Tonkins, Troupe. Burns, Norton, Smallbone, and Hamilton. -. •-, ,-..':■ BLUFF/ .',; y, ' Sailed.—Wanaka,' for Oamaru. . THE PILOT INQUIRY. Upon inquiry at the Marine Department yesterday, it was ascertained that no further action will bo taken in resard to tho sinking of the ferry steamer Pilot In Wellington harbour on Friday, January'l3. STAE OF INDIA , AEEIVES .TO-DAY. " • At noon yesterday tho Tyser Line's new steamer Star of India left Napier, in continuation of her voyage from London, for Wellincton. The vessel, which is on her maiden trip, is expected .to arrivo hero early this morning, and. will berth at the King's Wharf to discharge careo. It is understood that the Star of India will commence Homeward 'loading at Wellington. ■ ' ; : - : ■■■.
NAIRNSniRE FOit AVONMOUTH. The F.-H.-S. Line's etcamor Nairnshiro loaves Lyttelton for Picton to-morrow sailing thence finally for Avoninouth at daybreak on Saturday. Sho takes tho following passenffors:—Mesdames A. Smith. Juo. Smith, Parr,. Messrs. Honald. Mace. Hammond, Browulie. A. Smith, Mortimer, and Jiaycr. NOTICE TO MAHINEBS. Yesterday the Marino- Department were m receipt o" information from Captain R. Gibbons, harbourmaster at Onehunea statin;! that the: steamer -Eimu knocked down the red;tho-cross channel, above Shag Point, on Monday nieht. and that a red buoy.has been placed in nosition to mark the channel. - ' , FOREIGN WARSHIPS'.MOVEMENTS. Telegrams received at Wcllir.ston yesterday intimate that the German man-o'-wax Condor loft Auckland for Newcastle yesterday at 11.30 a.m. . Advice was also received concernine ■ tho French fricate Kersaint, She left tho northern port at 1.45 p.m. yesterday for Wellington, and, all being well, should reach port about the 6amo hour tomorrow. • ■ . . , . HOME CARGOES. , _ Leaving Wollineton on' Thursday last for London, tho Shaw. Savill and Albion Company's R.M.S. lonic took the followins caygo from New Zealand ports:—For'London: From Wollir.Kton—M92 bales wool. 20 bales skinc. 473 balcohcmp, 94 bales tow, 41 sacks peas, BC3 sacks grass seed. 11.399 carcasses mutton, 9768 carcasses lamb. Z4O casks tallow. 20 casks pelts. 09 nackages casings, 28.314 packages butter, 10.025 crates checEc, 60 bags coal. 125 packages.sundries. From Auckland—22,o6l packages butter, 731 crates cheese. From Lyttelton—S6B '■ bales wool, £393 carcasses mutton, 32,866 carcasses lamb, 47 paclsoaes kidneys; 243 casks tallow, 25 casks. pelts, 31 packactes casings, 27 packaßcii sundries.', From Tiinaru-110?. bales. wool.. 6 bales skins, 2669 carcasses mutton, 14,680 carcasses lamb. 32 carcasses pork, S3 casks tallow, 782 packiißCß butter, 271 crates cheese. 2 packages sundries. From Dunedin—67 casksrtallbv,Y;l package sundries. For Rio do Janeiro: From Lyttelton—3o carcasses-mutton, 20 carenssos lamb, 1 packaec kidneys. Grand total from, all ports 3<69 balm wool, 26 bales skins, 473 bales hemp. 94 bales tow, 41 sacks ncas. 803 clicks grasp teed. 19.491 carcasses mutton, 57,334 carcarees lamb, 32 carcasses nork, W packages kidneys, 623 casks tallow. 45 casks pelts, 120 packages casinus. 51,157 packages, bntter. 11,827. crates cheeso,. 60. b.iTS cia!. 156 packases sundries.
The Clan.Grant, chartered by Mr. G. H. Scales, which left Auckland on -. January 25 for United Kingdom and Continent, took the following. cargo from the Docasks tallow, 961 sacks neas. 8 bales shesn skies, ..20. msVs nclta. 50 dumps tow, 651 bales tow, 1354 bales hemp. 580 sacks kauri cum dust, 1BS6" cases kauri Kum, £71 SMks kauri cum. 26 : bales leather,. 5 cates and .1 nacknjo of steel; -35Q pieces timber, and 7762 bales wool. . ■
ARRIVAL OF THE MAMARI. Last night at 6.30 o'clock the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's steamer Mamari arrived at Wellington from London, via. way ports, and berthed at No. 16 Jervois Quay. The vessel.left London on December 1, at 8.30 p.m., and when crossing tho Bay of Biscay encountered a series of rain squalls, hard gales, a::d very heavy head seas, these conditions lasting for two days; After this strong head winds were' experienced to Tcnerifl'e, which was sighted on December 8, Fresh to- moderate winds wero met with on the run down to Capo Town, tho South African port being reached on December 22. Tho Mamarl left the following day for Melbourne, where she arrived ou JanuaryJll, and disembarked passengers. Shortly , 'after-learine tho last-named port . the vessel ran into a howling easterly eale, which necessitated her being hove-to for twelve hours. At daylight on January 13 tho gale abated, .and tho Stamari was agaiu put uoon her couree, arriving at Sydney on January R Tho run acrtiES tho Tacman -S6a to Auckland occupied 100 hours, tho average speed throughout tho long voyage beine 125 knot." an hour. The Mamari left Auckland for WclliuEton on January .27. making a call at GiEborno on route.
Captain Burrill Holmes, R.N.E.. is in command, and has the following officers associated with him:—Chief officer Mr P E. Lambert: second, Mr. J. S. Hob>o3third, ■Mγ. E. Strelly-Upton; fourth. Mr M. Cronin; chief engineer, Mr. J. Smers' second. Mr. G. Hicks; third. Sir. Kirk\vood : fourth, Mr. J. Taylor; fifth, Mr. Steers Mr 0. Berry i s chief refrigerating engineer Mr. C. Itobertsou second, and Mr. J. Dunn hoiiermakcr. while the chief steward is Mr. J. Kiusell. \ s ■ Upon completion of discharge the Mamari proceeds to Timaru. KAKAMEA FKOM MONTREAL. STRIKES SOME DOUGH WEATHER. About 6.30. a.m. yesterday the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's steamer Karamea, under charter to the New Zealand Shipping Company, from Montreal, via way ports, berthed at the Kine's Wharf to ditcharze cargo. Leaving Nowcastle-on-Tyce for Montreal on October 20. tho vereoi arrived at tho latter port eleven days later, hieh Ecsi and wintry weather beilig encountered oil tho passage, but no. ice was met with. After loading cirzo at the Canadian nort (principally paper), tho Knramca took her departure ou November 17, and. on the run out throiiEli the Oulf of St Lawrence, encountered hard frosts and heavy snowstorms. After clearing the Gulf, tho vessel ran into a cyclone, and, on November 25, the weather conditions were so bad that the ship was liovc-to for eisht hours until the storm had passed. On November "6 the weather modern ted. and from thence onward fine weatlie: was met with. Tho Capo of Good Nope was paused on December 17. and the vcaa-l arrived nt Mclbouni3 ou January 7. She left Melbourno for Swlney on January 10, and. after missing Wilson's Promontory, encountered a very heavy cale. which raised a. high cross-Fea and swell, and these were necomnanied by violent sonalls of wind and rain. Dense fog succeeded, and the steamer iroped her way to Sydney Heads, arriving •there on JanuT'y t3. Shn left Sydney for Auckland on January 19. incetine with strong winds and considerable lie:"! seas on the pnssasre. Onri Mrri.i van lieme'i wac Blghtcd on Monday, January 23, and.
coming dorathe part of 'the East Coastrhazy>-weather experienced; this bein£_*fcau6ed-othrough-smoko-from bush . arcs:3The'vessel..arrived at .Auckland on January 24, and remained .there until 6.25 p.m. on Saturday last, .when she took her departure for Wellington, arriving as ab'ove. . -'• ■ ■ ■ ■Captain W. Clifton-Mogs is in command, and tho tflher deck offlcers are: — Chief officer, Mr;: A. Roberts; second, Mr.. F. F. Gimson; third. Mr. T. W. Jones. E;N.R.fourth, Mr.; A. Hutton. Mr. Weddington is' chief engineer. Mr. Manniori second; Mr. o'. M'Kenzie third. , Mr. A. Mac Adam' fourth, and Mr. J. T. Smith fifth, while Mr. Dunn is . chief refrigerating engineer, and Mr. Loftus second: ■• Mr. Davidson is boilermaker, and...Mr. P. Toms chief stewwd. ' Upon completion of discharge of the Wellington nortion of her cargo. tho'Karamea proceeds to Lyttolton and Dunedintj finish. ••■ - '.' ■ ■.■'■■ . • •:■ ■■;■ At 3.30. p.m. yesterday',the'Wcstport''Coal Company's: I stfamcr,'.Eciu!us left' Westnort with i full .load of 'coai':for .the company'a branch at,^Tdiingtori:'- , ' ''■■■s.n\:■•... k ■•.... Messrs. Bannatyne and' Co.. local agents for the tramn steamer Strathilbyn. anticipate dispatching her for < Telegraphic advice, received from Auckland states that the Union Company's- ■ steamer Navua. left tho northern port for Wellington!at. 3.30 p:m. yesterday. She is due- here to-morrow evening, and upon completion 'of 'discharge sails for Westport. This, afternoon the Tyser Line's steamer Marere is expected to arrive at Veiling;, ton from Wanganui. She will berth :at .the. Glasgow-Wharf {or' Homeward', loading. ,-.■ The Marine. Department anticipates dispatching the. Hinemoa- from ; Dunediii for - West Coast lighthouses'-this morning.: , '.-;- Mestrs. Balfety. and ..Co;., local''acents for tho... steamer. "Wairau, , state that the this morning with a load of timber. Sho is expected'in port to-morrow morning. This evening the Union Company's collier Bakanoa is scheduled to leave Westport for Wellington' -with' , 'part carEO:tot coal. Prony'-liere-'tne" vessel -procceds-to. Lyttelton with the remainder. .; . ' En route froih ;Gfeynioiiph'to WeHinittonji via way ports; , the Union Co.'s sfeamcrArahura arrived at Westporf from the former port at 2 a.m. yestorday. and.continued her journey, to; ..9 .a.m. Tho vessel is due in port from Picton early this evening. : • ,". Kamonai s.s.. which arrived at Wellington from Lyttelton yerterday. morninpr. is to take London. transhipments ex Jlamari to Nelson. Tho Maoriland Steam"ship Co.'s steamer Ennerdalo is to bo placed on tho Slip this morning for painting,. cleaning, and overhaul. . Her crew were paid off yesterday. At noon to-day the New. Zealand Shipping Company's 'chartered steamer Karar mea is to lea-vo port for and. Dunedin to., complete . discharge 'of.hej;. Montreal cargo. It. is understood that the; vessel will be laid up on the waiting.berth' for some little time at the BOUthern.Dort. This moraine the Union , Company's direct boat from Sydney, to .Wellington , "—"the Marama— will berth at the Queen's WharfNo. 1 North to disembark pacsengers and ; dischaigo SCO tons ,of cargo. . ~-■-. Included in tho list of latest charters the name of the barouo Pleionc. 99? ions, it) mentioned. She is to load coal at Newca«tlo for Timaru. The barouo Jcssia Craig is also mentioned as having been chartered to load timber at Holsianta for Melbourne. .- ... Tho long-conceived scheme for making Paris a. EEaport by. cdnetructinor a ship, canal upwards from Eouen. is again before the Chamber of Deputies, and has cairied the support: of 150 deputies. The cost is estimated, at 145 million francs. and''it'i> calculated that it would'bring in an" annual income of '20 ' millions' , , to the' State, besides- 'raving half a million every-,year, now spent in keeping tho river navigable.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1040, 1 February 1911, Page 7
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2,921SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1040, 1 February 1911, Page 7
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