PHASES OF THE MOON. JANUARY. Day. li. m. Now moon 1 351 a.m. E ir .st quarter 8 5.50 p.m. J'Ull moon 15 9.56 a.m. Last quarter- ;.... 22 5.51 p.m. , «c\v moon 31) 9.15 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to day, 7.27 p.m.; sets, 4.3 a.m. Sunday. HIGH WATER. To-day, 3.10 a.m.; 3.44 p.m. To-morrow, 4.5 a.m.; 4.38 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.32 a.m.; sets, 7*26 p.m. ARRIVALS. FRIDAY,. JANUARY 13. - MOERAKI, s.s. (4.50 a.m.), 4392 tons, Rolls, from Melbourne, Hobart, and " southern ports. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Oock3 Tobin, Kacsirie (2), Lane, Phillips, Lind my. Park, Fatilks, Ross, Thomas, ilaynos Kawlings, Mesdames Wilkinson, bwain, Gil lies, Ross, Edwards and 2 children, Mar tin, Yates and boy, Salmon, Masters Mar tin, Milue, Rev. iiay, Messrs. Brown, Wil son, Dobson, Swain, Uuniop, Loughnan, Tun bridge, Hughes, Chapman, Hridgeman M'Gill, Couli,* Bain, Rosh, Tiiimarsh, Borth wick, Yates, Ross, Adams, Weston. Milne <8 steerage. ARAHURA, s.s. (6.35 a.m.), 1596 tons, Lam bert, from Picton, Nelson, and West Coast 155 pawsngers. MAORI, s.s. (6.45 a.m.), 3599 tons, Aldwell, from' Lyttelton; 250 passengers.
STORAIBIRD. s.s. (C.55 a.m.), 217. tons, Doweii, from Wanganui. WIMMERA, s.s.. (7.25 a.m.), 3G22 -tons, Walls, from Sydney," via Auckland, Osborne, and Napier....Passengers;..SaloonMisses Death (2), Harper (2). Oxenham (2), Buddie, Vaughan, Tuke. Mills, Mesdamca Mills, Death, Browne,. Raymond, Messrs. Byrne, M'Grec, Sinclair, Mills, Troupe. Richardson, Rocper, Master Barry; 8 steerage. AORERE, s.s. (12.40 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk (put back through, ctrcss of weather). . . KAIPARA, s.s. (1.20 p.m.), 7392 tons, Cornwall; from London, via Auckland. • CLAN GRANT, s.s. (2.45. p.m.), 3948 tons, Cowie. from Oamaru. 1 : KUROW, s.s. (6.20 p.mOi 25C0-t-ons, Niohol--sen, from Westport; ' ARAPAWA, 5.6. (9.5 p.m.), 468 tons, Corby, from PiotonJ •> BLENnEIM, s.s. (10.50..p.m.),.. Watson, from Blenheim. ; DEPARTURES. • FRIDAY, JANUARY. 13. PATEENA, s.s. (1.10 p.m.), 1212 tons, Crawford, for Picton and Nolson. WIMMERA, : s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 3022 tons'," Waller. for Lyttelton and Dunedin. '■ :• MAERAKI, s.s. (6.45' p.m.), 4392 tons, Captain Rolls, for Sydney. • MAORI; g.c. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 tons»~ Aldwell, for Lyttelton, • v i EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Ripple, Napier, East Coast, January 14. ! Stornibird, Wanganui, January 14. Kairakj, Lyttelton, January 14. ; Blenheim, Blenheim, January 1:4. • Hiiia,. Wanganui,. January 14. . . . Kaituna, Westport, January 14. . Opawa, Blenheim, January 14. Queen of tho South. Foxton, January 14. : Kapiti, Wanganui, January 14. ' Maua, Patea, January 14. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka. -January 14.'" Mararoa. Lyttelton, January ,14. Mapourika, West Const, Nelson. Jan. 14. • Kaikoura, London, Auckland, Jan." 14. Kahu, Gisborne, Napier. January 14. Pateena, Nelson, Picton, January 14. Maori, Lyttelton, January 15. Wakatu, Lyttelton. Kaikoura. Jan. 15. Pukaki, southern ports, January 15. Mokoia, Uuucdiu, Lyttelton. Jan. 15. Rosamond, Onchunga, New Plymouth, January 16. ' Pakcha, Napier, January .16. Star of Scotland. Wanganui.' Jan. 16. Tarawera,' Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, January 17. Wiinincra, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Jan. 19. • Monowai, Auckland, 'Gisborne, Napier, January 20. U.M.S. Cambrian, Three Kings, Jan.. 20. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Aorere. Patea","January"'l4. Stormbird, Wanganui, January .14. Kiripaka; • Patea, January 14.' Wairau, Blackball. January 14. , Kairaki, Napier, Gisborne. Jan. 14. Blenheim, Blenheim, January 14. Opawa, Blenheim, January 14. Queen of the South, Foxton, January 14. Mann, Patea;, January 14. • Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, January 14. : Mararoa, vLytteUon, • January 14. Arahura. Piston, Nelson,. West Coast, •January 14. . Putiki; Westport, Orcymo'uth. -Jan. -14. Huia, Wansanui," January '16. • Manaroa, Motueka, January 16. Alexander, Nelson and West- Coast, January 16. y Pateena, Picton, Nelson, January 16. Maori, Lyttelton, January 16.- , Kapiti. Wanganui', January 16. Pukaki. Westport, Grcymouth,' Jan. 16. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttslton. : Jan. 16. ' Mokoia, Napier, Gisborne, . ' Auckland, January 16.' Rosamond. Picton. Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehnnga.'-January 16. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Jan, -17. Maoourikn, Nelson. West Coast, Jan. 17. ICahu. East Coast. January 17. Rinple, Napier. Gisborne, January 17. Wimmora, northern ports, Sydney. January .19. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Jan. 20.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE, MOVEMENTS OF STEAMEES." MARAIIA, s.s., left Mclbourno January 11 for Hobart, Bluff, Duncdin, Lyttclton, and Wellington. Due Wellington January 21. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Diie Sydney January 24. iILIMAROA, s.n., leaves Sydney January 14 for Wellington direct. Duo Welli nK ton January 18. Leaves January •19 for Lj-t----"clton, DnncdiiL niuiT. Jlobart, and Melbourne. Due Mclbourno January 28.
WARRIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne January 18 for ilobart, Bluff, Duncdin, Lyttel.ton, and Welliugton. Due Wellington January 27. . Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney January 31.
WIMMERA, s.g., ieaves Dunedin January 17 for Lyttclton • and • "Wellington; ' Due Wellington January 19. ' Leaves same day for northern ports and Sydney. Due Sydney January 27.
OVERSEA SHIPPING. - STEAMERS, TO . ARRIVE. - From London. STAR OP INDIA (duo about January 26). sailed on .November 25, via ' Australian ports and Auckland. (Tyser Lino, atcenis." ■ ' • MAMARI (duo about January 27), sailed on December 1, via Auckland. (Shaw Sarill and Albion Co., agents.) • . ATHENIO (due apout. January 24), sa ji cd on December 11), via■ Oajq Town and Ho. bart. (Shaw, SaviU and Albion Co. J MUKWAI (due abmt February 22), Ga M OIJ Oil December 16, via Australian norts Auckland, and Napier. (Tyeor Lino, agents ! ■TONGAIUEO (duo about February 7, sailed on December* 24, via Capo Town and llobfirt. (Now Zealand Shipping- Co; agents.) , a . CORINTfIIC (duo about? February ' 21) sailed on January_s, A*ia Cape Town and Ilobart. (Shaw, SaviU, and Albion Co agents.) . . ... From Liverpool. I DURHAM (duo about January 23), sailed ; on November 17 \;a Australia and Auelv' land. (N;Z. and' A. Co. agents.) ' ORARI (due about. January 17), sailed on November 29. via Auckland. (New Ze->-land Shipping Co.. agents.) SURREY' (due about February 20), sailed on December 10, via Australian ports and Auckland. (F.-H.-S.- Liue, agents.) AOTEA (duo about February 20), sailed on December 25, via Auckland. - (Shaw Savill, and Albion Co., • agents.) • ' From Montreal. . KaRAMEA iduo about January 29), sailed on November 18, via Australian ports and Auckland. iNew Zealand Shipping Co., agents. . . ' KUMARA (duo about February 25), sailed" on December 20, via Australian ports and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co, agents.) ' ' From New York, PARISIANA (due about February 6), sailed on October 29, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) DALMORE (due about February 13), sail- . ed on November 19, via Australian ports 1 and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) 31AGDALA (due about March 2), sailed on. December 10), via Australian Jiorta. (Dalgety anil Co., agents.) CRANLEY (due about March 11), sailed on December 24, via Australian ports and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agenis.) STRATIIENDRICK (duo about March -11, failed on December 10, via. Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) SAILER TO ARRIVE. ARIEL, barque, sailed from Liverpool November 18. (Johnston and Co., agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. . SYDNEY, January 13. Arrived.—Victoria (1 p.m.), from Auckland.
COASTAL. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Maitai 0.45 a.m.), from Wellington; Navua, from Westport. Sailed.—Jlaupiri, for East Coast bays; Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. ONEIJUNGA. Arrived.—Rosamond (7.30 a.m.), from New Plymouth. NAPIER. Arrived.-Monowai (11.30.a.m.), from Wellington; Opawa (12.45 p.m.), from Wellington. ' . CASTLEPOINT. Sailed.—Ripplo (5.20 p.m.), for Wellington, via coast. • NEW. PLYMOUTH. : Arrived— Rarawa (4.35 a.m.), from • Onchunga. - Sailed.—Rarawa (8.30 p.m.), for Oneliunga. N - WANGANUI. - Arrived.—lluia (10.20 . a.m.), Kapiti (12.10 p.m.), from- Wellington. PATEA... Arrived,—Mana (9.45 a.m.),:from.Wellington. FOXTON. Arrivcd-Queen of the South (8 a.m.), from Wellington PICTON. . Arrived.—Pateena (5 p.m.), from Wellington. - BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Blenheim and Opawa (4.15 a.m.), from Wellington, . - Sailed—Blenheim (2.35 p.m.), for Wellington; Opawa (3.15 p.m.), for Wellington. ' MOTUEKA. To sail.—Nikau (7 p.m.), fo.r Wellington. NELSON.. Arrived.—Nikau (8.15 a.m.), from Wellington. * FAREWELL SPIT. ' Ngahero" passed east'for Wellington at 1 p.m.- . ; WESTPORT. . * Arrived.—Gertie (4.10 . a.m.); from Wellington; Kapuni (9.20 p.m.); from. Wellington. j. •qreymouth; • Arrived.—Kaituna (6 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Brisbane (1.45 a.m.), from Newcastle; Manuka (7.20 a.m.), and Mararoa (9.45 a.m.), from Wellirtgton. Sailed.—Cin'opus, for Westport; Wakatu, for Kaikoura- and Wellington; Mararoa (8.15 p.m.), for' Wellington, with 225 passengers.
Sailed.—Manuka, for Melbourne, via Bluff and flobart. Passengers: Saloon—For Melbourne—Misses Wallace (2),. Brooks, Megdames Hinge, Wallace, Messrs, Hinge, Allan, Cambridge. . For Hobart—Mr. A. H.Ross. For Bluff—Mr. Richardcon. DUNEDIN. Sailed.—Molioia, for Auckland, via- way ports. Passengers: Saloon—For Lyttelton —Mioses Ellis, Fitzsizninons, Jordan, dames Bentlcy, M'Croric, Tilburn, Green, Buchanan, Jordan, Burt, Messrs. Bcntley, Wilkinson, Smith, Nicolcon, Morton, Darton,Allnutt, Tilburn,. Buchanan, • Green, Falconcr, Bell, Jordan, Jacobsori,' Buist, Burt; For Wellington—Mi££?e3 De Maus, Winks, Roid, Mcsdames Do Maus, Allport, Messrs. iJ Donald, Furneaux. For Napier. -Miss Clatworthy, Mrs. Simpson, M l *. Simpson. For Auckland—Miss Mitchcll; 12 steerage for all ports. ' TIMARU. Arrived.—Corinna, (<1.20 p.m.), from Wellington. EXPORTS OF CHEESE AND BUTTER. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. Leaving Wellington for London on Thurs-. day last',.the New Zealand Shippiug Company's steamer Kotorua-took the following shipment of dairy produce from the Dominion, the fivo previous ships' cargoes also ljeing given:— • Boxes, Crates Butter Cheese Auckland 23,329 £69 Taranaki 14,(i24> — Patea ..." 4,55(3 1.5R4 Wollington • 12,473 2.921 Lyttelton. m................,..;.;... -3,318 - 9u3 Bluff. 5/06 • Total SIM ' 11,383 With the above, the totals to dato are:— Corinthic, on Nov*. 3 47,580 19,169 Ruahine, on Nov. 17 55,810 14.(22 Arawa, on Dec. 1 • 61,014 . 17,933 Ituapehu, on Dec. 15 ...... 61,922 • 11,2% Tainui, on' Dec. 30 59,732 14,313 343,758 ' 83,166 ROTORUA'S- CARGO. _Tho. following is the. cargo taken by tlie Rotorua,' which left fo"r London on "'Thursday;'last :—From Wellington—292l crates 12,473 boxes butter,' 4463 bales wool, 584 bales nemp, 86 balea tow, 17 'casks tal--150 sacks .grass- seed,' 809: sacks pea 3, 23, bales leather and basils, 295 cases milk, 36 casks milk, 14 live sheep. 15 bales cotton, 11 package.-; sundries, 27,203 carcass-as mutton and lamb. From Napier—46ls carcasses mutton, 744G carcasses lamb, 33 carca« to-rs. :p, < n."r; - -. .• mutton, 172 packages frozen sundries, 183 wo °- an( * sheepskins. From Lyttelton -*297 carcasses mutton, 16,405 carcasses' lamb. 1998-bales, wool, 52 bales' slicspskins, 0318 boxes butter. 903 crates: checfc, 23 baica basils,. 38, casks intestines, 176: casks tallow ana pelts, « drums,glycerine, spackaEo3 sundries, 137''crate? cratS sweetbreads, 73 carcasses'.pork. From Port Chalmers-16 racks. oats. From BlufF-108 bales wool. 5<!06 crates cheecc, 3> packages sundries 199 bales Has. 287 bales tow. From Aucltland-559 crates cheese, 23.329 boxes hull!;!'.' S orrt New Plymouth—l4,o24 boico «"6 t bi«s F b°utter PatCl_lsß4 " atC3 chcese '
APPROXIMATE- TIME-TABLE. f i}° following is the approimate timetable for vosscls belonging to the -New Zoaland Shipping Company's fleet:— Rotorua.—Left Wellington January 12 Duo London February 21. nF?w"'7 LcaVo3 -to-day for London. AUcWIWd aboUt
riS}-y a 9 ina '~ l ' ieaVC3 W^!lin S t,on about Feb-
Knight of the Garter.—Now at Auck- '• leaves 331uff about February 9. Waimate—Now at Duliedin; leaves Port end of January. ' Afghanistan.—-Now' at Port Chalmers; leaves .Auckland in February.- - at Wellington;, leaves in
Orari.-Left Liverpool on November 27: due about January 17 atiWellingtcn; leaves New Zealand iii M^rch. Karanica,-Loft Montreal on November 18; duo-about January 22, at Auckland. „Rimutaka. Left Plymouth on November 30. Duei about January,lß,..-at Duncdin: leaves New Zealand in March. .... Tongaxiro.—Left London December 24: due about February 7, at Wellington; leaves New Zealand March 9.
Ivumara. Loft St, John on December 15* due about February 18, at Auckland, nn i leave London about January 20; duo about March 15, at Auckland. Ruahine.—To leave London about Jmuary 21; duo about. March 6 at Wellington. Leaves Now Zealand about April 6. Whakatnnc.—To leave St. John about January 15; dus about March'2l, at Auckland. . • , •
Ivaikoura.—To leave London about February 10; due about March 27. at Duncdin Ruanehu.—To leave London nh-m» P*hr U . ary 18; duo about April 4. at Wellington: leaves .New Zealand about -May -4. Rotorua.—To leavo London about March 18; due about May 1, at Wellington; leaves .-New Zealand about Juno 1.
ARItrVAL OF THE KAIPAItA. An arrival in tho stream yesterday was the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ivaipara, from' London, via. Auckland.' Leaving tho Homo port on November 10. tho vessel, which has been absent from Now Zealand waters for about eight months, encountered strong* head gales down tho English Channel and across the Day of Biscay. Fiuo weather then prevailed until arrival at Las Palmar on No!vember 17. Exceptionally fine weather was mot' with on tho run to Oape Town, which was reached on December 4. After coaling, the Kaipara left on tho following day. Unusually fiuo weather was .experienced throughout tho trip across the Southern Ocean, and Auckland was reached on December 30 at 5.30 a.m.. After having dincharged a largo cmantity of . powder and general cargo, tho Ka;para left the northern port for . Wellington-at-4.15 p.m. on Wednesday last. During the run down the coast, it i<3 stated that several members of the vessel's crew refused duty, and it was under great difilculty that the ship was brought along. Captain N. do la Cour do Cornwall, R.N.R., is still in command, and has tho following ofiicor-3 associated, with him — Chief oflicer, Mr. 0. K. Paris, E.N.R.; second, Mr. A. G. Barnett; third, Mr. SI. Stevenson; fourth, Mr. S. O. D. liodglsinson, R.N.R.; fifth. Mr. D. A. R. Paterr-on. Mr. F. Corbett is in charge of the ciiTiunroom, with Mr. F. Marshall'as second engineer, Mr. W. Hodgson third. Mr. RossKilner fourth. Mr. T. Iludgell fifth. Mr. A. C. M'L-iren sixth, and tho chief refrigerating engineer is Mr. Cairns, and Mr. ,T. Loggart bccotkl. l)r. Upplier is tho ship's Kurgeon, while Mr. Dowcn is chief steward.
After discharging 93 tons of nowdcr in the stream, tho Jvaipara will b«rth at tho wharf to complete putting out Homo cargo. She Mien proceeds to Hcanty Point (sailing on Wednesday next) to diychargo a ouantity of rails, etc., returning to New Zealand to load 'for Homo. She is cspccted to leavo some timo'in-March. ' •
It is understood that Captain D. Jefferson of tlio Wootton, contemplates a. trip to England shortly, and Captain Larson has been appointed to fill his -position. Captain Jefferson leaves New Zealand in the Now* Zoaland Shipping Company's steamer Otaki from Auckland oa January 17.
The s.s. Kairald is. to.sail for Napier and Gisborne to-day at noon. / The Union Company's training ship Dartford' left .Melbourne on Wednesday last for Ncwcastlo and Lyttelton. After completing the discharge of her Calcutta cargo at the Bluff, tho Union' Company'a steamer ApaTima will proceed to Newcastle, from which port she will load wheat at Australian jjorts for Europe. Tho Waihora, left Newcastle on Thursday for Chile.* Owing to heavy rain at Wanganui the Huia is unable to .work cargo, and consequently her departure for Wellington is delayed. Sho is expected to amve-here to-night, and leaves again on tho return trip at 6 p.m. on Monday. Tho Storm.bird, at pre&entat Wellington, was aho • unable to work yesterday owing to the • inclement weather. She is scheduled to leave port at 6 p.m. to-day for Wanganui. En routo from Greyraouth to Wellington the Mapourika left Westport at 9 a.m. yesterday for Nelson. She leaves the latter port at 6 a.m. this morning, and 6hould show up in port about 4 p.m. to-day. Captain Whaktroin recommissioried tho Putiki yesterday, and ha 3 the following oificers with him:—Chief, Mr. R. Dodds; chief engineer, Mr. T. Salmon, who replaces Mr. A. A. Ilarlcy; second, Mr. J. Robertson, who replaces Sir. E. llargreave. The Putiki has been in port for some tirab owing to the holidays, and subseQucntly undergoing overhaul. Sho leaves to-day for Westport, .Greywoutji.. and Lyttelton. The Kairald is not now expected at Wellington from Lyttelton until to-day.' She makes a call at Picton en route, and leaves this afternoon for Napier and Gisborne. 1 • . 'Owing to heavy weather" outside' 'the Heads, the Aorere, which-left: port at 10.30 a.m. yesterday for Patca, • had- to -put back/to port. "She .'is expected to leave again this morning. , Turakina, -Now Shipping Com- . pany's steamer, will • probably be . dis-, : patched for-Lyttelton on Monday to com-, pleto discharge, of. her London cargo. .' Messrs. BannrityDe. oor^ r .o for the Ty-ser Line, , auvis* that the-ififar; of Scotland is due here from Wanganui on Tuesday morning next, and sails for London at daybreak on January 21. . Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer . Knight ..of the Garter, which has recently-been in quarantine .at Auckland, was to have commenced loading for Homo at the northern nort yesterday. She will probably call at Gisborne, Napier and Wellington to 10.i.d 'wool,' and .33 ".expected, to finally • leave: the Bluff on February 9 for London. y- . ...
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1025, 14 January 1911, Page 7
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2,645SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1025, 14 January 1911, Page 7
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