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;-WellingtbniWcdding. ; - ; J'A/'pretty wedding was .celebrated inWellington Saturday, October 8, wlien Miss Hester .Robins, eldest daughter.of Mrs. W.H; Robins, of Master-ton,, was. 'married 'to ..Mr.'.G.-'Gavan Jackson-, of Eketahuna; and eldest, son of Mr. G. G. Jacksoni of!Picton;;.;The bride-was attended by:.her : sister,';Miss Nellie Robins,, as - bridesmaid, - and / Mr.' Cyril Jackson, brothereof the bridegroom,, acted as- beet, 'than..;; After the ceremony?a;',reception; was'-held by 'the bride's mother' at ;GodberV.'>.;Mr.-: arid ; Mrs; Jackson - left' for the':; north: v> They;, were; the of many; handsome';preseits.'; ' '■';'•' '; ':" ■'';-> t: ::: .-;.'''':'■..',. i^At';the\coriclusion..of:the.: Anglican .Mis'si6ri;}conducted\ by; the -Rev! . : -CW T., Horan., at St.-,: Augustine's, Petorie, :the Vicar (the Mv, J.' D. Russell) announced' that many ladies : of 'the', congregation -had:.-banded together "to send'.a..letter.. of; gratitude to -Mrs.-; Horan', in England ;for/sparing ;her; husband for the, mission,-and were sending,:her; a .little:' trinket: of New., Zealand :a. tribute qf- : their appre;ciation.;i;;;;:;;;;;.::,» -;;;;. ;;- ; f '-;:'.\' ,-;'";,';'. St. Mary'S'Hornes;..-:.-;;''';,. A; ', "'The - morithiy .meeting.of' 'St'-,.Mary ;s ■Guild-was : held -yesterday, Mrs.. Walhs presiding.-:-There'was: a vgopd: attendance. i.The; question. : .of.:appointing, an ;worker','iri: conriechon- with' St.' Marys ,Hbme,-Karori, ;was;.discussed.-,'The;need .'of : such;;a'; step, was Tecognised, . but' a number.. ; of ! matters connected with the jiro■pos'al?were!:heldoverr.fdr further: consid;eratiori.;/>The;Rev.;;H..;V;:Striart,' one of sthe.-'missioii'ers from': 'England, .gave! an, .-address to .the .'girls, yesterday,;:and .will also hold services at: the Home-on Wed-; ":nesday>'arid; Friday . : 'rThe,;Home:is!rioW: : riearly;.;full,Varid;:the..experises of:upkeep' . are/'-natui'ally. -increasing. '-...' In viewf. 'of ■.these■ facts''it ,; ,is : hoped; that ■•■:• '.the.;; old. • friends.;of - the-.'iristitutiohi will <. continue' ; .their.;'.. l miich-ncededi assistance;arid.' that the "good work .which, is - being, done will ;:wii/the -support.: ; of-'mariy'-iow- sym'pa-, : \V.;:; ; : ; [ :'■ ,;■.;,;',} ;Eucfire Party and Concert; ■..'.'■.'■■.■/. ".ThV.So'ciai.^rid:Recreation Club.of the, Departriierit of Agriculture, : Commerce,' .'andTorirists-on' Monday ,'eyening; held a. :■ very.Enjoyable,'progressive'- euchre ; party' and -concert at the Marine, Engineers'. ■ Institute.: -The prizes- fot euchre 'went to -Mrs..',B. 'M.'-Wilson: and,-Dr.. Morpeth.:, ■ .During :the: evening. songs ..were, contrib-; uted;by.';Mrs. ' aridSAbsoluni..:: Mr.-:. Borneo i.Gardiier.'s_ rendering of -"The Mocking Bird"- was .a iuge 'success;, arid his, encore;, '-In Happy ■Momerits,"::'was greatly appreciated.,:. ;, ' ; Other items .were a, demonstration, in ihe ; .-art .of :,foldirig paperi; by,- Mr.-.-T. Brown, 'cornet solo by >Mr. :L; 'G. Bruce, arid -a-.-piarioforte duet .by-; Messrs. "Mere- : Cubitt: ■'•.'Miss-'vMririeP ■Pringle; :was an!efficierit.accompanist..'..,-.-:..:• •:■■ terminated: with. a. short.:programme:.ot : dances;;;r;;o::'.;'•'• ,'Fresh;-AlrA. -::-'V'-;' ; : '//.: : 'x-', , ','■'■■■. .-.'■ Florence" Nightingale was among the first; to:;recognise the value.-,of; fresh- air as .'a restorative. "I 1 believe," she: wrote,iri;her "Notes on.Nursirig,'',;,; .'"that the yery elements ;o£ nursing, are, all,; but. un-:knowri.--V. j. It,'ought, to.,signify,::the;.pro-, per use ''fit- fresh air, ,'light, warmth, cleanliness;, quiet, and the proper selection- ; 'and : administration of diet—all. at the;' least/expense;;of...vital power to the .patient;":;;; '• -:• ' -'•: ' : Convalescent; :Hbme,TrusteesV:A: :;;:■::; : Trustees met. 'at': Mrs; Newmari J s;fesiderice;ori';Wednes- : -^a'y;:;October;;s,., ; those,; present ..being:— Mesdames,;.Newrhan; (in the chair),. Moor-hbuseiV.Wfst-Knowles,' 'Barroni '(treasurer), 'arid : ' Miss ;;Coj,tes;V-The. matron reported 'that .eighteen" patients' \ were' admitted;' to,, the home 'during: the; month and .eighteen : discharged;.: A Gifts, ..were;' acknowledged, wdth, ; ;thanks from'v:Mrs.' jWest-Knbwles,''. Mrs. : -'Sneddon,'.'Mrs.';Lattery,-and' Mr.7 ;,:;;A::;;.:;;:;;A-';.;,-;'; ; ,;;: :: ■,' The Goideri'Jubiiee;;;; :) A; ; - -Another entertainnierit, in., connection .'with'•''.iMothef-.:,'MaryA Joseph ';:Ariberfs Golden -Jubilee' Fund is being arranged for,' and; will -take' the form :of a sports carnival;..which will, be held -at the Newtown Park', on: November; 1 5.. ''.Besides athletic;sports,:of all.'dascriptipns, there : .will be "various; side-shows' arid -'attractions,' and, given'fine weather, an enjoyable day's outing should bo /provided /people!-'-;A "strong sub-ebmmittee "has been formed' to -carry out : oil ; the arrange-" irieriti':in conneotion' : with'the different events;:."',;-. ; .,:;:A. : ;;' AAA''A A ; Feilding' Notes. AA. ' : "';■;•'.'.. :. .'-.-'.jMrs.; ; Halliday;left'"on Saturday .for > ldhg. visit .to, Dunedii., ' .:',' '..';.;:.;': ■>'■■•■ -.•'Miss. .Nicholson:' is - spending seyeiial ;w-eeks,in Ashburton; ';'.;, ;.,; . .:'..';, " :i,;The,. eigagernents .'■ aro., : annbnnced- ofMiss ; Betty Nicholson "(England); to Mr. Eastaugh .'(Sydney),'and , Miss GertrndeDensham (Kiivitea) to Mr./ Gordon Perry (Cheltenham)..-,; ~" ■: ~ AQ u °te ;'a' large .number of players, took advantage of the lovely day on Saturday,, and: went'down to the golf links. Mes;dariies. Peat, and -Harding gavo afternoon tea.' Among those playing were:—Mesdames Montgomery;; Miles, Misses Pryor, Nicholson, AKirton,'. .O'Halloran; ■ : Wyatt, and :■ Bailey, . Messrs. Power, 'Caiman; Low is',' Miles, Ongley, Treveria, Harding, and many, others.' • Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wheeler: (Stanway) 'are.staying in Napier. .-;■-, ';..-■': ..Miss Collins (Palmorston),, is . the guest of-Miss Wr'ay; C-^..'■.:• - ••■'■.. AMiss Marks was the winner ,o'f the captain's (Mr. Ward) golf trophy at Mirama'r on Monday.

Petona Wedding. Yesterday -at ,tha Petone Baptist Church the .marriage of Miss May Edmeades, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmeades, of Petone, to Mr. C. Niven, fifth son of Mr. and Mrs. John Niven, of Dunedin, took place. The Rev. F. A. Williams was the officiating clergyman. The church was very prettily decorated,' and the service, was a choral one, Miss Miller, presiding at the organ. The bride, who .was given away by her father, wore a charming dress of silk (striped. voile,:■ trimmed with silk .' lace guipure insertion.: ; She wore a veil and orange blossoms, and carried a showerbouquet of white:- roses , and clematis. There were two' bridesmaids, Misses Elsie and Edith Edmeades, sisters of the bride, who wore' pretty dresses of green voile, trimmed with cream insertion, and. wore cream hats, wreathed with flowers. The bridegroom:.was supported by Mr.;E. E. Morehead as. best man, and Mr. "W. Edmeades -, as groomsman.. After the ceremony a 'reception "was. held at the residence of the bride's parents, at Bay ..Street. .Amongst many . beautiful presents was a.dinner, service from Messrs. Feist arid,Co.,.and:a silver tea set from the staff, with..whom the bride, was recently associated...The.choir and members of the local Baptist,: Church also presented', the .bride with, a'silver egg cruet; .'..... Women and; Politics. Women who come out from England are firmly of the'opinion that we in New ■Zealand do not half appreciate our' political., privileges, : and are inolined. to think us, painfully: ignorant of., things 'with which, many of: them have made them-' selves 'perfectly familiar; No doubt the recent elections .at Home are responsible. for a -tremendous increase and- knowledge on their' part of -the political affairs, of the. country, even though they : do not possess'-a vote.- The. issues'at stake have been so momentous and altogether so.'un-. paralleled; Vln any ; :case, it does seem as though women, in.:this country merely play, at .politics, only becoming aroused when the are. near at. hand,, not Realising";the' necessity of at any rate keeping somewhat in touch .with,.,'what-. ever.legislahon' is: being passed by : our Legislature;-'-V.Possibly :it' members .made a practice, of giving, addresses every now and again, on- political matters it might[help to keep people's-interest from flagj girig. -On-Monday evening next Mr. .Herdman, the member for Wellington' North, addresses his constituents in .the Sydney. Street Schoolroom',' when it ''is.':.possible ;that a little: inore light may be thrown into the 'darkness of our minds concerning, political, matters...' . ■:-'.: Obituary.AAvA.-AA-iAAA''- : AA ; A A ;.' Many ; people-will .greatly- regret • to hear-'of .the death of .Mrs.. Russelr,: relict i 0f... the, late ; Sir.-:: ■ Frederick- Russell, ', -.•'.' 03 Napier, iwhO : 'died. in-a hospital in'iWapier on'Moriday..morning." The de r . cease'd,'.lady"6nly-became ill. on Sunday, 1 after''an':attack :.6f.influenza, but becamo rapidly.■-.worse.'!AMrs".■ :?'-Russoflv,leaves ■':>■'- grown-up family of,-two daughters, Mrs. TV -P. 1 , Vaiitier- (Napier), -and/ Mrs. L. G. James.-.,(Wellington)',;'and• six soris.vthree of ; ivhom are in Australia. Those ih:Na L pier 'are:—Mr.: W. GI-ißussellj'- of ..'Messrs. Williams and Kettle';; Mr.. H,'J. ißussell,. of Messrs.: Vautier.and,E'ussell.'and. Mr.; 'F,'.'.,S, Russell,-:of;.-Messrs.".Niven' and ; Co. : One;' of .'.'the '• sons -invAustralia; is '.Mr: ; "-Al- '- bert Russell, whoJleff, Napier recently to take-up' stage'.,w6rk;':";V, v '".-.v.-:.i,.; A /:'.' : ':.\ The '■ v" v ;AA : ":■ :■{''■ ■': Should .the'-weather'i be'•; at .all[.favourable, a? picnic,Aa'ttended''by. the'.''.Girls'Peace Scouts, will ,bel held at Happy; Val-' ley 'to-day,,- the,"; girls, :proving''thoir:: right, |couts» by.iWalkmg,. there-- and; back.' On Thursday-;their first- meeting, will .bbheld in;the.-room';which- Mr.;. Harcourt; has place'd.'at 'itheir;disposal,: arid -. after ..that:: th6j', ! gijf,ls -will ; m'ee£; ; <there'. every; Wedries-; day. • '.There'. Will : .''als'o'be-/a 'meeting- on Eridayi >; On..'Thursday,;,October'.: i 2o,;Mrs. Royd : Garlick will- teach;the/girls 'physical: culture;:, and will icontiriub" to I'do'so; eyefy alternate:. Thursday,;;- beginning from,- that ■ date. : .' > Dr,,:T;latts.-Mills wilKgi^«"lecturesori'ambulance.'.ivtbrk.for: senior; .girls-,,and scQut-mistr'essesi commencing :.on ;Thurs-' -day, October- ;27,'-';,and ' continuing, .■.,., the m: every secorid.Th'ursday, s'o'that-they'alter-nate #ith -Mrsi-'Royd u Garlicky.lessons'.: 'On-Saturday the. Girl<Scouts intend going. to :Kilbirriie - ,; meeting "< at;; Museum! Street;'i at quarter, to threei: where- they will prac-.i tise signalling, and;knotting,.-'but- should, the weather be. : they .will' gather :Vat Harcourt's. :;B.uilding ;at the ■'AAAA Ai AA; ;A; AA..:; A j

. Mrs.'A.' C, Fobkes (Nevr Plymouth^isia; visitor -. to Wellington/' and: later':': on -. goes. :to 'her-'daughter,- ,-MrsAP.'Dahrieyirke. ,'-y, ':,! ,■„•.•;•.. :'.'.[' AAA:-: -'■''''■■ '''" : , ~ Mr. and-.;Mrs.y.Arthur Eh'odes,.left, for the south' at'■■'tlio'- e'rid:of:;dast : .vreek, ; afterj haying•;motored ■;thrpnghl to; \Wellihgt6n' frbm .Palmerstoni'':-';0"-';-.'/,:■:',"'.'"';--A,. i\: : -.:iy : Miss: Gray (Masterton), is ;to Wellington this'-.Tveefc.'' j;''' -,'• -■'■';:•.;'•..'|;Jv ■' Mrs. 5 '■■ Arthur".' Pearee' and Miss Pearce are. the: guests' of Mrs., Holmes Warren, LowerlValley. :"■■: ■":■'■; ■'■. . . Mrs-AG. 7 ;Cox,'o£ Marten, is visiting Wellington - and is. staying with her iriother,, Mrs. M'Gregor. Miss Ella Wyatt (Masterton) is visiting Wellington and is the guest of Mrs. E. Wyatt, Boulcott Street. -.'. ; MissAPanny Anderson,, who has. been paying/ a long visit to Hawke's Bay, returned: to Wellington at the end of last week.' ; .,. ..'';: .-.:,.'/..:.. :• ■■ -Mra. Bucholz .is : away. on a. visit to Auckland;: '■■■■'. i* Captain and.Miss Holmwood, of.'Masterton, fare, away on a visit to Wairoa. :'.. Tho : Anglican . Bishop of Wellington. (Dr. Wallis) and Mrs. Wallis will'leave this week on-a short visit to Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. John Duthie (juhiorVand their children are staying over-at Day's Bay., :';A'. A '.. • ■ ''■ Mr. and <.Mrs; Georgo T. Bayly, of Auckland, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bayly, of Toko, Taranaki, .'arrived in Auckland by the Maheno on Sunday, after some weeks spent in "Australasia. . , • Tho date of the garden , fete which was to': have taken place in the grounds of Av/arua Houso (tho residence of Sir Joseph, and Lady Wp.rd), for the.benefit of tho Boys' Institute-: funds; has again been altered,: and will take place upon tho date originally fixed for it, October 22, instead of November 5. The committco has' found that tho latter date is not suitable, and has decided to revert to the former one, Octobor 22. ANurse MTElligott, late.' of the Wellington** Hospital, ■ is away at To Puke, .where she charge of: Nurse HeneVwho was also a nurse in the Wellington .Hospital. Nurse Hene has been dangerously ill, and her friends are still concerned about her. A very quiet ■ wedding took • place on Monday morning at St. Joseph's Church, Buoklo Street, when Mr. Albert; Creagh O'Connor, only son of Mr. Robert O'Connor, "Carrigfoyle," Wellington Terrace, was married to .Miss M. Slattery, youngest daughter of Mrs. Slattery, Tasman 'S'treen. The Very Eev. Father O'Shca (Vicar General) officiated.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 945, 12 October 1910, Page 9

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 945, 12 October 1910, Page 9

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 945, 12 October 1910, Page 9


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