_6 — PHASES OF THE MOON. ■-. OCTOBER. ■ Day. Hr. m. New Moon .3 8 2 P™First quarter ....'l2 110 a.m. ■ Full moon -.... 15 .' 154a.ra. Last . quarter 2i 5 18 p.m. Moon rues to-day, 6 2 a.m.; sots, 7.41 p.m. HIGH WATER. ■:. To-day, 510 a.m.; 6.15 p.m. To-morrow, 6.30 a.m.; 7.5 p.m. 'SUN. ' ' ■''*'•. : Sun rises to-day, 5.20 a.m.; sets,■ 5.59 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY. OCTOBER; 4; NIKAU, s.s. (5.20 a;m.) r 245 tons,' Hay, from Nelson and Motuoka, ; ' . •-,.'. RANGATIRA, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), ' Lowden, from London, via Auckland. MARAROA,' s.s. (6.35 a.m.), 2598 •■ tons; Manning, from Lyttclton. Passengers: •Saloon—Misses Shirtcliffe, ■ Price, - Hou-, chon, Pago,. Schixka, Maclty, Brown, Mesdames , Turnbull, Blaoklock, . ■ Price, Scott, White, Parsons : Smith, Page, Mills, Parker, Lowe and child, Scott and child, Keppcl.-Dickson, Messrs. .'J. Allen, M.P.; R. H, Rhodes, M.r.,,T.;E. Taylor, .M.P., A. H, Turnbull, G. H.- Whit-, oombe, Speeohly, Webb,- Merrett, Farmer, Cooper; M'Donald, Bee, Wright,. Blackburn, Cole, Smith, Trompp, Jones, Robbina, Mailey; Morris, Way, Bain, Beare, Manttan, Rogers, • Thomas, Lowe, Rowley, Piper, •Price. Scott, Keppell. Dickson: 20 steerage. '•■ STORMBIRD, S.S; (9.35 a.m.),. 217 tons,. M'lntyr'e, from Wanganui. HAUROTO, s.s. (9.35 a.m.), 1988 tons, Carson, from Auckland, Gisborne; and-Napier., WHAKARUA.' s.s.. (10.5 a.m.), 6534:"t0n5.' Firth,' from London, via Australia and Auckland. :, '' • . T CORINNA, sia.-(10.25 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cam-, eron, from Onehunga and New Plymouth. , MANA; s.s.: (10,30 a.m.), ■. 134. tons, Dixon, from Patea.", ■ , „„, • . ' ROSAMOND, "6.6. (10.45 .a.m.), 721 tons, Watson,' from Onehunga, Now Plymouth, ■and Picton. , •• • AORERE, s.s., (12.55 p.m.), 77 ( tons,. Fisk, from Patea. ~ ' , _~. • KINI. s.s. (3.30 p.m.),-. 1122 tons, Platts, from Westport. • • .: "■ PATEENA. 1 s.s. (10,5 p.m.), 1212 tons, Craw ford, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon-MisRCS .Foster. Goldsmith, Forrest, Hoskin, Duignan, Ogilvie (2!, Mawhmnoy, Mcfidames Hart and 2 children, Tregear, Butcher, Finchan, Masters, Barnott, Craddock and child. Gully, Greenfield aruWn,'fant, Park,. Mackay. and child,.- Pettit,; Messrs. Burke, Dreaper, Olsen, Egar, O'Donnell, Gaulter, Hogan, Scott; Tregear, Reid, Smith, Sinolair,'Mason,: W)l-. ton. Sharp; Jordan, Johnston/ Hancock, Brownlie, Reid. Oraddock. Gully,.' Park; Greenfield,- Nicoll. O'Sullivan, .Flint, Dr. Pettit, Graham,' Evatt,'Ferguson,;.Tanner,. Light, Maurice.! ! .■"■•"••■ v',;'. : .;.■■. ■•■ - KIRIPAKA, s.s. .(11.20 .p.m.), \133. tons,: M'lntosk,. from-Patea. •'■■;,'■;'« ■■"'.-••''■,' . QUEEN OF THE SOUTH,- -s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 198-tons,. Harvey,.from Foxton.;, ','_■" WAIMEA, s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 454 tons, Wildman, from Gisborno. , ', ! .'-, ■' WAIRAU, B.s'. (10.55' p.m.), 93 tons, Shaw,, from Havolock. ■",-.''.'"■'. .; ...•v'■'. .■■■■•' ;' DEPARTURES, .TUESDAY. OOTOBER 4. : -V-y •: WAVERLEY, s.s. (3.30 . p.m.),-■ 157 tons," Stevens,,'for Nelson and.West Coast, :;.; 1 KAPUNI,' s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 150. tons, Jack'son, for Patea. , ■■' : '"\ TAINUI, s.s. (4.45 p.m.), '128"'• tons,-Jen-Ben, for Waitara.: '■■"■■ ■ • ■•."■■ •' NIKAU, s.s. (5;20 p.m.),, 245 tons, Hay. for. Nelson and, Motueka. : . ■~ - „•: HUIA, • s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 127 tons, Dowcll, for .Wanganui. ' , \ . .' MAPOURIKA, s.s. (5.35 p.m.), 1203 tons, Showman, for Picton, Nelson, Wostport, and Greymouth.—Passengers:' Saloon—For Picton—Messrs. Morse, Osborne, Fisher, Grant, France, James,, Warrall, Beeohey. •For Nelson—Miss Horn, Mesdames Ball, "Avery, Smith, '■ Messrs'. Ball; ':Boyd, Avery, Hogarth. For Westport—Misses Horn, Biggins. Hern,: Mesdames Wilmer, T.-Oollinß, Mossts, Wehncr, Brinton. For Messrs,' Seabroad,' Stout, : Barnhill,, Ncwncehill. ■' ■■■;•.• . ,„- - BLENHEIM,, s.s. (11' p.m.),' 120 tons, Watson, for; Blenheim. • , ■■■, :'•■■ •.'■■ HAUROTO, s.s.' (6.20 "p.m'.);: 1988 tons, Oar-, son, for Lvttclton and Dunedin. :■ ARAPAWA, e.s.v(7. p.m.); 268 tonß, Corby, for Westport. ■ N ' ' :'■■".•"'" . MARAROA, s.s.-(8.5 p.m.), 2598 tons, Man-. ning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses- Pettitt, Beggs, ..Richards, Salton, Ellis, Allan, Blamford,'' Bryan, Stoddart, Rohorts, Starrier, Mesdaines M'Kay and child, Pettitt, Richards, Young, Twomey, Roberts, Storrier, Dr. Pettitt, Messrs. Hill, .Sohncidor, Speechly, Benton, Young, Beals, Whitoombe,.■ Laurenson, -Shand, ■'■■ Gibson, Ewen, -Wright; Blackburn, Charters, Mil--ler, •':Graham, Blaok, Midlano, -Marshall,. Sleel, ; Caldwell., O'Malley. Glenn, Orpll, Morrii RcW.rZphrab. ; '; ;.". > v;.;, EXPECTED ARRIVALS.; Pdherua, Westport, October- 5.. '.:... : Kaitoa,, West Wanganui. October 5. •• .... VVhangape, Westport, Ootober 5. ; Defendor, Hokitilta, Greymouth, Oct. S. Manaroa, Motueka, October 5. Opawa, Blenholmi Ootober -5.',.'.. : " Kapiti, Wanganui, Octobers..... ... ... - Kapuni, Patea, Ootober 5. ,'.... ~'. ■'.'.' ..Maori, Lyttelton, Ootober 5. ' ;... Taviuni, southern■ ports, October^. Oorinthio,; London,;TcnerifTe, -Capo :.Town, Hobart,,,Ootobor 5. , "'.■..• .TJlimarda, Sydney,. October 5. Arahtira, Greymouth, Westport; • Nelson, Picton, October 5. ■......;.,.' Blenheim,--Blenheim, October 6., > , Huia, Wanganui;'October 6. ."•'•'.' ,''..''-.'■.,- -Nikau, Motueka, Nelson, October 6. ■• ' MairaToa;. Lyttelton, October 6. ■'■ : Monowai,, Dunedin, Lyttelton, October 6. 1 Oornwall, ; Liverpool, Auokland, October 6, Mokoia, Papeete, Rarotonga, October 6, -■'.' Mangapapa, Westport, Karamea, • Oct. 6. ' Wakatu, Kaikoura,' Ootober 6. - - ' Moana, Melbourne,: southern ports, • October 7. v, .; ... Victoria, Sydney, Auokland, Gißborne, Napier, October; 7. . •. '•''.; Kahu, Napier, ivia- Coast, October 8. ' Mapourilta, West Coast, Nelson, ,Oot. 8.'.-' •;, Arapawa, Greymouth, tOctober B.'; Hauroto,' Dunedin, Lyttelton,- October' 9."' "• Tar'awora, Auckland,' Gisborne', 'Napier; 'October 11. ■;■!. y-::•:.. 'i..•,.:■• ■■■ , projected; departures, . Arapawa, Greymouth; October' 5. ■•'.'",". • Wakefield, .Newcastle, October. 5,'; - !.' ■ Kiripaka,. Patea, October 5. -,-',-, Queen of the South,. Foxton, October. 5. . Aorcre, Patca, October 5." '■ ...■., ' Wairau, Picton. Karamea, October 5. v. Kaitoa, Nelson, October 5. . •';■"■'"' '■ Kini, Greymouth, ..0ct0ber.,6... • ' ■ Rosamond,. Nelson, New Plymouth, One-, hunga, October. 5.. ' '... Waimea,' Nelson, West Coast, ■Oc'tober V ' Manaroa, Motueka, October. 6. .. .v. • Stormbird,:Wanganui,'October 5. Opawa,, Blenheim, October 5.. ■ , .'Maori,.. Lyttelton, October. 5: , •:" . Pateona; Picton;'Nelson, October 5.' .' • Oorinna, Dunedin; Oamaru; October 5., '■•■ Kapuni,. Patea, Octpber; 6: '■ ■-.■■-..'. " Blenhcini,; Blenheim,'. October .6. ■'■■ Huia, Wanganui, October 6. - . ■ -Nikau, Nelson,' Motueka,' October -6.' Mararoa, Lyttclton, Ootober 6. ' Monowai, Napier, Qisborhe,., Auckland, October b. ', •,■'.• ' ■•'■'..-'-"'■ "-, :>' r i Taviuni, Now Plymouth, Westport,; Groymouth; October 6:'.-.•'-.■ ■"■"•.-'. ' / , '-'.- :..;!.•, . Ulimaroa, Lyttelton, Dunedin,' Bluii, Hobart, Melbourne,.. October 6. ; . Athenic, London, via' Rio, October v.- ■'> !., Kapiti; Wanganui,/October 6., .."■; Defender, Karamea, October 6." ■'~'■:■' Kaitoa, Nelson, : ; ;West Coast, October 6., ! Putiki,' Wangahui, October 7,,' ; : , Wakatu, 'Kaikoura, Lyttclton, October 7. Viotoria, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Ootober'7. •.■ '. Moana, Sydney direct, October 7.. '.'';•■•." Arahura, Picton, Nelson,. Westport,. Greymouth, October -8.. '..'....;.-', Mokoia, Lyttelton,!Ootober 8. .' ! ; ; . ; Rangatira, -Timaru, - October. 8.- / .•... ■'•!'.:■ Kahu, Castlepoint,..Napier, October &'.:<:-■■ Hauroto, Napier, Gisborne, .Auckland, October 30... .' -.■■ •'...-:".', ; Tnrawera, Dunedin, Ootober 11. Mapoui'ika,-Nelson,. Westport',-. Greymouth, October. 11.'- . i ■'.-."'.■' ■• : .. • , ■~ INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE, -y . MOYEMENTS OF. STEAMERS.; ;' MOANA, s.s., left. Melbourne September 28 for. Hobart, ' Bluff,. Dunedin, Lyttelton; and Wellington. Due Wellington Ootober •7. Leaves .same day lor '■ Sydney direct. Duo Sydney' October 11. "• . ULIMARO'A, s.s.,.left Sydney October. 1 for Wellington direct.; Duo Wellington October 5. Leaves October 6 for Lyttelton-, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Duo Melbourne October. 15;' ■"..■"--.-' VICTORIA, s.s.,;left .Sydney' September; 28 for. Auckland, Gisborne; ■ Napier,, and' Wellington. l Due' Wellington October 7. Leaves same day for Lyttclton and Dunedin. . Duo Dunedin October' 9.'. .- ■- WARRJMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne. Oc-,' tober 5, for Hobart, BluuY Dunedin, Lyttelton, and-Wellington. Duo Wellington October 14, .Leaves samo' day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney October 18/ ' .MAHENO, s.s, leaves Sydney Ootober 5 for Auckland dircot. Duo Auckland October 9 (tranships to Monowai). : MONOWAI,. s.s., leaves Auckland (with transhipments ex Mahono), October 11, for Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. . . Due Wellington October 14. Leaves samo day for Lyttelton and Dunedin; Due Duucdin October 16. , '-,'•. MOERAKI, s.s., leaves Sydney/October 8, for Wellington' direct, Due Wellington October 12. Leaves October 13 for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne, Due Molbourne October: 22.; ■:'.:, ' OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London, CORINTHIO (due about October 6), sailod 1 August 21. via Tonerlffo, Oapc Town, and
Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agonts.) INDRABARAH (duo about October 28), sailed on August 26, via Australian ports and Auokland. (Tyser Lino, agents.) OPAWA (duo about October 27), sailed September 6, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) . RUAHINE (duo about October 17), sailed on September 3, via Hobart. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agonts.) NEREHANA (due about November 8), sailed on Scptombor 6,., via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Lino, agents.) , ARAWA (due about November 1), sailed on September 15, via- Oapc Town and Hobart, (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) . MIMIRO (due about November 30), sailed on Sept-ember 21, via Australia, Auokland, and Napier. (Ty6or Lino, agents.) From Liverpool, • CORNWALL (due - about October 6), sailed on July 25, via Auckland. .(F.-H:-S. Line, agontß.) MORAYSHIRE (duo about Ootober 28), sailed August 20, via Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) ■•■'.' DELPHIC (due about November 6), sailod on September 3, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) DRAYTON GRANGE (duo about November 20), sailed on ■ September 17, via Australian ports. • (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. WAKANUI (due about October 10), sailed ' pn July 27, via Australian ports and Auckland. QJew Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) . TOKOMARU (duo about November 2), sailed August 22, via Australian ports and Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co;, agontß.). . TURKESTAN (duo about December 2), • sailed on September 13, via Australian ports and Auckland. (New Zealand' Shipping. Co,, agents.) ' ''! From New York. STAR OF AUSTRALIA (due about Oc-' tober 11), sailed on July" 24, via Austra-.j nan ports and Auckland. (Tyser Lino, agents.) EAEL OF OARRIOK (due about October 20), sailed on August 1; via Auckland, (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.).; NIWARU-(due about November 4), sailed on August 26,- via Australian ports and Auckland. - (A. and A. Lino, agents.) VERMONT (due about November 13), sailed on August 23, via Auokland. (Vacuum Oil. Co., ngents.) -STRATHLEVEN.tdno about December 2), sailed on September 14, via Australian ports and Auckland. (TJ.S, and A.- Line, agents.) , • : . i ■." SAILERS TO ARRIVE.' ' ; ; '•.KINO MALCOLM, baraue, sailed from Marseilles on June -23. (Briscoe and Co.', Ltd., agents.). ..-.., GLENSHEE, barque, Bailed from Liverpool on, July 8. (Johnstonand Co., agents.)' • HOUTO, schooner, sailed from Brisbane September 17. ■....; , BY TELEGRAPH. .- . " ' OVERSEAS. ''".,"' NEWCASTLE, October. 4.-Sailed.-Eamford; for Wellington. I ;-'. .'■ SYDNEY; OctoberV . Arrived.—Moeraki (8 a.m.), from Wellington; Hayembe (8 a.m.), from Port Pirie. ." , . -.■.■■. PREMANTLE, October 4. ' Arrived.—Orontes, from London, via ports.. MELBOURNE, October 4, Arrived.—Annaberg. Tho vessel was delayed by stormy weather. : COASTAL. ''...' . TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4. ; . ; ; AUCKLAND.' '■ ■.; :'. Arrived—Aldcbaran, barque,; from Ne- 1 ' castle. ■ . " . Sailed.—Victoria, for southern ports.'Pas-'' senger for Wellington—Mrs. Howell. , Sailed—Cornwall (9 .a.m.),: for Welling-! ton; H.M.S. Encounter (7a.m.),.f0r Sydney.. .; .ONEHUNGA. .'.-/., '. '.;■'.. Arrived.—Rarawa (9.40 a.m.), from' New Plymouth, . ' • ; :■ ..', NAPIER. ! . Arrived.—Tarawora (11.35 a.m.),' from Wei- '' lington. ■■ :: ; '.-'■ ;•; . .. . ;.. .'■' ;■' ~;,,-.,.. WANGANUI: .'.'\. ; .v. '.. :■'■ Arrived.—Kapiti. (2.5.p.m.), from Welling-' ton.; •" '. ■■; ~-.;'-. .'■■''■-■ ~' /.patea.;' , ' ■' ■ '■' ,'i ! X, . Sailed.—Kiripaka (9.40 a.m.), for Wellington. ..- ." , : ; ~' .-.. -■ " ■ ■ i ' .".< ;.- ;' ~:■ ■;■'!? ;'PICTON., 1 : ;/'..-■ ■'■".•.,, ." Arrived.-Haupiri (8;30 ■ a.m.), from WcK lington. ■.: Sailed.—Rosamond (1.15 -a.m.), J for Wellington; Mapourika (11.30 p.m.), for Nelson. '■''"■'':- : - X BLENHEIH.' : ',;' .. ; '; [\/j .'Arrived.—Opawa (7.30 .a.m.), from .Wellington.' "'■■■ ■■-.'- "•.' Sailed.-Opawa (4.30 p.m.), for' Wellington.' ; : VC";-;''.. :■'* -MOTUEKA/:: '.:.- ' ; '.';.;/ : -:V ' Arrived,—Manaroa "(11.5 a.m.), from Wellington. .'''■■'■■" 'to sail—Manaroa (8 'p.m.),' for Wellington,--.- - . ■;. : .■.-,. ..'-.,, ; :',,;, nelson... :•;..'. ~;..';; ; • Arrived.—Breeze '. (8 'a.m-.),. from .Welling-. I ton. . ■:■■■ •; •■■'■•■ '. ''■"■'•:'■.." ';.-.-' : ..'''V-',;WEBTPOBT.';-' '■■•■■ ;. '.'''■.'" : Arrived.—Defender (12.5 p.m.), bound from Hokitika to Wellington, pnt in for bunkers. ..'".:...■•, ..... ...... .:■.., . ■ v.| Sailed.-Arahura (9, a.m.), for, Nelson and; Wellington. : ■:.:''. ... .'-:.;; KAIKOURA; • . / ~'''-' ' .Arrived.—Wakatu (6 a.m.); from Welling-' ■ton,',; .'.;.'.: • '■; LYTTELTON.'. : Arrived.—Maori (6.55 a.m.); from Welling-, ton;. Aratapu,' brigantine, from JCaipara;. Eunice, scow, from Havelock;, Ripple, from' Wanganui;... ■.. Sailed—Ngahere, for Greymouth: Sailed.—Maori (8.20 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers:. Saloon—Misses Oarrington, Skoglund,-Lancaster, Lo'e, Oliver (2), Brown, Gadd, Halo, Bartrum, Nixon (2), Salisbury (2), Meßdamos. Archer, Skoglund, Bourkoi l Lascelles, .Olliver,. Oullen, Hall, Needham, M - Arthur," Sutton, Heyward, Crosswoll, Hon. E.0.J.-.Stevena, M.L;O., Hon. G. 'J. Smith, M.L.O.', Captain. Lascelles, Messrs. Davis, Lainbie,", Harper, Sandall, Hamilton,' Taylor, Uorcus,' Miramsl Brinstead, Piko, ■H. I'ricdlander, C. H. Poole, M.P., Bourke, Olarkson,' Brown, Holder; Brimble, Horroll, Moore, Baker, Norris,-.Parnham, Johnston, Thompson, Keegan, M'Lauchlen, Ballin, 'Archer, and Adamß; 35 steerage. ..'...; . PORT; OHALMERS. ;. Sailed^—Kylemhor,(7.4o a.m.), for Newcastle; Kia Ora. (4.30 p.m.), for Newcastle., ;". ;; '.': , dunedin. ■'. ;. .:'■'•-i : ■•' Arrived.—Moana, from Sydney and Bluff; Sailed—Monowai (4 p.m.), for northern ports. . Passengers for Wellington—Saloon i-Misses Baird (2), Maoalister, .MesdamesKerr, Baird, Basire, Fleming,, Messrs."Trip-• hool:, Ackland, .and Petrio. .'■. Sailed.—Storm, for Wanganui, via way ports;'lnvercargitl, for' Invercargill andPreservation Iniet; Koonya, for Westport. ; BLUFF.'. >•■.'■■ '.•■'.'•■' Sailed.—Tongariro .(1.45 ■ p.m.), for Port Ohalmers. ' •-.;. ':. . .-.'■ ".■;■'.'■ \- ■';•'.' CORINTHIO FROM LONDON. Due this morning from London, via.way ports, tho Corintnic, upon completion of meuioal' inspeonon; wi bertn at the Kings Wharf,: . . ~ ■', ;-, ; . "■ AT LAST. ;-•"". : WAKEFIELD ..COMPLETES DISCHARGE.. Having:been detained." in port,: owing to. a scarcity . of- railway trucks, tor. nine uays,' tho 'Union.. 1 Company's chartered". steamer Wakeheld finisheu aisohargiug Her ,1800 tons of coal yesterday. She took in ; .400 tons-of barley, and leaves for Sydney at daylight, this morning. . . , ... ■ ■ :.; ; F.-H.:S.; LINER. .KENT. : ' . Word has been received by the local office of the, F.-H.-S. Line-stating that the' Kent left Sydney, for Bluff on Saturday last. From',, the latter port, she makes Port Ohalmers, Lyttelton, and Wellington loading, ports in the 'Dominion, sailing' finally from Wellington on .Saturday, October 22, for Avonmouth.:,. . . ' .'■'.. RANGATIRA. ARRIVES. '.;'Arriving', in the stream at 6.20 a.m.' yes-" terday the '■ Rangatira discharged a- large* quantity of, - powder into. lighters.. , The work - was completed about 5 .p.m.,.* tho vessel berthing, at tho'King's' Wharf, at '5;45 p.m. Upon completion of discharge tho Rangatira - proceeds to, Timaru, andthence to Austi'alian ports to load "for. Home. "."'.•'•' ;; . WEAKARTJA Of-PORT. ",;; '.The Tyser.Company's Whakarua arrived yesterday from London,. via Auckland, berthing at the Queen's .Wharf No. 1 eo.uth at 10.5 a.m. Upon completion of discharge, which is oxpectcd to bo on Friday next, the vessel..leaves' for Brisbane and 'other Australian: ports to load for the Britißh. Isles. : .-'"' ' MANA REAPPEARS. • It was exactly 21 days yesterday sinco tho Patea Shipping Company's Maua beoamo stranded on the Patea.beach.,- During that, time she received somewhat' of a buffeting from tho heavy gules' that have' been experienced on the West Ooast lately. Nevertheless tho Mana was successfully refloated at high tide on Monday evening; apparently none tho worse for her enforced sojourn on. tho beach. ■ It is tho intention ot the company: to place her on ! the Patent Slip as eooii •as it is available to ascertain if there is any damage to her bottom before she, leaves port again in her regular running. It is understood , that a preliminary inquiry into circumstances surrounding the stranding of the vea6el will bo held at Patea by tho Collector •of Customs at that port.
STAR OF AUSTRALIA. Tho Tyser Company's Star.of Australia, from Now York, via Australian ports and Auckland, Ehould put in an appearance on Monday next at. Wellington. The vessel has 700 tons to discharge, here, and when finished proceeds to Lyttelton and Dunedin. ' •■' CARGO TAKEN BY BUTESHIRE. j The Buteshire, which left Bluff for Avonmouth on Sunday last, took the following cargo;— From Auckland—2so quarters beef, 104 sacks foscue, .13 sacks copra, 32 casks runners, 421 casks tallow, 119 dumps tow, 243,744 ft. timber, 150 cases kauri gum, 4 tous bark, 137, tons scrap iron, 5 bales rags. From Wellington-1521 quarters beef, 2954- carcasses mutton,, 166•:boxes bcof, 52 sacks clover seed, 2, casks casings, 35 dumps tow, 992 cases meats, 12 .tons scrap iron. From Lyttclton-4 quarters beef, 1279 sacks bran, 8608 sacks' wheat,, 2203 sacks oats, 398 sacks peas, 951 sacks oocksfoot, 46i cases meats, 51 tons scrap iron, 47 packages sundries, 15 bales rags. From Port Chalmers—32 quarters beef, 110 bags beef, 6266 crates rabbits, 199' sacks cooksfoot, 33 saokß fescue, ,36, packages casings, .465 cases meats, 53 tons -scrap iron. From 81uff—9642 crates rabbits, 99 cases runnors, 16 quarters beef, 8000 bags'bats, 270 bags grass seed, 505 oases preserved meats, 47 cases tallow. ' ■-,-■■ i;' ATHENIC FOR- LONDON TO-MORROW. Fixed toleave at noon to-morrow, from tho •Glasgow Wharf, Wellington, for London, via. Rio, Teneriffe, and Portsmouth, the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's Athonio takes the following ' passengors :—First saloon—From '■ Melbourne—Mr. R. M. Berwick;.- Miss L. Hughes, Mr. and MrB.J. D. Shepard, and-Miss A.,Shepard.; From Napier—Miss Herdmau, Mrs. A. Sharp, Mr, M. 0., Sharp. From Wellington-Mrs. F. H. Smyly and Mr. H. Lov'ell. Second saloon— From. Melbourne-Mr.. W.. R; Hardmau. .From- Auckland—Miss P.- M'Alister, -lu. Holt, , From Fisher, Mr. J. J.' Fisher,. Mr. R. Totinan, Mr.' R; ,0. Wallroth. Third class—From all' portsMisses. Cairns (2), Hatherley, Dow,' M'ln-' toshi, Stretohe, Walters (2), Mesdames De,veyle, Walters, Smollie; Wood, Messrs. De-. veyle, Ferris, Marshall, Phippen, Wyllie, and Master Walters. . . Passengers are requested to be on board prior to the hour, of noon. A notice'alio this issue stating that passengers' luggage-and effects must bo on board the steamer by ,10 a.m. : COMING BY THE RUAHINE. . Duo at Wellington from London, via way ports, on Monday, October 17, tho New Zealand Shipping Company's ,'Ruahine. brings' the following , passengers:— : Saloon-Mr. ,W. Barclay, Mr.- A. E.' Barker, Mr. E. Beaumont, Mrs. Beaumont, Miss L. A- Blogg, Mrs.'H. Bodlo, Miss W. M. Bodle, Mr. S. Brooksbank, Mr. J. H. N. •A. Burnes, Mrs. Burnes, ,Miss Burnes, Mr.' F. I. Elliot, Mr.'N. Fitzherbcrt, Mrs. Fitzherbert, Miss V. Fulton, ,Miss E. Goodchild, • Mr. F. Horton; Mr.- ~S. Hull,; Mr.' K.' 0. Kermode,;Mr. P. A.,0.' Mackenzie,-Mr. F. Montgomery, Mr. G. E. Morris, Mrs. Morris, Mrs.. M. Price,.Mr. ,F. G. Ross, Mrs. Ross and maid, Master D. G. Ross, Mrs. E., M. Seaton, Miss M.-.Seaton, Miss 1. L.. Shakespcar,' Mr.'L. Stowe, Mrs. Stowe,' Miss. Stowe, Mr. J. H. P. Strang, ! Mrs. Strang and maid, Mr. A..R. Strang, Master A. G. Strang, Master 0. H. Strang, Mr, J, Wilkes, Mrs..Wilkes,' %'..-■'■, '-. „ ;' Second Saloon-Mr. R.. E. ,M.'Atkinson, Mr:,A. Bartleman, Mrs. A. Baxter, Miss J. Baxter, Mrs: F. L.. Bidwcll,'' Mr. J. • H. Broad, Miss Brown, Mr. -> F. Buckley, Mr,. N. 0. Budden, Mrs. W. G. Carpenter, Jliss' D. M. Olulc.e, Mr.,R,. T.' Coomer,' Mr." W. Orowc, Mr. H.' S. W. Dennis, Misß. Bl S. Drammond,, Miss J. Elder, Mr. D., Elliot, Mrs, Elliot, Mrs.' R..Firth, Miss E. Firth, Mr. J. Fleming, Mrs. Fleming, Mr': H. Fortune; Mr. A. Georgetti, Miss' E. A. Godfrey, MiEB'L. Hammond, 'Mr. A. K.-Han-sen,Miss J. Henderson, Mrs. A. 0. How-ard-Anderson, Mr. W. Jones, Mrs.. Jones, Misa L, Langdon, Mr. M. Lange, MissE, M.. Kerby, Miss J. E. Kershaw,' Mr. Kitchen, Miss K.',M'Donald, 'Miss A. M'HUgh, Mrs. J. M'lntyre, Mrs. E. M. Mackenzie, Master D.. Mackenzie, Mrs. M'Kessack.Miss M;Kessack,'.Dr.,M. M. M'Rae, Miss L. C. Mardon; Mr. J.'B. Mason, Mr. J. S.' MaxweU, Mr. W. ■ Melville, junr;, Mr. T. Morris, ,Mr. A. L.'Morton, Miss A. Munro, Mr. W. H. Nowonham, .Mr. O.'-.S. Padgett, •',Mr, G. Persse, Mr. H.'E. Piper, Mrs. Piper, Miss S ; E. Poldeh, Mrs. T. L.' Porter, Miss E. •M....Roberts, Mr., P. Robertson;:,Miss- ' J.' Robertson,. Mrs. E. Smith, Miss. I. . 0. Smith, Miss C. E. Smit.h, Mr. J. Stalker, Mrs. 'Stalker, Mrs. A. G. 'Stephen," Mr; J. Stott,, Mrs. A; M.. Todd,; Mr. L.- Walker,' Mr. R.-H,-Whittle.- ,■;.,:•; ■-,-:.•,-' : _ Third Class—Mr. ;G. F. Aers.-Mrs- AeTs, Mr. T.Akermari, Mr. D. Armstrong, Mr. A. .Armstrong, Mrs. V. : Arnold, ' Mr. G, J?, Ashfold, Mr; W:. G. A'shforth, Mrs. Ashforth;; Master'- G. Askforth, .'Miss W. Ashforth, Miss P. Ashforth, Master Ashforth, Mr. H. Ashforth, Mr. A. Askew,'Mr.-W.'-Hv Atkins,-Mr.'-'J. : m. AtltiiiSorif J r :R. Bailey, Mrs.. Bailey, Miss ■M; E. Bailey, 111'. G..E. Bailey, Mr. J. Baird, Mrs. Baird, Mr. E.: H. Baldock, Mr. S.. Bancroft, Mr.' W. Barke, Mrs.-.E. Barry, Mr. J. W. Barry, Miss-Barry;'Miss E. M;'Barry',:Mr.' W. H. Batsdn.Mrs.' Batson, MiSB H.'Bat-' son, Mr.,B. M.: Beattio, Mr. A. E. Bennett, Mrs. A. Bennett, Master A. Bennett,. MissE. .Bennett, Miss F. Bennett, Miss R.' H. Bennett; Mr. W. T.;SBond, -Mr. A. Bowden, Mrs. Bowden; Mr. ; 11':- Brady, Mr. D. Briggs, Mr. R. Brin6den; Mrs. Brinsden;'. Master J. ,Brinsdcn,.Missß. Brinsden,.Mr. E. Brooke, Mi 1 . E.. Brown, Mr. R.;.R., Brown,/' Mrs. Brown, Mr..'H. Bryvor, Miss A. M. Bucken.ham, Mr.. 0., T.. Buokingham.VMr.■ F. Bur'den, Mrs., 0..8. Burtt;,Mr. P. E; Carlill, •Mr. J. .ohanas,':Mr. G. ClagueV Mr. H.. Olapham, Mr. J. J. Oleary, Mr: S.?J. Olibbens, Mr.'J. Collins, MK J.'Cooper,;Mr: R; Cooper, Miss H. Cooper, Miss B. Cooper, Mr. H. Cfossley, Mr. J. C. Crowe,-Mr. H. G. Curl, Mrs., Curl,' Mr.. 1.. S. Dalgairns, Mr., A.C. Davenport, Mr. R:.'.-H; -Davie's'," Mrs. E. ,L. Dent, Master;L..Dent, .Miss:M. Dent, Mr. 0. Dixon,: Mr., 0. Dixon, Miss'.E. >Dodwell; Mr.: Dorsett, Miss I. Dougall, Mr; L. S. Drake,: Mr. J..A. :Dupree, Mrs. Dupreo, Mr. H. Edwards,. Mrs.. T.Ellery,' Master L.Ellcry, Mrs. R. Elliot,. Master 0. Elliot,. ,Miss 0. Elliot, Mr. H. Ellis; Mr. T. St. J.' Fahy, Mr. W. H. Farley, Mr.. 0. E.. Farley, Mr. G. Farquhar, Mr. N..Fitz'Herbert, Mr. 11. FitzHerbert,: Miss M. E. Fletcher, Mr. F. G.; Flowers, Mr. :J.:,Foster,'.Mr; o.' .Fuhrmann, Mr. H.. Gardiner, Miss : F. A, Gibson, Mr.. J. L, Qidhard, Mr. J. Gill, Mr, A, W. Goss; i Mr.. S. J. Goss, Mr.; J. Green, Mr. E, 'Greenhalgh,- Mrs.. ■ Greenhalgh, Master ,W. Grcenhalgh, Miss . -I. Grifiin,; Miss' N. Griffin, Miss H..: Griffin, Miss D. A. Hall',; Mr.. 0. Hdinmond,'' Mr. F. Hanlon,,Mrs.- J. Hanlon,' Mr. E. Harnett, Mr. R. Harris, Mr.:W. T.-. Harrison, Mr. H. Harrison, Mrs, Harrison, Miss D. Harrison,. Master M, Harrison, Mr.. J. Harvey, Mr. G. Harvey, Mrs. Harvey,:Miss.H. Har-, •vey, Miss 0. Haslam, Miss.H. Haslam; Mr. W. Heaphy, Mr. H.. Hill.Miss: K.' Hocking, Mr. T. Holden. Mr. D. Holland, Mrs. Holland,; Mr. ,F.' Holland, Mr. E.- J.,Howard, Mr. N.'Hunter,.Mrs. S.-'A. Jcbb, Mr.' W. HI Jcbb,.l\liss Jebb, Miss A. 'Jehb, Master' J. Jcbb, Mr. S. , Jeffrey, Miss G. .Jennett,Mr. .O.;J. Jesney, Master, J.. N. Jesney, Master o.' 8., Jesney, Miss D. Jesney; Miss E. Jesney. Mr. E. W. Jones,'• Miv Lv ■H, ,Joyes,'Mr. R.' Kearney,': Mr., T. Kearney, Mr. E.. Keenan, Miss: G.,,Kennedy, .Mrs. E. Knipe, Mr. ,T. Kyle, Mr.'O.'.'Lamb, Mr. M. Lamb, Mr. T.:Lander,'. Mr.' W. Laugley, Mrs. .Langley,, Mr. ,T.. Layland,. Mrs.- Lay-' land, Mr. T.,Lee, Misß'N.".Lee,-'Mr..A'.".Les-gett. Miss A. Lcgget, .Miss L. Legget. Miss A. Lewin, .Mr. A.: W. Long, Mrs. M. Love, Master R. J.: Love, Master S; H; Love,"Mr. W. LuonvMr. H.-Ludlow, .Mrs. Ludlow, Miss ;M. Ludlow, Mrs. R.M'Bride, Miss M. .i-i'iue, Jiiss M'Crae, Mr. ,W. M'Dowall, Mr. W. J.-.M'nres,:Mrs;'M'nreo, Master 0. M'llree, Miss C..M'llree, Mr. J.- M'Kessack, Mr. C.M'Kessack; Mr. R. M'Lachlan;. Mr.' T. H. Mann, Mr.. J. Mariow, Mt. E. Matthews, Mr. R. May, Mrs. May,. Mr. R. May, junr., Miss F. - A;vM. May,. Mrs. V. Mayoh, Mr. T. Meagher,' Mrs. I: Millar, Mr. F. Moore, Mr. H. Morcton, Mrs. Moreton, Mrs. E. Morgan, Mr.-A. Morley, Mrs. Morley, Miss M. Mortimer,.MivE,-Morwood,' .Mr. V. Morwood, Mr. J. Muhdell, Mr. W. H. Newey, Mr. P. O'Brien, J Mrs. O'Brien, Miss A. O'Donnell, Mr. F. S. Palmer, Mr. J.. Park, Mr.. It. W. ,Park, . Mr. ,N. ,H. Parrott,, Mr. T.. Pearson, Mrs. Pearson, Miss S. Pearson; Master T..Pearson, Mr. J: Peddie,' Mr. J. L. Pennington, M. J. P. Pennington, M. T. :H. Penninston;'Miss P. Persson, Mi« 3. H. Peters,-. Mr.. A. Phillips, Miss L. Pinuer,-Mrs M. Pinner, Miss,E. Potiphnr, ■ Mr. A. Price, ,Mr.. W. .Purcell, Mr. :J. Babbitt, Mr. F. Raistrick, Miss A. Rankin, Miss 'D. S: Rankin; : Mr." E, T. Reading,:; Mr., J. :Renfrew'. Mrs. ;Renfrew*, Mr. 0. Eenn, Mrs. Renn,. Mr. J. Rice;,-Mr. G. C. Rich. Mr. J. Richardson, Mr. J. P. Richardson, Mrs. E. Riley, .Master: P. Riley, Master A. Riloy, Mr. J. Ros6,'Miss M. Rourke, Mr. P. Scott, Mr.:R. A. Scott, Miss L. Seymour, Mrs. Sharpies,- Miss E. Sharpies,. Miss M: Sharpies, Mr. A; Sharpiles, junr.', Mrs; Sharpies, Mr. A: Sharpies, Mr. E. H. • Sharrock, Mr. .W. Simpson, Mrs.M. Skillcn,' Master D. Sliillon, Master A. Skillen, Master I. Skillen, Mrs. J.Smith, Miss M. Smith, Mr, W. Smith, Miss Jf. Smith, Mr. T. H, Smith, Mr, A. Spalten, Mi's. Spalton, Mr. G. Squire, Mrs. Squire, Mr. R. Steele, Mr. S..Steele, Mr. J. Stewart, Mrs., M: Stono ( Miss V. Stone, Master T: Stone, Mr. H. G. Sturt,' Mrs. M. E. Suttie, Mr.. T. A. Suttie, ,Mrs.. S.: Sykcs, MissG. Sykcs, Mr. W. H. Tatter'sall, Mr. B. Thomas, Mr. S. Thompson, Mr. J. D. Thompson, Mrs. E. Thompson, Mr.; 0. Tootle,- Mrs.-E. A..Turner, Miss A. Turner, Master E. Turner, Mr. H. Vercoe, Mr. E. Waldon,. Mr. J.. Ward, Mrs. Ward, Mr.: E. Whitehead, Mr. S. Whitehead, . Mr. M. W'nitekead, Mrs.. Whitehead. Mr. E. F. Wilkins, Mrs. Wilkins, Master E. Wilkins, Miss I. Wilkins, Miss E. A. Willams, Mr. T. L. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson,' Miss M. -Wilson, Mrs. Wilson,. Mr. J. Wilson, Mr. ■; A. Wilson, Miss N. Wilßon, Miss B. Wilson, Miss N. Wilson,. Mr. J. J; Wright, Mrs. L. York, Miss- M. .E. York, Mr. J. Zottwitz,' Mrs. Zottwitz, Mr. F. Zicttwitz, Mr. H. Zcttwitz, Miss J. ,P.. Zcttwitz. ..■_.■•■ Mr. L.' A'. Mallittc, third engineer : of • the Mapourika;, has .como,-. ashore for • orders, Mr. L. K. M'Murrich succeeds him. While in port yesterday Mr. P. J. Hickey, chief engineer of the Haiu-oto, left the vessel, Mr. F. 0. Itoualds taking, the vacant position. Upon arrival at Wellington from West Wanganui to-day the. Kaitoa will herth at tho Clyde Quay Wharf.
After medical 1 inspection"in the stream this morning'tliotnimaToa,. from Sydney direct,- will berth : at'ithe Queen's •..Wharf, No. 1 North.;, ,■;,•..•>-,■. ... "'.:.:";- :-.: , Mr. G. H." Dodd,. purßer/of,.the .Moeraki,; will transfer on- his next (visit to Dunedin to the Maitai for-her.Sai "Francisco; running; Mr., M. P. Camh''':is:to-'join'the'''Ab-rangi. as purseri-v-: ■■:*-:■;. P.'.A :3if^i>■'■ ;::?' ' The: Kaitangatayhow on her .way fromGreymouth, to.; /Melbourne Aand -. Adelaide, will return to Hobart, ■ and . will: proceed thence to the Bluff, Dunedin, . Lyttelton, and' Wellington in'the'order named. ' 'y "On her way back; from'the-.West Coast' to Dunedin the Tayinnv.wjll. iriake a:call at Milford Sound .to- land. stores'-for tho Tourist: Department;'-.'i•*!•■ V :';■■-.:• C'. : \ ' The b.b. Wairau is advertised to'sail'lor Picton and: to-day,. a,t* : s. p.m.. .-:-,. I A,notice to . consigneeso'of cargo-by:-the > s.s., Eajigatira, whioh-arrived -from...lon: don, this issue. ~:; v.;; /:.-, ■■■''~ Recent blasting, carried, out at .PortChalmers, dislodged- about six -punt loads of submerged rock'on the north side of the George Street pier .that menaced the' safety: of vessels using the dock. A :por-. tion of the rock remains unloosened, and fresh bores are being put 'down for its removal. ..-.. :''.;.; ~,-:■: '':'.t.%"fS r V:: : w;,' : ' : .■ H.M.B. Encounter left: Auckland ..for Sydney and Melbourne at 7 aim. yesterday. The Pioneer is- to come out- of the Calliope Pock,- Auckland,; this .... .;. The, Mabriland' Shipping .' Company, v.-ex-'■ pect to, dispatch the Ermerdale from Ny--dia Bay for; Launceston and Melbourne tomorrow. ,■.'-.:.;■." .'-;'.;.. ■.':.; ' : .'-V. : ''ii:' The Afahura left .Westpori'. for". Nelson l at' 9 ,a.m:. yesterday. She' is expected at' Wellington: from'.' the latter port • to-night;* ':Mr, : A.' Davis,; 6eoond:.-ofliceriofi.the- Manourika,:eame,. ashore .yesterday,;: his' place" being taken by 'Mr;.F.. J.', Cauldrey.;; : ' Yesterday -morning tho Putiki' oaine' off ■ the Patent Slip,, and the ; Kotuku went up. ; It is probable that the Mana :wttl.-.he'the-next vessel to occupy the cjadle, lowing her, it,is understood .that., the Stormbird will be taken up for overhaul. •■' Captain Crawford-reportY. sighting -the New Zealand training ship'-Amokura, at onohor in Ships-'Cove-about 3:30 p.m. yes-' terday, ...--., ricO. ■hpoi'--, : ■*■>. ■"•■•<•!• ~-..'•„•.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 939, 5 October 1910, Page 9
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4,220SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 939, 5 October 1910, Page 9
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