' , '':o: r '; ? .';iNVESTMENT'';SHABES.;';' ' :;, H'There:. were": no '■< transactions' - ini invest-: jment;shares yesterday;'. ■' Sellers" of; Bank .ofJNojv-iZeulandv.haYe, made ,a ( further reduction in. th'e'ir'"quotation', ann the shares are offered ■at £10 6s. , Union Steam shares, are', .firm, wHh, buyers'. at ; ;£l.lss.' 6d. The' (quotation's .'.were' as ■.urider,:-^-."■■'..;."j .',;,.
-r-Acoording '. t0... recent cable: advices the Bradford top rn'ai'kfit'.'is :Tii' '4'.'very, healthy condition, ..and: there -is , good busi'uess doing.;' The finer''counts have hardened, ;and ! .'if" this : nrinncssMs* Maintained until the. end.of the month it will mean a great deal, to' Australaeia, , The. London sales u'egini; on. .September! 27, and if prices ■ are 'firm'then the: colonial.sales .which follow soon after will" bo favourably affected. On present appearances' 'the' : outlook for 'wool is exceedingly, good, and--with a larger :'elip to market Australasia should'. receive a good income from this source The wool situation in-Great Britain and the Continent appears satisfactory," but. it is.: not' so in America. The Leeds correspondent' of "The Economist" giyes tho following interesting., ihfdi'niation,:-r'ln the : West' Hiding for,, months .past* every, -mill 'has been running" full 'time';-" o'vertimo has been almost general, with many mills' actually , running' day and night. 'What a contrast this is to the' e6riditions".'how prevailing in; the worsted industry... in the United .States. It was. tho M'Kinloy tariff took .effect in thd'ycar 1C92, that before long grass"-would'.'be growing in the streets of Bradford; and yet, as proved by the labour bureaux or Bradford, Leeds, Dewsbury, and Hudderslield, there have been, and still arp,'"many, vacancies in the factories for employables. It is' acknowledged that "pracireally' the wholo pf the worsted'mills of,.the.,.United States are only running half-time, arid in many cases not'half "the-'machinery'-is engaged. To drive the contrast home, and as'showing the-present very, unsatisfactory state of the textile industry.'.of, America, I may mention that there liave lately returned from the States several wool-sorters to their native city of Bradford. Mr.' William Wood, president of the American Woollen Company, the biggest textile syndicate. across the Atlantic, in a recent iiiccch, touched upon tho situation in Micse very significant Swords: \ "'For ■ months' my. mills have not been ; running at more than half production and to-morrow I 'am' obliged to shut down my big • Laurence mills ■ for a two , , weeks' vacation. It is a shame that the < low-tariff politicians l( and . nowspapers of the .country should force thousands of "■ wage-earners to'su'ffer in this measure.' ''-. "This impudent monopolist. has already '>ot protection of- 100 per..cent, .to enable > 'him 1 ' • to .'fleece the. American .public/
Luckily for: them the woollen tariff is doomed. Tho United.States worsted and woollen trades, indeed,. are. so bad . that American importers of-wool have actually had cause to send to London 5000 bales of Australian-bought wool, which they have been unable to sell. The owner's will have to face, a serious loss. It is an odd reflection that many thousands of wealthy American gontlbmen. dodge the tariff altogether by buying suitß on their annual visit to London."
COMMONWEALTH'S PROSPERITY. Australia is enjoying very ■ prosperous times, and visitors from New Zealand acreo that there is plenty of money in.tho Commonwealth, and.tho capital is to.'a certain, extent', boing invested in industrial and othor enterprises. In New South Wales there appears to be a boom in. company flotation, and thcro is a certain amount of activity in Victoria also/ The other States, though infrequently hoard of, are enjoying prosperity also.' The annual report of tho Savings Bank of South Australia is a good index to the- prevailing financial prosperity. .I'or some year there has been a substantial: advance, and the statement for'the.period'ended June 30 is another record of activity and expansion. The number of separate doposits during tho; .year was 435,722.:>an increaso on, the .previous year of 37,895. The number of repayments' was 307,017, an increase of 29,401. The total amount deposited during the year /was '£3,817,255, ah increaso oh' previous years; the total amount of repayments wa-s £3,566,430; and the full amount at credit of depositors (bearing interest) is £6.771,251, an increase 0f,(£442,280; .while the depositors' credits (not bearing interest) totalled £16,460,' or £251 'less.-'l'he' average amount'to' credit of each depositor on June 30 was £40 Bs.. Id., as. against £40 Is. lOd. on last year; .while the average in 1901 was £33 18s. 3d., The'rate of interest paid was 3J per cent.)on accounts remaining open, and 2|:per cent, on accounts closed in the year. The gross profits : for the year., amounted to £240,620,' which, with £16,552 added from previous'.'years, made a total .of £257,172. After'.paying interest and working expenses, £21,336 was-.added to reserve,fund, £1"34 to officers' retiring and fidelity guarantee fund, and £6948 'carried forward. Customs' revenue collected at the 'port of Wellington yesterday amounted to £1395 12s;- lOd. ■ ; /
;. PALMEESTON ...MAKKET EEPOET., '.'.■. Mr.. Harry -Palmer reports a big entry of' pigs'at his market ,at Palmerston last week. Prices were 'well., in-advance of vendors' ,■ values, and are . hardening up. The report continues:—Wo had a. fair entry'of ..poultry,'and-our previous good prices were '• well maintained. The priceß for.poultry during the;past three months have been, exceptional and, compared with previous years,, are in some instances two or -. three: shillings .in . advance.' , The demand for all lines is keen,, and shows no'; sign, of diminishing. l .There is a'scarcity of-turkeys, which are always saleable; also for good fat table, birds. AH produce is meeting; with.a fair demand,; and, prices are practically' unchanged..,- Onions . are hardening, and potatoes, in .sympathy with; outside markets, will-probably ;' .rise ' in price. The first of the season's rhubarb met .with a ready sale. The market is now. quite baro, of' fruit. .-'. .We follows:—Weaners . and slips; 6s. 3d., 75., Bs., 95.'.'6 d.,' 10s., lis.: 'small stores, 155,, 165., 17s.V 17s. '3d.; bigger sorts, to. 205.; light porkers, 205., '• 21s.'•' 6d.', ■235.', 245.'; heavy do., 1 255.. 265., 295. 3d.; breeding sows; £2'25., £2;175.' 6d.;' boar, 1 '£I.6s.;'ducks, 'ss.'.'to '65.: 9d.'; pair of cockerels, ss. to 75,'6d.; young hens,iss. 6d.;: any sort, 4s. 6d. to ss. 6d.; nothing sold uuder.'4s. 6d.; brood of ducklings, "75.; hen turkeys are worth from ss. 6d.- .to' 7s. 6d. each; gobblers,■ 9s. to 125.; prime', table potatoes, 155.. per sack; pig potatoes,. 3s. to 45.; onions, 95.. per. cwt.; swedes, 2s. 6d.; carrots, 25.: 6d. to 3s'.; .mangolds, :25.; pars'nipH, 4s.\fid.; pig meal, ,9s.'' 6d.;\ pollard, lis.;, chafffv,£s 10s.;; barley, £10 lis. -We held a clearing. sale/of cows, which- were rather • a poor ■ lot' at' Poha- i ngina;. prloes.ranging;from £4 10s.. to £6' 12s. 63.; We also sold, on account of Mr. Biddle, on Friday. The cows were.a good, sound' lot, but in-very poor condition.: Prices'ranged from-£4 10s. to £8 ss.;' 18months heifers, £2 19a.' Sales of,furniturewere held at.Mr.lvWaldcn's, Mrs. Slight's,', and 'on account.-of Miss' Keeling, when a total clearance at good market prices, was the iresult. , •' : '.■;■., ■ .'■;,•. ~ '■• ■ 'UA :'-.■<;: : FEOZEN ; ;MEAT?: '■'',;'£ '"''i V ' ;';' Dy, Telegraph—Proas i'■.•"':', ;,'■. ," London,' September-'4.'" .The Frozen' Meat ;. Trade Association's Smithueld market quotations,; for'thO;-un-dermentioned, classes "of frozen 1 meat-'are' based, on actual sales of,not less than one hundred carcasses, of.'.m'uttott' or- lamb. : : and :twenty,-fivo auarte'rß ' of" ; beet of fair' .average, quality.; The quotations are not for 'selected lines, but for parcels • fairly: representative :of the- bulk of .the"' ship-'-ments now on . the. market. Tho-'-prices - ..which' follow' aro on an average a farth-. ing. per lb. more than the value .ex ship, this ': representing an , average: cost 'in expenses, handling, ; coavbyanco,- : and-.Bellina the ;meat:— ;
•; ; ;- ; ■:'•; babbits. ;.•..-';;.,'; ,-"■ The market is qniet,.",and,i prices, are : barely, maintained ......
; WHEAT AND/, FLOUS; '\". - '> By Tdesra,pli^-PreE&'AssociuUon-r;Oopyrißht. •:.-,' '.- ''■■ London', September 4. • The wheat and'flour afloat for .the.United. Kingdom t0ta15''2,275,000.--;quarters; for the Continent,'2,3ss,ooo quarters; Atlantic shipments, 134,000.' ■ . The total • shipments •to Europe during the'week amounted I,6so,ooo.quarters,- including 97,000 from- the Argentine, 735,000.fr0m Russia,. 505,000 from Danubian districts, 49,000 from India,, and 15,000 from Australasia. ~ '\ , VMETAL GOODS, ■■]■'•■ '.-;. By Telegraph—Press As«of.-iriMnn--Cnnyriglit. .:...'-;. ; London, September 4. Poncing wiro^£6-15s.■-..-' •■•,' .. Iron bars,.;£ 6 7s.- 6d. ; . ■■.-•-. >;•,'-.■■■- Anglo Bteel, £5 9s. . :-,. ;,. .- •_■'.... . 'V - .HIGH';OOMMISSIONEE'S'rCABLE.'-"'""' , The Commerce and . Division- .of the DepartmentV. of • Agriculture,'. Commerce and Tourißts, has 'received, the; following cablegram from the High. Commissioner, dated London, September 3, unless otherwise specified,' ■'■ are average market • prices on spot):—. . . Mutton.—The market is quiet. Holders are' firm, as stock is moderate, but there is a poor local demand. Canterbury, 3Jd. per lb.; North Island, .3Sd. per lb. Lamb.—The market- is, quiet but firm, although late in season. Canterbury, 5Jd.; other than Canterbury, 4gd. per lb. ; ~ Beef—The market is .dull.. There is > a', poor local demand and a large supply. Now Zealand hinds,.-3}d. -per, lb.;.;foro8, 2Jd. per lb.Butter.—The' market is steady with a very, good demand.. Danish, 118s.; Siberian, 1065..; Zealand,;nominal, Ussi per cwt. Cheese.—There has been no alteration in the market since last week, viz.:—New Zealand, cheese,-. 575. 6d. per;owt. ■ . Hemp.—The market- is quiet but rather steadier. .'New.-'Zealand- good'fair, per tori, ■£24; New -Zealand - fair, per ton, £21; fair current Manila, per ton, £20; forward shipment, ' about the same (price). The out-' put from Manila for • the week was 20 000 bales. Bradford Tops.—Tho market remains firm and tra'do is lowcrossbreds, Is. 2d.; 40's low crossbred. Is. 3d.; 44's.medium crossbreds, Is. 4Jd.; 50's halfbreds, Is. Bid.; 56's quarterbreds, Is. • lljd.; 60's mcriiios, 2s. 4d.
':-.'-' ! ' '.'•:■"■',', '■'''■ ?'-'v y -;;' .\ : :'':'' Buyers. •■ •;' Sellers. .'''■ ."'.r- Vi-V.'t":" :•'-■■■ -i' v >. ■'■'i-s.Td - Bank v 'of-'NX- < <i;/„;\V;: : .;...V;'-v'— ' ; ' :; 10 - 6 0 National .Bank...;............ — 617 0 Ijoan. and Mercantile :.;... ■"'.—' 0 10; b ,N.Z. .and: Kiver Wata ...... - ; .2 10 :\ycll.. .Deposit : '......i...;....... — ■■■•, 0 8.9 OhristcnurcH Gas .......... 9 15 0 ;■':■—■,:■ Wellington Gas (£10) .:... 18. 6 0 . "-'■■. •..Wei'liugtou Gas '(£6 15a.) 13 12 6 ■■■■■•'•.-"' 'Wcli'gtn: Uas. (new issue) -1 7 6 • ' . \— :i\.Z.;./XnBUranoe:..'...; 3 19.' 0 / ' .—' 'Standard' Insurance •:....;; i —■i-v-M.- !•■ 6 6 '.Gear' Meat' (£4)" ■..;..'..-.'.J..'..".10>.5'0.'■■■'',;..■-,. "jiica;f:i)!ixn;or{'(£2-;i2s.. ffd.)*.. 4—.v .'>■;■■< -3' 5 '0 0vUriionv bteain ;.....;.....;..... 115-'6,;' •;■ 1' 16• 3' 'Weilr.UVooUen, (ord.)....... 3 14-:Of f/ ''. ■< -. ;\VeU;,,Woolieii'/(pref;),v„.v.S:2 ; 13 f 6v-;?'-'. .' :-:■'■■' iWestport ■■■•■ CJoal"-'.'..;..........." 1 '*.■■£* 'j 1 *■';>■'■■'.. 610 '.0 WestpdrtrStoe^ton''' : *0»6.'9;i,!--.0 1 i' fiiyl&nd-O'Btieh-,..■;.,.,/.,.....•, \il ; , 8 :: 0' -M.Z. ,Obn. -Dental,';.^;;.;.. '</."■:—'■.• v, ': --i>- 2:;• b •i<.i5.:I'aper" lUils'^.'...-.i.;V:./1; 2;6 :,'■-,:—..;-■ Sharland's. preference' •■•■'■', Vi l-"'9 ':.',-. .'.—.'" Taringamutu Totara '-'.'....'.;-rl1276: ■ .■'. '■ —. (\Vard:yand ■.Co. ":.'.;/...;.'...;....v'r^.u 1 -,.'. 5 .-5 -6
..' '■"''- ;■;';•',• ■'.'••,•■. .;■.■■■ ': >ug;27: Sep.?.. .Jlntton— '■'.':'-'' ';'-'' '■;}",''x d. ; ■'-.■ d.' . v ';' ''"'"• Canterbury,;, light-:. 33 ';: . -.4■-. " ■;. Canterbury, ? medium ;.i..,r.i 33• <,,.., J15-16 >' Canterbury, .heavy ,..;..'.,. .3 9-16.' - 33 ; 'Southland .'"< -, ...........— ...,— . ■ ■. North Island, best..:.: i;.3J : ■:.' ■'■3.1?-16> • '"North Island;-'ordinary.':.,;'3 9-16 , •.•■,■ -33;< -' ':■' Australian;,'light '^.v;;.:..,.!;'23■:'■;: • ; 2J7 '■ '.'■■ Australian,'/heavy, \.:;...„ : ! 3.-''' .3 -':'•< .Eiver, 3J .-'-.'•.',. wM~i-' .-: ..Elver,': Plato, heavy "3J '3j ■ Lamb— ) '".' '■■:-;<', r ''l'' '<'7. ; .'. : .' ; :' ,; '..:..' ' I', 'Canterbury,!flight '■■ \..i v 5j; ; ••' :'.. .Canterbury, : medium 1 '.'.'...;. .48 .V:y'4j '■',..■;. ;. Canterbury, ! heavy/..,.,.,..< 4J, ; ;-v., ,4J , , ■ ■:■ Southland ■.;■; .v...;.,.;.-..',;.- ■ fih .-'■-■■ * 4i, /'■: North . Island; selected ,..-. 43 -/■.-.--. North Island;: .ordinary;...4-11-16'.- 4|'■•-. : Australian,. best ■ ..'....-.ii; ; v 4J. ,' ■ 4J. i ' 'Australian,' fair .-.'33 . 33 .'Australian; inferior '■.:.i..;'■—• : ; ':■'>.'•- ., Eiver Plate ........;.'... - .,...-.... — '- ".—. ■<■ ( ;'■ /:■'/;•':-'.■ : '.:..■ ' : r ■"■■ '-'"'V'-. : ■>';'' ' : .Ncw'Zealand,'ox fores .;.''21', ' '23. • New Zealand, ox hinds;.. ,3} .■-' 3J '. -Australian, ox fores ...i.. 2| . .— ■Australian, ox hinds ...... 3J\<. 3J Eiver Plate,'.ox. fores-..." 2i-.'V 2g ' Eiver Plate,, ox hinds -.:.7'3j -,■". .'■ 3}
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 914, 6 September 1910, Page 8
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1,769COMMERCIAL ITEMS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 914, 6 September 1910, Page 8
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