./;-//;//.■.-//'/: £16,000 ASSURED. /.//'--, jV . TO KING EDWARD. /v//:/:'//closings/of. the:'fund.:' .. .... - , There was;'a small, but'.; representative ,//.//gathering: in the Concert Chamber of "the. .". ~ Town Hall.last:evening to hear.the final :;':;'. .statement of--accounts :from tho.'Chil-; <:;-tiren's:VHospital;-:Fund; Committee.,:; His '•';'•:■■./ /Excellency the Governor.: (Lord Islington) :/,:■; occupied', the .chair.:,'. Ho was.accompanied the,platform by; the Mayor. (Mr; T. .;,; -H.'/Willord, /M.P.r'a'nd ;'■;:•*.- Mrs: and'-Miss Joseph, -. Dr. v - Hnrdwick- .: "..Smith (medical' superintendent. : of, the / , '.Wellington .Hospital), arid/ the. . ■-/ M.L.C./:/;/ ';/,.'- ;,'-,.';''' ''■'■['....]■' .''• ~/..-,■:'•; The Governor's Spcciih.:- ~;': '.■.■,'^His/Excellericx,--'whb;.'.on'jrisinß,,,\va's'':'re- //■■; ceived . witli/hearty./applause, expressed .:. the pleasure '■ it .'gave, ', him .'to' occupy 'the ',/. '- position' of:chairman at-such ainrassem- ''',:: blage;'. although he'felt there .were .others ''/;//i —such as Mrs. Wilford—who, had,a/prior .. ' /claim \to :' tho.;. honour/ . and /had .-contri- ;.'•'. .y.ljuted .much iriofe. to -the'-success of the -ChiWren's: Hospital Fund/- The.success- '.'■;,;.- - : :ful issuo'a.ttainedwas. largely,: due- to Mrs. ..-:; Wilford.';.'(Applause.) /Speaking' for him--j".'-./■/".self J there was -no' undertaking ".with.which ...: . . 3ie/ should have' had'greater pleasure in :..;.■;■:. heing;: closely'-.and-Vintimately "associated- / {'■;•- than that : which had so' successfully, 'oc- , cupied/ their attention during the past ///"/'.'few s ;weeks. •/ They;were; met. ;that night i"--:; ;,to.'complete an: undertaking' which had, :/1 ... ■.proved more magnetic-arid more success-. ':': ,';.iul .than' had ever been J experienced'/ in - = ...; 'any/'movement of the > u .;;; -/:.;'/of'. the Dominion./.(Applause.) /////-It. had;:exceeded the-most;sangiiine'ex- ; /■;//; } pectatioris of the; promoters. ■ - As" one, iwho / ; /' /lad-watched -its progress during.the past -';//. few-weeks, and. who had ;not borne the' ft.'.■'-.'"-..heat.'- arid burden-of the he/ '■£"■;■• desired:'to" offer ./.his; sincere •• congratula-: tions/iri'the first/place,,to Mrs.. Wilford, .';/': /■ for the/ability-she, had/displayed through-./;/v//'out--(applaiise)—ably;. supported. by/her: ./n;/coad^itor, ! the/'Maypr;''.secondly, .to the. '-. '■' //-ladies,, and gentlemen 'who had so' admir-: ;';/;/. ably .'co-6pdrated\with'heiV-arid'who;had /</furnished r what/he/-"'.might,-./characterise; \- : 'rtne;fighHiig.'forces;'6f-tho/campaign//': Bv ',/:; -; admirable '■ organisation,- ( combined 1 "■'.with? ,/'•-; "singular/- zeal - and.'■'•energy/''■-,they" had; /;'/'brought about the' most /successful, results.. :;/i 7 , Perhaps;/lastly, he ■ might /'congratulate ■;- -/the whole 'city of-Wellington ,on/the re-. .'".,;:/salts .to"whioh all.'classes"of ■'the. /com- ■ /;//munity/-had rso/; readily,/and' ; so /'s'pon- /■;/,; ./tane'6usly',!.c6htiibute'cl.-/(Applause.);-;The. /r/ whole scheme.had;shown'algenerous and // : Z' ; ;spontaneous/impulse, ..and.' he . did//not' ///'think J they;,had' very::far- to/seek;for: thss : /■://■ Teason wny,-this/generous ' impulse /had: :. ./been ■ displayed. '-.'_ The.;object. must' appeal;. /,''/i/to Everyone. 'Sickness, appealed to all;. /'•/'/iWeilingtbn'//iha'd,,;;;pr6yided.:.; admirable *'/ /eccpmmbdarion'.'/for.ithe .'..treatment.: of :/ i /:/ sickness' or:'accident, that/befell!grown-up •v./people;'.and;who entered 'the -doors of; tho. :,/'/General Hospital;/ • Sickness or', accident- /' /'// which ; ; befell/iittle/ehildren'.' had/,:. pyi : a :;/:. /singular degree,' the/effect /of, gripping' -;,'"- our; 1 :hearts ./arid /.attaching/!,,onr/' : .very '; :./ ivarmest/s'ymiiathiesV'and especially/those ■A ■-■?'; children /whose,;parents' .were/engaged'.in. ■.V;; industrial .piirsuits/rarid who,: in times; of.: !;■!■''•■■•■ sickness/or .'accident/ were/uhable, to; '/.vide' '.them.-with those ...comforts/or v ,with fourid/in/a'/wellr: ;/'/.. /kept./hospital'.' : /His : short;'acquaintance, ■';•;. .'/Jwith -.Wellington/had '• satisfied-.', him.' that v./:.:-it'.', possessed very ■'iidmirable,.. institutions ;/:/'■.' .^-institutiihs-'.which'--'-could- 'compare,/;and; ; : /---; 'most-'fOTOuraDly.-wdth/any'other/city: in-. • /..v. "the:/Empire;'.iHow-eyerV'/'he.-'fiad;;:noted■ .';../ ./'dufirig'tho.''ea'rly' ; da"ys-.foUowing'.-his>:-ar/' ;/.;''./riVal .in;;Wellingtori,*;;tliat/while the/adult; /■'•''. .'section'•;of ■! ther/hospital/provided ; eve'ry- ■ .'..-..-.thing 'wanted : ''iri- modern:scientific equip- :,:'. /mehE/tho/Ghildren's -Hospital /was'..not, ;■:' "_ all' thatr could \ bo/desired,; or-; comparable • - /''/ to the; adult branch;;;.. The/fund, that :had- ,::-■'-/ been,.'raised/ by/;-'the /energy,of ,i.tho-;ladies ■/; ./and geritle'raen 'at the head' of this move-: -/. ./.«ent/v:arid //by /Vthe"/' liberality..; ,of;':hthe.. -,:.■'.V/citizens.;'^" ,: of ''■*■'. Wellingtori// wouldi. .'from /i'//:-' i,riow//''briwa'rds/.-'.obiiate, the", reflection: -'/ //that,/Wellington;/ -was.'-/ riot .'provided • -.'.-.'/with.''Zfully-eo/uip'ped/-'adequate,-:, and. '•':, '' --Eci'entific/-./Children's■;.'.-.'/v/',/whole/■'moyement/i.'happily'/MllustTatecl ;: :/' ; : i,he;fact; that.-a/ieally/gobd'-object./ably: / - •,//adv.6qated,''eriergo^ .' ; \:yeU/'cs'nc«ive , d,/t-.wbuldValw'ay^.-'..m ! eet-TTiith', -i/ /a/ready.and generous; response-ZoiKthe. :'■/,.' 'part:'of : the : "people of-Wellington; • -(Ap-- '. ,-.'Alplause.);/';/:'. -.-V/,//'/- : 'i:'/,:/v-•'•-./.:-/-: ■/../.
I^///.:•■•^,'ve^-Allocation /of/the/Fuhoyr////'' / y;;">-;-'V : /They .iad met that evening ,to ; pass cpr- "'•/:/ .resolutions.;.-' The: first two/were to / 'decide the .allocation.'of /the fund/which/ ;.-;■. '•;/ i had .been I ; , raised.;/,The' whole, fund: was; ■> '• '■• :;' 'i to f bo' handed "over i to':' the' administrative -'//.•'■■; /.body/which, wntiblled.and conducted' the '■' ~/ 1.'".-' (hospital—the Hospital;and/Charitable Aid i .;it';.Was/propo^ l ' , .tha't':.a:''suf^' f*£/;. .ficient'.sum/should: be.-; allocated;;for'. the S : : '•-' '/construction aid .equipment' of/the . hos-.';'."-.';;.-.pital,;;and that,a: certain;';amount 'should: 1 *$■?■'■ A-' /be'Vearmarked - for. ,th'e■: furnishing'.; of the ?<}:■■'■■:. building', when■■/completed.'; "Under-, the ///;/ practice -in. Neiv Zealand,'when'the Gov- ;;:■ .V .ernhient;subsidy /was-' added io/the/sub- // ///Btaiitial suni "which -had; been .'■ raised; ;by $// ■'-' '■'■] private;liberality''ati',;..there would I'* l , / ; be,' a! very/substantial .'sum., at 'the/dis- ,:%',' i ppsar ofythe.'e' construction. Ip and:' furnishing 'of,*', the./ hospital; //He W.:, : ;':;..thought'the board';was, tb/.fe/cohgratn- •; lated •. on '■ h'aviu'g;;so ; ; large; a/sum ; to/ deal ■■ .'..' : : .:.'with, -and; also on/the .fact -that-; they -. ;; would be, able 'to;.; commence': their;'opora- .. ; 'V'.;. ;tions : with' ; all : 'the; : ,"6pp6rtunity J 'of;acquir-'" '/-'/-/ ing the. latest experience; from any/part- ',. ;; ":. of ■ the Empire - or.. of' .the Avorld, ;thereby ;",/•//:being able-,to .avoid"those.:innumerable. ._;.':.';:; ;. ; mistakes/which', hie'.hadknbwn/to : occur' "-''"' .. iin btheriparts; of the' Empire in regard to :.///■' th'e/establishmeni/of.children's hospitals.' .';, 'i-As: spme-^f ;ba. /////.aware,/ he\'had.':ha'd: ; .a good;'many'years' ':•. experience of" hospital'. 'administration; l ;:.:,;...therefore,' of theitech-: ,-; ,'/;;■ : njcal knowledge' required tb.properlycon- //'.;/'/ struct/and. equip ..a hospital of-this char-i .■'-. '.:/• / /acter. .'He ;feltnSure. that; \ as a -result of ;:■ ..■■ this 'movement,' .under the administration v 'oohi-- .:...■ ; paratively : jshort',time,.would:be possessed. ■- and'-scientifically-equipped /•a children's/hospital, as any,;to be.found .A;'■':, '; in 'i tne . King's. Dominions;./. (Applause.).
/:King! Edward/'VH ; Memorial;Hospital;'' ;.:" i ; He /noticed that; in the. third : resolu- -.'■.: ..tion to'bß'moved it/wab'. proposed thati .;;/ this, the .Hospital was to bo .';';/ known ,in/future years- as the: King Ed- . "ward'J the /Seventh'-: Memorial. ~■. Hospital. (Applause.) : He • thought" that idea- was ~ a;,very;.happy one>- : Ho thought Sot. in .'...'■■;. the ; . first /place;': because', they knew; as ;. ;/well :as;he;did, ; ''that the late King-Ed-•/,.-.:ward./had;,during"/ihis l ..reign,, rendered '~ - ,'Eignal /service to-the hospital movement '-; ; , in, the.- Old, Country. -. ■ During his' reign; .".• there' -had'- been /initiated,'/and''; perma'n-: ;"ently .'established,/what was/:know'n' now '.:.' as : the King /'Edward; Pji'nd.;; ahd.'.as one .. 'connected ,with: that'fund,, as- one.of < the ;'./ '.visiting /ihspectors/of'.'London hospitals,, _.'; be'could speak, with that .'.experience:, in ■ .Baying -that'.:there "had'-' not /been any. ;•■ //movement of recent years,which:had. been . established in London that had conduced . '. ; more,, to- reform,'/and more to' efficient ' management': in«the';London hospitailsi I*. We had now, : the person of ./King George,- .one.'who bad identified'-: h'imself .'.;■ in the/closest, p'ossiblo way with the hos-,' pital.- movement; anil;ho ,I'elt, ns a result, '.;' -,of the resolution being .passed that even- : 'J 'ing,'.thatwhcn";King George and Queen -;■ Mary were" acquainted with.the fact that •.;; Children's Hospital here was to- .'• be" named after ..their distinguished ;predo- :/.), cessor; it-would'be a matter of great /:.: satisfaction' t0.., bhem. (Applause.) It; ''•: would .'be a matter ot".satisfaction that /./ the first institution which enjoyed' tho -:'/•/ distinction of being, named after; King I:?// Edward VII was 'one ■ which, iii years to ::/';.eoirie, was to render'help and aid to the '/•.little children of/Wellington. (Applause.)
~ The Hon. Dr. Collins, in seconding the resolution, said that tho cost of erection and equipment would probably run into pretty nearly tho whole •of the money available, would bo necessary to-iiavo a-hospital .that would last for .-at;-least .25. years. /That would mean having one in. which they- could have practically .oyer 100 beds. What Can Be Done. • Mr; R; C, Kirk (chairman of the Hospital Committee of the . Hospital and Charitable Aid Board): said the. sum in hand,'- with. the Government subsidy {£,1. is. ■!'-. per '£X collected), would leave'a, net result 0f,',£16,000. , The : plans obtaine<l by the. board ' already /would have .entailed an expenditure of about .£ll,ooo.'They had-provided for 50 beds, and reckoned that' with /the furnishing, architects'--'--ices,-'.etc.,' the , cost- .would amountto, about /811.000. It would readily be. seen that they would,have nearly .£SOOO. more to put into the furnishing of'this hospital. • The architects would bring down, for a meeting of the committee and honorary staff-, a sketch iilau showing additions.Which would pi;ovido accommodation, .for- ano.thor , 25 beds. When the detailed plans ivere completed .some-.of those who had joined in the collections-should be-asked to/join tho Hospital Committo-. in having some say,' in ' the-kind'of hospital to be erected. (Applause.) He/:desired:,,to express the' gratitude of the board to Mrs. Wilford, Mr. Hugh Ward and the' niany others who: had helped. (Applause.) , .The Mayor.-expressed his delight at-the speech just.' made by', tho/ of the/Hospital Committee, in/that he. recognised the necessity for- the expenditure of the whole of. the fund in -the orection and equipment of a: children's hospital. . (Applause!).,. There had been many discussions of late as. to iwhether the large .sum; raised would not afford an opportunity, of creating some, other branch of the hospital that was .required,' but he had felt ■/. that the /citizens. had ' given . every penny, for, a, children's hospital. and its equipment. (Applause.): They had it/now from the chairman of tho Hospital Committee, that'this money.would be devoted to that, particular purpose, and'/lie. felt /sure that -Mr. Kirk's/ words would be much' appreciated by /the.'donors,', and.-that'-the 'Board : would: see-that- it-was not diverted 'into /any/.qther-- channel; It would be a'.good.idea; if "the Hospital Committee, in considering/the plans, wore, to/ ask his Excellency, whether 'or -not, through his, connection with kindred . institutions, at -Home, i,t, would,, be possible to /procure, from ; the'.Old . Country—even if,/ they/'. (had //to ... cable' ,-for, .it-j----one ~ of/ 1 ..the '/latest plans .for ..the erection J'of., .'a:.'/:children's,. , hospital. They had started;to get'.^OOO, '■' and now they had /over JE7OOO.'/ He ..had a letter there' from the Niitional'Bank' that the mbney...waSireadyj ( to;be,;lianded over,: and there .were-'still-sbirie lists to/come in.. He , had/ received/a, telegram /announcing;that jE3O 'had been" posted ' from '; Levin, arid/ with, a few;; more-lists, '■' there .would be ' 6p'me'v. £Hty: ;'. The ;fact-/that ;the. ; cost; of collection /had'only, amonnted' to.';.£ 2 16s. spoke volumes. ; .They.'had. not had,to„pay for cab's,-'arid' the/newspapers-had done tho printing, arid advertising, vpirintarily./(Ap-, plauso'.):-/' ;; From;'- Inverca'rgill,/ Dunedin, :Arickland; :AVahg!\riui/ -Paimbrston ,North, and/Chnstchufch/tlie/;Hospi|ai Boards/had publicly-passed reMlufions/.of; congratulation: 1 to/Mrs.-Wilford,''himself, /and the oitizens-of Wcllirigt'oh./He-agreed'-w'ith his Excellency th'at.the response : from thecity had/beeri.'unpr'ecede'ntea./:;(ApplauseO/ ■'.■■' '-.' .ThVresbiutioh-was'carried unahiriidusly;
;,>;■; ;;■'; £2000 for.Furnishings. ■'/.'. • .The: Mayor; : moved: -.- "That-;': on: the •/ receipt' of'. the the .suin. of atY least; be'- set', apart and utilised .by the Hospital, and Charitable 'Aid-Board for the furnishing of the new. ChUdrenV Hospital/.' V: He;said Dr. "Hard: • .'.wick' Smith' 'had .informed' him .that this sum would'be : a'mplo: for the'purpose'.- ; ..; Dr.;, Herbert.'.seconded-; the 'resolution, whioh' wasipassed'hiranimously. '. '!■■:■:!:'.-'■■■. ...V ;' ; .■;'/■'"■■.The -;"■" v'-Mrs. Wilford"proposed:'"That ifc'lis the ■..desire- of the'citizens, that, such new ho.s>uital;,when.'erected be called'- :! the:.King ■Edward the Seventh' Memorial Hospital." .;.: Mr. J. ; : Trevor./seconded 'the : resolution, which was "carried; unanimously. :•;" ;•,'';-. V'.Mr.' 'Trevor; ih'6ved;^-"That. : . the. -.'two. '.w'ards'.b'e'. named;"the. Georgia.V.Ward and : ' the 'JYilford.' Wsrd;, ,the..first-named being 'in' compliment'-to Mrs^"Wilford J s christian; •'name.'■'■'■; ■:'!■'■.-';"' "■'•"■}'■■:'' : ' : .\;,''Y ' ";'This .was .seconded- by. Mr;> Kirk, and unanimously agreed'' tb:' V •>,.' v- On; the ;■ motion '"of -Mr.; :E.;,.. Fletcher, seconded by Mr.; G: Shirtcliffe, a sum of wC2O-was-voted to'Mr/ Harding,' in'recognition of as, secretary. ■'•"•,;; - Mr. Wilfrid 'pro'josed, rand ; the ; Hon. Dr. Collins seconded, a ;vote' of. thanks to Mr. J.!Coyle.i who' had;acted as, joint secretary, during the latter: pai.tiof the movement, -and who ; .had. declined any. mbne;tary;.V recompense.; '. ■•' This;; j : was' carried •unanimously.' i; ■ '/>.. : , : . V ■■'.■.';'>■■•':'' -.•.-"'•'.-.'■• ■■'■ i' l: Mr.'.:Kii-k' niovedi'and Mr. <s Morris' 1 Fox. seconded,; a resolution expressing.' appreciation'of: Mr...': Hugh. Ward's;efforts tcf ..W-ardsvthe success of;the fund. .;;..' ;',. ;. : ;The resolution.was'.'carrietrby acclamation;' 1 /. ■'./'''';/; : " ']">:,'■■■ •'■■■:■'. ';:' •' Amotion;'; of-: Mr.:. Shirtcliffe, seconded' by Dr. '.Collins, .'a. .hearty 'vote of. 'thanks' was accorded /his Excellency; for'.-.presiding.: ■ . •;: ':- i•) :.'His Excellency,- in acknowledgment, expressed, , his ; willingness.■. t0... assist; 1 the board in aiiy'wayrw.ithih his power...-. A'vote of .thanks' was .^also'accorded .to Miss Joseph; and the E^nd.Committee. ...'•
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 914, 6 September 1910, Page 6
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1,713CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 914, 6 September 1910, Page 6
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