CLEARING SALE AT'NOItSEWOOD. Messrs. Dalgety and Co, Ltd., -report:— At our clearing sale at South • Norsewood-to-day, on account Mr. J. Smitheram, tkero was a. largo attendance of buyers, and good competition throughout, all lota finding purchasers... Dairy cows' sold at from £3 16s. to £6 12s. 6d.; three-year bulls, £5 55.; two-year bulls, £4 145.; yearling bulls, £3; weaner mid yearling Bteors, £?...135.; ditto heifers, £16 18s.; aged cows and calves, £2 13s. 6d.; : trap'horse,-£2l 10s. Vehicles, took, and sundries at satisfactory' prices. . ,-■•■.■■ ' .
Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report as follows:—We held our fortnightly stock sale at Waipukurau. qn August '30, when wo,, offered n yarding of 131)0.,sheep to a good audience of buyers.. Bidding throughout was brisk, and 'wo cleared'practically our :-whole auction.:. We quote:— Two-tooth wethers; 14s. 9d;;',twb, four, six; arid eight-tooth wethers, 15s. 2d.; fat wethers, small, 15s. 9d.; fat ewes, 15s. Id.; mixed-sex hoggets, 10s. Id. , • .
Messrs. Dalgety. and Co., Ltd., report a fair yarding' of sheep and cattle at their Levin' sale held yesterday. All classes of , stock sold readily at auction, a total clearance of every lino offered being effected.'YTat;catUe were "in. keen demand, prime bullocks making as High' as , . £11 155. , per head. Other prices were as follow:—Store .wethers, 10s. 5d.; forward ewes and - wethers.-. '155.. 1d. , ; light 'fat wethers, 18s.; store' ewes,- 12s. 6d;;' prime bullocks, £11 155.• others, £11 4s. 6d.; lighter, £8 55.• 'forward 'bullocks,' £7 17s. id.; :light fat heifers, £6 65., £6 10s.; £6 12s: 6d.,.t0 £6 13s. 6d.; heifers in,calf, £3 15s. to ...-£5; heifers in milk, £5 17s. 6f1.; cows .calf, £4 155.; l&months heifers, £3 155.; fat cows, £6 175.; two and a> halfyear steers, £4 175.; light hack, £5 10s.
Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report on their Seddbn. sale,. hold yesterday/ as follows:—The ontry : ',was ; larger than advertised, and the quality, the best offered in this province, the record price for wcjthere (375. 6d.), : being" obtained for a pen' by Mr. R;. Dampier Atkinson, of "Corea." These sheep have been shown lor two years at local.shows, and aro unbeaten. They were purchased by Mr.' D. Casey, of Seddon. Another pen, submitted by. the same owners,' realised. 245. ?d.: ...Other, prices. Wethers,: 14s. 6d.,-17s.'6d. to-205.: 'fat ewes, 11s. 9d.;;- store hoggets, wethers, 9s. 6d.: fat.-oow, £7; niaro and foal, £10. •. :
Messrs.. Abraham .ana Williams, Ltd., report: ■!At , Levin, on Wednesday, a good yarding-, of stock met ■ with keen competition, fat stock of■ all descriptions selling particularly well. .' A clearance, of all stock offered was made at tho following prices fat wethers, ■ 20s. ■■ 6d.; forward wethersj' 15s. 2d. and 15s.' 3d;; fat ewes, , 155., 15s. v ld., 15si 4d., 165. : Bd., 16s. 9d., 17s. 3d., 175.'3d., 17s.- 9d., and 18s. 5d.; forward owes, 125.. and 13s. 3d;; hoggets, Bs. 5d., 95., 9s. Id., 10s. 2d.,115. 9d.,125., 12s. 7d.; store owes,.9s: Id.; cull ..ewes, 65.. A line of 256 two-tooth empty ewes made. 17s. 4d.; prime fat cows, £8 12s. 6d.'to £9-2s. 6d.; threfc year steers, £5 12s; 6d.;'light fat cows, £5 empty, forward"cows, £3 15s.j empty store cows, 30s. to £2 10s.; yearling steere, £2 lls. to £2.14 a;; yearling heifers, £2- 15s. to:£3, is;.: ".; .-. .-:• ■ .'.- "... ■-. ;-;. : :'. "
. -Messrs; Abraham and: Williams, litd.j report sale , asi follows :—AVc offered, a good yarding 'of prime cattle,and.sheQp,. which,sold readily at .ruling rates:" Primo'.weiglity, at' £10 to' £10 17a. 6d.; medium weights, £9, to £9 155.;. prime heavy heifers, £9 to £9 17s. 6d.; prime heifers,, £8 10a. to £8: 155.;-Tirinio wethers, 243. 4d. to -265.- Id. to 275:.i'1t1.; medium .wethers, 21s. <d. to' 235. 9d.; prime owes], 195.. 3d. 'to 195.. Bd.j .medium ewes, .175.'.-ld.v:to:'lßs. 4d. . '■-, ..; ~■•..;;: , : : j /; addingtojs;:. stock market. ~'■. ' ~' ' ÜBy TeloeraßU.—l'resi , Assoomtlou;.'. ■ ':■'."■■>-'■■■. ■-'•■■■ ■ Christchurohi August 31. •■ 'Atithe Addington , stock market to-day there were moderate, yardings of stock and:a good. attendance.: Store sheep met .wjth.good sale, ;and ;. hoggets ..recovered from- the' previous week's decline. New season's fat lambs sold' well;' but the fat sheep" :ma;rl:et was 'irregular, and easy.for finished' sheep. : --, Beef showed >no change iii valuos, and.i.pigs we're not in such good demand a-s- 'was:, the case, last week. The yarding:. of storo. sheep, was. not :quito so large-as on- the previous: week, and hoggets;.'formed' about one-half of.the'numbbrs', the .balaace beiiigewes and-, wethers ill about eQual v proportions., The; demand ■for'all classes sliowed' an improvomeiit, a,nd,:.hogge.ts prices .abovo.-those 'of last ( week, and equal. to thpso of a fortnight ago.''' A : 'clearance '■ waß •■ effected of ■ all lines,: save lot of ewes., ■■ ■■■,■"."
/Fbrward.wethers,made. 15s; to 165.; medium and '.: low-conditioned. lots, to 135.; wother. hoggets, :12s. Bd. to 13s. 9d.; r mixed spxes, 12s. 4d. to 13s'. 3d.; culls,-.Bs. Id.; six and. cight-tooth ' ewes, 19s. Id.; tourtooth., ewes., with. lambs, 10s. ■ 6d»;, sound-, mouth ewes, 125.;1id.; aged, 10s. to 10s.'8d.; ; aged. dry ewes, Bs. Id. ' • v
"There were 24 new season's fat'lambs penned, and these, though small,- were of nice;, quality, especially - the iSouthdovra crosses.i;-. They made , 163.:t0.205>;'9 1 'd.-,',!Oiero .was:a;moderate entry 6f ( fat sheep; being mostly good prime wethers with a, .few. .pens :of ewcsl and ; oxtra". good .merino' .wethers. , Competition wai, , slack' at the opening- of the sale, and somewhat irregular throughout, itlie butchers.:having, been, .well supplied on tho previous, week. ;to'; prime wethers ■ were', consequently 'Is. to Is; 6d. easier in price. ■ The keenest com.petition was for' well-woolled- finished wethersi of which about 1000 were taken by graziers, the largest buyer being the : successful tenderor-.for, one{of .thefarms .on Ooldßtream/Estate, 'Bangiora. , This'-ont- , side -demand--resulted-in--the"'Vcliss'. s 'of' iwethers- mentioned .fully maintaiuing last .week's rates. , The range of'prices was:— Extra prime wethers,, 255.. to 265. i prime, 195..:.t0 235.. lid.; lighter; -14s. to 18s. 6d.; extra: prime ewesy 19s. Id. to 215.; prime; 16s. to 19a.-; others, 12s. to 15s. 6d. : ; extra prime merino wethers, 20s. 66.'.'t0 - 255. fid.; prime, 15s. 6d. to 18s. fid.; hoggets,. 15s. .to •18s. 6d.".--" :,-.,.. ■ ■ '.■-■.-..■ .--...• I. ■:,■'■ ...
, The yarding of fat cattle totalled 271 head,, and the.quality was not quite equal to: that of. late: entries: There was good demand,, however, arid, values showed practioally no change on the week, the "rango being.22s. to '30b.. per 100 lb. for ordinary to prime beef. Steers made £7 15s. to £11 17s. 6d.; extra, to £14 17s. 6a. ;• heifers! "£5 ss. to £8 2a. ; 6'd:;' £4 17s. 6d. to ,£8 55.; extra, to £10 ?,s. 6d.. A largo line of North Island steers mado'%£lo 55.: to £13 2s. 6d.' There was a- large,entry of, veal calves, mostly small sorts; and they made 4s. 6d. ~toiss.,' according to size and Quality. A small :numbor. of store, cattle met', with rather. better demand, yearlings realising' 385.. 6d.; 15 to 18-months,! £2 lls. to £2 155.; three-year steers, £5 8s; 6d.; . three-year heifers, £5 to £5 35.; fourryear steers, £7 10s.; and,dry cows,'3ls. to'£4; .dairy cows ;madei£3'los.;to'£9 2s.v6d. i,:, " ■ -The'; entry:'of .fat■ piss, was, a:large c one; and, prices were,/ therefore, somewhat easier.- Ohoppers made up to 755.'; ' larirp baconers, 60s. to '555.; .smaller, 375.;' port era, 325. to 355.; medium,. 255. to 305.; equal to 4Jd. per lb. Store pigs were entered in numbers beyond. reouirements, and they, also Buffered a declino' , .in prices, large' sorts making. 18s. to• 245.; medium, 12s. 6d. t0.265.;-email,-10s. 6d. to lls. 6f1.; weaners, 75..t0 10s.. ' . . . ■ :.■ . ■
:.. : v PEIOE3 AT BPENSIDE.•'.': ;." '.■;. ;.i<By Tolegraph'..-Pre9s. Aseooiation.l" .'. . ','■-■ ■>' ; ' ,, '' l ''''-'" J - : ' ; :Duhodlii, 'August 31. - Burnside stock market:—Fat cattle, 180' yarded. Prices were fully 10s. to 15s. per head higher than last week, owing prin- , ' cipally to a number of farmers, deciding to give no rebate , to butchers for 'icattle condemned. The.latter,refused to bio, and" consequently a number of cattle I were passed in. Prime bullocks, £12 to £13 10s'.; ; extra,: to £15 17s: 6d.; medium, £9 10s. to £11; light, iE7 10s. to £$ 10s.; best heifers, £9 10s. to £10 55.; extra, to £10 155.; cows, £1 10a. to £9; medium, £5 10s. to £6 10s.■'.•' : Pat sheep: 1920 yarded, consisting principally. of really good wethers, with an' odd pen of prime ewes. Prices, were fully Is. to Is. 6d. above last week's rates, and; towards the end of the sale, they firmed , considerably.' Prime wethers, 20s. to 225. 6d.; extra, 235. to 275.; medium to good 17s. 6d.; ; to 195.; light, 15s. 6d. •to 17b ■ prime ewC3, 16s. Bd. to 18s.; extra, to 21s.'; medium,..l3s, to 14s. 6d.
Pigs: 150 penned.' Porkers and baconers met with, good demand, but othej , softs' -ere much ;easier. )':■' Suckers, 7s. to 125.; slips, 145.. to 15s. 6d.; stores, 235. to 275.: porkers, 325. to, 355.; light baconers, 38s. to .435.; heavy db., ; 4Bs'.t6 535.; choppers, to 60s.
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 910, 1 September 1910, Page 8
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1,425LIVE STOCK SALES. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 910, 1 September 1910, Page 8
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