Ik|v : ' v .-■■'■ V .footbAll. ■' : ' . v yfelM GB y events -for Saturday;: Ifi%. -Jhe-sfblrowliig A iEugbyi'fixtures, ,^y.:grounds,;and;re(er«es 'or.Saturday next:-. v'.; : ■?'!;■■; • :V : ' : ":'College ;Qamesi ./'."': '■ ' .' -•■ rit^ ri ?sf■ Go^e 1 Wellington ■'•■■■ •■• 5 l,° SS - a £ A , thlcti <> I'ark.lNo. 1,.11r. G. ;,; Butler {-Cnnterbury: ■ Colldge v, IVibtorid :; v : .;CollDse>;at .2,'".; /..■'■ i-%' : / J i: : -_): : ':' : \:- .;*hird:;Class.-.', ' -■" •!■:■■ S-/: ; Southern v. Petonei !'at Ra'ti,' Noi .2, ;:■:,:, Air. ,J L 'V Sllliesj.; Oriental' v. .Karori, at ;:-■■.:-/. Karon,:■ Mr.; L.; Simpsoni .Poncke v, Sti' :■■■■■/ .Joiui,,at; Polo," No..:l,air;'H. Larway; ■■■■■■: Athletic; v. Wellington,', at .-Polo. I'No"; 2, /■•: ■,-. Mr.;.A. : Thompson • Victoria College v. •■ ; v ■'■ Tonruui .at 'PoririiHr Mr.' G, Moran.: . f.]\ v:'y):::'■>■■■■'v ; ;i?qurtir Class.-.'' ■' • ; •■•■ <■' •. Petone vi.", St." John,'at 'Show Ground, '.''■•'.,. Mr;.'a; Findla'yj Oriental A v. Oriental ,13, 'at Polo No.' 3, Mr. C. 'Belli Poneko . . ,; v. Old Boysi atTplO, No/4, Mr. 1 , . Mar,' • ' .tin) 'Jbhnsonville' v'.- Southern,' at Jqhu- •:;'.- jo.uville.'.- Mr.- J. Weyhourne; ■ St; -James .■■•■■' P.' Athletic, .at Karori, ..No. 3, Mr. A. ■ ■Nollson, -:■ -;; ■:■-:■■. ""/ '"''.', ■'..-. :"■;;. '//;/',r ' • ,! :>' ;; "; St. 'Patrick's- A' 'V/.StV.Patrick's B, 'at Athletic-Park, at lißDip'.m., Mr. J. ,Con- ■-• nerj-Poneke v.' Show .Grounds, ■ No, 3, "Mr.. J.'D.'FraSer; Selwyn v.'Mol-:-rcee,-''at! Easts-No;'s,:-Mr. W. J. "Mere-' -,-.-. dith y. 'Southern, at Athletic : t , ark )^,3o',I 'Mr.!-L;':Keysi ; : v .'■."'■/• ■ : ,^ ..;:;■/ : / fioture^or;! w|DkiESDAT; v• ■:"''-.'-'.-". Tramways /at-■■ Athletic ;;,:•'■ Park,-;Nqi'.l,.;'Mr. "J.. T 'Slines;VOriental v. -"■ . 6tar;/at Attiletio -Park,/N0.';2,• Mr.:.W. ■f... Hdrnle-j-Str-PatrM'svA-'-Vi--Butchers B ,;;; :^:.,|t -Duppa.; Street, ■■Mr,.-J; ;i O'Sulliyano'. '; t; : . V'^referees , association^/;"/!/ '£:■'■ .',. The' Wellington'.Eeferees' VAsSooiatlon • met.last evening,''Mr..Di M'Kenzie pte- '.'. .■.'•'■ Biding;""' . '■',:'. -V ■'■ . : '~ : ' : '■■. v' : . ' ''- ; ~1 , The-.Wellington: Rngby Union notified ~.■-'■'■ that- it. could: not -pay travelling-expensed ■. ; of a;Refei'ees! to play at '"■ ." JJapier?-/- •" :'-• .■ :."■■- . .'• '■' V.-'-' ■'-•'- ; . .The'Eceretaf.V ;, iVaß iHStflieted.tO'notiiy :':• \ [ - the' Hawke's ; Bay Association tint iU in- >; / ' vitation to; send, up'a tcamcould :iwt bo ■■''.■.'.'-accepted: .-■--,v'.' "' ' -■ . •.■ .' '■ ■ . '■■'■■'■ ■Mi'.'Wi Jv. Meredith ,was selected to <»n-. . ■■. trol.the matoh eanterbury'College:V. Vic- :.'■'.;; {toria Cttllege on: Saturday next. theilatter :'■■ ■'tealh. -■ having."requested that he ba tp- ■ :.:■ pointed/";' : . - '■;■/'■'■ ; : '-.-:'i -■ ■,■;. '■ ■% ';-.';. .The ft*.position '. rin a complaint; laid by Mr. t; '/■ • -.. .'Simpson.-that Mr:'.'Daly, a -lnember of the ~-:•:■•::'' questioned, his .;' -. '.'a .match' Huttv; St. .James,.- played, some ~: ; ->-eeks :preyiously. ■ The iiiatter had been ■■deoltrAvltli''by thoßugby Union,'who re-.'-'--portedv.thht Mr; "Daly's interference h»<l i ' "xot ;;6«f n : : 'V in * -arty : ' unfrieUdly - ; ' Epirit;;^\Mr.; ; Dbly"rt'ai' I : not."pl'f-sCfi<M'Bl-. i ■■■ thohgh/he had been asked/to"'attend thit ■'evening:-. , -.". : \.\ : '■-.'- V ; '•.- '• - ■/ Olj-the..motion:o ? fMr..-Meredith,it'Was' .' agreed''.;tha.t'.the .•matter'be : allowed i-. to- '.. /dropi'!';" ■':■■•.' :.-■ ■:'v^. ; ; ; ' ■■ '-" .:'.:'■ ''j/'c : : It was' agreed that>;Mr.;. Snmmerhayea asked to attend' iheetihg of . the "association to explliili Ms-, non-attenil-' - .anpe at matches on/August 8 and August :;;■■ .:i3. to ..which;: he .'-had been appointed.'.: '• '■•'f v;: ; ' -'^CKMND; ; IrtrGBT 'TBAM.'' ! : '!■ -.' ..:. ,(By telegVapn:—srise AEjociition.) -/J •' [;.■ -:J-x^,^. 1 !--i-Aiioklarid, •;.''■ /■ The'following'players chosen' • :-,',' to represent Auckland against Wellington ::; ~ i next.-Satliftlay Stewart, Magee,::'v:,\.; ■Murr.ay^\ r ill;es,:,l'd;yer,i ; ;Morse ) ...;;' •■.■■■Pra'hcle l i<: Cilnßlngliain;' ;, ■ Mcguire...Hayttara; iWylie. • " ■',.>';:■■■*(■>? ■. •;-'-- : :SUSPI!NDED /; ■ J:.-- - :.ll>yil'eleitrapb.—Vruss; AespclaUon .l v>...; 1 ■ ''.-.'"' ;! :<•■?■ .;■■■';", ' 'Dunedin, Augiist;.ls. ■' • » '.'.■.• AfW'mee.ting''of i the'6tflgo : Rngb> .■'■- -.Aall ;-Uiuo ( n;-to-nigM : Eckhoffl a-inembef : : .•;, of ;th"e:Aihajiibi'a-■'•feeni6r<team;. ; "was "dis- ■'-. qualified :'uiifi];the"end of'the 1 fiwi.round- .■.-■' of. 1911"for- iMiscriminate kicking rin a.:niatch'againsl.the Dilnedlii Cl'ub.on'-Au'g- ; .'' ;nst-6. 'Partrid"e;(Duncdin Club) was'-ens- - /.- .pended-untll the"end''of' 1912 for Iqckiiia; .".-■■. in;the:soruin <md'-punohing : •••" (Alhambra); r"'■■:'- -I-. ■••'•,'■'.■ '■■':-': '"'. : : ;;.',,. :: FEUD BETWEEN-.-;TWO>.UNIONS..';' '■'■...':"ijt.isy^.M-elo'srra^tu—•T»res.k;Asspdatlon,, ■.■; _i ■' -vV: ;'':'S' : - ii'.'v ■'-■■'■ The: Miinawfllu- Euitby.'Union to-night. '.■..,■•■ considered the,charge's:of.misconduct.for- ; '•/■ warde'd.'i'by , . the 'i'a'ranaki Union" from *a. ';■'..■ HaW6ni.;hotelkteper, against memters of '.;; tiie.Mahawatu/teilm..: ..■ . !■'.,• \ i The;, president'- of ■ '-fhe "'..' union .reported- ' -.- hftyingXtnken :.the evidqnce..;of .members' •• ; ' of the; team,, -and of. Mr.'. Southey: Foivler, of.'.lthe-Horowhenua!-Rugby Union,'; and , others,:;;all.-';of;-'wliibh' showed! that -tho. ■■ :■ charges' false. ■' It -was- - : \ .. shown that (he i'obrri liadlbeen thoroughly : ■. ;ratisaclted. before : tho' .fcoani 'left .by five ■....: ■'; 'Uijin -seurching for. >two -'articles .which litid boen mislaid./-".Onq. of" the hotel em- ■ •": ployeeti-and ;.Mr:-'.Fowler/of the Hdro-, , whehuii, Union,- participated : - v in.,;this ■■'.'. search, -and> the." .evidence of'■..''aU , -these,' "■■ '■" nteii--,suo\ved. positively. ;.that thero^vtfas , . .aot: v a the-allc- •' : i gatiqns,madi!...--..i,'vv-.,i..';.';,y. ■,-■ ..;'/''.''.':. . . \. ;It was also staled "that' the. Press . '•■ "Association hady on Saturday '-.horning, 7 disseminated a- libelloits- message, stating. .•/"• that the Manu'watu. inen liad been guilty / of : u -~;■:■.. ; ■'>. ■■";■.. .■'■■ Miv-Pawsoii,-manager of the'-team, Etatedi that Milne,. of the Taranaki re- ■-' '.: presehtative3,. wlio,. ha'd occupied this ''••;. l'ooinjon'tho night in question, infbrmed ■''. hiiii'-oil Friday, that the charges were dis-. ~"', graceful and false. "..-.'-. ;. ;]:■"■ '.'. I, Several , , other, independent witnesscn ■"■ ! Were, quoted, andrtlie.,meinbers considered ■'-.-•'. that,-in .yiewr.of the'. irianner. ; in which". '■-.;'. ; the-Tarauaki-Union, was acting, and their > • failure to protect.'the.visitors from such '•". false.'charges, iit'.-.waa-'uselfss- writing to! ; thciu;furtheivnnd ; the mutt(!'r' : had better 1: be 'placed;:at, oncefin a ■solicitor's hands, ,'todeul withall. concerned in making and:. ; publishing charges,^including tho. Press '■.■■ . Association. ;. •;. 'i'his-/- was ■ .■unanimously ■■';.' agreed- to..;' ;.<...:;■■. :'':■''.■' .■'•'•-■■■.; ) -•', ■'■■'.. it nvas alsp/cpnsidered .that, the correspondence ■ should be : placed , before the Committee"at'Hawera.-'..-MeM-bers-,stated that.tho feeling ot. resentment :'■ .. iu the town was such that the expense's •-.'< of :proceedings* would )» , ruadily- BubBcribed. 1 . :.■ . ... ;•. . ■ . '■■ IS ; ;BUENpS : AYREg; ;■ Ji-Henrys, who'played .for the;.Welling- =•■ tou Football Club three seasons ago, and; later-'gained' , ,representative honours' in Nelson,: is now'in,South America, and is. - a member of ;the.■Buenos-Ayres , Football ."/ Club. -He-has; been" showing, great, lorm .. ■ there, and received < 'his , international :" . cap,'; playing :;in.' the, second., and third .: test "matches: for.: Argentina .against the ;. .: English;jtertm.'.^yHeV'.also :played against .':■ . England .-for .the' Buenos Ayres. Club,' and ■.■.-.■'■ gained :very favourable ; comment in the :'; .';locar"press. ; ;':,-.u:v;- ■}-r-^.-'^-.-- :^-'.-: - : _'::-^ ■■/ : . : ''.' '•■.-'. - V'association. ■;: •..; ;,;v;- ,'■ "'OTAGOiANUWELLINGTOIy/ '•, .. [" ] . Governor; to. be; present. . ~, : His' Excellency,, the Governor lias si'gnl- ..' fied. his' intention ,to-be present on the "'. occasion of : the Brown ■ Shield , : Association match; Otago.v. Wellington, which is'to be played on the Basin Reserve ■ -;"i on" Saturday next.: As half the proceeds ■'. are to be devoted to the Childrtn'e! Hos- , pital Fund, a large attendance, is anticipated. It-is understood that'tlie Vic- • torin College . Students', Association are being approached to give n display, simi- . lar to their -procession/on capping-day, ■"• : prior to -the : match.' Invitations have •.'■■ also been extended to) Sir Joseph Ward, Cabinet Ministen}, M.P.'s. and the' Mayor ■ -ind"' City ; Councillors' present;;' ;;'' ' -■'■■; ■■•■-'• V. HOCKEY. ; , -;.' \. WEDNESDAY ASSOCIATION.".. ' ■"""■■ The following are-the fixtures, grounds, and-!referees for to-morrow:—Karori' y.■ Palceha," at KelbUrnp- Park';' referee',! .Mr. Carver. HuiMai A.v Mui Mai'B. Duppa Street Park; referee, Mr. Bay, ■
V CRICKET. SOUTH AFRICAN TOUII DATES. By Telegraph—Press Association-Copyright. -■"',.' . Cape Town, August H. The South African cricket authorities agree to five test! matches'being played against Australia"during the coming tour. '' -The team'will :arrive-at Adelaide on Odtobor W,.' , '( . ' "■:':'-:: (iWc. 'Aug.' if, 10.25 'p.m.) '" ■ •'-.■■.'■' :'.'■■ % London, August 15. :.■; -Mr. Sydney II; Pardon, editor of "Wisdon'S Cricketer's' Almanac," in nil article . iii a newspaper, ■ says' that Mr. Abe, Bailey's ' influence .was. plain, in" South! 'Africa's right-about .face. Though there:, 'was a temptation to/make niewy over the, guileless story of the mislaid letters sent, to' Australia In 1908,- the South Africans aro now.doing the right iliing, and it is .unnecessary, to.'refer, to the diplomatic, antics. 'triangular tests are now decided;until 1912. .".. '-, -■''■>' '■ ''■■/- • ALTERATIONS OF RULES. .. CHANGES APPROVED AT SYDNEY. .!•,/. ,(ilec. Aug. i(i, 0.65 a.m.) - ". ' .Sydney, August 15. \ Tho Cricket .Association has adopted the report of tho committee , appointed to suggest proposals for reviving publio interest in cricket. , . ...:.:: ■ : . Tho. suggestions include , d:— /,' ', . ; :(l);Th6. Starting l of the big matches at eleven,- and playing on' till sis o'clock, With three-quarters ..of , 'an" hour for -lunoheon, and a quarter of ,an hour.for tea adjournments; ■ i •'■;„: (2) That captains bo authorised to closo ah -innings any' time after first day's. playj'V •■■ . ■'.' . '' ■.. > -■ ■' i (3) .That should, be ■ rules;to prevent the present; wearisome feature; of the .game arising, from, the constant bowling on the off or leg theory, which;-''whilst not' technically iwides, are not withih reasonable distance of the,-wicket. . . '.' ' . ' ";• ENGLISH COUNTY MATCHES. . !■, ■' '■•• .Lorldoh, August 14. '■'■<!& the county Cricket- match Hamp- , «hir;..:T,.:Lttnca , !hire, /Hampshire .scored. 34* and .298 .for fnlne Wiekets (innings ."declared),. Lancashire! replied with 238 and .404. runs'for. five .wickets (the second innings sooro being knocked-togetlieriu fmir arid a half hours).- Sharp scored lso.i: ■';■ <■-..- '. -~;■'■■. :'.. 'Carr, of Kent, in the. last five matches .he has, played in. has taken , forty Wickets f6f,',43i rußS,' '! -j ._■•... .'.. ,';
; ' BEAUREPAIRE IN FRANCE. " ; ".V■'■''.■ .''• •"•■, ■'; :v Paris,' August 14. > .'■Tho 'hundred metres .international ewlmmiHK race at Paris resulted:, Beaur'epaire.'l; Meyboom, 2;Heister, 3. Time, 7fleee, >~; ~:; - . . ~.; ... : ~', / . NHW/.CLUB; AT ISLAND BAY.' ; .A.ineoiili'g,<l'.by Messrs. Perry and Harper, Arts hold at.lsland Bay last evening for the r purpose of forming a •swimhiing' club. Mr. Q.'.S. Hill,. a .delethe' Wellington ■ Amateur Sw.imniing .Centre, presided, and referred' to '.the advantage■ of' 'tormiiig . such .a club. iHeadyit-ed.,to,,tho Wel-lington-Cenitrei, 51r.!.W. G.> Morpeth, of.. ;'th« Wellington Amateur Swimming Club," also 6poke,/and .promised"the "' the support of members of the'body to which ho Trelonged. They would givo an exhibition: with the life-savmg Tecl. at .some future "date. < ' . ■ .The election of officers resulted as follows i—President, Sfr, Hindmarsh; viceWefdettts,;. Dr. Shields,' P. J.- O'lt«gan, Stuckey , ; E. 'Keene,.ll.'P. Greville,'.,.A. A.' AVhitelaw, A.'f leurenspn, W. C. .'Chatfleld,, ,and H. ' Ivory;., secretary, Mr.' Perry;;;treasurer, Mr./Harperi'-".auditor; , Mr./C! Johnson; timekeeper, Itr. A. Lauronson; coiriniittoe, ■ :Messrs. J., Beckett, Kingwell, Fitzncss, C. •Purvisi and' H. Hansen. The election of captain, vice-captain, starter; and delegates •to the centrewill take place.'later in the season. , . " , ' , . :Z;-;. : ;_-.V':SClHXmq.: .', - :■/ ■ , ,/i/WKBB's'-REPLY TOPEARCE. . "; !'• (By.Telegraph.—Special Correspondent.) ,/' :, /-■ : / Wanganui, August 15. "Regarding the challenge sent by Harry Pearco,' Australian champion sculler,, to Wm. Webb,! for a'raco on tho Parrnniatta aside, a reply has been sent on : behalf of Webb' stating '/that the Wanganui sculler cannot visit Australia to row Pearoe, but, if'the latter wants a match,' Webb is willing to; accommodate him on: any river in New- Zealand, allowing: Pearce .'.£ so expenses if the latter, is beaten; Webb' states/that his businesswill'not ■ allow him spare ■ time to visit ! Australia/ , otherwise Ko would be willing to: meet Pcarc'e on the Parramatta. ■/ ■ .., y :■-'■ RUNNING. : •.','■. - TASMANIAN CROSS-COUNTRY RACE. By T'elogTaph—Press Asisoclation-Copyright <* ■-.'■.•.;■.-■■■ ! ' Hobart, August 14. The' Five Miles Cross-country, Championship was won.: by Clark : in 31min. Msec. ■-■■■.■ : ■.. ■'-.•■ .-,, ■ ■ ■ . ■
-.JBFFRIES'S STATEMENT. ' ' : Interviewed immediately after his defeat'by Johnson for the boxing championship, Jeffries said- to a San Francisco "Chronicle" reporter:—"l am done.- I 'was not there-at any time. • My old steam was lacking woefully. Gee, I wish it was five or six years ago. . My stomach went back on me. It-'hurt me, and I knew I was done. I thought I was there. I trained well,-and felt better than .1 ever did in my'life: It is no use/though, I am done with the fighting game forever. Johnson is cleverer than a-great many people give him credit for. Hβ did not hurt me with his punches. I was.simply not there. ,I knew what, to do, but I could not dance around like. I /did at other times and dash into my man. This hurts 1 'me worse than'anything 1 have ever' experienced in my life. I do not hold anything against the negro. He ■fought fairly and beat me fairly, and I am Hot going to make exouses. He knocked me out, too; I was too'tired to get up. T'knew what was happening all the time, but my old steam was lacking, and I could not follow the dictates of my will. I have beaten many men and now I know-whaMt feels like to hit the floor. I am not hurt, my face is cut up a little, but I feel all right now.- I did my best, all L can say. .1 trained hard and thought I was there and my friends lost, that's what gets me. , It's all over now, I am glad of it, and am going to keep out of the'ring.. I fought my. last battle, and fought my best, b/ut it was not good enough. I guess'if is 'Old Jeffries' noV', and people will knock." .'.-. "THE, FALLEN IDOL." v . There was a dearth of ! American and Canadian newspapers on the R.M.S. lla-rama;-which reached Brisbane on Sunday, August 7. One or (wo persons aboard, however, had odd copies, but these contained accounts'of the great, fight, and were, guarded by their owners with, extreme care.. ~ . „ „ The , San Francisco Examiner, of July 6,. contained an article written by a friend- of -Jeffries, who stated that on the Sunday preceding the battle he noticed that JefTries's condition appeared to be.weak, and ,he seemed nervous. Jeffries was playing cards, , but did not take : much interest ■ in the- game, and was exceedingly irritable. .Another opinion was that Jeffrics's nervousness was due to what'was known as the "dryingun process," no liquid of any kind being consumed. Jeffries, however, seemed to have faith in tho method. Dr. Porter made a physical examination, aiid found'him in Rood bodily con- , dition, but Jeffries would not engage m conversation. The country around Renu
City was very dry, and Immense crowds and hundreds ol motor-cars ' whirling about tilled, the atmosphere with dust, which apparently distressed the white chnmpioii who Ireciuently complained of it. .."•..- Mrs.. Jeffries stated that on -the night preceding the tight her husband' was moving about his. room almost continuously, and could not have had much sleep, but when she spoke to him he ordered' her baclc to her room, and told her to keep quiet. On the following" morning ' two. board doctors examined -Jeffries,, and declared that never in their experience had they met a man In. more'perfect physical condition.' ■ Another writer in the "Examiner," coin'--menting on the fight, says: "Never siiico the days of Adam has an idol fallen with such a crash as Jim Jeffries," and adds that it was felt even by llis friends tlint Jeffries knew before ho entered the ling that ho had not "come baclc," and little sympathy Was felt in Reno for the shuttered idol. '.- ■ . Johhaou, in the of an interview, said he knew Jeffries to be a good follow, and :wolild "boost" for him from that day. He was beaten, but ho did his best. He (Johnson) was surprised that S3 little temper had been shown. Johnson said there was no doubt that his right upper-cut was. the most effective blow, as few men could find a good guard against it. It was with that punch ■that ho stalled Jeffries off. A message, from Galveston, Texas (appearing in a condensed form in the cables sOme time ago), slates that eight men were made happy by Jack Johnson wining tho championship, without having to wager any money on the fight. They were former assistants of the Galvcston .negfy who at different times in his career, when ho visited his native city,' befriended him. Remembrances from tho champion- were in the form- of. remittances /rnngiiva; from 250 dollars, to 75(1 dollars for-Ed. Harrison, an old negro, who taught Johnson how to finht when ft young boy and gave .him his first.'lessons'in a. ring along the docks. Jack appeared to bo anxious to become., a. fighter, _ and years ago promised his volunteer instructor that when ho got to be champion and wealthy he would dock him out in fine clothes and a red necktie. Sure enough, he kept his promise, and one of the>■ first messages he sent after the... fight was to Harrjson. telling him to brdef two suits Of clothes, and not to,, be. careful; regarding the price. ■ While swimming in the bay from the docks years ago,- when .Johnson was a Slnall .boy, ,'ie wns sucked under a vessel, and would httvo drowned if it had not been for Gafferty Williams, an asso-. ciate," who saved him. Williams is remembered by 500 dollars. ' '■'■■ '■■;' : *' '' '' i'. ■ '
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 896, 16 August 1910, Page 9
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2,447ATHLETIC SPORTS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 896, 16 August 1910, Page 9
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