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IQxkcaldiz & Stains, Limited.

i Serviceable Shawls. You can find service for a Shawi pretty well all tho year round. Wo have just now tho finest selection of Shawls that any lady could wish to see. The following will give you an idea of tho class of goods we are offering:— CREAM HONEYCOMB SHAWLS, 52 x 4S iuchc-s, with rich embroidered border 4Ain. wide, and finished with fringe, At 9s. Ud. each. HONEYCOMB SHAWLS', 60 x 63 inches, with fancy border 7-Jin. wide, edged with woollen fringe, . At lis. 6d. each. CREAM HONEYCOMB SHAWLS, 57 x 63 inches, with handsome silk embroidered border 4iin. wide, finished with woollen fringe, At lls. 9d. each. CREAM WOOLLEN HONEYCOMB SHAWLS, 62 x 63in., with fancy bordors BJin. wido, At 17s. 6d. each. CREAM HONEYCOMB SHAWLS, 64 x 66 inches, with embroidered border 6in. wide, aud finished with woollen fringe, At 14s. 6d. each. HONEYCOMB SHAWLS, 62 x 62 inches, with pretty border workedin the diamond design, finished with fringe, At 14s. 6d. each. CREAM HONEYCOMB SHAWLS, 53 x 60 inches wide, with rich silk embroidered border in scroll design, finished with wool and silk fringes, At 17s. Gd. each. CREAM HONEYCOMB SHAWLS, with heavily-worked border 10in. wido, finished with woollen fringe, size, 6i) s 70 inches, At 21s. each. HANDSOME HONEYCOMB SHAWLS, 59 x 59 inches, embroidered with silk bauds 4.} in. wide, and finished with silk and wool fringe, At 245. 6d. each.

iibkcaldk <§t Stams, Limited. MR. M. J. OEOJI BI E, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Moorhouso and Hadticld's Buildings, 23 PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON.' MR. J. F. M'GOVLKN, DENTAL SURGEON, 1, 2, 3 Lajeuoman Liiiiwljerß, 'Phone 21US. Tiioue 2168. f\ YK 1 L E. T. WOOD S, DENTAL SURGEON, 68 LAM JB'.T Ufl yUA T. Telephouo 3101. BULKLEt A.ND DIUSBUEIT, UEiNTAL bUKGEUiNd, 141 WILUri biltEbi, Toiepliouo No. 21G H~ "uGGAKD , AND PRO USE, ARCHITECTS, 20 HUM'-hlt biREET. DAY'S ".BA Y HOUSE, DAY'S UA\, WIiLLINUIUiN. ijuaX bJiAbiuJi iiOiiii. iu New Zealand AOW ux J tN. I'M Tumia apiiiy v Aiai\AGER. PHOEA'IX CRATED WATER COMPAAi, LiiinHV. SPECIALLY Pt«iiared- sour Water for luvauas. 'i'uuiio bbO. bany IJo--11 v erica. [A Card.l Top. A. H. ROTHIiiNBERG, Dental IVJ. Sui-geou, has coiuiueiiceu Pracuco ac 145 Ui'i'Eß UlLi.iS biKEKI' y.AI.C.A.). 'leiepUoiio 2192. A Card, JOHN T. HAIR, A.R.1.8.A., " And Certificate in Architecture. University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL JiXGI-NEEE, No. 16 STOCK EXCHANGE, Wellington. iiO.NEY TO LEND. IN any Sums on Approved Freehold SeX curity, at Lowest Current Rates. llcpaynieut by iustaluieiils can be arranged. SIR KENNETH DOUGLAS, Solicitor, Telephone No. 81. 31 Hunter Street. FUNERAL NOTICES. THE Friends of MRS. MARGARET CANNON are respectfully invite*! fo attend the Funeral of her late beloved daughter, MARY ELLEN, which will leave h-er residence, Ryan Street, Petone, TO-DAY (-Monday), July 11th, 1310, at 2 i> m for the Catholic Cemetery, Petoue. ■' " R. H. PARRAKT AND CO., Tweakers, 46 Fitzherbert Street, Potoiie.

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 865, 11 July 1910, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 865, 11 July 1910, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 865, 11 July 1910, Page 6


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