- —*__&_— PHASES OP THE MOON. . . ,- ' APEIL. T Day. •Hγ. m. Last quarter 3 .12 IB p.m. New moon ; 10 855 a.m. First quarter 17 1 34 a.u>. Full, moon- 25 0 53 a.m. Moon. rises to-day, 9.48 p.m.; eets, 1.50 p.m. Sunday. HIGH WATEE. To-day, 10 a.m.; 10.17 p.m To-morrow, 1040 a.m.; 11 p.m. SUN. Sun rises .to-day,, 6.5 a.m.; Beta, 5.43 p.m. ARRIVALS. J?EIDAT t APEIL 1. PA.TBENA, s.s. (4.5 a.m.), 1212 tone, Crawford, from Nelson arid Pioton. MAOBI. s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 3399 tons, Aldwell, from Lyttelton. 302 passengers. . ' TJLIMAKOA, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 5777 tone. Wyllie, from Melbourne, Hobart, Bluff, Dunodin, and liyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Johnstone, O'Brien, Martin, Wilson, Robertson, Oatcs, Carew, Leslie, Licth, Gai'rett, Johnstone, Powell, Buckley, Ganndy, and Hipper, Mesdames Wardlo, O'Donnell, Bead, Jacobs and 2 children. Tuhoy and 3 children, Waleh and boy, Kobertson,. Mackay, Paterson Draper, Longford. Gussey, Cox, Zillta, Powell, Depass, Gribble, Deane, Burley, Bean arid child, Cope, Mossrs. Sherwood. Dooley, Duck, Anderson, O'Briene, Schilling, Miller, Guy, Schmidt, Smythe, Leslie, Bowden, Byrne,- Holder, Greig, Piert, O'Donnoil, Adams, Stanley, Collis, Carr, Lawson, Reid, Green, Sutherland, Buxton, Ashton, Phillips, Harrow, Dupass, Creswell, Hardy, Burlej, Stopford, Davis, Jackson, Lotchef, Parris, Fielder, Mayhor, Jansen; 33 steerage. ... ■•■ KAPITI, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 242 tons, Bawyers, from Wanganui. MANGAPAPA, S.s. (8.40 a.m.), 164 tons, Fletcher, frdiii Westport MANAKOA, s.b. (11 a.m.), 122 tons, .Hart, from Motueka. . ■ . :NATTJA, s.s- (1.25 p.m.), 2930 tons, Hutton, from Suva, via - Auckland. ■ HUIA, s.s. (2.20 p.m.), 127 tons, from Wanganui. Motueka, arid Pioton HIMITANGI, 5.3. (10.45 ».m.), 323 ton?. Manley, from Foxton. AEAPAWA (11.20 p.m.), from liyttelton. ■
DEPARTURES. FEIDAY. APEIL 1. ■■■■■■. KAHTJ, s.a. 5.40 a.m.), 182 tons, Carlson, for East Coast AOTEA, 6s. (6.30 a.m.), 6364 tons, Kirby, for- London, via Bio de Janeiro and ToneriiEc. ■, •. • PATEENA, s.s. (1.55 p.m.), 1212 tons, Crawford, for Picton and Nelson. PassengersSaloon ; For Picton—Misses Clifford, Horlon (2),. Fowler, Mesdames Smith, Drown. Clifford, Franco, Jordan, :O'Donnell, Dr. Ball, Messrs. Morris and boy, Smith,) Cain, Archer, Sheffield, Anderson, lVisean,: Jor-dan,-Ball. -Crcewoll, Were, Wakeflold, tisson, Hawk, Gillott; Eeardon, Faress, Lindstrom, Hocking, O'Donnell. - For Noleon—Misses Coates, Allan, Gray, Howe,- Pettit, Allan, Magintiity, Mesdanies Coles and 2 chil.drtn,'.■Coiites,'. Allan, Gray,' Bett, Sloan, Maginnity (2), Batchelor, Moore,. Webley, Dr. Bett, Messrs. lunes-Jones (2), Allan and boy, ilaetlnnity, Bniuent, Alt-ken, Ooatcs, Harris, Phi Hips, Fry, Leaper, Izard, Grey, liookyer, Batcholor, Moore, -Webley, Pulling, Latham, Heath, Eagan, Williameoni LIZIE TAYLOR, kotcb. (1.15 p.m.), 77 tone, Petersen, for Timaru. - . BLENHEIM,-s.s. (5 p.m.), 120 tone, Watson, for Blenheim. ■ - . WAKATU.. s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 157 tons, 171118, for Kaikoura and Lyttelton, via the coast. MANA, e.s. (7 p.m.), 134 tons, Diron, for • Patea.. '" ULIMAIfOA, s.B. (7.40 p.m.), 5777 tons, Wylho, 'for Sydney. Passengers: Saloon— Misses Pii-ia. (a), Danleclge,. Glendinninsr, Wilson; DompEoy, Konn, Bailey, Hook, Mullins; .Sargood, White, Hffl(2), Davqy.- (3); Aiken, Nurse Kohn, Nurse Baffle, Sisters of Mercy (4), Mcsdames Weld, F. Grady, E. T. , Taylor,. A rlbw, Glondinning, M'Lood, Dcmpsey, Wilson, Green, Samuel, ■ Eose, - Toxward, Abbott, Hook, Flood, Walling,' Kcndowcroft, White, -Mtlnro, .Manley, .Engol' bort, P. Bealo, Maskelyne, Captain Feinnes, Captain. Whito, 8ev.... Father' Oostollo, Messrs. H, F. Weld, J. A. M'Kcnzie, Frank Orady, D. Macphail, E. T. Taylor, Arlow, Maitland-Kirwafl, Abel, Howard, Howie, G. Broomhead, Armstrong, F. Samuel, W. H, Green,, Wilson, Jaeobson, E. P, Gill, C.-Mr L. Potts, Hook, Wilkinson, L. H. Young-, husband, Aahton, J. ShaW, Jugsor, E. H Walsh, C. H. Lewis. Godfrey, PdwpU, Walter Carter, Harrison, Griffiths, F.'. Spencer, Handricks, A. D. Eiley, H. Eiloy, B. Miller,' Wanstlcy, Bennett, Bird, Maakolyne, Jack* son, and Georgo Prouse. .... . KAPITI, s.s. (8 p.m.)/ 242 tons,' Sawyers; for Waneaaui. __ . ■ ■ ; QUEF.K OF p.m.), 198 tons,■"■ Harvey, for Foxton ■■:■•'- ■-..- ; ' " ■. MAOEI, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 tone, AldwoU, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Sdloon—Misses Wrightoii, Sise, Dunder, O'Eourko, Warren, Eoas, v Koyps, Jefcoato, Nurse Heywood, Eobinson, Nurse Wakelin, Coombs, Hall; Cresswoll, Atkinson, Nance, -Webb,. Evans, Mssdames-Low, Malyon, Birdling andchild, Wrightson, Aiken,. and child, Raphael. Andrbws, Wood, Anld, Black and infant, Hardie, Little, Wakelin, Lojvderlees, Eobinson, Scott nnd child, ParflU, Nixon (2), Grocott, Holland, Wilkins, Garforth, At'tnstrone:, Kitto, Forbes, Swann, Da'vey, Miller, Dr. Simpson, 'Ray. Fathers Lynoh, and Hunt, Messrs. Watson,-Wolsten, Isaacs, Vincent, Sutherland, Turner, Lowderlees, Malyon, Wrightson. Smart, Ailtcni Eaphnel, Viand, Andrews, Adams, Shand, Woodill, Eott-e, Thompson. Wood, Ferguson, Andrews, Otley, Eosio, Boauchamp, Swann, Meredith, M'Grath, Pearson; MacAlister, Gee, Mabley, Martin, ■' M'lntyro, Hobart, Da-vey, Miller, Tiompsitt. - - . HTJIA,-. s.s.- (9.10 p.m.),- 127' tone, .Dovrell, for : Wan?anul. -. . ■■. . ■'■:■" ■: . MANAE'OA, s.e. (10 p.m.), 122 toils. Hart, for H&velock. and Pelorus Sound.
SATURDAY, APKHr 2.. 7. OPAWA,. s.s.' (3 a.m.), 110 tons, Eckford, for Blenheim., ' EXPECTED ARRIVALS, Waimea, Lyttelton, April 2. ■'..!■ Aorere, Patea, April 2. : " . Komata. Wostport, April 2. ■ llararoa, Lyttclton, April 2. ■ '■ Defender, Lyttolton, April 2. • . llonowai, Napier, April 2. Kapuni, Patea, April. 2.- '■ . ■ Poherua, Greymouth, April 2. . Stormbird. Wanganui,'April 2. . Potone, Qroymouth, April 2. Pateena, Nelson, Picton, April 2. Mana, Patea, April 3. . ' ■ ■ Queen of the South, Foxton, April 3. Blonhoim, Blenheim, April 3. ■■ :.■ Maori, Lyttelton, April 3. Opawa. lilenheim, April 3. ; Jluia, Wanganui, April 3. , Kapiti, Wanganui, April 3 Tarawcra, Dunodin, Lyttelton, April 3. Rosamond, Onehunga, Now ; Plymouth, -April 3. ■'■'■': ; jlapourika, . Greymcuth, Wcstport, Nelson, April 3. ■•'.-..■"'..■•. Buteshire,. Timaru, April 3. • Kahu, Napier, via the coast, April 3. Knirald, Lyttolton, April 3. • , To Anau, southern ports, April 3. . Kamona, Qroymouth, April A. ■ . , Manaroa, Havelock, April ,4. Waltatu, Lyttolton,. Kaikoura, April 5. Nikau, Nelson, April 5. ■■.-.•■". Coriuna. . Onehuflca, Now, Plymouth, April 5., . Hauroto, Auckland, , Gisbornc, Napier, April 5. ■ . ' ~■■'. itokoia, Papeete, EarotoDca. April 5. Manuka, Sydney, April 6. Moeraki, Melbourne, via- Hobart and southern ports, April 8. Wimmera, Sydney, Gisborne, ffopior, April 8.. . TJlimaroa, Sydney, April 13. . . ' !
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ■Navua, Westnort, April 2. ■•' . . Htormbird, .Wanganui, April 2.. . . Mararoa, Lyttelton, April 2. . Aorerc, Patea, April 2. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, April 2. • Kapuni, Paten, April 2. ■ ." , Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, April 2. . Pateona, Picton, Nelson, April 4.. . Rosamond, Picton, Nolson, New Plymouth, Onehunga, April 4. , Maori, Lyttolton, April 4.. ■ ■ Queen of the South, Foxton, April 4. Opawa, Blenheim, April 4. , Waimca, Nelson, West Coast, April 4. Manaroa, Motucka- and Bays, April 4. Blenheim, Blenheim, April 4. Huin, Wanganui, April 4. Kapiti, Wanganui, April 4. Tarawera, Napier, Gisbornc, Auckland, April 4. - Hauroto, Lyttelton, Dunedin, April 5. llanourikn, Nelson, Wcetport, Greymouth, April 5. Te.Anau, New Plymouth, Westport, Groymouth, April 5. Nikau, Nelson, Motiteka., April 5. Knhu, Napier, via the coast, April 5. ■Wakatii, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, via the coast, April 5- ... . ■ . . Corinna, Timaiu, Duncdin, April 6. Eimutaka, London, Apri! 7. ' : Manuka, Lyttelton, Dnnedin,'Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne, April 1. Mooraki, Sydney, April 8. . Wimmora, Lyttelton, Dunedin, April 8. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. . MOVEMENTS OP STEAMERS. MANUKA, 8.5., leaves Sydney April 2 £or Wellington direct. Duo April 6 Loaves April 7, for Lyttelton, Duncdin Bluff, ITobart, and Melbourne. Duo Melbourne April 16. WIMMERA, 5.3. left Sydney March 31 for Auckland. Ciisborne, Napier, and Wellington. Due Wellington April 8. Leaves onmo day for Lyttelton and Dunedin MOEBAKI, 5.8., left Melbourne, March 30, for Hobart, Bluff, Duuedin, Lyttelton,' aud Wellington. Duo Wellington April 8. Leaves- samo day for Sydnoy. Due Sydncv April 12. . ULIMAEOA, s.s, leave 3 Sydney April 9 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington April 13. Leaves April 14 for Lyttelton, Dunedin, BluS, Hobort, and Melbourne, Duo Melbourne April 23,
OVERSEA-SHiPPINOiV..', 1".5.. STEAMEBB TO AEBIVE. . From London. .■".;■■ NIWAttU (due about April J), sailed on January 26, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auok-. lsUidj, and Napier: (Tyser Line, agents;) KIA OBA (due about Apfil,.6)> sailed on Febru&Yy 8, via Auoklandi (BhaW, Bavill. and Albion Company, agents.) , . TUBAKINA (due about April 6), Sailed on February 17, Plymouth February , 19. via Tenerifte, Cape Town, aid Hobart. 'New Zealand Snipping Company; .agents,). - WBAKARUA (due about April 18), sailed oh February- 11, Via Melbourne, Sydhcn Auckland, and Napittv. '. (Tyser. Lino, agouts.) ; - ■ ■ : . . STAR OP SCOTLAND (due about Aprii 30), sailed on February. 23, Via. Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyeer tint. agents.)' - . " ' ATHENIC (due about April Iβ), Bailed ". on March 3, Plymouth March- 5, via, :Tenerlffe, Ga-pe Town, and Hobart. (Shaw. Savill, And Albion Company, Agents.) ■" . OPAWA (dno about April 30), flailed On March 10, vis, Auckland. (Nβ* Zealand Snipping Company, agents.) ■ • '■ ■ TONGAIURO (dud about May 3), sailed on Starch 17, Plymouth' March 19, via Tons' rlffe, Ow Town,' tod Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping, Company, agents.) , .From' .Liverpool. '••■'. FIFESHIRE (duo about April ijj, .sailed on February. 5, via. Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, tod Napier.. (Federal-ltouldef> fililra liine, agents.) - . ■ ■.:■-.. BANGATIRA (due about, April-15), Balled on Febtnary.- 24, via Adelaide : and . Auckland: (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, stents. i ~ ■; • DRATTON GEANOE (due about May 7), stiloov'on llai'ch. 6, via Sydney, and Anckffteid. (Feowral-Eonlder-Slure Line, agents.) Prom NeW York.' ..1 ,; r . :' '.' . SPITItEAD (due about April 11), sailed on January. 7, via. Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and. A. Line,'agents.) GEORGIA (due about April 8), sailed oil January 6;. via Auckland. (Tacuuln Oil Companyi' djtefitsi) ■:•■;- . ... ABEEIiOUE (due about April 15), silled on January 27, via Melbourne,. Sydney, and Auokland. (A. and A., Line , , agents.) , INDEALEMA-(due about May 7), sailed on February ■• 25, vl4 Melbourne, .Sydney, and.Auckland, (iyjer Line, agents.) . .;,;■ '■'': SAILEBS TOABBIVE.. ': JLAKJOEY GLEN, barduo, /sailed ■■■ from Liverpool, on December 15. (Johnston and Col, agents.)/; ■'•... ..'■•■ . :.■■ ST. JCILDAr" barquentlnc, sailed from Newcastle 0 March , : 7. ■ (J. , W. Wallace'and 00., agonte.) ,•:..■..- ■ COUNTY OF iNTEENESS, barque, sailed irom -.Liverpool on March 17. (Johnston and Co., atentSi) ' .■•■■■•■■•■ . , 'JKENBLEUILL, barduentine, sailed from Sydney; ott March 24, : • .-. ■■■■-■ ■ : HAZEL CRAIG, baratie, sailed from Bydnoy, March 29. " ' •
'. . : . Br.TELEGiitipfi. ; ,■ . ■;■.''•..■■■■. ;. - . OVERSEA.'. '• •' '0 .; ' ' ".■.;' :.: . : SIDNBY, 'April 1. ■ Arrived.--Flona, from Auckland? ' .:. '■-■■.■■■■:'''\ : -J : ,'-. : :'M^BO'Jm!E. : A-pTli : 1. Arrived.—Brisbane, from. Wellington, : ; •'..' ■■ :■' ' v'CdAstAL, ■•• ; ■'• : : .•' ;•;■,.•- ■ .PfiIDAY, APEIL 1. :'•■■■ : '■; ' ■'■ ONEHtJNOA. : . :"./'' (10.25 a.m,), from New Plymouth. - :■■'■■-..■• ... . . . ■".-- ■■■•■■ The Kiripaka, bound from Wellington to Patea, put in at 6 p.m. through stress of weather. ■■.:■ . • pAtea. ..v ; ■■. Sailed.—Aorere (1.30 p.m.), and Kapttnl (1.20 p.m.), for ■. , : :,: :' : ■ , -WANdANTJI..-'. :'■■' : Sailed.-Stormbird (12,45 p.m.),- for Wellington, .'■■■■• : •• ■: foXton. : .■.; ' " : (12.55 p.m.), for Wellington. ■ ■■ •■■:■■■ '. .-: ' ■' ';. NAPIEE.. '■'; '■-■ '■■■.'■ , Arrlvod.-Vibtoria (ir a.m.), froto Wellington. . ' ... Balled.-Monow&i (2.45 p.m.), for Welling, ton. ' . ' ■ ... >■•' ■' ■ PIOTON. ■ ■'.. :'■ Arrived— Pateen'a- (6.20 p.m.), from Wellington. '~■ To. sail.-Wairau • (5.15 p.m;), and Gertie (9.30 p.m.), for Wellington. ■■' ■-.-* ' ':•• '' - : .HEMOH;-'- '■• ■ ■ ■' '.'■';'■ TheNikan will n&t sail for-Wellington until Monday• night. . \ :■.-'..' .'■ ' ; '" WESTPORT.- : .-'■ Arrived.—Mapourikii (midnight, Thursday), from Nelson. ■■ •■■ ■-. ■■■■;■... Sailed.—Mapouriki (2 a.m.), for Greymouth j Komata (1.20 p.m.), for Wellington. ■ .:,,; ■•■■'- GEBrHottH.- .■/... Sailed.—Pctone tt a.m.), for. Wellinuton; Pohorua (1.30 a.m.), for Wellington. . ..-".. "' LYTTELTON. . . -V: Arrived.-Strathearn (noon), from Wellington ; Warrimoo (12:10 p.m.), from Wellington; Hippie (4.45 p.m.), rtoin Chatham Islands; Ngahere, from Greymouth; Waimoa, froai" Fconch Pass, via. Picton; Mararoa (8.35 a.m.), from Wellington; Cornwall (10:30 a.m.), from Wellington. ■' Sailed—Arapawa-(0.35 a.m.), for Wellington; H.M.S. Powerful' (6.15 a.m.) ; for Eohart; Devon'(B a.m), for Avonmonth; Paparoa (11.5 a.m.), for London; Waimea, for Wellington; Mararoa (6.20 p;m.), for Weilington. Passengers: Saloon—Mieses strachan. Leys, Williams, Eiddell, Fife, Cornish, Hunt, Heinell, Anson, Eussell (2), Whit«, Buchanan, Eddington, Bell. M'Cabo. nnd Brown, Mesdilmes M'Lean, Bullock, Singh, Cameron. Waters and child, Quirk, Eddingtoo. Hcnton, Williams, Beckett, Joll,: EUia and 2 children, Mitchell, Ferguson,' Fostir , and 2 children. Dfivrtn. Stnnpe,;•. jr'O.tpe, Bowlcy, Hon. D. Buddo, Prof. M'Millan, Irown. Prof. Scott. Dr. Chilton, Messrs. Whinain, Mason,'. Pollard, Mobs, Davis. Cording, Smith. Lewis, M'Lttna, Bullock, Pigeon, Lcghbody, Lttnsdale, Singh, Cameron, Waters. Edcirigton, Henton, Vavasour, Lcyfl, Eiddell, Gibbs, Jones, Ellis. Emerson, Hagley, Ooi. Barry. Laws, Harold, EAtson, RodKor, Smith, M'lntyre. Brown, Devlin,. White, Pearee, M'Greeor, Miller (2), Bishop, Walker, Pearson. Algie, Bruno,: Murray, Duncan, Scott, Brenton, Belcher. St6npo, Austin, H. Howley; 60 steerage. Warrimoo, Tor Molbourne, via' Eluff. '■'• TIMAETJ. . Arrived.—Buteshire (7.30 p.m.), from Wellington. . . ■ ■ • DTJNBDIN. Arrived.—Eakanoa, from. Lyttelton. ■Sailed—Tarawerd (4 p.m.), for northern ports. Passengers—Saloon: For Wellington—Misfes Ware, Waits, Duckworth. Mesdames Stringer and child, Baird. Messrs. Fox, Ponder, and Baird; Te Anau, for West Ooast. . .•■ .• ' '■".. ■'. ■. ■ ' ■ BLUFF. Sailed—Hinomoa (6.45 . aim.), for Dusky Sound, via Centre Island and Puysegur Point. ■ NAVtFA AEErraS. ' ' Shortly after 1 p.m. . yesterday, the fnion Company's Navua, arrived from Suva, via Auckland, and was berthed at No. 6 Quecn'B Wharf to ilischaree her ca.rgo of fruit. lninitdiat«ly after leaving Auckland on Tuesday, the vessel ran into a strong S.E. gale with heavy sea, and she had to fight her way against it until 10 p.m. on Thursday, whea the conditions moderated. Her cargo. consists of 5448 coses bananas, 3809 bunches bananas, 47 ca3os mandarins, and a Quantity of fruit io'r southern.ports. She.leaves to-day for Westport, and aftor loading a quantity of coal there proceeds to Auckland, Yesterday mdrning the ■ Government steamer Tutanekai'was berthed at the. Wool Wharf, and preparations oro bciiiß made to dispatch her to Cook Strait to repair a broken oablo.
: „ ..,. THE DHiKEBA. .' ' : .' ; .'':' : v }■'[ It la. reported that the steamer. Dilkerft,' ■.•'■ which left Melbourne on Thursday tat'' Bluff and Port, Chalmers, is carrying •- £6,253 elcepete from Buiibury to be de- ■>■■? '■. livered to the Bailway Department: ■ The !' Dilkera is a membdf of th 6 .Adelaide ;■ Steamship Company's fleet. .-.'-" '■. .. :'- •'■: ■ :■;. tueakina At HOBarTv:;.;..■■.,.;:: .A cablegram received by the local office ' of the Now Zealand. Bhippmt; Company ■ advises that the H.M.S. Turakiha. , from '•'! ; London and Plymouth,' via. Tencriffe ' and ' Cape Town, arrived at Hobart-at 8 a.m.; yesterday. She is due at Wellinstod oil '.' Wednesday next. ,-■-■■.■. . .-.''•'"''■•■';■■ .. ; THE ILLPOtmiKA. -.;:'-..; :-- ; The .Mapourika arrived at Greymouth ■;:'':. yesterday morning, and was fixed to.leave .; at. midnight, for Westjort,' Nelson; ■ and .' •'■'• Wellington.. She ia due here to-mdrrow '■■:'■: aftotnoon. ' ■■' ".'■- ....-;■■:.:.;■-■.<•;: ..; WAtHOEA, LEFT'NEWCASTLE...,' ''': Advice has been received to th'»,effect'"that the Union Company's steamer Wai' :;: hora has left Newcastle with, a cargo of •>■'-; coal .for. Wellington and Lyttelton. . She - / is dne here next Wednesday, bf Thursdar. ■ ■■■ -, : ' .'.-'' ''' . . ■ .'■'. "■■' ':'!"!: • ~ ■'■ -'■.'' '-.'■' ABEIVALS AT; : LONDON... ;.■:'. : 'S Cable; advice announces the arrival"' at-. London of the New Zealand Shipping Corn, -" pany s Orarl, which left Wellington on ' Febwafy 12,. also the arrival of the same : ■'■■ company's chartered steamer Falls of Nith, - ■■ which sailed from the Bluff on January 31..:! ,' • ..'LIFTED AOTEA.. -%* ■'."■ A summary, of cargo'taken/from New ••■ Zealand ports by the Shaw, .SlvUl,- and ':', Albion Company's cargo : stcamet Aotea ia ! '" ■■ as •• follows!— From WelllnstKm-370 'bales -i Itvool, 8 bales skins, 169 casks tallow. '55 V caSUs. pelts, 4 caies 'machinery,' 6828 car- /.■" casjes lamb, 1017 carcasses • mutton. From - Gisborne—427 bales w001,'220 casks, tallow,'-■'/■;' 92 .casks pelts, 29 crates kidneys, 10 cases ■ ':'■■■ meat extract, 471 (iuart«rs beefi 960 legs •■ mutton, 860 shouldert mutton, 14,650 car-" ,•'•!•' casseS mutton, 5215 carcasses lamb; From i' Napier—6223 carcasses mutton, 6404 ' car«\\ ■ cflsScs lamb, 53 carcasses t0g5,.'197 lege ■'- mutton,. 404 Quarters beef, 1 case meat 'extract, IDO cases kidneys, 463' bales/wool, 11 '-■■'■! casks polts, 72 ca6ke talloWi 35 tasks alld v kegs casings. From Patea—l6. bales wool.' . , From Wanganui—l77 ..bales wooLi.Ffom -»si>.Nelsons bales wool.. : From Lyttelton— '■-:■ 26,886 carcasses lainb,-9345 caroasses mut- '-','■'< ton, 235 crates kidneys',' 25 . crates, sw.eet- ,« breads, 67 casks pelts',-^9"bale3 r '* : 6dl..4Bs '-"-r 7 ; sacks .peds. Fr6m Dunedin—l bale deer- . "> skins, 1 trunk: effeots, 43 casks, tallow, -80 '"■;•' bags' scheelite, 802 bales wool and sheep- •> skins. . From Oamaru-468 bales wool, 45 '-, bales sheepskins, 72 casks tallow, 10 caske-'-'- , " 1 casings, 1436 carcasses . mutton,. 11,268 ■ car-...' - casts lamb, 78 crates'kidneys, !■ crates ■'"' sfroetbreads. From. B!u£f- 1 1270 bales wool --•■'■ .and,sheepskins, 452 saeks fescue, 280 sacks -■'-■" oats, 2 bales horsehair, 52 casks oeltß, 478 - : .;;. casks tallow, 752 cafes preserved. :meats, ! also a few other lines, particulars ,, of . ■■ which . are'not yet available. ' . . '.
The e.s. Kiripaka; which left Wellington oh Tnosday last for Patea,: turned Un a 6 Onehunga last night, driven northward by the "Bates" gale. After coaling, 6h6 trill sail for Patea. to-day. <:■■. ."■. It Iβ etpeoted that the' Kamona,'will leave Groymouth to-night with' coal for Wollingtonand Napier. -.'.:.>.• : ■-i ■ .Overhaul to the Kotuku is now' nearing completion, and the vessel is to:be re-' commissioned to-day,, and dispatched to Westport.' : '■■■'. : '.;. -.■ .-.-■ The Hinemoa left Bluff yesterday' fot. Centre Island. Puysegur'Point, and Dusky Sound. ' • '.■.-■ :. :;;■.• .; .. ,-., ~\ j Instead of leaving Sydney at' 3 p.m. today for Wellington, the Union'. Company's Manulia does not sail until 11 p.m.- Consequently she is not likely to Wellington before next Wednesday after-; noon. .•' ~ ■. • '.-: .. ■ ■■ ... - - ■■_■■■■. . Owing to rough weather on 'the- East Coast; the Monowai did ■ not i reach Wei-' Jington yesterday from' Auckland, Gis'borne, and Napier.. She is duo early this morning, and will sail this afternoon for' liyttelton andDuncdin.' . . .': .; ■ An oxcursion trin_ from Lyttelton to Alsaroa, and back will be made by' the Union Company's Maori in connection with the Arnst-Whelch: sculling'match.'; Cargo landed at Lyrtelton'from the mt maroa included 450 tons .of agriculturaland harvesting • machinery, wnich wae transhipped to the New Zealand Shipping Company's : steamer Paparoa, for- Bahia Blaaca,- in the Argentine. ■ The machinery : was from Melbourne. ,".■■'. ..-; : - It is understood that tho price paid by Messrs.'E.S. Lamb and Oo.for the Norwegian steamer . Inga . was £11,000, Messrs.' Lamb and Co.- are- timber mer- : chants of. Sydney, and have extensive in.' terests in the timber industry north or Auckland. .;■: Captain.Nicolaon, of the Kaitangata, tiai, goto to Lyttelton to take; charge of the Kurow. Captaiin Edwin, of the Kotuku, : has transferred to the Kaitangata.' ,:, v : Captain W. Cozens has gone to Auckland" to tako charge of the auxiliary kelcb Kereru for.a trip to Karotonga, and baok. dargo shipped at Wellincton by the Bute- : shire was as follows:—6CoQ carcasses aut-' ton. 5750 cardasscs lamb,'2so.carcasses togs, 1766 quarters beef, 5000 legs mutton. .■.;,■■ W. Manning, who.has been, on holiday leave, has resumed command of the Mararoa.■■'",' . : : '.- ;
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2,788SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 781, 2 April 1910, Page 7
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