♦- PHASES OF THE MOON. MARCH. Day. Hr. m. Last quarter 4 722 p.m. New moon 11 1142 p.m. First Quarter -18 3 7 p.m. Full moon 26. 7 51a.m. Moon rises to-day, .7.44 p.m.; sets, 10.60 a.m., Thursday. HIGH WATER. To-day, 811 a.m.; 8.12 p.m. To-morrow, 8.41 a.m.; 8.52 p.m. SUN. Sun-rises to-day, 6,2 a.m.; sets, 5.18 pas. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, MARCH 29. OPAWA, s.s. (2.20 a.m.), 110 tons, Eckford, from Blenheim. TARAWERA, s.s. (4.45 a.m.), 2003 tons, Robertson, from Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Passengers: Saloon—Miss Kenny, Mesdames Manttan, Gordon-Young, Messrs. Cunningham, Manttan, Kirk, GordonYoung, Stark, Dale,. Dowsett; 11 steerage.MARAROA, s.s. (8.25 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton.—29B passengers.' AOTEA, 6.5. (8.30 a.m.), 6364 tons, Kirby, from the Bluff. HAUROTO, s.s. (8.50 a.m.), 1988 tons, Robertson, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. ' MAPOURIKA, s.s. (9.10 a.m.), 1203 tons, Stringer, from Greymouth, Westport, Nelson, and Pioton. " EILEEN WARD, dredge (7 p.m.), 472 tons. Mack, from Glasgow, via Fremantie and Melbourne. ' ' PATEENA, s.s. (11.20 p.m.), 1212 tons, Crawford, from Nelson and Picto?).—2lß pas-, sengers. ' DEPARTURES. . .. TUESDAY, MARCH 29. ROSAMOND, s.s. (3 p.m.), 721 tons, Watson, for Pioton, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onchunga. lONIC, s.s. (5 p.m.), 12,232 tons, Roberts, for Lyttelton. . , WAIRAU, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 93 tons, Bhaw,for Puponga. AORERE,' s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, for Patea. KIRIPAKA," s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 133 tons, Mini tosh,' for Patea.' ' lIAUROTO, s.s. (6 p.m.), 1988 tons, M'Lean, for Napier, Gisborna,-and Auckland, Pas.congers—Saloon; For Gisborne—Mrs. Lewis. For Auckland—Mrs. Mo3ley, Messrs. Moaley . (2!, TARAWERA, s.s.. (6.5 p.m.), 2003 tons, Robertson, for and Dunedin. Passengers—Saloon; For Lyttelton—Mr. and Mrs. Wright. For. Dunedin—Mifsca Soul (2) an(l M'Crae, Messrs. Soul, Lockhead, M'lntyre, Wilson. . I ' ALEXANDER, s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 377' tons, Vickerman, for Nelson and West Coast. KAPUNI. s.s.' (7.25 p.m.), 150 tons, Jaek- ' son, for Patea. i ICAPITI, s.s. (8 p.m.), 242 tops, Sawyers, for Wanganui." . MARAROA, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Salqon—' Misses Whyte, Olarkson (2), .Wright, Worsp, -Abbott, Turner, Murphy, Hay, . .Lancaster! Lee,' Gifkins, . Majittan' . (2), Paul, Flynn, Washington, , Mesdames Simms, Green, 1 . Crick, Pearce, Manttan,llundle, Baker, Gosling, Dyer, , Whyte, Quill, Olarkson, Worsp, O'Connell, Abbott, Turner, Sohindel, Pritohard, Olift, and boy, Symes/ Messrs. • Waller and boy, : Simms, Green, ■ Criclt, Pearce, Birch, Boreland, Grey, Manttan, llundle,.' Salter, Gosling; Baker, Ushworth, Mitchell, Haigh, Blandford, Dyer, Whyte, ' Tripe, Quil), Brave, -Palmer, Wilkins, Stock, Massey, Hill (2), Thomson, M'Mahon, -Dwyer, Viqkerman, Pritchard, Booker, Porry, Murphy, Hillson,' Buttle, Packer, Machin, Bass, Cook, Nicolls, Morris, Meddings, ■ Bratioh, Hessey, Clift, Worsp, Dacombe. - POHERTIA, s.s. (9.50 p.m.), 1175 tons, Robertson, for Greymouth. . EXPECTED ARRIVALS, Mana, Patea, March 30. . Manaroa, Motueka, March 30.
Huia, Waneanui, March 30. Maori, Lyttelton, March 30. Al'aliura, Grcyiuouth, }YQSlport, Nelson, Pieton, March 30. Corinna, southern ports, March 30.-,, 1 Warrimoo,, Sydney direct, March 30. . , Kimutaka, Napior, March 30." - , Queen of tho South, Foston. March -30.: ■ llaheapapa, Westport, March 30. . Arapawaj : Lyttelton, March 30. ~ Waimea,: Lyttelton, March 31. -Blenheim, Blenheim, March 31. - Opawa, Blenheim,' Maroh 31. Mararoa, Lyttelton,' Jlarcli 31. ■ Viotoria, Dunedin, Lyttelton, March 31. :.' Nikau, Nelson, -Motueka, Maxch 31. , Navua. Suva, Auckland. March 31. ..- Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, Maroh 31... Komata, Wcstport, Apri] 1. TJlimaroa, -Melbourne, -via south, April 1, .Honowai, Auckland, Gisbo'rne, Napier, • April 1. "■ ■{: ' 1 Defender, Lyttelton, April 2. ■' farawera, Dunedin, Lyttelton, April 3. Rosamond, Onehunga, New Plymouth, April 3. ', .- - Haurotd, -'Auckland, GisDorner-- Napier, April 5. ■ ; Mokoia, Papeete, Karotorija, Anril 5. Manuka, Sydney, April-6. -. . PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Star , of Australia, Gisborne, March 30. , Ka-hu,- Napier, via the coast, . March 30. ■: Stbrmbird, Wanganui, March 30.- ■-- Manaroa, Ha-velock, ■ Pelorus . Sounds March 30. • Pateena,' Picton, Nelson, March 30.; Maori, .Lyttelton, March 30, Mapourika, Nelson,- ..'Wcstport.. Greymouth, March. 30. Qncen, of .the South, Foxton.. March 30. Cornwall, Lyttelton, March 30. Oorinna, Nelson, New Plymouth. Onoliunga, March 30. Buteshire, Timaru, March 30. Mana, Patea, March 30.; Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 31. . . , Waimea, Nelson," West Coast,' March 31.: . Blenheim,-Blenheim, March 31., - Opawa,-Blenheim, March • 31.. . Arapawa, Wanganui, March 31. Stratlicarn, Lyttelton, March' 31: . .'■ Navua, Wostpprt, March 31. Victoria, Napier, 'Gisborne,. Auckland, March 31. . Nikau, Nelson,- Motncka, March 31. Warrimoo, Melbourne, via southern porta and Hobart, March 31, . . Arapawa, Wansanui,. March 31. 'Huia, Wanganui, March'3l. Aotea, London, March-31. Aorere, Pateaj March 31. - Waltatu. Kai.koura, Lyttelton.' via - tho coast; April 1. ■Ulimaroa, Sydney,. April 1. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, April 1. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, April 2, I'avawera, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, April 4. . ilauroto, Lyttelton, Dnnedin, April 6. Itimutaka, London, April 7. . INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE.
. MOVEMENTS OP STEAIFEHS; !. WARRIMCO, : S-S'i >* left Sydney - March 26, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington March 30. Leaves March 51, for. Lyttclton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne April, 9. , • DUMA ROA, s.s., left Melbourne March 23, for iiobart, Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. Due Wellington April 1. 'Leaves same day for Sydney direct, Duo Sydney, April 5. YIO'fORIA, s.s., left . Dunedirt' March 29 for Lyttelton and Wellington; Duo Wellington March 31. Leaves same day for Napier, Gisbornc, Auckland,' and Sydney. Due Sydney, April B. ■ MONOWAI,. s.s., left . Auckland March 29, for-.Qisborne, Napier, and Wellington., Due Wellington April i, with tranship-, ments ex Maheno from Sydney. Leaves same day for Lyttejton and Dunedin. MANUKA, s.s., leaves Sydney Anril 2, for Wellington direct. Due Anril 6. Leaves April 7, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, llluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne April 16. WIMMEIiA, s.s., leaves Sydney March 30, for Auckland, Gisbornc, Napior. and Wellington. Due Wellington April 8. Leaves samß day for Lyttejton and - Dunedin. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO-ARRIVE. From London. NIWARU (due about April 3), sailed on January 26, via Melbourne. Sydnoy, Auckland, and, Napier. (Tyser, Line, agents.) ICIA ORA (duo about April 2), sailed on February 8, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, agents.) TURAKINA (due about April 5), sailed on February 17, Plymouth , February 19, >i via Teneriffe, Oape Town, • and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Company, agents.) WHAKARUA (duo about April IB), Eailed on February 11, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) ■ STAR OF SCOTLAND (due about April 30), sailed on February 23, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) . ATHENIO (due about April 19), sailed on March 3, Plymouth March 5, via Teneriffe, Oape Town, and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, agents.) OPAWA (duo about -April 30), sailed on March 10, via Auckland, (New Zealand Shipping Company, agents.) TONGARIRO (due about May o), sailed on March 17, Plymouth March 19, via Tonerifle, Cape Town, and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Company, agent 6.) From Liverpool. FIFESHIRE (duo about April 12). sailed on February 5, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, ar.d Napier. (Federal-Houlder-Shire Line, agents.) , RANGATIRA (due about April 16), sailed on February 24, via. Adelaido and Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, agents. DRAYTON GRANGE (duo about. May 7), sailed on March 5, via Sydney .and Auckland., • (Federal-Houlder-Shire Line, agents.) From Now York, SBCTqBAD (due about April 11), eailed
on JaniiaTy 7, via-Australian' ports and Auckland. (A.»and Al,line,..»gett?.) GEORGIA (due" about April- 81, Bailed on January 6. via-' Auckland. "(Vacuum Oil .Company, agents.) v , • ABEELOUE (due. about April- 15). Bailed on January 27. via Melbourne, Sydney; apd Auckland. (A. and A.'Line, agents.) INDKALEMA (due about'- May 1 7); sailed on Ecbrnary ?5; -"via- ■ Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland." Jjine,. agepts.) v>> ' SAILERS 'TOvARRIYE;.'MABJORT PLEN,™ue, sailed from Liverpool, on December 15.(Johnston "and Co., ■ agents.) . ~ ' , • ST. HILDA, barquentine, sailed from Newcastle March 7. (J. W. Wallace and Co., agents.) ' ■■ COUNTY OP IN v kkNESS, .barque, sailed from Liverpool -on - - March' 17. v {Johnston and 00.,. agents.) ~ „ . V : PENBLEfiILL,: barquentinc,.-sailed froin Sydney on March l 24. . -- ' : . BY TELEGRAPH.
OVERSEA. " CAPS. TOWN, March 25. Sailed.—Athenic, toy and Wellington. ;' ' - : " i'--' V-' SYDNEY, March 29. Sailed.—Haiol Craig,,for,New.. Zealand.,. ■ : ' ICEIiBOCEJfB." March 29. Bailed.—Dredge Main, for Auckland. , COASTAL. 1 ' TUESDAY, MAEOH. 29, AUOKI.AMD. Sailed—Navua (3 p.m.), 1 for .Wellington; Upnowai (5 ; p.m.), for soiititern ports. Passengers . for Wellington: Sp)qon—Messrs tTnbehan and Mouat. ONEIfCNGA. '■Arrived.—Bar&wa (10 a.m.), from Hew Plymouth; : . : Sailed—Barawa (5 t>.m.V for New Myj mou£h. Passengers: - Saloon—Hisses Oolson, Penn, Stoddart, Cameron, Penn, Main-war-ing, Mesdames Eastern,. George, O'Grady; Raikes, Hollingswortl), Messrs. .. Haslam, Bill, Melville, Ford, Tristram, George, Lewis, M'lsaao, Penton, O'Grady,- Maund&ley, George. Wilkinson. Andrews, Honah. Ruddock; 7 pteerage. ! ; v,'- PATEA/ v Sailed,—Mana (12,30 pjn.), for-Wellington. WANGAJTUr. ' Arrived.—Hnia (9.30 a.m.), from-Welling-.ton. •' -.- •'■■■■ ........ ■ - Sailed—Hnia.(7 p.m.), for Wellington. . . napiek. ' To (8.30 p.m.), for Weilington. , . . nelson. Sailed.—Pateena- (10.10, ».jn.),, for Picton aqd Wellington. ' -■ MOTIJEKA. v., Arrived.—Maajaroa (9.50 .a.m.), frojn- Wellington. , To sail.—Manaroa (10 p.m.), for Wellington. - : ' GEEYHOTJTH. Sailed,—Anatai-a (10 a.m.), - for; Westport. ' . KAISOTIEA. - Arrived.-rWakatu (! u), from Wellington. -. ' . LYTTELTOX Arrived.—Maori (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington;^ Sailed.—Corinna (3.50 p.m.), for Wellington; Maori (8.30 p.m.). for Wellington. ; r.'' dtisedin: Arrived.—TJlimaroa, from Melbourne. : Sailed.—Victoria, for Sydney, via ports. Passengers—Saloon: For Wellington—Hise Shepherd, Mcsdames Dind, Sutton, Bothamlcy, Mr. Watson, Munro. For ,- Miss Pulton, .Mesdames . Fulton, 'M'Naughr ton, Mr. M'Naughton. " For Auckland—' Misses, flertslet, Shepherd, Gillies,'-.Mes- . dames Shepherd, Gillies, Daw, Clark. and infant, Messrs: Gillies,' Shepherd, Allen, Rogers, Solomon, . Bishop' . Verddn. For • Dale,. Brown, Mr.; Vincent, Rev. Dale; 18 steerage. TJlimaroa, for Sydney," via. 'Wellington.' Passengers: Saloon—For Wellington—Misses. Leith, Jenkinson, Leslie, Oarow; Mesdames Beynolds, Longford, Draper, Macgregor, Buckley, Messrs, Leslie,. }<ing, Lough, Carr, Black, Buckley, Benno. Scherk, Captain Beynolds, For Sydney—Misses Waters- (3), Darling (4), Wilson, ■ Stoneham, - Wright, -Sievwright - (3), Mesdames Waters, Jackson, Ritchie, Bluett, and 2; children, Wilson and. children, Messrs. Pembdrton, Balph, ; Newbold, Bitchio, Major Jackson, Cotton, Buesell, Stopford, Southcombe; 10 - steerage.
the arahura. Telegraphic ailvice. received ;by the local .offico. of: the Union Company states that the Arahura, left Greyinouth at 10 a.m. yesterday for .Westport;' Nelson, Pioton, and Wellington. .Stye is due evening. J..'/ EIIEEN WABD AEJUVES. After d Srae weather passage over .concluding stage'~of her.'voyage, the Westport Harbour Board's hew dredge Eileen Ward arrived in tho Btream at' 7 o'olock last evening, from. Glasgow,, via. Fremantle and Melbourne'.'---She'-wiU -be-cloared by. the port health ..this;mqrniug, . ... - ATBENIC LEFT' CAPE TOWN. A cable message , received by , the local agents for tho Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company states that the K.M.S. Athenic left Cape Town on in continuation of her voyags from London to New Zealand ports. ' The vessel is a day ahead of : time-table date, and. should, therefore, reach Hobart on-April U, and Wellipgton on April 18. " "/ " ;
LIFTED BY ■ THE 1 CLAN BOSS. ■ " 1 Cargo. lifted at New Zealand ports by the Scales chartered steamer Clan; Ross, which left here on' Friday last for punkirk and London, via Monte Video, is as follows?— 120 cases gum, 341 sacks gum, 250 sacks ' grass seed, 7443 bales wool, 1 cask tallow, 59 casks.*pelts,.. 2899. sacks wheat, 525. sacks peas, "sackg taYes, 118,000 super, feettimber. THE BOTOBTJA. Advice by the fenglish mail Btates that the New Zealand Shipping Company's mail steamer, at present being, built " by Messrs. Denny Bros., of Dumbarton, is to be called the Botorua. Tho vessel i 6 to bo slightly larger than' the Buahine, and will 'be fitted , with combination engines, as in tho case, of the same company's. cargo steamer Otaki. MOVEMENTS OF THE CORNWALL. •. " By this evening tho Federal-Houldcr-Shire liner Cornwall should have completed discharge of the-Wellington portion of her Livorpool cargo, and she-will then sail for Lyttoltori and Dunedin., On completion of discharge at the latter port, tho ' vessel commences Homeward. loading. She subsequently calls at Bluff, Waitara, Picton, Wellington, Timaru, . and Lyttelton, sailing finally from tho last-mentioned port for Avoumouth about April 26. TURAKINA'S PASSENGER LIST. About. 170 pawengers are coming to the Dominion by the New Zealand Shipping Company's Turakina, which is due here on Tuesday next from Londop and Plymouth, via Tcneriffe, Capo Town, and Hobart. The following is tho list:—First ealoon—Misses A. Campbell, M. Davis, K. Dunoombe, Fitch, M. L. May, Mrs, Fitch, Messrs. H. A. Fitch, S. Parkos, W. H. Tomkins, A. S. Tomkins, G. Wallop, Rev. T. M'lntire, Sir W. Brampton-Gordon, K.C.M.G., General Sir Archibald Hunter, K.C.8., D.S.O. Second- saloon—Misses A. Barkell, V. Lyons, M..K. Pardee, Passmoro (2), Mesdames Carr-Halfey, F. L. Lyons. Passmorc, Messrs. Y. Boreham, J. Carr-Halfev, E. H.
Olley, •G. 8. Passmore, 0 E. Thorn.Sj' Unwin, and Norman; • Jhirdrolasß—l39 pis---;-, scngers. ■ ' Mr. D. Herford, fourth engineer of fw-nwall, h?s signed off the vessel's aiJ % tides. ■' ■ _.lfr. C. ,W. Pirie, second engineer of th<> 'Poheraa, has gone on holiday leave. > Tho.; • second-engineer-has, been promotcd a step, ' and Mr. E. W.' Madiley lias joined the'-' steamer as third engineer.' " ' Mr. O.'Barltrpp has joined the Alexander*.'as.second engineer, in place of Mr. E..M. v Brown,' who cpjne ashore at Wellington; yesterday. Captain D. M'lntyre. mate of the Tyill take command of- the brigantjne Ara-'' tapu- next -week. Mr. Papple, of tha' ' .Breeze, will join the; Storm as'mate," arid;-■■ .Mr.„oowan, -late mate of the.'gipple,' will ■'• ' fill the vacant .position on tho Breeze. :it is: reported that tie . - barque; Bankfieldsi which is -at present' on '.' the way .from; Suva to Vancouver, .lias- , been, chartered to load;a cargo of'Oriegoit " .pin? at Vancouver for Lyttclton. . ; As the Navua left Auckland fori Welling*:; ton. at 3 p.m. yesterday,, she .ought to ar-'-„ rive hero early to-morrow' afternoon. After ~ discharging, the balance of her cargo frbm ■ * Suva, she )s to sail for Wpstpprt to load ' a quantity of coal. ■ It is 'cipected that tho Now Zealand ■ ping .Company's chartered steamer Strath- '; earn will get away for. Lyttelton row. The .Buteshire, which is alsp loading for the New Zealand 'Shipping Oom< pany, is to sail for Timaru to-day. An English exchange, dated February 16. ■ states that the dredger Hapai was offering for reinfeuranco, at , 20 guineas per cent. .The Bapai left .Clydo for . Auckland on January'lo. She is duo towards tho end of next month. •;, Departure of the Star of 'Australia for Qisborna haa -been .pastppned 'until- thil "'■■■' morning. . >■ ■: . Yesterday the Government steamer sine- • - moa left Bluff- to land' stores, at. Dog Island. • .-. ■ Captain Kemp, formerly of tile. Mimiro,. IB said to be . in . 'command of ' the Tysei' • \ liner • Whakarua, which arrived at Mel-* 1 bourne on March 21. ;• Jho Te 'Anau, recently recommissioned.; ■ '• left .Westport yesterday with a cargo of coal for. Tho Komta is to liava " Westport to-morrow for Wellington. , - -V Tfiifavourable. weather hte 1 detained''tlif' Government training-ship -'Amolrara at" th' ' Bldff, but she is to -leave there to-day foi ' Dusky Sound. : ; .
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 778, 30 March 1910, Page 9
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2,320SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 778, 30 March 1910, Page 9
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