PHASES OF THE MOON. MARCH.. Day. Hr.m. Last quarter 4 722 p.m. Now moon 1.1 U 42 First quarter 18 3 7 p.m. Full moon 26 7 51 a.m. Moon rises to-day, 6.3 a.m.; sets, 7.8 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 4.39 a.m.; 5.1 p.m. To-morrow, 6.30 a.m.; 6.1 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.42 a.m.; sots, 6.18 p.m.
FRIDAY, MARCH U. MOANA, s.s. (6.25 a.m.), 3915 tons, Worrall, from Melbourne, Hobart, Bluff, Dunedin, and Lyttolton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Mams, Knight, Gawu, Walm&ley, Martin, M'Kcnzie, Pannifer, Jamea, Donaldson, Hall, Courtney, Nurse Beswick, Mesdamcs B. Peters and infant, Hutton and 2 childron, Binning and 2 children Buskett, Martin, Wolf, Donaldson, Mumv? Izett, White, Harrison, Major Connolly, Revs. J. J. Lewis, 11.l 1 . Fee, Messrs. W. 3. Smith, Knight, Hutton, Whyte, Hemming, Oashman, J. S. Baker, W. Gawn, S. Wolf, Binning, T. Pryor, W. Guove, Galloway, Harrowell, Barr, 0. Boycs, A. Kaye, P. Williams, Phipps, Williams, Gillespie, Duthie, Grant, Bang, P. Hallam, T. Hallam; 55 steorage. , . MAORI, s.s. {6.55 a.m.), 3399 tons. Aidwell, from Lyfctelton; 242 passengers. WIMMERA, s.s. (8.20 a.m.), 3G22 tons, Waller, from Sydney, .A'uckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Baxter, M'Glashan, Brady, Creareri- Mesdamcs Baxter, M'Donald, Webb, Barry, Young, Bagley and'child,'Watson and 2 children, Messrs. R. Shanks, Herring, S. Lajvry, Baxter, Webb, M'Donald, A. Sawyer, Hal* pin, Watson, Foil, Skerrett, Stronach, J. Crcarer, M'Gregor, J. M'Farlane, Master Webb; 9 steerage. STORMBIRD, s.s. (9.5 a.m.), 217 tons, Mlntyro, from Wanganui. MONOWAI, s.s. (1 p.m.), 3433 tons, Smith, from Lyttelton. Pa-ssengcrs:' Saloon—For Napier—Jfisses Osborne, Wilkinson, Mesdames Wright, Osborne, Messrs. Hardy, Kennedy, Wright, Orosso, Hardy. For Gisborne—Misses Park, Paul, Drumm, Mesdames Sidey, Wauchop, Messrs. Irvine, Butlor, Hallam. For Auckland—Misses Knox, M'livon, Barnctt, Hunt, Mesdamcs Hallard, Heron, Owen, Williamson, Williams, Walcott, Ramsay, Knox, Thomas, Horton, Slater, Duncan, Mossrs. Hallard, Heron, Owen, Napier, Duncan, Sharp, Leverto, Bates, Harrowell, Mallison, and Anderson; 12 steerage. PAPAROA, s.s. (3.30 p.m.), 6563 tons, Smith, from London, via Auckland. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 193 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. HINEMOA. s.s, (7.15 p.m.V 542 tons, 80llons, from Cook Strait lighthouses.
DEPARTURES. - FRIIJAI, iiLAiiUIL 11. '■ KAHTJ, s.s. (3.46 a.m.), lt»2 tons, Carlson, lOI\ Xikou ooastr. % aiUsuulUa, t,. a . (4 a.m.), 542 tons, BolloUa, iOl\ ijOOii OiLU.ll , ilUAflu, scow ii.u u.1i1.), 120 tollß, Waiuium, fov Tonga Bay. bciioouor ua-ju p.m.), V 7 tons, Aiiiswvi'wi, lor x'ioton. ULjixui,. K.S. pja.), 268 tons, lioUlieo^pon. i'ATiiiiftA, t.s. (1.60 p.m.), 1212 -tons, UrorvVioi'u, xor i'ACtoa ana Poison. tfora: biuoon—xwx' x-ioguii—Orruiii, ux iiciiiiic, • cirauwui, Auaius, iii'cciuuuica Ajyar, w.u6uzie, u&r» i'luji, Uyios, ia.oaoi's. x»iaan, iicv. Itooo, uiuaon, j/eii-y. ' For Neibou ou.ic.ocd Oxiisiiuiiu (2;, oiuin, jjrawuriuge, uoui'uiey, blouiiaxj,, irfeauitiii*ib xtuywCu, aua Uiiaiid, I'i'a.tjui, ouishomi, AxUgiico, Jiux'u uud mlane, dubkcjco, x'etei'a, oiilien, jiiossrta. Hayv>ooii, ijuvu, emu eh, uore, laeeu, xnktmoiia, 'i'hompoUii, ILOV. Juiiusioli, wuptdiu iiicuju'uhon, (iru« xou, i'ari',. rc*ry, an Kenzie. AOitbJiu, b.o. W.ou p.iu,yy toils, KBk, iox* i*aiea. ol'UjliiuilßD, s.s. (6 p.m.), 217 tons, Jl'lulor vy&iigauui. muiSgtUv h.a.' 1/.45 p.m.), 3433 : tons, biiiitn, xor Napier,-, uisbume, and - • Auork.-' itiud. • ' WiMTMBBA, s.s. (7.51) p.m.), 3022 tons, Walicr, lor jjyitaiLon ana, i>unoum. iuAuxiX, s.s. u.j p.Ui.;, oosj ions, Aldwell, lor ijy iwiwn. raaoyilb'Ora: baiouii— nasbeii uiobb, y* ai'siey, ; Anurae, liumonubtone, 1 AioJioer, Leal, A J orier, i'ai'sons, ±>raiii U), , barter, i-'arruli, Fi'Ooi ( \ uerurana, EosKiztjys, l'erg-usjfl,. Lanreuue, Ferguson, nuxiiphrey, mesuumea Ituio, .Gibbs, liuine, M'iiouzie, AnUfae, Uutnio, Baimam, ! 8eil » stain, i-'anning anu iniauc. i .joiies, iieywoou, Jj'osswm, juarsaaii, beiuy I neiiy anu l eaiioren, 'J'norne, Quinaii,' oaxton, Wiuiams, iieniar, Saiuueia,, Uiapcotb. aha mfam, biaru..' nosI Kiuga, Enooii ana z chuarph,'LawI l'ouue, jioas, Miuiane and kxanW Pouer | Aifessi-s. • whiip, ititchio, nuie, Itobson, Cnoos, M'Konzie, Morrison, Ritchie, Lees • Anarac,. oiariidou, Brooke, RusseU, Kayo, raiuipo, Buscheu, Jones (2), iieywooa, Fosswiil, Lewis, Merritt, Baker, Boyos ilomson, btrathers, Green, Bates, beibourne, ifaiupton, Oaptaiu'M'Nao, Matmeson, Ayson, liuihie, buthenahu, bcuiiy, Hiuary, Dra. U'lHeiu, Saxton, Uol.Smythe Ross, Crawiora, jiiiulane. - . MOANA, s.s.' (8.2U p.m.), 3915 tons, Worrail, for- Sydney. Passengers: SaloonMisses Boston, Arnott, Davis, Devlin and maid, Helmore, Marolla, Glasson (Z), Haraing, Field, Bell, Marshall, M'Eldowney, waters,. Kininmouth, Tnompsbn,; .Giassou, ilowea, I*arsons, Barelia, Mcsdames Bell, Pallenstali, Williamson, .Waller,' Hut/' chinGon, Barnca and child,.' Thompson, M'ljldowney, Kininmouth, Caselberg, kuiholland, btauttern, Miller, Waters, Mullens and chila, White-Parsons, Barciay, Andrews, Longstatf, Page, Drummond and child, Simpsoii, Miller and child, Messrs. JVlunt, Bell, ltiley, Faulkner,' Desparu, ±tol-' lings, Beaie, Pearson, . M'Fariane, HutI^ ea, l e » Barnes, Bell,' Thompson, Mliiaowney (2), Grant; Coombos, Charleswortn, Helmore, Car6tairs, Hodgson, Saunderson, Frasor, Malloo, Wilson, Whitworth, Weade, Mitchell, Gibbs, 'Caselberg, Dixon, Dower, Thompson, Madden,' Mulhoiiand, Standern, Waters, Laery, Bray Rev. Treacy, Sturtevant, Hollinga, May! Cox (2), Averie, Brown, Penney, Dwyer, * l?' i aylor '-r? arcia y» Andrews, Dr. Longstatf, Pago, Hale.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS, - Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 12. Huia, Wanganui, March 12. Kiripaka, Vauganui, March 12., Nikau, Nelson, Motueka. March 12 Arapawa, Lyttelton, March 12. Pateena, Nelson, Picton, March 12. Mapourika, Greymouth, Westport, Nelson, March 13. Maori, Lyttelton, March 13. Aorere, Patea, March 13. Wairnea, Lyttelton, March 13. ' ' ■ : Opawa, Blenheim, March 13. - Stormbird, Wanganui, March- 13; ' Rosamond, Onehunga, New Plymouth March 13. . . Hauroto, Dunedin, Lyttelton, March 13. Kumara, Timaru, March 14. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, March 14. Mokoia, Port Chalmers, March 14. Puliaki, southern ports, March 15. Tarawera, Auckland, Gisborno. Nauicr March 15. ' Kahu, Napier, via tho coast, March '5. Dovon, Picton, March 15. Kotuku, Onohunga, March 15. Oorinua, southern porta, March 16. Moeralti, Sydney direct, March 16. Wimmcra, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Mar 17 Tainui, Lyttelton, March 18. Monowai, Auckland, Qisborne, Napier March 18. Warrimoo, Melbourne, via southern norta and iiobart, March 18. Tomoana, Gisborne, Maroh 19. ' Moana, Sydney direct, March 23.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 12. Huia, Wanganui, March 12. ' Kiripaka, Patea, March 12. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, March 12. Arahura, Pieton, Nelson, Westport, Grevmouth, March 12. ■ " Queen of the Soutbi Foxton, -March 12. Waltßnui, London, March 13. Pateena, Pieton, Nelson, March 13. Maori, Lyttelton, March 14. Aorere, Patea, March 14. Waimoa, Nelson, West Coast, March 14. Opawa, Blenheim, March 14.' Stormbird, Wanganui, March 14. Hauroto, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, March 14. Arapawa, Wanganui, ?larch 14. Manaroa, Motueka, March 14. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, via tho coast, March 15. Kahu, Napier, via the coast, March !5. Pukaki, Picton, West Coast, March 15. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Dunedin, March 15. Mapourika, Nelson, West Coast; Mar. is! Itosamond, Picton, Nelson, ■ New Plymouth, Onehunga, March 15. Oorinna, Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehunga, March 16. Mokoia, Rarotonga, Papeete, March 16. Moeraki, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Dlulf. Hobart. Melbourne, March 17. Wiinmora, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, March 18. Warrimoo, Sydney direct, March 18. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, March 18. Tomoana, London', March 22. Moana, Lyttelton, Dunedin, BluiF, Hobart, Melbourne, March 24. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOERAKI. s.s., leaves Sydney March 12 for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington March 16. Leaves March 17 for Melbourne via southern ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourne March 26. MAHENO, b.b., loft Sydney March 9, for Auckland dircot, Dno Auckland March 13, and connects with Monowai for Bouti--*m.-Dorta.
: WARRIMOO, 8.8.-,' left Melbourne March 9, for iHobart, Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. Due Wellington March 18 Leaves.same day for Sydney direct. Duo Bydney, March 22. MONOWAI, s.s., leaves Auckland March 15 for Gisborne, Napier, Wellington. . Duo Wellington March 10 with transhipments ex Maheno from Sydney. Leaves -same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. WIMMERA, s.s., leaves Dunedin March :15 for Lyttelton and Wellington. Due Wellington March 17. Leaves same day i for Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, and Sydney. Duo Sydney March 25. OVERSEA SHIPPING. - - STEAMERS TO ARRIVE, From London. lONIO (duo about March 22), sailed on February 3, Plymouth February 6, via Teneriffe, Cape Tov/n and Hobart. • (Shaw, Savili, and Albion Company, agents.) NIWARU (due about March- 28), sailed on January 26, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser, Line, agents.) KIA ORA (due about March 31), sailed on February 8, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) TURAKINA (due about April 5), sailed on February 17,, Plymouth February 19, via Tencriffe, Cape Town, and Hobart (New .Zealand Shipping Company,, agents.) (due about April 18), sailed on February 11,. via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. .(Tyser Line, agents.) STAR' OF SCOTLAND (duo about April 30), sailed on February 23, via Melbourne, Sydney, ; Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser. Line, agents.). ATHENIO,(due about April 13), sailed on .March 3, Plymouth March 5 via Tencriffe, Capo Town, and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, agents.) From Liverpool. . CORNWALL (duo about March 22), sailed "on January 7, via Sydney and Auckland. (Fcderal-Houlder-Sliire Line, agents.) : FlFESHlßE'(duo'about April 12), sailed on February 5,- via Melbourne, Sydney. Auckland, and Napier.. (Federal-Houlder Shire Line, agents.) • RANGATIRA (due about April 10, sailed on February 24 via Adelaide ahd Auckland. (ShaWi Savill and Albion Company,, agents.) : \ f From Now York. ' SPITHEAD (duo about March 24), sailed on January 7, via Australian ports, and Auckland. (A. and A. Line; agents.) GEORGIA (due about April 20), sailed on January 6, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil; Company, agents.) • ; ... ABERLOTJR (duo'about April 15), sailed on January 27, via ..Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland., (A. and A* Line.. aaents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. JACQUES, barque, Bailed from Now York on November 24, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company, agents.) ANDROMEDA, barque, sailed from. New York on November 20. (Vacuum Oil Company, agents.) . : MARJORY GLEN, barque, sailed frwn Liverpool on December 15. f ST. KILDA, barqucntine, sailed jfrom Newcastle /March 7. (J. W. Wallace! and Co., . ' HAZEL CRAIG, s barquo, sailed from Newcastle March 9. (J. W. Wallace and Co., agents.)
BY TKI/F.QRAPH. ■ OVERSEA, SYDNEY, March 11'. Arrived.—'Victoria (4 p.m.); . Lismoro '2 p.m.). COASTAL. FRIDAY, MARCH 11.' ' . - . TE KOPURU. ■ Arrived.—Brisbane (11 a.m.), from Sydney. NEW PLYMOUTH, i Arrived—Rarawa (6 a.m.), from Onehunga. Sailed— Rarawa (10 p.m.), for Onehunga; Rosamond (2 p.m.), for Onehunga. ' WANGANUI. Arrived.-Huia (7.40 a.m.), from Wellington; Kiripaka (9.20 a.m.), from Wellington; Jlana (10.55 a.m.), from Wellington. . PICTON. . , Arrived.—Dofcndcr (8.40 a.m.), from Wellington; Pateena (5.30 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. Sailed.—Kaitoa (6.10 p.m.), for Wellington; Nikau (5.5 p.m.), for Wellington. • MOTUEKA. Arrived.—Nikau (8.20 a.m.), from Wet'lington. . • . ■ FAREWELL SPIT. Andromeda, barque, from Now York, passed east for Wellington at 11 a.m. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Waipori (6.20 a.m.), from Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Arrived.—Mapourika (10 a.m.), from WestP°rt- , „ , Sailed.—Petone (10 a.m.),' and Ngahero (10.10 a.m.), for Wellington; Poherua (10.45 a.m.), for Wellington. - To sail—Kaiapoi (to-day), with timber, for Melbourne and Adelaide; Mapourika (7 p.m.), for Westport, Nelson, and 'Wellington. KAIKOURA. Arrived—Wakatu (5.30 a.m.), from ■ Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Ulimaroa (7.15 a.m.), and Mararoa (8.50 a.m.), from Wellington; Cygnet and Wakatu, from Kaikoura; Kaitangata (7.40 p.m.), from Greymouth, via Wellington. Bart, and Melbourne; Mararoa (6.10 p.m.), for Wellington. Paßsengcrs: Saloon—Misses Trevithiok, Crossland, Whitcman, M'Kinloy, Hutton, Arrowsmith, Lowderless, Morner, Stone, Oampboll, Robinssn, Haytor, Mesdames Jefferson, Leggo, Wintors, Woods, Lalte, Higginson, Hogg, Williams and 3 children, Robertson ■ and child, Rao, Wilson, Reilley, Stone, Campbell, Grcenham, Bush, Sir W. J. Steward, M.P., Col. Por-' ter, Messrs. Hogg, M.P., Jefferson, King, Southee, Rowlston, Winters, Woods, Lake, : Hentze, Parr, Latimer, Russell (2), Williams, Vavasour, Higginson, Field, Fowlei', Corser, PaTiner, Buckcridge, Johnson, (2), Dacombe, Culverhouse, Walker, liudkins, M'lnnes, Druminond,. Greenhow, Orchard, Wallace (2), M'Leod, M'Donald, and Barley; 30 steerage. , . DUNEDIN. Arrived:—Storm, from Lyttolton; Kia Ora, from Timaru; Corinna, from Timaru. Bailcd.—Pukaki, for West Coast, via ports; Storm, for Bluff; Hauroto (4 p.mj, for northern ports. Passengers for Wellington—Saloon—Miss Darnjey, Messrs. Clennell, Bowden, Stewart. Captain D. M'Lean is to havo command of tho Hauroto In the East Coast service. Mr. Whybourne will bo chiof officer, Mr. Rytn second, and Mr. Bold third.'
NIWAEU AT MELBOUENB. , Cable advice records the arrival atMolbourne of tho 1 Tyser liner Niwaru . fr6m London. Sho afterwards proceeds to Sydney and tho ..usual New Zealand porta. Her arrival at -Wellington is' looked for about Mar01i.,.31., . /'::' ; A BASQUE FEOM.-NEW . YOEK. A telegram; from Farewell. Spit states that tho lout-masted barque Andromeda,: from Now York, passed for Wellington at 11 a.m. yesterday. The Andromeda, 1928 tons, left i\ew iork oil November- 2U with a large carsV of casii oils consigned to the Vacuum Oil Company. After discharging part cargo at this port sho is to go to Auckland with the balance. • BUTESHIRE TO LOAD. .Movements of the' New : Zealand Shipping Company's chartered. steamer Buteshire aro now . announced. She commenced Homeward- loading at Bluff on Monday, and afterwards calls at byttelton, Waitara,.- Timani, and. ...Wellington. She is due here on March 31,. and will be dispatched for London on April 'L- ■ THE MAI'OUEIKA. . • Owing to the 6trong" fresh in the river at Greymouth, tho Mapourika did not reach tnore till 10.30 a.m. yesterday, Sho was timed to leave at 7 p.m. on the return journey to Westport,.' Nelson,- anu Wellington, and should accordingly . ,'ar-. rivo horc some time to-morrow alternoon;' . I'APAEOA'S PEOGEAMME. / After a good down the coast, the New Zealand Shipping Company's Paparoa arrived from London, via Auckland,, shortly after 3'p.m.. yesterday. She waß berthed at No. 2 King's Wharf,'-wliero sho will-be engaged during ±ho next few'days: discharging';the .-balanco :6I her' -London cargo. O.ii; Tuesday• sbai le,Mes fop Wain tara to commence .ilomevrartt loadingj-aud sne afterwards' visits Picton, Nelson, and Lyttelton. She. is due 'at the last-men-tioned port on 'March. . 28, and is to ' be dispatched from there for London oh: March 31.
RUAPEHU'S OUTWARD OAEGO. . When tho Xew. Zealand Shipping Company's Ituapeliu left : here for . London on I'iiursilfi.y evening, she had .on-board'tho' following cargo, lilted'at New 'Zealand portsl'rom Wellington—loss bales '■ wool, 500 quarters begf,:lCOy,.bales, hemp,l6o casks pelts,' 17 ca-sks tallow, r7935 boies'butter, 5705 crates cheese, 3117 ..carcasses mutton, 9360 carcasses lamb, 567. carcasses tegs, 525 carcasses pork, 173 packages' sundries. From, Patea—27B3; boxes butter,', 5309 crates ] 1 cheese. From- New Plymouth—lo,299 boxes' butter, 2949. crates' cheese; From Lyttclton —1120 bales wool, 168 crates cheese, 7675 • carcasses miitton, .18,993 ■ carcasses lamb, 50 cases kidneys, : 426 casks tallow, - 230 boxes ; buttor, 120 casks premier , jus., .115 casks pelts, 105 casks-, oleo,- 69: casks casings,' -77. packages sundries, 17- cases meat cxtract, 4 bales skins, 9 kegs: casings, 5 cases sweetbreads. From DunCdin—-1161 crates cheese, 41 boxes-butter;—From-Bluff—7s2 bales wool, 4454 crates cheese, 453 bales t0w,'3848 carcasses' mutton, 10,685 carcasses lamb, 250 crates kidueys,'.,4s,casks, tallow, 25 ; casks pelts,-4 casks casings, 501 cases mea,ts| 200 sacks.fescue. From Auckland— 239 crates cheese, : 12,893 boxes'butter. -From Napier—l 467 bales 'wool, 29 pockets' wool.'; Messrs. Turhbull,. Martin -arid Co., ; of Dunedin, notify-intendihg passengers that the Shire liner -Buteshire will bo dispatch-■ cd from Wellington to London on April 2.: Mr.. J. Scrivener, .third officer of the Oorinna, is to'-.transfer to the Monowai. While at Wellington next week, 11.M.5. -Powerful will load 1600 tons of Westport Ooal for her' bunkers. Challenger and H.JI.S. -Pegasus will also replenish bunkers at Wellington. . .. . Mr. Fred Govsky,' late third officer of the -s.s. Maoti; v ' Who; left', by-rthe'/ li;M.s.' Euapchu ,for.>iKriglarid:.-on : 'i'nursday,.-was tne day previously presented'by his 1 Comrades on the.»llaori, with ;.an;.engraved 6ilvcr tobacco pouch and case of -pipesi--Mr. Walton, ,chief 'officer,,, on . behalf ■ of the . ollicers anil engineers,, expressed: the' icjl'ct felt imparting'With-such'/a good shipmate and-' ; 'a ' capably . officer^''Mr.' Govsky briefly.',responded^. A report from. Bunbury -Btates 'lhat "the Union Company's-- Whangapei is-to-go-to-Bunbury to- load .jarrah forJNen.:i!ealaudports. Yesterday the iOollector; of..Customs. (Mr.: O. Nixon) held a-preliminary - inquiry - into the oircumatunccs co.nicctcd with the Manama's ■ touching of.ii submerged, ob-.' ject on the run-trorn'-Motuoka ■to Wellington on Tife'sdiiy "night."' The' 'paperd' have been forwarded to tho Marine in. partment. —'- - : Mr. L. 0. Bernard has joined tho Moana as assistant purser jn ,piace :of ..llr., Scott'. Mr. W. O. Norris, who liad been ashort to - sit for Ills ticket, has rejoined tho Mararoa as fifth 'ohgineer, and Mr. B. Lowls, who was relieving, has come ashore. After considering ■ the' evidence ; taken at the preliminary .inquiry, into the grounding of the Tarawera-at-Napier, the-Mar-ine Department, has dcpidad„ ; that no'-fur-ther inquiry will be. necessary.. A - copy of the evidence J taken~ Is* to be forwarded to the Napicr Harboar Board. . yestetday morning" tho Government stoamer Hinemoa' left port to land stores at Cape Campbell, tne Brothers, and Tory Channel lighthouses. She is due back in port to-day. .. Mr. C. S., Broughton, purser of the Arahura, was taken to the Wellington. Hospital yesterday suffering from tho effects of an' accident sustained last Saturday. Imports by the Moana ■ from, Melbouruo yesterday included:—4Bo bags rice,-' 365 bags bark, 100 bags .flour, 268 eases L fruit, 200. oases wine. 23 caska oil, 130 cases -milk,' 103 sacks oatmeal, 345 sacks grass seed, 251 cases meats, 114 sacks oysters, . 190 sacks potatoes, 1760 sacks oats, 160. sacks oats, 87 casks ale, 55 cases starch, 260 bags cement, and a quantity of sundries. The Tokcrau District Maori Land Board advertise a sale of 60,439,294 superficial feet of milling timber by public tender, Brain workers will bo interested in Mr. Fletcher's announcement - in another column. In Fletcher's pkosphatonic he offers a restorative for jaded nerves, attending upon overwork. Messrs. W. H. Turnbull and Go. will- sell, at their rooms, 27 Panama Street, on Wednesday, April 6, 25 perches, being part of lot numbered 10. Block 3, Hataitni lload, Hataitai.
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 764, 12 March 1910, Page 7
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2,785SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 764, 12 March 1910, Page 7
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