With the -"clean-up" -sale held yesterday afternoon thei series of. Wellington.,wool sales have ended for the'season, and it is. interesting to compare the offerings of this season with those of the previous one. The figures aTe as under:— : 1909-10. 1908-9. V . Bales. Bales. November ; i. 2,500 1,400 - December ID,OGO * 7,600 January-'>2oy!uo >v. - - 20,000 February ............... 16,5CU 15,300 - March ..i,250.::;:.:."1,200 *;' v - • 51,250 '43,500' -f Thero is a gain of 7750 bales, which nnut be regarded as satisfactory. The iseluug brokers have done their' utmost to conserve the interests of growers, and un tuu whole it must be conceded, that tne pnut* realised have been exceptionally • good, for London' parity has' been reached at times. The sales in- New Zealand have acquired an importance, 1 and the buyers who have attended-duiing- the past five months have represented all section's o* the manufacturing trade. The storage trouble which was- more or less pros., nounced at": the - January sale, will next 'season it is hoped not recur, for additional accommodation is about to be pro* 1 vided by some of the brokers. . Thero is scope for great expansion at . the ' .Wei-: ' lington 8aU&:. fortho ; district served by j Wellington is an extensive one. Accordling to tho .last return, the number of i sheep in the Wellington-West. Coast'., dis- | I trict was 5,403,428;. andif .we • take an average of 50 fleeces to ; the ; ,bale, .the clip ! of the district- would-approximate to. 109,-. 670 bales,' so that about 47 per cent. u. \ the clip was- marketed-' 1 in«»-Wellington; but that does not give._a .fair view of tho position -for the- reason • that the Marl-' borough-Nelson' 'district "contributed to the sales, and'in ' : this"distnct there are--1,225,030 sheep.-which on an estimate would clip 24,500 • b'aleV.Thus? oufof 134,710ba1es of wool, 51,250 were marketed .tin- Welling* ton. ' The is" a,' goodone,' but there is certainly scope' for .; Australasia is-now marketing within its own centres a very large "percentage'"of its clip, and-.there'-is' no «doubt but that a fair proportion *of"the J wool*sold local!> is reoffered -at subsequent .London* sales;'. There is a -belief- among- Australian .-.wool-; brokers be; displaced as' the • selling centro- for- • Australasian t wool, but this is hardly likely; w, London-will air wayß be ah attractive' "market '• for" wool* growers , the world'over, and a fair percentago of .Australasian ,s wqol will continue to be offered in .that- market'.-r.With. respect to the earlier' London, wool *sales Colonel Ohslow, M.L:Av. writing to the "Sydney Horning Herald,'' states that~ his—mother ;ha6, at Camden Park, a catalogue which Vr'ea'ds'as 'follows: For sale, 'by public auction, at-Garra-way's Coffee Palace, Change Alley,' Com Hill, on Friday, August .17, 1821, at' one precisely, the following goods, viz.—329 bales New. South' Wales wool, per Shipley, Capt.- Mohcrief, from" Said colony;. 71 bags Spanish wool; 20 bales. Cape wool; 10 bales German wool; 4 bales 'Italian wool., .*
The shipment included some 60 bales of John Slacarthor's wool, which realised an average ,of : 3s v ;;6d.; : .per/ lb v . f one bale reaching., the..extreme figure .of v 'loi 4d, a lb. (purchased by Hurst;: of-Leeds,, who. Ib.'. bales) j also a number of bales from John Oxley, John Wood;* William .Howe, James Riley, Berry' and . -Woolstonecroft, and Hannibal Macarthur, the prices varying from Is. 2d. to 2s. lid. per lb.' The'buyers were Harsh and Ebsworth, 66 Coleman Street. A' photograph of this catalogue was-, published in the Commonwealth , number- of the "New. South Wales Agricultural Gazette" in January,-1900. Dalgety and Company. . Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd.. report as follows:—We held our : fifth sale of the season yesterday, when we- offered a. cata* loguo of 1106-bales, (out- of a, total- offering of 2387 bales'by"all'brokers);'and 501d.987 bales at auction.. There .was a representa-. itivo attendance of buyers-from all parts, and competition, was animated throughout the sale. As is generally the case, at this sale the catalogue mostly consisted, of lambs ,and odd lots of wool. - Prices for coarse'. ; lots : were fairly well maintained, whUst. several inferior, lots, . which were passed vat -last", sale, sold • at ,a slight .ad*' vance. Best lambs were on a par with last sale' rates. Better classes of fleece were (as compared with last sale) if anything in buyers' favour; bellies and pieces were slightly easier, ; .•
Some of the most notable sales wore on account of the following;—]?. W. Oliver, Ashhurst, 3 bales lambs,; 10d.;,A. Thomas, Marton,' 3 baies M'Leay/ Martinborbugh,-'2 bales : 'lambs,- lOdvi-VfijUi Hall,' Pahiatua, bales lambs, lOid;; B. L. Gibson, bales---lambs, lid.;' Gilford Bros.,' 'Blenheim, "3 bales lambs, 105d:;:T." Eyan, Kumara,- 7-bales- crossbred," 10d.-; J; ,: J. Bryce, Hinau,;2 bales S.D. lambs, :103d'.;:,;• D.; .'Hart,--' Blenheim, '2 <,bales I lambs, 10jd.;"R." X" Young, Palmerst'on' North, 2 bales S.D.-lambs, Hid.;. J.. M'D. Hill, Blenheim, '9 bales halfbred H., lOld.j W. Halliday, Blenheim,. 4'bales. merino Ay. 10d«; W.\ Halliday, Blenheim, 16" bales merino B, '9£d;; W; Halliday, Blenheim? 11 bales• merino ! .C," 83d.; .W. • Halliday,.;.Blenheim,,9 bales; merino, pieces,-Bid.; W. Halliday, Blenheim,' 6(bales- merino bellies,, Bd.; T. A. Lewis,: ;Mangamah,u, ,4. ..supcr crossbred, iOJd'J-T. A. - Lewis, - Mangamahu, 7 bales flnetcrossbred, llangamahu;' 11'-.bales: medium. crossbred, 9Jd.; T. A;--Lewis, Mangamalm, '.21 .-bales •crossbred, 9d.; •. E. Kcynall, • Carterton,. 4 bales lambs, iOJd.; Gore Bros., Palmerston North, 3-bales lambs, 101 d.; W.>Jacques, .Blenheim, 2 bales lambs, 101 d.; 0. E.-Laid-ley,; Taihape, 3 /bales fine crossbred,' lGJdv; Department of Agriculture, Motuaia Island i reserve, .'halfbred, llid.; 1I.„ Ahipene,v.'.Har- : tinborough,''lambs, 101 d. The folio, wing .tabje will; giye an indica?' tion of prices ruling,:—lferino,'-9id; to 10& L; merino inferior, 73d. to 83d.; halfbred'me* dium, 10Jd. to.. Hid.;,.halfbred inferior. ,7id. to 9d.; crossbred., medium, < 9id. ■ -to.. ~lo} a;; crossbred. coarse, -and..inferior, ,-7id. to B|d.; merino bellies and pieces, Bd. to Bid.; crossbred bellies and pieces, sd. to 7Jd.; stained locks and- pieces, 33d. to s*d.; crutchings, 4Jd. to 5Jd.;. best.'lambs,' lQd.' to Hid.;, medium lambs; Bid.;'to\92d. , ; : inferi6r. arid seedy,'' 6d. to 7id.- - v v -: ' -• • •
Abrafwm'and Williams, .Ltd. Messrs. Abraham ->and-' Wiiliamß.-Lt'di, report as foUo^'6i~Th6"''lj^t'Bale bf the son was held'yesteHay, when catalogues, comprising a. total,.of, 2400 bales were.offered to a 'good attendance of buyers. Our catalogue comprised a total of 320 bales, and,','as is usual at this■?timeVof the year, insisted of back* country' wool-and late-shorn-lambs.- v There was good competition - for all. wools, and prices were-fully'maintained. The different .qualities •• xealised, as follow Eomne'y, 102&;. fine''crossbred (log-stained);' 91d. to 93d.;-medium-oro6sbred f -9d. coarse, • Bid. R io '.interior. ..crossbred, 7id. to Bd.; medium, 9id. to 10d.; medium iambs, and seedy,'7id'.'to oi'dir'slipe lambs, 10Jd.; seconds; 7Jd.-;- halfbred 'pieces, super.,-"9d.' to 9\d.;' rexossbr^d. .pieces,..super;, ,73d. .'..to' Bd.r first .pieces,' to 7d.;- ordinary,-4Jd.- to* 6Jd.; locks, 3£3. to-4drr t -dead, 7<L to 73d.; 'black, 7}d. ' . v ( ''" L'oaV Co.'"- 1 ;..' v. The . NewZ^land.. and Agency 00. report as As: sociated Brokers';held:'their fifth'or 'supplementary'sale yesterday,- wheh;some 24C0 bales were" offered to a large gathering of local fellmdhgerEi' 'and"'Shippers', •'and' some representatives-iof .-Home .and -Continentalhouses. Bidding,: -brisk,.and the bulk . o£l'the-16ts nYere sold- at-prices quite equal to those'ruling at the Febru-' ary sales;: corifeid&iig 'the 1 Quality. Taken as a whole the catalogue was a very unattractive one, containing many rough lots, and , the. prices obtained must be considered very satisfactory.. ; Owners' pro--hibitive reserves, were .largely, responsiblefor the passed-in-lots." *
Some of our sales,were ,03 .follow:— Gregor coarse crossbred, 9d.;-- 3 - bales- lambs .from West Coast" B.L, llld,;;.;\Thoma&: Bros., . Makomako, 4 bales. .or'ossbred,'n 8|d»; -,'John : • 'Col--lins, Taihape, 3 .bales 'lambs, 9d.j Wm. Piclrap, Raurimu,'.3 /bales lambs, 9d.'; J; J. Jenkins, Marlborough,*' 6 bales threo-* quarter-bred lambs, 9}d.;. l-'.bale mixed fleece, 83d.;i 11. "W. Rogers,. Marlborough, 7 bales • half bred, 10d.; >2 bales merino, part h'alfbred, 91d.;.l ,bale bellies and locks, 6Jd.; D.. H. Speedy :Tenui> ,3..bales Romney' Lincoln; lambs,-9sd.;.*l,Southdown cross lambs, lQfd.; .'.l:-lambs, f pieces. '-.part fleece, 91d.; T lambs' pieces,' 7Jd.; Brown Bros., Tarauaki,',4 bales: lambs, 9d.; John Martyn, West Coasts crossbred fleece, lQd.j-'W. Summer,-1 lambs, 10id.; ,"W. Bell, Marlborough,' 2 ,, balesoorf r lambs, lOd.; A; Thomson, Marlborough, 2 lambs, 9Jd.\ . Range of prices as compared with February rates:— ' I v ... Februarys ' March. HaUbred medium .... lOitollJ 10 Crossbred Super ...... .104 to lli none offered Crossbred medium 9 tolOi 9 to 10 Crossbred inforior 7J to 9 7J to Locks, bellies, . and pioocs 4 to 8 33 to .7 Lambs super «... 10$ to 12 9itollJ Lambs, medium : 81to 9 : 8 ; to 9 Lambs, inferior and . seedy -Qto. 63. 53t0 6J Levin and' Co. Messrs. Levin and Company, Limited, report:—At the fifth sale of the season held yesterday, we offered 300 bales of wool out of a total offering of 1750 bales. There was a good attendance of buyers for a sale at this season of the year. There was a good entry of lambs' wool, which sold well, though not up to the high range' of the ' February sale; The fleece wool offering was shabby and heavy in condition, but contrary to expectations, pricos held their own, and all lots realised last sale prices readily. The following are some of the prices realised:—Lambs: EKK,. Hid.; Marshlands, Ud.; B. 103 d.; Pakoho. lfc}d.; MP, IOJd.; JW/Z, IOJd-j HCL IGid.: EB/K. 10id.; GB.
IOJd.; crossbreds: IWP, 10d.; AJP,.92d.; G r Bid.; F, 9d. We quote: Medium crossbreds, 9£<L to--10d.; coarse crossbreds, Bd. to 9jd.; info*, rior crossbreds, 7Ad. to 9d.; pieces and- • bellies, 5Jd. to GJd.; locks, 3d. to 4id.;; lambs' wool, superior, lOd. to U!<L; lambs*, wool, medium, 9d. to 10d.; lambs' wool*, inferior, Vd. 10 82d. . ' Murray, acbGrts and Co, Messrs. .Murray, Uoberts and Co. rs-J port:—Of- a total offering of some 2GGO'' bales, we catalogued 350 bales. The at-' tendance of buyers was fairly large, audi most of the lots were sold under the', hammer at prices. which, considering thai condition of tlio wool, were, about on &> par. with last.sale for crossbreds. Thero: was a. large proportion of lambs' wool* most of wnich, however, was in heavier 1 condition. than last month's offerings— : and a good deal of seed showing—and prices were easier. Pieces and locks were also slightly below last sale's rates, but .. here, again, the wool shown .was . distinctly inferior to the average of last!' sale. We quote prices' realised at tho sale yesterday, as follow:— Crossbred, medium and. coarse, BJd. to," 9£d. per lb.; crossbred, rought.-and stain-/ ed, 7d. to 73d. per . lb.; lambs; clean, '9d» r to lOld. per ,Ib.; lambs, seedy and heavy*! in condition; fld. to 83d.; lambs, badlyi seedy, t .sld. to 7d.; pieces, bellies, S(U to "7d.| lochs/and heavy pieces, 24d.-'t©4id* s per'lb.. . . Some of the~best sales in our catalogue , were:—F.B.M'E., 13 bales crossbred, JH, 6. bales, crossbred, 9d.; Ashdene, &• bales crossbred H,. 9id.; PH/TP,' 12 baW crossbred, 9£d.; 7 bales half bred, IQJd.; T»Bere, 3 bales lambs', lGd.; JJW. • 4 bales.lambs', 10d., 9 bales lambs' 9Jd., 2 balea' bellies; 7d.; J" (reversed), .5 bales lambs,] i lGd.; IHSB, 6 bales lambs," 10d.; DD, ¥■ I bales pieces, 5Jd. I WOOL, HIDE, AND TALLOW RATYRfi. ! | Messrs) Levin and Company, Ltd., report as follows:—We held our fortnightly sale yesterday, when we offered 2UUO - skins, 600 hides and .calfskins, and a quantity of . tallow and horsehair." There - was a -good •. attendance of'buyers.. Skins: Strong competition, but no change to record. Wo quote:—Fine crossbreds, Bd. to-9l(L; meaium crossbreds, 7d. to Bid.; coarse hog- ( get skins, crossbreds, 7d. to B£d.j hoggetr skins, 6d. to. 6^d.; dead.skins,.4d.;to 6?<L;j •dead hoggets, 6d'. to 6d.; i to i wools, 4dLr to 6£d.; dry pelts,"2£d. to 6i; green pelts, 25.-to 3s. 9d.; lamb pelts, Is. to Is. 9d»! Tallow: Very firm. -Parcels in shipping.order, £26 -10s.; tins, £20 to £23;' roughr . fat, £10 to £19. Horsehair, Is. to-ls.'4i<Lj per lb. Horns, ss. to 15s. per hundred.! Cowtaiis, Is. < Sd. per' dozen. Hides; Wof brought forward a good catalogue, which/ • met with strong competition at late rates. We cjuote:—Ox hides (heavy), 7d-i'; to Bd.; ox (medium), 7d. to 7H>« <wri] hides (light),.6d. to,7gd.; cow hides, 6£d- to'' 7id.; cut - and • slippy hides, 4d. to 63d.a stag . hides, : .4d, •to s&du; 'bull. hides, 4d.' ta". s|d.; yearlings, sd. >to 63d.;- calf," best, &L; to 9i£; calf, medium, 6d.' to Bd.; - calf,'crifct and slippy, sd: to 65d. Messrs. Abraham and - Williams, Ltd^: report:—We offered a fair catalogue of, .skins and hides to a good attendance of{ buyers, prices being on. a. par .with lasfc. sale.- We quote:—Skin 3: Crossbred,, me- • didm, 81d.; coarse,' 72d.; ' half-wools, 6' dead, 6Jd.; shorts and inferior, 3d.; to. sd.';J* lambs, 3s. 6d.,* pelts, 3s. to 36. 4d.; lambs' pelts, Is. 9d. Hides: Light .cow, 6gd. to!. *62d.; light ox,;7d. to 74d.; calf, 6Jd. to 83d. • .Me&srs. Dalgety : and Company, 1 Limited, report having held-their fortnightly sale<' of .sheepskins, hides, and tallow yesterday,* when they, offered a good catalogue of all , classes to . a large attendance of buyerß. . Prices obtained • were as follow:—Sheeps; skins: Prices were .slightly.easier,:"as tuiv dcr—Halfbred, 9Jd.; fine, crossbred.. 7id« to BJd.'; ci'ossbred,.medium and'coarse, 62d. to 7d.'; crossbred, broken and damaged,' sld-r to 6id.; crossbred, double / fleece,, SJdZtT shorts, 4<L to 53d.; pelts, 4d. to 5d.; pelts, damaged, 2d.; to 31d.; lambs, sd. to 7Ad.; lambs' dead, s£d. to 6|d.s;. merino, 51d. to 7£d.; merino, double fleccet - 3d.; pelts,' damp, Ib. to 3s.' sd.;' lambs, damp, 2s. 9d.. Horsehair, Is. 3Jd. .per 1b.,. Hides.: No prime ox offering. Cow hides,, firm, at last > sale rates,' as foUowßt-rOx.' heavy and slieety,-6ad.;/medium,.* 6|d. to. 7d.; cut, 53d.; slippy, 51d.; cow,- 6£d. .to; • 63d."; v cut, 63di; slippy, 4^d.: ■ bulls, calf, best medium 6id., to 7d., inferior 3id. to s£d. Tallow, in. tins, 225. per cwt
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 764, 12 March 1910, Page 3
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2,232WELLINGTON WOOL SALES. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 764, 12 March 1910, Page 3
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