Navy: League Ball.- :• .■-.. _ ',' -- For some time the WeUingtoiibrancl of:.the-Navy League has' been-hoping' thai lt ::wou i d abl * ' to a «'ange to eutertaii the otfacers of: the' squadron, -'who ar. visiting 'Wellington the week after nest at'a'haU to be feivcn' in •■ the Town' Mall A : moetmg of; the ladies' branch of tin league.was held'on Saturday morning t< discuss-the matter, aid a meeting ol thi Men s- Committee' on 'Monday- night;- ant yesterday there was a. well attended anc very .enthusiastic mooting of the combine* committee, -when it:was agreed that,'sub'. lect to' the. Admiral's acceptance of th< fen' a \^ U SA° uW J» given .'in the-Town Hall on -March 15.,. A' large and represoii-tative-xommittee was appointed to■> take charge of'the- arrangement's,' and it was agreed that' the ■ tickets 1 should cost - -half a' l guinea'.v - "■ '.r .-;■.- .■ •-.'.'-,; .'•: .' If ; the ball is-as : great a success as'.the one given by. the Navy-League to- the •visitmji. squadron in 19U6, when it. is on record,,that'never a girl was without s partner,-.' it should. be niost'' enjoyable. The secretaries of thVßnll Committee' are Mrs. Algar rWiUiams-aid !Mrs.. Firth; re•presehting'jointly, the Ladies;' Committee, and Mr. Palmer, from the Men's. Comfflittee, while' Colonel- Hume,'' who' .priBided at yesterday's meeting, • is'chairman of-.the;-Ball-Committee.". .•.,;..; ." ■-■«.'• ■ In-answer .:to. telegram - sent .yesterday, -by. Mr., palmer ,tp. .the; Admiral' in Auckland, he- received word that the AdP U M,?P C I. officers.'accepted' the league's tantatidh.with-'pleasure:"'• .''. -"■•-■>• rTheTe' are/'by tie-way; : 'overi'seventy officers ;witli' the' squadron; so' it- inaV be supposed '.that .'the success*of'-1906 : will be repeated.' ;' y,■■■-•-•-. : - "-■;.- :-...-:- The followingis thelist of- those 'whose names -were, at.yesfce'rday's'.meeting placed on the -Ball Comrnittee; v ft is -understood ttat ;wnile- mos't'-of' ; them' have: promised t ?'- BC V. wpjies, have'still-: to cbme'iirom several..of them :-Xady -Ward, 1 Mrs. Find--toy.-Mrs. Newman',' Mis.'' ■ Rhodes, -.Miss Coates, Mrs. =• T.' :; G. ■ Macarthv.' Mrs Mrs/iC: .W. Parmeri Mn" cf t ETren,^Mrs..:J. -DykeW-Mrs. •Fr'Codper, Mrs. G.-'F. C; Miss- Seddon §^^ b i ai . > ? ,lnn; .Mra.\Corrigan; .-Mrs: 6..-F.-.Finch, ;Mrs; Larnach; : ;Mrs; Francis Stevens,' .Mrs:, Chatfield,: Shirtdiffe; jßßd_.Misses- Edwin, Harding, Winder; and 2tl£ellar;<••■• Lwut.-Colonfil -En'ine,' Dr.Newman,,.Colon«J::.Chnytor; Colonel'. Bav ' ehop, .LTentvjCqlonel G; •; R -Q.' Campbell;' r^-® s l£gs?* l -Hura«, <4aptains;fltSnllitani f Gorrigan,-? Hender:. •on,■ flail, jahd;. ••Edwin,-:,:Dr.''',.Napier MlL*an;;:Dr.'lzard,; Dri: CaWll, Dr!'>N:' Joa|6,- -and.- Messrs! M: -Fraperi Mr.P.; J ' t : :w Br( ? wn - ■ Darrocn, J. I M ; . Richmond,' Joynt;', TewMey; -and' W H. Morton';" ..'••'•:•• ,-':"- ./■."■i*..; ■:., i..;■■'■[■■ i whoie-'committee''will •ehqrtlrbe held,- when "the •'various: sub.committeesiwill bo' appointed'.'"'.'' .'«• ■';;
'Wellington Girls' College. .•;.'. * ■"-' Miss Birss, an' English teacher, who w receiitly-appomted to .'the stiff *>f the- W< kagton Girls' College,' will 1 arrive in'W< llngtoti by tho-Eimiitaia-'on .March' re-take-up, her duties.; .•Miss'-Beeve.-'atlotft Blember;,of' the" staff,-'who ."has" lust 'Wi .a;»pjorunivefsity: scholarship, is askii to be:reheye<J other duties, -offing : to '{] stress ot;.-.- .;, '■• ' Obituary, • . '■' ..' ■'■ , One /of the'earliest' settlers of Auc land,-Mrs. Dilworth, widow of the-la' JHr._James Dilwerth, of Rem'uera,- di ,on; siindayoafc.vher. : 'Tesidence.-'bn-the D wprthvEstite, at the -'i»*e of 82 years. F some, time she had been, in failing healt »nd'.the?,efld.iWii^;.not;,iinexpe.cted. .'-,..:".. tfhe ate .Mr. Dilworth, by his will,"le *SS. ?*' ty ■ E r °P ert y.. f alned"' at: sor for the; purpose-- of' establishii the; Dilworth Ulster Institute. This ins now doing yeiy valuable aid very'huni* "work, ■ easts: for 'the- purpose" oi" .trh;'<s.i as. many: needy '.hbyf as - the• funds' sWri of being racoived and' m paworth Kt,fs~ mu oe either"- orpnans'br the son < ii'reputal: but poor •people 1 resided: ih : i Auckla'n It-was'also-his difecfe-.U'thaVtheyshou bebronght up iv/fix -faith of• the'Chiiri ofcEnglan^. sifr.given' su'cli- an 'edticati'i and such' :Ja. industrial training as-woii eanip : f«m : . is;' .useful.: and- desirah cifa'sens.-.-The: institute; was opened 'foi years ago,:.on 'March!, 1906.-lrhe;obie of--the Trust.^in;this regard' was' "great assisted by. : Mrs.-: Dilwbrth'S '.geriero' action-in ■ giving-up. her "big v residence, i the premises'th permitted of>. the initiation- oft 1 the- schen some years -earlier than. : would Jotherwi have been-possible. -The work of" the- i statution: has 'grown -to ■" such \ proportion however,. that new; buildings - are. dee'mi necessary,, and : these •-trill.. shortly■■ 1 erected-oh a 'site on /the: estate which h; been-selected.-for the purpose on'"''tl slopes of Mount Eobson. .At present theare 45 boys being.-maintained and educafc .st',the,Hoiiie.-. ...,-,''. -, , -. •• JTh* late-Mrs. Dilworth,. was oheof tl Jus.tees • appointed under her' hsuband will to' funds -for the-foui dation of-the.lnstitute,.andlshe'was 'a ways,keenly-interested'in. the" welfare i the.-boys.: •. . ..',...>.., ;": ~- ■ _Can" your-complexion, be improved Xesi- of- a-'h'ui .ilred,.:it:can.7' : .>..-. .■:'..' V■ .-.;• ;■■=■ Xakshnii-• Cream will-not only : in prpye a- good.compleiionr'but-it will mat *"coarse skm.'soft/.and graoious.: Useth nutritive food, will-find that: 7m, f C(ra £ uer 10^ '' stubborn' case- t ia.Bity.skm affection.-. '•'■..'..■,' -Success marks: the' .use : " ofv t'Lakshn C«Mi-in.every case.. It'is^ v J ?H ?& ang ? Winter's breezy-/'litti booklet, .Woman," will teach yb al there istojearn.on the .care of th *W a. n ?,.,the hair.. Send.for "Cornel ';,and it ivill- --be -posted tie? *?s:'+ ;"; be. astounded with -th simplicity ,of the.directions-and' the con nion-sense matter it'.contains." -. .John; Strange .Winter, is«ade pipatmes, aU her,novels-shov .wd..thisjtiaitiis...well evinced:in'.."Cornel •vypiiian." ; :: .. ,-. . ; •■ •"■:. ... °. , John.i Strange. Winter's.Hair Food h= beeri:.awar.d(?.d . no .fewer.,.- than .'five 'eol CQ'edals,.-while-her Lakshmi is:the acme c •kinjqtjons,'.:.'.^''• '■-.;., -..'■"- '■-.. /likshniL Cream "is. supplied'' by.'aiichein ists-aud-dealers at-3s. '6d: per. bottle" c can be. procured" from John Stra'n'E ■Winter,-" 22 Nathan's -Buildings," Wellim ton, for.'Ss.Ud.',-post: free (secure'from b ser.vatiou).HWvt:lß. ■;' •-.„ ■ . ,'•'^ id i es '; are"made at the-Em hsh Tailoring:-'K*pms,-"52: Willis -Stree Those ivhp have' been-goiiiied by Mr. V S; Hedlord, continually, advertise him.;' ' "HOME TREATMENT. ; If your hair is fal'liug or; turning gr% do not. ou"-lliss: Milsom, 'Ha Physician and l'acc Specialist,- who d sgnosos;.,treats;;.nnd-. -teaclu ladies and, gentlemen -their proper tre'a ment. Ail inaiisage,..practised by Mi , Milsom-is the niost'scieatifio process, oj proved of by the'./lcading, medical fr termty of London and Paris . , Sinirl treatments, from 3s. Gd; AH ber prenar' tibhs are lnmous and widespread -an rill-not only cure; completely • dandrul lallihg'and'grey, hair, .but positively D n mote a .thick, iot, growth iii - a .v er short" time: -,- Shampooing, Elecrrolysi. Hairdrcssmg done; and" taught' Hai : work of Corrcsponi ence. invited. .Consultation free. King Chambers, Willis Street'" (opp-. Carroll's Telephone-SIC-Advt. :... ;, •„ •" " - '.'-'"■ ;:';/.. ':
The Victoria League.; .'in spite: of 'Miss' Talbot's plea thatmei slicmki, join in the work ot- the Victori: League, and-in. spito. of-, the -fact : tha several -men .were to. address the. meeting the audience at. the annual. meeting • o the, league, last .night was mainly i'emi mne.. Miss. Talbot's speech .was Jistenei tp. with ',close.', attention, and was'- vermuch appreciated. Lady Ward; presides ot; the league, 1 was. on .the platform, an with- her -were .Mrs.,Chatfield, Mrs. Hai UK nud Mrs. Richmond:. Dr.,Newnia tool? occasion : to pay a compliment, t various-. Wellington 'ladies, whom. <h named, who were,, he declared,. tithe excellent public speakers already, o Most promising beginners, and he advise the league to make use of their talent': .VUss.Xalbot herself is certainly an ac mirable- speaker. -. • ■■•'..'•■ ■ ... :. Dance at, Kelburne. /Mrs. P.'H. Miller, and'the-Misses Mille fUtertamed a number' of .young people a a -tare-well party on Moridav'evening, a ite' , hom <> .'in ■ Kelburrie Parade." Mr< Millerreceivedin,'.a pale green silk gown and-Miss.Miller wore.white. The guest lauded 'Mrs.: and' Miss' .Graham *Go« Miss G. Ttfrton, the.Misses"Kcadiug.'Mw Marlw, .'the Misses Meadow-croft, Mi' Rita '.Roach,' and , Messrs. ' Ostler,' Weil Duncan,'and.Randrup. Tho supper tab] was decorated-withgallardias..- 'The ever ing was :raost, enjoyably spent by' th guests,; and dancing .was kept 'up unf a latei hour. Mrs.-Miller will-'-leave fo Sydney in a few. weeks' time, 'after-visit her relatives, in-various parts of th Dominion.' ,:...•.....'. ;.■'■'. ."Miss'G. C. ; M'Lean : has' 'returned' t Wellington from Rotorua,where!she ha been spending a holiday; •" ■•" . - Miss. .Igglesden, art .instructor-at th Girls' College, and Technical School, Ne] son, .who has' been on a visit .'to he sister Mrs. Cecil Gonlter, of Kelburn Parade, returned :to Nelson by; the R I teeuaon Monday. Mrs: Bunny, of Lansdowne, 1 left on Saurday to' spend a lew weeks • with he son.'Mr.'O. Biinny, at.To Awaite-Statioi •Mrs...L.' Moore .-arid' her sister, Mn Ramsdea, .of Opaki, .are • staying at Mur tal.-l •■■ ' ; ' • _The; members, of' the 'Tpimg Women Christian'Association-are shortly holdin a-bazaar in' aid of' their building func and .are .now hard' at -work making pn paratio'ns for it:'.- , '--, <- .• 'Mrs. 'D-Arcy : 'Chaytor, ■ from- Blenheir is-visiting 'her m6thery ; Mrs. : :Edwiri. ■ '"' ix'^S**-'- Mr -' and''Mrs. Evans,- fro New: Plymouth,'. areV visiting 'Wellingtp: -ifrs.. - Dale,, .who has ;.vefy :,recentiv- r jwnea to: Wellington', .after' a long'.vis ,JP; -England,. has .taken, a house' on Ke burna Parade. .: - -~. ,;.;..-. _X'geneiaf meeting of the' Girls' Realt Guild was'-, to. have "been held, last riigl tor >he purpose.of.electing.a general sei retary. to take the place of: Miss Diman: who; has. resigned'.-.'There."was, hbwevei S P™, dtten&nce '.that, it was d< ciatsd .to. call another : meeting ' 'earlie hour, arid 'this 'meeting, will be held nej ■■ Monday;-at , : S.lsp'.m.' '■'-•'':, •'■. .-Quite: ; &< -number ' 'of' well-known' -Wa rarapa'-residents' are: i 'cotitem plating' .visH abroadi-.'darih'g. .tie, .present- '•'antumi Attong; -others': who'• have'-';'booked' -th'ei arid' Mr WnghtSon-and family; of rWaipini-'Gpafc Cameron-and famil' of. Upper i.Elam,- :Ma's'tertbii ;'■ afid ; Miss- '1 V:allaiWe"; and'-Mrs." :N'. "Bennett, of '" Ok huaa.•-•':'.•:.•-.,.-..:--,! i':--'.;.,, ::\
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 755, 2 March 1910, Page 3
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1,453SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 755, 2 March 1910, Page 3
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