PHASES OP THE MOON. , FEBKUAKir., ,_'" Day.. Hr.m. " Last quarter 2 10 57 p.m. Now moon 10 0 43p.m. First quarter 17 6 2 a.m. • Fall'moon' 24 J'. 5.p.m.-. Moon risca to-day, 8.27 p.m.; sets 9.58 a.m. Tuesday.' ■ ,■ HIGH WATEE. , To-day, 7/0 a.m.; 8.4 p.m. , To-morrow, E. 28 a.m.;' 8.46 p.m. . SUN. "' ' .. Sun rises to-day, 5.23 a.m.; sets, 6.33 p.m.
ARRIVALS. SATURDAY. FEBECAEY 25. ■ ." BLEXHEIM, s.s. (0.40 a.m.).'' 120 tons, watson, from Blenheim. . OPAWA, s.s. (1.10 a.m.), 110 tons, Eckford, from Blenheim. WAKATU, s.s. (6.25 a.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Lyttolton and Kaikoura.
■ -JIARAIIOA, s.s. 17.50 a.m.), 2598 ton 3, Collins, from Lyttolton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Gray, Trapnell (3), Lindsay, Garton, Howard, Mowat, lillings, Izard, Chappie, Boater, Ferguson, Dale, Brook, Nichols, Patterson, Johns, Mesdames Hockley, Wold, Hamilton, Fitzsimmons, M'lntosh, Trapnell, Oarroll, -Barnes, liuddo, Nivcn, Bigley, Osborne, Trcvena, Smith, Eallett, Ohicnell, Andrews, Walden Harley. and child, "Wakefield and child, Pritohard and child, Messrs. Clifford, Taylor, Hockley. Harper, Hamilton,, Fitzatmmonß. .Trapnell, Catley,. ■; Bluett, Carroll, Barnes, Acland, Franks, Johnstone, ifaso'n,- Baeycrtz, Walton, Ashwin, Vauac, Verne, Heed, Wisby, Piper, Henningham, Wheeler (2), Marriner, Blomstein, Hatley, Eising, Larney, Hangor, Smith, Borradale, MitchcU, Simm's,' Solomon, Tocker, Kigley, Elliott, Bary,' Lee, Todd, Alfrey, Sharpe, Wallia, Fauvel, Edwards, Brock, Walden, Andrews; 150 steerage.
: WANAKA, s.s. (8.50 a.m.), 2442 tons, Todd, from Limestone Island.
KAPDNI; s.s.- (8.50 a.m.), 150 tonß, Jackson, from Patea.
; NIKAU, s-6. (9.20 a.m.), 252 tons, Hay from Ne150n.....'.
ARAPAWA, s.s. (9.30 a.m.), 268 tons, Corby, from Wanganui. . HUIA, s.s. (10.25 a.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, from Wanganui.
'MAPODIUKA, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 1203 tons, Stringer, from .Greymouth, Westport, and Nclsou. Passengers: Saloon—Hisaeß Marro, Seblcy, Fleming, Phillips, Rao. Clarke, Montagu, Wilson, Henderson, .Carrieh, Fielding, Martin, Jlausson, Milray, Ainsworth; Kidson, Smith, .Mesd&mes.Wylde and child, M'Donald, Law,.Tcnnent, Oackeny and 2 children, Carlyon, Murray, Eraughton, Cridgo, Fitzpatrick, Milray. Messrs. Thornton, Gilbert,-Eaploy, Stone, Taylor, Itobinßon,- Simpson, Lawrie, Eoaser, M'Kay, M'Donald, Ibbetson, Duncan, Funn, Grigg, Henderson, Tenncnt, Williams, Boss, Sampson, ./Smyths, Broughtori, Finch, Bridge, Doyle, Beck, Harris, Burn, Stuart, Tapliss, Milray, Mausoen, Brown; 11 steerage; •;. .;
PATEENA, s.s. (9.50 p.m.), 1212 tons; Crawford, from Nelson and Picton;; Passengers: Saloon—Misses Kirkwood, liancaster, Ohristie, ■ Sealy, Morrison, Chioholm, Kissling, Bates,' Marshall, Faulkner, Harkness (2), Nuttall, Black, Jones, Morris, Hoasman, Kirk, Lavraon, Espie (2), Campbell, Henderson,, Oldfleld, Shurnan, Tapp, .Fraser, Hoaly, Halpin, Mesdames Melino, Ohisholm,. Love and boy, Ward, Eutherfofd, Spencer, Nicol, Butt,' M'Laughlin and 4 onildron, Gibson, Jones, Marshall, Wilson, Mason, Nelson;- Messrs. Lynch (2), ohis. holm, Father Mahoney; HufTam, Faulkner, Garter, 'Edgar, Clements. White, . Benn, Fainton, Wise,- Wall. Wiggins.' : . Boeder, Jones, Chaffoy, Corsic,. Walsh, Ward, Gal- . vin, Hockcn, Nicholas, Wright, ' Cooke, Nicol, M'Laughlin, Olemett, Stewart, Bird Connor, Summer, Henderson (2), Gibson. Masileld, Cnthbertson, Johnston, Oreswcll, Holmes, Bopor, Picot; 11 steorago. -TAINOI, s.s. 01.40 p.m.), 128 tons, Jensen, from Mokau, ;■ • ■ ■
.•" SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 27. ' MAORI, s.s. (10.30 a.m.), 3399. tons. Aidw?!v^r„?3n lyttelton. 260 passengers. . IvAPITI, s.s. (3.40 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyera from Lyttelton. v PUKAKI, s.s. (3115 p.m.),, 1444 tons, Tate, from Lyttelton. ■.."', •...•■ KAMONA,.-.s.s. (5.55 p.m.); 1425 tons, M'LeaiV, from Westport. KOEOMIKO, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 1541 tons. Carson, from .Westport. KIRIPAKA, B.S. (9.25 .p.m.), 133 tons, •M'lntoau, from Patea.i . ,
DEPARTURES.- ' .SATffRDAY, FEBRUARY 26. ' ■, NIKAtf; s.s. (1.20 p.m.), 252 tons, Hay, for Nelson.
j TAIN 01, s.s. (4:p.m.), ,9357 tons,..Moffat, for Lyttelton. —■.■.'■"'.-'.' -i ■
■' BRIsEUE, s.s. (4 p.m.), .347 tons, Woods, for Wanganui. . KAPDNI, sis.' (6.15 p.m.), 150 tons, Jackson, for-Patea.>. ;.. , . . ~-■_ . .... .MARA P.OA; s.s. ■ (11.35 ip.m.), ,i, 2593 tons, Mantling', for-Lyttelton., Passengers: Saloou—Misses Belle, Gibbons,. Harcourt, Miller,, O'Hara, Smith, Baptiste, Cairo, Dixie, Fraser, Haynes, Robinson, Toomey, Mesdames Rabo. Brown, Cook, Cotton, Norton, Nordon, Mulcock, Holling, Dr. Cook, Dr. Longhar; Rev. Father Whelan, Messrs. Harper, M'Cr.rg, Rabo, Brown, Newman, White, Collins, (Irant, Haines (2), Harconrt, Oooko,' Jones, Sherlock, Quiltcr, Coleman, Paul, Toomor, Christie, Heywood, Fraukhill, Hoiland, Graham. Holling, Fraakish, Mulcock, Graham, Dalgloish. . , • - POHERTJA, .s.s. (11.40 p.m.), 1175 tons, Robertson, for Groymouth. -.- . OPAWA. s.s. (midnight), 110 .tons, Eckford, for Blenheim: -
SUNDAY.FEBRUARY 27., WHAKATANE, s.s. \5.45 a.m.), 5502 tons. Hemming,, for' London via. Monte Video. ARAHUItA, s.s. (11.5 a.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, for Picton, Nelson, Westport, and Greymouth. Passengers: Saloon-For Picton—Mesdanieß Do Castro and child, Bedwood, Robinson, Mcbsrs. Tesohemaker, Nutter (2),. De: Castro, Lieut.-Ooloncl Ohaytor, Ooloncl Stiico, Lieut. Kelsall, Lieut. Robinson, Bell.. For Nelson—Misses Bhakcß, Igglesdon, Bennet, Bates, Roid, Hendrichs, Madigan, Mesdainos Stokes, Eochc, Watson and boy,. Oary, Gibbs, Dr. Gibbs, Messrs. Wtmselt, Shakes, Calder, Boves and boy, Alexander, Haig, Wright,, Sadler, Pomberton, Roid, Sinie. For Wcstportr-Miascs Stokes, Mesdamos Stokes, Garroll, Roche, Niven, Leaver, Messrs. Williams, Brosnahan (2\, Gills, Leaver. For Groymouth-Misse3 Olarjie (2), Simon, Masters, Garths Smith, O'Brien, Card. Mesdames Arlidge, Olaritlge; O'Donnell, Messrs; Malier, Claridgff, Arlirigd,, Park, O'Connor, bmith, Morrison, Thompson, Saunders; FitzSimmons, O'Donnell, Davis, Strangemuir; Aidd, Home. ■ •
_TOTANUKAI, s.s. (11.15 a.m.), 811 tons, Post, for Nelson and. Westport. . ■ : -. BLENHEIM, s.s., (2 p.m.),. 120 tons, Wat son, for Blenheim.
■ WAKATU, 's.s. (6 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura. and Lyttolton, via. the coast.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS.Blenheim, Blenheim, February 28. Kahu, Napier, via the coast,' Fob' 28. Kennedy, Kelson,. February-28. Rosamond, Onehunga, New Plymouth, February 28. • Potonc, Greymouth, February 28. ■ / ' ' . Opawa, Blenheim, March 1. ',-■■ Tutanekai, Greymouth, March 1. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, March 1, Mararoaj LytteUon, March 1, . • Kapuni, Patea, March, 1. . . . Monowai, Dnnedin, Lyttelton, March 1. Tarnwora, Auckland, Gisborno, Naoier March 1, ' Hinemoa, northern lighthouses, March I Hauroto, Papeete, Rarotonga, March 1. . Manuka, Sydney direct, March 2. Oorinna, southern ports, March 2. . Victoria, )>unedin, Lyttolton, March }.■ Ruapchu, Bluff, March 3. Navua, Suva, Auckland, March 3. Arahura, Greymouth, Westport, Nelson, Picton,. March 3. :.•■■■. Wakatu, Lyttolton, Kaikoura, March 3. Marcre, Napier, March 4. Moeraki, Melbourne, via Hobart and southern ports, March 4.
• jlokoia,.. Auolsland, Gisbornc, Napier, March 1. Flora", Auckland, via East Coast bays, March 5. ' ; Ulimnroa, Sydney direct, Maroh 9.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ' Aorcro, Patea, February 28.. Queen of tho South, Foxton, Feb. 28. Stormbird, Wonganui, February 28. . Kini, Greymonth, February 28. iWanalia, Dunedin, February 28. Pateona, Picton, Nelson, February 28. .Maori, Lyttelton, February 28. Manama, Motueka, February 28. ■ Kapiti, Waaganui, February 28. Pukaki, Picton, West Coast, February 28. , Buteshire, Lyttelton, February 28. Kiripalia, Patea, February 23. ■ Toinui, Waitara, Mokau, - February 28. Monowai, Napier, Gisborno, Auoldand, March'l. ■ . ■ , Manxiri, London, .March 1. Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 1. Kennedy, Nelson, West.Coast, March 1. Blenheim, Blenheim, March 1. iluia, Wanpanui, Maroh 1. Opawa, Blenheim, March 1. . Nilrau, Nelson, Motueka, March 1. • Kahu, Napier, via tho coast. March 1 - Tarawera. Lyttelton, Dunodin, March "5 Mapourilsa, Nelson, Wostport, Grey.' mouth, March 1.
Kosa'mond, • Picton, .NoUon, New l'lv. mouth, Onehunga, March 1.
Corinna, Kelson, Now Plymouth, Onehunga, March 2. . Manuka, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff Hobart. Melb&urne, March -3, Patrol, Bass Strait, March-3. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, via tho coast, March 3. . . . Mokoia, liyttolton, Dunedin, March -4. Moeraki, Sydney, March 4. " ■ Arahura. Picton, Nelson, Wcstport, Grevmouth, Marsh 5. ' 'Monro. Loudon, Maroh 6. . '■ Huaoeliu, London, March 18. '
. ' INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. .' MOVEMENTS'OF STEAMERS. MANUKA, .8.8., left Sydney February 26, for Wellington diroct. Duo Wellington March 2. Leaves March 3 for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due, Melbourne March 12 ■'
MOERAKI; s;s., left Melbourne, February 23, for Hobart; Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton,. and Wellington. . Due Wellington March 4. Leaves same day for . Bydney direct. Du9 Sydney Maroh 8. ' '•.'■-■' MAHBNO, s.s„ left 'Sydney February 23 for Auckland direct. Due Auckland February 27, and conncctß with Mokoia for southern ports. MOKOIA, s.s., leaves Auckland March, 1 for,,:Oisborne, Napier, Wellington.- Due Wellington March 4 with transhipments ex Mancno, from Sydney. fj l Dunedin March 1 for Lyttelton and Wellington. , Duo Wellington March 3. Leaves same day' for Napier, Gjsbome, Auckland, and, Sydney. 1 Duo Sydnej^March.ll...;. '. . \ .-.- ... , leaves Sydney March 5 for Wellington' direct:;7.Due "Wellington. Maroh,9, Jjeaves-March-.'lO:for- Lyttelton,Bltlff \r n6ba ' rt ' ;oM ' Melbourne/ Duo Melbourne March 19..-.i.:. ~.;, '~ ..;..:
OVERSEA SHIPPING. ■ . \:' STEAMERS TO AEEIVE. From London. ■ ■"-.:-.■' •TOMOANA (duo about March 2), sailed on December 17. via Australian ports. Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) _PAPAEOA: (due;about March 61^.sailedon. January 10, via Auckland. (Now Zealand Mapping Company,' agontsi)" "■'.-'.' ! '■-.-'■■■ RIMUTAKA (due'about March 8)-, sailed on January 20, .Plymouth,--January-22, via Toneriffc,. Cape-Town, and Hobart'. (Now Zoaland Shipping Company, agents.). lOXIO (due about. March 22). sailed on February 3, Plymouth - February 6. via Tenorilfe,- Capo-Town,, and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill,- and • Albion Company, agents.) NIWARTI (duo' about March 28), sailed on Januaryi 26, via Melbourne, Sydney, - Auckland, and"'Napior.v .(Tyser Lino,' \gonts.) . J _■-.::,-.::.:.-: -;.-.-.■■. KIA ORA (duo about' March 31),:saiied on Fobruary 8, via.Auckland. (Shaw, Savill and. Albion C 0.,. agenta.) -. WHAKARUA (duo about AprU 18). sailed on February Hi via--M(!lbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.)' '. - •!-.».-■■-;■>■■,' -''-m, '-..'■/•, TORAKINA (duo about: AprU. 5), sailed oh February 17, Plymouth February .19, - via Teneriffe, Cape,, Town, and Hobart'. (New Zoaland Shipping Od., agents,).. ~;':' l} ;,.:" From Liverpool.*
, CORNWALL '(due about' March 17),-sailed on January 7, via ' Sydney, and' Auckland; (Feder'al-Houldor-Shlro . Line,'. ; agents.) - ; FIFESHIRE (due-about April ,'l2>.- sailed. ontFobruary --5.,-.'.Yia.:Mclbourno,- Sydnoy, Auckland, and Napier. ; (Federal-Houlder-Shire Lino, agents.)-"-"., ''-..',' ',•.-",.--.■ .';•
From New YorK.' - -•'•';: : ■'-.•>'■' •>:•.=■■■'■ STAR OP AUBTBALU.We about March' 3), sailed on December 10, /via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (New Zealand' Shipping Company, agent!.) SPITHEAB (duo about.March 20), Bailed on January. 7, via Australian ports and Auckland: (A. and A; 1 Lino, agents.) t GEORGIA (due about April 20), sailed;on January 6,- via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company,. asonte.):.-/-.:.::/. ABEELOUEtduo about -April 15). sailed on January V, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (A. and A..Limv.agents.).., ;■;. ... aebive:.'.••■' JACQUES, barque, Bailed from Now York on Novomber 24, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company, -agents.) ■■ ANDROMEDA, baroue, sailed from New York on November 20. (Vacuum Oil-Com-pany, agents.) .-,-.■■■ ,-.-. .MAEJORY GLEN, barque, sailed from Liverpool on Decombor 15/ - ,!V~ BY TELEGEAPtt, :;, J-\, OVERSEA. .!•'": ''."" /■■;''■' ''■ ' - LONDON^'February- 25. • Arrived.—Nerohana, "from Wellington. ■: Sailed.—Eangatira'a"nd Star: of Scotland, for Auckland. •,:•" : • _■ -.? SYDNEY, February 26.. Arrived.7vDo.nic!,. barque, from Havelock; Helen Denny, barque, from Hoitianga. ',: Sailed—Manuka (3 p.m.), for /Wellington. • ■•' ' SYDNEY, February ' 27. ■I Arrived:—Lauderdale, from Westport. / . , ' MELBOURNE, February 26. Arrived.—Marama, from Bluff. '. COASTAL.: : " '- SATURDAY, FEBETJAEY'26. ■'. ; , AUCKLAND. Arrived.-H.M.S. Powerful (3.15 p.m.), from Sydney. .\':. ■ - ~ . Sailed.-Tarawera, for Duncdin, via ports; Tomoana, for Napier and Wellington; Squall, for Gisborne. ' -. '■■. ONEHUNGA. .Arrived.—Earawa.^( a.m.). from New Plymouth. ■ ' ' NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed.-Kotuku (6.45 ji'.m.), for Onehunga. GREYStOTJTH. . '.' Sailed.-Petono (midnight), for Wellington'' ' KABAMEA.' - To sail.—Mangapapa (noon. Sunday), for Wellington. m^m: . Arrived.-Viotoria (8.55 a.m.), from WolTo sail.—Monowai • (Monday), for Welling'°U' BLUFF, ;'. Arrived.—Euapehu, from Lyttelton. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27. '' AUCKLAND. ....•' . Arrived.-Maheno.. (12.15 p;m.), from Sydncy' ONEHUNGA. ''■ .': : '1. .'''.■; Arrlved.-Kotuku: (1.30 p.m.), from Wbl- ' Sai°ed.-Earawa ;(3 p.m.), for New Ply-, mouth. , : MANUKATJ.. HEADS. Sailed.-Rarawa (5.20 p.m.),' for New Plymouth. . , .NEW. .PLYMOUTH. ......... Arrived.—Rosamond (6 a.m;). from One-Sailo'd.-Albatross.(7 a.m.'),'.for'Onehunga, ■'i-PATEA;...;;■;-,.'.'.. * {~.■.': <10.30- inv.j,. from.'Wei"nßto°- BLENHEIM;'..-: - :: r Arrived.-Opawa; (10 a.m.) >: from Welling-. ton. :.'..:.'.. WESTPOKT. Arrived.—Kqmata (8.45 a.m.); from Wcl-'saJled'.-Walpori. (11.5 a.m.), for' Wellingtoll' LYTTELTON.. . : ' Arrlvcd.-Talnui (6.30. a.m.), from Wellington; Ripple (7 a.m.),'from Chatham Islands; Mararoa ,(12.30. p.m.), from Wellington.' •' '
' BANGATiBAw&FT'iLGHDpS.'. :■'-■':'■' A cablegram to'hand states-that' tho Shaw, SaviU and Albion Company's hew Stoamer Kangatira.4eft London last.weoli on her maiden trip to New Zealand.ports.'
\ NERBHANA AT LONDON.;'" A cablegram from London announces the'' arrival of the Tyser steamer Nerehana; . which, sailed from Wellington with a full. oargo on January. 14. .........
■THE SYDNEi' BOAT. ~, . -. 7 'Tho Manuka left Sydney at-3 p.m; on i Saturday for Wellington direct. Sho ■is due here_ at daylight on.Wednesday..,- i
" : ;- ; THE JOHN- LOOfcETT. J- ;|' :. 7. : -7 ■ There-are rumours in'DimcdinYthat the •"'■•' barque John Lockett.iof .tho'Oracle, Beat'-' hy Line, may. be sold to John' Mill and' ;•' 00. or to Craig and Oo.,; of Auckland: Ao-vv cording .to a -Dunedin exchange, neither' ' Mie master of.-tho barque nor her agents"iknow -anything of- the ■ reported • negotia. ■■■'■■' turns for purchase.-... ;>.- ..-...■■ ,; '. ._ V.. WHAKATANE' DEPARTS. ■ \ 7'".'7 v :After being; co\isidcrabiy delayed, ','- to; hunker supplies arriving. late and" to ' shortage oHabour.on the whart.'thc Now'-'"' ■ Zealand ,■;■ Shipping Company's Whakatan? '•' • got away for London at daybreak yester. '. day. ,Bhe was ready to Bail lateon Satur. -■> day-evening, the weather waspretty.•■ ! - K' CsptMa-Henmnhg decided to wail ' for daylight to clear the; Heads..,,; -,- 7 MONOWAI. AND. MAORl.'•■'■,;'-•;!-.Instead.' of leaving Lyttelton " for' Wei- : ' ; ' Ungton late.on Saturday night tho .Mono, vj-wai-will not leave the southern port unUl' ,; to-night. She sails for. Napier, Gisbbrne,. .'-' »^ij¥ aall i? 'o-"ao"ow. Passengers who-'' woutd have.travelled to Wellington-by tho •'' SS«» brought north by"he Maori, : :. 'hivn S A?H P ?, rturo fcom o LytteUon ■ waTS-..'. '■?.!. - . p : m ' SA Saturday. .;'. ~.. v' 1 .
,Tfce''KaikVnra.''which' ' ii'-'sailing'',to-day.^t and7(!m a^2 mti tK m - bMea - of: buSer .--,'. ■mJiiß°. aa tes ,of-oheeso for: the.London Vmarket .(says, a : Press. Association -mcVsw?:?'.!' /S ji a^^? n „ r^-e ' vcav w Chrisiohurch;' £?. i&i any yca ff in command ofsteatS'.' ;. biontte ns t0 ■ &<> •/»**. Savill andTAV -f; hnd k^^'T^ o3 '■■ beW *u 1-ondon ~;. afew JoA™ l ™*; Captain Stuart retiredi.V hi,i»m/n a f B . aso; a U d bad been-living on •■'-•' -bis; small, estate at;Banchory, Peobleshire";l- - \'3^ er c "£ is stm belH e caliled for -.'ia7-''. ■ large, quantities.- The Koromikol.'and ■- the : '' '^h^'-? 1 ?,™ 4 ™"'! ol ' fuU ■ cargoes-■ last: : -■' night, and. tho Waipori jand.- the , Petoaa '-•• -•' aro: both due early..•thts i ;'morningi-.; -- . •--.'-■■ .i . :w beri;tho; Shaw; Savih'andVAlbion^bom,-' 01 -' - p ??^ 8 JJamari has comnloted coaliog oper-' ' ations Bho is to sail for London. Probably^' - ' she will got,.;;:.' -./.. ..-■':/-
A number of the.smhll-boats were hold / up -on Friday owing, to the rain-delaying ; loading operations. Tho;trouble did.-not'.'. ' end. on Friday, - for a-, shortago of labour'"'. on the. wharves" on .Saturday necessifated-'■?' several, steamers port.ovei--Suhday. These, included tho .'■ Stormbird. . Aorere, Qneen of-tho Bouth.'-etc." ■■: . ,
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 753, 28 February 1910, Page 7
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2,153SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 753, 28 February 1910, Page 7
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