RADICAL REVOLT. WHAT WILL NATIONALISTS DO? MINISTRY'S DILEMMA. By Tolceraphr-Pross Association— Oonyrleht. (Rec. February 27, 5 p.m.) London, February 20. After tho rejection of a Unionist Tariff Reform amendment advocating a hoDduty to protect the Kentish hop-growers from foreign competition, tho Addross-in-Roply was passed by tho Honso of Commons without further' disenssibn. It is expected that tho,climax of the Government's fato will be reached on Monday.;'. The "Standard" (Unionist) says that tho majority of Mr. Asqulth's followers aro already In rebellion. . MORE HARD THINKING. CABINET WITH A TOWEL' ROUND . ITS HEAD. London, February 24. Cabinet is sitting daily. CABINET AND NATIONALISTS. MR. LLOYD-GEORGE GO-BETWEEN. London, February 25. Mr. John Dillon, one of tho Nationalist leaders, had nearly an hour's , interview with Mr. Lloyd-George, Chancellor of the Exchequer. This is interpreted to mean that they aro endeavouring .to negotiate some means of avoiding : defeat of the ' Government THE IRISH VOTE. A BY-ELECTION LEVEr'tO'PRESS MINISTRY. \ ' • ':/VETO; FIRST AND ;SEPARATELT,' : ■'•;- '■':■■/ < London,."February 25. ■'■:-. / The Irish.'/ Nationalists- .'who-; demand ,that,;tho:Honse. of-Lords shquld:be.dealt with 'firsthand separately, and should not: be mjxed'.witn. the reform issue,'will use .as a lever ',the. Irish, vote .'inthe pending' English by-elections.'.'. ';.. ''■/.';':'■. :". .;/-'/,'
;■; Mr. j'J./A- Pease, ] the Rejected-,Libei'ai CMef Whip, who is again-a. candidate for. a, seat'in Parliament,':where.tKe.Cabinet post Vof.,',Chancellor: of / the. Duchy of, Lair opened his camvpaigri/'at; Rothe'rhnm' (West Riding "','■'■ of ;Yorkshire),/where Sir' W. \R. Holland is. ;retiring;.;tb -make i'room for. him.. ;. ';';',:.'
. : i'Mr...Wi 'Wedgwood Benri, -who has.been appointed'a' JunioriLord of:,the.Treasury, .seeks/"re-election /at-; St- Geor'ge's-in-tho East - .(Tower/:.Harnlets;'•'.' / London),:'. where Mr. Simmons (opposes': him'. : ,'A ..candidate iwill.alsq. be', run: against ./the second rejected' Minister,' Lieut^CoLSeely,' Under Secretary'; for.th'o Colonies,, who, through ,-the' withdrawal',of Sir, ( Walter: Foster, is 'contesting the Ilkeston division,of Derbyshire.:';.'/. ■',;. '■'."•■.;'•'••".'.;;'•':'. : ';:'.• ; ".'. [■■>■■ '■;,
;, The Nationalists 'intend: to' press r .Mri Benn,-to'; pledge, him self against 5 reform 'of the House, 'of' Lords '.being ' dealt - .with along, with' the; veto. 'If ,'heiwill: riot -give jthis' pledge, .they'/will J oppose his :re-elec- • tion, and^ : the,:lrish.vot6.in his constituency is/large./.•.■;/,•'_".'■... -':':''.■■:'■',■.''- ■;'. :: i'.:-}'\:.'-' ;' In a campaign. Bpeech at•.. Rbtherham; jMr'.;.; Pease said. the; Government intended tq.offeri proposals .'for iof:.thb, Housb./o'f "Lords-: IMs, statement,'. icpupled..with! Lieut.'-Cbt', Seely.V declaration •^t; , ;.limitition;'oi..;tio ; .'lArds''!':ye'to' i.and; abolition; of 'the, heroditary .principle • were interdependent.matters, and .the ber :liof-that Sir, 'Edward/Grey',', (Secretary. of State J or' Foreign Affairs) is; preparing '[ a scheme; for an v elective ' Second ', ■which,..it;is,/feared,.'would give '.greater power;tb'the' Irtrdsr^proyided.the ;main : ..spring :,'of.,'■' the.' t^q'.Ea^calrdeputations who' waited on/the Prime. Minister:..with, the object of ehdeavburing/.iq- induce him', :to drop '.the idea, of the-reconstitution of the; tTpper:'Chamber..;. : ; I ":('"■'/"/ '■■■■^"■- ','•,'';•■'
■'[It.wwars r reported; in' Saturday's ...• issue, that;-the Prime Minister, in. answer to a question in/the House .of Commons, 6tated that ■ Lieut.-Col., Seelyj when/ speaking at Ilkestorij/was'not.speaking oh. behalf of ,the iGovernment,];,;-':. '.■,-:.; '.'.:'-'.•'
:;THE RADICAL; WlNGrvj SOME vNOT' PREPARED. TO, TRUST : -i./.'^.:V: : '\MINIBTRYV;;>-H'->--'^l ■;; ''THE Mrm^OP^THE^'lSSTJEs}:,^ .'■ •';.,:';'!' ■':■:,; London,, February •25/; ', Newspapers; emphasise the .fact ..that the Lancashire/; and' .Yorkshire Radicals : a'ndv the Scottish''Liberals at a: meeting passed'j resolutions. of; confidence, in'.-., the Government.. '..V/ ;'/■ : \ •'. -.:-.'-. .-,"'/. ]":./• ','•
!/;An:, extreme Radical • group,, under the leadership, sof. Sir.. Charles'... Dilko,'. mem ber for. Forest ;,.of- Dean,': -.would :noV adopt!,a similar course. , :,.;.::! • ~: ;
.Fifty ' "Lancashire,',' ; Yorkshire; :■ '"and Cheshire •; '■' Liberal,.' V.members- have ap-pointed-^a-deputation .to inform Mr. : 'is-! quith:; of • : the ~.-. general. 7- interpretation placed'-oh.his 'speech, at ;the. Albert■•Hall about "guarantees.",.,. ■:■:■■■■
,{ The'"Star",(Liberal), [in a stinging leader, advocates that any Minister insisting on mixing:the"veto question with that of tho .reconstruction ;of the House ;, of'-Lords should, be -ejected from .the Cabinet. ' It suggests that the veto. question should be taken/first; .'■ \" i ' : :.'-.■]"/, THE AMENDMEMf. ATTITUDE. OF, 'UNIONISTS AND ' ■ V v Irish. '■':! i'■■'"./';' ; ;.;.>:••; I MINISTRY'S LNDEBTEDNESS TO: THE ■'' : ':''. '-'~■-.N08TH.';..!.'.',!, '■■';. '!'!!■:' , (Reo; February, 27, 5 p.m.)'■-•■" ■ London, February! 26. .-■' Dissentient Radicals are determined to make the amendment to be moved by Sir J. H,' Dalziel (Liberal member: for Kirkcaldy Burghs) . the 'occasion of a demonstration. The, amendment, reads: "That inasmuch as the elector- r : ate has given no, mandate for raform of the. House of Lords, the ■■■.-,' House of Commons declines to :'."•' ; grant for the. discussion of a resolution having this object. '.': in view.". -.•; : ,•'' ■ The Redmondite Nationalists.will'meet on Monday, to decide whether they will support Sir J. H. Daliiel's amendment.
.It is understood .that Mr. Balfour : . is prepared to give Mr. Asquith some flipport for purposes of urgent'finance.
Sir Chas. Dilie presided at. a.meeting of thirty Radicals, which resolved that though' Mr./ Pease's speech implied reform of the House 'of Lords, . anything beyond the limitation of the Ldrds\ veto would find no large amount of support among: the-Liberals. ;-'
Mr. Asquith informed, a deputation of North of. England momhers of tho House of Commons that he attached great weight to their opinion, because the North saved the,situation at the'general election/.He would lay their views beforo the Cabinet,'
WHY GOVERNMENT MIXES IT WITH reform; SINGLE CHAMBER A BAD WAR-CRT. J .•.--.' (Rec. February 27 t 5 p.m.) .'-. London, February 26. The Parliamentary correspondent of "The Times" declares that the /'predominating view in tho Cabinet recognises that tho country, is opposed to-a Single Chamber, and considers that the abolition of the Lords' veto might be deemed to be, in effect, a proposal for a Single Chamber government.. The Cabinet believe that the submission of' such a proposal alone would be courting, defeat at the general election. '. .'" "The .Times" comments, that the Government is seeking to hide the virtual abolition of . the House of Lords by wrapping it in the guise of; reform: The attempt to .make advocates of reform 1 swallow, the veto; proposals will prove difficult. ", The "Nation" and "Daily News" (Liberal) favour sending: the Lords' question, to a. referendum. ,|..';. LATER NEWS/V. CONFIRMATION , FROM A. LIBERAL ~- : :.'r.; : ;:-i ■,:'; ,^;. : ;:r;. '.'. (Rec. February 28, ;0.50 a,m.) ~ V '•■■'. London, February',: 27. ; •; The .: ! ."Westmiiister • Gazette" ■: (Liberal) states that the summary, of ;the position by/ ; the • Parliamentary correspondent '■, of "The Times", substantially represents.the true. nature of the-.situation, ''}■/;. ;, V / VETO; ■'.MR. ASaUITHVANDiTHE KING./ ; A : REPORTED SURRENDER TO THE :;;.".;. ', '/' .'RADICALS.;. ;■;';;:•, ', ....' (Rec.', February. 28,..0.50, a.m.): '. ;l "'/'"'■ /London, February' 27;; ; . . The Prime Minister, Mr. Asquith; ■ had' l ■breakfast with, the ;>Kihg."/'A; Cabinet meeting, lasting . three-'hours, ■ followed.-: '/ 'There are;many rumours. .-., It is, reported; .; that ..the. ...Prime: Minister in-, formed''King' : Edward' that, "owing' to .the impossibility' of'proceeding with the" reconstruction', of the Second .Chamber, he ,was"?.concentrating; his' Parliamentary force [upon .the .veto; ,of the : ; House''of Lords., ;.,,.' :....,' V.';': : .-'. ' : ,.: •■-!', .-.'., ';.,,;: rARIFFITE GLEE. ;;; -INCREASE; IN DIVISION FIGURES^ ';.■■] ' : ., : ;'i;--HOPSi:'DUTI;;';;; ;■',;.': ;/'/' : >.'•■■'-■ : ''ry :.■-.'■'■'■'•'• ; Lbndon;\Fobruary '25;':- ':-, Commenting, ; ; oh ; i','th'e> division ' (285 :against i; 251 .for) on Mr.,A..Chamberlain's .fiscal amendment,, as-compared with'the division; ■ (278—109) ': on; the same',? amendr mont in ; the last'• newspapers',rejoice,'over the increase of lio iri..tho';'tanir reform:yoto,;and.the reduction 'of the ' Government's : majority from. 169 to/31." J ; ;'M' ':'-' ; '';'V:' '.''
:i:.GOVERN MENTM AJ OR ITY; 57.;';; V /REPROOF FOR-MR; "LLOYD-GEORGE; , : ; ■; February '27,';5: p.m.) '~.■,;:'." ,; ; ,::'.';'■...':;:': London,.. February 26. ',:■ ■ .The .demand: of .the Unionist' Tarif f.-. Be^ : ■ .formersffor.a'duty to' protect .the Kentish •iihop-gjowers'.frorii ; foreign;■•competition, ,• was .(again' ■':■ brought i :befqre.the.House of;Commons^ ' : - ■:.•■'■'. 'i\ ' ; :'An; amendment '.'advocating '..a ; hop'' duty.' was■ rejected ?by.Vs7' ; votes;■':.the '"division 7 being:— 'i; :: ■.':'- .'•'...''.■>;'.";■.• y-\- ';..:'''■■:■■■'■'- <:: : ; y ,; Jhe Amendment:;!:... 1285*. ;.;;' v 'FoV the;amendmeni;...™..i_./:228,'1 ... ,; .majority ;;;!' 57: : /: :'. Referring. ,to the .cbntemptuona. 'references ; : . of /.Liberal -Free-traders 'to 'the black -bread /and: horse-flesh:-.:and; dog-' ifleshv-iof protectionist''Ciermany;-' 1 ; the .-"Spectator". (Free-trade':Unionist) says':—• .:-.. "It ;is ..most: offensive-;:that: the 6e cond Miiiisfo . of I the' British .Cabinet, ;should ; speak' ; of: the German.','people's-'food' as Mr.;. Lloyd-George, .Chancellor ,'of. the Ex-', chequer; did on'Thursdaj;/: There, is'.nothing -tliat poor men' 1 in. all/coantries;resent .';more,; than.' 'having, their'.'food .ridiculed;"' ■ ; : ''}'■■'■".'.'.:■!■■"■ •: b-• : ;^:
..The "Standard" (Unionist ...Tariff .Reform) quotes ■; the , following from: the 'Lancet," 'which,' the 5 ["Standard" remarks, is "a leading organ of the medical profession,. and; of .course, non-political": "A curious fallacy/has been going, the rounds of certain .political -.'. squabbling' this week to tho effect that, the term T)lack bread', implies a. kind of famine 'food.whereos in several civilised, countries it,is ju'st'as much- the staple and'.normal. , article, of diet, as is our ■ white loaf. ■' l "There, is very little difference' between the nutritive valuo.of .the wheat'.'and the rye loaf./ In some: respects ■'■ rye' presents certain-advantages 'over; wheat,- 'and '••■■ in others ('wheat/may be better than rye. '-'■'; ■"One■ distinct' advantage, of.,rye-.. bread is that it keeps' fresh'.longer; than wheat, bread. : Rye'-bread also has ; distinct laxative.: properties. / Pumpernickel, or whole .rye.bread,' is more laxative than Schwarzbrod,' [possibly .on account of its relative '.coarseness of texture. '-■/-':'
"It; is an interesting' fact that when: once the flavour, of rye;.bread' is appro-, .ciated ordinary .white.bread'seems mono-, tbnous because of its comparative taste-, lessness,'and so it is common to,find the rye-bread eater , demand black bread whenever, he can 'get' it, '■ and in whatever country.' he. may':happen. to be." ... '■■-■ ■.The depth to, which political audacity can go (complains the. "Standard" of January 14) may, be estimated by , the latest Radical' cartbori-poster. now,. as'.. we are, in formed, being'sent out all over the country by-tens- of '.'.'thousands, it -is issued by. the. same paper that was responsible ..for. . the •notorious, "Chinese Slavery" poster at the last general elec-. tibn, and the present cartoon' is understood to be, the product of. the .same pencil. Drawn with a good deal of • skill land'humour, it is headed, Tariff Reform Means." It shows.a hungry cat appealing to; a miserable-looking little girl, /■:' who .is holding, -up some cafs... meat- I ', on '.; aV . skewer. • "No, pussy," .the child 'is saying,, "this ..is ifather's dinner."; Apparently, this is the best that Radicalism can do in answer to the arguments',of Tariff Reformers; They are offered .weighty oritioi6m, and their reply is.a jest about.cafs meat. ■ •/. :
'.'A'couple of policemen heading for Taranaki Street Wharf yesterday . afternoon attracted quite a crowd of people in their wake. It appears that.their services had been requisitioned. to. quell a disturbance that occurred among some sailors and firemen on the Buteshire. ' Just before the arrival of the police a quartermaster (it is stated) had; got into a conflict with a member of the crew and was subsequently set upon, by several others. A bystander, seeing that the quartermaster was being rather severely handled, summoned the police. ,When the representatives of the law appeared order wns restored. ,-. .
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 753, 28 February 1910, Page 5
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1,643"CLIMAX ON MONDAY. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 753, 28 February 1910, Page 5
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