, PHASES OP THE MOON. .- ■ ■ : FEBETJARX ■ : ■ .-' T '.■... ■ Day. Hr.m. ■' ■Last quarter' 2 -10 57 p.m. : Now moon ..:.... 10 043 p.m. ; First quarter 17 6 2 a.m. ■- Full moon 24 S 5 Moon rises 7.23 p.m.; sets,. 5.55 a.m. Saturday. • • ■ ' ' ■ HIGH WATER. . To-day, 5.9 a.m.; 5.39 p.m. To-morrow, 6 a.m.; 6.29 p.m! . - ' ■■ . ■ ■ BOK. . ' ■ ,' ' "• Sun rises to-day, 5.25 a.m.; sate, 6.42 p.m. ARRIVALS. ■ "■..• ' '..•' ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24. ■ .OPAWA, s.a. (o'm a.m.), 110 tons, Eoktord,' from Blenheim. . , ' .. :• .■•
' KAHO, s.s (2.45 a.m.), 182 tons* Carlson, from Napier and East Coast. MARAROA, (i.s. (6.« a.m.), 2593 tone, Collins,, from Lyttolton. Passengers: Saloon —Mosdjimes Jones and 4 children, Barclay, Eorrls (2), Wright, Thomas, Heeler, Robertsou, Bradley, North, Palmer, and Hunter, Misses .Sherwood, Ford, Atkinson, Brooking, Harris, Adamson, Frost, Barr, Sir J. G, Ward, Hon. A. B: Guinness, Dr. NciU, Dr. Aoland, Judge Palmer, Rev. M'Kay, Colonels Robin, Collins, and Tuson, Captain- Ramon, Messrs. Shields, Anderson, Hislop, Matthews, Wright Brown, Jtyors, Haggas, Barr, Wright, • Surridge, Paterson, Rosser, Sherry, Seville, Brian, Butohor, Frost. North, Range, Kostridge,- Lα Coutour, Matthews, Tomlinson, : Gunner May, Kaye; Cobinn, Fenwick, Barclay, Whonan, Melville, Sagcr. WrigUt, ITDonald, PostIfate, Wilkes, Brown, Boattie, Inverted, Darricott, Dunnett, Q'Neil, Harris, Denny, Gorlcts, Hill, Harris, Head, Fisher,' Compton,- Waußh, Stewart, Kirkcaldic, Gunner Hunter; 69 steerage. , .: . ENCOUNTER, H.M.S., twin-screw ■ secondclass protected cruiser; (9.30 a.m.), SSOO tons, 12,500 h.p'., 24 guns, Captain Oolomb, from Lyttelton.' '....:
PATROL, cable steamer (10.35 a.m.), 2960 tons, Simmonds, from Wakapnaka. NIKAU,. b.s. (10.50 a.m.),-252 tons,' Hay, from Nelson/and', Motueka.■ .■ • . .-,-'
-■ WAIMEA, B.s. (11.10 a.m.), 452 tons, Wild-' man, from Lytteltori.' ' < . . JIOKOIA, B.s. (9.35 a.m.), 3502 tons, M'Le'an, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Robertson, Izard, Craven, Hoare, Till, Ifesdamos Baldwin and child, Snurgeon and child, Paterson, Coke, Conn, M'Gregor, Deaves, Till, Ford, Dr. Cooke, Messrs. Cairns, Eraser,'. Jl'William, Atkinson, Pratt, Deaves, Fletcher;'Ford, Mackay, 18 steerage. -,-■ '•:■ " - . • •-■ r KIIiIPAKA, e.s. (3.50 pirn.), 133 tons, M Into3h. from Patca. <: ~< ■ • ■• ■ ..PATBEN-A, s.s. (9.50 p.m.), 1212 tons.'Oraw. ford, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Missea Talbot and maid, Us, Newport, Colton, Sarten, Mason, Paton, Jloldawayj Gribblo, Massey, Naeh, Watson, Brock, (Z), Adams, Ifesdames Holland and infant, Kannc. • Neave, Oadell, Worthy, Niohplas, Good,. BrOughton,: Holmes, Hill, gpleman, Edworda, Crisp, Melville, Tullock Heffer,' Howell, Stewart, Boss,. Jellyman, Holliday, Brock. gcott-Smith and 2 chit dren, Messrs. .Martin, Sturt, Noave. Gib ; lm, Oadell,-E«ad, Good, Brain, Ji'Nee, DiaCampbell, .Hogg.-.Bothemley, -Wat-aon,--OroU.--. Tuke. Mason, Melville, Wadman, Naylor, Beamish, Brock, Tulloclt, Farrish,■Bocch. Sturrook, Jermyn, Clark, Heffer, Kussell, Kenny, Fulton, Dulisioll, Gibbs, BarUett. - Ohnrlt?n,. Hnlliday, Mid-' wood, .Ross, i Scott-Smith. Nelson, ; Eev. Father O'SiUlvan, Captains Mdyes ■ and Goulding, Lientn. Hiuty, Parker; and JenUms..Nelson College Cadets (60). Blenheim High School Oadeta (51);. 20 steerage. -,
"; ~-,i ■=-■~ ' DEPARTURES.I' .. THUESDAr. FEBEUAET 24. V -' '.OPAWA, b.s. •' (8:15 ' a.m.), 110 tons,- Eckford, for Blenheim. ■' ■ . : -. ■-■ ■ : . .- ■
-ENOOUNTKIt, H.M.S., twin-ecrew secondf«n P. r .o'«tp,<l cruiser (10.15 ..a.m.), 6800 tone, , -12,0Cp. h.p.,: 24 guns, Captain Colomb, for Auckland. . : ■.. .. . : . .
..-ABAWA, s.B. (12.40 p.m.). 0192 tons, day Sen; for London, via Monte Video, Elodo Janeiro, Tenoriffe, and ?lymout,h. : PaaseageHlst yesterday. . • ' HZZIE, TAYLOE, -ketch (3.10' p.m.), 77 ,^) s? , n'S e T te . rß9n ' for Havelock: -. . KUMAEA.s.s. (450-p.m'.), 6034 tons, Morton, for .liyttelton.: ..'...'■.■ . ■■■ . . e.e. (6.15 p.m.),. 252 ton?, Hay,'for
.' lf OJ-OIA/6.5.' (6 p.m.), 3502 tons, Smith, for, Napier, Gisbornc, ■ and , Auckland. Pascenß«rg: Saloon-For Qisborne-Miiißes Jey, Oohen, Meadames: Grieve, .-■ Xirk,".-Ifcaere Jones, Till, Mesdames Evans, Billcski, Till,' Barber, Messre.. Soodyear, Livens, ' Aborcrombie, Evans, Billeski. . ' .'.*■•. ■KAPTOI -6.8,.(6.2(1 p.m.), 150 tons. Jack-sou,-for-Wanganui. ■■• ■ V? E.3.-(6.2s p.m.),'l27'tone, Dowel], tor..Wanganui. ■ r-. ■ ■ .: - : ■,■ • " iWAIMEA, - B.e. H6-2S ' p;m.),- 454 tonsl' Wild. S'HoWti£^ PD,
MABAKOA, s.e. (8.5 p.m.)'; 2598' tons, doi'llls,, for ■ Lyttelton. Passengers: SalooniH SEO A nPSv.Brodic, Hiissey, Scales, Taylcr, Duff, Mesdamos" HigginHon, Williamson, Wilson,.. Jones, Webb, Bcale, Woodhouse, Cooper, Messrs. Scantlebury; Hie(unson. Murphy, Proud, Brodie, Jones' Wai>f% Beavon, Speechley, Gowor,Hall (2), COOP"8.8. - (9JO >p.m.), 3629 tons, i »'■ -*? JiyttcUon, Dunedin, Bluff, HoDart, and Melbourne. 'Passengers: For Lyttelton-Mrs. Sloman, i[r. Baker, Rev. Isitt.: For ■ Dunedin-Misses' Buckworth, Morrow, • Burns (2), Shepherd, Dunbar,, jNicholl, Gl.tason, Mesdames Peters and. infant, Scott/. Oooto, Burrcll, Pettitt; Scandrett, Meesrs, Orton, Stephens, Wratter, Duthie, Smith, Oapt. Mackenzie, Scott. ? t ny ' n S S?. drcU - 1^ 0 ? "luff-Mrs- Cuthbert Mr. ;Outhbort. Fop Melbourne-Mrs. Dtckene, Messrs. .Inglis, Mljaron, ,Yel, Dickens Berka, 'Eass, Gibhes, Formal. " l "T us ; -KAntJ, .s.s. (11.30 p.m.), 182 tons/Carlson, forlfspier, vlaftho coast.'.' ■ ' ■ •BLENHEIM, b.s. (midnight), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim. ' . :■ ,■ ■ .
■ OPAWA,: s.s..(midnight).-110 tons,: Eckford, for Blenheim;. L ,'; ■■;■ ■ . . . •ARAHUEA, 5.3 . (miginishi), : 1596 tons, Hiss T ta ' Picton, - ? as senser:-. Saloon-
;•• ;■ EXPEOTED ARRIVALS. - Tutanekai, Nelson, February 25 ; Po)ierua, Qreymouth, I'ebruary 25 ~'■ ';■■' Kaiapoi, Qreymoutli, February 25. .Breczo, Lyttelton,. February -25. .-.'. ■ Mamari, Napier, February 25. ' Maori, .lyttelton, yl'obruary' 25, ' Aorero, Patca, i'obruary 25.. '••'■■ Queen of ■ tho South, Foxton, Feb. 25. StorniWrd, ,'Wansniiui,. February 25 : ; wanaka., Limestone Island, February 25 Ulimaroa, Molboumo,' via, Holtirt and .soutliern ports, February, 25. ■ Sydney, Auckland, , Qisborne, Nailer, February 25. ."•.•..' ' ' Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura,- Feb.- 25. Opawa, Blenheim,' February 25. . Arahura, Plcton, Fcbruery 25. ' Mannroa,' Motueka, February 25. Buteshire, Auckland, February 25. Kamona, Westport, Fobruary 26 < Koromikd, Wcetpott, February- 26. , • ■ Mangapapa, Westport, February . 26. ■ , '-Blenneim, Blenheim, February 26. . Hiua, Wangauui, 26. ' Nikau,- Nelson,' MDtueka,- February 26 : Mararoa, Lyttelton, February' 26. ; MapouriUa, '• Greymouth, Westport, ; Nelson, Fobruary 26. ... Monowai, Punedin, Lyitelton,' Feb. 27. Kosamcnd, Onehunga, New Plymouth February 27. . . ~, .■ ~ . Tainui,. Waitara, February 27. Pukaki, southern porta, February 27 , Kaitoa, Foxton, .February 27;: Kahu, Napier, via.the coast, Maroh 1. Tarawera, Auckland, Gisborncf, NaDier, Dinempa, northern lighthouses, March I. Hauroto. Papceto, Earotonga, March 1, . Manuka, Syanoy direct, Jlarch .2. Oorinua, .southern ports, Maroh:2, '{.■•■ KuapclLU. Bluffr March J. .' .Navua. Suva, Auckland, March J. Marere, Napier, March 4. • ■ MoeraUi, Melbourne, ' via Hobart and southern ports, March A . ■" uuarl, ! ana Mokola, Auckland, Qisborno, Napier. March 4. ', ■ . .
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Tainui, Lyttclton, February 25. •■• Klripaka, Patoa, February 25, ■ Patcena,. Picton, Nelson, February 25. Maori, liyttolton, February-25. ' Aororo, Patoa, Fobruary 25. Queen of tho South, Foxton, Fob. is. : Stormbird, Wanganui, February 25, Ulimaroa, Sydney, February 25. Victoria, lyuelion, ■ Dunedin, Fob 25 Komata, Westport, February 25. . Opawa, Blenheim, February 26. Pohonia, Greymouth,- February 26. Blenheim,, Blenheim, February- 26. Huia, Wanganui, February 26. Whakatano, Londoli, 'February 26. Nikau. Nolson, Motuoka, February 26,>. . Jfararoa,, Lyttolton, February 26. ' Kini, Qroymouth.' February 26. Waltatu, Kailioura, liyttelton, Feb. 26. ■Arahura, Picton, Nelson, Wcstport, Grey, mouth, February 26. ; •■ . Kaitoa, Nolson, Woßt Coast, February 28. Manai'osi, Jtotualia, February 28. Kapitl. WahEranui, February 28. Pultaki, Picton, West Coast, February 28 Monowai, Napiov, Gisbornc, Auckland, February 28, ' ' . Tarawera, Lyttclton, Dunedin, March 1. Jtapourika, Nelson, , Wcstport, Groymouth, March !•
Kosamond, Flcton, Nelson, New Ply. mouth, Oucliunga, March. 1. .■ .
Corinnn, Nelson, Now Plymouth, Onehunga, March 2. ■ . ■ Jlanulia, Ijyttelton, DuncrJin, Bluff, Hobart, Melbourne. March J. (lokola, liyttelton, Dunedin, March 4. ' Mooraki, Sydney, March 4. , Marero, London, March 6.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. •■■; MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. ' VICTORIA, e.8., loft Sydney Fobruary 16, <or Auckland. Gisborne, Nosier, WoUin*,
ton. . Due Wellington February 25. Leaves I eame day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. • ULIMAROA, S.S., left Melbourne February 16, for Hobart, Bluff./Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. Due Wellington I'obruary 25.. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney March 1. MANUKA, s:s., loaves Sydney February 26, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington: March 2. Leaves March 3 for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff,' Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne Mnrch 12 '•'-"■:■ ■ MOEEAKI, 8.5., left Melbourne, February 23, for Hobart, Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton, and _Wellington. ■ Due Wcllington March 4. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney March 8. ' ■ ' -MAHENO, 5.8., left Sydney. February. 23 for Auckland direct. "Duo Auckland February 27,. and connects with Mokoia for southern ports. . ." . MOKOIA, s.s., leaves Auckland ' March" 1' for Gisborne. Napier, Wellington.: 'Due We lington March 4 with transhipments ex Maheno, from Sydney. ' - :" i.•'■ OVERSEA SHIPPINC. V . . ■ . STEAMEES TO.AKEIVE. .From London. . ( . ■'■ TOMOANA (duo about ' March :2) sailed on December' 17, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Line, agents.) ~ •• PAPAEOA (due about March 6). sailed on January 10, via Auckland. (New Zealand , oliiDpmg Company, aßontu.) " - •:■- . EIMUTAKA (due- about March 8), sailed on January 20, Plymouth January 22, via Teneriffe: Capo Town, and Hobart. (New TA?i?S s^! , ? 1 ! 1 !! ,, Company, agents.). '. lONIC (due about March 22). sailed on February 3, Plymouth Vebruary 6, vl» Teneriffo,, Capo Town, and.Hbbart. (Shaw, Savill. and Albion Company, agents.) • NIWAED (due about' March 28), sailed on January 26. via Melbourne, Sydney. Auckland, and Napier. . (Tyser Line '■gents.) ■ ' - - - , : ■ KIA.OKA (due about March 31), sailed on 5 rU A a i r i? 8, "n-A-Mkland. vtShaw. SaVill. and Albion Co., agents.), . . WpAKAEUA (due. about "April 18), sailed on -February 'llr. via Melbourne, .Sydney, Auckland, and : Napier. -(Tyser -Line agents.). ' • . . , From Liverpool. . '■''■'.'' v '-.r' ; '.' ; ,-. BTJTESHIEE (duo. - about". Fobruary ' 25); ■■sailed., on- December 11, viar-Sydney and' Auckland. (Foderal-Houiaer-Shire ': Line. '. .CORNWALL (due. about Marcb/14),mailed ?v /?°i U w y ,L tl-W?** and Auckland. (Fotoal-Houiacr-Shiro • Line, 1 agents.) FIFESHIEE (due abont April 12) sailed on. February 6. via: Melbourne. Sydney. Auckland, and Napier. (Fedoral-HonldcN ohire Lino, agents.) ' . . . Froni. Hew York. '~ . : STAR.OF A7STEALIA (due about March 1), .sailed on December Hi, via Melbourne. Sydney, and Auckland.'.'. (New.-Zealand Shipping Company, agent 3.- 11 ■■•:-'-■•: i ; SPIMEAD (due about vMarch-18);'", sailed a? l? nV ?? y ,l- ports-"nd Auokland.' (A. and A. -Lino,, agents 1 ■ : ■'. GEOEGIA (duo a.bout April 20). sailed on January. 6, via .Auckland. '(Vacuum-. OiT Company, .agents.). ;. .. ~.:.,T ^. ■■■ABEELOUE (duo about- April 15), ■■'sailed ■ArinwSy ?!' ■ Tia . M !>l» T eme; Sydnoy. and Auckland. (A( and A; Line, agents.).... ''-,'. ■' ' BAILEES.;TO,ABItiyE..' ! ; : r \v- : '; JACQTJES, barque/ sailed from Now York on November 24, vi'a Auckland. (VacuumOil Company, agents.) - : ™ vM DEO w BDA, bal S, no ', BaUod ; ' tom New pany a Sn (Vacuum Oil Com- '. ."' BY TELEGRAPH. :'.\[, ■ ■.- "..';ovehse'a." : .'..V' : •'■■'..■'-■■'''. • ..' ' j AVONMOUTH. February 23.': ; Arrived.—Sussex, from Welliugton.' .■■' -■•' ' - 1 - - : '■'.■■' BKISBANE,' February 24 i Arrived.-star..or iyew Zealand, from Ni PlOr. " ,: .V -, "."..• . . : . . ■-■• ■■■■' .-..'■ 'FEEMANTLE, February 24.Arrived.—Otrauto, t'rom.Lonaon. ...... '■„■■ ' ", , ,BUVA;- February. 24/ :; - Sailed.-Navua, for Auckland. , ■ - . -,-' V. '■ ■■~-■ COASTAL. ",'. : -,". ':'-■'.■ " . :■:' 'TH'I7ESDaV," I FEBET;AEY.24,', .' " : ''■ •• - ;'• '.'..; ~AUOKL'Aiip. / ".' '; ■.' '■'■',■ ■Arrived.-Fairburu : (i : p.m.),' from aiebpriio,- 'l'amvera'io.JS p.m.), irom. southoM: "■..■•' ■.'" : ONEHUNGi.'..:" ' ;; •:/ .'.'..'.. Arrived.-Earaiwa; '(10.10. fromJNow baUeu.-Barawa (3.20 p.m.), for New Ply.iUutltu. - ■■ ..-■-;....:■'.. ;,..-. ".. .'.■;,',"■ NEW PLYMOUTH.- -i■' -. "V i : . ■ ( .p.m.), for OneilUllgil. - . " " " ',' . '':■■' ■ . . '■ ■ , ■\; ■•, > : -" ;>,-..'■' P-ATEA.--:,. :-."-:',v, ;- ■:,<, . 'Arrived.—Mana ('/.« a'.m\)',' from" Wellini-'■ t Oil." .' '" - ■.'-■ ■' ' '•■:'■- ";■ .- . ■ .Saijed.-Aorere (12.15 p.m.), 7 for Wellingion.. -■■■■:. " : :' .- -. - . "- ; ~ : ■'■■ '.■..•".;••' , WAKGANOI;..' . "... ■..'", Arrived.—StormbirU' (8.5' a.m.), from Wei.iuujwh. ;. " . ; .-.;" • '■,•■;■. • '■ ", " ■' ■: ' ■'~ ■ \ : '-X f'oxton. ': "'". "'' : " ■'": ,Arrhed.-Quoen' ot' tiio South (9.55 a.m.), irom vv eiliiiijtun. ■'..■' . . , ; 'i.'o/Baii;-yu(!Cu ol the South (9 p.m.) for tVeiiiußion, • : . ... , .''■'•.'■' ..NAPIEE/. ■.';. -.. : ~ Sailed.—Victoria (2.30 p.m.); for Wellington. Passengers; Miutyre, jare..- BrooKiJu, ilessrs. Ja'UonOficnio, Av .uuison, uhm'topUerß, l'aueison, urtickeiv ttutaerfora;,' BaSiey. :■';.:.. :. -.'. , 'l'p. eail.-jitaman (7 p.m.);, for .Wellingtou. ■'.--.• : '-■ PIOTOS;..V ■■■'; ■",-' v fi ;-■: ArriTCd.-Wairau (2 a.m.), from! Welling.. :- ; ".■.•'■"•■.:' NELSON/';.:;';' ■;'■. Arrived.—Aloxauuer (5.M a.m.), from''WelJ' lington; 'rutaueitai - (a.oj p.m.), from , \VoatpOl'l. ■".:' "". ■■ M v . :'-:. ,■■.-... ,:''■.'■."• V ■• :'" -:; •.-,' .. MOTUEKA. ■".,.; -.■■.'. ; '' , Arrived/-Manaroa. W'a.m.), from Wellingl toil. - ..- •;-.. ■...■".. i: .'.'. ■■.■,;.: ■:-"- ~'...-. ~ . ■■■.■; To sail.—Mnjiarpa/.'ft p.m.), for WeliintCOXt.-: ■ :."... ; • . -'-. ■■■'■ :■"• -■; -. ■": '.•• ■/< " . v ;:: ; , : ; ; : ; FASEWEia!SPiT, /v.;': ; : .TutaneUai passed oasb'ifor'Nelson at 115' p,m, Poherua pas' Bod eiißt for Wellingtonat 2.30 p.m. liaiapdi" passed east foi' Welii.HßWn. at 3. .p.m.- :-■•., ;.. .... -.• .". :"• . ; '.'!/■' .•■ .. WESTPOBT." ' ■;.-:':: -i---y. ■Sailed.—Eakanoa-(10 a.m.), • for Auckland. To sail.—aoromiKo ana ivamona u"J'ioayi, lor Weaiußwa..:,; '■ -..'■-■ :..:■;. , .:. '■'.' l' 1 ;.' ' GEEYMODTH.' .' ■'■' ;.-'..'• - (8.1J.. a.m.), : from' weavporc .'"■■' -. ■ ■ 1 To saii-Mapourika (9 p.m.), for Kelson an*...\VcUington. ; - ••■ ~ . . ;:. ..- -..;• .■■. \; -V- '.•'..- LYTTELTON.'.-.; ; ■ ■ Arrived.—Maori" (6.45 a.m.), from Welling-' tou." ' ■'. •■""..■ ■": . - -:'.■ Bailed.—Waipori, for Wcstpdit; Uuapehu, for -liiufff.Cygnet,' 1 and -Wasatu, for Kat. uoura;-.'iireoae itzo .p;'m.j, Jor tVeliingiou; uiimaroa. (!),&> p.m'.li, lor : rtellipgton uua'' byaney. ■ l?aseouxe«: .Suio.on—i'or. \v cliipg-' tun—Misses , , muuiiie; JioW'is, ihamson, iu'. leu; "K*iuu" (fa, inuidamea rolsouiV Uduiuie,' "Kead, tden, ■ Tadinaou, Ailon,,'- Foranaia bmeatou, -^olsoai'-itxaQp'L'jKgiL-'ana , chiia, iiiesers. Poison," aiciimson, jideni Ligt'ii,' ilaKer, W'otden, bnieaton, Foranam, Liraso iUciiavdson, Tnornton, l\euion. i'or syonoy—Misses Jttauie, OiarKson, . Oaboi-uo, Boy/on, Poulden, Ferguson, Uroenwooa, Tennant, Mosaames. Uiariison, T. ■ Urown',' Triggs, tityone,. PhyzacKorloy, Ferguson, Bastings, Jimgsiaud," \/aiion, ■ Oiarue, i" Messrs. 1 . ff. A. >). ■', Olarkson,•■'Vvatson,' i'erKUson, H. M. Keir, 8011, ff.'-ji,- UTiggs, i'nyzuckerlay, Styctei 1(. (Jibbs, Milior', Atkinson, G. jieauinonc, Polcon, Melviiie, M. B, liiqiey, Andorsou, Uicharason,. Kvans, A. P. , Clinton; W steoraga, Maori (8.20/ p.m.),-' for. \VwiMgton.."".-:l;asseneers:--""-iia:a>ii— Misses M'Nicoil,'-; Snowball, I'carn, Bu- , ohanan, Jacobs, Eoberts,'l'ppe,'Sandaggof, Oaldeiy Laurie,- Opok, Uuckiagnam, Carter, Qougu, tmellie, and Hale, .Nurse M'Donaid, ilesdames Eeid, Pearcb, Free,:Eoberteon, Lascellea, Fibdt, O'Connell, Uamble, Dysart, Htsgerald, C'alder, West. Brightwell, Jonos Tuorntou, ■ lioberts. Jacobs, Price, Cro6slcy, Team, Trigger, Tucker, d'Kmden, Oalder, Brailkford, Stubbs, White, Corfo, Eevß. Eqdgravo and Kealy, Dr, Stcvcns,on, .Oolonols Burrows and Hawkins, Messrs. Balincavis, Francis,.Ewing, Brown, Gray, Corfe, TiVTiito,' Kennedy, Cowlishaw, Brailsford, . Wrightson," Nlcolls, Connor Turtony Mace, Toswill, P.owbottom •(!), Olayton, 1 M'Dowoll, lioynolds, Ilrightwell, Mouldcy, Cults, M-Wlurter, .Yonng,' FitiEorald! Bush, Galdor, ■ Brown, Goodall, -Merson Rose, Jacob! Hylind, Lysner. Johnston Parsonson, Cook. Calder, Bruco, Roberts Baker, Evans, Eobertson, Lascellce, Knight! Lowric, and Eeid; 50.steerage. "■'■.■ : ' ' TIMAEU. "'„■ '■■ • , : , Arrivcd.-Corinna (4.30 p.m.), from Wellington. :. . '•,■., . . DUNEDIN. ■ ' Arrlved.-Kailtoura. frpin northern ports; Monowai, from Auckland. • ■■ Sailed.-PuUaki, for West Ooast., :"•■•■ BLUFF. ■''■'.'' . Sailed.-Amokura (3 p.m.), for tho Southern Islands, i . :
' TflE itAPOUBIKA. ■
At 8.15 a.m. yesterday, the Union Com pany.'s Mapourikn, arrived at Groymouth. Bhe was timed te loav? at 9, p.m. on the return journey to Wcstport, -Kelson, and Wellington. Her arrival at this port may bo looked for to-morrow afternoon. . PATROL, .FKOM WAKAPUAKA. \ In order to replenish bunkers and renew water supplies, tho cable steamer l'atroli wllioh haa . recently ; beeu ropairiiiij the 1 Now Zealapd lineß of tho Eastorn lixtonslon Cable Company, inado a call at Wellington. She took up an anchorano iu the harbour at 10.30 a.m.. and when she haa obtained tho necessary. supplies she will probably sail for Bass Strait.
.1 ■ SUSSEX AT AVONMOUTH. / , Advice received by-the New Zealand and African Steamship Company l , states: that the Fcderal-Houlder-Shire 'liner- Sussex, , which left Wellington for Avonmouth on December 23, arrived at her destination on : Wednesday last. :■ ' , . '. . : MOKOIA, MONOWAI, AND HATJEOTO. ,' On March 6, .the Union' Company's JIo-l lioia withdraws from-her present running . to enter the WcHington-Barotonga-Taniti service. The Monowai is to take up the Mpkoia's running to connect at Auckland ■ with vthe Maheno.' for Sydney, while the ' llauroto. which withdraws from the Wei-. / lington-Barotonga-Tahiti service; will take ■'. the Monowai's placq on .the coast. ' "'. KAEAMD'S ATOKLAND OAEGO: '. V A. Press Association telegram.'from Auck>.' land states, that too Bhaw, Savill and AV ' bion Company'n Karamea, leaving for Lon- ( don direct, this morning, takes a larse and valuable-cargo from.the northern port, tho principal, items being-6JBJ- carcasses lamb, 1633 Quarters beef, 14,288 boxes but- ... ,tor, 2500' crates cheese, 497 bales wool, 2148 ' cases and 95 packets kauri gum; 2067 sacks : ■" copra, 97.M8- f&st timber, 11 boxes": cold, value; £40,000. 7e bars cooper value £5500, and 16 bars silver value "£95C0... - ..,; , : LEAVING FOR WEST OP ENGLAND. ; -. -; ' Some timo. to-day : ' the Fcderal-Honlder..' bhire liner MorayEhira is to leave liytteK'•''•'" ;. '-""J. r « Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester;.. !■ and. Glasgow. The following have booked passages by. the ateamer:-i1r..0. A. John. . son, Dr. Foote, Mr. and-Mrs. Gee,-. Mr. M.' Lamb. Mr. H. Lamb, Mr." J. N. -Morgan, ~ Mr- A. E. Froggart, llrs.O. Froegart, Mr. ■■■.' A.J. Smith, Mr. G. Coulson, llr. A: Pol.'/. lack. Miss Chappie, Mrs/ Hewlett'- and' 4 ■ children, Sir. Perrott, Mr. and Mrs. Earns-,' don and. 2 children; i&s.M..Fox and in. '■ : fimt; Mr. H. J Tolley, Mr.. W. Currie, Mr.-,.'. J. H'.lntyre, Mr. Tv Deegan, : Mr. Geo. ; Oooke,,Mr. A.. Park,, Mr. J. Stubbsi IS '■ ': G t re <*uret,'Mr. J. Buitoni Mr. J. 0. Foster; ""■ •Mr^Sr Kelson, •Mγ. G. B/Smith,'Mr..Caas!-' ;: .■•'..■.' ,LiraED:BZ'3 ; HB. ; AEAWA// / '/-iV . the,Bhaw< Savill and'Albion"coß> : . :. Panys_ Arawa left, for Lon- ;" ; don, she had on board'cargo of which tne' - : followins;.a3 a. summaryi-From Dunedin- : socko potatoes. From Timarii-77 bales ' ■ wool, 40 casks .tallow; 2633. carcasses mut--, ■ %"; W7l-,caTca B so6 lamb. From.LyUclton'-' r zs " *$*■, wool,. 323 casks . tallow, .:,-. 43 /. SIS . 253 casks pelts,-25 cases preserved.'. ': meate..lCß4 casks, cheese', 32,178. boies. but-• ■ : tor,- 15,029 carcasses -mutton,." 40,376 -oar., jasses lamb. From Patca-3016 boxes but-' ch^l e - From New Ply-' v mouth-r10,392,- boxes butter, : 2267 ' cratesV" ? ?rom .W?'liagtQn-9569 boies- but ' tar,-3667 crates: cheese, 307. quarters- beef/ V ■ 1 ?i Z ,,S arc3SE<!s por , k ' ? 755 careasees mutton >~ 14 828 carcasses .lamb, .40 packages- W , , dries,- 336 casks tallow,'s6 casks.pelts, 1381 '- bales, wool, 139 bales skins/ irom Hot-. i bart-For cases.- For Eio' uV. •'■• Janciro-970 cases-apples.'.', ;. ■"■:. -".""-yj "■■■';■ : .Departure of , tho Whakatano for ton.' •' ■'.-■ don has besn.postponed- until 6 a.m.' Kh ; ' ' .morrow,' -. ; ■■.■.:■■•." •■:;■■■■•, .-.-:• ■;■■ .•.:"'>■••. .To-morrow tho' Flora is' Hied u> -leave' '"'' Auckland .for East Coast 1 bays/: Gisbbrno,'' Napier, and Wellington..' : >-..■:' On' February, 10,'tho Marino. Salvase is-'"' . sociation, of Victoria, was' suocessfnl •in its efforts, to refloat "tho.i steamer ■" Mana- '•-'■ watu, which, went ashore af Invefloch ■ : .(noar Melbourne), on January 11.. './;."->//., ■_Ooptain'Simpson,', of • the ' dredge ; Eubl'.' Seddon, will, come to-' take:command oltheWestport Harbour B6krd'a : , •'■ yew/dredge. Eileen: Ward on her' arrival-"v-from Home.'l . '', - .', ' : ■■■'•■' -.«''-..; ■-• •;■. '■ ■ tt l .MaoTiiand .Steamship 'Company's • : , Ilolmdale left Groymouth on > Wednesday v '-:'. jorDunedin. From Dunedin• ■ ekeiretnrne'i'■■•" to Greymoath' to load. fron;Gisborne.- •■ ,- i- , "...Teaterday: the-Government steamer Eine»=, : nioa'-Manakau-Harbour." !'V. ■-~■.-■.: . Captain-W.-P. Clifton-Mor?,-commander .*■'■ of tho Bhaw/ Savill and AllVa Company-e,' Karamea, ■ recently, received..hie commie- ■: • ■ Bioil as sub-lieutenant. B;N.E., ■-; ■.;.■"• Both tho Kamona and the .Koromilro are'' ■ to leavo. Wostport ".to-day with cargoes of :' coal,for Wellington/. T!ic Westport. yesterday; for . Auckland. " ■ The , . b.omata returna.from.Wellington to West- ; .- port : to-day.'., The Poherua and the. •: Kini" . sail-for Grcymouth to-morrow. ■....''.,■.''.,',"p. ; The Clan Boss, now at Auckland; is pay.■•■'•• . ing her first visit to New Zealand. She*--' is owned by the Qlan Lino, b! Glasgow' ■• : and is the emallnst vessel belonging- to the : comprises about 60 etcamers. .- , She was-built in 1894, and her 'principal- 5 ■ dimensions are. as follow:—Length, 312 ft • breadth,-.,40ft. 2in.; and depth, 2«t. 7in!\'- . Her-,.registered tonnage is 2602,t0n5. -Cap-4y «am.J.,.8. Gourley is in , command:ofr the.",- , ' '' follbwißg-officers Mw-'H . "oiated with him ! -Ohief,.MrTH'. B.'Piper;?''? . 'second, Mr.-B. M. Logan; third,' Mr- A. ; ! . . Jpel/'.Mr.'A. Cros3 is- chief engineer, Tilr.-:'- ... .it.-.Beaton second,. Ml'.. N:.- Sellars. third.l.i .': andMr.-J.:,Smith fourth/ -V-;- , '■•:■-•:.." '. The: Canterbury ■ Steam Shipping• Com-."' . pauy's steamer Ureeze is to sail for Wa- , --' nganui this. afternoon. Cargo will bere.' -: ' ceived up .-till"3 p.m. .-■■:■ ■• -•■■•.- . ■- 1 ' -
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 751, 25 February 1910, Page 7
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2,848SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 751, 25 February 1910, Page 7
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