The postal authorities advise that the' Maheno, which loft Sydney tor Auckland on- Wednesday, February. 23, has on board an English and Australian mail for Wellington, : whioh is duo here by A the Auckland express on Monday afternoon, noxt (February 28).. ■■ '■ . ■.-.;, .'.-
The central and suburban ' post, and telegraph offices of this city will DO'closed to-day to the public from 1 to 7 p.m. The Central telegraph office and delivery counter at tho Post Office will reopen for business at '7 p.m. Air other offices will also bo open from 7 to 8 p.m. Tho •Telephone Exchange will remain open as usual... ..:-.:. -..'•■ ' , ' :
A diver will probably examine the Tarawera'fl hull at Auckland, in order to ascertain if any damage hoe been ■ ensrnined by her striking at Napier. On Monday tho Collector of Customs at Napier will hold a.- preliminary inquiry into the circumstances connected with the grounding, and the evidence taken will' be forwarded to the Marine Department for consideration.
The Combined Banks' Sports Committeo ,have been granted permission to use tho' Basin Keserve on March 17 (St. Patrick's Day) for their annual sports, and .also to erect a marquco on tho usual conditions, no charge to b« mado for admission. ■ -I .
The city, engineer has been instructed to placo name-plates in. all city streets whero tho population warrants the same.
The corporation has called upon Messrs. Jones and Ashdown to set back the frontBgo of their building in Willis Street to the. samo line as that to which Messrs. John Duthie, Limited, aro putting back their premises. ■ ..' '■.■'.'"''•■"■
•Tho City Council has decided to offer. 450 to Mr. ,Wm. Grei for the purchase of. the following birds at present placed on loan at tho Zoo:—Twoi pairs English storks, threo South American • geese, one whistling duck (male), one English brown-headed teal, "two pairs • South American marmoseta, and . seven ma : caws.- ■. ■ ■ ■' . ' ..•■■'■■..■,.. .'
The practice of /eroding , .; buildings without Srst having obtained;a permit from tho City Council.has crown toconsiderable dimensions of late. / Speaking at last night's meeting of the Gity Council, Councillor. Morrah remarked that the fines imposed by the Court on offenders in this direction, which generally ranged at about 40s.,..were absurd, and made it cheaper for a,'builder 'to pay these fines than to'get a permit, lit.was decided to instruct. the city • solicitor .to press tho by-Jaw, to the utmost. ~.'
The new. set of , Hawke'e A quality band instruments for.the future band of the First Wellington Rifle Battalion has been imported. 'The instruments include: —One E flat cornet, eight B flat .'cornets, five E flat tenor ■ horns, two B flat baritones, two B flat trombones, one G bass trombone, ono B flat euphonium,, two E flat basses,.; one B .flat. bass, one BB baß3, one bass drum, one.side drum, one pair cymbals. The.band is to be drilled by Bandmaster. Gruar, who in 1877. joined, the - King's Dragoon Guards, and '■ for eleven years was bandmaster of the 12th Royal Lancers.: : He holds :the certificate of bandmaster iesuedby'the Royal School of Military Music. at Kneller Hall. '
The ' following donations have been received at the Newtown Museum:—Marine Department, one large leopard'seal: Mr. J. Astill, one-Now Zealand crow; Mr. T. Arthur, one Australian native companion and. one frilled dragon;' Mr H. Jlart, New, Zealand;.land shells and specimen of .scheelite and gold quartzMr. Merrijold,.fish; Miss Stavely, fish; Mr. O.Cpnnor,. New ■■ Zeaiiand■"•. godwitj' Mrs. Harrison, collection-of weaver birds; manikins, finches,, and king lory; 'Mr. J. Lane, old, American.gun and sword..
Tho suggestion .'of.'the Dunedin City Council, that. a. Now Library Conference bo held at Dunedin,at Easter has been considered by the Libraries' Committee of the City; Council; which apholding ofthe conference,: and recommends the appointment' of four members of the committee and the chief librarian to represent the council. • The committee, recommended that the' follow- 1 ing Questions :be forwarded to tho" town' clerk, of Dunedin for inclusion :in the agenda paper:—(l) fumigation of .books. .(2)-.Opening of the General Assembly Library to .the-public, tfqr reference purposes. (3) Tho upkeep iand : :woTking of, institutions, carried.' .on in- conjunction with, libraries,, such ..as \ (museums, lec;turo halls, and art galleries. The recommendations generally were agreed, to after several sneakers had voiced tho.opinion that .the General Assembly Library should be open to,tho public. ;It was decided, however, that.the delegates should consist of two members of the committee, :• instead, of four. Councillors .'MTJaren ■ and Atkinson were appointed to represent the Wellington Council.',- ■ ... , . ■'■'•■ : '• .
His Excellency the Governor's •' visit to the Nelson district was a thoroughly enjoyable one. .Not only were the reception and entertainment accorded ' everywhere enthusiastic to : a degree,,; but; his Excellency was afforded an opportunity of seeing nearly' every 'part : of, the 'district 'under, • the 'most favourable conditions. Among other places,' lie visited Motiioka and CoUiDjrwoodj -where the suitability of 'the soil for. fruit-growing purposes was noted.. His Excellency will .ever remember the cordiality U>f the..reception. ..accorded him' everywhere,. and the; genuine pleasure;he derived from-the.trip.'.'.■.' • ■
. : -Tlie. deer-shooting -season in -the Hawkn's Bay acclimatisation' district.;!, commences on March 19, and lasts. until April 80, in-.' elusive. In" the, Wanganui-district the season commences on April 1 and closes on Uay^U.;:-:: : :•]■:;}:':: • .O'j^hu^ -pti ; A_ deadlock has.occurred.in the nego"ti'ations for,.the .widening of. the; inter--section of Cuba-anfl;Manne'rs'.Streets.:'The Pinauce ..'. Committee; :of -' the...'■'' City Council.; ; '. recomirionded . ■ :]a'st ; '< '..'.'night:' "That in', consequence " of 7 the:'' ; de-. ■mands 1 Trustees.and the' ..Union Clothing .Company, 'owners'■.■'.and lessees; respectively iof the. land,. which'; would -mean , a cost ! .to the r city of for the purchaie ■of i part 'of the • corner, and the. , setting, back;of tho; front of the 1 Building, the'eouncil tako'vno, further steps to proceed with. the.terms- of the' resolution authorising the purchase of the land." •■ The ; recommen'datiori was ■.ap'proved."' " ■;■■;-■ ■■■ ■■: -. '■:'■;■. ':'■■ '"< ; . ■ ■-':■:.-'i ; The Eeserves , Committee . of'; the -City .Council.'; have received several:. applications "from -winter sports, bodies asking, for'the allocation ;of- grounds;: for the coming season , .,.. The /committee will at. .an early date advertise, intimating that they will.sit to", confer; with; representa.tives of those associations .desirous :of us-, ing the i.,.' - , ; -
; According to information just received from Greymbuth, some trouble.has'arisen'at the .Point Elizabeth - State ■ 'coal-mine over, the dismissal'of: two. employees. It appears that in: some quarters the'.view, is ■held that the discharge' of the men was notvjustified. > A: meeting i of: the' whole of the employees was /called for last', night ,to consider the matter. -In ;view 'of/ the: trouble, Ifrv Semple, president- of ,tho' Miners'- Federation, .has- started, on his jetiirn to the; Coast ., Locally the opinion re ■ held; that.' no 'serious consequences will ■ follow., \ '.' ■ ! •'>"': v .V-7 ■ ■'••■■.■■ •'.■■"■ : -:'■■', : - . The .Wellington' Boxing Association are to' give a reception: to J Mr.v."Bob"'.:Fitzsimmons at the Grand Hotel at 1.15' p.m.. to-morrow.:/ /!• :/ .>- :: .■»■."■ :■,■' '• ■•..■.:■■''■■■
■ The./ desirability of introducing, : '. some system .'of checking tiokets, on the' "care was ■ mentioned; at : the City 'Council meeting last, night. A stated that, .when aa Island.Bay cai broke downvreoently,' the passengers joined, a.following' ■ car, and were lequired to pay their fares a second time,\:The, matter was referred \io the tramway;Buperintehdent. ■. ■-. ' :
In niging, ii the "Outlook," tie needs of the Prosbyterinn Northern, Church Extension Committee,, the: Eev. Dr. Gibb states that when the students return: to their;colleges shortly there will-be more than a dozen stations to fill, and, there' 'is not one man in sight to fill pleads for suitable volunteers for' this work. ■'■'It' is : not possible,to offer.an adequate remuneration at present, but the committee: is hopeful that through the .efforts of the. now Laymen's Home Mis-, sion '.Union, and. through its cwn - persistent efforts, "the exchequer may be so replenished that the shame of the wretched wages we pay our> servants will be wiped out. Then,. too, .there is, the graded scheme ■. proposed ,at ■' last. assembly now before the! presbyteries, and : what with this and : what with,that there is a reasonable hope '.that';'the status'; and posi-: tion ,of the average home missionary will be greatly improved." r After mentioning the case of a zealous and capable home missionary, who.has a wife and family to support,•'. house rent to pay,'.'and a horse and buggy: to keep up,.with.a salary of £VZS a year, Dr. Gibb makes two suggestions., .The .committee;,could employ an agent to.go about among the stations and stimulate the people to help themselves; or, failing' that, if : one of congregations, would set their minister: free.for a few months' work at this task much good would be dono.'. ." , : :. '.
During tho'. fortnight .ended February. .22, 20 applications were'received by the city, balding inspector' for permission to ereot, alter, or extend buildings, and in 28 instances plans were'examined, and ap_.proved,: and permits issued. The estimated value of the work was -.£84,281, mado up as follow:—City, ,£27,284; Northland, JESOG; Wadestown, Melroso. .£5376. , '■'. ■'"•;. •.■' y -~ - ' '
Scouring out of the. Karon Eesorvoir hoe been undertaken as. frequently as possiblo of late, and the'city, engineer, has noticed a" decided improvement in th« nlity.of the water.,.A coivncillor asked evening' what stops had been taken to clean out tho' resorvqir, and declared that tho water at present was'such that it rusted enamelled baths. The engineer re-; plied that everything possible ■ was .being done. ' Tho only effectual remedy would be that the outlet should be raised from the bottom of thq' reservoir, because at present it acted all.tho'timo as a scour. :
Shampooing, Clipping, ■-.-■" Hairdrcssing, Manicuring, Face Jlassage, Treatment of .Falling Hair: and. Dandruff, Combings mado up. Natural Hair-pads. Mrs Kolloston (over Carroll's), ,U\. Willis Street: 'Phono liOa.—Advt.' .
Dr.. Findlay, the Attorney-General, is being asked by tho Wh'angarei. Chamber .of-Commerce if he will-address a public meeting at Whangarei dealing with tho altered provisions of the Native land legislation... -.-, . .
■ The new sanitary inspectors appointed by. the corporation are to be asked, to furnish a report of the number of houses in, the city which are .not fitted with proper wnsh-tubs, washhousee, and baths. Some of the fireplaces for washhouses he had seen in.backyards in Tβ Aro were absolutely dangerous. :.'..-.. •■■. ■';'•'. ':,
A return has been, asked for by Councillor- Fitzgerald, giving tho number of employees in:the Town Clerk's,. City Engineer's, and City Treasurer's' Departments, and the salaries they are paid. Notice of motion to the above effect'is being given. \ '■■ \'
Consideratiori of two notices'of motion (submitted by" Councillors Frost and Car■michael), which :were, to have been'diecussed by the City, Council last evening, was deferred until next meeting.": '
During their campaigning in South Africa, the "Fighting. Seventh". lost : 88. men in action; 82 were lvounded, and' 10 succumbed to the ravages of disease. He-; forrihg to, the'losses of the regiment, Colonel Porter, at tho annual reunion of tho Seventh last evening, said that in the whole of the other continsents 32 were killed in action, 17. iu railway accidents, and 130.died of various.diseases. He had no records of tho wounded.:
The statement in yesterday's iesne. to tho effect'that evemng dress will not require to be.worn at the Stale dinner to Lord, Kitchener to-night turns out to be incorrect. Usually .at functions "of the kind officers .wear mess dress,, but on this occasion that requirement has been waived. Officers and others holding decorations are requested to near them. '. : :
■.' The wonders of Botorua, Whakarowarowa, 1 Tikitere, Eotomahanai and Ohinemutu have at length succumbed to the kinematograph. : Mr.- W; Franklyn Barrett, expert;for Pathe ]?reres, of .Paris/ arriv«d there last week, and packed away in his black; bag Spoils , of, celluloid'film, which is to ;ehow the \reird'Wonders of the place.C where the internal fires of the; earth breakthrough with' such awesome uncohstraint; "Wairqa" geyser at Whakarewarewa, specially soaped for. the picture, and;other, geysers, and- • blow-holes were encouraged to do their best in order that the most impressive views, could be secured. .A bowling.tournament was on whilst the .kiriematographist, was at Eotorua, and as : the game would be considered a novelty in some' , countries, he turned the camera on to the players, and ."took some views of the game. The film-.will be-forwarded'to Paris to' perfect,and; doubtless many of the views .secured by Mr. , Barrett, will'be shown in the picture , ha]ls and , theatres of the .world six-months hence.:.;-. .'■ -■'': : "•
It has always been.a matter'"of ancient and honourable dispute as to whichhation, wore the kilts first—the Soottish. or the .'lrish. V Those persons who. are well up in the - lineage. of Brian Boru and the kings, bf Ireland:will insist that the Scottish borrowed:' the , Mlts from the Irish, which' 'asseveration, the true ■ Scotsman treats with'.furious'scorn. Be that as it luay.there.has.beena fitful attempt .to revive the Irish kilts,in Erin of; late as,a protest against, the vaudeville Irishman- -of the. corduroy pants, aud billycock hat (with a day dudeen'in' it), anS on several:festive occasions the 1 kilts havebeen .worn', by Irish, jig dancers and: masters, of ceremonies.. .The ripple ; of :. the movement has reached .Wellington, and a.-band : of . patriots .commissioned a local- tailor a-.few. weeks- ago to make a: complete , outfit on , . the, lines of ' the revived •: kilts; yoi Ireland; The- kilt is. made of'•■;cinnamon,' brown dress cloth, .beautifully,' .'tucked,, with': a shield-shaped flap (adorned with a green shield): in ' place of the goat's ■ hair spbr-' ran. .The tunic, is of, emerald' Breen j velvet,/elaborately trimmed with gold biaid. The costume,:is:^unquestionably '.ai.handsome,one,,and a great improvement -upon the' stage ' Irishman's' '• dress, which: has become the accepted,-idea' of. Ireland's' national: S costume. i' : There is a .vague threat behind this kilt revival in Wellington: of: the Irish pipes—a.'band of thorn. ::! .";-. .■;'. -■', ~••; .;.',;,... : . .■■. "■.'■':'■;
to help residents, in providing themselves with an adequate sanitary service,' the City: Council recently agreed to • I lend:mbhey on' the , deferred payment sys- , tern in :cases : where.householders,wished to' carry out ;dramago'* connection's. :• Last evening the; council granted loans to three .applicants who'were without funded : ■'■'■■"•
'." None'-qf" the old' Id/ and lid. tramway coupons will:■ be'.recognised: by-vthe. Citv ; after-March' 31"'"next- "The coupons; may... be redeemed at the Thorn--dpn tramway,;bffice until,that date.- ; ' :.
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 751, 25 February 1910, Page 4
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2,260LOCAL AND GENERAL Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 751, 25 February 1910, Page 4
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