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PROVINCIAL CENTRES. (From Our special Correspondents.)

'.;'■■'" FEIIDING. : ;llr. F. A. Bates,; of the teaching staff of the Hawera District High School, has been appointed; first assistant at • the Foilding' District.High School, and will leave Hawera: in: about a month's time. The'Rov.' , 0. ~E. Bcecroft left Foilding yesterday to attend. the Methodist Conference as the representative of the Wa-' nganui Synod. ; He 'is accon>«vnibd by the Eev.'F.;,T. Read, of Waitara, as secretary; ■:'.-; '■■■■■': : ■'■• : " ';-. ', -' '■'■•:■, ' : The Kiwitea. County Council , , has ' decided that a systematic poisoning of. rab-. bits is to be carried out: during the second week in llarch. ; ; '..' "■".-' ■ ;Tho following officers have been elected by the Cheltenham Rifle Club for the ensuing; year:—Patron, s{r. J. R> John-:, stori; president, Mr. J. Bruce; vice-presi-. dents, Messrs.' "W.'Mitchell, sen., S. W, E. Evans, H. P; Lance, A. Barrow, J. Richardson, P. :Denham,.,A. : M'Corkin- '• dale, 'J ..'Richardson, R. Beadnall, A. Ividd, H: Burrell,; and p. Barrett; captain,' llr. J. Barrow; yice-captain, J&. Ki J.'. Stuart; secretary, JMr.TI. Taylor; treasurer,. Mr.'.'James.. Barrow; auditor,. Mr. C.-'E. Johnston; management'com'' - mittev Messrs..'E. Christenson,-H. Webster,' R. Barrow, F.'Uemar, R. Reid, L. Stringer, ,0. 'Pussell; handicapper, Mr.R. Reid;. , shooting committee, Messrs. J. Barrow, R. Taylor, R. Christenson. 1 . ■;' . I :•/;',; ;'.-■' . ■■;'..■/ ," ; '' ,::The .St. John Ambulance • Bazaar. in aid'; of' : the - District Nurso Fund, '■ after. being continued for:a week in.the.Town ,bnd :Drill.;Halle, ! was ; brought to a conclusion, on Saturday night. In spite of: counter attractions'and particularly the large , number ' of- similar functions in aid ,ot - various .worthy -objects,' the • bazaar", was a decided.success. The details of. the. takings,. as:far as-they-are avails able,ar&as follow:—Monday, X 29 os.9d.j Tuesday,' JC39 Us. Hd.; .Wednesday,10s.' 2d.; Thursday,-; £Si 11s.: sd.j Friday,: .£39. 11$. Id.;, Saturday, .£B3■'los. lOd.j making, a total of, i3OGl5s. 4d. In addition to this there, is nearly ,£loo.:to::cqme. in_ from 'ivarious -sources ana a credit of .nearly \£so was in-hand before .the bazaar was begun.- The management; therefore; anticipates, that. they will clear idOO, after, paying expenses. Much of. the success' of,the bazaar is due to'the efforts : .of the"secretary, Mr, W, Gillespie, and /his assistant,, Mr.' E. Pragnell.- ' '.:. ; ■■'■'. ■ " ■'..-'• •.-'

";.'At■. a r meeting of- the Management Committee :of '..the' Wairaripa: Cricket Association . on : Saturday, a' committee was appointed to make arrangements for the visit :bf. a junior : representative team -to Palmerstpn North.-., The Australian 1 tourwas again;. brought; up ■ and it' was db-' citted to:write to the New Zealand' Coun- : cil.and apply for a match to:be played against a Wairarapa; eleven- on April 6 and; 7, .the vacant dates of-.the" tour. V A, remarkably finejerformance was put up ,by ,Rifleman ■MTntosh,- of - the Opaki: •Rifle Club,,-during a: practice .match at thei-.blub's range on> Saturday afternoon last. 'f'Hls scoring, at the 20Q, 500, and 600 yards .ranges, was. 34,, 35,. and'3s respectively,' the total of 101 being only one short of. the .; possible..: As far .as '■< can b° ; ascertainod this scores has never been equalled in the-Dominion. The nearest it is ;tho:scorbof:Rifleman Macefield- at the: last/Trehtham Meeting, therecord:boing:2oo.yards,.3s; SOO.yafds,. 35; -600 .yards,. 34.-.;. Although : .the totals are.the same,-a-, comparison, of the scores pntnp at each, range is in, favour; of tho -Opalti. marksman'. ■■■: ■' ~- .■' v

: .-■■';■, ■,■/■.-■••■/ . CARTERTON. :; j '■■■ ';.V .'-; J : The Rev; B.'-' Young, .vicar of St. Mark's, hold-,services■ at.; (ifiadstone ;aud Parkvalo on Sunday.-■•■.■.'■•'•"'■"' ' ■■ -" :<_■ The' health-of. Mrs; ; J; 'Offsoski,'sen. , , of South Cartorton, has been "causing" her ■relatives and' friends', some anxiety lately, but ;sho-is now. recovering. - ' ■ -■ ■ ■'■■'. ,'■ A social, and: danco-is to'.be. held- at Clareville on Tuesday Evening. Messrs. , W B. Allen and C. Reid are the M:C.'s. ■&The ravages of.; the, caterpillar, in tho •.■Ponatahi,-district are stated- to be respon- •■#' :fe'a -■■!<>& of'fropi .50, to -75 per Ment..^. maii^^rops. f: ; . M ''-'-; ' a • '... 'A- good "deal'of' interest is-being'taKon in: the ■ summer show ■of 'the Wairarapa Horticultural"', -and: -•' Industrial ' goeietyv whicK , is ' to:,be "neld: in i ;yictoria:"Hall, on' Thursday, nkd.v/, , .'./ '• ■ ■ : :'. " ; annual picnic) pf St/'MarFs'Sinday School;is ; to:l)e;lie!d on Easter Monday. ; A) children's' service' is , beine-:held in St. .Mark's Church; here overy morning before day.'school.' "The are being well;; attended .by, .the jviveniles,. vpho ap.pear to .take'a keen interest in them, aud> they" are,to .be :'continued: 1 throughout lenfc-V ~';. ':.'•'■.■''•■ ' -\^ s . .., ' :■■:';-■'■■': •'. The. occominodation: , ; at"; the- Hikurangi College,. Clareville,. is ot present taxed ; to:its .full there , , some SO pupils at the school;. There are in.'addi-,-tion a .good'number ; waiting an-ppportu-nity,,to gain.admjssionv,- ;;';■•>.;/■.:.. - .VIn connection with-: the Ahiarnhe shorts ito She ■'.'held:, on: Thursday, March 3, 'a social" is to.-be -held-in. the, Parkvale Hall .in .the-.evening.v I. .. .?■ ' ,- ; • ••■•■•'' ; J.Tlie.:-pulpit 'at::St.'■Mark's Church .on SundayJ evening, was occupied by the. Kev. H. T : , j Stealey, .principal' of; the - Native Collego ■at'CkrevilU;" the; vicar 'of!'the' ■parish. !.being'ati;Parkjalb. ■.•■•■■/'■■-.•■;.-.i ■:■-.•.■•. v -~. :■■ ; On Sundayi.afternoon ; a patrol of ;boy scouts from, here journeyed to- Greytown under -Assistant': •-Scoutmaster M.. Pair-: brother;-.where' - they : : took-- ■ part :■ in' -a ; churcli parade;." Thb -.boy. scout- movement. is. growuig .with '.'much rapidity: throughout .the, South' Wairarapa; .: .'■;■ .; '.' : ; "There was a : ■■ good ■ congregation at.the Methodist Church on: Sunday evening, :when;the.Eev.-"W. J. 'Elliott occupied the. pulpit; :; the\ subject. of'his sermon ■ being the miracle at.Canav--:-; J •:,,. . .'. ; ., '; About thirty volunteers -and a- patrol of boy ,; scouts-will formr;parterton's 'representation at the.Kitchener camp at Johnsonyille thjs .week,: ;j'i. ''■:'."'- : : .'■;:■ . ■'.' /.:■'-i ■■''■■ ;^ E y'.N.:". ' V; . ••■.■':'■'" ■ . Ameatihg'of the Levin School Commit-' tee was held on Friday evening.-' ■ Present :-r Messrs. J., Malcolm (chairman), Cameron, Hook, Davison, Hall, Hooper,::, JPalnjer, and •■■ Eobertsou ■ (secretary).. . Correspond-, .ence ,was. read, from the Wellington. Edu-■ cation Board and the .Mastorton School Committee relative'to the -new rural: course, approved-by- the! Department.- T,he Masterton committee;; asked Levin to join them'.in protesting, against the .course .being compulsoryi'r ■■ It. was decided,", after full discussion, that.- the chairman should reply' to; the ,;effect ( that, .-■ some time■ ago, the :. Levin-i.Committee .-sounded the parents of pupils' and prospective pupils '.of" the.; High.' School, and- met. :with; an almost unanimous response' in. favour 'of compulsion.. •- While •' syrapathising. , . with Mastert t on, it 'was -felt that: the Levin Committee. , could scarcely see their, way to join 'in - the , proposed-:protest.' ■ It; was decid-wl to. hold; the -school picnic ■at the Lake during the Easter holidays, and the secretary intimated that contributions in cash. and kind were coming in satisfactorily...- .... ■'■[/ -.,".;■;•.■;■-■-,■■)-,.' - ■. ;■.•■-. » . The annual meeting of the Levin Bowling Green Co., Ltd., was held in Mr. Craig's officepn.Friday .evening,' Mr.Geo. Cameron, • chairman. of, directors,' "The annual report , and ' balancesheet were'read.'aud after some, discussion were adopted..'lt was reported that ' a; number, of calls on shares are still unpaid, 1 and these are to' be sued 'for -at once. ' : Messrs.' G. ■ Cameron' and 'W. S. Park were- the ■ retiring - directors, and Messrs. Park and ;J. Ryder were'elected to fill, the vacancies, Mr; Cameron declining nomination. ••;; The sum of . JCIO 10s. was voted , to.- the secretary (Mr. J. Craig) for: ! his services on behalf of the'company.-' ■.:/■■:■'.-:: '■. ■'■',:■■ ■■ :■■■'' - - '■'.■■

: 6n Thnrsday evening, while Mr..C; S. Keedwell,: chemist; was uncorking a bottle of'spirits of ammonia, eomo of the liquid found its way into one of his eyes,'..which was severely' burned. Mr. Keedwell .is, however,,.able to attend to His business, but'under difficulty.

Oα Saturday evening the Levin Volunteer Five Brigade .connected.their hydrant to one of the street plugs, and a splendid force of water was obtained. This ie good: news, as it indicates that'.tho highpressure water-supply is almost an ac'coinplished fact. Workmen are busy laying pipes in tho side streets, and despite the fact thut several miles have now been laid,.only two'leaks have been discovered, these,-, strangely- enough; being in Queen Street, within, a'.short distanoe of each other. It is expected that in the coureo of. a month 'tho whole town will be served. ■' ' ;: ■■'" ■■;• •'■■' • • ' " •'■

The' ■ .Wellington'.School Teachers , AssoV ciation- are • expected-'to pay a visit' to

Lovin on Saturday, March 5, when they will engage the teachers of the district at bowls, cricket-, , .and tennis. ■' . The tennis match on Saturday at Levin, between' Levin mid Otnki, resulted in a win for. the local team by 9 sets to 4. Levin B team a'.so defeated Paraparaumu by 61 games to' 60, the sets being equal, A. sports meeting is to be hsld on Levin Kaeecouvso : oiv.St. Patrick's. Day,' March 17, and a meeting to make arrangements is held in the Levin Town-Hall to-night. . ''■■-. . . A meeting of^the''general , committee of the HoTOWhenua A. and P. Association was held oil Saturday, Mr. John Kebbell (president) being in the .chair.' Two protests in connection with the: awards at the recent .show w.ero considered. One of them, relating to pig class ,No. 76,.was referred to a committee ' consisting- of J. Kebbell, J. ' Prouse, and E. Herrick, The other, in connection with competition. No. 25, tradesmen's turnout,, was upheld, and -the. prize money awarded: G.'Milnes, 1; •WilkieV Cash Butchei-y, 2. ' Thoroveriue for : the ytar'is' expected to reach Accounts amountiiis'tp i! 359. were parsed for payment, including prize money amounting to .£2lB, tlie latter item being .£SO in excess of last year. Some .£50.0r .£6O has also been spent in the erection of new yards. '■The supply of. milk, at'-.the various oreaiueries , and factories.itt the district during the'past few months has'been, exceptionally good. At the Levin Co-opera-tive Dairy Company's factory over 4000 gallons of milk'are ,being r supplied daily by 38 suppliers, while. thesaiiiecoinpany's creameiy at' Kereru. receives 1400 gallons daily from 21 suppliers.. '.:. .'. ~'' ' '/ ;: .; ' ..sHANNONi' .'.:..'...• Mr. and Mrs. .Clayton ere at present staying at Plimmerton. ■ ■ -. ■; The local railway staff. has been. reduced, Mr.'Newling having been transferred to Otaki. - "■ '".' • -. ~...'" -..' Mr. and Mrs. E. Tuille have left Shanr non to reside at Levin.\ ,■_■;.'' ' ,■ Mr.' and Mrs. , A. Cummiugs are loav'ing. Shannon at the' end of the month for Levin, wher? they intend, to take up. dairy farming; ' V ~,'. ■ - ; ■■ . . Sistor Moody Bell, of Kumara, , has acceptedan appointment as "Sistev of ■ the People" in the Foxton Primitive Methodist Circuit.:' ■■" She is at present residing in. Shannon, wb'ere she will work in connectiou with the local churchi .-■■ The Tokomaru , School children's picniu was held ou Friday on .Mr. Barclay's property. The day was fine, and parents and children.plike thoroughly enjoyed tho outing. ■ '■"•■' ■' -.-. ■-,-;■ ■.'■■■ On Saturday the Foxton tennis-players were defeated in,a return game at Shannon by two , games:- The scores;-in .the: men's events were as. follow, the visitors being mentioned, first in ench instance:— Honessy.(3o)-v..Barclay (10),- Jackson , : (26V v. Taylor - (30), -Phillips. \(20) .v. Schmidt (80), Surrie (18) v. Couper (30), Wanklyn (20)' tV C.' Dunpkley;(3o). Mrs. Doidge and Miss Mason, of the local club, were defeated 'liy Misses Wanklyn, and Edwards; of Foxton. .; ..■' . - •-.Motor ■ cyclists. from - the'. Pahiatua ,re- ■ liability tests and-. flocks, of sheep from the Palmerston alternated be•tween Shannon and Palmcrston- North on Saturday (says our. local correspondent). It is a moot point whether.tho drovers anathematised the cyclists more .than the, ■latter did the sheep. ,In any case,.the many sudden, meetings, as awkward corners were turned, wore embarrassing,' to say the of it. ' .' ■ ; PAEKAKARIKI. ; ■' A concert Sras. held, at Paebakariki on; Saturday evening to raise funds for ■ a treat and prizes for tho children attending the Paekakariki School... A varied and .interesting programme was . gone, through the greater part .being given, iby young people wlio.had been 'very carefully their parts.! The performance reflected , much' credit on . 'Mrs.-.Kent, Miss. Tilley,; and-others who had. .worked assiduously in training'.-'.the', juvenile ; performers.,,, Songs: we're. rendered by Misses Kobertson-and .Cooper, and. Messrs. Eobertson ;and Hamilton,• and their items were much, appreciated. . ; :' > 'GREYTOWN.;.' .The'monthly meeting-'bf'the Greytown Distriot High : School- Committee- was held, on^Friday'.evening. ,;,, The bank bal-. ance'wa's reported at JG3S .2s. 10d. ■ Corrcspohdence was'.-' received frpiii 'the Education Board regarding, the -rural ; course for: coimtTy sohools, and also .from ■ the Masterton. District. High' School;.on the .same .subject,.!pointing out.' the ;.unsuiti'ability of .-this ■ brahoh'-ns a ;compulspry .subject. >': Iti'-was- decided-;by 'the cii"--mittee to .support- the Masterton CommiiUi, and also.'i to write to the, Education Board : on-the subject.;- A letter was also received fro'm'; the. Education-Board, regarding the inconvenience of: the Ipresent . ..railway: ••• time-taWe-' as regards ' echool children.' Tho ' Town •■.Lands ',■ Trust Trustees have made a'grant'of j>9o to the, .funds : of the school. ■•■ The headmaster's report .was considered, very satisfactory; It was. decided to erect a division .fence at. tile-old school: grounds.i-and that cer-tain-improvements' be-'also ■ effected-- at the 'headmaster's .residence.: , - Mr. : :J. Phelps was instructed to supply • eight cords of'2ft.;" rata''!for-' the' : school.'. 7A , vote of.commendation was: passed to the headmaster and assistants'regarding 1 tho successful passes made in the junior .Civil Service «xaniination by- pupils': of; , the: school; four .out of five candidates having 'passed.: ■-..'''-'■■•-,.-.•■ ■■■•■■■ ■;■■■■>' ■'• .~-; r '■'■"■

■•.'■ The- inquest'-touching' 'the' death of Steward Kignold Godfrey, Murray, w]io .met death in the fire : on Thursday evening was'opened on: Friday, and adjourned till Saturday; February.-26. : : The S'.M. gaye ; a certificate to-enable the' Be' buried;'' ' '■■' '; ;:■ ■';. • :;.'_, ' ■■ ' ■::.-'■,■■ : ,V: : :. .'■.;. .i The church ■• parade, of ■ the Woodville volunteers on Sunday last was well 'attended, the Wesleyari Church being taxed for, seating room. The Eev. Mr. .Ginger conducted the service, v : , . '■]'■■■.' Preparations are now .being made to enable the cadets "and volunteers to., at-tend-''the-camp,, at J.ohnsonville. Most of the men have obtained the.', necessary leave, and the. muster from thjs district is likely to be.'a large one.;;•,;,'• ': y _,'. :The new bacon factory now.have their works going in full-swing. ,A large num-' her of pigs.were slaughtered last week.'; "The ; Rev." Mr'. .-Ginger . and. -Mr'. '.' T.. Eendle have left Woodville, to attend the Wesleyan Conference which is to. be held at Duuedin this weeK ■■ '■. .. : '• ••*'-■ ''' •'■' ■■■ ; ':'■ ■'I :■; ! FEATHERSTON."'; !\•'."! .; ', During the recent motor rbliabilitj' trials a competitor left his.motor-bicycle against .a verandah-post, here.\ Ono of the crowd of boys that ,liad'collected, was viewing the machine with great wonder, when, the wind blew, it over: on top of him, pinning him to the ground. He received a few bruises. . The 'volunteers from thie district expect to dispatch between 40 and 50. men ( to the camp at Johnsonville. '■ * ■:•■'■ '■■■'■■'. . :■ '■ Mrs. and the Misses Card are leaving hero in'.April for:, England' and Ireland, where they will spend .some considerable time visiting relations,. They will travel from Auckland in one of :the P. and O. boats.-.'"' v ■'■■■ ; .:'• : , -.'.■■ ■' •'■ ■■■'■■•■ ' --"•'..■,.-'■■■■'. pongaroa; '"■■■■ The Church of England at'.Pongaroa held their' annual :bazaar last Tuesday and Wednesday. Tho arrangements wero in the hands of the Ladies' Guild, and a hard-working band of helpers prepared the hall and the stalls. During the evenings there were games and competitions of various kinds. The profit-from the bazaar will be about iliO. The Ladies' Guild are to be congratulated on tho capable way in which the preparations wore mado and the happy way in which • events each evening .were arranged. At 9 o'clock on Wednesday evening the remaining goods were disposed of by Dutch auctiou,. and a short dance brought the bazaar to - a close. •" , " ' . ■ • l

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 748, 22 February 1910, Page 7

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PROVINCIAL CENTRES. (From Our special Correspondents.) Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 748, 22 February 1910, Page 7

PROVINCIAL CENTRES. (From Our special Correspondents.) Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 748, 22 February 1910, Page 7


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