;s" ; V^*The':kiht|:pf ;■ Ca'dpnia.'!;"*';.:;v';■'•' ; ; ; *'-::; - :V'':i;:::.'.V,,\lt;is' : :.;,: .-.Vrul,;'fuU-.df.i'charraing costumes,; 'charming .V-, >- ecenery;. and ;pretty, poses,;-;and:'if- ; it..were. :.,;:.:-,-not" ; for. the;,;introduction:: of'; the: Apache v;:.''Tdance, : ;-it,,vwould "be-.* wholly"''delightful. :'.:;,'.'; The'; story /which r.uns'"■ through* \ it Vis: suffi-: ■: ;.;ciently romantic to suit'the: most romantic ":/,'.:,;, miss,,thdugh;.very;likely; she,'will.not :.;;•: jiny 'moresatisfied.'thahiPlderiladies with (-,;/,; ihe';p.brup[tness/pf.;>the;^hd;'"Surely;,the r/' play was.vrtittenby.a.mah;. What woman Kfii: couldvhavo : : resisted the ', temptation to put-, fA< r «i':few:,finishing:;toiiches -;to; the story, and ; ; *. : ; ; '.let;th'e:audience,;know what .the, princess .'.'-,; i.':,gaid.;when .she discovered : ,that .tne: man ;;: .;.; : ,Bhe:ldved 'and: the 'King she:.did nbf : "want :': ;: ';;to:'marry'were: oneandjthe'same.'iTn'the ;;v;*;:playishe;"sMplyrtarns; to'the King ';.'■ and. .' i ;. sniles-'enchantingly,'and,'they";ascend the ;:;:■:./.;; step's j'bf \ the.. ; throne ''together;.,- and ■'. "still: :?'.::. .r-Bhe^smiles.blissf.ully, i'npt; ; a';'.w6rd~is ~v .;■said.'*:'This .does not;suit'every- woman in. if-,;-, the"audiehce,*uTh'efe7were-those..of.'them, :'^:;i.-'-'od'-: : Satoda^-",jught-'.whb'-.wfer8 i .- Princess ;'-;,' .;that;:they;: ; badly ; .-'wanted^'tp;.. ; liear.;::.hor ';;',-/comment 'on- the':'dehouemeht,' ; :arid„Hid 'nbt' : ■ :, : :'..■.'; passivelyi ';.;.li':?she;::'had;;-:only/.turn'ed arid ■''•'-;.Bwept.v? ■and..'.done ve>: homage;,to;'-her,4pver::who:'was "alsp/her : ;:•:'; \:. /King;- ;pr/:if; s she/'had') even Sa .[few: ;-.,';;../ff'ords,*;..they.; better' ;;;'.;/-: pleased.';'.;. Of/course./tthey./could. exercise ;;:".::j/iheir?imagination; % but,>the "charm.'.'of y;i /"//-'play Vis ?that-/it' does'"ybur/imagiriihg, for ,-:'-;;';you.;^/The:frboKng./bf,'the/piece ; : is, as v.-',:/beautiful*--as/its ! :set&ng,' : and/while .the ■'■.:,;,./ cbstumes.'bf ''peasant/ !^ls'-in:-,the 'first-act ./.;■:/ were/everi '/'uhcommbnW /'frocks'of the : Court/ladies'-!iiuthe; second /"//iwere /mdst/brilliahttandrnotable;-:;'They // / , ':.»U;"':''direct6irer' : •; with./closely clinging: y. /; .jkirts;','many/ of.vthem *-.with/;/a';.double ;:/■./;Bkiri;,randtne'y i :w'ere''aU:,in mostb'eautdful /:'V:/:/dblicate;:colours.//The ,twb/.that/perhaps ;•-;:,"/ jxcited/most'. admiration. ; were '.-.of .amber, .;■/,;;- Batiiii/.with.vtunics .-of/brown - ;' oyer/:gold "/:':'';;'-tissue,\,and (there ;/were.'vtwogcharming: .:/':,;/; pearl,grey,/,with fringes,of silver' .:/"-// ph/.podice.'and.sbrt,//and J/two,,.equally. /' ///;■ charming -j frocks /of: satin,'i of:- the.':colour: ",;v.;/'littie;\touches ;'of' 'scarlet//on'/" they tiny. '~sleeves.i.Se.veral,of:theyfrb.oks';had panels. 4v.'-.-,'and;;drapings'/of.-silver;';ahd;gold seqiiins,,:;';;/•/;ww.'draiiPa'with.'a deeper shade;-like'the; '///, sheath: of a/lily."■'■': Behind,::,the. -: gorgeous■ / v :;. : ;:;.: ladies *;6tood',heralds./iu:.. /;.co&.j ■'/■::~^.tumes,,::oh/.which : .were:'. embroidered/: the. :.// royal'/arms,.of the .way;, the ■////.Court/ladies'-ia',the'-';fir6t :act ,wore:,-pai'e, ;,.;:/A'mauve*;frocks, ; ; embroidered/.wiji ■ .figures' '■■ i '■:"'. v that'i 3 might f;haVe /been v- salamanders': ■ or ' //'/•.Kzards,. I whjch/ ! they. l *bbr;e,:.yery bravely. /:./;/; The/ effect/of /the Court: scene^^:..wh'ich s /had ■■: '/./: beengcarefully':cbhtrive'd;;:,was '■', to ■■;somo'.-.v./S-.-'degree'spiSiled'iy/ithe/extravagant cpiffures. •./:/■- -.. of vcertain'•' Court; -ladies,/ who /wore .'.their ;:';:-//; hiir.:;pufFed"iahd^,pa'dded.ahd;:curled'.to/a :./;';;-mo's't' ; .:' : uncouftly!/>degree,.; forgetting//ap-, '/S-J/parenay-thatfsuch huge head-dresses', s'een- '...; > / irom a distance/^when',the softness;of ■'■'■>: i/thair-JcanJibt'^De*', observed * and ■','only./.the; / ;. : y;/general l outline : strikes' the'eye; : invariably; ;/:;' look [ngly/VThis defect was'-obviated* at './■//{tie/bhdt.of vthe'/'act,' /when t ;■ the. / ladies: /■.■■'■- :- "appeared again; all'wearing, l white plumes,' :/://". /whichxigave/ an ;air;/of /.uhiformity; -to/ihe. ■!:;..;.whole;--;:Here/, they''-alsovwore ;flie.; : m6st .;' /'V-niagnificent' court "trains,', each ;/of.'.'/tJieni .//^embrbideredV'with;; the; V royal ;;■; arm's ,'ri. of /::.;/:/'Cadoma.; As".they/;came-down ,the /wide; .;.?/:',stairs and swept:,across the hall the;efiect- '.';'?;"; r ;>s:.entirely.pleasing.v?The;,Princess,iwhp .!■//* ii[ v simply: gowned iin";: the'..', first act in /a, ..■A-Vi''fracls'":'of.;.p^ , ; :-,■'■/'■: to['^^-wear, oh' : her,;armV' wears/'a/Ibvely'frock; //-. '/'in/the secondi'ibf/white/satin. Vcharmejise. :[/'';;/.lt/ : is;. made fin/ printess "Jstyle,;;/with(;'.'a;, '/*;'"panel; embroidered ..with ".pearis, and edged. .:•■■'i'v.'wi£h' real/ermine/'/The.ermine/.also.,edges^. .''/ the' square/collar, .and,th'e hem ofthe.long ./-///train',' and.':a/regaV i teuch.'is/given,•,by,.the , ■'■'■'& ; great .'sweeping; 'tr'ain/'edged-,.with/'ermine :/. //'Which/'she 'wears for.; the, coronation .scene.. *:/*-/': : A "M L 7i'- Mrs'/Ebsaiihd-'/Xbuig; ■''■ Meld/., of': : ; Pit •■'///:: cairn Island,: wife-of' :'wrbfe/a/"Story../bf -Pitca'irh /Island," : ////which.''has- gdn6 ;l infb'"'ite-;fourthveo/i*tion';- •■*;-:/,:: has'/beeri'. back:-' on •- the'/islabd ssince/Aii-; />// ; -*gust;/. i 908.; /~She:/left : /'W«Hihgtpn ; some i;/v/'.'time/before J | : , ahdv travelled/by the Seventh; [■"'i;/ ; : Day/:A.dv«'ntists' ; ;schooner//Tiare,/ which. /i/S:i was/'ito''/have returned fpr-her/three months ,//ZiZia'ter,/but'"didZ : not /'///cember'i/fifteen/mbnth's.-after t;he.:dhte;ar;;;.://.:;rah£ed,! /a'-/delay/.that';-natnraUy''./ r:///Mrs. ■/ Meld?-• and" ;hef://husband;/*!much. / : .:/"/;anxiety. j :/She/'is-how/ihiAuckland,- and' /.■'■'/ is -expected back in -.Wellington' in three. /'•///..weeks: ./Mrs.'-Meld/has beenodoing-mis-/////sion wdrk ; on.the'island.:/She sent.Home /:'an /interesting"' account /of /the -way K.'the '/-/'Pit'cairn Islanders .'celebrated/the. King's '-/[. [Birthday, .which -was- done/most,loyally.' ['/'.[^/The. church /building ",had[been'.decorated; ~:.\ [:[:■ with-'/bunting; 'and -outside":a little ■ com-. ',';.-.:; pany" gathered .early/, m , the/morning'to. )>;,/;. 'sing-the'/National' Anthem. "A-brief—very 'j';/:// brief-^cricket' match• ;waS'/followed • by/a ;':•/■' swimming match,'arid at ribdri the. Union ::[/// Jack /was[Saluted -in/'-aii.' original/ man-; :'■; /'/ner. //'An'-'organ.-■ wasl/set; under;:the trees,, /'/ >: twbi-shots: : were/fired;:[ ; theh"a/.verse of: the : *::..;:: National/; Anthem/was ['sung,, and'., so/it, / /'[;.'-. went '• oh; two (shots' [fired: between '.each ./-[/■/yerse^y.The/cekbratibn'lasted/till [the. '//- [['evening,/when -'songs. and -selections : from; ./.-.the /band..provided' most of ; T the. enter- /[// /[[*tairiment.*;;-It /[is ['[interesting ' iread -/'■[,/'.': among;, the;/ names './.[of.":.; the'/ .performer's. .' v. ! :.6everal.'of'. descendants . of ■;Christian^ :.'..the'sailor'who'was "so"prominent in;-the :■> .'//early;'history:,of[the'islahd.'lV■:/;:./"
Funeral of Mrs.' Dwari. '•; '~:.~.\--'? ;'■{■: ;;'Avlarge'.^and,/representative; gathering. :assembled' 1 yesterday '. to'. ; .pay .'a. last".- tri,but6,of;respect.tb the'iato Mrs. Catherine. Dwahj relict:of:the late-Mr!,Thos. x Dwan,' .and ;the,' mother .'of/Messrs." KB. and L. ;Dwan,';of,'this city.;." ~;TKe /funeral .pro;cessibn' left :.the...residence, -Nairn Street, for- the, : Church .'-.0f.: St."; Mary's V of.' the Angels;': where ;the\usual; service was- cbndu'cted .by..'the^Kev.'Father -Kimbell,-who was .assisted;.by,, thei.Ver'y Key; Dean Eeg-nault,'..S.M.'i'.-Prbvl; ;Very,Eev.': Father o'Shea;':S;M.v , .G:'i',and:;.Eev. Fathers;Gog:gan,.: Hicksoh, i Bowdeh,/. Herbert;:..and O'Cbnnell.-.Th'e service at;the graveside, ■Karbr'i,."was/cbridricted^byv;Bev. Father .Kimbell,' assisted'.by, Eey. Fathers.Hict soh,-'Bowderi/ and Herbert.; Many of .the. early pioneers ;,bf / the'.; West Coast,. wH'o ;^ew;Mrs.'Dwan when sHe"fi'rst canie'.to that, .part "of., the' colony, were present! .Messages, of condolence were received from all; pa'rts.of,.New Zealand; among; .them .teingxtelegrams';from" Sir ; Joseph, Ward, and the Hori.. James .Carroll.; ..
; " HEJTS ABOTJ r TOUR HAIR ■ AND ■--;.y ;.;;/!; ,HO!p.;,TREATMENT.' '.; / ■'■'•'■- '■■ 1 If your;h'ai: is tailing ■ by; turning grey '■■'.- ib'. not. worry, call on' Miss Milsom, Hair '■;■ Physician :and Face .Specialist, \ who ai- . Bgnbses. each',: itredts;; and .'.teaches ladies and'(.entlemeh. their .proper treat- :; znerit.:.All. massage• .'by,Mj S3 ■■■' Milsom': is the.most- sciontitic process, approved -', of-; by. the /leading : medical f ra- . ternity : of .■; toidon. '/arid .Paris...Single :|lueafaerits,-,froih;3s.:6d. All ;her prepara- ■\. tians'- are, famous arid -widespread, arid ;i will'not only, cure/" completely, dandruff :'" falling ind grey ; hair, but: positively pro' /■ motel' a" thick,','new;growth in a very. :i short- .time.'.'Shampooing.-vElectrolysis, /■: Hairdressiug .done :,'arid;taught. Hair- ' '.work - of -every";description. Correspond- • ence-invited. rConsultation';free.; lung's ■ Chaniberfl, - Willis, Street (opp.; Carrol) <$, V'Tdephono 814.—Advt,..',;..-.-; ..;,.-.-.
At; Home "in Hobson'Street. ::.-'- ;. ■ Thd rain '•' on Saturday • 'made .it quiteimpossible'; for-the garden/party wiiich was'to* have been given' by the Bishop* of .Wellington and 'Mrs.'Wallis;,in" Mrs. T. C. 'Williams's' grounds .to take place, but there:was/after all. a' very.enjoyable ""at home?,in" the largb house instead,': and at this 'between two" and . three., hundred guests must, havo./been present.",/ The . guests/ were/received'in the large, -~hall, ■which; divas' decorated 'with //vases -of hydrangeas, and tea was;served';there and in/the; dining-room. beyond.,,-A .'band stationed., in 'the, gallery played'; during/the afternoon. ; ' Indoors ■ it. was '■, so - pleasant and cheerful that the guests quite forgot how very,dismal the Wellington, outside was/lo'oking,/and;,the. afternoon.-passed in a. 'most-'enjoyable/fashion; Their; Excellencies ,the Governor -.■ and ■ Lady Plunket wore ■ present, with " the, "Primate,' 'the, ■Bishop:'of. Nelson, v and .among, the other, guests we're" a great many of the- clergy and other members of the '• synod, /with, representatives of.'*; other .Churches.,' Mrs. ■ Wallis received in a-.frock of grey striped silk,.'with* a,black ; plumed'hat;'and pale blue; feather, boa';: ner* Excellency . Lady Plunket wore a/directojre' coat and;'skirt. ,pf fine, black'clothe braided in'.'black, and' a cream hat trimmed .with shaded mauve roses;' ■ Miss Hill,: who ' accompanied her, wore '/a' costume'' of .■ copper : "brown,.'; with cream lace, yoke and 'sleeves, and .a. hat I with.'■.roses; .Lady , Ward; saxe . blue coat. ! and skirt, and 'mole coloured; hat, .with pale/pinkjroses;: Mrs.j-Algar- Williams,, cinnamon/, brown -frock, ■' and cream. ' hat /massed .with/pale .blue and yellow; prim? !■ roses; ; Jliss 'Boyle;' rose ■ coloured' costume, and/hat [to. match ;/Mrs.'Newman,'.-black cloth .[directbire*-costume, [and . black hat with/silver, quills; /Mrs.' Neville, blue, costume,' with: Hat.'to' match; Mrs.. Julius,, black : costume, and bonnet trimmed' with maize' silk and silver; Mrs. Mules, black brocade, 1 .and bonnet 1 trimmed' with.'.:pale pink 'roses-'.and.white osprey,: and a 'white leather .boa; - Mrs; [Neligan, frock .of black .ninorii [with■/ black • lace inlet over ' white, black and .'white, "toque, and blue- scarf ;'■• Miss Williams,*dark blue"' costume: and: hat to'match';'.'Mrs. H'./Willaims. (Gisborne),; wine; coloured costume, .with' Silver scarf, and. black 'hat /trimmed"; with/pale blue; Mrs/Pollbck.-grey'organdie muslin,-, 'with''floral hat;-Miss. Pollock,/blue shantung coat[ and . : skirt,r'Vith :hat" Mre.-Hiinsell,'biscuit' coloured'-.frock; ; and hat: with .roses; '-Mrs:''- Sp'rott*,- dark grey, costume, with black 'hat; : Miss Fancourt, .blue' silk,"and- blue hat with'-black'.quills;j Miss''-Whitaker,-,.'dark.'green,silk, (-.with cream "lace loke,- Miss fiichmond,: grey'silk '.with .'.lace: scarf;' and black hat- with: pale .blue, trimming; Mrs. H:.;D. Crawford,' -purple: costume, with black ..hat with: white feather;- Mrs/An-, drews, dark'blue coat and skirt, with halt ito',match;.-Mrs.;Dillon,'• pale»:blue.,cos- r tume, with'black and white:hat::-Miss G. ■Harcourt;-■ :fawn ; costume, ; and-hat ; with cherry coloured silk.' Among;other guests Sresent' were": ;Mj.': and- Mrs.'*: Balcomberowh;' Mr. and :Mr6. Beauchamp,''Mrs. Fell,' Mr.: and 1 Mrs. Dymbck/Mrs; -Ewen, Misa'Ashcraft, Miss Fitzgerald," Mr.,, Mrs.,, and' the -Misses Martin,' the' Misses,Tur-, ne'r,"' 'Mrs.'' H.''Blundell, :• Mrs.'.."Duncan, MrsL'arid'Miss.Didsbury, .Mrs. , Wilberr' foss, : :Mrs; arid: Miss Sommerville,-.• Miss, Eees-Mogg;' Canon',': Pollock,;' Archdeacon - Pancourt,(,the. Hon. E/ ;'Loughnan, : ,;Mr. :Algar Williams, Dr.-: Izard,'Mr; Harcourt,' and tie-Revs*. A; : M.- Johnston, J. -Walker,; A. :■ LV Hahsoll, J. Blickbpurne,'■; Kennedy,: Elliott," aid' Mr. Jas.Mobre. ;,'■■''.,; v.:
'At/ thei'i'Opera /Hpuse;:/,'./'■://;j/*; /•/[;[*; V;/'Among/ those present :at';[ the':perform-' ahce.of- the -"King of; Cadonia"; on Saturday night Joseph "aid Lady, Ward,;Jliss .Ward,', Mr.: .and /Mrs.*: Algar,. Williams, Miss Boyle,. the-:Hori. / Captain Gathorne'-'Hardy,; Captain/Shannon, Mr. and .Mrs. '.Pirth, , Mrs:-:- Samuel; Mrs., G. •Fell,', the, Hon." G. Powlds and : ;■/,,!-i/ . ,-_. 'Tennis -"Afternoon'; >a't Greytowni/ '/ ; ;;•
- :,On'WednesdaylafternboiijviMfeand'.llTSii ,P. : A; Di : 'Mickle' ohtertaih'ed'a 'number"of guests at ; their-: residence,//Kuratawhiti',; Gr'eytowri; 'in ;;hbh6ur. ■-*of.''Miss:'..Connie. Mickle, ;who is on a visit from Auckland:" The: spacious/lawn"particularly,[lends: it, ■self'for [such an "occa'sipn, so that eriteK taming was 1 an ea'sy.'"riiatter.': : Afterbodh" tea; was Served'in'a'shady /corner of; the :lawn. ! Tennis...and croquet;'were...played during the cooler' part 'of'the day, 'and Miss sang. / Ml-s/Mickle/received' in :h a [white^silk. 1 frock with/valenciennes lace'coat,[;ahd''Miss Mickle,-wore.a white 'muslin;frock:'[w.ith; valenciennes. ypke and sleeves: Among others were Mrs. /H.'.Duddirig.'Mrs. H.'-Caldefs, Mrs.-.Ve'r-lnon ■: Eoberts, : ; Mrs/, Marsh, * Mrs.': T." M'Cracken, Mrs.-.W. J.„ Elliott .(Carter-, ton), Miss A. Jackson, Miss Derry, Miss: A. Roberts, Miss' Eyelyn/Druinmond,. Miss ! Marsh,"Miss': Stock': (Napier),'. ;Mis's' Stratford, t. Miss Iris Stratford," Miss Merle,t, iMiss; J.;Meriet,.Miss Marten (AVellington),* 'Miss''Brenda: M'Craoken;-Eo'vs/ A. T../B.' Page and;W. J. Elliott,-,; Messrs./M'Cracken, Turner; Thairi (Wellington), /Huttori, Pittehdreigh, and/ Hoi.hsby.;, *.-.-.."/
/Mr! and Mi:s;/[D." J.['Nathan leave -for; /Eotorua/" on vThu[rsday::y -/:-[>./'/./,.: ;- ,/.'Mr. ■ J.'- B. Fulton has/ leased; his house bri'the-iTerrace :to, Mr/;, Tapper, of / the Bank of :New; Zealand, v. ."":
-Miss, L'aiira Lockie leaves ■ on February 18 "for Singapore;- to be/married to Mr., Percy- J.' Gray,[of the' Eastern Extension Cable[Company://// './'[ / :, •■ -;- .-, ■.-■'■:■'
■'•' The engagement is announced of Mr. Hugh: Burdekin,.' late of Wellington, but now in the Bank: of; Australasia! Hawera, to ' : M.iss; Baker, uf that town..:.- ; ;.'.,, ':':■ Miss- Dixon," wh6':is;'severing,;her con-, riection with 'James Smith,' Limited (the New House) after four years' service, and who .is'to be: married 'in .a 'fortnight's; iimei.was on : Saturday made,the recipient of .': presentations from the; firm thei ' ; ,; : .v; ;'<.'.■:,■'•• V,'v;V.;''". ■,'•■•_- ;:Miss'.CoxVhas 'returned' to ;Featherston' after' a ; visit; of•" soma months■ to. Christchurch. ;■''■''■;' ,,;, ■.:■ "; ■ .Mrs; Sutcliffe, who; has .been'visiting Christchurch,ha? : returned . to : ' Wellington 'to resume her classes.; :, ' ■iY':'..'.\ ,'■'.'■; ; Mrs. IV W; Oakley has returned with her two sons from Eona Bay, where they have' been for the ;past month'...:.."■■."■', Mrs. Ma'carthy" and , Miss Amy.. Kane leave, next, Wednesday for a ,trip ;to 'Te Anau and ,Milford- Sounds. ;..:, .;." -.•"■■: : Miss .Phoebe. Myers returned on Saturday from a visit to Mouht Cook and Nelson.';;''.'-' •.■"'-'.;. :'.;'■ "■'■ ;■•••'■;.'V'/''.;"':-: : ' : -; ,; ■',' ;;'•■•. - Dr. and Mrs. who. have been to'Dunedin to attend.the.meeting of the TJhiversity ; Senate,; returned .to ' Wellington .yesterday. .They are at. Day's Bay .-..- _.■''.' ' .■.-..-'■:".■ •''. ■' ■'..: '.:■. ...: -The engagement .is announced of Miss Constance A. rL.'Mickle,; grand-daughter of ■'.' the lato Dr... :Mickle, -of KirMington, Yorkshire, England,-to Mr.' Andrew. Boag, son.of the late. Mr.'William Boag, and of' Mrs: Boag,.- of Fendalton, ...Christ-; church,, New: Zealand. '.; '. ;'■•'
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 729, 31 January 1910, Page 3
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