Dance, on the * Challenger, v ;
% ?' <;it ; ;6e?s:tiiatvwasf" Uastwhight; in/ ? ';by; ij.^Me;jpflßofer^'->>ir;h^ , fiAdr>in"-th.ese''.'daiicca ; '"a? (retHrnirigHthefhospital- ;:' : iriain;;d«oki?and quarter deck'where..; the: closed: in ,'withVbunt-r . ; Ihg,' and'.everywhere, -.flags-".were : used, >nritliVquan tides ! ; 6fJgTeenery,;;;for;;decora;t "fy: tiohKs .Th-ey-;mad6 : :i a ; :;gaX;;.ahd rf.babkgrbiind j for ■ th'B'>'mahy;'prw ■ \'and : they were ■ reudered' ; .still'' : ino're brilf;i/liailt,by" -the;;, dozens:."' of; "gaily-coloured. ;'.v ; ferent''-iia.tions' was;*the:*ag* :of • Siam, ;. j which; ,'draped :. the : centre.of one'end of :,nqhle'.proportions'beiiigdisplayed to ;ad-, ;'/'.* : inirationi;;.^ lj scene andl tho essential grininess! of. tho. Jvi warship,that'.: noamount . .of.: dccoration . ' can disguise,' is- one ..that always strikes a -visitor,*:;and_ there isa.certam charm • in'''tho . contradictions, • the pretty girls S:BtMping/aj;liftle:tb: the:;ldhg' <jf, ;p6inled:.fnose,;;6f -Tagreat.fgreyigunli add . bo'os :..of-:: red, whi to,-' and, blue ' into , a deo6rativei; r star,lfas';if^never:: ; meinfc;' for !''£•; anything:■else.;s'V; ; : Supper.».was> served •• in the. ward-room, : .f,!whioh. was vfilled,' [with: •: flowers,-i'."hydr:m-; .'geas, in-jink and . pale blue, , sweet peas, . cora^-with twisted bands'oi 3;f;pale:;"pink v sweet-'.peas,-i-'ahdiVcbnepicuous' fe among JJheSyiauds wis'; 'a boar's j'head,. :• ;i shiny jai'd -.V goldorii' "ji ohs':'a «. table Satthe, :>:/ side; ; ffll«d,iTWth : ;ybeautifurjfipink;'j^ had: .brqngHfc :hini '; and '-hie ' party - from ; : Snva last . :Th'fife<.■ were r ;sittinp-" W;: out^ comiortablj' CarrahgeJ,- - f. ahd^oh;ith6™decks^-fin hook's.: . 'Tho. guests• danced' to ,-the ,music ofi a : .:, band 'stationed between : two j decksj .'.an'd' Woy. danced; . more,, evident: enjoy-:;::ment.'t^n;oi\e'..-ffonld~h'a7e:thoijelitpos!-, £ible;yiis day. :: , -The,exce.';Mve;heat , h , adb'^n , sticceeded'by v'as delight- 1 s'J the drapery; ■; ' : 'Mre.rrCKerry.'p the' ■ only offider'sr'.wife : av-frook :of TufOD,-- frock,'ivith:jet trimming;' .::Mir?:-EilMn' k Ward,. ,, pale,blTO:messaliHe, ,witb 6ilver: trimming; Miss :Gore,'. palo -.. .pink /silk,': with ,' cream' i net. ~ lace;..; Mrs. of • jSifiblaitnnSei tion j over white silk Mrs: j Hi; ■ 'Johnston,...flame-coloured 'satin; Mrs: El-. far.vidirectoire 4;g6wn;.'of ./.black'-chiffon; white '.(Christ church), ; ;pale.,'blue. -irocade; ."Hiss'- ,:. Pearce.; whito satin, charmeuse; iliss Col;silyer; .: trimming;; Mrs;. Algar • .Williams, /silver . . seqnined; robo'- over .- silver : 'CTssue; Miss silver^: ;- : fonrMrs.: C. ,; Pca'rco; white satiii princess .: robe, :with::embroidered: panel; : Miss R. ■...Seddon,'..very pale blue*directoire frock; with black wing in. her,.hair; Miss E:; ,■ Miles, ?jpink: chiffon;: with gold , embroid?J7 ■: Simpson,pink messaliiie;' E.-' Simpson/whito satinV Miss Bell, r.<>P a '° -.•bine: 6ilk; Miss Beauchamp, emerald
Wedding at Eketahuna. At- Ekelahuna,; ,on Jannary ; ID, - Miss. ■ Aniue■ Lilian' Kirby, /third. daughter...-of' : Mr.; .T. -H v Kirby,.-was married to " Mr. Albert:; Smithj/.second'son;' of; Mr.- Eli £■ Smitb./The ■ ceremony/ was > performed, by/the ''Very' vKevV; .Lean/. MKenna. The bnde, ,wno/,was attended by hersistcras bridesmaid,was given away hy. her father, ' and Mr;., .Chas.'. Cross,.-cousin of tho • bridegroom. was.'best man. There was a very large / attendance -'- of; the/.' relatives Mid friends of :both bride and bridegroom. .The .'bride. ,wore/:/a:' charming/;'travelling costiime,; and - immediately,: l after ; the ' ceremony " Mr. ' and Mrs. Smith-left-by ;/ the mail train fir; Palmerstori, en' ; route' I for; Auckland:" • ' W: ■V I ■' V;:v:./;/::;':-:VU-v//-':-'':'/U:/V/;fc:/
A'Golden Wedding. ■ /- / Mr. .aid Mrs. W. /A/ Fordhain/ sen.', of -. Kilbirnie,; ' celebrated yesterday . thciir ;/'; golden"/wedding,;.at the'.raidenceof their .j-:;BOn-in-law, : -Mr./-J.r P./'-Bnglebretsenr'/'Mr. .// iwd //dlosei.vEnglandiv fifty./years> ago;/aid: ar- -/". rived -: in .'Now Zealand, with; their, son and///i daughter;' in/1876, 1 io-:th'e'/g<M//old.Shaw-Savill ship Avalanche, tthich oh the fol- • lowing- voyago to New Zealand .was run .down in; the English-.Channel by, a-barquo named; th'e -Porest- Queen, "with , great loss : Df- life.' :Tho old couple /are in' excellent ;,; health. .They -have;receivedcome■.liand- . 6ome presents and many, congratulatory // telegrams .and/'letters, from ':all parts; of New Zealand. • / ; . ... ! In the Alps. / Miss Lorimer, Principal of. Nelson Col- :;/' lege,.i£ho, with Miss Phoebo Myers, has ,// ; ,been: visiting/Mt.: Cook, left -Miss-Myers /there,./and,; with-Miss/Sutherland 'Smith crossed /by/the; Copland ' Pass, and made their, way to the Fox" and.'the Franz -.; / Josefi.Glaciers. .v-The' trip-hai ibeen "made //■: before ;by. four, ladies,- Miss Constance Bar-;-./'nicoat./was,;the:.first to cross. /then/'Jlrs. . Thomson and Miss Perkins, , and last 'year / /Mrs.vEumsdehV from/Melbourne/'/ orossed ,/. the . pass. from .the West Coast/pide. • -It is: ;:/; an; ! arduo'ns/ and /travellers - have / : to.; sleep .''out; of i doors, as. ■ there,- are -no - ;; / accommodation huts', but' it .i 6 not rec;/'.koned,by/expert/alpine/climbers'.a diffi-; // ./cult pass../ The.'ladies set out on'Thmsday, .tte..-H<wker . Valley, and there camped. Next morn- ;;/ ing, 'at they climbed up the • Copland Pass, and? went, on. to Douglas .: Bock, ivhere/ they.' camped, for, the. night./ Next d.-vy they, went to Architect' Creek, / where t>iey were met from-the West' Coast' ,\ side with horses, and rode to Scott's Acf:.. oommodation - House.: - ..Prom.' there ® they /!;V>ere , .'going:^.tp''\the.;'glaciiOT.'-.'-/They'-'were'' • accompanied . by .Guides / Graham (the ;!/ chief ../guide) -and;-Thomson//--- 'and; /they thoroughly enjoyed every /step./ of the way.
A Farewell Tea. -' , A number of Mrs. Malcolm". Boss's personal friends who had arranged .to : make: her a /delightful presentation wero entertained yesterday afternoon by. Mrs. Louis Bluhdellat' a, .tea given; for', that, purpose. Between, forty , and: fifty ladifes ,wpre;present. ;• Mrs. Blundell received .in a' frock' of . black. silk . with'-ivhite . lace,' ,'ahiV Mrs./Ross cream 'and brown striped' coat and skirtjVwith \browri hat.. Tea wasserved'/,in where, the table was charmingly aecorafced with . dark crimson sweet / peas and grasses^' - Mrs. -Fiilton, who made. the. presentation,/ did/ so, in a- 'few appropriate words,' and:Mrs./".Boss great pleasure /at,the/gift, which was.a chann-. ing/ one—comprising'.everything ./.in' the way. lof travelling . requisites' that a traveller/ could; desire,: from a' cabin' trunk to- a Kaiapoi rug.. ' " Garden Party at Wailoiloi. The heavy downpour. that soaked Wellington -eo . thoroughly oti Wednesday, affernpon . was matted ' ini'r : Palniefston North,- .where- it/ wrought : ruin to the garden : fete/arranged ;'MTS. .Staok at' her; pretty; homestead, in' aid : of the fund for/the new' Anglican Church' at Palmerston. •■The;/early ipart :of the : afternoon /was/fine, and/.there'-was ,a 'large/attend-; anco,: and the large ■/ number of stalls began !j to'/'do'.' 'good 'business,." when ■ -about three o'clock gathered rapidly,y.ahd/ rainSbegan ito/ fafl,/necessitating ,a' hastygathering., of , perishable ■ goods, and a rapid retreat to. shelter. - This, was most regrettable,"as tho grounds were in' perfect. order, 1 : aid amusements of every description wero provided /for '-the/'yisi:tor6,;while^Hanleyfs.fine string band,sup-, pliedv excellent ; rnusio., :. i Up'/ to., the. .-time': that the party, hadVtobe• hastily' abandoned, ' .015 had-been :■ taken: at : the (stalls. It' has -been: arranged' to. !hold■'.tie' party . on'/ January.. 29. </ ■: Following:: is.: £list of those 'assisting:— . '"3":: sfell;''Misses' MonroandO'Brien; flower: stall, :Miss . Watson ; and Mrs.;: G./R. 'Hewitt; ice,, cream stall; . Misses. Sybil/and : Sylvia/Abraham; lolly stall, Misses I[. Waldegrave - ( ahd ;■'■ T. Russell; lavender stalli;/Misses Abraham and Warburton; afternoon'. tea, l Mrs. 'H. / vPalmer, and' , Misses'l'/NeUie^ - Johns ton,/-VM./i: Wilson,' Drew (2), . Slack, - Ni: Moore, - indl.E. Nor-.ling;,-'croquet, S v .'M'Rae; quoits,-. Mellsop;, aunt sally, Mr. Bond; fish pond, Misses M. : Hewitt and L. Afonro; : .waxworks, Misses Hewittaud: Rassell/ and /Messrs.H; .8.. Cooper / and - B. / Pratt;. . skittle--alley; Mr.;'-Money; , art'' gallery,' .Masters. P. i.Monro and - 7Hamilton;' nailTdriving,Mr.'. Page; .aand-bara;-Mrs,Mdnro;':apple-' bobbing,:. Mr. J, Slack. • 3
• Mrs; Tylee,'of Makuri, . is- spending a few days with her j sister, 'Mrs. . Avery,' of'Kelburne..i' Mrs. J. Wilson, of Kelburne, and her. /little daughter'are spending! a . fortnight, at Day's Bay House..! . ;':V : . Mrs. 0. .Kember and her two little daughters -are stayingat; ,-Karaka Bay,; where they havo; taken ■a. house.. • - : -.Mrs. MTJay, of Napier.' ia' viatin'g.her! sister, Mrs. Avery, at Kolbnrne. ' Mra; Home, from.'Auckland, isspending some little' time with? Mrs: .M'Dougall, at .Pirinoa. ; ■ Tho. Misses. Tnrner, of. Kelburne, ••' have Returned ifrom'Eptorna, 'and. Miss Turner •has -now gono' to .visit her sister at Patea.: Miss.. Zeala' Boss, daughter of Mr. John Ross, of . Diincdin, arrived with -. her ibrother from' England on Wednesday,' and left.,for. Dnncdin last' niglit. . -'Miss iHolmes, who," with - her. niece, Miss ■ .-White; ofDunedin,has','been:Enjoying Va tri'pXto,/fin^and/and; ;tinent', returned-to Wclliiigton yesferday, after a stay of, some weeks,in: Dunedin.. A dance is to be given in tho golf-houso 'ati'Heritaun^nestsSatnrday.?.^^ K Mrs.' J. G. Fir.dlay, president of. tho, Ferryside 'Croquet, ( ,Club;.:h'iis ; donated a trophy' to the club,'which'i6'tb:b6 played for at Day's Bay to-morrow.
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 721, 21 January 1910, Page 3
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1,212SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 721, 21 January 1910, Page 3
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