EIGHT SEATS BEHIND UNIONISTS MR. LLOYD-GEORQE ON THE PEERS. . Contested Scats. Retained. Gained. Uncontested. Total. Liberals ; 104 ' „ 13 .■• 1 118 Unionists 57 ■ 51 15 126 Labour ,18 3 ■ 1 22 Nationalists '. 2 — 41 43 Total Seats Returnod 309 Total Seats in House - 670
London, January 20. The following are further results of the pollings in" the United Kingdom (an asterisk denotes . the sitting member) : ; ■ SOCTHWAEK; (BOTHERHITHE). •Mr. H. W. Carr-Gomm-(L.) ...... 4,474 Mr. : Pownall ■ ,(U.)350 ■; [The figures given, .for the Unionist candidate aro.probably under-stated.] 1 ■. [Besult in 1906; -Mr. . H. W. Oarr-Gomm (L.), 4192;: Mr. J. O. Macdona (TJ.),. 2521; Lib.; majority, 1371.] ' , cork crrr, (2). - Mr. ,W. O'Brien (Ind. N.) 4,535 •Mr. A. .Roche (N.) 4,«8 . 'Mr.. M. Healy'(lnd. N.)' 4^29' Mr. Murphy (N.). . 3,776 . Mr. Fitzgerald (Ind.) 2,061 , Mr. . William ' O'Brien is ' but anti-Redniondito. ■' ~ ■ [Besult in 1906; Mr. ! W.' O'Brien (N.), .un'-; opposed, and Mr. A. Roche' (N.);. 'unopposed.] ■ 1 - [Ry-ckction, 1909, caused by Mr. O'Brien's resignation:,. Mr. • M.' Healy. .(Ind, N.), 4708; Mr. Crosbie. (N.), 3547; Ind N. majority, 1159.] 'i ; "' V . v [By-clection, May, 1909; Mr. Maurlco Hcaly (Independent Nat.), 4708;- Mr. Crosbio (KaU, ,3547;. M., Nat.' majority,-1169.] . ■; : "■■■ FLINT DI6TRICT. Mr. Summers (L.) ~., . 2,150Mf. Tilby (U.) —... 1,723 L. majority ~... 427 -, [Result in; 1906: Hr. T. H. W. Idris (L.), 1899;; Mr,; J.:E.'.Bankes,'K,o. (U.)i 1523; Lib. majority,. 376.] ■ CARDIFF DISTRICT. : Mr. Thomas , (L.)"""""."".""""-"' 13,207Mr. Stuart (U.) 11,652 ■ L. majority 1,555 ' [Result In 1906; Hon, 1.1 Guest .(Li), 12,434; Sir P. - Flannery. (U.), 9429; • Lib. majority, 3005.]. ...' ; BIRKENHEAD. 'Mr. Hy. Vivian (Ll) 8,120 Mr. Bigland (O.) 7,970 ;L. majority . ... - ....; 144 [Result in 1906: Mr. H. Vivian (L.).' 7074; Sir. ;E,' Lees (TJ.), 6271; Mr. J. A,' Kenslt (U.), 2118; Lib. majority, 1803J ; ; , -/ HAWICK BURGHS:' , *Sir Jolin Banan (L.).-...... 3,261 ;,Mr.; Graham , (U.). 2,268
L. majority 993 : [By-election, 1909: Sir' Joh n: Barran (L.), 3028;. Mr; H.-; J. .Macklndor (1T.).. 2508; :,Lib. majority, 620.]. .[By-election, ..March, 1909, - on .the iRt. Hon.' T. Shaw's elovation -to.'a Judgeship: Sir' John Barran . (LA,;. 3028;,: Mr. :-H. ■' J.' Mackinder (TJ.), 2508; L. majority, 620,1. ■•. GREENOCK. Mr. Collins (L.) 4,233 : Mr, Sinith' (U.) 2,632 L. majority 1,601' •• [Result in 1906: Mr. H.- ' Stewart' (L.); 3596; Mr. J- Reid !(U.), 3254; ;Lib.' majority, 3420.,'-:r..-'-V--':-. '■ » ' GLASGOW—BRIDGETON. ' . *Mr. J. Vr: Cloland (L.) 5,336 Mr. Lang (U.) 3,539 ' :L. majority; 1,797 '[Result in .1906; Mr.' J. W.:, Cle'.and (L.), 5585;' Mr. 0.-S. Dickson; K. 0.; (X1.);.■4019;. Lik' majority,; 1566.] "• V- . GLASGOW—OAML'AOHIE. ; : ■ Mr. H. J; Mackinder (U.) 3,229' •Mr. Alex.-:Cross (L 0 -2,793' Mr. Kessack.2,4l3 U. .majority'....: 436 ''Mr.;JUex.';Cross, the: defeated, .Liberalcandidate,,,was elected..'--in'.M9o6. as it 'Unionist:R'MTtrader,. but recently;,being: squeezed out '■ by the Unibnist'. Tariff Ee-. formers, joined ,the; .Liberals,, without appealing: to-his' electors.';- 'This, ;seat. therefore a; Unionist' retention.ratlierihan: a Unionist gain.. V v . " . -.[Result; in . 1906: Mr. Alex. 'Cross fC.),' -5199; Mr. W. ,M. R. Pringlo (L.), 2871; Mr. J, Burgess (Lab.)., 2568;,: U. (majority, 248.] GLASGOW—ST. 'ROLLOX. .•*l£r;;.T. M'Kinnon. Wood (L.) ,v. .10,019 • Mr.' Cbamberlayne (U.) 0,821 .;: Li: majority 3,198 Mr. T. Wood is ;Under-Secre-; rotary .of., tlie Foreign''Office. ■ ' : ' [Result in 1906: Mr:- T. M'Kinnon ,Wood ; (L.), 9453;: Mr. J. Wilson.(U.),.6o4B;'Lib. majority,: 3405.] ' ■ , .'- GLASGOW—CENTRAIi. •Mr. C. Scott-Dickson :(U.) .. ... 6,713 Mr. Murison: (L.)..'.. . 0,058 ■ U. ■ majority ■; .655 ' ' [Result in 1906: Mr. A. : M. .To'rranfce: (L.'),, 6720;,. Li.-001. J. G. A. Baird (U.), 6289; Lib. majority, 431.] ; ' [By-election,'l9o9, on Sir A. M. . Torrance's 'death: Mr. .0. Scott-Dickson- (U.), 7298; ilr. T. G. Bow-lea (L,), 5185; V.' majority, 2113.] . [By-elcction, March,. 1909: Mi.. O. ScottDiokson (U.), 7298; Mr.'T. G. Bowles (LI--5165; TJ. majority, 2113.]' . GLASGOW—COLLEGE. •Mr. H. Anderson Watt (L.) ,'6,025 Sir J." Stirling Maxwell; (U,; 5,^23 ;L. majority ..................J;..... 202 [Result in 1906; Mr. H.- Anderson ,Watt (L.l, 7359; : Sir 'J.. StLrliug Maocwell' (U.), 6676; ,I(ib. majority, 1683.] V GLASGOW—I'RADESTON. . ' •Mr.:A. C. Corbett (Ind. L.) • 2^966 Air. Maen (U.) j: 2;773 Mr. D. M. Mason (L.) 2,673
Ind. xi. majority 193 : Like Mr. Cross, the rejected Liberal candidate at Camlaobie, Mr. Corbott was eleqted in 1906 as a Unionist Free-trader, land his fiscal convictions are ' against those- of the; Unionist- Tariff Reformers. This is classedlas a Liberal gain, [Result in ~1906: Mr; A.. 0.1 Corbett: (U.i. 4416; Mr. I). M. Mason (LO, 4063; Mr. A. Rosenthal (U.), 245; TJ-. majority, 353.]. . ' GLASGOW—IJIjAOKHtIABS. • •Mr. G. N. Barnes (L.) 4,496 Mr. Constable (U.) 2,790 L. majority 1,700 Mr. ■ Barnes .was elected m. 1906. ; a5.- a Labour man. If he has now stood as a Liberal (as the cablegram suggests) it is probably: due to a split with Labour owilig to refusal to sign tho Labour party's pledge. This is classed as a > Liberal gain. . :, [Result in 1906: Mr.', G. .N: Barnes (Lab.). 3284; -Mr. A. Bonar Law ■ (U.), 2974; Mr. A. D. Provand (L.). 2058; Lab. majority, 310.j MIDDLESEX (EAI.-ING). *Mr, Horbort Niold (tJ.) 12,916 -Mr. Hulbort ffj.) 8,210 . U., majority ...' .4,706 [Result in 1906: Mr. H. Nleld (UO, 8261; M.r. A.,Hutton (L.), 6982; U. majority, 1279.] . MIDDLESEX (HORN'SITY). ,•' *Lord Ronaldshay (U.) ....'. 12,014 Mr. Dummett (LJ ; 8,633 U. majority - 3,381 [By-election, 1907: Lord Ronaldshay (UO, uuopposedj
DEPTTOED. . •Mr. C. W. Bowerman (L.) 6,880 Mr. Coates (U.) .6,858 L. majority ~.. «....».. 522 Mr. Bowerman has hitherto appeared as a Labour man.. This seat is classed as a Liberal gain.. •' [Result in : 19C6: Mr. O. W.: Bowerman (Lab.), 6256; Mr. A. H. A. Morton (TJ.), 4977; Mr. H. Vivian (L.), 726; Lab, majority, 1259.1 ." ' - : HACKNET—SOUTH. " *Mr. Horatio Bottomley (L.) ......... 7,299 ■ Mr. Wertlieimor (U.) ................... .4,304 L. majority — 2,995 [Result- in .'1906! ; Mr.' H. Bottomley' (L.), 6736; ■ Mr:' T. H. Boborteon (TJ.), 3257! Rev. W. Riley- (Ind. Free Oh.), 804; Lib. majority, 3479.] ~C:',.-.C .:- ; .Y.:'"' . EAOKNEY—CENTRAL. 1 Mr. Cassol (U.) — —• 8,853 •Sir Albert Spioer (L.) ... 3,429 . U.> majority v ......... , Theso figures aro "queried in the cable-, gram, tho names having, come in revereo order the.figures.,; For.the present it is classed as a Unionist gain.].>■' [Result in 1906;' Mr. (now Sir) A. Splwr (L.), 3998; Mr. A. 11. Allhusen (TJ.), .3182; Lib. majority, 616.] ' . . ■, .;'.' • . HAOKKEr-SOBTH. Mr. Green (U.) .5,620 -•Mr.'-Ti Hart Davies ,(L.) 4.773 - U. majority 847 [Result in 1906; Mr. T. '' (L.), 46551 .Mr,:.W.\R. BousQeld ,(TJ.),. WJI; Lib. ;majority,'-224.] : -' .'V-" v'--■' >'< • : .DENBIGH DISTEIoi • ' - Mr. Gore lU.) - 2>«B •Mr. A.' Cloment Edwards (L.) , 2,430 .U. majority 8 [Result in '1906: Mr. A. Clement Edwards (L.),- 2533; Hon. -G. ,T. ~Kenyon;:(TJ.),'l96o; Lib. majority, 573.] .... .. LANCABHIRE-S.E. (MIDDLETON). :• •Mr. W. R. D. Adkins (L.) 7,609 •.Mr.. P. Rose-Innes ;(U.);. , 6,266 L. majority. - 1,403 [Result in 19C6: Mr. W. R. D. Adkinß (L.), 7C18; Mr. O. Potter (TJ.). 6485; Lib., majority, 1533.] . . •' • LANCASHIRE-SJEi. (STRETTOBD). *Mr. H. Nuttall (L.). 12,917 . Samuel^(U.)< : ...^...-«U. r ri0,626 : ;L./ majority:;;; .yi...U;;...y.2,291 " 'CRenuit'in 19G6; Mr. Hi Nuttall- (L.), 11,131; Mr. O.: A. . Cripps,.. K.C. fC.),. 8307; Lib. majority, 28,824.]». v . ;' v - ; . .; •■ . LAKOASIIIEE—N.E. (AOOEINOTON).' . Mr. Baker (L.) .». 8,968 Mr. Jessol (U,) . ,6,455 ' L. majority 2,513 ' [ [Result in 1906; Sir J.' P.' Lease (L.), 7209; i Mr.- D.; Irving (Lab;),--4852; -Mr.-11..,Polden (Lab.), 619; Lib. majority, '2357.] ". : ■ YORKSHIRE—WEST RIDING .(NOETH—• ;.i-,' ' v. v ;- i ELLAND).;,. -;.';.; '■ I Sir.- Clias. P; Trevelyan (L.).. 7,4G9 ! Mr.' Ramsden' • (U.) 4,680 -; .L. majority ..1 2,783 ntcßtilt In 1906; s Mr.VO.' P.: Trevelyaii;.(L.),'• 7609; Sir T. Brooko-Hitching.(TJ.), 3962; Lib. majority, .3647.] ; .•',?■■ ■;'' ■ : YORKSHIRE-WEST RIDING- (EASTOTLEY); ~ ; ' V; •Mr. J. H. Duncan (L.) ..... 6,911 Mr. W. W. Thompson (U.) .......... -.5,100 majority. 1,811 '. [Result In. 1906: - Mr, J. 1 H. Duncan (L.), 6307;; Mr. .W. W.: Thompson (T!.), , 4658;. Lib. majority,-16490;;. ■; ;', ; .. .. ■ CARMARTHEN' DISTHIOT. ;; \ *Mr. Wm. Williams . (L.) ; - 4,107 Mr. Tiverton (U;); 1,965. v.-v.. L.; majority;;'; i. 2,232 ' [Result in 1906;' Mr. -W. iiioweliyn Williams (Li);-'. 3902; Hon. - Y. Ponsonby ;(U.), 1808;,' Lib. 'majority, :,2094.] ; /. ; ;- . ; ;; . PEMBROKE' AND; H AYERFORD—WEST, r '♦Mr. Owen C. Philipps (L.) ; 3,582 ;Mr., : Armstrong', (U '2,877, : : L. -majority^7os [Result, in 1906; Mr. 'O.; 0. Philipps . (L.), 3576; Major-Qeneral Sir-R. Pole-Oarew (U:), 2527; Lib., majority,: 1049.] .;■ .',. , NOTTINGHAM—WEST. . ' - V":'; •Mr. J. H. Yoxall (L.) 8,955 Mr. Lygon (U.) ..6,652 :; L. majority. 2,303 [Result in 1906: Mr. J. H. Yoxall (L.), 8107; ,Mr; W.'L...P. -Rowley CC.), 5262; Lib. ;jaajority,. ,2845.] ' ; ', V . .' ii'OTTINGHAM—EAST. , : Mr. Morrison (U.) ........... ,5,877 *Sir Hy. J/S. Cotton .(L.) 5,725 0;; ; TJ. majority .....,..'...................... : 152 ■ ; [Result, in -1906: Sir H. J. . S, Cotton (L.J, 6G20; Mr. E. Bond (U.), 4290; Lib.. majority,' 1730J ;.; ■.v:■•*..■■■ : KOTTINGILVM—SOOTH. ■ V. Lord Henry Bontinck (U.) 6,434 6,052 U. majority 382 [Result iri .1906!" Mr.A.' Richardson (L.), ; .6314; .'Lord -11. Bcntinck (TJ,), 5514; Lib. majority,'BCo.l C r LEICESTERSHIRE—E. (MELTON). •Mr.' H. de Rosenbach ; Walker ;(L.) .7,748 Mr. Yate" (U.) r ....f.7,625
. L, majority' 123 ■ CReault in 1906: Hr. H. do E. WalkcrCL.l, 7600s Sir A. Hazlerißß ,(TT.'),' 6033; ; Lib. majority; 1767J "... MONMOUTH DISTRICT, •Mr. Lewis Haslam -(L.) - 6,496 Sir C. W.; Ctuaer (U.) ..1....... 5,851 • L. majority ....1,145 ; [Rcßult in 1906: Mr. LI Haslarn (L.V. 4531; Mr.'E. E. Mioholls (U.), 3939; Mr. J. Winston (Lab.), 1678; Lib. majority. 694.1 ■ Returned Unopposed. ' COItIC COUNTY—SOUTH; ' "Mr. Edward Barry (N.) ; ■[. \ ' I Result in . 1906: }Jr. E. Barry (NO, -unopposed.! ■- . ■ CORK COUNTY-EAST. *Capt. A. Donelan (N.) v -[Rosult in ;'i9o6:. oapt:\ A^. Dtnelan (NO, unopposed.] ;■ . KILKENNY COUNTY—NORTH. ' •Mr. Michael Meagher (N.). [By-election, 1906: Mr. M. Meagher (N.), unoDDosedJ :■ . , KERRY—WT3ST. •Mr. Thos. O'Donnell (N.). [Rosult in 1906: Mr. T. O'Donnell (NO, unopposed.] . . < ; ' TIPPERARY—NORTH. : •Mr. M. Hogan (N.). rEosult' in 1906: Mr. ' M. Hogan (NO, unopposed.] • . . .- ■
• WEXFORD—SOUTH. . *Mr P.. Ffrench. (N.). - ; [Result -In 1906: Mr. P. Ffrench ,(N.), unopposed.],' -. • ■■- - -. . LEITRIM—SOUTH.: ' ♦Mr. Thomas Smyth (N.). . ! : - [Eesult In 1306! Mr. T. Smyth (N.), unopposed.] • . OLABK-WEST. ♦Colonel Arthur Lynch (N-).'i ■ [Result in 1906: Mr. 'J. Halpln (K.), unopposed.] : . BLIGO—SOUTH. . ■ V : *Mr. John O'Dowd (N.).: TEesnlt in 1906: Mr. ' J, o'Dowd (N.), unopposed.]: '. LONQFOKD-HOETH. ♦Mr. J. P. Farrell (N.). [Ecsult in 19C6: Mr. J; I>. Farrell. (ST.), unopposed.] .' ' . . MAYO-WEST. Mr. Doris (N.). [Hesnlt : in. 1906:" Mr.-' E; Ambrose (N.) p unopposed.] ANTEIM—EAST.'"'.''';' •Col. Jas. M'Calmont (TJ.). [Result 1 in-1906: Col.. J. M'Calmont (TJO, 4496: Major Beddoes (li'.)i ilUs;"U.:majority, 2351.] • ./< '. OAVAN—EAST. *Mr, Samuel. Young (N.)." ; : [Result, in 1906: Mr. S. YonnE: :(N.l. unopposed.] . KILDAItE—SOUTH. •Mr. Denis Kilbride (N.).' .• ; ! - [Eesult -in 1906: Mi. D. ; ■ Kilbride - (N.), unopposed.] ' i's: ; " ■
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 721, 21 January 1910, Page 5
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1,654LIBERALS ADVANCE. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 721, 21 January 1910, Page 5
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