-. Tho market -hae-taken , , a> quiet' turn, simply.' because sellers are" scarce. - Brokers Have'plenty ; buying orders-ito execute; but: the' difficulty:is in meeting • with holders ■■willing.-, to , accept current, quotations. Very few.,additioris: have. : beeri~made to the'in- 1 vestmont share, list in recent 'years.vand this, is ' partly responsible , for the-trouble'.-' National Bank, , buyers' £8 19s. W;,' Eellcra £6 Is.; Wellington Trust and Loan,, buyers £7,45,,,5e11er5-£7. 55,; •Wellington -Deposit, sellers: Bs. 3d.;' National'. Mortgage, sellers £3;, New Zealand, and Bivbr-Plate, buyers £1 155.; Ohristchureh-.Gas.'buyers £9 I5a!; ; O'sborne , . Gas,\'buye'rS ;'£2, 105.,-' sellers. £2 125.;- ; ,Wellington'''Qaai'viEip''paid, fbuycrs £18, .sellers' £18 is.; £6-15s..paid.'sollere £14-53.; South"British; Insurance, buyers ''£2;. Us.,' sellers, £2 .Ws. 6d.; Onristchurcii ildat, sellera £11 15s.;,Gear: Meat.' '£1. paid,- sellers '£2 13s. 6d. ;■ Wellington.-Woollen,- sellers- £3;. 45.; Hikurangi. Coal,-bnyers':£l' ss'i,- Boilers £1 : 1,05.; Taupiri : Coal, buyers: IBs:V 6d:; scllors. :195.;-; Westpbrt; Coal,, buyers -£6 -45.; j :WosV-port-Stookton;:-; sellers', 7s- :-3d.; - LeylandO'BrienHTimber, ■' buyers £1.'35.; Jlanning ; and^Oo.-;-buyers;,'£3 195.■'.6d... sojlers £4,05. 6d.;,,Sharland's-.preference, buyers' Zla. '.i •
'': r J} : :y- : U LONDON/; WOOli'i SALES.-/: 1 ' : :'.':!.- reports receiTCd. -regarding ■■' the 6f>' tha' ■Ijondon \wool,- sales ' on: Tuesday;-. The ■ at-: tendance, was good', and ■ bidding? - appears to havo'.been' activo,.for:-all description of the staple.'•iTho position of. crossbred wool:is,the most'interesting,.'and:'dur'prediction of. an advacco of-74 to 10 per. cent, has :been,.fully,'realised..;.There is growing demand; for- , fabrics made from ; coarse crossbred. wools, : and ;■ a> particular demand has m spruhg' up ■■ for. they supply,: of ■ khaki for, Turkey and ;Ohina;-whibh'countries are now rclothing their , troops -in this■ woollen cloth; ::'■'• -;:-: :: ; .. "■■;;■■/■.' -~i '■'<', f ,The advance recorded at the current Lon-..don-woot.'salesVis,calculated on,tho prices' ruling -at. the' close of -the; Novomber-Do-' cember'sales',.and,these, according to'tho High-. Oommissioner, wero estijnated' J as f6l- - .-' ; ,:;'.- ■•:•,■>■■-■■ ■;'>,■' ?:'■;:-■■ ;■--.■', - .':.■::-. ;/ - :-5v V'v."-ife v" MvV iA d: .-V ■ d>' iH. ■'■: ■•:■• Superior merino ...;.;U.-;'. -13' to 15'-•■ ' ':■: Medium merin0;:.■....'....„..;.....-loj to 125'■-.'.■ . Inferior; merin0..;....;.......,..;';' 8 to,lo . :■.••■.- Pino :'crossbreds .v_._.i._'::'...-'l4. tol6- ' I; •'. Medium cro'ssbreds ■.■.;..'_;.::;- 11J to 15 . ;, .Coarse :crossbred 10 to'l2 ■ ::t: : -'iMPOpT, 'MAEKETS^:-:'; 'A' ,-The signs' of trade'improvement recently•' noted;continue, and there,.is 'certainly a little., more .activity.■■ Producers are : all ■ do. ing .we 11,..' consequently ini. the country:..districts, much better-, than in city: and suburbs. ■;-Value's ■ are unaltered; ■ 'Arrowroot.—St.,.Vincent,'.sd. : per' lb. ".■■■'■■ ,v Candles—Tho New Zealand '■ Candle Com--pany'B,:.;quotations 1 stand'; , as '.follow:—Premier -stearine;and .flve , 'medal,'sd.-; British, ,:sperm,,: French.-. sperm, 7 - universal wax i Ex-1 colsior'.vparaifini'' 53d.; .Apollo -sperm and Venus. paraißh;, 6d.; Venusi coloured .fluted, .6Jd. j' piano, bedroom,' and "carriage 'sorts ■in cardboard 1 boxes, 7}d., less the ' usual trade, discounts. ■ '•'Prico'e •London • sperm, i60?. ; ,.63d.,'140z.--6d.; Burma, '160z., 6Jd.-- •■•■ Cfaniiqur.-Steady business.passing. 'B. and --.-Pi; 53d. :to ,5Jd.; .Johnson's,' ' -2Jd • Biwyri's, .3d.; Chicago,: 23d.;i,Buffalo,; 2}d.v. •-Cocoa.—A.'steady bu6ineos ,J3 .doing.■:■' Van Houten's, l's, '3s.- 2d.;' J's, 3s 3d.;i'5,,35. : -4d. per lb.; Bensdorp's, l's, 2s.' : ■IC<! i I'?,' .2s. Ud;;; J's.: 3s. • > i'ry'si: Is.- 41d. ;. :Bahia;-'.2ei:.10d.-;■..'.-■ '■' : :.-r-r ■■-.'?. -.. - v
• --pondensed.- MUk.-Highlandcrr': 5a.; ■■ Cow-' 81ip,,45. 6d.; Swiss Milkmaid,-. 65.-6 d. to 6s. Id. , dozen.. ! ..: -...:, /.■■.■-■..•.%■. :•■'■,■.';■ ,■■'■;'■- ■ .Canned ■ .tongues, 105.',. 6d. ■ to. lls;.ifor l's; 'ox'.tongues; 2i'a, -315.; to 343.; Ss, 545. to 36a. per dozen; Gear's as-: sorted,-.p6tted,'..43.''(d.; St; - George's, ss:' ■■• '■ Carbonate of Soda, 9e. 6il.' to lCs.. ' '. Cream of .Tartar, -- ' ,■. . ■'■ Canned. Fish.^-Herring, in .tomato" sauco, l's. 75..; to.: 7s;'. H.-;, J's, ; . 45.; ,55.;. kip., pered. -herrings, I'si 75. ; . 6d. to. 7s.- 9d.; j's ■ 4s;-6d. td,:ss.;. fresh herrings;-l'e, ! -6s.':to : 6s. ,td.;-lobster; O; and B.; jib. tins, 14s. to" 158.; salmon.salad,-medium reds,-'.lib. tails Bs.':6d.:to -95.; lib. flats,' 95.: to- 95.:-6 d : silver, ..Jib., flats',: 55.;.. Golden Linls ■ Sockeye, lib. /tails, 10s. 6d.; lib., flats ■ 11s • SdutUern Cross, Jib.; 6s. 6d.; Herringlots in 'oil, Senator, brand, Bs.' to:Bs.V6d.; in tomato ssrace, Bs. to-Bsi 6d.;> sardines SMpper, 31b. :tins,'ss. to ss; 6d.; J's; 9s. 9d. to 10s.; ."King. Edward," }'s, 4s. 9d/to ssl;■ }'s, •Bs.;.6d.;.ling,:SmetUurst.brand, io making 655.t0-:565.;.p0r owt..-.'. ' : ;. ''~'•: '~..v. . According -to'a recent-issue'of- the' Ban Francisco "Commercial' News," . the stock in packers' hands in Puget Sound-amounts to:60,000-cases tails, 65,0110-.cases, flats;' and 10,000 cuses-Jlb. flats. This"iß;a carry over of, 125,000 cases, out of . a pack of 950,000 cases. 'The original, intention of packers was to. carry over one .half,of 'the pack. This' points • to ■ a demand from 'America-' for Puget Sonnd Sockeye, and for Home . requirements they ...will very probably, have' to , look to this: market .for: their, supply. Prices at Puget Sound have been advanced ls:-.8d. per caso f.o.b. for each shape. ■ Oanned Fruits.—The demand is steady! nnd the .Quotations are'unchanged at '8s Gd. tb 12s. 6d.i■•■'•• •■ .-■■■: ■: ■■'-'.■■■■•■■ .'..■■.. ■■ ■ Bried\Fruits—Quotations - are, nominal/ Currants, i finest-, provincials,' 3d.; ■ Amalias, 3d.' per-lb.; ,11b. cartons, 3s. 6d. per dozen; sultanas/selected 3id.,. choice 4d.,, golden (in bulk). 4d;; lib. cartons 4s. 6d: per dozen • dates, in-bulk, Zd;, in cartons '3s.'' 6di per dozen; ilßs,' natural, 'in' bags, 3d.;, eeeaed raisins,".'fancy lib;, packages, :45.; choice, per, dozens muscatels,' Malaga lOd.'per lb.jvpruncs, 3d. to 3Jd.'...'.: •:-.. ..
:Evaporated Fruits.—Apricots, 7id:' to Bd.; pbachosy 7d.; pears, • Bd.; apples, .Sd. , '.; Ginger, preserved, 74d.,.per lb. ' .i" Infants" Food.—Noave's, 9s. 9d.; Allan ana Hanbury'sNos./l and 2, 175.; No. 1 5,'10a'. ; (d.Bcnger'B, -,175.; Robinson's patent ■ groata and barley,.7e. 6d. Neavo'smilk Jood, Us. 6d.: Nestlo's milk food, 17s. 6d. Jam.—Now Zealand ;l's, 3sV. 6d. to fe' td. Knifo Polish—Nixey's, : 4s. 6d.; Okey's, ss' 3d. '■• ■ ■:..■:■ .'- : .' -v •.-.■ '•-. ..•■'• .-, :. 5Jd. '■,"■ .. ..:... , ■Mustard.—Coloman's D.S.F., J's, Is. sd. to Ih. 6d.; f's, -Is.'3ld. to Is. Ail.; Durham, 71b. tins, 7d.-to 7»d. ■...'■. ■~-.■•'.. Matches.—Plaids, 3a.' 3d. to 3s. 9d. a gross; penny elides, Be. -9d. .to 9s.- 6d.i safeties,, small foreign,. 3s. to ..3b.-. 6d.; Bryant and: May's, small ,4s, "6d.,"-. largo 7b. -6d.' ;■■■ :■' :■.-■. .■'.:■. -' ■■'.■■■- ': Nutmegs, 15..t0 la. 2d. per lb. : .. 'Olive Oil.—Tho British.Corisul-Generol at Marseilles reporteditt', that the French oil, crop this ;ycar ; promised to bo much'inferior to tho preceding one. partly because'Of an unfavourable season and partly becanso of tho ravages ■ ot. caterpillara. '.In Corsica ■ tho ■ prospectß wore
good.. ' Tlio Algerian crop genorklly was estimated to be equal'to tho season 19D7-B. Tunis would turn out 75. per cent, of a Bood crop. Some of the olive orchards, however, were remarkable this year for tho quality of tho fruit. The ActingConsul at Palermo estimated tho. Sicilian yield at about one-third of a, normal production. Sirocco winds and • olivo fly had done great damage, and it was feared tho quality of oil would bo poor. ■Peel.—New Zealand lemon, 4Jd. to 5d.: orange, sd. to 5Jd.; imported lemon, -7'a, sid.i orange, 51d.; citron. Is. to Is. 2d. . Pickles.—Morton's. hexagon 10s. 6d., round 12s. sd.- per dozen; Captain White's, 235. 6d.: ■ Garton'e H.P.,' J-pints, 12s.' 6d.; pints, 225. 6d.; pure pickles,-9s. 6d. to 10s. . Bicc.-No. I; 15s. 6d.;.N0. 2, 14s. 6d.j special Japan,- 16a. per cwt. Salt-Fino, 71b. bags, ss. 6d.:.t0 6s. 6d. per cwt.; bags, 35.6 d. to 4a.; coarse, in cwt. bags, 35., to 3s. 6d: per-cwt. Sauces—L. and P.,. J-pints, Ms., to 14s. 6d.; pints.' 255; to 255. 6d.; Holbrook's, Jpints, 7s. 6d.;pints, lCs. 6d. to 10s. 9d.;.Garton's, J-pints, 7s. 6d.; pints, 10a. ; t6 10a. 6d.;' Eaglo brand (New Zealand). 1-pints,: 23. 9d. to3s.; pints, ss: 6d. to.6s. ' . .'■.
'Starrti.-Coleman's.' lib. boiea, .-sJd.': to 53d.-; 51b. : .packets.. sd. to 5Jd.;. New .Zealand,'! lib. boxes, 38a.i to :395. per cwt.; 51b. packets,'. 375. to: 38s. per. cwt. " "Stove 2s;: 6d.; Eeckitt's, 3s. per, dozen.' ■ : : : • .. ■ Sngar.-1A and No. 1, 56's', £17- 155.; No. 2, £17 55.;,N0. 3, £16 ss. per ton.-. v Tapioca.—Pearl ar.d.flake, 15s. to 15s. 6d.; seed, 14s. to 14b.:6d: ■ ■•".". ■: ' - . Vinegar.—French, 63. 6d. to 7s. 6d.; Champion, Bs. 9d: to 95.: Colonial, 4s. - to'4s.. 6d. Customs revenue'collected at Wellington .yesterday, amounted t0.£1158 14s. Od. '■ ■ . '■■':■'■ ".; THE METAL MAKKETS, ; 0, :.>"■; By Telegraph—Press Association—<3oDrr|Bht. '-:'.■■■.< ~':' London, January 18.' Copper.-On. the:spot. £60:135. 9d. per ton; three • months, ,/£6l- 12s. 6d.; "electrolytic, £63 ss. : ■■•■•- -. ■ - . - -..-.,■■ '. ■.- Tin.-Spot,'-£146 :.10s. .per i ton; •■' three monthe, £148 2s. 6d, ,; ' '" ' :"■ -• •■ ■' :.Lead, :£l3 16s, 9i' per. ton. . : :"". ,' , . ' . '/"/':: '■':•: SHAKES. '.''..l; , '--:- :i> By Telegraph—Press As'sociation-CoDTTiBht ~,.; :■!-■' .London, January • 18.-V . Shares are unchanged. ~; ;:..;". -: : SOUTHEEN^GEAm , MAEKETS. V : (By Telee'raph.—Press;.- Association.) ; " : w'!-jL,; Cnristchurch, January 19 T .Natuftlly, with the harvest .in full swing in all parts of : Canterbury,, the, grain:marJ2, 4 -:- "mams ' auiet, 'as few, farmers "an afford; tho. time necesEary to; place their .produceon offer. Already a considerab e, number of-machines aro.busy threshinc in vajions.-narta of .the,province! but the!num° bor.of. samples of wheat.placed before mer- ; chants has been; small, and few. sales rei^ d ' f «? e " being flrm in their.demands while millers;andtmerchants-although the .formers stocks mußt now,in mbsticases 'be .depleted-do.not,:seem; anxious to buy! the ■majority, being'of opinion that as theseason- advancesjirices will recede.' New soa; son s wheat changed hands during'the'last' few days at prices, ranging'from 35.7 d: to' fe'3a.,.but in some oases: samples'of'stook-', threshed.grain has:been rejected' on arrival: ,in.,port, on account '■ of dampness. ■: Several' .samples.ehown, have.beenot excellent qual-' ity,. tho grain being .well :grown: and shotty, but .in ...other cases' the: grain was below .normal siae;. .;;-.:.■-.. -■-.■.■' '; ■ .
, ;Oats.-A, few parcels have'been:- placed on- offer;'.Alftough'there rhaa been Talr ■ inquiry.- from the; north, the: business donehas. been 'of, a- hand-to-mouth 'description.' 'Bales of new season's.bate of prime qiaUty have.been-made-atDricos'lranuing from'ls. H. v to;ls.-7d.-. The lormer-price was paid for duns,.anrt.'the.latter .for gartoris.'These prices wore for.'.deUyery. on trucks at country stations -.within' a short distance of the city. Offenncrs,- of, white; oats haver been ver yi . small, tho\bnlk■; of ■ the; lines; having been, Algerians;;-. With, fow;exceptions, the' samples of .duns shown-have not been of a' high-class.. .■;,.;,."-.f.".'' ■■ - - . :•.. ■■■ -.;-.-,
on' limited qrian- , titles,-but bo far the lines that have come' forward have been- of. indifferent qnalitytoo thin::•; Prices: paid'.ranged from, 3s. 9d. to 45.. per. .bushel on : truoke; ; ■ : -. : ■' ■:'■'• .There .were/sovorai;lines of ,rye'grass : on tno market , dnnnß-vthe week.' Pair progress has becn.'mado with the'threshing of cocksfoot ' ; on, Banks ;Penirißula;' where"'. tho' : -yieiii is'expected- to.'bevcon'slderablV' in excess jof: that >of ■ilist.-ycar. J . ,- -. :/. ■' ■- ■K-v 1,;.'- v '''■•■'■' : '"' Dunedin,. jannary 19..'; " , market,is.-;(j"niot,-'.pcndinE' the arrival:of .tho'neWtCropAth'elsafcs of which aro;, reported ■■ for. : forward.-delivery at 2s. .6(1., per , bUßhel;pn',truc!ts- at , 'country sta-: tiona. Thoreis very littlo old wheat- now ■unsold, and millers, offer' only for -primo J""*- ■■■..yelwi,-;4j. sd. to."4s.:6d.;;Tuscan; 2d./to 1g;-;4d.:-. fowl,,wnoat, -is. li; broken and , damaged,;2s. to 3s/ 6d.- -■ ' ■- ~. >■■,- , ;/; Good oats•:are"'scarceVond,■ in. Wood.- de- : mand. Primo -.mflling; Is.' -BJd. •to Ms!: 9Jd. : : best ./eed, .Is.- '.Bd.-, to.; Is:■: 9d.;;.' medium,- ito ;ls.■ od.jr ■;.. . v ■;■-. ; •",^, , ; ■;■ .-,■ v
■'. ' ■.■','., LONDON! MAEKETS!
•Messrs.' balgcty'.and,..'<so.,~'l,td.,- reibrV : : havmg:received the;, following cablo messago:irqm/their"Londpn house, under date : January: •.■lβ :-Basilsv and: .steady. ■Loather-Ma'rket very firm: Rabbit Bkrns-Sales- olosed .firm.-. For ■ full winter' super , , . New ■ Zealand: rabbit ekine. any change: in. priKs;,i 6 . in-favour of sellers/ whilst other descriptions :of . furriers aro .10 per;cent, to 15•.ppr-' cent; higher.-1800 bates were offered:and;.l74B.; bales Bold.-. Furriers 'bought .570 : ,bales. v , y .■■■'■\.,.-:-/-\
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 720, 20 January 1910, Page 8
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1,715COMMERCIAL ITEMS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 720, 20 January 1910, Page 8
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