GOVERNMENT NOTICES. •Froin Raccconrse.—For Wellington and To Aro, 4J3..5.13*, 5.24, 5.37*, 5.48, 5.53*, 6.12, and' 6,23 p.m. .: ■• - The trains leaving Racecourse at .4.53, 5.59, arid 6.23 p.m.: will stop at Lower Hutt, Potono, arid Ngahauranga to set down passengers.:;, Race, Trains will not stop at Kaiwarra or between Lower Hutt and Trentbam. Trains will leavo Mastcrtbn 8.0 a.m., Carterton 7.57, 8.57 a.m.; Grcytown 0.5 n.ra., Featherston 8.35, 9.37 a.m., Kaitoko 10.18, 11.21 a.m., and. arrive Trontham 10.52 and 11.54, a.m. ;,, Train for.'Mastierton, -stopping if .required at, all stations, will loavo Trentham at 5.45 p.m.. Upper Hutt 5.55, Kaitoko C.29, Featherston 7.48, Greytown .arr.,:Masterton:arr." 8.50 pjn.. '.'. The, only trains by. which Race Tickets will be issued mil bo the race trains and tho 12.13 p.m. Te Aro-Upper Hutt train: MONDAY and WEDNESDAY, 24th and ■ .: 26th JANUARY, 1910.'..'! FOR; RACECOURSE.-To , Aro dopl 10.34 and 11.0. a.m.; Wellington dep. 10.51, 11,1. 11.10: a.m., and 1.5 p.m. .:■ Tho 10.34 a.m. train "from: To 'Aro, will, not stop between To Aro and Trentham for passengers. :.'•', Tffo 11.10 a.m. and 1.5 p.m. trains from Wellington will stop at ....Potono and Lower Hutt-to take up passengers- for Trenthairi'. ■■'.':'' . ' -'V '' ' ;■"'.-' '' . Passengers from Ngahauranga will _reSuire to travel by leaving fgahauranga' at 10.7 a.iri.-; '-■ those from Petono by, trains leaving Petone at 10.20, 11.20 a.m., arid 1.21' p.m., those'..-from Lower Hutt by trains leaving Lower Hutt ;at 10.28, IUO a.m;;'.and' 1.26-p.mL' ./'With these exceptions,-; (lace -Trains WILL NOT STOP- BETWEEN., WELLINGTON AND TRENTHAM,; FROM RACECOURSE.-For Wellington and Te Aro at;, U5,. 5.20, .and 5.40 p.m., arid for Wellington only at 5.10 and 5.30 p.m." '..;■■-.■ '.■-.'; '•■'■ "Tho 4.48, 5.30, and's.4o p.m.; trains will: stop at- Lower Hutt and Petone, and;in addition tho 5.30 and 5.40 p.m. trains will stop at Ngahauranga to set down passen-' gorn. .: V '■■•''■■.'.•.-.'■-.' v: '.■■:-.'■.■■ 1 ..'.--.-' : ■'. : •.■"'■:•■■■. '.'■• • Tho 5.10 p.m.', train "will not, stop.:between Trontham and Wellington, except at Lower !Hutt. - ■''■' 'j_L!;' ' ' - l; The 5.10 p.m; train WILL NOT STOP -BETWEEN ! TRENTHAM : : AND;;-WEL-LINGTON, "-"/—v.;:-;: ";.";;,:;: : -" ; ' '■; The usual 9!55 a.m.':Te Aro-Woodville train will leave To Aro,at'9.43 a.m., W«V lington 9.55, Ngahauranga 10.7, Petone 10.20,' Lower Hutt 10.28, Upper'Hutt rirr. 11.15 'a.m'. North. of Upper;• Hutt-;this train will run as usual.i s < '':-}'■■ .-■ j s ,An" extra train-will -'..leave-,.' Wellington' for Lower Hutt at! 10.15; a.m., Ngahan-: ranga ) 10.28, • -Petone 10,42, . Lower ■ 'Hutt;: arrive.'lo.4B, a.m.!; .'■,''. .'-.' ■"■,-'.'•'-'.'■''"-...'■•. :' The 'usual 7.30 a.m. - Masterton-Welling-. ton train will-leave 'Masterton .8.30/a';m., Carterton 8.57, Greytovn 9,37,, Kaitpke ,11.21,. Trentham:..arr....ll.s4.' a!m. ".'-' ; :, ;; - v'^i;'-.'-'-.';-.,' '.;!''.,.';' -Theusual 3.30 p.m. .Wellington-Master-tori train will leave Wellington '-'at 4.5 p.m.; Trontham at 5.25 p^m........,,,;, - The 12.55: p.m. Upper, Hutt-Lbw'er Hutt train will arrive' 1.20' p.m.'" ':," "'-"'"T ■,:""" , :';-r, i --.-.: - 'The usual: 5.10 .p.m.! Wellington-Upper Hntttrain will run'to Lower Hutt only. ' -The usual; 6.5 ;p.m. To Aro-Lower Hutt' train will Tun. to -.Upper,.: Hutt, Lower; Hutt dep. 6.42 p.m., Upper Hutt arrive 7.19' p.m. ■':":;;: .;■ ; ;;:'. -^\'^K. v Tho 4.43 .p.m.: train: Upper Hutt;. to Lower Hutt (week days) will leave Upper! Hutt at 5.40 p.m.', connecting, at Lower Hutt,with train for Wellington at"6.36 p.m.' '■■..''.■.'•■;. ..:;::,.!/ ; ;":■;- - '.'■:-■■,,:./,-::;:. -■■'.'■■ '/!.; ■ The 5.40■ p.m. .train from. Racecourse will:stop up,pas'-; sengers.: i' v ■.■■;;/ :■';.'.; ;;-.-;■';.■.:. ,: Tlie only trains by. which'ißace ; Tickets will be 'issued' will 'bo the 'Race; Trains,,: the 9.43 a.m.: Te. | :.,-Aro-Woodvillo,:...train, (from'Nßahauranga r 'Petorio, J -:andv Lower Hutt"'only);'. : ,ton-Upper Hutt train. '-.'.;;',-;•.-•, I ;,„;■• ,'; Season Tickets (Press' Reporters'.Tickets! excepted),- Tourists';/Tickets, rind' Free. Passes'will ' available'by-the 'Race Trains. .: :■■'■'■.■ y'--. k '-"-..-1 '■_■:.:■• i.'-.■.- ;■,:';;.;;;.,:/ "''.. For'fulLparticulars: "as to train' arrange-'' ments,. see, handbills.:. ,' 'BY': ORDER.:; -v '/; 'i:/'V;;GENERAL: : SYNC)DV'".; "::;,: HbLY;^COMMUNIbN V, in' St.'Paul's Pro-Cathedral-,:,';Church, TO-MOR-ROW (THURSDAY), at, 11'.'a.m. '; The Sermon ..wll/.'/be preached:'/by.'.'tlie". Bishop of-!;Waia'p'u., -All 'members of'.'tn'e' •.Church, of England invited ■to'.: attend.;-;:' -.":'■'r'^";:-p|UBLlc/NOTicEB; : 'V^ ; : ,C .!;' ,;!:' J^Nra^^'-'D^^'fe:^!'' THE Shops' of the following MERCERS" , -; and -.GENTLEMEN'S. OUTFITTERS will be CLOSED All Day on SATURDAY NEXT,,the 22nd instant .(Anniversary Day}:—; :;;' .;' .-.":'::' '."/ ; . ■'~..';.:'.' s '. ■':".'. ';. W.fT. Quiriton;' Lambton/Quay.!; ;■'■' /' i. '■' Doriiinibn'-: -Clothing .'Co.V'Lambton'; .;';':::. v Quay.,,,;■-. ', ■;,-... :~i,-J-pr/-~ ;•', J. D.'. Slater',; Lambton'.'Quay.'-.'? ,; ; - 5 ; Hallenstein /Bros'.,,' Ltd.,' Lairibton .j : -/:',' Quay..';',:::;/:; ;;■;;/:/';: •'. ; ; s^:',-;':- i ;'■:' ..T; Page, Lanibtori-Quay;::..: v i':■'•''.'■"■ .; /. ;A: 'J..Bloxam,:,Willis Street...':, . •', •'• :' Bates:and'Lees,-Willis Street..-'i' : - ! ■ '; //:: Herb: Price, Willis Street.: ■■;« t !'^!''i/ .Wallace and- .Gibson, Willis'; Street., -/■ ; Kea'ri" and' Co';.'' Willis Street.''/''"' /;."Fl Cohen,':Willis Street./: : - v :':," ,; '; .The Marinors Sbeeti'.",:' >. '■'"■ -:'■',, S.-Irigram,.Manners'-Street. " '■ 4 ; /:':'./'- .The',-" Don'. /Clothing ■•■''Co;/' Mariners ..;.'■;. Street.;,/;;;;:; A;:/:;::-,::;;;/;''/::''':/.":' ;/. Durican. "and . .Maoiritosh,-/... Manner's /■'-.;■; .street.:':;;:;::■':;,::"'/:;;■,';",;-•'::::"": ' '■■ ;,;Hope 'Brothers, CubavStreej:/; : -';';";/ A ■;'; ;'/.; /•'. .-NOTLCE'/OF^jSOLIDA q}, ; of" /: signed - will be - CLOSED for ■ Holi,day on 'SATURDAY,; the;; 22rid ,'January',.' 1910' (Anniversary, Day) ;—.:,::.;.-'.;;..', - Sargood/Son.'.and Ewen/'ifd. I '.'/'/ ~': .; ;.'Bihg,'Harris,;and Co., Ltd,/:. •'„;;,;,,,.• ■.'•-.■ 'Ross and ;.Glendining;: Ltd. ; -: -. '< !'.:;;/,'.;.• ;' Ma'oky, 'Lbgari,: Caldivell, and /Co; ■:-:,'. ~/'-Archibald Clark arid. Soris, Ltd..'.,.-.■; .-"• -Butterworth'Bros;, Ltd. .- ;.,':.'..,::;, ~;'■"'Abbott', Oram;'and Co. ~.':;!.:-; ..-/i/ .-, 'Tho Kaiapoi Woollori-Manufacturing :,.:." : 'Co., Ltd. ..'• .--,,;'., : ■*:, ■:.'.- The '...Wellington Woollen Mariufac-. 1 .-,; -. '■' .turiug, Co., Ltd, : ". / J '/j6b^sonvillb;town : ;Board; 5 ;-. .'':;>!::. v ;:SPECIAirLOAN. /.!;.;/"/;,:' IT. is!hereby,; priblicly notified that .the '-.'! abovo;.B6ard propose to/Borrow, ;(by. way :of Special'; Loan 'rindcr;-'."Th'e/Local Bodies' Loans' Act,, 1908," and its amendments), tho' sum/of Three Thousand 'Vim Hundred- Pourids-:for the: following' pur,' ■poses:— ■■':' .' -.'.-'■' ;, ;;, .;. 1. To; acquire land'-.from Mr. '■■'■ : '■■ RV. Bonld'for/a Catchment ~ .'' '"'. Area:in ( res'pect of a Water - /-; . .-../: Supply ,;,...........,........!....-, ~ 2.;T0 LoveV.and'lmprovo tho.-.'•■'■• .'■''• Recreation Ground ■;,........'- JCISOO : And'it is proposed' to'-.pledge "<£' Special. Rate of Ono Half penny, in: the One Pound Sterling on tho rateable : valuo of the -whole of ; the rateable property of. the Town of Johnsonville as security for the I said Loan of .£3500. and the interest and sinking fund' thereon,': And it. is further 1 proposed to -' pay out of- the Loari the' cost of, raising-it, s together with tho said in-, torest and- sinking' 'fund for, -the first year, and that tho whole-amount of the Loan shall be payable at tho expiration of. a term of 25 years, computed from tho .first day of. February, 1911. Dated this 30th day of December, ■ 1909. - '■ , ; ! JOHN WHEELER,;'' ; '! //:.':'../.,;. '/ Town; Clerk.; , Reforring to tho above advertisement; I hereby call a Meeting of Ratepayers to be held at the Rechabite_Hall, Johnsonville, on WEDNESDAY, tho 2Gth day of JANUARY, 1910, lit; 8 p.m., to consider the proposal therein: contained. .-.-■. ■;.■•.,. ,:'-, . J. ROD, '-.'■.■ '/'■;'■'■' Chairman..' : ■;;/' -■'.■' SPORTING. /' '/'EGMONT RACING CLUB; '.':// TVTOMINATIONS, for Summer Meeting ■■*•, . Close.2lst-inst., at 0 p.m, For Full Programmosee "Referee.".-. ■ ~,.'.:" ;/:. ." ; J.:,TURTON,':. :. ;./.,'■'!: ;.:■ - ';.,.;::■ /■■ Secretary,;',-, ■ ; .' ■>.; --/ ■■• PERSONAL;! "VOUNG Man wishes to meet Young -."i / Lady or Widow, view matrimony. Apply "Farmer/' Te Aro P.O.
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 719, 19 January 1910, Page 2
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995Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 719, 19 January 1910, Page 2
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