■Owing-to/tho. boycott;of'..Tku'.DomnioS. by--the tWard ' Administration /as.regardi, ; Government;. advertising,: woV: publish'/ i& ' day:'at.'.our;own cost,,on. page' 2; the train 7 arrangements:, f or'Anniversary'' Day, (Jan- : uary/2ar;/j;:/::/;;-/t--:-; : ::-^//-)v//:'■:/;/;
■■■; The postal authorities, : advise that. the': -\Varrimo6|;which/left: Sydney on Saturday ...for .Wellington,- Has 'on',board .an .Australian' mdl, / which ,is dud. here., to- : .day; ;.v,....:'. ; :•;,■;';,■:''''/■.:■:''.- /;-, •/::;.;;:/,'■;//;/
v" By dirwHdEJof.Moyds'andithe.ilJnion. Steam .Ship'. Company,' theshell and"! con-' :tonts!of• tne'Waikare as she;!lies on: Stop ■Island, Dusky:-Sound;■ will be sold -at"ln> .vorcargUl' on! February. ■ 9'.—Press Assoeia- •;' 'Excitementjipreraiiej'-at !Kapiti : 'a:day ; ! or/two : ago/;.;{says ./ our ;,!'Otaki; corres-! pondent) :■. otct ?.. the// presence',. of itwp, bottled r nosedJ?whales,: which were lying close, iii to: ithe/beach./.., A', laiirich' .'party; consisting '/of'.: Mrs. J.' /Webber;/ Messrs. Barrow, Pauli and Kopata,;were/the,first: to ; sight!:them;;'. : and, / securing; a'..". gun,! .wounded'./one/'soriously,'"and: the/.other! slightly.. 'Tho ■:'first/was/,easily secured,J but the. second led/the .'party, on/.a/long chase.! 'Eventually, it /'returned /clo'se!':to tho island, rwher'e 'it; was secured. 1 .; One of the whales'measures'!2o£t.).. arid the other! 18ft..! Sovoral sharks ■.were. also, .captured by.';tho: party; .besides large nutn-, bers. of..hapuka /and' sehriapper. ./■:'■''; '■:■. .-. ■:
';. Anniversary Day promises to.bo'an.un-, satisfactory holiday to'.many concerned.' The official holiday is'to be celebrated on {Saturday; when the- Government 'offices,' ■ banks, etc., will be closed,''but' in business, circles: the': honours.',between, a Satur-i day.;.arid'Monday; celebration are ;.abbut ogually divided. : The Merchants' Association, which .embihees .the wholesale grocery; firms,; Has decided to.recognise Saturday,/and it : is understood - that the' Warehousemen's -Association, is ',■:falling: Jinto! lino,' but, the'majority of the/smaller, shopkeopors'b!ave';nxedibn Monday as .the : most suitable'day.:. ■'•: /: !.;./,.; •!..:,! ; It/has been decided by /the; Palmerston' Borough Council /to present, an address/to, Lord-Kitchener.■:^hen/he passes through .th'o.town'.onl''ebruary;.2B;v:' .:-,:.:/.';/;
Wooden legs vibs a subject.'which occu-; ■picd- the attontioniofitho'Benevolpnt'Trus-; -tees at their,.meeting yesterday. ivArtifi-, cial.legs .are required /at the home for :indigent'inmates ; who have notthe.meains. for supplying such deficiencies/themselves.One leg had: given,tho/board.sometroublo; ! It:had been; mado out;of'-New Zea-; land from ■ a plaster cast for/an : inmate; of the home,.whom it.did: not fit,'and all ; efforts to. shape the :;log in order; that it could bo worn' in.comfort .had been futile. Finally : it had to be sent back to' tho makers,!and the, man for/whom' it was/made, cannot ■• get .about without crutches. .' Miss '.-Richmond,'., a member/of the Board ■ of Trustees,!remarked at' yes? terday's nieotinK ;that ;.wheri.:,--'she.' first joined the/board she was surprisedand impressed at, the .number, of. wooden'.legs ;which'sh6.found engaging the attention of -tho board:./ ■:/ ;•; : : -, ■'::■■' ■'-,'■:,'.
:.'• Tho various: avenues', ;of ■ ..employment) opened up by tho'municipal tramways give work to' a largejnumber/ of men,, but the supply is'much more than equal to' the, demand; :: At:.the' present time' ■nearly 4000 applicants,. many.:_; of', them in regular work, and somo outsido of Now Zealand, have; their names' down on the : .so as. to ■ ensure consideration'; when a vacancy; occurs, : ; . "■''-■•■■:':-'\f' : :\". .■:-:
In reply to.the'rumour'from Carterton that.. tho, former railway /time-table .• is :likely.to.-be practically restored in' thoWairarapa; the' Minister for Railways (the -Hon. J. A. '.^Millar);.. informed': a Dominion representative yesterday that the altered service throughout 'the. North Island will bo^ given a three ;months' trial as from its initiation on December C. At the end of that period,thoi>results'-'of the now; working, both as regards rovonuoVto the Department and, convenience. to districts, served, will be:considered,;and if alterations are considered necessary they will be made! The services /will not be altered in the meantime.
/ It has;beeh whispered of late that the City Council;was contemplating the advisabloncss. of assisting the corporation orematorium by entering-into tlio undertaking, business.. A ; representative -of The Dominion waited on the Mayor (Dr. Newman) yesterday, and asked: if there was any truth in the rumour. The' Mayor replied l that no such/subject had been disoussedby the council.: "In Paris a few years ago," added Dr. Nowman,, "the municipal authorities bought out a number of the undertakers and carried on tho funerals., These could bo.oither very oheap. to suit the pockets, of the' poorest, or on a large and expensivo,scale, ac-cording-as the people concerned were able •to..;pay. : for them. The result'was/that there was a.. large: reduction in tho'spst of funerals. At present," concluded the Mayor, reverting ,to the local. rumour, "the thing is only in the/ air, . and v has simply been'talked, of by a few people in the town." ; / .;"■ ; : ,.'-;-. : At yesterday's meeting of the Wellington Benevolent Trustees the master of the ] Ohiro Home (Mr. Truebridge) reported that there were 113 inmates in tho homo yestordayj of whom 39 (68 men and 31 women) ..were in the main, home,.and U' men in the ..intermediate ward.- '•:, '.: A-detail survey of the. Wadestown train, route is being ma'deat present, and when r this is completed '.the: work of. construct-' ing the new. line will .be: proceeded with', without delay.- The City Council has experienced no; financial-;difficulty, in,con-nection-with, the work.'/,/ Clerks .who;have to dress well' on slen ; der salaries ;will. welcome .an " electrical novelty in the/shape: of a clothes cleaner' which is,to boyimported into "Wellington at an early: date. The electrical clothes cleaning apparatus is,already working.ixv the. Uhited otates,:where a.man'.can .walk, into, a .tailor's shop iii a soiled or shiny, costume; and 'come .out. in - fiye/min'utes with: a spick and span suit,' clear, of .'spots,' and with a. surface as good as new; in,"the; place, where' time: had; worn;an - annoying' shines ,';:// -,/,;;;;/'-/.' /:/'//'.,;.'/:-/:/,,//:• ■', "lyall. Bay. is doing, wonderfully "well/' and is,helping to improve : the tramway, revenue considerably."—The-Mayor' on tho city's.latest'.venture.' ■,'.'//-/."...:'■//'..'■.':■;-'j ■': A correspondent/writes'complaining; of ■the quality of:the.food supplied l at some of-: tho" railway, 'refreshment/room's'/ou: the Main Trunk'line.... Ho: particularly; instances poor :tna>, and 1 ' sandwiches, and he states ..that; ini the' interests .of the .travelling publio there:should beva more rigid Government inspection of/all .food sold -at: railway; refreshment, rooms./: .'/, ■' Vj. The "first 'monthly meeting of the"Pharmacy Board of New Zealand for; the" -year was^held- on'; Monday: afternoon .in : the National Mutual Life Build-' ings..,. All .the members/of.^,the sWellington '.section ■of vthe, board'-(Messrß.' ;6. Bagley,/,J.;/Baillie,/;P./Castle, ' andj/A; Hobson), were present../ Mr. p. Castle/was unanimously .;■ chosen-i to'.'.'- be •', president/ for the. year,- this,, making/his .second-.; term -of'..tenure -of..' that -office. ,'■ A '.conference of all ..the/New Zealand. members' of the, ..board'^was;fixed to/commence.on; June,/8." .1910,.; .when'-; matters' j, of;: /importance ;to pharmacists . in "the "Dominionis-wills-be-dealt/with.-;;V! v '...''':.vv'-;-;••■':V i ;A. '■;/" '.; Most of, the. chemists ; in the/ city, ;,will, observe Anniversary Day'oh Saturday,'by doing i business/during.Suhday.hours only/ :=The-third-class/cruiser.:Pegasus arrived: in.' Aucklahd from /Sydney:, on// Sunday.:' She will; remain'; in" Auckland 'until. Wed-', nesday,, when- she sail -ior/the Haurald Gulf,;.for:,'gun".practice, afterwards; proceeding- to iWollington. '.'Prom," the I latter.-; port ••..the//Pegasus "-wiUV. probably visit Lytteltohi/andwill return' to s Auck-/ lahd:.,pn;' January.- 28/; .'.;•/;■.',-.'. ,v /:•.'; W/;;:;:/;/; ■ The ■ Prime; Minister.is .expected .to /visit Hastings:,on. Saturday.'night.';-Oh/-.Sun/; .' day.,he..Tml;-:be'--^aken-''for-a-'drive' roun'dtho' district,/and, on Monday ;morning "ho will receive/deputations/. ."He/will: : opon, the new. post:office ;at-3; o'clock: pa v :Mo'n'/' /The., Tourist; Department, bias just' 'com/ pleted: a/track .which ,will r enable tourists to, make ; /the journey from theVhc'advof Lako, Te' Anau v to/Lake "Wakatipu: l The track commences" near: Glado House,'and after;; bordering'ihe lake for. aifew.vmiles if:■ diverts';"eastward,/, joining.,; they-'pw sent :Martih's;-Bay/ ; :Track ; - in -the'.vicinity, of ;Lake iHowden.''j. »Th'e."distance:.from: Glade/ House to; the/Martin's ißay/frack is 'approximately .23 miles,:'' and-, -after reaching.ithe - latter; route,., tourists: can proceed- to-therhead^bf-iLakeAVakatipu,' either Cinly. or •'the: Kouteburn <.Valley.,;;:Tho' Dopartmenthas liad.three .sets .of tents'" erected., at .equal dißtences, .'on :thß:.;track.' : The-control .of the. provisioning ; ; and /guiding has ■ .been entrusted, to;. Mr. H." Birjoy, ■ of, /Glenprchy;- '■.whose-; /charge/'/incl uding '■ • guidihgi accommodation, ;,ctc., /is"-Vjeif/per head perof eight oi. more.'."-The.-opening'up :o£: this rpute;;wiU i fuimva«:ioiig-felf-/want,- ;; :aij tourists:;Wfio.-..pwvjmisiy.';/visited-:Manapoun,.;Te'Anau,' ani'Milford-Sound, yiii.;Lumsdeii (which-,includes a'coaching journey^of : fifty.::miles):;had"uo;/alterna\ nve;. but ■to return ;by .the 1 -. sama' route; ,whereas., the_; pponihg'/up. /of, the >■ "track'• .betwcen:„tho.head of;Lakes;.Te Anaii and' Wakatipu,:how,- enables'■ -them•"'":to: take' a' ■roTindi.tpm....either,"nvay,.;in^addition"' to opening: up some ;,very .interesting scenery between,'the; two;lakes;, referred;, to. •■'.>•.'■■■,', ;"\Vhenia V ;portibn/;:of Earori-Zwai :/ih-' eluded, in,.-the city .boundaries': the• ersi>' ;whilo;suburban .ratepayers :naturally:W : came ratepayers, of -the city, : "but at' the' same ■ time ■" they,■:have" also; had ■• to - pay rates for .special:loans'-.raised :'.by, the Karon Borough.'Thelawand Government ?!# aid .have -been; sought" -at different, times, :but:the/position'still ; 'be- : ■ camo no;clearer.;/Mr. J.- P, Luke/MP '-' has r how received a.letter'frbm/'theiVMiri--. -ister. for./ Internal .Affairs, /which" letter expressed /no .doubt,:that, difficulty' has a P^.?:. l ?-P ro P« I :ly,.allocating''tho:respon-< sibihtyjn connection with the amalgama-" tiou.; : Tho,Minister -states .that'he- is. hav-' ing inquiry, .made.into the' matter,"and if it is :J).ossi,ble,';to,.satisfactorily. employ a commission ' for'-; the /purpose. of securing, an; equitable-allocation' he'irill be pleased :to:haveit done,Y;:;i/;:; ;•::.;:;:^ : y.i' t;;.. ; v..v - 'l?i' addition'-;to' holidays usually granted ih.tho awards"of ; ..retail-...trades,;the; grocers, of:lVellihgtonaro allowed an .extra day. oh /which . tohold their.uannual-ipicnic..; The ; day •-is' usually feed.by mutual/arrangement between ;the 'master;grocers and. the -union; ■ At the;last.meeting: of-the ; .union- it'.was suggested: that 'the /last, Wednesday '■ in '■ lebruary.would-bo'the most suitable date for ; the, picnic, it was decided ".to ask : the emnloyers if. this; date would'be- suit ,able:i..r.them.;//" ; ; ;/;s;r;;/-/v ~rt,-,;;>(.;.;,;, .^Within: the; past/few. weeks /the:: new vice-regal residence ..at/Mount View"' has risen out, of- its - tree-shrouded.-'surrouhd-ings,; and .now stands ;.u'p < and "commands' attohtion.': Tho building, which is a long ,'twoistonr. structure,;;running' .from "east' ■to -west, is surmounted by a tower and' several, gables, which rolieve.what would ' otherwise, be 'a ' somewhat; structure./ Although the,building"is s stilT encompassed: by: scaffolding, practically, .the'whole of the external: walls Jiave been' Completed, and. the front :a,nd back 'enhances ■'. and balconies ' are beginning to" .take ■ definite shape. •'./ The> greater: portion' : of, the roof has:been. boarded' in, :and/a start has'also been mado'.with' the; tiling. .Plasterers' have 'made:. good" progress ■"on.' the outside of -the: building, putting' a' covering on: the Powcllised wood walls,' .and.'a' start:will shortly/be,made/with aomo of the-inside plastering. "As the inside of the : building ; stands • at present its-is simply;; ii.lforest/of - -woodwork/ scahtling' i -.for.: the.' corridors' 'and ■parti-, •tions -rising on'/every;; side..-; -It/will >:bp ; ;several weeks yet.before any/idea:can be' 1 obtained of i the, interior of the building. :Th6:main'.ehtr.anc6,/which: faces, the'south/ is .approached hy..a-.drivej';-which';':coiii-;mencoii hear St.'Mark's Church'and'r'iihs-. past the eastern:sido'of tho residence and'' terminates, ata coyere'd-in archway at the/ mainv'front; entrance.'. It is. auficfpiited that-it: will bo ■ another:'four months before.the/end,'of :the building, contract;is' reached, f There; are about, liO moh bin- . ployed on the/job at the! present, time: ..>; ■'■.'-■ Groaning, engines'.,, indeed; aro . those' : hitched to the: Main /Trunk /trains just ;hbw,- for "the traffic: on' some ' sections 'of ■ I the'.line '/is .undoubtedly, .heavy. .When; /Monday's northward-bound '. train' reached Peilding there was,a.lack; of : passohger ; ; accommodation, and /at Marton/.an influx | of, Taranaki and Wanganui .travellers he-.: cossitated the addition; of extra cars, and' it- was_practically>a : full.itrain to.Auckland./The. train, ran: twenty, minutes [ a j e i between Fcilding; and: Te.Kuiti,,: Testerdav's train from Auckland was so heavily laden.that it had.some difficulty ininego'tiating; the. steep grade of the Raurimu Spiral,;which., had: Daen, rendered slippery: '.by,,the:rain/ :'::;//;:""- ■:'."•:'/.-;, -v/'.■'■' ./' Shampooing, ';•' Clipping' : Hairdressing/ Manicuring,. Face: Massage; Treatment of Palling: Hair. and;.. Dandruff, Combings made up. Natural Hair-pads; Mrs Eolleston (over Carroll's), 11". Willis Street.: "Phono 1599.—Advt, '.
'Detectives ■'. have been inquiring /into'./; the? casef[ of Walter Joseph Bray," who "-' 1 lost'.week i pleaded guilty'-to the thefts of / '-■•/• a .iratch, and was/ remanded■•■'.by ■■'. the''.-"■ .■■.'•'■' Magistrate.for., sentence. •'.;■': Accused-! will:/"'v come before the Court' again to-day, and : ''■'< ■will be'called upon to .answer,.-'twenty.',vV,,. : f-. three; other, charges/:•:':..• ": ■:■■,?, ",:.//-.-,": '•'■'J;-;'..''■';- ■ At a "meeting ■of - the Teachers', Super-",. ■'' annuation Board, held. yesterday. the Min- -:.- 1':. > istcr' for 'Education.(Horn; Geo.. Fowlds)/;'/" . presiding,'. retiring.'-' allowances'"aggregat//':/ '•'< ing;^ls6s-4s.' Bd.; were; authorised^.:to■ fif-.V,;'; ; . teen. contributors;:. Annuities/:of .£lß.' per;'..: '■■ annum ■■ wb granted to' throe., widows -/of.';:/ contributors, .while a',fourth: was granted.',.,.;', 'arefnnd of contributions':amouiiting'.ito :.;.''.'; ■£U2 Cs.■■'Gd.,' and an allowance' of-55.; per-'/■;'■'■-. week;,was authorised .fo'_- be--'-'paid/.' to-.- I tW;. : vj-.';:. child; of a'deceased, contributor. ''"/;.': v.';''.-';'.''' :" News has beW:received in I ;Melbourne to,':' 111 the effect that the, patent, course anddis-!'•,.,;■;: ,'tance recorder,, for'.use on "steamers'/and;./: '.• 'other vessels,'patented by CaptainEorbes,. : . ; :...■; of-'.this city, '; and -improved /by - hiin .:' to v ■!.' - meet the requirements.of- the-Director .of./:;-'.. Naval Ordnance,' after .'acceptance ; by,, th«./>-/ Admiralty, has been ifitted, /or", is" being '.-•'..'; fitted, to nine .warships,.says;the'"Age."/.-//.': Three of'.;.these;.'arc :.■/ namely, St. . Vincent;/.Cbllingwood;,>andZ /;%'. Vanguard. The ■ other ships to; which vthe/.v : -' log;has been, fitted;' are:—-Revenge, /Natal,.///.' • l Shannon,'",Hindustan,; ; :Black Prince)-, and ;'• Haughty. : Captain'rorbes's invention/re-'./;,'; gisters-.-.the .speed, of;,tho. ship/'at/.any//-,'»'■ moment, as well as.tha'mUeage.travelleoy. .',■: |on the: ocean: ,-.:■;: v ; ////;:,:::,;-.'//i"-""-"//'/Vi Our Napier', correspondent.: states/thai /ft,/, /the tender, of Messrs;: John Duthie'/and/ /;/: | C 0.,; Ltd., has been: accepted. by :the; Har-•'.-"./' hour/Board; for^cement.:/-.:;:'; Sftj/iH'-K/i/ff !.'■/' The/ /the .'.'now- -tram-car-.which,has been/built:?■/'/. for/ the/Brooklyn; service,.-;which/ equip-;///;/ went: has".been/'due'' for ..weeks'-past;i»i : ;)'"': now water /and ;is" expected /to rfii:,'., reach" Auckland, this "week, '■ having: bean'// ;'■;;' shipped: from-America via?London..f;The/.;/ // car.-.body has been ready:for.some'mdntha/'./':.■. ; and vas ■Wellington/ no time will ■be lost ii/get-,/.'.. ■!'; . ting the',: car;.',.fitted'.-■ up,: ready for,.;the :•'■ -firroad./':, '.;... / ;;:'•//::;/ "'.: _ ,/j : ' ;^:/;;;-v r.Efew/;' v" ■< .Holiday-'traffic: on"'the:/Mir'amar:;-aiid'f.'/// Seatpun bam:lines; shows/that'"/82B9| ; r*.' ; /.-.'..,'> turn tickets 'were-issued onHhe/Mirajnar/': 7 '/... lino; on 'I and .6189; return-;,tio-; : ; ■', , ; kefaon- New/Year's Day, ,; the'takings,: b«i.Si/;'ing"£s9 /35.. 2d; : and'. £46''17s'.-;lld.;: r&./r speotivelyy, :,Oh Boxing .Day £12} lfa;j IOeLV* ■■■ v(as' taken, onV the ■ Seatbun line,/ and' ,-£13.;.//'. 3s;. 3d. .was.'taken on = this-lihe/'on/Newr,:;;;/ -Year's' Pay^\./:,''v'.:y-;:--:!.^ ; : ! ; . : -.;A':V;^-ffl«j : \^ /The local" branch.of: the: Navy.'. L^gu« ! : '/■.'.;/ ■has; just received a'.fartherfconsignment::'. > >'• of .500.illustrated handbooks-for its school''J/' members..::: This, makes "close .upon/: 2000 ///:/:; copies received.' during: the past.;.'twelve';'/' ; ''-/ months.," The, branch /has ; also/received .a* '.■•.;' 'supply/'of'/tho, latest'-/.numbers, /of ■■> th«;-/.//. ./'Navy,Leagtj'e Annual.";;■ H/:f;'^/ : ;./v/;:v!j*{-./:j;:i';
, !- : 'Court: yMterday,;.VMr^' : P/'J^'^Lissin^ri,: : ''v : !- l J .P., dealt with-: five, offenders.-;'-; There ... were". four - charges ,'of.': :first:;.'':;' ;;'. 'offender;.lira's"- convicted:, arid'; discliarKedi J i ; .. i':. )William):Ajcher;,:and ; :)Philßp;:;:Sta \yere..cbnvictedC.and;dischargea,; and'.'John:-.'/;'.'"■"■ Burns:..was. nried'.'lbs.r'.'or i ;:4B;hours'.;im-;-■.■;; : prisoriment.. John-Scott,-'.-for'drunkenness arid -disorderly, ■behaviour,;.was: nned:.los.i': r ; ;'.i, .with the)usual:alternative.))';)h;r o):;.); #'■■%',: ':.: AiKthe 'next-'''meeting)bf j thV boriicil.':' #•■; '6fl:thevChambDr.-;of.'Cbmiriero6V.theVUst- - df--i:v;,s' : members will be revised ia.'yiewibfi.the l :-;;)*;); coming.-,election-of )a:candidatekto u .repre-);,>)')> :sent -'the 1 chamber"on the) Harbour -Board;) :M^^s'•-a^■■raW^that'l.thß^'■pr^denti;BhaU!ttct.•: , in -thati capacity,''but; Mr) 'J.;kG. ; 'Hark--j .:-iV ness induced; to (retainVhisfseat;: after)): ; ) ; j he' retired:,from : the.'presidenoy.'Vand. he':-;;;';;,?: is; ; at'-presentinthe r -;ohamber's::representa-v jv?;;. the.)., Thefquestionj'of ; ; the 'railway! timer, .■::.;.. tabled AfhiobV-has\giveriHso;; satisfaction,in mahy; q.uarters,'.ia'one)that ~.;■• "j". may.;,alsq;!cbmb ;up: ior /'discussion.";'' '■ ,)• : ";>): iJjV;
man all the:time,'!;.remarked Aid. Arthur '•-'.-;'.. M'Elhbne.Vat-.aJ;m l eetingvof-;Eart--Sydney,-V.-.- ; .<;: bleotors:;who, had 1 gathered':for-,the pur-;-);-:;)-. pose: of- stirring'.:up. matters : in ;(»nneo-'.'.;; : ;';. Hon : ',; y\ InVdiscussing.' theirieoessity-forvcombiried'■:.-;': : actmtyjMr.;M'Elhpn6;"d%ecatedth6 fact: -)',)i. tnat-thero: : ,were. some) people .who.: could)');-*:) not:begalvanised. into: action;-:': They; took:)■?!•'■ ■■ not'-.'the/, least )in)publio):affairs,)));;; arid:"many) v .wdie)known never '-.to.; ; have : '.;: ':.) vqted)at. an ; rich);;:')) man l for ian -aldermariib'-seat," ~eaid'.-,Jtr. £=;;■;<' M ; Elhorie,; "and; the) ch'ances'a're all'in';-; •: ) favour .of .his; being .away/ fishing. or en-;';;..)' _, t" aged> in--s6me*;bther."sport : :When rpblling '• ■■•■; ay;-c6mes'jiounn ", v . Aid;' M"Elnon6; nar-) ; : ; ')■ cipal-election; ; i.A' .candidate-/.seeking; to-.;;-,'>■ election): forja':,.ward.)whioh'included)'the;: /:',.;.; .extremes': of ''poverty';;.'arid'=;wealth) had,) ):)) sent ''■¥,■; 'cab','-, for■-, a ; .well-tcnib) ': personal)'■');') friendvarid 1 supporter? to i come; along ;and ),):) rtcord ; his' vote;.'--WtenHhapoUirig;booth:);';.:-was ; :feached''Vthb:; ; prosp«tive):.voter:)re);>W;;): markedj)'"l.:-'see'.»'you , ve:';got,:a motor-car,:,):; ':,; iTuiriingf"-'Tve;got;twbl" )replied;;the) ;')). •candidar*;: ■■: -"Oh,: have'-you;; : and)you;sentvj- ■,,;,■:; a ; cab:fbr)raoß : :Then>l*)won , t6yble,'','and;) ;fi heMidn?t)vote.7:.-Mr;)MT<!lhone' ; tHb'-incident.:asi'showing .';. the: '■ dimculty:i : ; : vy: cxperioricedu'in :WOrMng:'poopleV:np ; to)aa»' : ')., appreciation'iof of record-)-:-.;"■';. disp^edvto'e^OUSe;"*)^);?;;')^^^ ))dut: .'bf'W! appli(»tioM',Tecbived:.fOT:.tte, i ':'). : :: ;pbsition ; . : of.''working.foreman "."for ; ;"'the).; : ' .)• :Borough:,of Marten; \thecouncil, (Bays briT;):),:.;): local.-cbrr'esmriderit);ha3decided : to; select V');;;' i'Mr; : AMred^WilsoniVbf:Petorie.;)Mr;:;Wil:) : ; :,, , sbriTwas)clerk)of; ; wo'rks)and : fohm'ari;-fbr)))::n i'six-:years ',for.-'.the)Petorie') Borough,)and),') ,) )'during period-'camed'.'6nt- : faa^;to::''V'\-)' portant. works,':thevwhole:ofithe.cost:;to-)i. .; tailing, 'spmethirig .'approaching .£30,000; .'',: A '"gardeh : party, '.will to."; ■) ' :Mr.': i w;:F.'lMassey;; Lea'clorVbf the'Oppo-:; ■■.':<.. : ! sitioni ■} oniFebruary )19 :at)tho).-Ostrich.;-);.): ;Farm', :: Pukekbhe,;.' byV-'.'his 'Visitors ."are expected'froin;;all; oyer..,th«.:.',' ; ::i North;lslandr;i):.'.;); v '-);-)•)::.;):) : ;;'').^))))' : :-i :) SpbtswW.) : xesiderits:'Vjvho.?hayb): been);:;';') .watching, the' ■WaiauEiver;.,.'.;::.'; I for-the .lastvfew.. years,;'writes'! thei.Chor :').-;•;) j viot-correspondent ) of ; the;)."liyttelton'v:') ■; ,Times,''J.are)strongly: ,that:):; ; ,'- ! [•'by:the"time the bridge is ;built)the)river;|',)::;; I;will : : be;rurinirig: some ;.',:: southern 'end of "if; Cheviot);wa3 :•;":' settled :the river''has;washed, away;some.,)):'); i. hundreds-of • acres of good'river-bed;land,; : :. '■.■'war'th'i-:about to.; JB15) per) acre, '.and ;. ))V ; it.has..now : )cut),a!deep;, : .bay into a' low-. ..'.; lying r flat soine distance;above <the!bridgO/'-:-:;. i site.-,;Over'this. nat.iwheri.the':riverain).)):; I 'flood, the: wo'titpbursinto'. the: Learning- ) '::, tori,'"a;,small stream.i.crossirig : -.the;Toad:.''') .: 1 .'which leads,to'the'river,;arid: joining: the: ■- i: Waiaii'i below" the /bridge; site,.'. - The. river);; ). is now ru'rihirig directly into :this bay,' and; :) .. its;frill force-is)ori: tho..low:-banks.::,.S6m«.):'. v • : time-ago):'wheri.)the'crpsion;bf::the,)barika ):);..' .wasbroughtiundcr the .riotico-of theVPub-.).'; ).: ,lio- Works Departriient,'''a'rep'brt:was.'pub-:.:);.:: ■lishcd stating:' that it ■' the' Depart-.''). ment's- iritention>to■:divert the':leamingr)-"-.'p;: ton) Creek, into '.the.l'Waian.V above).; I .the)',;'))) bridge,,so" ..that;.: a .'■" cushion",'; of )dead:);):)T water:would-be'-formed against:the Tail-.,;:;:-)'.; : of the':water"to ■'flow.-..that).way;",^lt)'i»!--. ; -.-'-'.' fearcdi) however;) that.: the'river. )will, be )) ..■.■), 'ahead; of the! railway/wbrks,'; and that-if,,:-,..: ■-■ ;somb'protection ;wprks)are.. not: begun; imT).:)-);. : : incdiatel}-,"i the ;.muy': nave t0i.,... .-' be.;diyerted:'urider:tho bridge;,:.;;),::: -:)K));:;
:'■, It'is usuaHor.the.Railwny Department;; ■■;.-=. give concessions to;delegates travelling'fi]'yto: the. Primitive . Mcthodist: ; .Conference,;•.;,,;.', lb^\tnis7^aV\sbnie-; : flelegatcss\Kbdxb««n-y;' 1 :-- given; to-understand ■ guards .that;:.; they; would' not be allowed the'' concession;.;V ] on'acconnt of'tho./i'./. "retrenchment'policy.V<V,discussiota'-took ';•;. '■';. Enlace: 'at .the' Conference' J on', '■■;- 'Friday'• as'.'to "whether .-■..■'thc.'SConference,!':' 7 .shouldVallow; the .delegates':anythingmore:;:'?; ■ ;than excursion far<^7.Sonic'delegates had■:-. >•; ■obtained such'fares>andMothers:.ljad;:not.; '"■; Some of.those who had; ■■ argued'.that ' who -hiid: neglected to;do' so .should;.; be'-.;?.:-, 'penalised for;the.omissioii-by:b«inb:mado..;':-• 'to ipay'' the;balance ;themselves/:.'S. ;vot«: :... was -taken,-when' it -was decided ,lji>!.t:all ■;.';.'•> fares : be' paid to';''delegates -.as thiy 'had;,,'>. paid.themi:- O'ne'of .'those rtiliriistcss:.whd,';; ",;•' •had obtained.an exoursion'far&'Mifn rose;.;.'.."•. and'said that on'the 'stcanidr.Jcoming'-.',':. .'down I 'he -had . lostV?his': shaving-brush.';- ;; Would 1 the conference reimburse .'hjm l for< : : ; 'it? -The'.president said;"No";'theJniinis-' ;•: ' 'ter'in;question:should applyrto-his.cabin' r''. steward. (Laughter) :>:':, : \^:['/A{ rs;;'.;;.':;
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 719, 19 January 1910, Page 6
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2,695LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 719, 19 January 1910, Page 6
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