RACING FIXTURES. Jan. JS ami 19-Wairoi County It. C. ■Animal. ' '~ ■ •Jan. 19 and 2Q_Ciore K. 6. Summer. ' •"»!■ 22, :M, and 2G—Wcllfiißtbii it.C. Sumnior. . .Ten. 22 and 24-Foxton -JI.C!. Anniml. t ™ n ?, ,1 , 2a - H »tt I'nrk Haciiig- Club. Jan. 211, Feb. 2 aiid 5-Takapuna J. C. . Summer. ' • '& e P- 3-Karioi J.C. Annual. , lob. 3 and *-Qtoberrie It.C. Summer. IJob. 3 and-6-C.J.C... Summer. '- I'ob. £I and 10-Egmont If.C. Summer.ieb. 10 and 11-Poverty .Bay T.C. Annual. , ■ l-iM? an j 17 -Taranaki J.C. Autumn. I'd). 23 and 24-Wobdville District J.C. Autumn. ■ ■ . Feb. 23, 24. end. 26-Duncdin J.C. Autumn. March 3 and S-Wanganui J.C Autumn.
' NOTES AND COMMENTS. (Br Glencoe.) /rhp Wellington , Cup will be- run on Saturday nest.. ' : ' ■ The Wairoa ■ Racing Club's meeting on Wednesday and Thursday next. ■.;• .;■-... -.; , . . J Whafckoa was submitted to anction at :Mirauiar on Saturday, apd .sold for G4 guineas. Dumps was bought in at 39 guinoas.- ■■. •••■■■ , : ; ■' Tiie ■ horses' purchased by' , Mr. G. D. Greenwood in Auckland ..passed .through here on, Friday. ■ They numbered• IG. Killaloo,. Ti-hg. .wcfri a double' at the Wairaropa' Racing Club's meeting, js engaged in the 'Wellington Stakes on Monday nest, and it is understood that ho is a sure starter.
'Ihere a**- no Auckland hor.scs anion? the acceptors for' the Wellington Cup. Advocate, who rah .second in the Auckland Cup, will presumably'be kopt in Auckland for tho Takapuna Jockey Club's meetin". . • . W. Pine, arrived from Ricearton yeaterday morning, with two horses for the Wellington.Cup meeting.. . It is understood that W- Ryan roll ride Crucinella in the Wellington Cup. •' ' Eiccafton trainer: R; J. Jlason motored Ito Waikanae on Friday to have.a look at : theWftikanne yearlings. ' ' •.-■ .- B. Cutts is duo from the south to-mov-row morning, with; four horses, including the.Cup candidate Husbandman. • .In _<wnntctipn .with the Foiton Racing Clnb's ■annual ■lnecting.-owue'rs ,nro'. .reminded : that.r'acooptances/ifot- the. first nay s-handicap events and entries:for the -Trinl Hack and Maiden Hack Scurry close at 8. p.m., to-morrow (Tuesday), with the seoritarvi.Mr. Angus-Keith;.: . ■ ■ Bangikapua has recovered from his soreness, and C. Pritohard .was anxious to give the horso a run at the Trentham niture, but Eangiknpua's or,-ner has decided that the brother .to Tanjimoana will spell till the autumn. .. Mr. S. Nettletold has purchased - the biaofc. fllly Jtavtyre (Martian—Nantes), and-6he \yill probably-be taken to Austrnha, later • ■.' .
:Merriyonia is favourite for the Weilington'Cnp, but there does not appear to bo a great amount of business doing on the race. ■ ' ' .
_ Reportevs at the Trcntham race meetings have in the past been hampered in their work by the too-frequent intrusion of outsiders into the prcssroorov In order to improve tho existing; state of affairs,a meeting- of local: spp'rtins journalists was held . at. the Em'piro Hotel on Saturday,night, vhtn , a . Press Gallery, was , formed. ,Mr. W.'.Coffey was. elected chairman of: the-:sall6ry,.,,}ind. v Mr. "6." N' Beaslw ;yj<se..ohair)nan.: ■;,'." \ . ;There!js';always;a.6nittll crowd at'the; wh«n -th« .fields are being dispatahed at,tho pony -jneJtingß' at Miranwf, When tho lttst.rai* camo up, for decision on Saturday, the usual crowd iyas there, and th« sorter was given a warm feiv'minutas. There wns no concerted hostility- shown,. but - every .few seconds different' individuals would warn' ■Uw. club's official not to daro' to lot tho tapes : go till the horses ware in line. It was also insisted that an attendant shouldbe ordered away from the favourite: and the starter complied. A further request that the horses should be standup to the barrier was .complied vrith, as far as lay in tha power of the starter. AltoKother the; starter's; billet --ira's not a comtprtable'one ;(lurin"g"tl!at'concluding'fivo'i minutes. ' ':,' . ' .-. . ■"-.-■ ;"• ;
! ■•HUTT PARK RACING CLUB.; ~ fTho' following nominations''have-beon received for the Hutt Part Racing Club's meeting to bo , held at Hutt Park on January 25, and 20:—: ■•. ■ : . I . "['■■' FIRST DAT. ■■■.'' .' '.■.■'. ~'.■. I MAIDEN. HANDICAP.-Merry Widow,' Farewell, Mainikin,' Channel, Marquis, Musketeer, The Spider,- Bobs, : Bclmont, Miss Elsie, Lilias, Lady Park, ( Emma, 1 Kia Toa, Miss Pearl,. Torrent, .Sail, After Dark, Puff, and.. Merrimanu.. V
. ; WAIWJBTW'HANDICAP.—FrancJ Lady Officer,.;;Gip'iy Girl, '■•Einina, •: Musketoor, Mirettn.'Prevail,'Miss Ivy, Sunny Lahd v Su'r<th,; • Paul*. Muskerado, Lorrin Doonj Kytre; Wharekoa; Flying "Wind, , . Fifoily, Inkerman,'St. Helena, Blue. Bell, Anglican, and Woe' Nannie. ■■-'•■
-.ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP,- Gold Cup, Pikiho, Steady, Plying Wind, Sir Possible, Petronel, Moata, Anglican, Miss Dean, Wharekoa, Lady Pa'jl, Sunshine, Ourlot, Picotee, and Paul.
'_■ WAINTJI HANDICAPi-Miss Ruby, Lilias,: Miss King, Ciscorbse, Fortress, Paul Beaver, Firefly, After Dark, Pico-, tea' Musker'ado, Mannikin, Lady Finclla, Kin.Toa, Insanity, Dearest,- St.. Heleiia, Puff, and Weo Nannie. ... /.:
i TELEGRAPH HANDICAP. - Lorna Doon, Pikiho,. Steady, Flying Wind, Sir Possible, Sunshine, bobs,. Miss Vera, 'Sirrah, Paul, Mermaid, Channel, Lady. Paul, The Spider, Prevail, Inkorman,' Petronel, Moata, . Anglican,. and Merrimanu. . ' ■ ■■ ■
■. •> > . SECOND ■■■'.: : ; SECOND MAIDEN: HANDICAP.Merry ; . Widow;; Lady Park, Mannikin, Channel, -Marqujs, Musketeer," Insanity, ■qail. After Dark, Tobias, Miss--"Elsi«, Jarowell, Gipsy Girl, ■ Emma, Kia Toa, ■Miss.Pearl,■ Vfofrent,-.:TW: Spider, -Bobs, Belmontv'Merriraenu, and: Princess. '■! PONEKE HANDICAP.-Franc, Lady Officer, Gipsy. Girl, Emma,' Musketeer, Flying Wind, Miretta, lukerman,. St. Helena, Sirrah, Wee Nannie, Musker,adp, Lorna Doon, Mytre,-Wharekoa, Torrent, Firefly, Prevail, ■ Miss Ivy, Blue. Bell, Paul, and Anglican. '! HUTT PARK HANDICAP.-Gold Cup, Miss Dean, Pikiho, .Lady Paul, The Spidor, Sunshine, Ourlot, Miss Vera, Picotee, Anglican, Farewell, Steady, Wharekoa, Fiying Wind, Sir' Possible, Sunny Land, Petronel; Moata, and.Paul.
■■; PJSTONE HANDICAP.-MerryWidow. Muskerado, Mannikin, Lady Finolla, Kia Toa, "Pa'ul Beaver, Firefly, After Dark, Picotee, Miss Kuby, Lllias, Miss King, Ciscorose, ■ F6rtrcsiv Dearest,'- St. Helona, Puff, and Wee Nannio.
; TELEPHONE HANDICAP. - MusKerado, Lorna Doon, Slerinaid, ifytre, Channel; Plying Wind, Sir Possible, Inker , - mnn, Bobs, Miss Vora, Sirtah, Paul, Lady Officer, Lady Paul,' Steady, Pikiho, Lady-Park; The Spider, Prevail, Sunshine, Petroncl, Moata, Jlerrimanu, and Anglican. ~•■ . ,'■ . ; :■>,,•, ■■■• ■■. ••■■
Tho Wellington Pony and Gallowaf liacing Club's Jnuuary meeting was. concluded at iliramar on Saturday nfternoon. ,Tlio weather was fine, and thero was a.moderate attendance. A couple (if policemen were stationed nt the gat?s to assist. the club's : official in keeping out a mimbof of undesirable ouamctei'6. This step was the outcome df the trouble on the previous week; Saturday's pro-' .gramme was sot through, without any disturbance. There... Word only two starters in each of the first two races. A largo number of bookmakers were licensed, the results being somewhat in their favour. Dotaile are as follow:— : SECOND MAIDEN HANDICAP, of 25 sovs. For ponies 15 hands aiw under that have never won a race. Four furlongs and a half.— Mr. W. dnthrevVbr. m. Sail, by tethe, 6yrs.. Bst. Sib. (Cairncross) 1; Miss M. Walker's Gipsy Girl, fet. 61b., 2. Tho only etartore. Sail led throughout)'find won comfortably.. Gipsy' Girl was favourite. Time, SSJecc. 1 KELJHJItNE ..HANDICAP, o f 2o p"vs For ponies M.2 and under. Pour furlongs.—Miss .11. MorrisV.b. a. Axite.-by Muusor—Cagucine, liyrs., 9st. 31b. (Ste- 1 plums), 1; Mr.. W-.. Guthrey's' Sail, Bst/l Sib.. 2. 'lTio only starters. Won very easily. The winner was favourite.' Time, 53si;c. / ■.. .■ ; : , ~ . -. HANDICAP, of: 60'sovs, * or ponies 15" hand's-and'under. ' Six £urlongß.-Mr. E.Eager's ch. g. Anglican,
k. C ? v 7,? n ;? n (imp.)-Etona, syrs., 9st. 101b. (Wndliam), \; Mies Bowler's Wharekoa, Wst. 101b. (Rico), 2; Mr. E. Eaeer's Paul -Brt. 71b.- (Oliver), 3. ■ Also started! ■Moata, lost,, and Ourlot, Bsi. 81b. AnKlican led- nirthe way, and won co.iilortably from \S harelcoa. A poor tliird J. he.winner was favourite. Time, lmin. lb !i-ssec. ■•: ■ ■ .
PIONEER HANDICAP, of 25 sots For ?? m « »•'- nn<l under. .Four fiirlonßG.S r, , K V,? tt ?. Drt, b ' m." Weo Nannie, by St. m- ,7 Gla , c " ator mare > 6.™5., 9st. 71b. (VUdham), 1; Messrs. Anstell and FovFirefly, 9st. fllb., 3. Also started: JJorina, lOst. lib.; Dumps, Bst., and Lady.Neta, Sst, Won from start to Si 2 5 y WaS tavourite - Time_NEWTon'N HANDICAP, of 25'. sbvs. I'or pomes 14.3 and under. . Five furlongs and a half.-Jfiss E. Ansoll's h. R . wl 1; Mr. T. B H.: .Wilsons Ciscorosß, Sst. 71b., 2; Mv W r o f«!lr,M. Tib., 3. -Also started! 17' Si , ! l l ?J' tth - Bst 12 !''- Memng..Sst. sib,j and Sultana, Sst.. Won comfortably, n>. .two Whs. . The winner was favounte. Time, lmin. 14 l-sscc ' : |;s.T , si I ?Lsa,, < ;s: Bilhngssate mare, Syrs., Sst. (Mallowes), 1, Mr. E. Enger's Paul, Bst. 91b., 2; Mr «. Imagers Merrimanu, Bst., 3. Also 9 f w : " A A ni 'i ioan, 9st - 10Ib - Mernuiid,
"GORE R.C. ACCEPTANCES. ■■• (By TelcEi-aph—Prcss;,Association.) ■ t> *• h £ i , , Pore, Jnnuavy 16. ' ltSini l ? t,d ' rtmilb nt t! "> Gore Itncing Club's summer meeting the following acceptances have been received — f,S AI r V ?^ K HANDICAP.'-Five , }«,-95t,.2ib,; Ploasanterie, Bst. 91b.; Soraa - rU lb - : ! Officioue, Bst; 71b.j Badiator, Bst. 6)b.; Bine. Bo!, Bst, 51b.: RedSst. gib.; Pendol-j Bst.; and Windward;
f«ff M l D ? HANDICAP. Six furlonga.-Torobingn,. fl s t. 21b.; Port |;rvSst. 71b,; Royal Step, -Sst 121b - £» te milo and a mmrteKy'.jp'' D 8 «-:S,b.ji Warsaw, Sst.-. 131b.; Office .trnkhan Bst. alb.'; Pinul, w, 21b.; Li u d tt ; Sst.. : . Hb. j.. Willi u, ■. 7st. ■. 101b.; Red and Black,-. 7st.. 81b.,.. and Allside, 7st -NEW tEAB. TROT. Two mites.-Wal-fell, Child, - 135e0.; Joo h., Uz.ce. • Tit\Arena, lte.. Vera Dr.plyn l£l.}Wws Bepeater, S(teM.j Brown Jaqk, .22^0.; Tho
WELCOME HACK HANDICAP. Seveh : i^ 9n(! lf~ Stt ?] m - : ' 9st '• ' Embrasure, Bst In -) .^P* Sst, 9lb.i -Vagrnnoe- Bst 91b. i Alfreda, -Bst. .71b. j Taierf,• fef ? 51b : Pulmarv-.&t.. 51b.. Ecdmond, Bst. ffl£| Sasa^t^ KetHe, Bst; -
: SUHMEE HANDICAP. - ; Six fnrlones : '^^Bf HANDICAP. ■ duo .4sec; Silver Black, feec. ; ..Evening Star ■Iseo.; Eocket,,6sco: ; Vera. Daplynf" 6sec •' B wmfontom- too;; Repoaterf &.! Sir lOseo.;.Enohniitar, Hsgo.; The Shr. geon, :llseo.; and Lady Ov.yfc, llsec • CROYDOJ? HANDICAP. Sevent f,,r----%?&--Cu rosottia, Sst.' ilb. j Com*, 8 t Saoha/Bs. 31b ; Jack Ashore, ; Rifle 12 b.; Tnieiv.7st.Holb.; Cue 7st. 51b.; and Mango, 7st. 21b
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 717, 17 January 1910, Page 7
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1,568THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 717, 17 January 1910, Page 7
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