NORTHERN ASSOCI ATION'S TOUR-' : V. :••;. VNAMENJ.;: ■'.-fr;-;-^-> ; THE END ;OF,.■■THE.CONTESTS. , ■•.. \ I DOUBLE:WIN FOB' WELLINGTON: ■■• The. last day of the Northern/Bowling Assoiaation's successful tournament 'occupied ■ the.'whdle of. Saturday. , ;In ' .tho early, morning a Sroteh'.mist' stole over the , city,':and dampened'' the-grass.slightly in'-, its .coursej but... its only ■ effect' 'was .■ to stiffen .the.greens for the;first;hour. , The heat soon .accounted, for whatever damp-' ness'the sward held, "and'.'by'.noon the greens" were: almost as keen as the day before. The morning was occupied' l, playing off the inter-section games in the pairs,; which., could .not ■-be vgot off "oh iriday.owing to some.of the contestants being engaged in' the semi-finals -of the rinks.?.' ; , ::, '~ ■•■:■.■"■ ■ ■;■••■ ■' '.:. . ■:. •■.' ■■
■:;;; i: .■•.-/:... ■;.■ In Va'' the';'inter-section games in. the .pairs, published.on 'Satnrdayr the following games, were, played on Saturday: ,;'•..■• ..'• : ... :"•; .■•.'.■■'■■■ . ..-..' ■ . ■■■
■ • (Petone), -.beat''; Dall';(Welling- . John:. ■■ (Newtown) ' '.beat Paspoe.,(WelUiigton),.?2oT-12.-? ■■■ '' ™'?r er i ng i •■(Mmerston). beat :■:'■ Webb (Wellington), 21—18. V- ■-. ■~ - ■• v Lock (Tevffiwi) ,Lynnj.beat.;Williams;(Na•Bell •■: (Wellington) "beat Pollock ■ (NeV-town-substitute .for ■ JameS'Brackenridge),
•;;:■::.■ .x.' - :•:■ semi-final. .-;■,',;..: - John \ Brackenridge'.,. (Newtown) beat Casey (GreyVLyna), 23-H.. . ' v Pickering (Palmerston)'beat Bell VWellington),. 21—12.' ; ';' ■'. ■:;■"' ■■■■.'.■.: •.'•'■ . . (Newtown) '-beat:' ; WylUe beatTrince-^New-'H6™es;,;-BraikenriagS''.:(Newiown).;.' beat Pickering; (Palmerston)',.; .; ''■■;■';.'■.
:■ Th' for 1 tie'Pairs"Championship : now resta;between the :Te Hiwiand New- . town • j Clubs,: who. are -represented ae iol-;'l(>W8^-..-«.<-::•...',:.•.■..-';.a...;:.-.;;.,''..-'::'.'-...'. ~. , '-:' : '
■ Te Hiwi-Geddis, Lock (s.). Newtewn-J. M. Brackenridge and James Brackenridge (s.).
■: AB..poth- are ,city lolußs that the .-•.premiership ,in "both 'the., rinks' and pairs,has secured by WelJfgton.;. The final .played :off 'on .the WeHington;Club',.commencing at'B.4s.';a.m.•to-day;':when. a,really.:close contest should:result;'as'both pairs'• have shewed",excellent •; form. , : throughout 'the ■Wornament; ■?. It :yo'iihy of; note"' that J.' M: Geddis.(Lock's lead) iand:Chwchward. (the:'Bkip:;6f the'winning:rink) ,wbn the.'■Pairs/Championshipiin 'the'■tourha;ment;iofi:l9p2;in Wellington.'|'■;• v.V *..' ' T"■;':VV"'.) A:> --'i' ■",-.. "■'L-fi/:(h ; ' ; '!-V. ; -:i;- ;: FI NAI.;';o F:TH E : M[Ms; "■ '■ : .;0\
: i l ev6V ; 'in;';tbe\loeal : .bowls such-in-tense-interest in theconilnding game..oS ' as .. .witnessed • at t the WellingtonV.Clube -'green,; on'.'.Saturday! :afternppn...- : ;Oji thi,s"occasion th'e-ganies' had; been-.nned:,down to;a contest beJ* w.-ioUowing^teairiß,."representing: the ,Welhngton;.and'Grey Lynn.Cliibs :-'
-.'TOLLINGTpN.V ; ;; GEET XYNN.'v •; H... Mayeri" •'.:, ' : '■:■,■:. Morris k Casey.'-. ' •■'■' ; Carroll..' ■■■■■■..: :■:. S;. ■ Pasooe. -: ;, ■ '■•"':- G.:Brown.■'.-.. ,;c : T; ■ChTirclrward:-(s.) Saiia O n'(so, 17..v :; . .sWheWthe •game ; 6tartedi'at' about; 2.15 >p ; m;:: teen,.between 3DO: and■ 400 people■'sitting:or'standing' round the.-.banks,:; and -an.hour later, over, 500 people.; qcoupied-. every possible point of vantage;'.included in 'which;'were , , many 'of toe, visitihg'.'bowlers -who'V; had;, been"knocked"out,T,.in;the sections"or: semi-.' finals.; .'.The"green 'yroa ii-, perfect orderr 1 ' as keen! as' a billiard' table.'-' Churchward scored.;one - on '.the' first ;head,> and on; the ■ second, third, , , and: fourth Baildori got'a two : and', two; singles.'-,.; The .fifth; .'meant' another • point for Churchward, and; the sixth' a single 'for Grey-.; Lynn..', Chuirchwaxd, who was playing a fine heady, game, assisted .by . magnificent; leading' on •.the .part : ; bf •Mayer, -.'scored'.; singles on '.the heads, a.-lucky/ three ,f>n. .the jainth, ~ti?b -..on^the".; tentb, , , and: a ; single.;on. the. eleventh .head, at which; point , ; the.; score '■ stood—Wellington;'■ 10; Grey.rliynn,;s. . On..the'twelfth head'a discreet, drive .on'.the part; of ;,Victor ; Casey 'enabled -Grey;' Lynn' equalise matters' by in .five 'shots. ; Mayer .(lead 'for .Welliiigtbn) :' had put .'flown'.: a. couple'' of beautiful; slots immediately behind the seemed .capable' of drawing, within a yard. ~Baildonlhen in-' struobed Victor Casey -to cut out the shot bowls,;whitsh::he did.with forcible-precision, leaving' r Grey Lynn' lying : two.' : "Baildoh made nis bowh counters;, and, touched, jn another,- which . % Churohward bailed to lodge.*....ChurchwardJwent a.good..way ,to get. even by '"scoring : three; on •■'■ the nextheadl Baildon got -fpur --on; .the* fourteenth Churchward ailovely five .';qn -.the;; fifteenth. : -Churchward - was lying, two,. and;, Grey Lyitn; had; the .third and ■ 'fourth.: shots:,'.almost '.touching; each, other!',Then''Churchward removed with-a; splendid driypj leaving five : of his, own bowls round -the''jack.; .This ;Bave;'Wel-. lingtdn a,lead:of:four (lfrtiy...-.On the siiteenth-'.head.i'Ba'ildoii'scored, a. single, and on tho 'seventeenth■• Churchward icame to 'light 'with.another three....Baildon-got in .two , •pn" "too: , ; eighteenths-head,': and Churchward two on the nineteenth, which , .'loft: Baildon the. -itait of '.scoring sis in the| two'last, heads to tie: It was not .be be.' On.:'.the : .twentieth head, - Churchward was - lying'three;when the. No. Geoi. Brown;,drew;"anbther .shof'withihis first; bowl,; and .Victor Casey; drove' one' but with his .'first, and ■ the ■ two. Welling-, ton,-'shots. still, lay- when..the., skips ;went, down. drew" another', shoti and Baildon,,who had put down a couple pf- : ra.kers,-'failed' alter the; lay. ;.This a : ; nine-poii!t ,lead; (with one head,to.go-and'• the: game).,iTherlast. headr-was played, and dead-headed;V : _by Baildon, : ;but;was not played ; .qver again, as,,'it' was,';impossible tor -Grey;-tynn-to win!.- score was 26 ; : * Grey -'Lynn, 17. ;; :v'^>v ; ;:|, , Where ■ all played Vso : .-well. it; 'would perhaps be invidious : to particularise, but the"splendid : p'lay.of Mayer.and Churchward ■ for the .winners,; and Victor- Casey and ..Baildon'.'-was : really admirable.. -
CONGRATULATIONSf AND; THANKS. At the -.conclnsion 'of : the:. game /.the president, of _the Northern Bowling Asso-; ciatipn (Colonel :E. J. .Collins), speaking 'from■■■'■ th'e : 'balcony'L-'.bf,-.the .Wellington ;Clnb's ■■nne.'..pavilion, said • he .felt ;siire that all', present who : had witnessed the ■great: contest vwould 'join ' with., him •'. in congratulating' the winners. 'It , , had .been -a- battle betweeni.the,Empire, City .and ;the ; ;.Queen of 'the' North,; and a-good-. one. ' While ; . 'they heartily'.congratulated ■Mr:-; Churchward on his ;meritorions;win, they also 'had', to ,'congratiilate 'the Grey Lynn/team- from- Auckland., He ,would-. .also like..; to • .take;: the -opportunity , ; of thanking - the ladies: who, '■ throughput the ■tournament had '-given ; their, .services and a '. goodydeali.of their time.-to'make, things; so .pleasant.. . He. also- wJßhed thank 'those, gentlemen :,on. the,.various 'greens who.'acted ,, on:.committees, and the . press ; . for -.the : space 'given-'the'to'urna-iment and ;their;aa:ellent':roports;:-. There was.;no. question that the tournament had., been. the ..most successful ever! held %-. the. . Northern . Bowling ; Association, ■and sure,,act'as a : stimulus to- , the,-great', game' of'.bowls; v . .-'" ' ] ..The .president then', called on.. Mr; ,Chnrchward,:sHp\of the successful Wellington; Club .team :'.to. hoist the champion banner, which:, was done", amidst salvos of applause. Colonel Collins said that they would ; not ,be . selfish. • The banner would be taken to Auckland next year 'when.there would be an opportunity, for that city •. to' win it back—if they could.; '■ ■;•'■;.■■■'■". Yr
O: THEORIZES/ ;,' ■■/'.. ; The. prizes in'the'rink matches (apart from too annual ownership of the championship banner and shield which' has been'wrested .from, the: Carlton , Club by the "Wellington Club)' corisist of the losBoeiatioa's certificates'.for- the "members.
of the champion rink and the runnersup; a pair of silver-mounted .bowls for: the members ofl.tho winning rink and ivory-mounted bowls for the runners-up; gold medals or'trophies''to the value of 50s. each to the winners, and, the same to _the value 0f:305.-for.the runners-up.* Winners: of- sections ;receive an .association certificate.-. .' :;.-: v' -.-.. . '.'-.■.■. > Certificates,. bowls, : , and - medals' (or trophies) also'30:":to the winners and runners-up in the,pairs-championship,'/ , : ■.'■:■',; 'iCARORI GREEN; ■ X\ .--'K ..; '.'•',. ' '.' -'Senior Bowls.. :■.:;.'■ .■.'":. '■'■ : Hemsley vL Rbberte, ,11—10. ' ■:' •,- ' ' ■/.': Junior-Sowls. ~" . ■' Atkin v. Adams, ': 28—14;'-," Adams ' v Smith, 25—10;.Smith ; v. Burn, 21—19. '- --\. '''■ ' .■:->.-TEToNE.'';.;'.v:.v.':. '"."; ; There -were: two very interesting-, handicap .games' .played on ■ Saturday,. and a fair crowd of members took part in "the ordinary club games. ; The results aro as follow:— •.'-';,. ■~... ~'. ,■-'..;'..-'■ ,; ':'" '■•■:-■.':'■ ':''._■ Handicap; Pairs./,.:. ■'~• -■ .; . Glew ■• and - Gilmour. : 24 . v., Hill ■ and .Smith; Iβ. :;--..-:,:i ■■;:.: ■;-,;.-';;.-..-..- 'Gray, and Fowler 25 v.-Huskisson'and M'Arthur 17.;:-'■' V"'-'.'•■'■' --. ■■:-•■': ..'.-:.-:
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Bibliographic details
Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 717, 17 January 1910, Page 6
Word Count
1,116BOWLS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 717, 17 January 1910, Page 6
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