■'.; The .English' and iustralian i'mail i by' the. ; yesterday; in /time to catoh'. the '.'express • train" for' tho; south;, and'should' , arrive.'in/■ Wellington/this evening.;;: -\i .' ■:>-*:'•; ' : !--"'i--l-- 7 - ;. : Vv
.A'spirit, of eweet"reasonableness;'overoame' 'a: , .: possibility;lrof unpleasantness , amongst: certain of: the; waiting, fraternity ;'on. Friday' last. : -It appears that? in . the oatering trade employers'have frequently, seoured the services: of men'who are per-: maneutiy engaged in other situations, 'to wait at.social, gatherings, etc.; instead of men/who rely- entirely ononis, classi , of emplqyineiiffor.a living.; .'This particular point' hhs' always-been a troublesomV'one in 1 -the affairs'of. the' Cooks'. and Union,:, members having'taken' exception ;to...the- services .jof : .club: waiters, ..hotel waiters, and also''civil servants being re-, quisitioried,,and;to.'these.:men: acceptingi th>> work .whilst out-of-work.waiters have, to'sta'nd down. -;The' trouble:became ; very . pronounced: over a smoke ■ concert .'held last. Friday evening, and for-a .'time it appeased .that the .consequences might be serious..'.'Two . waiters were-required; to. attend on thp gathering, and meni engaged. ,in : permanent "positions in. the city, were , offered the work and accepted.it,'although thore "were several members of the Cooks' ■. and: Waiters' , ; Union , out .'of :work: at the timo.. y Hence the" threatened" trouble. , " : It is'stated'that officers of the union had. to' interest. thomselvcs■ in'the.''matter .at the last moment, yand .mainly through their'efforts and. the reasonableness of .the 'other .parties concerned -when.the position , was ■' placed.. before ;'■ them, permanent hands v gave way," to .the, ,; casuals, - and peaCD was restored;:; i ; ■>; ; :' ; :.;'.'''; . : -
: Under' a mistaken impression that Mon-. day: next would .be observed in Wellington as the holiday.for' Anniversary/Day,' :the'New, Zealand Championship; llegatta "was fixed. for that 'date. ..When ;subse--2" uently.it . w.as decided to observe oliday '.'next .Saturday, and, the ■ Union Company stated, they would: not:be able to run. an excursion steamer on Monday, an attempt wasuiade by Wellington , rowing men to have the, date of the regatta altered to Saturday..; This/would have' had the .further of .enabling ■southern orew6.. to oatoh the ferry boat from.Wellington on Saturday' night, and northern crews to leave on Monday morn- > ing. [ :. -The. Ita'rlborongh "• Bowing Associa-, tion,', however,' in ; reply to. representations,stntes'that all arrangements having now been ; made,., the. date cannot ;be: altered from Monday. , ', :'"■-.,. ' . ''■'■'■■'.'^''■'.'■'\:. : \ ' A gontloinan'wio:was: fishing in the Waimakariri relatce;a somewhat.extraor-; dinary iincident -which\came under his notice, (says, the; "Otago !Daily' Times"). A, young 'fox .terrier : he: had -with'; hinidiscovered a:.nest of' Californian;quail.' There: were several: young, ones ahd'the two parettt birds.; On going up , to-them he.expected thnt thojmrents,would take wing and fly away. : He was surprised to see that both of them:were standine -up to ■ the • dog, and .w«re making'-a 'valiant fight in : defence 'of ■■'their; home, and family. Not .content' with-;coming out to meeV 'the ,dogi, they, .offered fight: to the. , other intruder; threatening him with all kinds of penalties in' , .the' way of, pecks.from a pair of sharp- bills. The dog was called off, and : the couraseous little-birds'were left in possession of-tlieirtreasures.'. ; ■':;; ■.-•'
.It is understood that the Defence au-therities-have submittied; for- Field-Mar-shal Lord' Kitchener's approval 'two schemes of operations,: which, it is considered,! are best suited:to the capaci-' ties of the forces os.at present organised;. One of them, says garrison gossip, is :a ; Bcheme of war stations—mobilisation for; defence. ■'.' '-. ; ; ; : '■"■ ;' '; A daylight parade of the Wellington Rifle Battalion (Lieut.-Colonel W. G. Duthie) will take place on Saturday next,, when'field exercises wfll.be carried out.'V. : The new inspectors of the City Council are now on duty, and dog-owners will re-quire-to. see that their .dogs are registered. :':'■'■ • --.;'; ',•.; ■' ;. ■..■■ .>v. ■;• The meeting of the. General Synod of the Church of the Province of New Zea-. land,. which:opens on' Thursday next, isexpected to occupy at least a fortnight. The forerunners of the General sion.'-.who will.be present.at.the meetings lof. the/Anglican General Synod in Wei-, lingtori this ; week,-are^;.the Rev. Canon. Pollock, of Rochester, aiid the Rev. A. H; Kennedy. Theyi.wiU'.spend, about, three: months in .the Dominion,, and their ohief work will be. to hold .conferences' with', the clergy and church-workers... in preparation; for : the general' mission which, to the number of about fifteen ministers, is expected to arrive ' in August. ■'■ ; ■, .-; ; Mr. J. M; .Shields, the of the P. and 0. .Company, arrived -in Auckland, oh Wednesday last. Speaking to a ''Herald" representative about his visit, to' New Zealand,-IMr. Shields said that, primarily, he cameout on a pleasure: trip, v and had. hoped to' get: about. three. months here, but: the; coal staike in New South Wales had detained- him; there for two months. . The running of the P. and 0. boats to and from New Zealand/did not, he said, h-eally; concern him.vbut while here he had seen the. harbour-au-thorities and. the P., and o.'agents in 're-; gard to the arrangements.' The 'P. and 0. had.'. always .had,:d certain interest ( in .the". New/Zealand 'passerigei; traffic,'and : they: thought , that if -their vessels were actually brought to ' New Zealand at.might attract still'more of .tho. trafiic,'"as .the.-passengers?•;would; ;.avoid: ■ the otherwise -necessary '■ transhipment: at Sydney, and if the experiment ■ were satisfactory '■: they would con- , , tinue it. -For the present,v at all'events;; they.' did not intend to; go,-in for cargo traffic, because there was.nd'time. to do. anything, l and the mail,boats, being small: ' carriers,- could get all '■ they wanted; at; the; Australian- ports ; at which'-.-.:they .were. bou»d to calLuhder the mail contract; In answer;: to a: question^'as'.to:':what', he thought,would be;the : probable'result of' the , experiment from a business point of view, Mri Shields said that the Australian; agents of 'ithe' company.iwere-.very" well satisfied with-.the .prospects.'.the:bookings 'up .to date,-promising• well.- ■ Speaking.of fares, Mr. Shields said ■ that; atVpresent the ; company had no intention-of: raising the- fares between herq; and .Sydney;-on , account of. 'the coal i strike in Now.' South Wales, as the v strike; had affected them, so littie 'that -there had' , -been , . , no • ocoaaoh to-do .•so.:-CMr;<Shielda:;leaTee.-..Ancklajifl. . for /Sydney:, to-day^.;,;:. i;.: '■; y j
■ -Writing-in : , the '-"Standard of: Jgmpire,"- ; Dr. Chappie, ex-Jf.P. <■ for Taapeka; eays that, in order, to promote the , , : immigration :to. New Zealand of i British ; lads willing 'to learn"- farming-;: in;: ; its; , :, various, branches in this country, he.has made:the follo'wing' suggestions to ithe', authorities:; (1).; That-'the New.-Zealand- Labour.: De-; partment ; be empowered: to receive. applications = from farmers;: who ' are :■' i. willing to .take. British; lads\a's: cadets-for: a; terin of-'two years, providing':them with .food; clothing; and a'ri'omind. progressive'/wage. , of, say,.from-2s;- 6d. to ,10s:iper week.after, .the:;first. six months': 1 'cadetship;,':,(2)/ the. farmer i to contribute ; ,'of 'the the Government, one-third, ■and a British : immigration' or;other,/sobriety the-other. qnej-tnird;-:,(3)'£hev cadet ■to "be'a ward;o£ the : Laboiir:Department,: and-subject to its juri6diction,i.dir.ectioh/' and ■' controlj ;(4) '■ the .labour'.Department,. ; to have the power toremove.a,cadet from one farmer,to anbtheiy.or;to. return him to ■ his ,; native ;country !;'for son;'(s) 'cadets'toibe.ofthe-ago',from'l4 to■ 19 'years ;' : (6) .'.the.'acceptance of ■ cadets •in> Britain: to'be subject :to .an .'.examina--tion.' as-to. health-and freedom .from criminal \taint or. defec.tSbytan•'officer;bf.the High :Commissionef's:offioe^for;'.New:'Zealand, and those be -under: the ' protection of a "teacher from .one -of -our boys'!' institutions;. or .other.- guajdian, ,'and; tobe instructed' daily on-.the,' voyage out. in I:some /branch vof "agriculture; ; (7):' the engagements "'to i be made' with, each: individual farmer .by •■ the'; ..Labour vDepart inent, , and the Dopartineht /to;be: responsible' for-'the,'humane.'and" proper, treatmerit .of •'"the boys,'and;to-:sea:.that■.the. terms of engagement' on '■'. both ■ sides:, are; 'fulfilled: 1 : p.:/ : ;:
"• .WttiVasked , .';/by: 'the;; Navy , League bo' draw 'attention , : to.'a book en 7: 'titled; "Oiir>Ciennan : : : .'Coiisins,": .recently; written*by., a , rombinatio.iiv.oi some ; bf; the' ,mpst. distingnished'among/the'special-cor-respondents '.of -the: leading London'newspapers. ThV.wbrk ;is K published;by; the; ■ Daily- Mail" inYa.cheap'.cditionj'.and-'ls obtainable; fr(jm.; : theV; : lo^l;-booksellers.; Whilst-^being interesting:and instructive, it Us ;free;from. sensationalism. J:;;: , ' ■::■;'.;,';- :
■''■A' bhequesof • /has^boen'receiTed; by; the"City''Kre'.Brigade.£rom Mr.; T.M: : Young, who-took'this- method of showing his.-'appreciation ■ of the i prompt ;■ service Tendered by the brigade-wneiißumiiibned : to' a grass' , fire on -hisi-premises; in Elizabeth' Street three-days: ago. ;The donation willrbe into}, the.bngade'e; repreahon; f and .-•::; , -':; L S;' : ':■£)'. ~ : f ■P^- :■:-;:'' : i{^
;? of-:the.-hidden., dangers' of. ■sunken ■ rocks in the,Sounds, <~& 'gentleman : now/resident:iu .Westport(says-a southern ; paper) relates. that'an'iobstraction'in' the' fairway-of.George.Soundi-vnow chartedias '.'Sinclair; Eock.-vwasf di6coyer«d.::in;' : an: acoidental^manner.^'::Some■;yeareVafo , tho; Westpbrt gentleman.and Captain Sinclair, were , ; fishing'in the'Sonnd':ftoin ■a'bpat'i'.Af. ■6ne ;i side ; of.the boat ithe-Westport? man, with ■tivo : long..lengths-..0f 'fishing line, could'npt.'got.bottom, iwhileon the oppo-; site-side;-of; the boat >Captain- Sinclair's line;:bottomed at;;lßit. ; -:. ; ;Oareful : .plotting -proved;the presence of;a previonsly un6uspeotedfpjnnacle./rock.';J,' v ;,{!;>■:'>; v ;: :^s-' : ;.' ■••'v-iiluoi»' ; Ba^iciipn'-is^ , expres9e'd"--b'y''tlie' Hon.!, G. : . Ppwlds,. Uinister ' in .charge of. hospitala and; charitable 'aid;, at, the; atti-, tuda bf'.local • authoritiw : :'and' iothers 'towards - the?new < ; systein:';of "administration, os'i gathered- .frbm;' : thb.' : meeting ■-.-' addressed ■by, him- at',lNew.' Plymouth,; and;from other : bodies, .-Mr.' Eowldsi.stated to 0, , -Dominion represen--.tativei'-iare generally ;in';sympathy.with the'new. scheme, , which/-; if.'-is .expected ! will come: into Operation; without'friction. There were 'some, fears -:,at - first;, that, ,t.lio cost; would'' be increased.; tbut?.the; answer to these::.fears was ' that; it was -. not : in-., tended"-to ; extend 'the of; the::hos-;. pitals .all "'.of.:' a;. sadden.r V The •■ district' nurses; ■.whom he hoped .'to ■' see provided for/ ! aU ;:,the districts ...of. vthe; .Dominion, .would' not,'.-ho'; believed, .cost, •the boards very; much; 'eince:. the -fees :de-; rived \, from; those' able. tp ; ,.: : p.ay,;;should pretty "well -recoup the- bo'arns; for-their .-'expense'. , ' Thp. presence .' of;; these■:■: nurses.; would- be-'.of ■ great' advantage' in districts where•'no .doctor. ■■ was ,i Cpn-! siderable; economies' should ; be ; effeoteoV in ! the : : cost..-of;;hospital.;'nian'agement.>nv a number of 'the > publib: health powers. or the: local""authbrities:are'.transferred■;..to; the boards;; who should ; be• abje ;to do .the \work. more,, cheaply; and also'- reduce expenditure by. reducing sickness. Bather-. ' to; there , ' had ;;been j*_ great, deal of ..waste tin' , the: .administration.- .ofi'boards';and iuplicatioh of < In....the'-.ica'se, of one hospital which : the; Department had '■ been ; urging tor ;change its ' syeteni, of administration and secure better supervision of the issuo of stores and medicine, an alteration has lately been made,, which Mr.Fowlds was. told.-.is.rosultinß in:a saving iof a. month. ■'■; ,r VVe know,; . the Minister added", "that there has. been a='good.doal of.waste by a' : good' many //ofthe : hospitals, .and., the - prices : paid .for. both stores and medical necessaries have been ; in' many• cases ioutrageous.".; -..If;.-a uniform ■ eystem :of .' keepiag' accounts. -.. is adopted by the. boards, it Jwillrbo-pos-sible,, by "making comparisons,, to detect, leakages: when they occur'and put.aoheck on:extravagance. .'■'- : : '' : \";.'.?:'.•'■ ' '■'.;• O^
' A ; movement is at present afoot iocstab-. Hsh • a : class (to be' open to- anyone: who wishes;to join) for .the -land ..exercises.of life-savin' , ■ ahcK restoring"■•' the apparently drowned. In- the event- of such .a- class, being, formed, Mr> I.udwig,. the chairman of thev Wellington of r- ; the N.Z.A.S;A., has cknsentW'lto'•become,.tho instructor; • The board', of; directors .of the T.U.C.A. is being approached mth th«' ; viow; of- getting,, the of: the : X.M.C.A. Gymnasinmto practise in. ~ : ; ;
Shampooing, : ■ Clipping, ;:HairdressinE. Manionrihg, Faco Massage, Treatment of Falling' Hai r, and Dandruff, CombinKs made up..: Natural:: Hair-pads. ■■■. Mrs. Eolleston i (over Carroll's), i; 14, Willis Street.; "Phone: 1593r-rAdvt. ;. : ; • ■;■; ■.-.,;,
A grass fire "at Hstaitaj, between Low«r ;J\ Bata Road and ilatai Bead, occupied the :.;,■; attention of:the- City Brigade for a. few': V; minutes at; 11.30 yesterday morning. < ~'■ .- V : . ■ With , ' reference , to ' the'idiicussion ,'at; ! .o. tho meeting:: of .theEastbourne/Borough , ;; v> Council on-an- employee? of "the _conncil:'|-j doing private work, the '.. Mayor : informs :■" * us : that hebetated that the "work v was.- ;V not dono in the man's own time.-, The •: • Mayor's ■ report on : wandering ,:.• stock ; : ; v : ; covered approximately-, a-months, andnot ■■ \,: a day only.;.'.'■■'.;.?:■ -;'.":V.;':.";'..'« ; . : Y, : ?-,;'v> ''■?■? V"While' the.-Union;:Steam.■ Ship_ ; Coin-. ■'■■ '■//■ panyte steamer Maramsuwas being berthed -...■' at Lyttelton , on;Friday*morning a', line'■,-..;■.';■, fouled one of, her propellers. -It, was im- "•■.■;■■;' possiblo to.free it from above water, and,., i.-r three or'-four' men spent; some'strenuous ' ', hours diving down to"'.the.-.boss. of the;.';, ;\ screw.; and /cutting the Tope'ifree. v . :; ';- .■ ■■. : Banks will be. closed on-Saturday;(An-; 1 '■ . niversary Day).:; ':X j'' , .'^ ';:■;;,,;■,.-,. ;;:-v; ■;;:■/; No foriher' developments, have.''.taken;..;'; placo regarding the proposal, to form-a : ..- clerks' union' .in Christchurch■".■: (states .. ."The Press'?), but .it: is ;uhderstood ithatf- rvft several clerks have:joined they, .existing; Vγ• Shops, 'Offices',: and ,: Warehousemen's ;.;.'■ Union, and it is stated that in all prob-,■■'''.' ■"• ability steps will be taken induce- :"/. clerks generally\to. join .this. union'in-' .';;';: stead. of, setting up : a. separate .one.. ■'■ ■":.■..'•'■' ,"Some few' days ago a Gisborne gentle- .;. man, .passing ;by Vone' of the local black- .-> ■ smith's-shops, observed : \ horse bemgj ■'~ ? ehod, having been 'thrown-for...the-.pur-T '/' ,posb.': ■ He. observed to': : .the ; . blacksmith j. .'■ ■ : that such.a course was.unnecessary, with L- ; .horse,■.•and'.'.(Bays ."Gisborne!- ■;' Times") -the ; I b^e>inaii v .was':-'r«£liler:vii>: , '':"": ■■'.: , dignant-'at;.'\Tlit:'-heJ;c^e^:'' ; .the'A v iii<^-7-':-'i i : .' ; ferenceof an :outsi'deT.-;:;One-word 1 led- 0n(:..':.,-.; to another, and'finally, abefdf. jeio-,wa3.:,;'.;:':v agreed upon that the gentlemanoould'.not;"'.: find- a toadesmari' in , town'to? shoe-the horse in 24 hours..without 'firstVthroTfingi: .;;;v, hiini'-'.; The -. affair;; r .became '■'; known,'. ; and|;'V■ ,i•: aroused a certain amount:"dE interest aei;.;. , !; the horse was,' supposed; to,;be,va. rather.l 4:■'■■• \ ■unmanageable■ -one; '■- However,;-.:another ; ;.- local bUiclcsmith'. settled ■'.. the;;wagervcon-';../..:-clusiveiy by I shoeing' the- animal in the;; f-y ordinary way, : ithe operation;lasting fifty' ;'■'■; minutes. x^^ :j i^:^o : ':i : S<>\. : f, -riii) iv'rpi'-'-V-.-' ! .Membership" subseripiioiis ■'■toihtbti'-'wor .';>!■',: posed;Musicali'Mptmtionaryi : and ;Dra- ■■;';:■;• matib. CompetiHona' ■ Society,:; have M beent ; < ~'-i. fiied %.-tne : committee "at one guinea :.,;'..; per annum, v which will ■ inclnae ., three,■ ■■,■; : : ;- tickets for. to aU.entertaaiunents;.';. held by.the : society."•'. Messrs.-Beanchamp:; Platts, ;Blunaell, and> : Talbot -.- appointed a: sub-committee' ; to programme'for first series of comped. ;,,,;. tions. , ; which;' will; probably: be ;held at i ..:{;;,;. the end'of .August.: Circulars:, mil :>.;;;,;■.. issued for ;the,- :promotmg-a c '.;.;j, large membership; and ;■ the; Mayor .- (Ur.-■-.;,; j., Newman) is Jo; feesked j,read^^ovei JK ,V a public meeting at-the;end : of,the montb., :■;:: at which the objects of; thei society-will,-f ; :; be:',explained.;.Mrs/.Montague.;has-been;: ~,;> appointed accompanjst/y^wyi; v v^ijJ?ks-&
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 717, 17 January 1910, Page 4
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