'Wellington Weddings. -At St; Peter's Church,. 011: Tuesday, Miss. : ; 'ol«nsm,ifoldMts't\da^ato,\''i^-v:VMri:;.o.' . . 01arisen,' ; was-married-,to.Mr. .Ernest A. Polglase.'ji- The bride' wore'an embroidered '/ii. vsmpireirobe'-'oi "white.,; with bridal. .veil 1 '.:i aid'' orange .Vblossoms,' '-.and carried a Pishower;;bonqizet of . whito •roses,-' the'; gift ■ of'-'the - bridegroom;'- t She: was attended- by Miss Anniei'Olansen, as chief bridesmaid, . who wore ,an empire. frock .of pa!©, pink crtpe do chine,'• and Missßertha.; Olansen, ' J wearing an'empiro' frock--of. .bine --. crepe -de chine. . Both bridesmaids' wore roses -in-.their, hair, .and l ioarriod'shower bo'iiqnols of eucct peas.- Mr. Horace ?ol- - glaao .was best. man,' and Mr.- O.- Olansen
' .'. was. groomsman.. After the .breakfast 'Mr. / . and jMxs. Polglase left' for- Nelson and • Motueka. : The bride's -.travellingdress . . a navy lxlne'tailor-niade, worn.with a /yV//prete cream"; hat. r /: The;bridegroom'6 pre-' :• i'v sent .-'to the 'bridewas a. diamond and , i V sapphire brooch,'/ and; to tho bridesmaids. ].. gold brooches, set with.-peiirls and rubies.. i Miss Mary ;Dunlop, sister of Miss Dunlop; secretary: of the Trained Nurses'.'As-: Eocdatiori, who arrived from '. Scotland by f/i;!/the;/Eua.hine:;last ; : Saturday; /wrisy'married /-y]: on)-Wednesday, .by.tho/Kev.y' JiyK., Elliott, - ■ toMr. John Robert Hcnderson. a latear- , '. rival from . Glasgow,-. ;\The,f,wedding i took;-in.;Grant-Rcad; : . wherei; • the: bride's sister, Mrs.. Whyte, from. ,Greynwuth; has been staying.-/ The bride chif- . foil'- tauetas, trimmed '.with Idee,and' V::' yearneda/. shower bouquet of ."jy lavender: . . .flowers. '.' Her ■. si6ter,".-Miss..Dunlop, - who was bridesmaid,.wore a grey-costume and black hat.- Mr. H. N. Holmes"was best -man.- Mr.- and Mrs.. Henderson are visit- .• 'ing .the South Island. . . ' . . ' ';/".;
Wedding at Nelson. ' ' r^Ai;yraddirig, fi^-^hichyivyery,i'cohaderable interest 'was Tn.mifested, was solemnised
y'laty AU Von'/ Toes; y|;i.wneii ClaudeM/-Haihilton, ; ; -- of-the-lato Mr. y. :W. .Hamilton, of 'Kelr ! - ?'yling, ; >yyouhge6tv;danghte'r v ydf yMr.yf-E. C; ; liKelling,-clerkVpf/ Vi'-Nelsoh. !. The. bride,; who /was/ given .-'away : by" her father,*;was;yhandsbmely"gowned : in: white .'taffetas; ; trimmMi .-with' cham- : '(pagrie/filet; lace:/and chiffon. She'.wore ;fa/;bridal Jfeil and •Sorahge/'blossbmS,/,'andi white! Miss. J.-yyHamiltdh'y'(sister -'bf^the.; bridegroom),'' . ///and: Missßird,'' of -West port. .They - wore' - ■ white' .chiifon / t\.v2feta dresses,- trimmed : . with gold insertion, and huge. black and : yy ; -gold //. feathers.They ~ beautiful ft bouquets of■ i mauT«;swe«i|jTOis.'Ji Mr.Hujpi. Han.nlto^',."'brother'yof. : jitte. '.bridegroom, f : y aoWya9.-;Wt'man;' the''groomsmen wero'VMr. 1 ' Tom' Bailie;/of.Westport, and :Mf. , VWir.Houlker,ydf ■N(ilsbn/: ? ;The bride-; ■ groom's/present/to the/bride : 'was'''ay-haiid-' iJ-'rtmft.J^TLrie^aM^and':'to/'each/Of' the / tlrreo.bridesmaids'; gold'-bangles. After ■: , .y- the' "ceremoriyj'iy. receptionwas.held. /at the].re^eri<»'yybt-itho';b!n'de's'.parents';ii' r: .NilG'Si-r6et;East,wliere: : iii' theeveniriga large number "of friends'-.were entertained r-y;atya eu'chw'party;; Tho^ride's' travelling dress was .'a long', blue - serge coat .hnd • skirt, with reseda, green facings, and she '; ( wore a ; large vhat/" trimmed . with y flowers to match.. . y yfJ//i-.,/..///••;/■ //]:/ : Engagements . Announced. i. 'Announcement >is -: mide' of •' the; engage- 1 y ment of the Bev. George Davys, Vicar of: St. ; Peter's, .' 'Wellington,' eldest son v': of ; ; the -late. Rev. . Edmund - Davy s, ' and. grand : y:- son of ithe- ;latey Eight- Kev. George -Davys,' , ' Bishop ~of - Peterborough,' to Miss'l Ethel Margaret-'Argles,-' eldest : daughter of-:the Eev. Canon Argles, , Canon. of York, ". y Eector of : •. St." Clement's, 'vYork, /and 1 . of • Hawbarrow/ Milnethorpe,' "Westmoreland. : .'The. e'ngagementyis announced of :Miss Vida Bristow, ; daughterof...yvE. B. Bristow;'of .Karori, to Mr. 'Arnott Ander- : son;, son of. Mr..- Andrew Anderson, of Christchurch. VK:Hilda Cvon :; fDadelszen,y eldest' daughter' of '-:VMr.3EiV.,Ji'ry.von-vDadelszen/jex-Registrar-j,'V,G^Bral,yjfto;-;^r..vy:K.nth.7Mortonv:olljviißri-' Beco'nd'Eonof, the'late Mr.Arthur Ollivier, • of Christchurch. ...; ...,y ■' ■.... -A Diamond Wedding. : - i It is -.very rarely, that one' hears of .a :-diamond .we<]tiijig celebration, but on y' ,J 'at-PbrtyChalmers, .Mr.;and . Mrs. - JohnVPaton. celebrated the, sixtieth anniversary.' of ytheir marriage. ' r They ~\y ywere Jmamediby the ,Eev. Thomas.'M'Kie: ■ in.- the ;parish .of Momfie, Forfar, Scot- ,- land;; on' January, 11/ -1850.Mrs.', Corson,. who was, present on that occasion, was one of the guestß to'congratulate the aged : y oo'uple.;'; :Mr.- Paton was-;well known for many.: ione, of. .the ;most 'reliablo : o- and'frapected pilots- Harbour; but had to ago owing y-to'.old'ageiand'faUingrhealtli. -. Statutory Meetings. ; :Ko. : 2 '. Committee .-Rboin'-iwas yesterday afternoon the scene of. three .very rapid . meetings,,y each ' bf V'which ' occupied per- •. haps two:: minute's, y but certainly; not / ;:,.mpre. : "]They; 'were ystatutbry' annual ymeetings' h eldy:for : the' : election ibfytrusteea: of three societies'in '^la<» ; of Uhose' ; who ,ie- , tired ivith: the year,' and/.they,were' purely formal. / M.rß. N6wman 1 presided at the ' y.. annual : statutory :>meetmg': of '-'.the Convalescent' Home Trustees,-and in'intimaty iigytbatiMrs.; Grady; ono ;of the ,retiring yy/tnistees, Mid'ynot-"stand-/ for -re-election, . -.: snej.ejprfesed f the- committee's ; apprecis^ • ition..of ythe-work doht, for the 1 home /by ; Jfrs. Grady: Mrs. West Khowles was ,/y: and Miss .Co'ates; re-elected;- v '-/;
Bowlers Entertained. '- .!■ They' are -having gay times &V;the van-. ons/Wellington' bowling: dubs: this ; week. Play begins before nino' some: mornings, and goes'on till the last of the daylight, and still, overy. day sees the players wonderfully keen,'- Up. at the -.Wellington Green tnerc have been "numbers of ;, visi-' tore, in addition to the .many players, arid ladies connected with tho club have been' kept . busy' every, afternoon providing afternoon tea' for the visitors, who have' found their way to- the spacious pavilions 'In the/ large' room i upstairs lunchoon is'served every-, day, ana after that, the ladies take charge: The. room ■ imd the tables /are- very prettily.. decoratedj; and from the;'door one ' steps - onto !a wide balcony, : from which there is' a' good view of both greens. -. Nearly every day- this, week . many-' ladies-, have - been, present 'at the greens,;;'and : it- is expected, that' to-day- and-, to-iiiorrow,.. when'' the finals are played .oft, large; numbers will visit jthe pretlr, .well-kept i-grounds. ' Mrs.; Mentiplay,: wife 'of' the . secretary■ of the. North - Islandßowlers'. Association, has :beeh in charge of the tea on several days, Mrs.'; Berry- and Mrs. Hamilton each taking -charge' for. one day.- Amtmg. others -who/have'given a good deal:of; time to assisting ithem," /were .Mrs. Smith;; Mrs. and;: Miss : Price, Mrs. Remington,, and Miss.Evans. ;//•/''■//' Tho Kelburne' Ladies' Bowling /Club provided ; afternoon - tea yesterday : for . the •visitors to/their green./ -Among', the' ladies present. were : : Mrs- Thompson ''and Mrs.' Christiansen,' from Patea, who have come down';with; their, husbands for the tournament; and towards. the/end; of the afternoon there /was a' friendly ; match: between/two' rinks "of ladies -.and gentlemen, the skips .being: .Mrs. Miller, Wellington,' .pn-i .Mrs.' Thompson; Patea". J Afternoon tea /was served in .the . pavilion,'; those dispensing it being Mrs;-" Dinnie, / Mrs.; Church,: Mrs. Miller,'-: Mrs.': Dawson, Miss Ha'rtland, 'and . Mrs. Gannaway.' Convalescent Home,: -■ A, meeting.of tho trustees.of tho Wellington Convalescent Home - was. held in the Mwdr.'s 'room/at : the .'Town- Hall yes':terday,',.„wheri the. following /ladies' were present:—Mesdames- Newman (in •' tho chair), -.Moorhouse, West Knowles, A. Pearce ." (acting-hon; secretary),:. and Barron (treasurer). ; The . matron/.reported that. twelve /■ patients had : been / admitted during ' ; the -' month,;. • arid twelve ' -/discharged .-"Gifts from- the following were acknowledged';with' /.Morrah',:. Mrs. ..West.'Knowles,/ and Mr.-, Snaddoni./';;/ //i'VV-..•/■:'■■;• /,-::■ ;-'.V : vf.,-<■v.'.-v' A Morning Tea, /'Yesterday;;.'morning an enjoyable /tea was:;; given-by -Mrs/. Fofcke, ; .ivife/of-'the German • Consul, for Mrs: 'Solf, iwife' of the./Goyernor;*of ■ German' Samoa, ; who' is. visi ting. Wellington; '/ The table -in .the dihingroom,./>"here; tea '.isas -served,- was' deoorated :very : -prettily/with: sweet peas,'maidenhair, arid trails; of . emilax; and . inthe/draw'ingrpbm gallnrdias wore-iised lor decoration; with pot plants and palms.: Mrs';/ Focke' wore.,a';, frock'; of .blabk silk; .trimmed/.'with' rose point arid :■ oriental embroidery./.Mrs; Solf, who was accom-; ; panie'd ' ,b'y; her .. baby,, m' the. charge- of a ■n&t.little.,Chinese'riur«,-/wore, a--.itussore : silk' /costumo,' very handiomely .embroiderod. 'a'toque of -pink roses, arid a cream a' cream pop-.-' lin'ooat and skirt, .-and : black picture nat;; with' white flqwers./Vv Ainong other/ guests were Mrs<. Fitchett,'. Mrs. Eichelbaiim, Mrs. /Miles,. Mrs/ W-atsori,. Mrs/ Bristow, Mrs. .-Nelson, - Mrs. •D/ Robertson,; Mrs. ■Kember,' ; Mrs.'. Kenedy,;.Mrs. Tringham,-: Mrs..; Fultori,-Mrs./; Stafford, Mrs. 1 : ■L. Bluridell,. Mrs;; J./ Blundell, Mrs. 'A. , Young,-Mra.; ilacarthy, 1 Mrs. - M'Cullongh; Mrs.-Simpsori,"'and .Miss;Knox;:.:' / .."
Misses 0: and. E. Richards, of Master-' ,ton, /after/a .week's; visit>.to yMarlborough district, are.snendirigya . weet--in- the city.;. They return .' to 'day. .' • Mrs. Godwin, Wanganui, is.-the guest of Mrs. Guy I'owles. /'/-
y Missrßichardson, ; Kelbumo, leaves to-, .'day/on. a/short visit, to/her/ brotherly at-1 "JA'aita'whiti," 'I'e Nui; ' ' . /: (_ r. J. G. W. Aitkcn presided' at : -' the Annual, sjtatutory. meeting of, the Welling-: • ton 'Ladies'- Christian Association.'. Mrs.] : Annie, Anderson and' Rev.: Jas: Paterson re-elected , trustees. ' / . Miss Amy Hadfield,- of Marton,.'leaves for England by the Arawa 'on February 24-'.--i' ; :'y :. Miss Coates has returned,' from a visit' to. Auckland. : ,'4-
; -Mrs. Zieslcr, of Tlmaru.-is; visiting Mrs; Charles Tringham. . '
. Mrs./Jacot Joseph'- and; Miss; Joseph' left yesterday, /to. visit 1 Mrs. -Fred Nathan,. at :Palmerston North. Mrs. Nathan will return with them at tho end. of 'nest week.- :/1 ; •V . -',V .
Mrs. , Minnio Archer, wife of. Mr. Charles. L. .' Archer, of Messrs.' Gaiuiaway and Co.'s staffs/died /yesterday 'morning; Deceased was a'- sister /of . Mr.. Henry ■Hurrell. //):/ ■. -- : / / / : ,
. Tho Rev. W. ShireiiTand Mrs. Shirer, of 'Newtown,/'- are y expectedto . return' from Paekakariki on-Saturday. .'/i Miss :.C.- Templeton won .the'prize, for decorated / tables' ./, at Wednesday's. flower eltow in' tho Town Hall uith a charming arrangement of mauv6 , , , -sweet .peas, Mrs. Gay coming - second, and Mies Coopor third. ':// : -:/'//' : : . ; - //■/;.' ;■ ; '/ : \;■' . After eleven years' faithful service as lady \ superintendent -of the Auckland Hospital, .Mrs. Wooien has ".been compelled -to 5 religri.. froin the/position.'.... She 19 now convalescent after a serious nervous breakdown, - and has been ordered to tako at'least six months' rest . Mr. Sturges,': chairman of'' the hospital i/ebm•mittee, said the/board,was very, sorry: to lose i'Mrs.' Aypoten/iwho -had been" a-most valued official;' . • ''..' ■ '.-/■ ''''
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 715, 14 January 1910, Page 3
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1,493SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 715, 14 January 1910, Page 3
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