. INVESTMENT. SHARES. National Bank shares changed. hands yesterday at £5. IBs. 6d. v ex dividend' and cum rights. Wellington Investment, buy- . ers lis., sellers'lis. 6d.; : Wellington Trust and' Loan, buyers £7 3s. /6d:; National Mortgage,' sellers" £3; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile,-buyers 3b., .sellers 45.; New Zealand'and River Plate, buyers , £1.155. • 3d.; Wellington Gas, £10 paid, sellers. £18. : 55., £6 15a. paid, sellers £14 53.;'South'Brii tish, buyers £2 13s. 6d.;-New Zealand Ship-' ping, buyers £7 10s.; Wellington Woollen, sellers £3 4s. 9d.; Westport Coal, - buyers £6 3s. 6d.; Timber; buyers . £3 lfis.j Saarland's ordinary, sellers £l Is.; Wellington Opera House, sellers £7 17s. 6d, V .. . '• - IMPORT MARKETS. V Trade shows signs : of improvement, and, generally a more hopeful tone prevails. ; The trade in city and suburbs is. still somewhat quiet, but. there are promising indications of Bipept- for an. advanco ;of. ssi ..per • ton • in sugar, values •show no" / noteworthy changes; Arrowroot.—St. Vjncent, sd. per lb. ' Candles.—The New Zealand Candle Com-pany's-quotations stand as follow:—Premier stearine and five medal, 5d.; British ' sperm, French' sperm, : universal wax, . Excelsior paraffin,' 62d.; . Apollo, sperm and Venus paraffin, '6d.;"Venus; 1 coloured fluted. • 6i<L; piano,.. bedroom, and carriage sorts in cardboard boxes, ,74d.', less the lisual' trade discounts. 1 Prico's London sperm, 16bz., 63d., 14oz. 6d.'; Burma, 160z.y64d. . „ Cornflour.—Steady business passing. *B. and P., 51d. to s|d. 1 'Johnson's; 2Jd;j Brown's,. 3d.; Chicago, 23d.; Buffalo, 2*d. , - : i- Cocoa.—A steady hand-to-mouth-business is doiijg. Van Houten's, I's, 3s. 2d.; J's, 3s. . :3d.; l's, • 3s. 4d. per lb.; BensdorpU l's, 2s. 10di; i's, 2s. lid.; i's. 35.;. Fry's, Is. 4sd.; Bahia, 2s. lOd. ' • -.Condensed' Milk.—Highlander, 55.; Cowslip, 4s. 6d.; Swiss Milkmaid, 6s. 6d. to 6s. • Id. per 'dozen. • i. 1 • Canned- Meats.—Sheep tongues, 10s. 6d. •to Us. ,for l's;-ox tongues, 2£'s, 31s. to 1 345.; 3's, 345. to 365. per dozen; Gear's sorted, potted; 4s. 6d.; St; George's,, ss. Carbonate-of Soda, 9s. 6d. to 10s. Cream of' Tartar. 9d. tolOd. Canned Fish.—Herring in tomato-sauce, l's, 7s. to 7s. 6d.; J's, 45.-6 d. to 55,; kip- . pered herrings, l'e, 7s. 6d. to 7s. 9d;j Vs,' 4s. .6d.' to 58.; fresh herrings, l's, 6s. to 6s. 6d.; lobster,. 0 and B, ilb.-tins, 14s; 6d. to 155.; salmon; salad, medium reds, lib. tails. Bb.' 6d. to 95.; lib.- flats, 9s. -to 9s. 6d.; silver, 41b. flats, 55.; Golden Link, Sockeye, lib. tails, 10s. 6d.;: lib. .flats, lis.; Southern Cross, 51b., 6s.'Cd.; Herringlets in • oil, Senator. brand, • Bs. to .Bs. 6d.; in to- ' mato sauce, Bs. .to Bs. 6d.; sardirjes,! Skipper 3lb. tins, 6s. to ss. 6d.; i's, 9s. 9d. to ' ; 10s.; "King Edward," J'e,'4s. 9d. to ss.;i's, Bs.'' 6(L'; ling, Smethurst brand, is makine' 555. to 565. per'cwt. , According'to the "Produce' Markets lie- i view" of' November 20, the Home markets l!or all descriptions of tinned salmon were •rery. strong, .and business .'much 1 restricted, • 'Giving to its scarcity. Several small con-' : signments had ' arrived by tho overland : route, but these : had been quickly , ab« : sorbed without giving much relief to the : position,, It was to . be. hoped that the ; various shipments duo in 1910. would ar- : rive earlier than ; usual, as it'was many- , years since.stocks were so 10w..'. There had' been a better inquiry for. forward Alaska, ! and although only a few parcels had been « sold, the position had developed strength, and there were no further sellers except • at an advance of/6d. per case. . Canned Fruits.—Tho demand is steady, ( and tho quotations are unchanged at Bs. i 6d. to 12s. '6d. i Dried Fruits.—Quotations aro nominal. ■ Currants, finest provincials, 3d.; Amalias. • 3d. per lb.; lib. cartons, 3s. 6d..per dozen; ; sultaims, selected,-3Jd., choice 4d., golden " (in bulk), 4d., lib. cartons 4s. 6d. per dozen; dates, in bulk, 2d., in cartons, 6d. per dozen; figs, natural, in bags, 3d.; seeded raiains, fancy lib.- packages, 45.; choice, 3s. 6d. per dozen;-muscatels, Malaga, lOd. per lb.; prunes, 3d. to 3Jd. , . .. Evaporated Fruits.—Apricots, 7£d. to Sd.; ( peaches, 7d.; pears. Bd.; apples, Bd. Ginger, preserved, 7id.' per lb. Infants' Food.—Neave's, 9s' 9d.; Allan and Hanbury's Nos. 1 and 2, 175.; No. 3 10s. -6d.; Benger's, 175.; Robinson's 'patent ' groats and barley, 7s. 6d. Neave's milk \ food, 13s. 6d.; Nestle's milk food, 175.. 6d . Jam.—New Zealand l's, 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. Khifo Polish.—Nixey's, 4s, 6d.; Okcy's, ss. 3d. •'. ' ■ • Maizcna.—Duryea's/s£d. - . . Mustard.—Coleman'3 D.S.F,, J's, Is. sd. to Is. 6d.; fc's, Is. 3*d. to Is. 4d.; Durham. 71b. tins, 7d. to 7Ad. j Matches.—Plaids. 3s. fid. to 3s. 9d. a grqss; penny slides, 'Bs. 9d. to 9s. 6d.j safeties, small, . foreign,. 3s. to 3s, 6d.; Bryartt and Ma/a. small 4s. 6d., large 7s. 6d. • v . Nutmegs, Is. to Is. 2d. per lb. • ' Peel.—New Zealand lemon, 4Jd. to 5d.; orange, sd. to'sld.; imported lemon. 7's,. 5Jd.; orange, sid.; citron, 'la. to Is. 2d. ' Picklcs.r-Morton's hexagon 10s. 6d., round 12s. sd. per dozen; Captain Whito's, 235. 6d.; Garton's. H.P.. J-pints, 12s. 6d.; pints. 225. 6d.; pure pickles, 9s. 6d. to 10s. Rice.—No. 1, 155.-6 d.; No. -2, 145.-6 d.; special Japan, 16s. per cwt-. i Salt.—Fine, 7ib. bags, ss. 6d. to 6s. 6d. per cwt.; bags,, 3s.' 6d. to 45.; coarse,-in cwt. bags, -3s. tO'3s.- 6d. per cwt. ' Sauces—L and P., i-piuts, 14s. to 14s. 8 6d.; pints, 255. • to—2ss. 6d.; Holbrook's; ipints, 7s. 6d.; pints. 10s. 6d. to 10s. 9d.j Gar- ' ton's, 4-pints, 75.-6 d.; pints, 10s. to 6d.; : Eagle brand (New Zealand), .J-pints, 2s.' 9d. a I to 35.; pints, ss. 6d. to'6s. : H 1 Starch.—Coleman'3, "lib.' boxes, 'sid, to i 52d.:, slb. packets, sd..']to sid.; NewZea- ' land, lib. boxes, 38a. to 395. per cwt.;-slb. -packets, 375. to 38s. per. cwt. • Stove. Polish.—Nixey's, 2a. 6d.; Rcekitt's, 3s. per dozen. ... Sugar.—lA and No. 1, .56's, £17 15s';; No. 2, £17 55.; No. 3. £16 ss. per ton. /' Tapioca.—Pearl and flake, 15s. to 15s, 6d.j seed, 14s. to 14s. 6d. ' . Vinegar.—French.'fis. 6d; to 7s. 6d.; Cha»n- * pion, Ba. 9d. to 95.; Colonial, 4s. to .4s. 6d. ; OHEISfCHURCH GRAIN MARKETS. (By Telegraph.—Press- Association.) Christchurch, January 12. : .Tho steady advance in tho prices of wheat recorded on the English market has been followed .with interest by. local hold- I ers of this cercal, and they nro ; by no moans disposed to relax their, ideas - of values.' Merchants arc practically inactive, awaiting'the placing of • the new . sea- .! son's 'grain on the market, but there has - been a fairly steady milling business transacted. The demand for- coastal ship- F ment continues intermittent, aud old -> stocks have now. been reduced "to a very J narrow compass. ' x r r! . Business in oats is still confinod to a f. few parcels of last seaeon's, but it is ex- « pected that fariuers' oiFerings will shortly ' be. in,large supply. • li
Customs revenue collected at Wellingtori yesterday amounted to £2351 17s. 3d. WELLINGTON MAEKET HEPORT. Messrs. Laery and Co., Ltd., Wellington, report wholesale prices ruling on lY\o market:—Wheat, fowl, 4s. - Bd. to. 4s. 10d.; feed oats, 2s. 2d. to 2s. 6d.; dun oats, 2s. 4d. to :2s. \6d. j seed oats, 23. 4d. to 23; Bd.; maize, - 45.; .crushed malt, 75.; fqwl barley, 2s. 4d. to 2s. 6d.; Cape barley seed, 2s. 6d. to 2s. 9d.; flour, New ' . Zealand, £11 55.; , Australian, £12; bran, £3 15s. to £4; pearl barley, 15s.;' peas, Prussian, blue ss. 3d. to ss. 6d., split £17 10s.; bonedust, £5 155.; superphosphates', £5 to £5 55.; pollard, £4 15ft. to £5 10s.; basic slag, £4 10s.; chaff (oatensheaf), £3 ss. to £3 155.; oatmeal, £11 to £11 10s.; potatoes, old . tablo, £2 to £3; potatoes, new, £5 to £7 per ton; - Victorian . onions, Bs. cwt.; molasses fodder. £s;'bacon (factory), sides 73d., hams BJd., rolls BJd.; butter, prime bulk, Bd. Poultry—Hens, 3a. to 3s. 6d.j ducks, ss. to 55..6d.;-geese, ss. to 6s. per pair; turkeys, gobblers, 18s. to 205., hens, ,10s. to Ks.-; fresh eggs, Is. Id. to Is. 2d. doz.; cheese, 53d. to 6d. lb., loaf 7d. to 7Jd.j Akaroa machine-dressed cocksfoot, 73d. to 8d; pfer lb., farmers' dressed cocksfoot, sd. to 6d. per lb.; ryegrass, 3s. 9d. to '4s. 6d. per bushel; Italian ryegrass/ 3s. 6d. to. 4s. 6d. bushel;-white clover, 70s. to 755. per cwt.; red clover, 755. ner cwt.; cow grass, 755. per cwt.; alsike, 82s. fid. cwt.; mustard, 40s. cwt.; rapo seed, 265. cwt.; timothy, 325. 6d. cwt.; Swede and turnip seed, 50s. to 605., cwt. BANK SHAEES. By Telegrsph—Press Association—Copyright. «• London,' January 11. Bank of Australasia shares are quoted at £109; National of New Zealand, £6 2s. 6d. Other shares unchanged. ' UNION ■ BANK OF AUSTRALIA. : - (Eec. January 12," • 9.15' p.m.) •" London, January 12. . The Union-Bank of Australia has. declared a dividend of 10 per cenk. arid, a bonus of 2 per cent. The. sum of £10,000 has been added to the-, colonial premises account, £20,000 has been added ■ to', reserve, and £56,879 has been carried forward. .* ; ' LONDON WOOL MAEKET. > Messrs.'Daigety and Company, Limited, report having received the following cable message from their London' house, under date January. 10:—"Wool: The list of ar- 4 rivals is closed, and all • your; wool has. arrived in .-time. ( The . new arrivals amounted to 4C6,0C0 "bales, of which-quan- j , tity 229,C00 bales wero forwarded direct to : manufacturers at Home and abroad, leav- I ing with 3000 bales old stocks, 180,000 I bales, available for the January .sales." j
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 714, 13 January 1910, Page 8
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1,543COMMERCIAL ITEMS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 714, 13 January 1910, Page 8
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