':'!'-.^/:'.:y ; :'/V;V!;->/!' :i :% ; '!- . j.Wedding at Johnsonville, v.,- > the Presbj-tenan Church, JohnEon(Wle,;on' Wednesday, December 29, 'Miss h£® oe '°P® .McDonald,' eldest daughter of :isr. and'Mrt. 51' Donald, of; Johnsonville,- ■: was .-Mr. Charles .Crawford 'of L Ponsonby, Auckland, the Eev. E Inglis, of Khandallah, ■ ofiiciating. • . Tho service - was . fully choral. The bride, v>-ho . was away by her father, wore a beau- ■'/ embroidered pnncess frock; ■ wl l ondal veil and WTeath, and carried ...a bouquet of,, white roses and: sweet/peas. - w£o™" bnoesmaids. attended- her ~ the ■JBsses Amy, and Isabel McDonald, her .' ::. / tasters,.'and the little Misses' Maggie Dias"/". /'/. P9S": ® D .d -Mavisj.Gorman. : Th«'elder 1 i'/: bndesmiuds wore 'charming-/ frocks' ' of : 7,cream crepe .merle. •, llieir 'chiffon- .hats : .?V.;/,//- of ,tne- same,.shade,- and- the -I'ittlo minds iroro frocks'of .'cream' silk,' and ,;/•/■::/|««?m;laco bonnets,- with touches of tauiotrope streamers Mr. S B. M'Don- : >ald . brother of .the bride, was best man,' .S'\ Thompson■ groomsman.. The : orw&s gtrfc : the , bridegroom - was' a ;eold -vC T^vbride^oom^VpHh ■:i diamond, and omorald ,'brooch. . ilftenrards a, reception was held ',at tho Parish Hall by the par- ;//,: i! . about, sixty. guests, iwere • ' Petom Wedding. ' 'A very qmst wedding was celebrated at s v; .'v| Chuich,»Eetone, : on - Wed- i last, the Eev. J. D. EusseU offi. mtmg, when Mr James Watt, only son jof Mr. and Mrs. John Watt, of Scotland, was manned to Miss Sara Ann ("Cis") - daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. [W- V2e, of»Petone. The bride, who Jwrre a charming empire dress of figured ■'i tnmmed with silk Ike and and ;a -,bndal '.veil' and wreath, "fay by. W father. The fhndesmaad...Miss Olive Vile, her sister, , doth costume, with' A ■ Nuttall was best ' coremony -a' reception . rcsidence-of the. bride's ■ : SF'pK -Etclunond v Street;'' and later on '■- Wt > for tte-SoutterS V , •/' - I ' 6 s ■ present' to: the V;' . -f'tu oIiTOS stones and peaxls,' and to the . Pndffmyd -. a gold' brooch .'set '.with Binefcnyst aaia pearls. r '" ; 7• V/eddmg at Otaki. . A wedding thai caused a deal of in- . .fc-ra* amongst /both Natives''and 'Euro- : SPeaas'.'gas ;solemnised;/at the Eiukawa' Ahenata -dsMglrtar; "of Mr; "snd" -//-/-.:^?® ct^;vNatiye > was;married• to ; Mr.' ignka te Hana, only son of the late Mr.' (Hotopa te Hana. The bnde, ivho wo* ■. ■ Jgivon. away by, her,.father,-; t;ore a- cream-' • t«ol<wrcd-&ock ) and was attended bv tWo / ;-,-i/: fbrwCT3aad6,; Misses -'Eia;and ■ W eho' Tabiwi «sisters of the bride) and Eangi Webber • •• ,• of:;tii£; bride) :'all ;of ' whom'.were ' rip ; 'The; bridegroom -was ;■ yattenM-by Mr.: Hadfield as best V •Vgan, Eevs^-JTemuefa ; and' Te 'fnajft jwexe ,the;.olßciatmg. dergymen.v Th o : breakfast;;was,-partaken of: in .'the-nXown Sail.- ' • ..Ferhfing ; ; • irfil celebrated at St. Ctarch, Pending, on Tuesday, by " 7 4t .lodos Jones, when ,Mjr/ lCharle.l 0. Nattian Jonas, son of tho. lato uttr. Emanuel Jonas, of Sydney, JC.SW was mamed to Miss Ada Mabel Mahon,' /';: i : r~®^atfir c 01 tho '■ late -Mr;; John ..Mahbn,: tof Napier. The bnde was given away py her uncle, Mr. Walter A. L. Bailey, ,-/.■.' gndffas attended by her. sister, Miss Ethel V yiatam. Mr.' Harold Bennett,/ of AuckUand was best man.. Mr. and Mrs"Jonaa yesterday for New Plymouth, en ' pouto _to Auckland, . their future home. ;• JA Carterton Wedding. , / . ■ A quiet xedding solemiised at tho - Residence of Mr. H. Davis, on Wedaesdaj i'-:: vffcpa Captain Amy Ince, laio of tho Eai:..J v;, - H' n . t0 ;; Hawera, Salvation:- Army Cor"s : . ; third . daughter of -the. lato Mr. Henry ;. .. -lE°e,. of:.^Wandilligong,'""Victoria, /.was t ;; anaiTioa to Mr,-Arthur .Petersen, of the </arterton, Salvation Army Corps, becond wl 1 v-j i 0^ cre<:n > ofMangaweka. ifrV - J-lie, bride, who wore a pretty.;white frock ' ilj;'a-;^ 3 r P®?.^w a yi^y! : Aer.;.brotherJn-law;; it/'- : -rl" j A-, Cotaiso.;ofOamarii,'and '.'was' i- attended- by Captain , Johnson, -of the ■ , f al " a '- oa A™? Corps, as bridesmaid. Mr. . v - - Petersen, brother of .the bridegroom, ; ..was best;man, and.tho;Kov. L;- Thomp- '. eon officiated. ' • ■-- / /-;/;':-//;/ >£"/ • / i, -On ,the • Bowling Grtens. ■' -|i/-''/', . -,'riiorndon -Bowling - Club - grounds' !,, jwere.a. haven of-.peace!and -rest after i- /,. tho strenuous-combat with the whirling ' «ii3t and-treacherous gusts of-wind that . waylaid unfortunate pedestrians in the .. . . stroets yesterday , afternoon. .;.Ths ■ beauti-fully-kept green lamis, tHo borders of !*• fgay nowers that .invariably, adorn all /% /' igrounds (the;> bowler , evidently' • ! ' oouig a lover of the beautiful),-.and the *'• ;, Players in their/ cool-looking' attire, - riade *;very. attractivo picture,• although- not ouo perhaps , that is calculated' to send ; -the into a frenzy of excite- ;'!/. / •■went,- Still,it .is all '/very: - interesting V to waieh, and tho players seem; full' of .. -tho utmost good nature' towards all play--1f,.--';Ung,jmanlnnd /congratulating one another *;*( heartily when a ball. : runs. truly, and '.well' :,i, ' /.wo; its oarefuly,; appoints [end. ■- Athough i/;!" -B°.P«a«!ful a ; game/it'is/one/that,seems create a great; thirst, and ,Mrs: C'lark who, assisted by Mts. Collins, Mrs. Jack- . - Mrs.; Puroy, ; Misses; Collins / (2), •- Clark, gave/the, tea, " was kept very /busy.-till..,quite .late in the afternoon at- >/ ;][/'• .; tending;, to/their, 'needs -as well as serving V./ j tea to tho onlookers.,- The tea was served It',: .upstairs ;in/;the.': pavilion,'. ; .the table's be- ;!.- ing prettily- decorated; With sweet peas/in '; |j.'delicate, shades of-colour.'; -/Mrs. Barraud ; /and :,Mrs..:.'l«ightonv,were: present/in' tho morning, assisting these /ladies! in.' their hospitable duties. . ; Bowlers./were keenly .absorbed in tht-ir V i,/ games on the.' Victoria • greeh- yesterdav //m| / afternoon, and full of .thankfulness that /'. :<l.. .the rain'had .been/ go'od 'on6ugh':to keen' .-,/:; 3!/ away.. that/day './'To .the. idle;''bnloqker,.or C:.';;'i|;;the---.vmapsiDtter,'--..^'witH,/'; i his;- v: 'vbw^ , .v/jf ;. camera, . the/ bowling;green;-affords .many. // :'. j!-! opportunities of ./interest . and /often times 1 ;i £orne little amusement. ,':The .intensity , - ;; with /which the'; career/-'of the:''bowl /is /: - i; watched... after . it' has/ left! -its' player's. p. hands, .-the-ppise. in which he/almost . in-, .-/j; variably 'retnains,till'/.tho'. goal- is .reached, 'and : the" frank .expression, of his .feelings /i{i at ' the result/.are /worth noting! /; / Per-. /; "j! haps there' are -few; games iii/which ex- ;:/:./' ([ pressiou of_ feeling' is so,:,freely/ given ;/;/// :t; rent , is "hard/to say. why. it' should :i;::j/.j|'lw'.sb. (Even the; most self-contained an'd j[- controlled .-man -one', can;, find, will . watch ;'/( ./.][ the ;. bowl/- breathlessly,- Vivith; / hand - and ;y/ : /;ii;arm waving/it in^■;tho/direc-. *".-/; : :ji'tion/hewants "ity to go,'-and..body/bent, forward as far as it will go til! almost ' ' :i;!one expects to.;see/him follow .it/up and ' /; Mrs;. Mayer / and Mrs;; nireston ¥;;/:;;;Vdisponsed;the'tea j in!.tlie 1 ;'afterno6n/in the .'; pavilion, and, needless to say, had a .. ./bu<y time. /'/ ■;". /-'/-/
jjvThe;/KelbtirnG': Ladies 1 - Bowling Club' eri- :< v :, .vjjtertaiiiis; the Jrisitxng' bowlora.'.this. after-. f at; the:, green/ ; Kelburne. ' •
Ths Summer Flower Show. The committee of tho Eose and' Carnation_ C{ub- must have/been : very ) much gratified :v at'. the, success of their .summer show,//which/: was : held yesterday in tho Concert, Hooin of the .Town .Hall, for excellent as was the show the. attendance was; quite : worthy of. it,/, which is not always'the/-iise.; During.'the: early part of the; afternoon the ' Concert Chamber, already- half filled< with" masses/of .most, beautiful ilowers, was almost more .than comfbrtably '. filled . /with v -visitors, and everywhere people . greeted each other with an 'oir. of surprise,' as though it were dif.ficult: to .believe': that'so many'.people "were. 6till "in town.- The ladies'.came-in frocks' as pretty and gay,as tho flowers themselves;' ; and tho scene full ; of. .oolour; for ;suoh/a grey day; :.Tho ; deco/rated ■'tables 'were few in .number, but very pretty, and naturally sweet ' peas; .'we're the favourite flower,' though' /there was a-charmingly'. arranged table \rith' yellow. .Iceland poppies. ;The "ohildren's section -was '• perhaps . stronger than. it has been at previous snows,'and it was interesting. to ; .note v that v the- ladies' were./the, strongest .'exhibitors in • the carnation sec-' tion,- a lady'' from. Khandallah'/ carrying off', twelTO, prizes. : : Carnations,' by!' the' way, are' .quite / ancient favourites, and a recent/essayist recalls,;the. fact that our ancestors of . many centuries back used to. call , them "coronations,'' becauso the .prim fragrant .flower-.was often' mak-; ing. flower, coronals for . the. adornment,,;of beautiful .ladies. ; ■ ' - .'" - .' ,; ;■■/!■;/. '. Visitors to tho show ssrst' have been pleased .with ..the: notice, that.' appeared'ere.ori'.the Avails: ."Patrons'aro 'requested not. to /touch the, (lowers either, during or/after.'the diow," a courteouslyworded notice that /should have had-the effect of checking any Avild.rush;tb;emptythe vases/at tho end of /the;evening.' ;/. ; . Mrs/!. who- opened .'the; .show, a gown; of -black silk - with' a black; ■.brocade..coat,- and a black bonnet/withViolets/ Among/ the, many .other; ladies, /present; were ilrs. O'Connor, .who wore a 'grey./coat aid;skirt, hat; Mrs. Duncan, mile:cloth costume, with black hat ;',Mrs.'; Tringham, ,'pale; blue ;shantune ;directo'ire 'coat .and skirt," and large bliick ;hat, .' draped', jvith - pale/;, blue; Mrs. ; J., Duthie,'.fan'n: shantung, - and..;blacks hat with; small . pink/roses; . Mrs...: Fitchett; ; and'-;whito ' : striped/-'costume, /and •sniall j; beehive ' hat - massed /ipth small, roses; Mrs. -MacEwan;';mauve, figured mus-/ i" : lin"and/./blafiknhat,:.with . plumes; ..Mrs., /Wallace, 'black and /.white'striped,; muslin, ;triniiried . with bands of bktck lace,/and l black : hat-;ff Mrs; Moorhouse, black 1 '.and- skirt;': with Hack ' hat; -Mrs. Algar. /Williams, blue lineh';frock'and.straw hat; •Mi-si 'W. E: Pliiiimer,, .gray . and;-black, striped muslm. - wrth- trimiiring of coloured 'embroidery,- small -black toque ; Mrs. : Holder,. natural .colonred'/shantung, with .-black' 'facings;; ivhd /' black: hat, y'with' feathers; Mrs. Kencedy. MacdoiaJd, grey coat .and: skirt, and floral- toque; ..Mis. h.-Wesjt- black /silk • .with/black Mrs. Knox,; dark blue costume..: :: 'The: Sisters of Compassion. > ; m ;/. The Sisters of Compassion acknowledge .the receipt of'.cheques ! for ■" £7 13s. 5d., collected by Mr. Moynihan in tho bar of the ..Club -. Hotel,; Shannon;, and: -21 / Is,' donation from; tile, Wellington branch'-; -' of ' the' Hibernian- Society. The' Sisters. desire to wish a. very Happy New- Tear -to' .tHoir: numerous'benefactors who so .kindly" ; help! them all- the 'year/found, • eepecially :to;;Mr. and '/Mrs.', Clarke... and: .tn'e, ■; 100 generous contributors. to : the ./ butter, supply; /which. has- proved ,*a;; most /valuable, 'assistance to /both . /Buckle: Street ■ aud Island Bay:' ; Also to / their many..' kind friends /'in ; hotels,-..hoardinghouses, shops, ■'auction rooms,'/ and■ -private houses.; - : ; , Obituary. ; Tlie late Mrs; E. E. HutcHespn,' whose.death".'occurred'/at, .Bulls' -on Tuesday moißing.r/was/.well-known.^.on-/.the,/.West' :Coast./. .It-/ wiU ;'/be !^^'r6niemWed^by-;-I th6t -earliest settlers of thb district':'(says'oui. Martoh con^ondenOJ/pailHMarlythose;' living . at the n ile<:'e:ised'''')adj f carried; on .business with her .husband about twenty: years ago, ; both "in / tho Eangitikoi Hotel" and ;in the old Criterion Hotel' i n that, township.;. Afterwards; thej' 'conducted,;several .',well-knowh : / hotels : it /the. Tarariaki district.: . About,,two year. l , ' ago ■ they returned:. to .-Bnlls, ■ and carried' ■on/ business ait tho Clifton Hotel.; Th», late/ Mrs; Hutcheson , was .born in Scotland,' and martied in l Wellington in, 188 ft The.funeral took'pla'ce-at Bulls:yesterday'' -and - was ./largely/attended, . the f:ervicf at, the'graveside,.being "condutted; by the .Ee'v. Mr. Evans,. .''.' : Mrs. Buchanan, '■ of New;/ -Brighton, . Ciiristchurch, one' of the most enthusias:tic,- members: of 'the''Kia: Ora.;Centre' of : tlio/.Girls' Eealm Guild, is :spending ,a; few 'days in Wellington, prior to i a tour of • the North Island.. 1 . i Mr/ and' Mrs. M'Gavin, who have been' 'visiting their/son, Dr.'-M'Gavin, returned to Auckland ,on Tuesday. .■ ;,■ ', '-. V; Miss ; Eva Butts has:; gone, to Napier i Mr. and Mrs. Denniston, with' Mr.' Justice Dennistoh leave by- ; the Manuka' on ■Friday; for Sydney where they catch the Orvieto for England.. . i • -' . ' ;MissSAdaJßarnettii who has been' stay-' ing; mth her brother, Dr. Barnett, in Dunedin, has returned to- Wellington. / ;/ , Mr.. and Mrs. A. Izard, - from Wanganni, are .visiting Mrs. Iziird iii Christchurch. . 'V"/ -'/':/''/'::' "■ Miss Dibbs, daughter of Sir George Dibbs, ' arrived by tho Marama from Syd-' ney// yesterday/ and ' left; by. -, the', Maori en -route •to Dunedin. -. - -" Mrs; Stead," of Christchurch, is visiting Mrs. W. G. Stead at Ifereru, Hawke's Bay.' ' • -V-.'/.i-":, v'; •' ; : v.' / ,-/'■ /(.'•Mr.' and/Mrs'.;'voh Haast, returned, .last;-Friday/from.' .a':;visit; to: the..Franz J<i&f.:*.^d.v- , Fox-/-'Gla(^rs;''' ; cin the West Ckjast.'.leave'on Monday for/Duncdin, for the;;mee.tmg of-the University Senate/ In' Dunedin ithey' .will be. the', guests /of Professor.; atid ■ Mrs. Marshall. ' / -// Miss Meta-f Johnston's : marriage to 'Mr. D. Eiddiford will tako place at Takapau on. February 1. " '■ ■;:■■■ - Miss ; Beatrice Eichmond, who/ occbm.panied Mr. and Mrs. tou Haast on: their trip/to the/ West Coast/glaciers, and 'returned last, week, is;- now.with, her mother and sister at ,the Picton' Sounds./ .: Announcement ' /made/of the engagement of Mr; A. C. O'Connor,'son,of Mr. It. O'Connor, to Miss Slattery. / ',/Mrs; ; Morris Fox was' a/passenger, by ; the: Marama,' from Sydney,/yesterday. She : has been, 'absent ..vfrom ■ Wellington'- for! about; .ten !uionths,i'the' greater .-.part of which .time -was - spent- enjoyably ■ in. tho Old .Country, ■' /:---.."-. . .■ - Miss' Emmeline ;/Whita has /been jointed' Sister':at Mr. ; Holgate's Private •Hospital for, WOTnen. iG' M Donald -Crescent.- ./• Miss White received her general training! at ,-tlie i Napier ' Hospital;; and' her midwifery/'certificate;'in' Melbourne from this Women's Hospital. i'A Press ' Association! message says that :Mi's'.'..Lihdsay, , "of W'anganhi, was ',': appointed matron- of. Wanganiii' Or.phtnage; ■;;/;/':' ' /'. "... ;.. /■.:,;
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 714, 13 January 1910, Page 3
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2,021SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 714, 13 January 1910, Page 3
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