January, 1010, Day Excursion Tickets issued at any station between To Aro and Upper Ilntt, inclusno, to any station between Upper Hutt nnd To Aro, inclusive, will not bo availjolo by tho trains leaving Wellington for Woodvillo nt 7.50 a.m. nnd Woodvillo for Wellington at 1.20 p.m., either on tho outward or leturn journey. On 2tth DECEMBER- . , Additional passenger train will run as follows:— FOR MASTERTON-To Aro dep. 11.30 p.m., Wellington 11.15, Lower Itutt 12.17 a.m. on 2»th, Upper Hutt 12.57. Kaitokp 1.30, Fcathers- '"" 2 50, Groytown 2.50 (air. 3.17), Cartel ton JJEB, Mastertnn nrr. 3.&1. Thh train ivill stop between Wellington and Ixiwer Hutt to tnko up passengers for north of Lower Hutt only. North of Lowor Hutt it will stop at all stations, if required. Tho 0.20 p.m. nnd 10.20 p.m. Lower Huttfp Aro trains will run ns on Saturdays. The 10.2.5 p.m. and 11.20 p.m. To Aro-Lower nutt trams will run as on Saturdays. On 25(h DECEMBER {CHRISTMAS DAY)- ' With tho exfeptiou of Hio 750 i\.m. Wrl-lilxrtoti-Waodvillo nn<l , - 2fl P' m - WnndwlleWellington trains, the 7.10 a.m. train Mnstor- | ton to Wellington, tho 33d p.m. train Wellington to Mastorton, which will run as usual, the ordinary time-table will be suspended. Other trains. etopnijiß. if rpquirod. at nil station's (including Ilerctauaga), will run as under:— UP. . TOR UPPER HUTT—To .\ ro fan 70 p, 35 10.23 a.m., 2.25 p.m., Wellmcton dep"' "i'.U, W5. 10.35 n.m., 2.37, Npahauranga 7.2+. 10.17 a.m., 2.M p.m., Pcfnne 7 33. 10.1, lflfifi a.m., 258 p.m., Lower Ilntt 7.45, 10.6, 11.4 a.m.. 3.5 n.m. FDR LOWER HTTTT-Tp Aro tlep. 7.2, 935 W?3. 11.20 a.m., 2.10. 2.2' i. 5.3t. 7.15. 835 pm Wollinrton dop 7.11. 9.45. 10 35, 11.30 a.m., 2.?" ?37. 146, 7 21, 8.45 pm. , KOTJT—Tho W a.m. train from To 'Aro , will not stop at Kaiwnrra or Ngahauranga. | DOWN.' 'FOR TE ARO-Upper'Hntt flop. 124, 118 a.m., 12 35, 4.57 p.m., Lower Hnft den 91!) 10.9, 11.47 am., 12 30, 1.13, 4.50, 5 4G, 7.35 845 p.m. On 27th DECEMBER (BOXING DAY>With the exception of tho 7.50 a.m. W«l---liriufnii-Wfloaville and 1.20 p.m.' WondvilleWellington, the 7.30 a.m. train Mastertan to Wollinsf-on, the 3.38 p.m. train Wellington to Masterton. which will run as usual, tho nrdmary time-table will bo suspended. Other trains, stopping, if required, at nil stations, will rnn as under:— UP. TOR WOODVILLE-Cross Creek dep. 8.10 a.m., 5.10 p.m., Featherston 836 a.m., 5.40 p.m., Gioytonn 8.37 a.m., 5.15 p.m., Carteiton 0.22 a.m., 6.22 p.m., Mnsterton 7.18, 10 5 a.m., 7.0 p.m., Eketahuna, B.SB, 11.35 a.m., 8.16 p.m., Pahiatim 9 36 a.m., 12.35, 9.10 p m. FOR MASTERTON-To Aro dep. 830 a.m., Wellington 8.4-1, Pctone 9.5, Lower Hntt 910, Upper Hutt 9.18, Kaitoke 10.21, Featherston 11.33, Grej town 11.33 a.m. (arr. 12.0 noon), Cartorfcm 12.16 p.m. FOR UPPER HUTT-Te Aro dep. 6.45, 9.31, 10.15 n.m., 1.15, 9.10 p.m., Wellington 7.0, 9.44, 10.30, 11.5 a.m. 1.30, 3.15, 5.36, 9.25 p.m., Ngahauranga 7.12, 9.5G, 10.42, 11.17 a.m., 1.43, 3 27, 5.48, 9.38 p.m., Petone 7.21, 10.5, 10.52, 11.28 a.111.,. 1.53, 3.36, 5.57, 951 p.m., Lower Hutt 7.20, 10.10, U.I,, 2.1, : 3.44, 6!4, 10.0 p.m. FOR LOWER HOTT—To Aro dep. 6.45, 9.31, 9.53, 10.15, 11.50 a.m., 1.15, 5.0, 6.5, 7.30, 9.10, 10.25, 11.20 p.m., Wellington 7.0, 9.14, 9.41, 10.5, 10 30, 11.5, 12.0 noon, 12.45, 1.30, 2 25, 3.15, 5.10, 5.3G, Gls, 7.12, 8.30, 9.25, 10.35, 11.30 p.m.
v.'.:-.■:,■•■;;:. ■■'■■.-,'•■ DOWN. , ■■'.>' .;:■,■•■ ',' I FOR MASTERTON-Woodville depVBJS a.m., 5.0, 7.20 p.m.; Pahiatua 8.55 a.m., 5.31, 8.5 p.m.,. Eketahuna 10.5 a.m.; 6.23, 9.5'p.m.'.■-■■•*.•.■■■ V, ■ FOR CROSS CREEK.-Woodyille dep. 8.15 a.m., 7.20 p.m'V Pahiatua 8.55: a.m., 8.5 p.m., Eketahuna, 10.5 a.m., 9.5 p.m., Masterton 11.45 a.m., "10.20 :pjn., Caxtertpn 12.30, 10.47: p;m., ifGreytown 12.40 p.m. ..•■,':■■ i FOR WELLINGTON AND '• TE ARC—Masterto,n. dep;- 5.5 p.m., Carterton SJG, Greytown 5.45, Featherston 6.20, Kaitoke 8.20 p.m.,: Upper Hutt 7.28,. 8.13, IIJO-aJn., 1.3,. 3.44,-- 4.43, 5.15, ' 5.45, 7.15, 8.50 p.m., Lower Hutt 7.19, 8.17, 8.35, 9.10, 10.17, 11.48 a.m., 12.35, 1.43, 2.38, 3.52, 4.34,, 5.9,-5.26, 6.0;6.30, 7.5, 8.0, 9.35, 10.29 p.m.' ■ ■'. NOTE.-The 10.17 and 11.48; a.m., 1.48, -2.38, 6.30, and ,7.5' l, from Lower Hutt, 1.3 p>m., 3.4-t p.m., and's.4s p.m. , froin Upper 'Hutt'Tun' to Wellington'only;.-. V; :■ .. ■ , ...-' ;, ;; )[ , : :■ iNOTE.—The strains leaving Tβ Aro at 6.45 a.m..' 1.15,'9.10 p.m.; Welifn'gtijn-7.0,i.'-Ilißva. , *./ 1.30, 9.25 p.m.i:Upper-Hutt,7.2B 1.3 : and'■p.fiCP'wlll. make"ihe , .usual;MotorIraih' etops between Lower'Hutt and Upper Hutt for passengers", , : if/required. '■ The train Aro at':6:45: : .a.m., Wellington .7.0, :and:Uppor ■Hut.t's.'4s p'.nj. will;stop"at Heretaunga'for pas--sen'gers , .- Vj '•'{;::> : ' : X-'■■'..■■;■. ;'■':.:■■ ." - v; .' ■'■■. ~i'<}"■'■ '•'': . v ; PAUIERSTON NORTH.RACES.'. ■"::'', ;6n 23rd : and^i!8th : DECEMBER-r^:.:' ' -. : -;' ! -'Tho usual 1 ti.lo :i p.mY Palmerston-Dannevirke train; idllleave -Palmerston at 5.45 p.m.i-Wobd-ville'7,s, .and .arrive Dannevirke S.2o : p.m. The usual 6.50 p.m'. Woodville-Cross Creeb train will be; delayed until 7.0 p.m.: to '.connect,''•'. .:' qn:27'th DECEMBEIM i' : .! .- V :"(;:■■" '■■?...■ ■.Trains fer; Palmerston will leave liinnevirke' 9.20 a.m., Wdodville 10.20 a.m. The" train leav:. ing Masterton <".{ or.Woodville at 7.18 a.'m. will connect:with this train:at Woodville.; Return train , will .leave .-Palinerston for Dannevirke' 5.45 p.m;,- connectiiig at Woodville-with train" .leaving'there for. 7.20, p.m. ;. Tickets from iPalmerston , North to Racecourse may be obtained at'Dannevirke, Mastertou/and AVoodville, and- from guards of' trains. ' Fare' 25.:.&!.:■!.•■:: ; \;.; : :-■/:-".-•',. .'\'.:. '■ ■-■' v!■ '■■ : - ■: ASHHURST' RACES, v .-.' ■'■■:' '' -'' ' On 29th DECEMBER- "; . .'• '~'■ .:'■'.-:, -.r -'X\ .The'usual- 5.10 p.m. .Palmerston-Dannevirke trnihwill leavo'Palmerston 5J5.p.m;, Ashhurst 6.17,.W00dvi11e:arr...6.48,: dep. 7.10 p.m. The: usual 6.50 pj.m.' Wcodville-Cross Creek train will leave.Wopdyille 7.0-p.m. ■'. ■'....■•.. ~. . ■ ; Special '.passenger.' trains ywill nra as 'un- ..'■•."■:: ' '•■■.■ ■""■ ■•'■■■.':■.■■• ■■.'■ ' '■'■'■ :-.:.. '..'.- ■■ FOR ASHHU,RST-Palmerston ; North dep. 9.40, 11.0 a.m.,: return trains leaving .Ashhurst at 6.7 and G.25.p.m. ; ■-•■ ' : VJ :■;•■ ■■■■; , • > FOR ASHHUItST-Masterton dep. 7.18 a.m., Mauriceville 7.58, Eketahuna 8.38, Pahiatua 9.45,. Mangatainoka 10.0, Woodvillo 10150, Ashhurst arrive 11.25 a.m; ■ :. '. ■'■" '■■': ■'.., ..' Tho G.SO a.m.; train:'from; Waipuki'rou will connectwitb this train, for Palnicrston North dt Woodville.' ■'~;;- '■:.■;'•'.■■ : •,.;; ';,::■ ■."".. ■■: ■;■ \On \ 27th '■ December,':l9o9, and 'Ist. January, 1910, the Maidstone Pork Picnic Grounds at Upper Hutt will-ibe open to the public holding railway.- tickets to Upper" Hutt.. AdmissionAdults .3d., Children Half-Brice. Tickets obtainable'.at entrance , to Grounds.. ' ■ '-'~.' i ,. Goods traffic will" be : suspended on 25th and 27th December andrlst:January. . . . '..-. For.'fares; :etc.,; see handbills. , . .-. .... -.' '•'•;-; -.■■■• - : ■':,.> ■;);::-,:■ ■>■■> ■:■ -byorder.'
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 696, 22 December 1909, Page 3
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985GOVERNMENT NOTICES. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 696, 22 December 1909, Page 3
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