. [Notice; of ■Engagements and. Weddings.— When reports of Weddings and announcements of engagements are, sent to "Dominica" for publication, the name and address of the' sender should bo enclosed, not for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. Othorwieo tho announcemntoannot be. published.] . : : r Social at the Y.W.C.A.; '.'•.,.''..' ; '..!;;,'' | . A' i very .pleasant I, social, attended'.by> ; a largo flunjber. of. members of' the Young Women's Christian Association was held la§t night in their rooms on Lambton- Quay, ; iWhen'. Miss Shaw, the newly-appointed general eecrctary ■was.welcomsd. During the evonirigr recitations were given by the Misste E. Gibbs, Dix, nnd Miller,; and Miss Hnllford and'MiM Alderson' sang.: There was a competition in which many joined, 'and the : prizes/ ivon by Miss M. Tout' sonand Miss , Aldersori, were presented by Mrs; I Mitchell.-Miss Marjprie Toulson, the yoiing- : est member', of the association, < presented Miss Shaw wilt a.bouquet of pink sweet peas, tied with rOse-oolourea streamers. , An address of welcome, wasgiven by'Miss'Lawson,..whb said how. very, pleased- the .members: were' that the committee had been able to secure the appointment'of a seoretary.'so, promptly; :. r Xheasso, elation had for long been without a secretary, and when one had .been appointed she had within, a very , short 1 , tinie to • resign her position, and!the .members'had been afraid that, once more- there would bealong period without a sfrcretdry, and the appointment of Miss'Sha-r was a great pleasure to. them.-They would work'with'her loyally. Miss Shaw, responded in ft very pleasant little speech. Mira Shaw, who. arrived •; early in the morning' ftorn ; Dunedin; was entertained at ■ morning lea by the"".members: of\.tho. committee 'of- the Y.W.p.A.;. : .";The hew; secretary received: her itraining during , two years spent in-the'train-ing home, In- Dunedin, and last Sunday she was .orQained i as..a'aea.cqnness. ~,:'' L , . .V. :■•■
Mrs. Hiirsthouse's Classes. ,■ :; Jv ;.": . On Thursday evening tho "break-up" of Mrs. Hursthouse's casses for English and.; French literature' ttok place." "The position of honour in English was won by Miss Moiva Litchneld, and in French by Miss. Linda'Buxton. ': Miss Moira Lichflcld and "Miss "Lynette \ Mackenzie spoke on Tennyson. a'ndiEdgar Allan Poe, whose centenaries-!have this teen celebrated. Those; speeches were .followed by. a debate; when Miss Lihda Buxtori brought forward the motion: "That it is undesirable that' women in ■New "Zealand should, sit as members of Parliament." : Miss Alison Burnett was tho leador of the opposition. After ,a lively and interesting debate, .and, in spite at eome good speaking on the contrary, 'the-motion was carried, by.a large' majority. -.. . ; t^lotes:from Eketahuna. ' ~\i'., , '.' ;.:.!';; An afte'rrio'on, tea was given Oils week by Mrs. Anderson, of "Gleuaiii," Ekctivhuna, for Mrs. Kitcat, prior, to-her departure for Marton, where She and tho Roy. Mr. Kitcat and family take up their future residence. Among the ladies present were:—Mesdamos .Chadwiok", Nelson! Page, Herbert, Turnor, byines, Wai. din,'- Pelring, : Summers, Sheldon, Prendeville; (Dr.) Jamieson, Holsf, Oldridge, Bray, and' the,. •" • Misses Nilsson, . .Tumor, Homershbw, and others. Songs wcro given by Messrs. Turnor, i ■ Nilsson ( Anderson, and. Mesdanics Janiiesori, Kitcat, and Hoist. Miss Alice Anderson : gave a humorous recitation,' entitled ''Fritz's Courtship," and a musical monologuewas given by Miss Jenny Audorson.
Where the scalp has become atrophied after eiokness, such': as fevers, influonza, measles, anaemia; etc.V and less of hair, is resnlting, HENDY'S JULEPTIA will bo found an excellent stimulant for restoring the hair to its natural condition; brings back.the vitality, to all the' glands, thus producing a vigorous end abundant/growth of hair. Obtainable in Wellington ; from Kirkcaldie 4nd . Stains, and all leading Stares and Choniists. Bottles Iβ.-. Wholesale Agents, Kempthorne, Proseer and Co.. Wholesale Drnecista.—Adyt.' ' \
A Euchre P.arty,and Dance.. . , :,.'■'■ ' . ...- 'A euchre party arid, dance was given; lasl niglit. in.: the Guilford;Terrace Jiall byvMrs;' ■: Steward,'■ in aid of the pioneer stall; "at-the . forthcoming Wadostown Clnuui.uuzaat./The- '::'• stage was carpeted| and furnished; and decor- ■''■ nted' with, quantities' of: fomiije u'u'd; white.' flowers, and tho long supper tublosetut'the'.', side of. the linll was' prettily decorated -with; sweet peas and lilies.. TUo card tableswore ':■:,'•' ■set down both sides of tho hall, and later ou' cleared a\yay 16 make room' for. dancing.-The (:- ladies' prize ,was won Ijy Miss H, ll.'.Jl'Kcn-'■';' zio,.'who roceived'a, silvcv':- soent '>ottlc,'a*Jv; Mr. Sheohey won tho gentlemen's. ptizc,'-a v ' shaving set. The prizes \v«rc presented .by ;' Sir William Steward. When tho ettchre waa ;r : over Miss Kilecn Ward and Miss Agues Sfiffriof.'. sang, and Mr. l'atcrson gay«> r rtcitatioß, Him - Mona M'Kay played several selections during • the evening. Mrs. Steward received in a ftocfc '' of black chiffon, triinmed with Oriental em- ' broidery, and over pale greim satin Lady .Stew--' ard wore black sitin vith cream .lace^>,Miss '- : ■ Eileen M'afd, palo bluefcharrowieo, tviGi 'otfr '*':>■ til: trimming; Mrs. Clatk, l)h« frock with"' white.v&st; Jliss Casey, white fiharmeusoi Miss ;, Putnam, apple-grocn taffetas with cream lace; Miss 'Ay Segrief, vhite taffetas,, with pantl of white net embroidered in silver; Miss J?. Pmcrecim 1 frock-with crimson; roses! Mies • Nash, cheam ninou; and Miss aHrrison, yellow silk.- : r - ■.'■ \ -~. ■' '■:•■/:/..",' ;
Girls' nbalm Guild. :■, '•A* most enjoynblo' concert' was ghen 'on Thursday evening by.the Lady Plunkot Cenfej of tho; Girls R«altu Guild ' at'thb Tory Street Mission llall. Tho'progrnmmo was arrhnged;by,Miss Ella Hurley and the' following members contributed itoais:—Tho Misws V. Mueller,' ; E. Mook,. D.' Meek, ■ and M. Hurley. TheyVere assisted, by Mr, A. Cummins. ■ The entertainment was much appreciated, every Item being oncorcd. A Presentation, Members of the Legislative Council'will n». semblo this morning ior tho purposo of making h. presentation to Misb bov,tn, daughter of tlie Speaker, the Hon. C. C. Bo»en, of CliKstchurch. Miss How on is to bo married at Cbristchnrch on Tuesday nexi The- prebontatibn, which will take tho form of a set of costly silver flower vases, ■will be mado by the Hon. Sir H..Miller. - "'
Mr. and Mrs;, John Prior, of Feildiiig, hire just returned, from a "most enjoyable visit to '■, England.* •;While in London they saw;, the King ' aud;;.Queori, and Mr 6 .; Prior. Vas mucn? im-' nressod with tho. beauty of tlie Quepii, , ; \yho, )" when , they saw her in. Hyde Park, was dressed \ ■in pure White, with a white frock, white hat, covered with ostrich plumes, and white ostrich. ■ feather boa. Mi's. Prior,,talking to a journal' ■ ist immediately tifter her l-eturn, eaid; that eho' ! had not found things'by any fully: cheap in. London, ..The prices :fbr: war'! V Ing.apparel and anything good were very littW below those of New Zealand. They; had ■ ei '}'■■'■ joyed ttieir visit to London very much, aii'd'.', had been charmed ittth the stately homes and". beautiful cathedrals they had:. eecn. whili ■-, travelling through England. Baring their visit » to Devonshire: Mrs. Prior had seen, the/lacov/ makers at bad herself learned \to '~ make Honiton lace.i "■■■',)■■'. .;■',;.; ";■''■■■ ■> Miss .Sweet, who has staying with lire..' Hoggard, returned to her, lioriie in Mangawoka! On' Wednesday.;' , ' .'." . v'."';' ■' ■' '• •■" ', : \-,~-. .'■..'■'." ■ Mr.' and. Mrs. Guy Pulton left, yesterday for.' Sydney, 1 ntending to ipeud; somo. .weeks; , ' - .''■ Mies of Christcliurcli, , is stay- '' irigwith Mrs; D. Ji'.tnnis, Of; Oriental Bay..: ; 1 Mr. and Mrs.:Sv:Mawlcy > :ori"l)itton ) i ''ka9.'' . terton,' who ' have •. bcen;, on. a. visit to England, -.: returned'. to'.JlastertOn.' ,on: Thurfday. ■■j,:[ p, : In■ ICuosc■ Hali, 'dtiMasterton; on ' theyltev.v A.',' 1\ behalf: of the' JCriox Young Women's Bible Class' and: the Church Choir, presented Miss Worn M'Grogor, who is shortly to ho maVried, with a handsome upholstered chair. Mrs. and Miss Sullivan, of .Roxburgh Street, have ma'do "arrangements to Icavo Wellington on' Monday noxt on a weeks' visit to Auckland ,r ~ ril '' -■ ••'■-' Miss Davis, of Nairn Street, and Mrs. N. Bnrton, leave by the Main Trunk , express on Monday for Auckland to piny in the coming tennis tournament. Miss Davis will bo a guest' of Mrs. Buder, of Uovonport, The Kev. T. H. Sprott ami Mrs. Sprott intend to leave Wellington soou after Glirißtmas on a threo'-neoks' holiday, 10-' bo 6pont in • l'ictou, Miss Olive Stace, principal of tho Free Kindergarten, in Taranaki Street, and her sister, Miss Myrtlo Stnco, left yesterday by tho TJli« maroa to join their parents in Sydney. Miss Ecclcsiicld, who has been on tho teaching'staK of tho Wellington Girls' College for tho past eighteen years, has been granted twelvo months' leave on full pay.
;/Mr. H. A. Anderson, , accompanied. ;by his sister, lliss-A. Anderson, of Grevniputh; left for Auckland. and Rotprua- by. l thesMft'ili Trunk express last night. ,i'--' : v ■'; ' : s , ''. ■' /■ Mrs.; Mules, .wifo 'of--; Bishop '■■ Mule's;" of If elson,: passed .through. Wellington on, Thursday on.her,.Where thb'ordinaV •turn of her.-son, lho : Bov. E. Mules, p.f Ctira, 16 to take V, : . ; .•S'lVrOi, •rAnnounccmentis nmdo^of.the engagement*! Miss Mules, of Bishop -Mules, to the .Bey. Mr. Taylor, of-.thn -West Coast?-' p}^2^ sor P nd , hcr ' aW';tnkinir Professor .Samond's, house at Kelburno'- -whift -■■■M'-'« nd . Mr ?- C.E/Adams and faiflilr went' south to Akaroa on Wednesday per. Maori to spend the Christmas; holidays'. :, .' ' ,:i " v}rr : J D i^ S; ' C: K} { ? °f ! «\fS,fi >> s ?f nd tllolr simimer holidays at Maoribauk, Upper,.., llutt. . They will perigrinato to-day., -,'.. -•., • ,>',;'•.; ;"■.": \\£ n^?°T^f^^ oman ' : Miss: Elsie Victorir: AVilson, of ;I.yttclton,-. appears-amoni; , -.the lisl
: ;-■; : :breaking-up 6eremony. : ;u' >■'' 4 : Tho ;of Mrs. Evans's girls'; took' place yestcrdny. nftonioon' at her. homo ;'. ~ 'se H f i OOU, i Hir °P i Street, .when aboutU filtylnends; and- parents, of- tho pupils were T°f V- H( M.A,,-presided, and: ■ Mr. do la Mare, who had conducted : the ox-. C ammntions in taost.subjc.cfs road.: the ■ reports," Mrs. Evans WndmK.lho report of- the examiner v m.physiology, lhe class is uneven and almost:.' all the, members .entered ..the class only at'the .beginning of yeaivor -'during tho course, ■ of: the year, .hence the, standard reached was • not so-high, ns..nsttal, -except in tho case of'--one member -who is working 'I for = tho junior - TJmversity scholarship. .Tho programme con. - sisted of rbadniKS from "A You Like It" by the: girls. Two French recitations were sivenJ bjv-
:v(t;;;:-jflatnie^^;:SVJ::i.;;^i^i":-»;v,;i;,,.*;;^:-5,:^;;:;''i;L.iw-: ■■ Isj^r?&MW : 'Hogbett>say^ iiddress' Sq: "S,i ,th ° dreading,, urging: that ;:;i VBVrk{sl>ouldgc6advtlns good ;standard*'booksi that St.. 1 ?! 6 jbeeniifavonhtes :with' Iniany 'generations ? ; ;W ',; advisedvthem vnot :-to:...try; -to " : ? ■>'■ only, fit^or^grqrcu-up: folk; but }:y'S : : Odyssdy,; v;;:;;: -tne^wry.ofjKingivATthur,; books ;':■.;;■ ft3vitqbmso»^C.rusO(!i-;rtnd ; Dickims's"works, and v : :.' poetjrya, ; 5e .advised 5 W: uot' : ,toUbe*i n ; ioofgreat -voVhurry 4o :"S ■;■ .;;|ako:, their.; girls/:to:evening; entertainments;, .but •■ •": w Vp,';Onltiyatoiome>TOadinf/-,tavhavo'homo read-:S->:.'i:J n ß:i' ) -'of jbthor but ipr.theiriown,j and <tb road aloud ■'Vv.-OPPK? i.thafc^wpuld'..-interest .'them. 'Girls' were' ;,■;...brpnghty6fi;:tp6. jiuicklyi..he-thought ■■ ...-gytin i ;4aken/^to;^s9oiety^tpb' soonj?wheti in- ■■■ , :l{-:. •^ratareHhat;-would ; be ':a:vj6y:.,to .:them all ; r'-^.thftir. : »: : 1.-,;...,. ; ;-. ;:..:..■,...■ -iji onvbehalflp£:thß pupils, ; Aiypresentt'dvMrs.KvansAyitlV.a.silTer sugar .basin >_ . ....Bna.spoon; , ., : After-the. programme iwtis. finished ,■...:. tea was'servcd.Vand'during'tho-afternoon-Mrs. ; >'■■ ,v.-.Avails:• sang.-to > her;,guests.: ■ '..■■: .::< ■''«■ .i '..- \
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 693, 18 December 1909, Page 10
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1,721SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 693, 18 December 1909, Page 10
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