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PROTEST BECfAEDING CROWN SUITS ACT/' ::-..- ,y A meeting of over 50 farmers was held al he Epuui School, Lower Hutt, last evening Ir. A. J. Hobbs presiding, v The chairman xplained that the object of the gatherinf ras for the purpose of discussing matters re iiting to tho sales of produco in Wellington. Mr. A. Leigh .Hunt, manager of the. Neii iealand Farmers' Co-operative Distributing !0., Ltd., addressed the meeting at length lointing out that. 1 the-'commission rate of 1\ ler cent. was. a fair and payable charge. Th< tew import of one penny per package for re eiving and delivery was not justified for tin eason that no-charge'was fair that was no: lased as a percentage on the actual pric< ealised for produce. So far as Wellingtoi ras concerned, this charge meant an addi ional four to six thousand pounds that wouli .ave to be paid by the producers. Mr. Hunt gav< xtensivo information regarding the grea' irogress of the co-operative movement in othei ountries, and concluded by detailing' the un ust. position of the law which prevented ai ction for damages being laid against any o! he Government trading enterprises. It was proposed by Mr. A. Waiters, and car ied unanimously :—"That this meeting of far iers enters its emphatic protest against th< ction of the Government in not affording thi few Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Distribut ag Co., Ltd., the legal means of obtaining re ress for the continued and-serious loss oc asioned it through the operations of the Stat< !oal Depot, and now calls upon Parliament ,tt dopt tho report of the Public Petition; lommittee, and. submit, the case' to . arbitra ion, and that a copy, of this resolution b< qrwarded to the member for the'district." A' hearty of thanks to. the company's lariagcr for his address, and to the chairman losed. an enthusiastic meeting. ■ THE SHOWS, i'eilding.-r-February 1 to) 2. , . • . fasterton.—Febnmy. " ahiatua-Akitio—February 9. lannevirke.—February 11. '"-..••■:''.'.•' ydney Royal Show.—March 22 to 30. THE WOOL;! SALES. December 16.—Dunedin, 2 p.m.;, ' ~.. December 22.—Timaru. 9.a.m. i ' , January 3.—^Wellington,-9 a.m. ; January 6.—Napier,'9 a.m.• ' January 12.—Auckland, 9 am. •. January 13.—Christchurch, 9 a.m. January 19.—Invercargill, 9 a.m. , r January 24.—Dunedin, 9 a,m. January 27.—Timaru. '; ""••'■"•.. •;.. Febnmrv I.—Christchurch, 9 a.mV , February: B.—lnvercargill; 3,' p.m. . \ .'-„■' February 111—Dunedin, 9 a.m. February 15.—Wellington, 2 p.m. February 17—Napier, 2 p.m. February 22.—Christchurch, 3 February 24.—Timaru, 2 p.m. March 3.—Dunedin. . LIVE STOCK SALES.;: (By Telegrdiih-Prcsa./ Association.!'.-;-..."..'Christchurch, December 15. Addington live stock market:—Thero weri ood entries of stock in all departments. ■ -ant . fairly largo attendance. Beef was rattici asier than last week. Store sheep showed n< bange in values, and fat lambs were, firmer at. wethers wero easier, and fat ,ewes r wer< own ?,s. to 2s. 6d. per. head.. Store and dairj ittle sold well, but pigs wore in poor : do land at low prices. The yarding of store Bheei r as the same as last week in point of num ers, and was made up chiefly of shorn wethers ae balance being shorn and .unshorn ewes am imbs and. two-tooth"ewes. Forward, wether: tiowed no change in values, and there was alsi good inquiry for medium sorts, but inferloi ere duller of sale.'Very forward wethers mad( !s. 9d. to 153.. 6d.;.'forward, do.; lis. 6d. .to 12s 1.; medium two-tooths, 10b. 6d. to lis.; dm mall- and inferior, Ba. 6d. Mixed line: E.forward two-tooths sold up ..tolls'. 9d. Then as a., fair inquiry for' two-tooth ewes, am iiose. on - off or sold at'l33. to 18s. 9d„ wails ne ■; or two lots were withdrawn at slightlj igher .figures. Aged, shorn ewes- with: lamb: lade Bs. Bd.; owes in the wool, with lambs, 9s 1.; four-tooth ewes in Mow condition, to 115..9 d Two thousand . two hundred fat lambs wen enned—the'largest entry this season—but- thi uality .was irregular. : Practically no-, r as dona for. export, the" local trade absorb IB the entry, all but a few pens. A few' extn ood lots made 13s. 9c'. to 155.; good averagi uality,-lis. 9d. to 13s. 4d.; light and unfinished i., to lis. Prices on the wholo for finishei imbs wore 6d.: to 9d. ■ per head. better thai tiose last week. The'.- butchers bought hc'avilj i anticipation of higher prices noxt week, and jr. the Ohrißtmas ' trade,'there was a.fairlj irge yarding of fat sheep, ewes and wether: eing' in . almost ■ equal numbers. ' Wethers hough easier,, maintained their values fairlj 'ell, but there was a decided fall in owes (ir Dmo ; cases fully,2s, 6d. per. head), and,.".toward: lie end of theisale, theyUverd. very, difficult t( ispoee of even at. low.prices. The ('range o rices', was:—Prime .wethers,. 13s. 6d.':to 16s. ightor, lis. to 135.; primd 'ewes,.:ils'.';6d.:to'l4s 1; imedium, 95.. to- lis.;',other's, 65...t0 :Bs.- lOd. mrino wethers,:Bs. .lid., to lis. 3d."'-,.> -. Tho "supply of; beef "comprised 60 head; 'includ ag a lot of -very prime-quality. ', For primi andy-weight-.'■ steers \and.' heifers there was ■ [ ood demand.-;but:'heavier" weights, were.dull d ale,., and - prices wero ■ easier ,'by' 6d.'' per 1001b teers' made £7. • Zs.; 6d.: to'/ £10', 25.6 d.; i heifers :5 to £7 17s. 6d.; extra,'to" £9:55;; cows,-£4 17s 1.. to £7 lOs.-jTheso.rates Kworo equal to 20s 1. to 225. 6d. per 1001b. for prime, 17s. 6d. to 20s ar medium, and 17s. for cow and inferior beef 'here was only.a.small yarding of etoro cattle lit what was offered was; in good, demand' a mproved prices. ',-■ Calves made : 15s; to' 18s.; "flf eon to eighteen-months,'39s.' to,£2 155.; two-yea; teers, £313s.'}to'.£3 19s'.;-. dry .cows,'3ss., to.-'£ is/A line of■ a;ed cows made £5. Dairy cow old at £3 lOs.'-to £8-7s.:6d„'and extra,;to £9,17b There was: a.-fair;; entry'of pigs, "dnda von nil sale at : last week's price's.'. Choppers sol! t's3s.; heavy:;weaners, 4!s. ,t0;.485.; and.lighter is. 6d. to 40s. ..The 'pricbs ;, wcro equal-to 3Jd D'.3}d..-per lb/■ liarge .porters. 30s. to 38s. ighter,. 245. to- 285,; equal' to '.Aid. to 41d/ pe b.; large stores.'-245. to 285.; 'smaller,l6s.° to'2os mall weaners,:9s. to 12s. 6d.; Jarger'do.;'lss. u 3s. Sa. . " ■' ■::■;: '- -. ■.. i. •-..■ ■ ;,.-;. : ■"',-• ;'. V: -' Dunodln,. December' 15: At Burnsidoi.stock market-,246 head! of fa attlo. yarded,': consisting', principally. o verage-quality. Iho sale was.dull, and price 'ero a shade easier than' those' rulinir las reek.-..-: Best bullocks, £10 to £11,5s;; nvftium ;7 10s. to £8 10s.; best heifers and I'ows, to'£7 ledinm, £5." '•'•;'.-•. /';.: .;';-■; ;''''.:' ,■:"■■ Fat sheep: 2762 penned;"principally shorn, witl good proportion- of .ewes. Prices for prim; uality were.'about equal -to last week's rates ut ; unfinished-sorts and'. ewes. showed a de lino of about Is/per head.' Best : shorn wethen (s. 6d.' to 16s.;:medium, 12s.' to 13s.;' best shb'n wes;-,,U*'i 6d..- to. 125.. 6d.; average quality, -10s est'iVrool wethers, 20s. to 215.; ewes, 155.,t0.17s !•' ■'.: '. .-.- ■'-.: '-'- ■ '•'■ .' ' ' ",■ . •■ : . :■■ iambs: 800 penned. The salo opened dull! bu wing "to tho small yarding there was a-sharj iso . bofore the olose. Best, ~l4s. to 155.; mc ium. lis.; 7s.'/,'. : ;-v.. '~ Pigs: 165 yarded.-. There .was:a largo numbe f young, pigs, but the class was nottoo-good nd consequently prices were low.. Porkers am aconcrs were in, good numbers, , and price rere.ashade iirmer. : '.Suckers, 10s. 6d. to 13s ; lips, 153. to. 185.;,, stores, .205., t0',235.; porkerE 35.--tor 385.;. light; baconers,:-40s. t0:;445.; am eavy baconers, 455. to 505.. •; . . .- *~ ; Messrs. Dalgety and. Company, Limited," « OH. having held their fortnightly. sale -.a hoir Mastoiton yards thiß week.when they.ol ored a small yarding, of sheep, comprising two obth: wethers; and owes and lambs.', There wa , very good yarding of cattle, those includin: ome vory forward bullocks from Messrs. Bai on . Brothers' "Mataikona"- . Station. - Thos rought from £5 14s. to £6 6s. Quotations:—Twc both wethers, 10s. 3d.;"ewes and-lambs, 75. : t s. 6d.; three and four-year very forward b'ui ocks, up to £6 65.; three-year bullocks, £5 14 8 orward cows, £3 to £3 35.: fifteen-month steeri !2 55.; fifteen to eighteen-months heifers, £2 o £2 12s. 6d.; springing cows, £2 165.: to £3 '6s! at. cows, £4 ss. to £5. . '■" ! Messrs. Dalgety. and Company, Limited re lorfc:—At our TVanganui salo'to-day, 600 cattl ,nd 50D, sheep were yarded, and there was a; •verage attendance.- Sheep met with a dul ale, but cattle sold ■ well ijp to recent ratoi Quotations:—Fat shorn wethers;- lis. 9d.; fa horn ewes, 9s. to 10s.; cull ewes and lamb passed), oa. 9d.; fat and forward four and five ear bullocks £7 55.; good forward, bullocks, •£ o•£6 : 5a.; good two to" two and a half-yea teora, £3 18a.; medium do., £3 to £3 65.; goo •carling:steers, £2 15s. 6d.; medinm do., £2 6s at cows, heavy, £5 10s.; fat and forward cow! ;4'2s. to £4 145.-6 d.; store cows (good),-'£3 2b 3105., £3 12a.,t0 £3 16s.' 6d.; empty heifers £ s.-to £2 145.; mixed yearlings (good), £2 io B pringers (backward), £3 10s. to £4 55.; "cow md.calves, £3 10s. to £4 45.; stags, £2. Messrs.- Abraham . and• Williams, Limited r< lort thai at their Pahautanui sale a good e'ntr if sheen came forward, and a ale, all lots being disposed of.under tho han : ner: Prices:—four-tooth wethers,, 10s. lOd. to 11. d.; two-tooth: wethers, 9s. 7d. to 10a. Id.; twt ,ooth wethers, small. Bs. to 6s.' 9d.; two-toot :wes, 9s. 9d." to 10s.; fifteen-month steers,- £3 : -■

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 691, 16 December 1909, Page 10

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MEETING OF FARMERS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 691, 16 December 1909, Page 10

MEETING OF FARMERS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 691, 16 December 1909, Page 10


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