;>;,: "Defli'iMe^HStt.'Park'R.C. ; December,.';■ ■■; ;■'_ '." : ;r:: Deo.i23;;27::ana: 2S-4JauawntuvU-C:; Kumn>« r -:., ;:■:;!?;■ JDoo;vS7<'and"4nn. ;i l.—Wollihgtpn CPonyv ano : : rt''j'.''V. i :''viGSHpway.B.C;; ,; ''».-:>";: ; - '■ ■-'•' i' r: 'i X. y- , ■■;.<■-■•■• i?ir- ! J.C::.Snnrmer. - .;'-. ■ ■■• y-:i .y Deo;'; 27; J3O/ 'Ifin. ;'.;.l and '■ β-riupklanii;Hacins .'! : ; i vy S"Club's' Sumnior.':,-'.'.-'. ■■• '*,■:- ■'- ! J t; :, i ■' :' t; ■■;'■■•■'.■■"■",• :; v-Dra:■;27i , j;c.'Christmas. i;i;' Deo:-;29-^AshKui-sf-PoliQiiginrisll.C.- i Ann\ml. y : K" : .-"-Jahy.l-fti'e".:'Karalia- ltU:;--Aiiuuhl. ; : .-' ,:•.. ■•■.'- -. .;*i;JaH4liapd ; 'Annual.:; -~ ■~ \; ; 'Jan. , i,l. ;; dnd'*S|f;\Yaiwrapa' : ltC.:'Summer. :■. ~-'.: ■v V : R.C.- Summer.. ./.-.•■■■ ' '-vJaii? 12 ia£d<l3-Pahiatuav;E.C. i:;'/V : JanVv2oHahd :,;K;C,:.■■;, x / .;; y.r gK?::: : and :■>.'.: ?:*.'■ C i: v'- : :/ ; G'i.BWCOi.r-;;V.;.':. .7,' ,•■ .. SV%MT^%iiistoWiroh/ ;incetin E W'MKbe'^ncTpded 1 oiuThursday next...-..,-- ■ s? ; V>tnff : ;-piia%ito,(iarv..9?^vyK3-^'/:'. i ; y: ,::"■"•"' ; .. ■ ' ■ '■■■ : '-- ; '/%! # V:prj tchnrH , :■'. Penates;, ill • the Pal -''- v : :;Chnstc)mrch;taride 1; -*■Wrt : wSnd-:.BieW'- , Christchurch - ; :, morning./,;y: : -r -. ■;, ■"' /:•: ■/ '■''^■■■A it'is l unaersUsmi/that-:Mr.:. H. Maoniana«-a.r, •■■rV .training-afc-the , iiijsent time. ■;.:: --,-;-:; ■.. ■ ■ ; "- -ftlfi^Porirua l-'team'- tW.-.Aupkland Cu r ■■:■;.t: ine^^ill:-be><railed;:i«)tHi ■ oa, Thursday y.-'.|;.noxt.r;-.^ife-:;'':--.-v^ ; -i':; :! I.'--,,-,'--- .•:■.• -^ V states .that /Lads -:■:':;:.!• Disaamis/euffering from- a poisoned: leg,: and ;;v ; ;v." ~; yy ';. .' . - :::: Oasis ,v ; ■■:: (SartonV; -alidVie.-'now; any inmate- of- VV..; J.y.lag. iyy-gaVfeTstab'le.'V;!, -vVj;-:-;»:' .;.'•, i' ; ' ; -' J > rim' : -wn^ !: wim'ihe: : i)ominipn Handicap nt ■■■•' '-■ 'Christcnufchton-Saturday,; is jaylialf-Sister to i - : ' : -."-'MartyTe;'-wSo-Vbn?tKe-"Nutoy.--Handicap i ,;..-AtT y> i-itilleneyisJiaiibtbeT^lialf^ister.vyy , ; yy :v ': Vi v^■'• ;i,! - poS/owners^o^ ; -note:that ; acceptanws ! fpi -'•(■■■■"•''tl»V.'priiicip>V-eTenls. i at.'.l;he--Hutt..Park ; .Bacing v y ; "■ '--^ - : ■Sγ iGSiVijiffora'- disposed!-6f ;Stratagem and •'■■ >v^-' ; ThisUedawtt''dfi6^^;tKe'week..-. : .The.'fotiner.bas -■ : ''-bMa/pWdfiaM4 : -;by r -Mi\Vl)elargey,''"of.':TVaikaia v-' nH(OtafeplVand''tKe"-falter,bj 1 r Mr:-A.:B.y : iV,rmour, "■•■' V «? Ntoby.^^tK ; horseß'were sliipped to their ■y ;, ; ;' E'e'w.,owriers';'onfiTOjuriday, last. -.-".V ;... .■••■■'. . y-.. rV" "'■•■ :^S^aid^iwW--'woi--.'-the-,coneiudmg:- event ; at .■' ■. ■' Miramar:. pn'ySatnrdiy,. *.as: pot -home.;,-,three ' ■'.-. y. v:-;'!;';^:::-. • ; 'y services; of :-.'-' : -;/Vi.W;'o3PpV%'tbJ«slsl;'ui'tbe.Xidiiiff;of.-the'.Porirua ■ik ;':•.'--ißaokere^lM•!a^^ood [ydar• on-/Saturday, ■ for, ■'■ '■:.:"■ •■'■ in//'additibiiio' the)-five ,'favourites;.that., pre.vailed, at tbe : pony paces', ibti'r-'favourites -were : v/'...; Tibtor'ioiiai ;;;the:, Cliristchurou : Ciub's y;yy; ; / vy y.-/.. ■'-■.■.• -y .;■;> for -'■ : i tbe. .first • ia.fs<;■'■. eVehts ■at the ■ Ashhurst-Polia- '<■ ■■■ y<Bginaymeeting-cjoge'iatl9 p.m.yoii Wedneeday :.';■.';'.. ; 7 iiexfc>witji'|tne/xtib's.;eecretaxy,!-Ashhurst. : : .;' ■ v v>.' : -tlate?''Di?posal- Stakes,; nod Sellitig ; .Plate, at - - tbe.Wellington'Eaciiig'CluVs,.suinmer-meeting '■-. ■ '■':' ; .9; ■■■^: : j;- : :- ; -. '--y- v i :^4wp&oes'; for!'tne;firsVday's : ra^ ;;■::- ' ber"23ppf.tbe-Manawatu-Eacing;CWb's Christ'",y -.mM:meottng^;clPs*;atjlo;,;p.m::to:inorrbw,vDe-''ifi'i;;---.-cember,}U.'v^[ :■ -t ; vj- ; v,v- 4 .-.>;; ; \ ,./j \i / ;j rj^..':.;. y,.. ':' ■ ,^VtfThi^Wair^pi':^'ing'-Clni).i-iiae!i«ceiTeid:ex- ;''-'' V ceU&t'-nominations-.'for- its.:New. yYear : : race -':I---': meetingV'^OtVonlyVare.the:;fielde;in practically /■¥■ ; ■■'■■:•■■■ icinß-cand-itsivpatfonS'.caiv look forward to a :•>: ;:gobd;ip'ortmg■^ee'iing; i 'imidet'f, : tb:e , ..pleasantest \.<- i- ,-'':; \\ ■.!'-., ..: 1 , :'.;.-. ;r'. : y \.y : ■' ■■';'• ; {' ;^OM^6N:!HACTipAi , ';"WaN: BT,P)UM. : : y ■■ . ..^^.(By.'.Tcleg^ v'^-My:,Tyi-f^-'.^/v^Cfirfslcfiurch;'December-il: ' i" ! : F6r• thegpe'niig'My of :':?■.v,•'?^lm;;'Plitb^'■S^^^flW/•.meβtin|^^roffl? , Kfhdderater -= v '/X'hc : ' : : tdt'alisator : iivestmShts ' for . the'"day amounted .. ■ ;^--v't£\ ■■• ■':-- ; ing -day ; last'iy'ear.':' Fitteeu - bpfikmakersy were v\':V-\-vUWnMd;y.T^S,ra<ang T 'Sir«ig-SiJteresfii);g; : IlesultE :'.•■:■ ::<■:■ ■ weVa^tollox;: ; ;;, •;.'; : i-9-\" *■" ■; f: Jj -«y y ■ y :l y. " : ; ; MNDic!AP,.:pf'Bo,'sovs;';i'pr. tyr* y",y'^y:: ! . : y'f -yloHr-.fwlongsi'■ .',':'K' ■ "':/^yKl ; Mr/ i C/'G^ , Dalgety's-ybr.yf.yMartyre;by .; :■■'. ' / vyy-jrartiiini.(imp,)—Nantes, Bst.;Blb.:':/ , ..•.'•;• •■-. f:-;.. ;^yy:'J-:;,:;■;<:; -•:;: ; .(8.-Eing)- J ,>;-.;-2*Sif r: G.■ Cliffor'd-'s; Saxifrage,'.9st. -':'-- : ; ■ :: :: ; ; ■ ■■;:'■■>■•"/ :-■ rJ A):■■: o^ : sf'::j:-■ ■ A :■:-, (J. M'Cluskey) -2 ' .71b. :'■- ■..•: : v:i ';r: .^'-.•'.&»-:-'^.i^r^v;; y^ ;i :r.f..;;(C; : -C.6tton)v: 3 ;■ /" v :;fr r : ! Also , "staftea ; r;si;Kirig ; 'Gtafna, ; v7st.;'7lb.- (C. ■Jy- : 7st. 71b.,(W. Weir); i''■ '■■-. '■■'■'■ S ; Kilmeny; 7stS7lb.- {s; 'J/'Pine)';• and 3 Perm ■;■ .;■'- ■ 7st;;v(H.'-Currah);^y-Vy:y'-y^:y^i, :-:-.' ' ; yy.;. v:;. vyyWonycomfortably:^''by'■ three lengths; with.fpui . : .;V V lefigths between ;19sec, :■ fi\.fy MA'ipßN;.HjA.ij!'i'-! of ; 60-sbvsA Seven sV- : ;■■ ■■ 8 Mr.^ffi(iiPotUand'sy ; 'l)r:-;o/: v Genius^^by■'■•: '{■ ■:>,■: ■''.;;';JAoumenTrSihainba;■. ; -3yrs';;-' , Bst 21b. ; •: '•'■• '■■'■ yy '"■ 1 ■ 'y "■:■ 1 Mr; ; G^B;:Star.k'y's; ; Aunt' ; gally, 7st.--lllb;'V .;'.•■' ':.■■..:.■-"•^^v-y.ijpi. .■;:.;" :"(ii;"-2 /■'-;■'■Bs-JIrV"H;/A;fEiigliits > Aisy/7st. , illb. ■ , ■■. .:;■■-, ;^^'^f; i v: | w?iv^^A-^'-V , -i€'V: ,; (B.''Cptton))-a S;v: vfy^Vov : starte(i; ;; :i'i3old'.Stek6r; ; .Bitv:Hlb; (It. :' : /:"",';jratch)i:.s , .;Newlands'; Sst. :91b.V'.(V;':Cotton); C :iy:;:Vv;Night f -nghtKß3t:,9lb.y(G;j;pine)';7; Sapience, .:■:■;- -.- Bst;;2lb::\(Hi : ?Donbvan),;iv;andyß Castillai 7st. $: ::;'iinji/(WH-Hoimes):-rf ;j:;s;: }t: .:•:-. v:y.: :i>>, ;-■. ■ yy;.y ;.;-:: VYpii Easily ibyyfqdr'lengths,' with a lcugtli .;;■ : y. .^between^■scepndtand;'third.: y^inie,. iniin. -31 :;::-fv';^s&;.^^i^|iJ;;V;;j^P^.;vf>jv ,^-;', ''.' ■-..' ;i ■/ ■','-■■ ■■ ;iViy;^M^qSrH^^oAP/:-pf;^a7sov^ .. !^^.v'l'-, --'-' ; '4'.^;'-- ; V'v' : Jn(.le^and-ji.*4uarter.': ; ' : ' '; y : . v. ; .; :G. ; iDalgety's ;>.'■ Bii-!-Prim, i; by.TPil- ;i ■1;-: •■■-■W-:griitf3VProgreS3:-::;.(imp;)—Nantes,■'■'Syrs.; :(K...King)-l ~..:>■,\-i:Mr.^;.Kutherfbrd's;Gweiidolina/:Bst. 71b.v.• ''''■< ''■'■■■' •^^"■■ : ■ ;: -- , '^ft';'^^i'■:■" ■■&■ ■■' ;-.(H."'.Douovau) ; : 2 j'.y ,y :8.-Mr.\J;,;B Field;Gun,-.Bst i ' 81b.:' ~; - "•/;,^■..■'yiyV>^::-;;i.>::.;iijv,yi^ : yy;^- : (B;-Hatch)' 3 y/v ■:-., /+ ; Also! ?tarte-dr"7v;Kin(»;post, ; Bst/ 81b.: (L. ,Hag- ;■ •■■■ ■: :: ' i^ ); lv 2 TikitoTo; :7st.:. Illb.: (C...Monk); • C ' ■"■;::: White. Coi;kade;!;7st. ; ;9lb,"- : (E. Cotton)';' and' E 'y.; .;'''*ederal i -'-^V : '. • - . ' r.ff-'ri-X Before-yfe'jfchihg;ytne .''straight,-: ?Prim :took < :; y : ; and 'Piifld ■'*~■;■-'■.■','■;■ P , by.''.a.' i lehgth.i'rbin.Gwendblina, who ':.;•■ :y ; Gun,- with :..-.;: C<;;!nkit6re:fcurth.V:Tiine;; : 2ioin.-'8 l-ssec; ;. ;^. :.'."'■ :;.\ , : .'"'y ,-• ■'■'■..' v, b\^ii 2;:Mr??l?;;:p;tClaridge's : ib"g'yObligate; ■' b'y.U ."; : V. :-.-;.';.v.;.t)bllgadp :.6yrs.,: Bstv : 31b.' '•'■'■'■"''■■■■■■'■■ : ; -l;M,'^^vyV::. : .ry:yv.(W..-,Holnies)- ' 1 ; ; ". ix ■'. =y 1 ,Mr^ :,Grantlej;'s;Goldyßraid;y9st:: : 101b. •/:•/ ; '■' -. /v ; y yXhe'pnlr.sJaftersiV- ?«.i!«''V ■ •;'.,'.'. ■•\'- : . i; V^' ! :.'-----P§ l ißate^«asX ? (iral:'aU;tte'=waj/;nnd;wpn •■/:; comtorfably-.;by:, two /lengths. -.■Time, lruin. .43 y--r'.8,;.: I-ssec. : > i\ ,; : '-';u.>- ; 4/: •'.. ; :- .' : .' ;-y; /. k'■;; TROT ; (ii'VsVddle), 'of ■■'.:■v;\''>'i--^.rV;'V>lU'P i :soYS; ; *Qne : : 'r.: ■:■ ; '-,;.-.-. i>.v 1 -Mr. F.vyale's; 'byVElection-'•;:-y;::.^',d;cer-Archangeli^syrs^.,7sec., (A;yNVilsou) :3 ;;.',-.■.. 1--V-B■' Mr. Olliyer's Miss. Florrie, Ci, ; 2seC : ;; ; ;; a(A;yPringle) y2 ; ',; (F. Holmes) AS " ?? ■■('■''v^^* r^=^^; ~.v- y ■! . bock;.;4sec.:.6. ; Hinau, ; -:4sec; 4 Belroy,: 6sec.;' : 7 *■'- , ; :^y^Ss, ; H ?s?» v :??«;nß'!Jdyi'Bs , 'ed;ap Mada; Bscc; v -■; l yy- ; Jt:Wild:Waye,>9scc;,;ya2 Sonbrino>losec.y'and ■yp-/; •.• 13.;flHsky^iUbrnji'105ec';;.;'.'V.;,.--,, ■■;.■■:■-, •' ■ ■..- ; •.• *-, v ';! OM-^'MWo«; ; b^Sa , lengths botweon <$■?': :y ' f?™? :| thii:d.-S.Time,;2min; ; '26s(!c. y :-.■' ■M^,\ '■- ; - '^t :^-L :;S^^y|i^TcXp, ; :orioo; sovs;- ; C' - •:• : y- ;y- I'/c'.V;:.y1 '/c'.V;:.y .«•• •ili.'-w'/Sixvfurlongs.-:: /■■.'-.:• ;"■•-'■..■•■ '- .:..:.■■' -g..' :Pederal, : by' 1 y.;: y> i lforriiosan^Fdiryj i Quee'n ; ■ ; A : •' A '■' oZ Vi r ■"' ( V; 'Cotton) : ; 2 ■^;;-.■:-.:;-; -lyMr. :J>;Grigg s;;Haritarßst. Illb; (B. King):J ■':/.V ';;.jy.Aleb';starteci; 7st. 71b. : (G. J ".:->r ■-■■ : yXyaß).':v:-! r .:: ; - : .; i?W]:;y:?i; ! : -';V ; y...yy\ ! --' ? ; :-:y. '~;■■',. ■/>(■: Woiii'.-b'y^a-.;vlongth',"; : :W , jth v three' lengths 1 be- //. ; .^■^yiJjilDD^O^JflldiCvHANbicAP^ .: y.i.i/p ; .- , :y;y ta: furlong.' ■■.''■■■■ ■: y ■ :l'Mf: A. : Bbyle's , bV;i.:'Wet:Day^imp.),':by : - ( : y Sst/ 81b. ' ; 'ivj-iy- :.yi,;yi ; -' y ; v;: V v;.;-es;^;v'y:y:. : 1 -■/■:.':>:■■, B;Mr.-P. P,> 7st.- 91b: ■: •• w:.- ; A-.(W.;Holmes) : . 2 : •'• y; -" '■■. • 9st.'- •;•■,■ v■' :■■- :"■' ■' M'Cluskoy) : - 3 : ;; -•{■ViAlsD , Started: : W. . '■:>■:• \-Mis)i-'A 101b: :(Weir);:.:fi ■••'. :■■,• ■■*>hisS?ri'&W;: (Ci''Slbnk);'and t Shillelagh, 6st. . '; {/ 'Paiil):!fl;Jt ! : , t v '■.:" ■.. Vy: a,' '-..:"'■■>";-■'• jf^oiOVenSljyyrbyv'halfWa!-: length;:,with Iton .-■' vy ilenßths'Mjetweeni.kcond" and '-tfaitd.;''" T'Tbc, / :^^y'i/ v '. ivV^i>'y ;
: WON of;60 ; ;?oys::7 Seven:;fiir- '- i: '':''" '": ■:.,- ; : •'.;.: \ ■ .:■:''-.longs/-:'-- >■;' ■>. .■■: . I/Mr. ; T.;.Sheeuan's ; ch. f.: Passion,-, by Fil- : : :,\grim's/ Progress/ (imp.)— Greek -Maid, •, -~'lyrs.; 1 9st.. ....:........v.;.i;;.::(J.: M'Cluskoy)' 1 3 Mr. • .A. Barton's: Zottonl,, V»t:- lib " ■■-■■■-: '■■'■• ; ■' i ''" ■•;■■• i ■•■■''■■■■' ■■ :-;V. Oiitton) 2 7 Mr. J. Mosservey's Monkey Puzzle, Tst.ill). : - .'■..;■ ■ ';'■■-.■'• ■)■■:"'■'■■ ~-ry, v ■(C. Emniorson.) 3 :.Also'sta.Tteil:-4 Boutade, 9st. (Jas.. , : Pine)i'2 Do Witto, ,75t...131b.- (H. Donovan)! 5 Grand ; Slam, 7st. 9lb. ((,',-;Monk); G Volodia, 7st. Mb. (H. Curran); ami 8 Loyola,. 6st. 71b. (G. Mussen), ; .'. -"■ : - ■' '~..-.; ■- ■, .■■.. -.' • -■.-',, :'. '■-'.-•'■ .Won comfortably Tij half a .length, with' a englh between second and third. Time, lr.iin. SOSCO. .'■:.;■ .■•;;« ;: .- J';';.". '"■ .. : ■■-■■ r ■ V: ■'.;•'/ WEIGHTS • FOR\ SECOND DAT. .['■-; ;. (By ■ Tolccraph-l'ressv Asadclalioril ' : : / - ; Chmtchurch', December 12. ;: Mr. ,T. I!. Henrys', has declared the. following weights.for'tho- second day's events:—. . KINDERGARTEN- HANDICAP; Five longs.—UftTtyrc, 9st. 131b:; llhrtino, Bsh 61b.; -true -Knißht,• Bst. lib.; Windrush, 7st. 131b.; Fireglow, 7st, 91b.; Snsa, Ist.- 91b.; Kora, 7sfc. 71b.; ; Cathe, ' 7st. 71h.; Perm, 7st. 7tt>.; Jeiin, 7st. 71b. j Irnvollitte, 7st. ; 71K; Little Simon, 7st. 71b. i ami Kilmeny,.7st. 71b. ■'.■•-■': V /'■';,■ ~-MIDLAND WELTER. :Soven larid,• Sst. 61b.; Boutade,- 95t."31b.; Gold Braid, Bst. 131b: J ■ Cylnbiform;-. Bst. -131b.j Do Witte, •Bst: 101b.; .Bulletin, :Bst. /71b.; Inchbonny', Bst. 01b.; Grand., Slam, 'Sst. 61b.;.■ and Loyola, ' ANNIVERSART HANDICAP. One mile and a. furlong.—Prim, 9st. 8lb.; Gwendoline, Bst. 101b.;Ingoda, BstV 81b.;..Field: Gun, Bst. 6lb:; Miss.Mischief, Bst. 21b.; Rose Noble,-Bst lib.; ■l'ederal/7st. 101b.; Passion, 7st; 101b.; Tikitere, 7st. 81b.;Valdimar r 7st. 81b.; Silkwob; 7st. Gib,; Stratagem, 7st. Clb.; White Cockade, 7st. 51b.; Dabcliick, 7st. 51b.; "Wet.Day, 7st. 51b.; Grand Slam, -6st. 71b.; and Monkey Puzzle, 6st; 71b. .':. SPREYDON.'HACK.-.One mile.-Wet Day, 9at. 61b.; Montreal, 9st. 21b.; ■ Obligate,, Bst 91b,; Bulletin, -Bst. 81b.; Eaglestone, Bst. lib.; Genius, ,Bst. ilb. ;■ Narranßaric, Bst. 21b.; Parley. GroTo,7st 91b.; Bay Lupin, 7st. alb.; Captain "Kidd, 7st:: 71b:;Sant Rosa'leer, 7st. 51b.; Aunfc-.Salljv-7st. :41b:; Night Light, 7st. 31b.; Aisy,. 7st.; HacDuff, : 6st. 131b.; Sapience, 6st 91b.; ; Shillelagh, 6st. -91b.; Rocky Noble, 6st. 9lb.;' : Glenfield, ; 6st.' 71b.; ■and- :Wind .Gun, 6st/ 7)b:: ■ .:.-■.; -~ -■;.;-•■- v, ';.;•; : . : ■/■.'.. ■; ELECTRIC HANDICAP. - Five furlongs■Federal,.9st. 131b.; Silkwcb, 9st.-51b.; Ilarita, Sat. ~:.131b. -,:, Sweet.. Ang'elus, - : Bst;"'- ; 101b.; , Ebck Terry, Bst: 511);;' Th- Seer/7st. 91b.; Volodia, :7st..7lb.; l Clayniore,;:ost.l3lb.; Tremulons, 6st. 131b:; Zemlia, fist. 121b.; Thistledown, Gst. 121b. ; ;and;Edna, fist: 71b....- v/.V. :, ; :- :;, / , ■-. .-■■ /FARFAVELLIHANDICAP.' One mile.-Pas-sipn; '95t; 'slb'.; Ilarita,. 21b.;■• Zetland,-'Bst. 51b.>.Bputadc; 'Sdt. 31b.;■.Cymbifbrm, 7st: 121b.; .Heirloom; Gst. vl01bi; : . and ' Monkey ■ Puzzle; Gst.; 011).:, .-:;'-. ! : - ,-V.v.. ■::■.. ■-■-■•■• :■.;?■•• f:,; : ; //K,' (By : Association.) .• ■■'■' \ :': ,, '-'■'■ ■ : ; ChristchurchV December 12.' : ■ Mr. J. E. , . Henrys has declared the following handicaps for the. Dunediri Jockey Club's sum.mer.meeting.. ■',•;:..,■■,•;-! %';■.,.,>- ;■ ■ ■'SUMMER ;HUEDLES, iJ One mile and three-qunrters.-Stormoht,, -list.- 131b:; Bay ' Lupin, lOst; 61b'.i'.'KaikomakoV-Jost.;. I Coj , lost:j Tyrant, ; ~>:;.'■:. ; -. : . •'■ V - ■ ; . SALISPURX^HACE;'/'Seven■ furlbngs'-Wet Da 3 -,- 9st." (jib;-. Kopek, Sat.- 131b.; Ea»lostoue, Bst. lp.; Jessie, Lewars,;Sst. , -51b.; Lord Rose-bery,Vjßst.-'4lb:j Lovelorn, Bst. 41b.;: Sacha, Bst. 31b.i'.Merry.Lass, Sst. 21b.;. Busyland, Bst. 21b.; Loyola,. 7st: 121b.; ; Redmond, 7st..Hlb.; Step-.aside,"-7st. 9lbV; Simon■Pnre j ; 7st..Blb.;,Moudiiki "sf 81b.; Zero, 7st. .71b.;;. Nicht.Light,'.7st.■ 71b.; MacDnff, 7st. -71b.; , Invincible, .7st; 71b.; , and Tat. ?Ib. f ~-\;:u ■"■■'' v ; -,- : ;:/: :-', : -■btJNEDIN'HANDICAP.: ; Five 'furlongs.Soldiert Chorus, Bst. 91b.; Susa,"7st.' 71b.; Kora 7st. 71b.; Cathe, 7st;, 51b.,- Friwollitte, 7st. slb. ', :Aerina; ; .;7st. 71b.;/and , Tid,:7st.: ; "'■ :;>•::■ r. ■ OTAGO HANDICAP. - One mile and -a quar-ter.-Czar -Kolohol,- Ost. 3IbV; Field Gun,. Bst'. 101b.; Tawhaki;.Bst.,Blb.-,--Rose.jS"oble,-Bst. 2!b.; Office- Girl, ■ Bst: 21b.; : Ontlander, '. 7et.' 121b'.; Tilfitero, 7stl ,111b.; Astrakhan, 7st.' 101b.; Valdimar, 7st. : 101b.;:Dabcbiok, 7st. 51b.; Warsaw, 7st:-: J 2lb:;'.Adjudge/. Cat? 1011).; St. Felix,-, Gst. 71b.; ■ Luresomo.'-Gst. 71b.; and Sneculate; ; 6st. 71K ■•';■■'■■/' ' : v-."-'' : ■■ y. ■ : '■,:._;■ '. FEDERAL'.HANDICAP. ■ Sik : furlongs-Czar Kolohol,.9st. 71b.; Silkweb, Bst-131b.; Lupulite, Bst. 101b.; Ilarita, -Bst. 101b.'; ; Passion, Sst.iMb , .j ! Sweet .Angelus,-Bst; 41b;; San-Severo, Bst. 2lb;; I Zetiand,'/7st, «b.; Cymbiform, 7st: 41b.; Ibftus, 7st.-'3lb.; J.rdj.Rek'h,-7st.; The Seer, 7st/; Gappnf e^b^( ,a e^a^.Gst./71b.;: and ft.Jlb.J, X ; .;:. 57;: ;; /. ~ iflile.-Eoso 9st. 131b:; Zetland, 9st: 61b;; Warsaw, 9st. lib.; Cnirosettia, ,Bst: 121b.f BulBst.Blb.;. Inchbonny, -Bst;-:71b.; 'ErsKine : ,-;Bsf.' 31b;; St.- Felix, Bfet. 21b.; Jack Ashore, • Bst. 21b.; Gantionad, Bst. ;!■ Speculate, Bst.; -Red and Black, Bst:'; and Sacha, Bst. ■■'CAVERSHAM HANDICAP; , JSix-furlongs.-V/et Day,: tet/ylSlb.'; Kostroina, ; 9st. 12\b.j. Obsoiia,-. 9st. ;, Gib.;. Laud Rose, 9st. lib.; Bst.'l2lb.; Morry..Lass;.Bst. 91b.;;Blue-Bell, Bst. elb.j.-Loy.bla,, Bst.fslb.,;,.Palette,,.Bst.slb.;-Red-iao'rid,''-85t..;:41b-';'-'Simon Jure, Bst.• 31b;; :Firebell,,Bst: 21b.; JfiKhiLight,Bst.,lib.; Chameleon, 8st;:,llb;; Windward,, Bst;- v lib.; ,Glen6eld, ■ Bst.j ivpsifie', ; 'Bst.; Merrybo'ck, B'st.; Optimeform.-.est. , ; Bst.;. Maude ; Gonrie,. Bst>'; Wansbeck, Bst:'j",Feodora,-ißst;j- Jewel Case, ,Bst.;,arid Mangonel, Bst.","-•.:.-.>.■■••■•.!■/.'•.. ■■.- ; .' : ' ' : : - ,'. : ■■'•■•:;■■ ■'.".'■''•"■■' ' \.'';V/:«-.'!&.'■'/— " ;'..' .■.''■,'.'' .' ■ . "' \ '"'V '-'.'■' ".■ •;>,;poNy;meetjngvat:miramA;R.; ■ ''''^IiESiGN^AVINS'-THE 'HANDICAP. ';,■'; -: The .Inieetirig , of 'the. Wellington' ■Pony 'and Gallbivay.' Racing- Club was.' . conjcludwlK at'Mirauiav .onJSaturday;- and in, coTisequehce of,the' ; fin* weakuer■ there was a : largo '.attendance.'" Bookmakers wer«'liunierous, too, :bu,t they, did not .have' a.vevy proiitablo time, .as':the firsi/five. races,.were,won by: favourites. 'hi the last 'racej/howeveis'tKey received a.turn, :as i ,.the;\yinner' was^ "'a; rank outsider.;'.. : ' :./■;■ ,:. A little-.excitemerit;; was 'caused /prior, fo. the nrot/irace,-/whto .the/club' decided to-'change the/ jbekey-,/on,.:Flying Wind, who had/'w.on, a face, the previous , . Saturday;, and was riot then 'flrni'.'iu the ..bettirig.' , -ILvMallowes -was''given the;.mbunt, and/Flying' Wind '.immediately/.-bei. came/favourite,: ana won easily! 'Later in the day ■■ the .committee '.-issued -a Warning 'to .- the riders': iii .the r.Subiirban, Handicap—a, three: horse, race. .The betting;:on' this crent also changed, , ,and after a, keen' race between tho throe, i caudidateS' the 'favourite \won.' A~. protest; was/ entered '-against- the"- winner for interference, but it was dismissed. Details ' ; of the raoing'aro".as follow!:— -~ :' ;■ . / /i/SEATOUN'; HANDICAP/.of /25: : :sovs./. -For poHies:U.3: arid under; ;.Five furlongs .and a half.—Mr. J. , . Oakhurst's ch. m.- Flying. Wind, by- Jfusketrj-r-Po*atanui, /syrs.,':lost. Bib. -'(H. Mallowos), , ; I;'.Jtr. V\',. .Gordon's' Billy, Sst.■ 101b. (Rice)',r 2 ;■', ,Mr..'.W. Willis's , ■'Sirrah,-. Bst. ,2lb. (jrConville), :3. ■ Also-.started: Paul Beaver, .9st. ;l«tb;;"'.aßd.;'Miss Ivy, -9st.- 31b. //Miss Ivy and Billy,'wore first to show/but:from ian even start; -but Flying Wind.'.took, tho -lead boforp they: had_ gone. a. hundred' yards, and, leading -'throughout,''won comfortably by a couplo/ of lengths from-Billy, who v was a length in: front of -Sirrali.,' Tinie, lniin. .l'ijiec Flying. Wind Was favourite.. ■ •,;-■ '■'■'■' -.-; '■■»'■'*> •■ ■'•'■.. ' '' , : -'; ■!. :' ;: MAIDEN ,of >25: \ sors/' For pbnies-15 hands and.-under.' Four furlongs arid a half.pMr;. , Jackson; Goodwin's : ch... hi. • :St. "Flora, ;by ■ St. Clements—Billingsgate syrs., 9st. lib. ■(Cooper),-1; Mr.- w.f Gnthiey's Sail, J Bs't., 51b. , (Cairricross), 2; Miss .Miller's Stranded, Bst; 101b.--(Oliver);-•'■3.' Also, started: Mahakn,. Bst. 21b.;-and/Gipsy .Girl,- Bst. v St. Flora 'was quickest' to, ; begin, and, leading throughput, won,by three longths -from' Sail, v,-ho.Tvas a length in front of Stranded.:-. Time, 59sec.'- .St. /Flora .was. favourite. / : • / RACING CLUB HANDICAP,- of •60 : sovs., ' /second , pony' to receive IQ-'s6YS;.,-frbin the '.'.' stake. 'For ponies '• 15 hands •■: and under. ■■■'•'.Sevcft •furlongs. ■.:■'■ '" ; ': v .; ■:'-. , ; / Mr. J.. O. Murray's; ch. g. Resign, /■ by/. .■I-' , Renown—Monastery, ,4yrs., ; lOst. 81b. ,;■:..' . • (L.-Wadham) , 1 Miss'Bbwler's 'Wharekpa, list.'; 31b. (Rice) 2 Mr. W:-.Wood's Picoteo,-9st. 41b:- .-. ;1 .' ■ . :". ,>:.':■:■: i v : -"-./ "■■; g •vAlso started:/Petronul,.Bst.: 131b. .(Oliver). -, '-' Rosigri '■ went to the front - : early,- arid led : past the'stnnd a .couple/of lerigths'ahcacV of .Whare : koa, : Who was "' just , clear of the other pair. Going.down the back, Resign'increased his load, 'and eventually .won 'easily by three : .longths from' "Wharekon; who' was two lengths /ahead of'.Picptee; Time, -'lmin.yjHJsec.-;.. Resign-waa favourite: , . ■■. -~ .':./■; ':. ■■'/ '.'■..■'.'■'.'.'..■■'■•'.:■-■■ ■ STEWARDS''HANDICAP,'of 25/sov's. For ponies 14.21 and under. : ' Four Anstcll and Forrest's -ch. 'ni. Miss Ruby,, by St. Paul—Tarigi, Bsl. 31b. (Mallowos), .1; Mr.. J.' Anstehd's', Sail, -Sst..- (Wallaco),.'2; Mr. E.'Eager's Woe Nannie, 9st. 12lb. (Eager), :;. ■Also started: Miss King, Bst. 311). \At thoftart Sail took the lead,:but; at the end of a furlong, Missßuby was in front,.aiid she maintained her lead to' the finish, winning by. two and a half longths from Sail, who was three lengths ahoad-'pf: Wee Nannie. Time, -53. Msec.,. Miss Ruby .was; favourite.. ; '-.;..• "■■■:'(., -;,v ■//:;:/■/■;:/ ; -SUBURBAN HANDICAP J ,//of;25 v ;spvs;/;(Fbr ponies 14:3 nnd. under. .Five'furlongs'-arid ,n lialf.T-Mr.-'W. Gii.tliK'y's b. m. .Sniisliinc, 1 ."by St; '.ClemenK-rGriissp, marc, , '/ Ch's.,- ■; .Sit;; -91 jj. k.Vearned Sst.. lib. ('i'odd), '.'; -itv. ,W. Willis s .^rrah.est.'^WilloiighbyJ.-'e/'TheorJy^twters:
A great 'race'.' Merring led 'at' tlio' first 'turn;: Hit .Sunshine, then took Kp the running.', The :hree candidates came round tho homo him agotlior,. and a hnnl-riddori finish resulted in favourof Sunshirio by a head from Morring, with Sirrah a neck ;away'third.: Time, lniin. 13sec. Sunshini! was-favourite.";. i" ■:■■'". ' A: protest , for., interference' was lodged against tho winner, but after ''consideration it was dismissed.'. ' . • . • .'■.'"■.. ■■■~.-'. ■ : :CIT.r 'HANDICAP,"of4O;sovs. For ponies 15 hands and .under. Four furlongs and a iiaif.-Jfiss M. Walker's, br. m. Mermaid, by Papakura—Oroua, ayrs., Bst. 9lb.- (Townscnd), l;: Mr.. Jackson Goodwin's St. Flora, Bst. 31b. :(inclndinK,3lb. penalty) (Rice), 2;.Jliss Cussen's Sweet L.euh'e, Ost. 2lb'. (Johnson), 3. Also started:; Resign, list.' lib. (including 7lb. penalty); Lorna (j Doon, .iOst. 3lb.;' Miss Vera, lflst.; Muskorado,,9st.slb-; and Inkerman.'Sst. lib. "When tho barrier was released Miss Vera was first to show out, but beforo going far sho was .supplanted/.by Mermaid, ■ while Lorna Doon took\ second position. When half the' distance' had been covered, St. Flora ran into second place, but she could not catch Mermaid, wiiowonin a canter by several lengths. Sweet Lethe was a poor third, and Inkcrman was last.; Tiuie, 58 l-ssoc. MuskeradO wasfavouritc. •?"- ;, '■ ') . : ■■■:'■'■ ■.■'■■■: •' '■'■ ■ .-' HUTT PARK PONY WEIGHTS. : Mr. R:.Coneys has declared the following weights for tho 'Hutt PaVk Racing Clnb's, December' meeting:— . . ■,'• '' " • MAIDEN, HANDICAP. Four furlongs'and a half. -Channel; ,9st. 71b.; Sail, Bst. 121b.j Blarneystone, Bst. 121b.; Merrimanu, Bst.lolb.;. Musketeer, Bst. 51b. j Kia Toa,: Bst. 31b.; Mcrrr Widow, Bst;"Slb.j Whisper, - Bsb.; Bobs, Bst."j Gipsy, Girl, Bst.;. MaHaku, 8st:; Tobias, Sst.; Acroite,' : Bst.'i Marquis, Bst.;'Ourlot, Bst.; and Twilight, sst. .•;'..;. . - ;; WAIWETUHANDICAP/ Five furlongsLady Paul, list. 121b.; Euia, list. 71b.; Flying Wind, list. 21b.; Ora Pinseht, lOst. 71b.; Anglican, lOst. 71b.; Mnskerado," lOst. 21b.;"• Mytro, IOst; VSt. Helena, Ost. 101b.; Paul Beaver; 9st. ■ 71b.; Snnshino, 9st. 51b.; Sweet Lethe, 9st: 5lb;; Picotee, 9st. 41b.; Miss.lvy, 9st.; Sir Possible,'9st; 'Billy, Bst. 131b;; .St. Flora, Bst. 101b.; Sirrah,. Bst*3lb.; and Emnia, Bst. •■■■.. '•.'. .■■ ■■~.'". CHRISTMAS HANDICAP. Six furlongs.Gold Cup, list. 121b.; Wbarokoa, list. 41b.; ■Resign,-list. : 21b.; Moata, lOst. lOlb.r Flying. Wind, lOst. 91b.; Franc, lOst. slb.;'Anglican, JOst; Lorna .Doon, lOst.; Ora Pinsent, lOst.; Prevail, ilst. 101b.; Miss Vera. 9st 101b.; Muskerado,- 9st' • 71b.; Mermaid,■■ 9st. lib.; St. Helena, 9st. 31b.; Picotee, 9st;'2lb.; Sunshine, Ost.; Paul, 9st; Petronei; Bst. 111b.; Pikiko, Bst. 101b.; Sir Possible, Bst.- 71b.; Billy, -Bst." 71b.; Channel, Bst.; Miss Dean, "Bst.j and Bobs, Bsf. '■ .;"."'-."..'' ■' . '.' .: : •' '.■.- .: ■ ■ ~'.., ■■> WAIN til : ', Four' .furiongs.Lady Paul, 12st. 61b.; Huia, list. 101b.; Herculean,'.lOst. 51b.; Wee' Nannie/ lOst. '21b.; Paul Beaver, 9st. 101b.; Lady Finella, Bst. 81b:; Ciscorose. Bst. 71b.; Sail,' Bst. 61b.; Miss King, Bst. : 21b'.;. Whisper, ■ Sst: , ; Scotch- Battery, Bst.; Merry Widow, Bst.;'Kia To'aM; Trixie, Bst.; Maiinikin, 8st : ; 'and-'Mahaku, Bst; . ..-.. ■ . TELEGRAPH HANDICAP. Five furlongs. -Gold--Cup, list,: 131b;; Wharekoa, list. 51b.; Resign,- list. 41b.; Moata, lOst. 121b.; Flying Wind, lOst. 111b.; Franc, iOst. 71b.; Anglican, lOst. 21b.; Ora Pinsent, lOst. 21b.; Lorna Doon, lOst.-21b.; Herculean;.lOst; Prevail, 9st. 121b.;. Miss Vera, ■ 9st;' 121b.; 'Muskcrado, 9st.' 91b. , ; Mytrc,:«Jst.-:9lb;fSweet'Lethe, 9st. 71b.; Mermaid, 9st.Gib.; St. Helena; Ost. 51b.; Picoteej 9st. 41b.;'Sail,;9st. 21b;; Miss Ivy,' 9st.;' Pe-'. : trbnell Bst. '121b".;.'.'Sir ' Possible, Bst 91b.;' -Pi-' kikoi'Bst. 91b. ,• Ch~a'nne],'.Bst.; Merrimanu, Bst.; Inkeruiad,. 'Bst.: .Musketeei-,>Bst.;V Miss Dean,. I tet; and',Bobs,;Bst. V •"' . t '•'•'■ '' '■' ' ; '•' '■ ' '■' ■' ■'■■' ''" •'"■:■ 'V HUTT 'valley; trotting club. . The following handicaps have, been declared by, Mr. J. H. Pollock for -the ..first day's events of the Hutt Talloy Trotting Club's meeting:— .MAIDEN- HANDICAP :i'HOT, of .25 sovs. One ■ mile ;.and. a;. half Dovori-' (scratch),' froiift Sta"r,'' isec.; '.Vigorous, 4scc.;' Blue Mooiv Bsec.; Wild Eye,- Ssec.;,Electro/B, Bsec;; Dolly Nai;.Bsec; . Nada' Ki'..Bsec.;.i: Deborah, Bsec; Child Douglas, lOsec.; ; and Arthur's Mistake, lOsec.;-■.■'. ":••■■;' ':'..;•.■■■:■':■ :■■■•.■ .' • "'. BOXING! DAY ■ HANDICAP,; TROT, of 40 povs. Ono jnilo.—B.osique,!scratch; ' Kita H, 4sec;; Proud Star, Gsec.; Kiddy Madge;, 6sec.; Flirty,' Bsec.; : Giggles, Ssec.;.: Glory, 9sec. ; ,Black-'Forest, 9sec; Rothlin, lisec; Child 'Dougltvs,' llseci; 'and ,'Golden,:Child, llsec. '.-• -.'iHUTT' : VALLEY ; TKOmNG'' ' CLUB HANDICAP, of 110 'soys.. Two miles.' Bx.poriment, spratoh;, Glenidol,' scratcli; .Havoc, scratch:; .Eoctoyobdi ! .7sec i; ; ,Lady Devon, .27, sijcJ;., Bingann,'- 27sec/;:' All. Steel, 27sec; Lqnsdalo, 27sec.; Lill'a Huoh, 27seCi; and First Vue, ; :.>v;. , .-Vi!:'ft'-'; i;;-4": .-. ■'-iiiDiES'- ; BRACELE'r.''M'EQT, of: 25'sqvs:. Two ■■inilcs;-^RitavH,-scratch;- '-Swazi' Chioty ssec.;. Glory,. Jpsec.,; (Dolly v Nai, 1250q.; Electro' Bi. , f2seo.;"Juvis/ , «isseoij 'nnd',Arthur's 'Mistake, 15sec.., ■.;.,: ,:,:, \. .. V^■'■''■'. ; ■<}"■ ■■■ x^ - ELECTRIC 'HANDICAP TROT,, of 50 sots:: One mile.—Lida,; scratch;:.Glenidol,; scratch;Little •'.Mary, ; : Gsec.; Thistle,;. fisoc.; Hereward,• lOsec.; Besiquc, -llseo.';'. and. Lady H.'.llsec. ~ ' TRA'DESMANfS HANDICAP TROT (trotters' only),- of 50, sovs. -Two miles.-Experiihent, scratcli; Rockwood; 7seC; :, v Hereward; 15sec; L'onsdale,.26sec.;'lluon Moor,-265e0.; Tini Peri;. 2Gsec.; -Swazi. Chief,.3os6c.; Vigorous, 30sec.; Scauiiier, 32sec. ;• Wild Eye,'3ssec.j - Black - Ifor-■est,-.355ec.; Rothlin, i3ssec.-j Juvis, 38sec.; : and Pihama,?3Ssec. '■;. , -.;'••■; ; ; ; : ■•■. ;-.-'. ■'."•".' ' STEWARDS'HANDICAP TROT, of 40 sovs. One mile'.—Lady H., : scratch; Rita H, 3soc.; Lady Devon, 3sec; Bingana,, 3sec.; First Vue, 3se'c. ;■ All '.Steel," 3seo.';" Flirty,, 7sec,; Mari. Mann, 7soc; Moon, , 9sec,;,Deborah, 9sec; Child Douglas,,.l2sec. : ;' Miss OHtc, 12sec.; and ■Belzae,- 12sec.' : ,:^'''\'; : ■■'•■:'■■ ■•'■':■ ■' - : '...-.■ '_ ,'The' folloWing'- are the for: tho summbr ■' meeting, -of the AVairarapa . Racins Club, on January V.and 2, 1910:—.. /. , . :'■'.'; •' ■ • ;'■'■/' gFIRST ; DAY.' : :" •;.■' ; r :.'■";. ■; .;■ MAIDEN HACK.-^Gold' Top, :Whimbrel Fifi 'Merrie Emerald, Critic, Muertalma, Soprano,-' Maikuku, Merrie Goer,:'Kalypso, 'Succession, SMmpse, Lares;; Embrocation, Biniblein, Field" Bell, .Mania,- Polymorphous',' Puk«wai, '[' -Mausine, .and Palestine.'; :, ■ \. : . \- -y v ■'• ■'■'■ ■ ' '■ : \:^.: itmiTARATA 1 HANDICAP. Sii furlongs., '-Purakau, , Splash,■Pull,Rate, Mon Ami, Advantage, Magneto, No, Trumps, Longner, Lord Soult, Sunbonnet, Boanerges, Tumut, Waiata,Merrie Laud,:Clem, : 'Aema,- ; 'and Warlock; ' RIiIUTAKA HACK. One mile : and a'i dis-tance.-4-L\icretins, Rungikapua, Sky«, Happy, Now Year, Himitangi, Chauvelin, Pukewai, First' Consul, and/nilnrian:'■;■."•■-.■■'•/ .. ■'■ -WAIrIrAPA : COP. '■': One mile.—Marengq, Gold Bird, Silken Rein,': Comedian,. Mataari, "Miscast' TrUganini/" Saudstveam, Merrie- Zealand, >No Trumps, Moloch, : Eqnitas, Penates, Vi Pai«ano, Merrivouia,: Captain Bell, Ristori, Sir: Antrim,' Ringdove, Aboriginal, Waitapu, Perolina, and Tumnt. .• , ' i ■ . NURSERY HANDICAP. Four furlongs.Borius, Tribulation, Inspection, Ladis, Moondine, Sir ; Solo, Lady Kilcheran, Deploy, Gloss, Lohgstep, "Odessa, lullaloe, and Bntish Maid. -PUKIO HACK..:. Six furlongs.—Undeoided, 'Swallow, 'Lochiela, Merrie Emerald,; Soprano, Magneto," Twinkle, . Afterthought,■ ■• Lmblem, Leahorn,: First ■Battery, Subdue, phous; , - Mayflower, Warlook, Heme Land, Royal, Marine,., and Tβ Utuatu. . ■ .-,.. REYNOLDS HANDICAP. Seven (furlongs. -San Fernando,: Silken Rein,". Voetgang, Full Rale 'Mon Anii, Advantage/ Tmganini, Penates Captain Bell, Lohgncr, Clem,: Sir Antrim, Aboriginal,' Sunbonnet, Nyland, Waiata, .-Waiwaroware;. Thera, . Aberration,;. and .Royal; Marine. -~.. '!.; .■■''.. ; : ■.. : -.'' i.'.' ■ MOKAI HACK WELTER- Seven furlongs. —Rose Herald,' Knight; Commander, Happy New "Miss -Peaty.v Shimose, Epsom Downs, Lealiora,' Waxy, aMaripnus,,. Jurby, Black: Pearl, To Utuatu, Hilarian, and Straban.,,'.- .;•'•''.'/'• ■•''•- : "' ■'■'■<:'■■■■':-' : ■:'•.■■ "■■ , . •'' "•: -P :■■";.'■"■ .•;'. SECOND DAY. \- : i ■ ■ -.:U '~"" '■•■ JUVENILE ■iHANDiCAP.- ■ : Five ; furlongs:— Bonus; Fifi, Muertalma; Tribulation, Inspec r ti'oh '.'BHtish .Maid, .Ladis,: Lares*- Moohdme, Sir Solo; Emblem, 'Field, Bell; Te Puki, Deploy,, Subdue, Polymorphous, Boanerges, Longstep, Aenia, Killaloe, First Consul; and: Royal Marine. .■' : ■: :■' '. : - ■'.".■',, - ;>; V '..'I'A'WAHA HACK.. Seven furlongs.—Rose ■Herald, '."Knight- Commander, 1 Magneto, Skye, Happy ' New Year,: .Afterthought, Epsom Dowiiii, Chauvelin, Mania,-'. Black Pearl,. l'nkeW(ii, Merrio Land, First Consul, and Hilariah. -■RACING CLUB, HANDICAP. One. mile and h distance.— Marongo, Gold Bird, : Silken Rein; Comediftu, Miscast, .Advantage, Truganiui, Saiidstream,, : ■Merrio- Zealand,, No Trumps, Moloch, Eciuitas, Penates,. Vi, Paisano, Captain ; Bell,-, Eiston, ; Ringdove, Sir, Antrim, Chauvelin, Aboriginal, Waitapu, Porolina, il'limiiti iAVaiwarewnrc, and : -Mataari.. '.-:.., 'WHAREPAPAiHACK WELTER.-'Ono mile. —Whimbrel, Aferrie • Euiorald,. ;Knight Commiiiider, Rinigikapua, ■ Hfippy ; Now ; Year,: Mjss Peaty; Epsom Do.wjis,. -Hiinitnngi,',Wqxy, Subdue,," Marionus, ;Black l|earl, Pnkewai,; HiUaT,iaii;, niui; Htrabiui'. v-.v--■■.■•' i, . ' * ,: j : ' : ; : ■'■■"Ii.UAM'AnUNOA' : HACK: ; ; Five'- fittlnhgsilftd«ided,:.Svallow, -.lfin,-Mner-
talma*' Soprano, -Kalypso, , Miss -Peatv: -Twinkle;: Sh'iuwsß, Field Bell, To.-l'uki, First Battery, Mania, Mayflower, Warlock, llaiisine, ' Gold Top, Palestine,'and Embrocation. UUSSELL HANDICAP. Six furlongs.~San Fernando,-Purakau, .VootgaiiK, Matanri, Full Kate, Sloh,Ami, Advantage; Trugnuini, Peuates, Captain Bell,'<Lbngncf, Aboriginal, Sun-, bonnet, ■ Xj-lund, Waiatn, Thera, llerrie Land, Warlock, and Royal; Marino..' PIEINOA HACK. Six ; furlonßS.-Swallow, Lucretius, Jlngneto, Sucoessiou, Afterthought, Emblem, Leahora, First Battery, Subdue, Foresliof, Roj-al MSrind; and Morrio Land. ■RAWIIU: H.VNDICAP. , Fire furlongs.^ , Purakau, Splash, Kxpansiou, Magneto, No Trumps, lionguer, Clem, Lord .Soult. Leahora , , Aboriginal, Bcanergts, 'X'e Utuatu, Waiata, and Thera.- . '.1 ... . ' ' A RACEHORSE KILLED. ; While being schooled ou. the ,beach at Porinia on Saturday the hurdler Waimaria crashed into a fence and broke his neck. Wainiaria ■■vi-Bs an .agod bay gelding by llahaki from Jleliniie. He had wou. a numbor o£ hack hurdle roces this season, nnd -n-as to be one of the, wembers of tha Porirua team for the Auckland Cup meeting. H. Telford, who was riding the horse when he fell, sustained a broken collarbone and a severe shaking. He is at present confined to'his-bed,-.but it is expected that he will be well enough to lpavd for his home in Palmerston this week." The accident occurred at an inopportune time for Tolford, as' , it will prevent his riding during the holidays.' . : . . . '•
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 688, 13 December 1909, Page 5
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3,404THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 688, 13 December 1909, Page 5
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