o FIRST PARLIAMENT. TO BE OPENED BY THE PRINCE OF WALES. ■ (By Telegraph.—Press Association.—Copyright,) '■j(Rec. December 6, 10.15 p.m.) - J.v' - ; : The Capo Town correspondent of the "Standard" says .that thevPrinco of , Wales will leave England on September 2, 1910,- and/, after a shooting trip, will open .the first' Parliament of the .Union of South Africa, at the end of Docomber. ' . '-/--V'.
London, December 5. - A Royal proolamntion issued makes the Union of South. Africa effective from Mfty '31 next.';
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 683, 7 December 1909, Page 7
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83UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 683, 7 December 1909, Page 7
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