■ The. directors of the Wellington Publishing Company entertained the Loads of the various departments of The Dominion :nt dinner ;at the Grand Hotel on Saturday evening. The Hon. C. J. Joliiston, M.L*.C.,"chairman of directors, presided, and the gathering was of a most enjoyable nature./' Duritig the evening' several toasts were • honoured, and congratulatory references were mado to the 'success which had attended the founding of Tnn Dominion. That tho. promoters had correctly gauged public feeling in Wellington Gity and Province, it was pointed out,; wm proved' by : the fact; that from its inception the paper had leapt into favour and, in tho faw ot strong' opposition, had continued to. progress' at so ■ rapid a rate • that at. the oud. of, the soennd year of its existence it stood in: the commanding position;in whioh they-. saw it .to-day, f Before, the gathering ended, the staff*: in toasting the ; directors, seized the' oconsion., to: express their appreciation of the consideration and courtesy they invariably' received at the hands' of tho ■ directorate, and commented .'on the cordial' , relations existing - throughout the whole establishment,. which had been no small factor in contributing to the sneoess they were all deljghted to witness and in which they nil took pride...'., ; .. '.-■ :.,, ■ Tho' Maheno arrived in Auckland from Sydney at 11 'aim. 'yesterday- • with "English •. and mails,) which will' arrive in Wellington by this afternoon's express. The Post Office authorities believe that the! Maheno may also' have brought a small" Vancouver mail. With the advent of the'hot weather, bathing has again become a' popular pastime on tho Lyall. Bay beach, and it: is noticeable that some of the swimmers do not conform . to the regulation laid down last summer that parsons swimming off. tho. beach' must wear ; tho . full nook-to-knee' bathing -costume. Eesidents of the bay are consequently complamuig'. ' ..' ','.'■:.-■■"':] D Battery went out to Miramaron Saturday afternoon : and spent -eomo strenuous- hours practising tabtical exercises. .The-battery, is working early and late at present, for in.little more than a.tnbntli the field gunners will go into: camp for their 'annual' course of training and class-firing, and the marks awarded during the course for all brunches of field artillery work will bo reckoned up for. tho New, Zeahind Field Artillery' Efficiency Shield Competition. The .Rhodes. Cup for artillery, practice is.also to be competed for.. . ■■'.'•■ .'
A proposal has been made (according to', a. :circular) by some ■ leading iirnatour. musicians, to form a , "musical and drainatio competitions society" in this city, on lines similar to: those existing in Dunedin,; Cliristehvirch, Inveroargill, aiitl Napier. : The, Dunedin Society, lias been in. existence for some seven voars, , nnd lias proved ;i romarknblo succoss. 'iho object oi tho proposed Eoeioty is to ericourago the study of music, singing, and dramatic % ntt, by giving prizes for public competition in 'the various branches, amongst amateurs ■ only. ■ Pnst experience lias, shown' that the resulting , elevation of'the standard of excellence amongst competitors has more, than justified tlio" efforts of the promoters of those bodies .already in existence. t If sufficient sup. port is accorded, his Worship the Mayor (Dr. Nowmnn) •. has Signified .his consent to accept nomination as.fiTst. president of the .sooiety, and to preside at.a publio meeting to bo convened, to further the proposal. The. meeting, wliich is called on behnlf of the conveners by Mr. AV. G; Talbot, secretary pro tem., is to be held .in the office' of Mr. 'Bemicharap-Plftttfi, 159-155 Featherston Street,'on :Monday ; ovcnfnt liext. v ■■■■"'•;■'.■ ''■'"■■■.'.■ ■:■''■ : : y~'-: • v''. : ':.'■; '■'-'..:',-"-v'.
■■■: The Pollard Opera Company: passed through Wellington on ..Saturday :■•■■ from '■■ Palmcrston North to the West Coast. Siuco the company .appeared in Wellington ; "Olivette" and "Tho Black , Cloaks" have beoii added, to the repertoire,: 'fPollardV are to fill the Christoaj at " Christehtteob.;:■-''-; ;: :■ ■' : y' ;"
; Wo aro askod to acknowledge the receipt by the Wellington Hospital autnorities of_ the following presents for the patients :—Magazines, Mesdames Stott, Wntkins, nnd Judith-'Myers,. Misses .Coates, Barraclough, and Taylor, Messrs. Moore;and J. J. Dillon: flowjrs, Mrs. Hills, ■Vivian'-Street "Sunday School, Hutt (lower show,' Victoria College, sale, . Girls' Collegej clothes, Miss Kennedy.'. Contributions of old linen and clothes will bo gratefully nekno.Wr ledged. .. , : ■. ,' ■; •.' . ■';-."' Another week-end training-camp was • held at Trcntham on Saturday, afternoon ayd evening, and part of Sunday. The enthusiasts this timo were the Hutt Valley Uifles,, who, favoured with perfect weather, had a most successful week-end, . ... . ■"'. v The programme on Saturday night of the W.X.M.T. carnival, .at , Petone,. consisted. of maypole dances, Venetian battle, and songs by Master • Christie, etc. The ;winners in tho 'limerick competition were:—First prize, Miss Pounceby; second, Miss'B; Watkins; third,: Mrs. M'Ghie; consolation prize, Mr. Neich. -,'. The number of passengers arriving at , Wellington from oversea ports during November was 1957, "as against 2297 during November, 1908. The departures from Wellington for the month totalled 741, as compared with 691 during the corresponding month last year. ; . '■. - ~;"'■ ■■■..-' .■ ■ A Feilding Press Association telegram' etates that a short, sharp shock of earthquake was felt there at. 9.31 o'clock on Friday night. , One of the girls collecting in the Quay on Saturday was rather amused at'the conduct of two small newsboys." She noticed them walking l up and down in front of her, and giive them an encouraging smile, whereat tho small • boys came up and shyly dropped two pennies into her box, one of them saying that lie wiehed he could give more.. --. ; \ ... . y ' : Ueplying to the reqxiost that the new species of shaTk whiob was discovered at Knikoura should be designated after liimsolf, Hie. Excellency the Governor, in a humorous note, said :— ''I have much pleasure, in accepting tho honour of having your new shark named after me. Should a portrait or description of tho shark bo published, should much value a copy.: Trust ho will not meet me when bathing and ,claim relationship.'' ■;''..'•'.. ,'. : .-■■'' . . , :,v .
Three'ye:lrs ago a gentleman,living on the Bast Belt, Christchuroh, addressed a noto to n'friend in "Queen Street, Dailiagton," eome threo miles away from Wβ own residence. In his haste he addressed it "Queen Street,' Darlington, C.C."' The letter promptly started oft on a, trip to Darlington, Cap» Colony, but, finding no- homing place there, it was forwarded to Darlington, England. Then it.took n, trip to, America, where it spent a year in tronbled wanderings. A funlo ' journey, to Darling Downs followed, and then, growing tired of knocking about the worldj it Totumed to Cliristchurch, and was duly-, delivered at its, proper destination. ■ Tlie cnvelopo is a veritable curiosity with postmarks - and en-, dorseme'nts. ;.•'.■',' .".;. •■ •'. .■ . .: ■ ■ '■-■■. ■:
■ There .was a strange.accident at ; the. annual show at Wyndham, Southland, recently, during n military Tescue race over hurdles; The.raco was run in heats of two, the riders going at top' speed over a'-hurdle, picking ...up; a dummy; ■ and hurdling bnck 'again. All went Well until the final, when Privates. Gnave and Frame set off ncck-and-neck:' : ■'■ Tho horses touched -several times on they way,, to. .the hurdle, and as they rose at HI at top speed they collided;; and i hurdle, horses, and riders crashed-into one heap/ A rush of'spectators to the spot, followed. .Grieve got up promptly,', with, a cut on, the'forehead and minus .-some
teeth, but Framo lay • still for some , time on account, of a kick on thohead: Ho regained consciousness, . however, and the'' pair were able, to walk, little the worse for their ■ exciting experience:: The result of'the,competition was declared a tic, ■'■■..;. ■'■-'■■'W'/.< y There was d very narrow escape from drown j ingat Sumner on Friday, says a Christchurcli paper:' A'child of four or five years of age was: paddling in the shallow water just- above, tho pier, .when ■it stepped over a' ledge and -..was. soon;being carried away by.the'receding tide,-.A lady who had r been sitting on the sands'-suc-ceeded, in attracting : tho.- attention of : some, young meii who were fishing from tho; pier ■to tho perilous position of. the child, and. ono.of them, accompanied- by an older man who, in tho .meantime,, had : mode his way to the scents of the necident,'. plunged'into tho water and. managed to'get.hold.of the little one in time to save it .fronl any serious consequences.. ..
The. London Post Office ' gives notice .that, owing ;tb interruptions* to cables and., British' and foreign land lines, telegraph traffic,.on. the Scottish;'. 'ani-M -Wales liriHs ■ TV.ill; show; considerable demy,. and; generally some delay on.English lines; aWo heavy delay on all Continental lihesi-' -' ■;-.' ■'•.'-,- '■ ' ; :.'r. ■■•;, : •
On and after December IC,: mails ,for Wairarapa and Napier-will closo at G. 30 a.m;, and. for; Mahawatu, Wangnnui and New ■■' Plymouth at 8. a.m. The mail' for Aucklaud, via the Main Trunk, will, close at 11.15 a.m.,' and: for the .Napier express,' .via'.,the 'Manawatu,: at'
p.50'a.m..-.'; '• : " '■.-.■■..—.; .■:.■'■:■■''-'•"::' '■■";''>-,■: ( : '■:' Tho Post Office clock'- went.on,.strike 'at ( minutes' to 8 o'clock 'yesterday, morning,, bul was:set going;, again- after ,mid-day. ;„■ <•:■'■
'■'I A-visit: was paid to a' shop in'sTory. Street yesterday morning■; by; Sergeant Rutledge' and Constablo.M'Kelvey, who found a quantity-of ■liquor.; It. is .understood that. Court' proceedings: will follow, 'j :"y...,, .■ :, ': l '. ■'.'■'..- -~: ; ..-.; - .;'■' •", ■ i A loud reverberating'report was beard in the; city.afow. minutes before midnight on Saturday.:' The:, cause, of .the unusual .sound' has not yet been ascertained by the police,: who had numerous inquiries' from .:. all" S arts-of theicitj - .' AH the constables on night uty heard the 'noise, but 'not';ono of .them could locate its origin.- Some people consider. :that a gun Was fired off, others suggest that an explosion took place in a store,. engine-houso, or magazine,' and' there are those who think that.the noise may. have keen ' caused. in. aft attempt 'to blow open, a safe..-:'. The mystery should 'bo up' , to-day. .......:'.' ,:. ■ : :-'- .A. man .was .arrested last, evening oh j a charge of having stolen a copper boiler'.from ariempty house in - Ghuzhco .Street. ~; : :,\ :':,:' .:'>■.. • An interim dividend'of five per cent. (3s.'4d. per share) upon'th'e ordinary sliaro , capital of the Bank of 'New. Zealand has been declared, and; is; now payable. , The. warrants for the I dividends of shareholders'on the/local register may bo obtained at the Wellington branch, Lambton Quay.'. -;'.;.- '.'. : ~ y :
A curious cricket accident .occurred in- the Hutt-Wellington Central junior match at the Hutt Recreation: Ground on Saturday., It l appears, from the report of an; oiilookor, that: Gourlay,: a bowler, for...Central, Bent, down' a fast ball, which struck- Robertson,: the Hutt batsman, in-the face,, driving'one, of his teeth right, through his'cheek. 'Then, as if toVadd : insult to injury, the ball fell and struck the wicket, ' .'■";.'-..'. ■■."■■■''■: ■■'.:'■■'■ \ ■■"■■*■: ':■>' ■':•■'.- "
1 The plan.adopted % tho' St. John 1 Ambulance collectors'this year of giving badges rendering all;who contributed, a , shilling:, immune ;froni further, requests:-worked well in -most; cases, but in one or two instances'it was nbtfrom the giver's point of view; quite a success, ■ Several fair collectors : ran out of , badges early, and then it .was a case of "Bis , .dat qui cito flat," but.he who had riot given'quickly (that is before: badges were sold out): was the,one who' . gave; twice.. Even some of those who bo'ro -the emblems of their generosity: did>not hear their honours: lightly.' Ono joung man, who:wore two/badges, at "his. buttonhole, was- heard- to remark.that he thouitht."some of the'. , girls Beemed 'to;- think that' because ho had givo'ii two shillings ho was good enough for another." :,For.some>time there has been talk of establishing an International Club in 'Wellington, and- tho' idea : has taken such shape' , that-,the-first,,utfetinf;;is- arranEcd 'for'-Wednesday,-' to bo held in"the Hotel Windsor at-.8 p.m.; The object, of the •: club,:, says: a, circular,■'■:' is. . to. bring ■ toßethef' ladies- 'and gentlemen- of: all nationalities, interested .in 'language, 'travel, awl foreign, countries, and to organise meet» ings, -lectures, social .evenings, etc.' ■ Mr. \. G. Dose is honorary secretary for the time '. being. The subscription tbthe club is>El for gentlemen,, and ,10s. Gd.ior ladies. ■;, - , ■:•..'.•'•:■'..-
TohloJt. will, be . inaugurated the • working- of the , uew rsilwoy 'time-table coricerninEr which j 'soimuch has been, heard , since .its''first- announoetoent, about two weeks ago.. The.Minister' for Rnihvays.has stated.that no". altern*'., tious' iivfrto time-tablo , will bo made until after the holidays. The principal changes brought about by the 'new scheme are contacted with ; the express trains.: The Main Trunk mail train 'will leave the Thorndon Station; daily at 12.15 p.m., and tho extra ex ; ' press at 8.55 p.m. Tho New Plymouth express now leaves qtß,lo a.m., ynd that'-, for ;Napier at 10.50 a.m. In consequence of other, alterations, the express trains will now arrive at Wellington—From Auokland, at 7.21 a.m. and 4.7 p.m.; from. New Plymouth; at 7.23 p.m.; and from' Napier,' at 5.15 p.rii,'_ No. increase in long-distance fares will como into operation Until after the New Year, and'it is'annpuneed that holiday' tickets, at excursion , '., rates, will bo'issued between December 17 And January, R, -available for return .until February; 15.;. . ■ ■ Shampooing, Clipping, Hnirdresslng, Manicuring, Pace Massage, Treatment: of Falling Hair and Dandruff,' Combings made up, Natural Hair-pads. Mrs; Kolleston (over CarroH'e) 14 iWUUs Street, .'Phono 1538.' '.: ; : : ! CIBI7
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 682, 6 December 1909, Page 6
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2,110LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 682, 6 December 1909, Page 6
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