•'[Notices of Engagements aud Woddings.Wbon reports off weddings V and aunpmireincuts of engagements are sent- to "Dotuiuica" for publication, the name and address of the ! sender should be onclosed, not for publication, bul as an evidence of good faith. Otherwise tha auriOunMnients cannot bo nublisbedlj ...;, ■ Ambulance Saturday. -,'■,' i -"' : : ':'"'■'"'"■;, If any citizen is so absent-minded to-day as to forget that it is Ambulance baturday, and that he will bo expected to,be asked, coaxed, implored, to'contriDute,his share towards the treasure that is .to ,;bo collected ,in wooden boxes all, down the street, ho will .very soon fie waked:from his! 6tate.of. dreamy, .bliss, lor. the collectors ore determined to do. their., very, best orwoi'st,/and-the..wisest thing.'he:can do'; is,to pay 'the .nocessary: shilling lor an ihunity badge" which will,secure, him against; further: appeals:'.''"-!.'.:.' ;';;-'■'- >;: :: -in.-■■■■.'■■■■'•; -'" '■ >- .Whenr-tie''-'-Wellington citizen fcols so .harassed that he fondly thinks oMlying tor. refugeto 6omo distant happier city,,it comfort him to know'that the man in tho Christchurch streets is suffering still more, aud the nian/in the Dunedin streets is enduring torture, for in-both: the'southern town's 1 tho collectors orb very hard at work., Whether Auckland is joining .to-day in the .'competition is notknown, but the: rivalry 'between Dunodin. aud Chiistclwrch is said.tpbekeen, for in/Christchurch hitherto tho response' 'has \ been. pobr, compared with that in other towns, and now Dunodin folk have notified the Cathedral ,City that they intend, if possible,' to:day'to;'.ereato a Dominion record, and' as a result Christchurch will i spare no . efforts. "■' Whereas the threo other towns have sot aside oho day.for collecting for the hospital, and another, for, the ambulance, Dunedih lumps her charities together, :and under the namoV.of '■ Hospital Saturday eoriduots a' campaign.that brings gold into the coffers of Various institutions, ;And. on .this one day her' women work leaving not one stone, unturned if .they think there is a'halfponriy underneath:;, so'that, the man who. i nt, night'arrives safely at Hbmp'>ith'a wh'olo threepenny' piece !in his '-pocket jis. so delighted, .that'he puts ittin the \ collection-plate'as 'a : thank-offering next day. ; :Not pnly .do the wotieh work, -but' the'schoolgirls oro pressed, into-tho service in a properly organised manner,'and Dunedin'papers report that a meeting of schoolgirls' was .held this Week'. to' arrange for-the : Saturday collections..; Evidently, Wellington ,inU',,havo to^ork: hotd; ,iind', to give lavishly; toVmake a-worthy second to Dun' 'f\. ; \j\,!s : -p-.';:':■>::
Wedding ;ri; . ':\'/:':i■';'-..',.;-. ''; .' 'A qriiet' weMng was.]:splemnised on Wednesday aftcrnobn.i at, tho residence;ot ;tho brides parents,-,."Willo\v;Bank,".P.orirua'Vwhen':Mi69 Ellen MargaTet Paisy) Mungaviri; eldest daughter of Mr. P; Mungavin, was married, to .Mr. John'.Charles Hearsay, eldest son of Mr.: John. Hearsel, of "Laleham," Middlesex, England; Thi bride was attended by'her two sisters," the Misses Elsie and Gladys Mungavin, Tfhilo the, bridegroom's' brother-,abted 'as best-man.-/,A dance, was' liold;in;,ihe. Pprirua.Hall in the evening^'-:.:'- ..- ■ '"■;•; :■'.' ;'.:: : ; ; ,;
WeddlnßlarGj-eytowri ■ " • ■:/;■:;/•;■'.!.,-'.^ ; ' I A wedding;bf,inuch; local' interest took place, on Thrirsday'a't."Tlio.Pine'Grbvd," Greytown,' w.henVMlss-BUeri'-Elizab'oth' Robin Soil', daugh-. ter' , ofr.the > lato."Mif..H.;Rbbiiison,.was. married to Mr-> Arthur Moffat Haigh, son; of Mr.' S., Haigh'; ■of Greytown. ,-• The Rev. -W., J. Elliott performed the ceremony,;-which .took place on the lairn : under, an old,pine tree. Miss VF. Allen; of: Pahiatua, arid Miss 0.. Saywbll (cousin,of tho bride) were;bridesmaids, ,;> Mr,; C. HAigh (brother of the bridegroom) ,was,best man,'and Mr. Keith Robinson (brother; of the, bride) was groomsman. The: brido.was, liandsbnioly'dressed in a princess.robo of Oriental satin, and wore a veil; and orange • blossom'. The bridesmaids wore' heliotrope' with hatsVto match, and.bouquets of holiotropo sweet peas. The bride .'was given, away by her-uncle, Mr. 0. Robinsori: :At ; a reception afterwards, Mrs.; Ross;' sister;'of the' bride.acted aa hostess, and: WOre a pretty eau-de-nil- 1 lustre, frock trimmed with -blaok:- A large number of. guests .were present, and' afternoon' tea was; served oii the laivn.-'The-presents wore many : and valuable; Mr.'and Mrs. Haigh left for Wellington in the afternoon oh route'for Napier. .Mrs. .Haigh's' travelling-dress was a navy '.cloth: tailor-made.
Lbvin 1 Notes. ■.-" '■ ■■■- -".'.- ---> ■■'■■;■>■>. .'".' '--'■'. '-.v : ■'■ Beautiful' weather .favoured the Horticultural Society.', fbrotheir:; opening day,- Wednesday, ■which: also proved' a gala' day for Levin.; JSvetyoiie'' turned';out ; in their, summer: attire; .all ueiiig Meager* ■to-. ex tend '• toi -• her ' Excellency Lady. Pluujset, who had;'signified!/ her intention "of ( boing- : present,as requested to open' the. Bhow,: ii'hearty welcome to the'town, ■ ii'lngs -weje liy-. ing in -ail and a very: beautiful arch had. been ttiodoor of tho hall where the show-was held. The Training Kami Cadets uttdor; Captain Eggleton/ and .the .Levin; School Cadets under .Captain Burns, heaiied by' the Boys' .Training tarni Band;, inarched ,to : the hail, and there formed a'guard of honour. Tho Levin Sire Brigade wero also present..'. About 2 pirn, the motor'drew;up at the hall, and ■■ Lady-Plunket arrived,.accompanied by. Miss: Hill aud Mrs. Wallis, and Captain Hardy. Hef Excellency and. party wore received'by the Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Gardonor), and Mrs. W, H. l'ield. .They were thon escorted ihtotho hall, whero they wero received by the president and his wife (Mr. and Mrs.' J. Prouse); and Mrs.> W.-.M. Clark-(vice-president) of tho Horticultural Society. -Lady Pliinkot "was'presented-with a' beautiful bou-. duot by Miss Edna Clark. - Her Excellency, ,in a well-chosen words; thanked the -public for^' their 4 "welcome, add • congratulated Iho society on their 'very flue show. Lady Plunket aud party then motored to-Mr. W. M. Clarks residence; whore tkey-were entertained at ofteiy : noon-tea by Mrs. i: Prouse ,'hiid Mrs. --n.vM, Clark. The drawing-room was- beautifully decorated with lovely. flowors,. and a very dainty nfterrioon- tea was,served. Lady .Plnnket- wore a' pastel blue cloth. costume '- and smart black volvet toque with orange osproy; MissrHill, blue costume with .black 'hat s '■ Mrs. >vaUis,: molo costume,, smart-black hat j ;Mrs: Held, striped green' costume, black'-hat with largo ostrich ■'feathers Mrs. Gardonor (Mayoress),; white embroidered-robo and,pastel bluohat with largo black poppy;; Mrs. J. Prouse, brown Sicilian gown; hat en suite; Mrs. W.M. Clark, navy shuhtnng-silk gown,-with hat'to. match, finished with forget-me-nots. -Among thoso_pro-: sent' at the.' show,-were:-Mesdames,Kebbol, Hitohings (3),,Ci-',KjV\Vilson,: Winchester, mikins, Kennedy, M'Kenno (2), Matier,,; Webb, M'Donald (3), Sydney Hall, f:Bam, MJntyro, Widdup (Wellington), Livingstone. (Lyttolton), Compton, Goldsmith, Bevan Pa ms* Byron Brown, D'Ath (Otaki), Hurley, Stuckey; Burns, Bominßton,. Jones Misses Hitch.nßs. Saxon," Bovan (2), Kebbel (2), AVilsom H'Donsld (2); Palm*, Hurley, Livingstone, Eomington, and.many ottior.i ' v '.:':','• ; V ; ;;-■;:'.:';;
W.C.T.U. Annual Meeting,
;The, annual meeting of. tho Women's Chris*'■■';: nan Temperance Union was the room* : of. thp union at .Constable Street yesterday,; ', afternoon, wheu. there was u good attendance. ': - the.-.president (Mre. Boxal!) presided. Tho .. . secretary-read tho annual : report;' It dealt; . wrth - several ■' matters already reported, the ',-"■-. meeting'. in- Wellington of tho twenty-fourth' annual -convention of ; the '.Now' Zealand :': W.C.T.U.; the visit-paid by Mrs. Kathcrine V -Lento Stevenson, who came as,tho world .missionary, from America, and who addressed.sev- '.. eral meeting's an Wellington, and the success- : ■■■'■':■ ful conduct of-a'olub for working girls. Refer-. -.■ once was also made to the fact that during the ; ,year several drawing-room meetings hod been,. ;' h'e'.dby members, of, the W.C.T.U., their-Sing-ing Band had visited tho hospital add, thp .'•;•;-;., (Jhiro Hoine on several occasions, and a mem- .--.■■: ber of the union had paidregular weekly visits •,. to the hospital; Part of the , union's : work: \ concerns the.distribution of,; literature,.'arid;; during the year parcels of literature have been;,' •';.■ b'ackblocks.. The',firstdistrictconV; vention'had been held -at the; Lower : Hutt oai ■',':;- August i,' when papers; had; been,read and 'dii; :;; .oussed, and-, it hod been yarranged, that thosV , provincial convei\tions'shpnll be held jearly.;.: ;;.': Ithad been felt'that there "was''.room fof'an>-' pther branch of jtho WiCJr'U. in .Wellingtonj.: -.- aiid the Wellington Central Brahoh was, formeo,i.-.;;.". during Oetobeiv'-Miiph goneraT-work had been.':-'..,,■ tho union that, though,important.!-';;; , could not be reported.; :'. ; '•■' ;"■ 'i','pr/. '--.- i.The treasurer's,'report.showed.a balance of,'': !v *£5 17s.: : 8Jd.' The building fund report was sent-'- : :"',-.', in by the-Rev.>W; Shirer, and'.a most. -, vote of thanks and: appreciatioh of his Borvices '. ; was unanimously -passed... .. "- ' ' :?-..--' .'The following officers were elected for : ' tho '■:■::: ooming; yearSr-Prosident, Mrs. Boxall; .socre-'. ;- tary, Mrs. Hayes; treasurer, Mrs. Houldcf;, v vice-presidents.-'Mesdaiues Kirk (life);- Wright, ..., Millar, ;iow6/,and .Atkinson. ,'. ... ; , ?..-;: : The meeting carrieda hearty vote of thanks:, to 'Mrrßoxall-for painting tbe beanriful new ■■'; ;, banner, and for the help he had given,in many,':-.■ ':. ways.. I ' ;,,,';,..;;-. s ~['■; . -.'-. -.■.'■ -.'.':: f'i^v "the Endllshman's ■', Hbmoi";> ' . , ; ,;;-' ■ - The ..production at' tho Opera ■ House of "tio '. ..' play that; roused the .Empire" was greeted ,; ,; by WfiHingio'n military men most patriotically, .with a display of full dress/jmiforui that made,-; the dress-circle blossom .like the rose;- Scarlet: and khaki"wer6"\to be seen., everywhere, with'-■;/.-.. the result'thafthoso whb" trembled ■ wben they '..■'■• looked at the; stago 'regained. confidence tho :. instant they glanced'it ,the':circle.:' Toi add toy ;: , the brilliancy of'this ..p atr i otic scene, the front,;.. - of the dress oirclo'.'was'v. gallantly draped with ;■:, flags; Among those', present were! Colonel and '.-;'.■' Miss Robin,' Colonel '.and Miss Bauchop, ■:.- Captain and' Mrs; and Mrs. : - G: F. C. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.' Henderson, . : Captain and Mrs. Mpbin, Dr.' and Mrs; Purdy. '• Mrs'.Beere and Mr.-RaWdon Boerb, Mr: and, Mrs.' J. Abbott.' Mr. and Miss Haybittlei and :. > ; . Mr. ;'and r ';Mrs..'T-.': Young.,.. '_ -;'; ;:, i : ; ~.,; Wpmehand Official Charity, v ;,, :; v:At ; .,tho\anriuai meeting ofi'the 'Cantetbirry.';-..'.'.-'-Charitable .Aid ' Board (says- a- .Chnstchurch ■ . several of .the-members expressed regret ...,. that-no ladies had bceii elected on : the, new.:', board.;- It was pointed out flidt : the work of i the 'board- involved dealing ".With matters .'in; ,;■ which-the advice and (assistance'of Indies was.. ; ■most valuable and'at times 'indispensable;.. 0n0.".-: "speaker-.said that there: had been a- great.,--.-■. ohange in'the. bpinibtfibf the-.City Counctl. At -••-.. one: time • tlioy • .were bo '-much in, favour of the „ , ; inclusion'of ladies on., 1 the board, that.' they ;- ■ seemed as - though'they wouldlike to • have all -. -;- lady members on the: boawl..':; Now, they had , ' gone on quite a differeut.'-l'ittO,,and-no ladies ;,:,,', had'been-elected by tho oouncjl.;.-The city.had ;;,. been most? efficiently .served- M Mrs. Dunkloy, . ;.; and it-was a'matter for. regret thoit she' had ~: -'.. .riot,:been ro-cleoted. . -, vV, ■; ' ;:: ~' .-'■ •!.;:, ' .Fete-at-Awarua. .;■'...- .■'■"■'■ ','.' : /}'(\- • All thOso. who have the - welfare'; of tho ' lington kindergartens at heart,, or who sympa<-.-;, . 'thise with'tho valiant efforts:;made to raise ,- funds for their support,- are.askod to' remomber ..-,•_.,- the garden fete that' is 'to be- given this afternoon at AwanialUn\)aidvlofi4tho,'jjFroo.Kinder- .-, gartcn Fund.' It is unnecessary .to .repeat-,,; the list of various attractions that have been. . provided;; hnt it-may 1)6 added -that Miss Phillips, the blind lady, who kindly , exhibition vOf l ßraillo "WTiting': St" the-Girls; Realm;' Fete,' has consented '.to: give.- a : Bimilar demonstration this aftcrrioohinhd she wilVpror babK havo one or'two companions al6'o writing . :Braille. ' There ,is also: to, be-a fortune-teller, ; a!rid'the indoor concerts are to be particularly '. attractive.: Miss Eileen' Ward is to bo one of ;■'..' '■ tip: singers,' with'Miss-MerccrVand Mrs.- Meade, • Surprise Party at Sealoun."., . The'surprise parly given Von; Thursday ; ing'.by.n,.nuraber.-.of Seatpun residents,-.was a.;- : •-.'■'. great : success,,"• and . nearly-, a.. hundred ; ; guests, -;; -. were Fabian's: tearoom at .Sea- , ; ' foiih was'.-bur'nt' down' last.-'.,May,.',and' in.-rira: place a.very-picturesguo'and.charming house .. alter tlic early, English' stylo ''-lias been : built,, ;' , wiUi gabled:?roofs, heavy .outer'.', beams,' and . quaint casement windows,.and it was: therethat the surprise party was held, the invaders riot only bringing their own supper and.tablo furnishings,;but also supplying furniture,-; as > ; the house is-quite'new. and unfurnished.; In fact,'tho rooms aro not, even, yet; ready to bo ' , .thrown open to the,-public; and, probably. will not be-for '.at least' a;wcokX-Tho largo room ,was: decorated, for 'the occasion-with scarlet 'geraniums,and. poppies,; and quantities of foli- " age, effectively arranged.,: The: evening was devoted to ouchro jind-. dancing, and music was supplied by' a'string band,;,which came from • .town"at-■ Mrs.- Fabian's-,request. Songs were - "' also sung by Mr. Johnston and Mr. Digby,; and ' Mrt'-Digoy- gave a;;whistling solo. , The first ', prize for the: progressivo/ouchro'.was*won by ;-. Miss .■Wfight, "Mr. M'Kenzio, winning.*• the. .first gentlemen s': prize, and; the consolation'prizes ' went: to-'Miss .Anderson--and Mr.', Vanco....' It !i happened that ,tho oyening .selected; 1 party: was' ; Mrs; Fabian's, birthday, ; andv'at supper the guests drank' her' health, which, was p'roposcd'by Mr. Mackay.. ; 'Mrs.'Fabiari, wore a . pretty white robfe'Hvitli bands of black velvot;, ' Mrs; G. Fabian,'blabk silkj-Mrs.'Rawsoniblack' i 'silk; empiro'frockj Mrs;: Cole,;•; inusv, ■ linj i :Mrs.'Mogilli ; 'palo. blue'-silki.cmpire frock, . with-'guipure'-''trimmiiig'j-.;Mrs. E.,';Horideriion, '■' empire ircck; : bf Indian : - muslin;, beautifully : oinbi'bidei'cd'i'.'the Misses. .MacFaHano,;) wlito ,- lnuslin.irooks;. Mrs.' Paul,- whito frock;,:' Mrs. . Wiren.v buttei'cup satin: empire frocki-,Mrs. ■'■'' Cram'mond,' white blousO;with dark skirt; Miss j Wyatt, white frock-'trimmed with silk- lace; . Mrs: Anderson; blnok, dircctoiro frock; ,'Mrs. i Austin Henderson, '■ laco frock; : Miss Ettio, Hay, M-Kenzie,'!black .empire frock; Miss 3.' M'Ken« zio, .white net'frocK;- Miss 'Anderson,,'.white ' book muslin; Miss Vanco, white,silk frock,with Maltese collar;/ Miss Reader,.: .white, empiro ['■ gown; Miss• I l '. Wright, white silk frock, and silk' Irish -.'collar;:.- Miss. "L. -Wright,,.,, white ' crepe merle'frock,\ trimmed .with;: Valenciennes '•' lacejMissßawson,-winto,frock with palo bluo ! sash;' Miss Day,. pale blue.: silk gown:, Miss _ ' Nash, whito : ; -ombroidorcd muslin; Miss C. '• Nash, blue empiro tho Misses. VPaul, ' white frocks,<rolievod with blue; Miss Stuart, ' blue striped'.voile f rook. Others present worot " Mr. and :Mrs .Herbert .Rawson, rindV.Messrs, ' Alackay, Coio, Ueiuleiboii, Magill, Do Rose, Foinc, Mitclioll,, Vanco, Hughes, 1 Wircn, Cloiiilon (2), A, Hondoison, M'Fdrlano, i \Vebb (2), Robeits,'M'Rac, Johnston, M'Donold, and Kcely.
Their IXcellencios the Governor and Jjady Plunkot ho\e issued invitations for ft email danco to l>o given m Sjdnej" Street Schoolroom on Tuesday, December 7. Mrs Pollen is at piosent in Chnstchuich, nntl Miss Dorothy Pollen is visiting friends in Auckland. Miss Kemp, who is going to join her paronts in England, leaves bj the Ruahiuo in February. Miss Uita Kebboll, of Ngatata, 16 uniting Wellington, and is staling with Mrs. KebbolU Mrs Atkinson, ftnd Miss Mabel Atkinson, 1 who oro visiting Mi<ss Richmond," return to Nolsou on Monday. Mrs bliand hn' gone to Christchurrh to visit her sister, Mrs. Cooncr Miss Hislop is slaving at her homo during her absence Miss Gladys Wobstci leases to-doy for a w'sil to Christcimicli Mr? Corriinck from reathcrstou is visiting 'Wellington. Miss M'Konrio, sister of tho Hon. K. M'Kensie, who camo out lij (he Athonic, is ttnung at tho Hotel Cecil. Mi? Jones, a usilor horn Pillsbuig, ulio aimed bj tho loive, leaves to-duy by tho same boat Sho took tho tup foi the benefit of hot hoilth, and li"l>cs to leluin to Now Zealand. Mr. and Mis. Goro i Adams,, who lm\o been spend! u,f kOmc dajs with Mi. and Mrs. Adnmi nt the Uutt, aie lciung to-daj by tho lonic for Monto Video, on their u.iy to Chile, whcN Mis Adams's brother li\es. Ml. Cloro Adam* intends to engage 111 mining work m Chile. Si. and Mis Seamei, who recently wont o\ot to iSjdnov uilli (ho intention of making their home there, find the chmnto too trying, and nie theidoio lottiruing to New Zealand, Th<r/ probably loaio Sjdne) today. Mrs. C, W. Steward is arranging to giv*
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 681, 4 December 1909, Page 10
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2,383SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 681, 4 December 1909, Page 10
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