f Wedding at St. Paul's. V Yesterday afternoon at ' St. Paul's proL Cathedral, Miss Amy 'Hoggard, daughter of t , the late Mr. John. Hoggard, was married to t / Mr. Anbroy Humphries, second son of Mr. Hqrbort Humphries, of Nhpier, tho Bov. ■T. H. Sprott officiating. Thojiendo, whp was giwn away by her ljrpthcr, Mr. Dudlej HO3- ' t gard, wore a charming, diiectoiro dress of CKam charmeuse., with joke and sleeves of tuoked'chiffon, tho Tjodico draped "with silk- ' embroidered laoe, which was studded with ' large'pearls. Her"brfdal wreath 'and veil ; • wero those which her mother had worn, and , * •, r ehe carried a bouquot of whito carnations, sweet peas r lilies, aud'roses, 'mado by her aunt (Mrs. Leo. Buctendgo). -Her brides- '• < mijids were Miss Dorothy bweet," chief bridos--,1 maid, Miss Vera Humphries "(tho'bridegroom's sister), _ and Mis 3 Vera Fulton. They wore dircotoire frooks of white embroidered musJin, with palo pink sashes and coroners of . ' pink heather, and earned bouquets of sweet peas. Mr. John Humphries, brother of the ; bridegroom, was ,-bcst man, rnd the groomsmen were Mr. Guv Fulton and Mr. Gerald Hoggard, brother of the bride. After tho, wedding, a .reception was held at 1 the home of the bride's mother on Welling- . ' ton Terraco. Tho floral decorations rin the ," t t drawingroom -were of white aud yellow, except ; fon one table, which was massed with bean- ■ '<- tiful roso , ?. .In the dmingrcoiu a wedding- , ( 'bell of whito flowers was suspended at the >\ bead of tho table, >abovo tho bride and bride- : 1 > groom, and tho table Was beautifully decorated s, ~ with whitp sweet peas, Christmas lilies, j ' mountain 1 liles, and asparagus fern, and from \\ , the gasolier w-ere' hung white ribbons, ivhich ' woro fasroned to caoh corner of the table. 't Mrp. Hocgard received; in, a frock-of helio- , trope eohenno, inado over glnco silk, and ) { trimmed with ronnd silk cord' of the same ,' ' shade, the panels at back and front edged ~" - with silk-embroidcr,od lace of.,tho heliotrope, :' 1 vthe, bodice made with-yoke and sleeves Of :- lt oream laco. She also wore a,blaok plumed had, and 1 carried a houquet' of pink ro*es. ) . Mrs. EdwanW, from Auckland, grandmother of jtlo brido woro a'blaok silk dress, and black 1 ." bonnet, with touches of white, and 1 she car,ti«d a, bouquet of cream roses. •< Mrs.' Hnm^ i>hnes, imother of tho bridegroom, woro ft ,' mole-coloured. chiffon taffetas, trimmed with [»' ' ' Oriental embroidery, rnd a mole hat, trimmed ['', / with pink. Mrs. Dudlor Edwards (Nelson) s , 1 froro oream ninon ovor paio pink taffetas, and 1 '- 1 ' iream hat with pale pink roses; Mrs. C. Eich- \\ \ WsDn, cream oostume and black hat with, £',■ plumes; Mrs. Lep ( . Bnokeridge, dark greon ■■~ foulard and green hat with pink rose;; Mrs. 1 > ffomkins (Napior) sate-blue j silk, and black f~> k Wiiined hat; Mrs. Arthur Hoggard. brown ,1 ' 'chiffon taffetas,' and orcain hat with brow n '~, plumes. Among other > gueita present [. woxo —Mrs. Fulton, ' Mrs." Field, Mrs ,' Chat&eld, the Misses Chatfield. Miss Broad, I- i Mias and .Miss, Sylvia Wibon ~/ tojlding at Island Bay. " ' tkiss Grace Oliver, of Islandi'Bay, iftkuiais I Tiou yesterfayafternoon, nt St. Hilda's Church, >. ' lo'lli. Eobert Murph'y, tho Rev. W. Fancomt ■\ , officiating., Tho bride, who wore a handsome ',' * dross of whito chiffon taffetas,, witlr, bridal wreath, and carried a slumer tpflquet, 1 attended by three bridesmaids, her eistors. ,', < Miss Ethel and Miss Mona' Oliver, and - Miss Porter. 1 They .wore frocks of whito muilin and wide whita hats, and two SJ , af Jhem carried of drim- , son carnations. Mr. 'Linklater was'best man, r' " linfl Mr C. Murphy groomsman. Tho "Wedding f Htych" was -plajed by Miss Duckworth, and h the , church was beautifully decorated with lilies P" ' nnu foliage. A reception, attended >by sixty i 1 guests,_ was afterwards held at tho home of i , the, brido's parents, where tho 100 ms had been [ , most artistically decorated wifh quantities of • flowers. The tables wcro decorated with roses, J ' ' oranjo blossoms, and other flowois. In tho |T evening a dnnco was "given in the Now Century \\, Hall by Mrs. Mnrpny, mother of tho bridc- [!■ groom. ■ ' f 4 Wedding at Pctono. ." A\ St. Augustine's Churclj, Petone, yester- ,- day afternoon, Mils Mabel Curtis, eldest daughter oi Mrs. Charter, of Petouo, was married to Mr. Geo. Hr.rford, of Gisborne, thud son o£ Mr. Wnt.»Harfcr.d, of Petono. Tho ; ' ceremony was, > performed by the Bev. J. D. ; t 'EuiboU. Tho brido was (attended by four ' 4 bridesmaids, her sis*or,,Mta Ivy Curtis, Miss ! 1 • LdHie Harforti. .tho sister of the bridegroom, \ ami the brido's two litfle couiins, Florrio 1 Shaw aud Vera Hawson Tho bridegroom was attended by Mr. , Chas Colo and Mr. W. Cur- . «ii tij. After tho wedding a number of guests 1 wore entertained at a reception in St Augusf tine's Hall. f Wec|ding at Pahiatua.' , i , A weddmg , that created a good deal of m- . tetest m Paluatua, took plai.o yesterday at 'fit. Peter's Chuich, when Miss Olive Holm Wood, •• • sixth daughter ot tho lato/ Mr. Alfred Holmwdod, of Uobart, Taslnamii, and formerly of hoyenoaks, England, was married to Mr. Joeeph W. btnrton, the only 6on ot Mrs. W. t StUrton, of Pahiatua 1 , and formerly of Button, • _ England. Tho servico Was choral, the Eev. '* '„ CUT. Isaacson officiated, and Misa Allen played v the Wedding March. 'Ihe brido woro a tailor- , _ mado costume of cream cloth, trimmed with white silk braid, and a picture hat trimmed with palo green robes, and shp carried a bcau- , tifnl bouquot. There were three bridesmaids, Miss Eileen Holmiyopd (Wellington), sister of • the, bride, wore an Empiro frock of white om- ' ' brpidered lawn, with palo blno hat, whilo ' M^F 5 , B ? atnx antl Majory Holmwood, mcces . , ,Of the bride, woio froclta of whito embroidered ' lawn, and leghorn hats trimmed with palo v ' , blue and pale pink lilies of the valley, and <' tied with palo graen stiings. Thp bride was given away by Mr. E. L. Holmwood, of the Upper Hutt, her cousin, and Mr. L. A. Ward was best man. A wcfltlmg breakfast was served at tho homo of Mr. Allan Holmwood, , where tho inhal' toasts were honoured. Mr. nnjlj Mrs./Stuiton, left later on for Napier. ■ Tim hudegroom's present to the britl" was an -Wavino pendant, and to the bridesmaids ■ , gold brooches. Tho bndp'3 present to tho , bridegroom i,v% a pair of silie>'.-backcd,.brn';hes. Mr. Stnrton is a member of the Pahiatua Bor oilgh Council, mid in honoui of his marnai'i , J ' the'. Town, Hnjl.apd firo .both flew their flags. * ■>.-"- . ' , Among the presents received was a handtome, dinnei-serncc, which had been pieronted, 'to Mr. Sturto'i on Tuesday evening by tho craplovecs oftho firm of J. W. Sturton and Co., Mr. B. Harley making tho presentation on their behalf, and otprcssing tho heartiest gopd wishes for Mi. and Mrs. Sturton's welfare. Mastorton Notes, Invitations have been issued by Mrs. Cameron, of "Fernside," Opaki, for an "at hotoo" to take place on Tuesday next in. honour of her daughter, Miis Maudo is to.- bo married shortly. Mrs. F. Barc'ay, of Waikanao, is visiting Masterton for a few days. -. ' l&s. Noble-Campboll, of Ma'storton, is spending jsome little time m Wellington. Mrs. Kenfc-Johnston and Miss Alico Kcnt- , Johnston, from Melbourne, aro visiting Now Zealand, and are at presont staying with Mia, C/Kent-Johnston. , Mm Hayward, from the Hntt, has been BlKjndinp; somo weeks, in Mastexton. 1I«. Halso, of Greytoira, is etaying with her I j relatives in Mastorton. I _ i ! ■' - j ' 1 . LOSS ,OF, HAIK AFTEE SICKNESS.'" Wliere the'acalp has become atrophied aftes rickness, sneh-'os-fevors,, influeiiM, measles, annomia, ret*. and loss of hair is resulting, HENDY'S 3ULEFTIA mil bo found an oxoellcnt itimnlrtnt for roetorinK ,tho hair to its , natural condition; brlnsßTjaoK tho vitality to all tho glands, thnn piodnoin? t, yigorftus nnd ~ abundant growth of nnir. Obtsiintiblo in Wellington, from Kirkcaldio and StainaJ and all \ leading Stores nnd Chomiste, Bottlea 'is, "<*.. Kompthoxnqt^ProßecrXjmnL
"fli Homo" in Woplcombe Street. '■; V' .:., , The "At Homo" given ,yosterday afternoon 1 .by. jlrs.. Cooper; at; her home in Woolcombe .Street .was, a , most'enjoyable ono, and it was attendod by a vory largo number of .guests. •Ted. was served in the dining-room, where tho table was ; very effectively, .decorated .■ with naming poppies, scarlet geraniums, and grasses, and'the drawing-room was decorated .with roses and sweet peas.. A baiid stationed in tho hall supplied delightful music all tho afternoon, and :chairs were,placed in the gardpn in front, for guests who... wished to enjoy the fino view over, the oily arid harbour.. Mrs. Cooper, received in a 'frock o£; dark blue , foulard, >',:with. cream tucked not vest and sleoves.; : Kiss Cooper wore 'cteftm- organdie.'miislini'-.with'.-pale.- green ■ chock, 'trimmed .with bands of copper brown silk.; Hiss ■Ella: Cooper's frock, was of very palo :.'• blue charraeuso .made with a laco yoke and .steel trimming. '.-i-Hor, cousin's ; pretty frock was of white'muslin' trimmed'with insprtion; v and with [ bolt-of pale holiotropo sUk. Lady Ward came •in a frock, of-sulphur green crepe de ..chine, with; black plumed " - hat aiid : black ostrich fOrith'er.boa. "Mrs. Findlay.wore a/dark blue coat "and skirt, and .hat ■ wreathed'; with tiny flowers; WAmong other guests .present :were: I Mr,..; and Miss .Sinclair, Mrs. and Miss C. M. Uuke,' :' Mrs. > M'Culloiigb, : Mrs...' Prouso, ! Mrs.: Davis, Mrs.'Corliss,;jh-s.'Baum6,:Mrs. Eobort-, spiv-:.Mrs:. Christie, ..Mrs. Knox Gilmer, Mrs. Seildon; 'Mrs. 'Macafthy, Mrs. Sievwright, Mrs. , ,and Miss Knoi, Mrs. and Miss Wylie;- Mrs.. .Henderson, Miss Wheeler,,: the Misses Macintosh,', Mrs. .Hwang, Mrs. and Miss Gill,; Mrs. "Bulkeley, MrsV C./-B.• Russell. Mrs. .Dean, Mrs.' Geddis, tho, Misses M'Cullough, ::Mrs.-M. Myor.s;-Miss Pascoe.MrS; Myers .and the '-Misses -Myers: (2);- Mrs. ; and .Miss -Keihber,. Mrs. : Macarthuri Mrs. and .Miss C. H., Mills, '■Miss Edwin,/ and -Miss Logan. - ■■-. -y. -.' ■■■•,;'.'• ';', : Tea; in Hobsori ■■ v ■'•;';! x ,■.■••) '■ ''rMrs. Grady, tvHo has for ten years been'one ,of the Convalescent Homo Trustees, and who has just' resigned that was tho guest of a: delightful tea; given yesterday nftornon by, Mrs. Newmani'at her home in Hob-, son Street. Quantities of beautiful flowers had been sent down from' Napier, and the drawingroom'was filled, with "roses,: sweet peiis, carna- ■ tions, irises,' and others. ;During tho afternoon Miss :-Mercor;. sang; several; songs' delightfully. Mrs.. Newman -■', wore a whito ; lace blouso with skirt;of black nihon; Mrs:.; Grady, , , frocks of .bjack silk, and - black bonnet with, a.'-white .'osprey;'■ Miss: Grady, costume ;of green cashmere;with ,, yoke of. cream 'laco,'and green "hat; ;-Mrs; r Frank Grady, pink,linen coat : and; skirt, "and/black hat..;The-guests-iincluded-.tho other:'trustees,'■Mrs.'''Moorhouse,, Mis. Bairon,:, Miss'Coates,-, Mrs; ; Ai Pence, aiid Mrs.' 7 West :Knowlos/.; r wjth^rs.T...C....-Williams,: .'Mrs. Thorho-GeorKOj'-Mrß, Herrios, Miss ; Richmond) MrsV J. : ;P. Luke; Mrs. Tweed, Mrs. Geddes, i'Mrs:'.-Qrnndjr»' Mrs.,Lindsay,. Mrs..,Ross,,Mrs.: .Stuatt Eichardson, Mrsi Triggs (Christchurch), 'aud'!'Mrs.; v IlumbelU::;; -.;/"':■■:;; -'0-: /\ '■ ■'.■. : :'~ :^Y.'? .v ■' ..;■.• ■''. '■■'■■['■.' ■ '::' :To anyone 'who''many:;'sc^ial'attractions ■there.'were; in. town yestorday'after- -.' .nponj'rit: was 'surprising- to notice 'how: many ■peoploVjourneyedlout'.tq, Hutt: to sco the roso show-, held the Town Hall.'->'■ In - fact, there were.'sV'm.any'frdm town that.the. local:people, appeared/to be :.the visitors;;-and- the,.towns-' people seemed, afhomo..: For many of them it Was; a'very hurried visit, arid .probably, half those'.who r went out : 'returned-by the : early-1 ttain.V'or ; .motpred. attend sdmo .other funbtionV ,;■ Thevshpw .was an/interesting' one, but .'jyory : .small,•:.the:'.exhibits •:6cqnpjing only .the.imain '-hall.'yAfternoon tea; was,.served": in the. shop. next ; door;, Mrs." ,Bunny;;wqro''a green .tailor-made: costume,.iand hat trimmed with,:; pale'bluej'Mrs/.-Harvard,-.bronze green, ! t'ailor : inade' and , .; green:' hat';' ..Mrs;' Purdy, : : reseda green ..linen -and block hat; Mrs. .Woodward,.! jWhito ombrdideral linfen, .with;black and ;hatj "MrsV'."Hughes,". coat pf\. light' blue: cloth .over':dark frookj: blaok hat .w.ith'roses;. Mrs.. AVyHatris, blackiarid; whito striped.coat .and ■■Bkirt,''fnced','witli. black, 'and'.black;-bat; Mrs.' (Dr.) .Mirains,;:pAle;' pink cpstume;.Mrs.;Bariwn, 1 'costume : ,'of...datk."and light.>bhio,'j.with/ small -hat;... Mrs. F. M. B.; Fisher, ;a. long', tnssqre:;coat..\vith"'oriehtal trimming and straw 'hfit/w.ith'HUhches' of hawthorn j. Jiliss, 'Beatrice (.'Day, , :; dark, .green ; costume,'.; braided, with,;black,.with gold /embroidered'waistcoat, mole-cqloured : .hat, .trimmed ..with pale bine and -pale pinkj Others-present !were: Mrs.iFindlay,' :Mrs.':: Corliss, .■:Mrs. , :.:Humphries ) ' ; Mrs.'- i Samuel, '■MrsllWalter-Nathan, :and Mr?.- Jacob Nathan,-. • Sirs. O'Connor;,Mre. Mowbray, l Miss W. Welch,' ■Mrs.' :t :Tuckey,-.;Mrs.'-, Salmpnd, : Mrs;. Mehtc'ath, ■•Mrs,:-, .J , ,., A11en, ■'Jlre/.'Chay.tor, Mr;'-'and' Mrs.' .Tringhsm, , ..\Nlrg. '.Stott, 'Mrs.■ C- Pcarce,-.and :Mrs. S.; Harcourt; ,-;,/•,;;."'. v -'V J:-' .-. ■ j;'.'.'. v ' ; '•:,'',;)::_;■.; A .Musical .Socloiy. ,;■; X. -.'.'•'■;;•' . ■ ■'■f:-' •'.■'-N '•'':' : ■■ Girls':: Musical Club, .which;' has done good, work'r through : the;year, -was'/cntorr tnined;at a .very pleasant evening at Miss- All-; port's,/yesterday evening.'jwhen, '.'in'i-'additioh- to monibers -ofrthe from' the: Hutt and from/.town;.w6re'.;.prescnt, ;'and each'of,'the merabefa;'either played- : brYsnhff. : :.-There'wero two .veryftamnsin? competitipns, and, 1 for -the of, these, J.each.'gueist was expebtedto. como with some .'device representing a - certain' com-', ,ppser,, some; of. the .devices' being, very lingoni,pnsly : contrived.".-;.'Jor./Uie -other'. competitions l pictures .'of'mnsicians, were placed on. the, walls, and'the guests'weie'neked .to namo them.'' -Bars were, played,; and from-these/scraps .the :name-,of;the composers had to'be.guessed.; 'gnests : present- were: Misses Tread-' well, , Ti'elohi: Lee, Cnff, Kirk, E«3S, Eliot, and Martin; (2).- : :-;,;,-: : ;., X\! ■: .'.::; i . ,-: ':}r: -, ; '- }:■:- •/Mr.', and' Mrs.. are. going on , i Monday ';to" -Palmerston /.North, where . they, "have. takenvMf.; Cohen's house-for a'year. .:>■'.. v'Mrs:Pinchj. of Dunedin,' who: has, been staying, ".with ;,her sister,.Mrs. Burncs, at Xowry Bay... returnedxte.., her; : home last-night.;, ■'•,/- ' :./ : Mis3 Hilda ililos is.visitipg;Mrs; 'Strang' at "PalmprSton'Northv .'.iv- /;'X •;- ,■;:!■",- -: :"':-■- : iiliss Miiclean'ofiGrejTnouth, is visitinß Mrs ;F,'/ Dyer,;: \;« l>y .-. ; /., •; ;■;, : : -:- '.:/•-;■; "..Mrs^.'. JaraesiDyke^s : ,is /'visiting , 'Mrs.--, (Dr.) Thackorvin.Christohurch;-: , ;; r -'/':".'"-■■.'■''• : ;Mrs/-W; Fell ; is visiting Mrs.;.Dillon at'Lee-' fi.old,.:.Marlborpugh. vi ,.:,-,''!" ■■' .\{"■'■■■ ; : aiThe / "Ciin-terbury Times"- announces .the engagem«n,t,of .Miss.'Mackenzie, "Onnond,"Gis..bori«,'::to.,'Mi.vEdn.c>Williams,/youngest- 1 son pf Mr.'J.'.Willianis,■ of Frimley, Hawke's Bay. ■■-. ; jlrs.-'Tlieha^dsi'%ifa)of; , -Mr,-.B.'..W..'Bicnards; , -tijwri'iderlc/'of ,-l)unedin, Js. Returning- from Aus-tralial-by jthe /Olimaroa, which --arrived 'from .Sydney; 'yesterday.-'-tiho goes on tp Dunedin -to-day-v })'>>ili^:'V;^r:--'^ :^: -:-\ .y'. : -- -', ■■:■'■■ '■.■Miv'andiMrs'.'Bowron, of .Christchurch, ar.riv.edfrom 1 Sydney;yesterday by tho piimaroaj and. leave. for jthei south thia evening. - .■'•■.'■ ' :.|Jestbrday.. afternoon /an //.enjoyable littld ■ musical- afternoon Was given at. ttio residehep -of :iliss Macandrowi on the.Terraco, as a fare,ivell.(to Mrs. Arthur Macandrow,.:of Auckland,' ,who ,leavb=i;ior; her;home tp r day,'.after a visit .of'.Bome two or'three wpeks in VVollington. -~ v'.Mr; and ■Mrs.i/Hnngerford, of Dunedih, :.wero ,Huddart-Parker Company's LlHmaroaj :/w.n'ick"./a'rrived from Sydney yester-dh'y7';:.,.VVi'.i:?,-'-','-.'-!':-V:' |; ; " :i ■ ,W. :■ ':■*'<''.'."'.
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 673, 25 November 1909, Page 4
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2,275SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 673, 25 November 1909, Page 4
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