; BAfIQUETAT HUNTERVILLE. ?; ENTHUSIASTIC. GATHERING, 'vi ':freehold and nothing btjtthb-: ' ; ;: . PHEEHQLD." ; : l ;.: (By Tclegrapii.-Spcbial Ecportor.) y "■'.. v, Hunttrville, Novomber 15. '_'[ -The supporters of the cause of Mr. V.''.]?„■. Hobkly in the recont Eaiiffitikci by-olccjioB; ontertaincd thejr candidato at a banquet hwe to-night. The functioii' was' unddr the : aufri pices of the Huniterrillo branch of the New Zealand Political Reform League, and a largo number of people attended from all pattalot the eleatoratt!. Thero was nlso preeont| Mr, W. H. Herrles, M.1 , . (Touranga), Mr.' D, Buick, M.P. (Palnie'rstoii), Mr, U 1. PhiUipi' M.P, tWaitpmnta), Mr; R. Scott, jtf.P. (Tu> peka), Mr., G. J, Andersou, M.P. (Mjitaura), Mr. E. Nowmati, M.P.'(Manawßtu): Mr." D, n.' Gnthrie, M;P. : (Oroiia), Mr. R. I?, Martin (organisim; s'foetary of : the New Zealand i'oliticftl Reform I,oague), Mr. A. L. Arrow smith, of Talhapp (chairman of Mr. HockM olootipn committee), Mr,:W. T. Bowoter (who contested the Taumarunui scat), and prominent members of all lqcal b6dics. •.■;-; , ' Tolepram from Mr,, Maney, : : : .' .The chairman, Mr. James L Jßull, read the fo'lowing telegram from MffiWfassey, Leador of the.Opposition:— ■ ■■! ■■ .•■'. '.' . : "I regret oxoeedingly thot my Purlitt.., mentary duties prevent m 6 from being sent with, you to 1 in doinc well-: deserved,honour to Mr. Nothing, wonld giro me mpre pleasure than to meetagain my many'friends at Hnntorvillo, but /a m l st w ? ]t; for another opportunity," ■'.■:. (Applause.) •.-'• , ... „ *;■ .■ ~■ •';,.,-; r . A J> ol ogles wore rocoived from Mr, P, M. R George Hutchißon, and MrJ James Higgle (Wanganui). ■ • •■; ■*■?■
\; ""Ranglilktl Election and tho BUdset; v Vi.l P r °P. o . s \?B. the toast of '."The :liew. Zealand Political ; Eeiorni League," , Mr. Hemes . remarked that in ~ llangltikei \ ? f G Sl^ nu L fill !, t had had: a moral dateat.. They had, only retained a ceil which ~,, ,r 01 i. tuera for, the past twolve years, J-iiP HuntemUe branoh oftne Politioal Boforui League congratulntedou the esculent worjc done in connection with the last olwhon. t l'h.ei etfeot of it remained, and was l°oei?tl lorgo in the Budget ;,■•." V JYf, fijW freehold j>rpppnals iu the continued Jtr.. JJomes. amid • applause,' (V to Jhe cforte: of the' Hefornt Wague.and the efforts of l&gltifoif You put £h\ ■ t '^ rnniDn t. man, but he was a Govern* Trl %.ti ma , n w 17,1 * , '. «n Opppfition. ipoHcy. (Uußhtqr.) .If wo hftyo a . Land Bill wq are Fft wu hftv i? l tho given to the -land/ w-settlemont tenants, an undertaking which .we'feoyernmeot had declared to be utterly impossible and a moral robbery. I dp not W' l that a Government is not worthy of, its naine btcauso a body, of •■ electors .expresses dlsap, proval-pfite: polity, but a rißht-thinkjng upvernmeftt would.have gone out'. of office ; r«her: than .adopt a , policy which, it.had prp. viously decided .would be ogainet the interesta Pf the; pteplf, ■.:, (Applause.) We hnvo■■;, a Itorerniiient which seys:; 'Our' p6l joy doc? not suit, ve will alter it and do anything* in order to fcetpin , office,";' ' • -, -. . ■-,- ■ ■'■'■:•■■-,■;'
i:, : - ;' V'. ..;. VTHe Freehold..,■.'.'■ ,'•■. '■ ■ . ' The Eangitikei poople,' Mr. Herries went en , to say. had forced the Government to do what . it. had: itself, called, almost an iuijulty, ■ but they'did not go tho whole nog.' Freeholders :■ wolfld accept as much as the Gbvernmcnt gave, but they must not rolax their "efforts, (Voicosi , NPi no.J They wanted the freehold; and no-; thing bufitho ifeeholdi Thef must eryi "Ake, ake, ake" until they .obtained the freehold ut tho original :; value.',- If the Government was , found to be equeozable, by all means lot them •eqoeeM it!' (Laughter,) At;the 'next olectioa BaAgitikei would be njiifch better, pleased, m having Mr., Hpckly as ;its member..(applaujo), but if' the Government: would ; ndopt Mr. j .Hockly's policy with Mr, SmlFh' as member they would not complain strongly.: Hβ,wished; to; congratulate Mr, Hockly pa,> the :flght : he had' Jitit tip; It was perhttos a pity ■ that the punterville Cp.mniitteo gent for > ; other ■■metabM'itp .ejipphrt ■,%;.>; ; «iby,; as .this ■ night"' hayb , had Boirip .'iniluente. on " th» Ministerial' 'cpmm'issaries. ■. v. .;■'''': ;".;,• '..■,".:;;"' !.■' :JV' : :*V ;^: Neea,:W;ol-^lMne^ o *~Z ,-- Mr.,.'SJartin,. jn. acknowledging t the"toaet, ; ureed the, necessity fproi'ganisinK, jso that: results.might be reversed at the next' election. (Applause.) ;JEVery toember of the Jeapie would' be glad to.rseo ■Mγ.-Hockly stand again,.>ttnd his advioe'wheri a,niember-of Parliament.wottld i .be very valuable indeed. (Applause,) i. '/ 1 The toast 'of "Our.Gnest" was enthusiastio. i ■ ally received,'all present heartily agreeing *ith the ohairman's remark that tho candidate was "a .thorough-white , man,' , •: Although :hi was > defeated,'''*us w46 not .disgraced. (Applause) , Mr.. Hockly,' in reply,■ said that ■ho valued nothing auite • boV much as the ostee,m of hn fellow-settlert. The: lost election, was the 'first step towards the' gretit and decisivo victory to whioh thSy. looked forward In two .yoare* tin>e. ,' They' had >been taught hlany ieseone, one of' tohich, via that organisation was abeoltiUlf; necessary,, ;,:.. ° , : . -/;.-,..•;•
",-. ; ,"W';r.;,v ,;.■; ;-Und|vitfed. : ;:-; :..:-; •./•;; .}■ .Speaking. ktep,;in; reply; to r tW ; toast.; .tf ■• -,' Mr. l£emes said that the Op- i ; position was an undivided little band,. It had tine., polloy • which it meant to impress upon -.-. V , the country, so: long. ae the ; bonetituenoiea lent ■■'■'■■ ■ their support.; ; (Applatiw.) ■, - . ; : ; . : . ' Mr. Guth'ne said.that the time of tho coon--try was being wasted and progress was not :'■■'■■' being made at a propetj rate. The people o(-*! ! the Dominion; were to blame, because ■'<- ' thoy had pbt men into Rirlminont in sufficient '<'■'• numbers,to keep .their- places against the. beet ■'_;■. interests of the country, ' It was ii great, l ..' ■ loss to 'the Country that, Mr. Ilockly had.-.V not;been returned, v ■ .-.. . •■: .;■'■'•• - ■■:• j.'.-' : "The Government has not inspired lie with • '.;' confidence," .said > Mr/. Buiclc, "and ':'■ ■•■■•■■ does! wo are' going to keep a watchful eye on .; :,. lifforring,to ihe, of the Opposition > :: party, Mr. Scott said that when tUirips liad been at their lowest. ebb they had stood to Ji ■ their puns and foiight nobly., (Applauso.) It ■ waS difficult to estimate how much NeiV Zea- •:■ )nnd owed ■to the vOppqsition , pnrty,: . : '
:■''■;■->:!.'■ .'■'■'.■• ■*'- : '-."The':.'B6ycbtt." ■''.■'■ :'.■■ j^-' :^' ,. ■'',; .; "Wβ have been!sitUng'for fire weeks'now." i ■' ; eaid Mr. Newman,-."aiid have voted.two ittrM* ■■' '■,'' loans', without, having; anything lib uii ei- ; '• '■ ■ ' plicit .explanation, as to.Jiow u oontidwablo , - ' poition 6t the mouoy wto be spunt; We have ■' '■': ulspußsedl the- liospital- and Charitable: Aid'• f:, • ■■>■ Bill, and have had an expression of opinion .V: , ; as v to;; how. the: Uovernment. •; should ■'■ ■'■'->< spend its .money to .the ■ best i\d- ■ ' ; Vantage;. in ':advertjsing ,in\ the..pi US s, ; We' :■-.'■■ « h4ye * resohition approved by n niajovity ofs: : ■. : '- Parliament; that the,. Uovermuont- is iiistiiiod <'■ ■■■■■" ' in estimating the amount of mouov to be ■■ : expended in. advertibiug, not upon , tub-cirou-v '■<&■ iation of.the paper/, bnt upon its political' ':> '' views. (Cries .of r "Sfc»me.'«),/clan you ■-Kjine-i : the business,-of any other,■ institution cr,mcd' ' pander; such.a.systemf''.(l!mphalie. erne:of ■ '- : i der^ n /"pressed the opinion; hoithor the.,OoVei'Uliiont nor the; Opposition' ■- " should, entw, an deotorato during mi electioli. ■' "■ Ihe Opposition had no chanco aguliiit tho : ■: Government: because, it Jmu notliinl to giv£v^ v , : i<' ihe Government;)md ovorything to glvo^^- : ■ o : Mr. Phillips .sMd that the gencraf |eeli«r; *• '■ "u" 3 ; .ttat..:Bi»gitikei,' at the nest elcotion! Xshonld ' bo represented by , a SMtler. IK,v ■, X
■:y : ■"■;■ ;, v Advice to : the Ladies, ; <';-' ■■'■.*? (.^ fn ™? U?- ?r' the ladies,-". ■to take part, in the work of the league;.-as,' ~' ladies in other parts of (ho-Dominion- hacUU &V ? fT' TX h f ior - referred-, ■ . idea in the Financial Staterapji&.boloiitcd to the Opposition. UnfortunritelPlhe AVpos'S , mighty to carry-out ,theso ideas bettor. than ; ;■•" the, present,Govbrrtm<mt. TheV J ■■,'■' IV freehold,. cqmpulrory military trainihg, .'i S- 1 -^i*' , S ltcra '' on S: in the Native land laws V . £hlch tho Obvornmeht h»d' Adopts, anl; J • GoTernment, by an net of piracy, had..taken.'-••; The .Opposition party whs governinir the connl . try, but;, unfortunately thoy ' conld not "rtl'-' ' v admnnster thei. llvw. If they had: 4.-; policy <■.>'% Tvhph, was. tnten by tne Oorernmcnt th«n ■ "jo.Peoplo should put -them the posvtioe : ; >' .bf:thoGoverninent,, Hβ .would firo tro ■ " •jrordp of advice ; which might well, be W.'. : lowed; in fot: the next, ekctlen-',-: "■ organise, arid, loos to the-: rolle. ■■■■■■:■:';- : ;••:■ v:H v r' :
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 665, 16 November 1909, Page 4
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1,307THE REFORM PARTY. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 665, 16 November 1909, Page 4
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