: Messrs. -Dalgety and Co., Ltd.-, reporting on thefr sales ,at Woodvillo on Monday, and .at Dannevirke yesterday,. Btate that at-.Woodvillo -entries were condned to cattle, while at Dannevirke there, was a good yarding of sheep, butonly, a few cattle. There was good competition and practically a complete clearance was effected., Uwe hoggets, 13s. lOd.i small wether hoggets, 10s. 9d.;;aged ewes, with lambs, Us. So.; sound-mouth-ewes, and 100„per-cent. lambs/175.; small yeaning Btcers,'. 345.; 11' at heifers, - lMs. to Ms. 6d.; cows in calf,- 615.;. three and four-year 'steers, lCSs.i 6d.;. two-year heifers, 565. ' Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd.; rreport having held their fortnightly, sale at Levin yesterday, when there was a fair yarding of both sheep.and cattle. A -keen demand existed for all classes of. stock, prices showing a slight, advance on' the . last sales.: Quotations:—fat:ewes, to. 17s. 6d.; forward wetners, 14s. Ci' to 16s: 7u.: medium hoggets, j.; fat -bullocks, £7- 135.. to. £7 17s. 6d.; light fat, : cows, u iss.; ueiters, 295. J jfessrs. Abraham: and Williams,. Ltd., report as follows:—At Levin yesterday a. full yaruing bf:-cattle-mot :wUh'. keen, competition, allclnsEes selling readily under tae an advance on- recent quotations... A. keen demand also existed for sheep,' and every pen was sold under the hammer. Wc quote:-^i?at'.wethers, 16s. lid. to -17s/; fat owes, 14s. • 3d.'; forward ewes and wethers,. 13s. Bd.; .hoggets,-,lls.- -4d. to 13s. lOd.; light.fat-bullocks, £7 7s. 6d. to £7 12s.- 6d.;,fat cows,-£4.: 10s. to £5 12s. 3d.; four-year .bullocks/ £6 "(is. '6d.; thrcc-ycar bullocks, £5; ,two-year steers; £3 19s. 6d.; yearling steers,-335/'to'£2 12s. 6d.;'f6rwb'rd cows, £3 to £3 17s. 6d.;" forward empty, heifers; £3 -to £3 18s.; '.store'cows', £2 to .£2 Bs.; yearliag do. to 18-mbnths■ Jersey- heifers, £3'.-2s.;' yearling -heifers, 30s. to 355.'. 6d.; -18months .to two.year. heifers,- £2 9e.-to £2 15s. -6d.; weaners, 16s. to 255.; springing, heifer;, ..£4. lCs. to £6-55.-; heifers'in calf;.£J ss. to-£4/-purebred Shorthorn breeding cows, £5; Jersey bulls;-£3 -,to l ;£7;'ss:::,to-£9'9b,;- .:;,; ■>.-;..;,. ,: ■■■■■.'. fSV-; .''Messrs.' Dalgety and - C 0.,:. Ltd.,' report! On .'their Levin-sale:as-follows:—All-classes of stock'met witU:;keeri-.competition,at auction; every' lino'bcing: .quitted well in a'dvanqe of owners' reserves. Prices were as follow:—Aged ,ewes' and lambs, 158i;'-:fair.'hoggets, lis;: Id. .-to lis. lid:; good noggets, 14s: id. to 12s. 6d.;-fat, wethers, 16s. Bd. to ,175.; forward'wethers, 16s: to 16s. 6d.; aged rams, 145.; poor hoggets, 9s. 4d. to lGs. 6d.; -fat ■bullock's; £8 15s. to £9. -;■' The' Btbck reports of the Feilding branch of tho New Zealand Loan .and"-Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., for-the week ending October 15 are as follow:—At Apiti, on Tuesday, a good yarding of Bhcep.and cattle .'.came'forward arid realised good prices.' We quote:—Mixed huggets (small), 9s. Bd.; wether hoggets, to lis. 6d.; fat 1 wethers, 145.; ewes, and lambs, 14s. Id', to. 16s. 3d.-Cattle-Store cows, £2 10s. to £3;' forward cows, £3 7s. 6d.; cow 3in milk; £5 10s.; springing- heifers, £3"55., £4 Bs. 6d., £4 155.; £4 17s. 6d., .to.;£s 3s. 6d.; : springing cows, £5 ss„ £5'155., £6 55.; £6 10s., £7't3.,t0 £?. 13s. ■' Pigs, horse's,.and a largo quantity of sundries and furniture made good values.' At Feilding, on Friday ~.;we -had. a small .yarding ;of- sheep,,and-a fair,;chtry--:of; cattle Consequent' 'on,:, the in-, creased,-prlco;bf -frozen mutton at Home,.-: sheep . took a.'.'Bharp - rise,.-all lines being; Keenly ..comquote:'—Stbro; wetnerd p/ 13s.'- 5d.; •'stbrbv cows,'37s.' 6d. to £2 17S.'; fat, empty'; (Jowbi ' '£3; wearier'steers;-'2os.'6d;/'cbws'and''calves,.'£2 ■lCß^^fatj'bbws/^'Ts..;;:^ 1 ';.'!A-:".A"'A".'T'."'-."' '"Mr. .Ncwtbh'..;King's';,weekly:', auction;'-..rcpb'rti 'dated;-October 15,' is as follows tho"Haymarket on Saturday.'.thero: was a' fair: yarding of.;,pigs.: with fair demand'. Weaners' made Bs. to 125.;, stores, 13s. to 155.; porkers, 245. to '355.„'6d.;> calves, 3s. 6d.; horse, £4...' ,At'TJrenui on -Monday there was a.,fair yarding of'cattle, bidding ■ for young cattlo , not being, quite .so brisk a* at - previous-: sales,' several, lines Ooing passed' in: at a trifle under reserves..' 'Weaners made £1. 6s. .to. £I.Bs.;.mixed:yearlings, 355. 6d.; ompiy' hbifers, ; 1S months,: £2.,35.; 2-ycar do., £3 ss. to £3 9s. 6d.; empty Jersey.'heifers,-15.months; , £5 25. : ; 18-monthß'steers, : £2-lls. 6d..t0£2 14s. 6d.i 2-ycarhdo-.; .£3: Js: to" £3 :4s.;' 2J-ycar do., £3.135. 6d.; -storo -cows, £l'l6s. -to. £2:175.;, forward .do., (£3-:,fs.' , :tb.'£3-,.93.,6d.;.fat cbws,'.£4. ;os.) tb;£4-175.;. ."springing f cow's, '£4 15s. j < springing hcifbrs," £4 to, £5v,155.;-buU.-£4. lOs.r- pedigree Jersey bull, £15';10s::;-shorn hbggets,"6s. -9d.-' At'ltahotu -on Tuesday, weaners. made, £1 -6s.i'6d.'r -yearling-hoi-, :fcrs,-£2; mixed, yearlings, £1 '13s: to;-£2-'5s.'6d.; .empty;heiferß,-,£2"139;'.t0;£2 V»«6dsi','s,tore cowsj 395;'.t0.i655.;. forward ,'do.,,'-£3-.55.; springing ,heK fers,-£3 55..t0-£4,155.;- 18-month' 2-year stoors. £2.185.'; bulls, -£2 2s. 6d;'to'-£4;'! pedigree Jersey bull, '£18. - : On the'same, 'day;, at, Strntford,..! held ;■ my weekly springing, heifer ' Bale,- -when .there-, was a good. yarding, ■ anything showing quality ,!and closo up, being-.keenly competed for. I'qu' follows:—Springing heifers cloec - to profit;'-'good quality. £6 10s.-.tq;£B'2s. ; , 6d.; ordinary, sorts,. £5,.t0. £6 55,; backward "d 0.,. / £3-, lob. to £4 -10s.; springing cows, £6'Ws. to £8 2s/6d.;'.backward do.; £425. 6d. f tb £5.105. Again ..qn: .thei. asms, day I .h'eld.'a- clearing salo : at -Tlliora'ngi, oh account b'f-Jlr.'A. 0. Marr. Dc'spite'.the weather,.there,was a good*attendarj:o of-buyers, and,, notwithstariding-..that ;mbst. of the:cbws' had already'-calved,;good- priceß-.ruled throughbht-'•' Sprihgiog'.'cov\ : s'-mado'£7':to:£9"ss.; •cows-fln-fulllpront,{J66.,.s<L..'to £10;5s.; aged-cows, winter calvers, £4 to £5'105.; Jersey Tj.ullb.)£4 55.-'-to :£9-.loß;;rdray,-.'£l3|.-.gi8..-,£ll-.los.;..mower': ■ : £9'los.;l):F. plbiigh,'£l3;: gelding,' :£7 10s.;'-riiare/ £21 :'ss.;'sundries sold at -usual: rates;" 'At'.'Stb'ny Eiver on-Wednesday .there was a, -fair, yarding: Toung-cattle .wcro in' good-demand, and.practic-' ally everything was'sold at the hammer. Yearling .heifqrs made,:33s.'6d. to; 405.; mixed yeari lings; -305." 6d: to 385.;- ycirling steers, 3Bs. 6d...t0 465.; empty heifers,-. 575. to. £3-Is. 6d:; empty Jersey heifers. £3 15b. ; Btorc cows; £2 2s. to £3; • forward do.,- £3 Is. to. £3.105.;:-Bpringing-cows, £310s. to £B; springinc heifers, £4 10s. to £5.55.: 3-year steers, £3 19s- 6d. to ,£4 Is.; -bulls, £3-17s. ■ 6d.---to £5;; hoggets, 12s.- . At Waiwaltnihp on Thursday, ;wcanersj,.made 18a..'6d. to 23b. .6d;; mixed'yearlings,. 345.; empty. heifers. £2 19a. ;to £3 5?/6d.; 15 to 18-months. steers, £2-3s. 6d.. to £2 12b.; "2-ycar'do., £3 45.; store cows,'£2'3s. 6d. to £3; forward cows. £3'3s to £3 95.;, fat heifers. £4; bulls/. £2 lOsv; to £5.-. V Commercial iTEiyis.
:INTESTMENT SHARES. : A sale, of Wellington Investment" shares at lis. 5Jd. was recorded yesterday. Bank of New Zea land'shares were firmer, with, buyers: at £9.65.: National Bank, buy ers;' £5 . IBs. 6d.-, sellers £6 os. 6d.; National Mortgage, sellers £3; Wellington' Investment,'.'buyers lis. 3d;;,:Bollbrs- Us. -6d,; • Wellington Trust ■ and Loan, .Bellors £7,,25;. 6i.; Feilding' Gas,' buyers 215.;. Gisbbrne Gas, -sellers £2' lis.;- Palmerston. North -Gas, -sellers-£7-155.: Gear" Meat, l-£4 : paid, buyers.£lo-55.; Wcllincton Meat Export, • third issue, buyers £2-135.; Wellington: Woollen,'■ buyers £3. ls./-6d.; HikuraHEi Coal, buyers 18s. 6d.; Westport Coal,' sellers £6 45.; Wcstport-Stocltton, buyers 6s. 6d.; sellers-7s:; New Zealand-Consolidated Dental, sellers £1.45. Gd.;: Sharland's ordinary, soUers 20s. 9d.; preference, -buyorß 20s. 6d.;' Taranaki Petroleum, buyers 7s. 7d.; sellers 95..6 d. ■:•■'.-.
I . ~ / , VD.EAJi MONEY.'.' . . iTho Bank of England discount-rate was .ad: vanced from' 3' to 4- per cent, as was .expected, which' makes the second advance in a fortnight. Money is now dearer was a'year ago, but the rate is not so above4.per cent, for the present. • The advance will have some, effect on produce markets, and may causo a slight', reaction in wool, and. some other of our products: Though - the bank charges various .rates on the hills it discounts, does not ofton go below tho rate it publicly announces .'to'.be its minimum • for the'time being. Tho-I ate quotes as- its minimum is that charged for;discounting first-class three months' bills.'.The-market rate of disc'onnt'is tie' rate at.'wh'ich the great firms, of'. bill brokers.aro prepared.• to ;discount * first-clars', paper,- and changes'"from'-day to day according, to-the state fit, the "Short Loan Fund,",and the money mar ket in. general. On an average the bank.rate Is highest in' November, and lowest in July; There are .'special influences at. work at; this Jimo ;of cause stringency. Jn the money market. There/is the. incrcasd currency due to thoi'ingathering of. the and thero'are the imports of wheat and cotton from America to he provided for. Then' there'i«'the Scottish drains in ' May. and.' November, which nro chiefly duo to the payments of ;rents, .etc..'- at, the halfyearly terms of Whitsuntide and Martinmas.
: On'stoimj'revenue collected at Wellington yesterday amounted to - £2177 • 16b. lid. .... ,/ ■ WOOL,- HIDE, AND TALLOW SALES. Messrs. Abraham and Williams, Ltd:, report on their wool, hide, and tnllow- sales,,held at Palm-, erston yesterday, as follows:-We submitted a catalogue of ■ 62 , bales and bags of'wool, sheepskins, 1300 calfskins. 250 large hides, and the usual quantities of tallow, hair, and tails. Buyers were well represented; 'and bidding throughout was most spirited, the prices comparing favourably with late rates. W.ool—Fine Roiniiey,'9d.'; crossbred, medium to fine, 7!d. to 81d.;.dead, 6!d-. 7d., to'73d.; black; 51d.;.1am1)8. 61cb;, crutchings. W. to. 6d.;-bellies and pieces, 'sid. to-53d.; looks and pieces, 2Jd. to 5Jd. SkinsCrossbred, - fine,. 6d., 61di, 71d., 7jd„ to BJd.; medium, 53d., 6Jd.,- 7d. to 75d.; -inferior, 4d. to 61d.; dead, 4jd.. Md.. 6d... to 6Jd.;. dead .hoggets, 6d.; lambs; 7d.; black; 5Jd.; quarter-wools, 53d.; polts,- 43d. -Butchers' skins, at per piece—Crossbred,,medium: to fine,' 75., 7s. 6d„ Bs.. 3d., to Bs. 4d.; crossbred,- medium, ss. 5d., 6s. 2d„ 65..7 d. to 75.:2 d.; inferior, is 10d. to ss. 5d.; lnmbs, is. Id;; pelts. Is. 7d;' green; 3s lOd./dead, 3s. 3d., ss. 7d.,' to 7s. 1 2d.; salted, 2s. 8d; Calfskins-Tho best price of the Bale for calfskins was 103 d. ner lb.,' which is equal to 4s. 3d. fora 5!b.. skin. Heavier •calfskins roallsed 5«. M. to -7s.- 7d. each; HldaiOi, heavy, 6id, to 6jd.; medium, (id, to 61d.;
light, "53d. to 6d.; cows, heavy, 5Jd. to ; 53d. to 6d.; medium, sjd. to 6d.;'light, 5d., 51d.. to 5Jd.; eows, cut and slippy, 3'd. to 43d. to 5d.; heifers, s?d. to 6d.l steers, .5Zd.; horBC, Ms. each. Tal-low-Tins, 21s. 6d. per cwt.;.casks, 235. per cwt.s rough fat, 175.-per- cwt;; cowhair, 9id." to, Is. 4Jd.; horschoir.'ls. 3id. per lb.
;, •' WELLINGTON MARKET ItEP'pn'T. ".. '.The New Zealand 1 Farmers' Co-operative Distrir b'uting Comp;ny,:Ltd., report as follows:—Maize, 4s;-3d.; .wheat,-whole fced,4s. lOd. to ss. (firm); barley, Cape seed, 2s. 9d.;. baTley, feed, 2s. 3d. per bushel; barley, meal, £5 per ton;'oats, 2s. 3d. to 2s. sd. ;■ oats, seed, sparrovtpills, gartonß, duns, 25., !d.; Algerians,'2s. 4d.; oata,,crushed,25." 7d.. per' bushel; beans, 4s.- 6d. perbushel; partridge peas, 55.; Prussian blue peas, sp. 6d. per bushel; hay, prime, £3 to £4 per ton'; straw, wheaten, £2 65.: oaton, £2 2s. 6d. per ton; bran, £4 10s., pollard, £5.10s:; sucrosine. 200's, £7:100's, £7 ss; per ton; linseed cil cake, genuine, £12; prime oaten sheaf chaff, £3 to £3 55.; potatoes, £4 to .£5; selected Canterbury Up-to-date seeds, £5 10s.; onions, Melbourne, £11' per. ton;; butter,, separator, 9d. .to 91d.;. dairy, 7d. to Bd. per Ih.; eggs, fresh, Is. to Is. Id. per dozen, good demand; honey, GO's, 33d. to 4d.; 14's, 41d.; beeswax. Is. 6d.; fungus, 5d.; walnuts, sd. to 5Jd. per 'lb.; chee6e, heat factory, mediums', 53d.-to 6d.; bacon, factory, sides Bd., rolls 9d., hams Bid. per lb.; porkers, 70's to 90's, 4!d-; 90"s to 100 s, 4d.; baconcrs, 4d.; heavy pigs, 3d. per lb.; green peas, .Is. to ' Ib. Id. per. peck: cabbage,' Bb.-, parsnips,. Is.; carrots, table, Is. per sack;, marrows, 25.; cauliflower, 8s: 6d.; pumpkins, 3s, per sack;.swedes, 255. per-ton; rhubarb, 3s.'to ",ss. per-dozen; asparagus,'4s."' 6d. to 6s.' : 6d;-per dozen; bundles: apples, dessert; 155.; apples, cookers, lis. 6d.; Poultry—Table roosters; 4s. 6d. to 55.;- cockerclß, ss. Cd. to 6s. 6d.; table hens, 4s. 6d. to 65.; ducks, 7s. to Bs.; geeac, 6s. 6d.—all at per;pair;'-turkey, gobblers, 9d.; hcns,-Bd. per lb. - • .-...-
..BANK DISCOUNT BATE. - ■-• ' - '.'.- :: ! ANOTHEE S ADVANGE, ■';•,- • (By Telegraph—PreEs Association-Copyright.! .- j •'• ■-"'.' "London, October. 14, ' The -Bank of England rate of . discount has been raised to '4 per cent.'" , . . THE METAL MARKETS. (By> Telegraph.—Press Association.—Copyright.) -.'■■ •• •'• - A Londoni October 14. ■ Copper.—On .the. spot, £57 55.; three months. £58'5s. '" : Tin'.—On'the - spot,' £137 35.'9 d.; three months, £138 17s. 6d. . A,: . 'KAURI- TIMBER: COMPANY. • (By* Telegraph—Pr<:ss 'Association.! '. Auckland; October, 15... ■ The. .Kauri Timber. Company' has declared ;a dividend', of B per'-cent. ■ .• ",' : ~..' -GRAIN AND PRpDUCE.,- !'.. : "';-'! ' (By-''Tcicgrapn— Press Association.)'/ ~ '- "i- . "'.. -Ghrlstchuron, Octobet 15. The' local, wheat market,is very' quiet', and there appears to be loss inquiry than a week or so ago. What'quantity is offering; is: mostly small.lots,'.and.sellers are aßking prices' buyers do not see their way to prive.'. '.;,•,.,.-.•■,.•,;-.' Oats-arc wanted for shipment to London, aB the market has advanced there 3d. to' 6d,\ per quarter; and offers are coming to , hand whioh could be accepted if supplies could,bo obtained at-prices lately ruling. • Sellers 'are; however, asking about 2d. per bushel more than exporters can give; and business is, therefore, restricted. It is pointed out that if oats arc not shipped this month the London market is likely to be lost, .on account of the available -space on', steamers being required for wool. There • was ■ lately an inquiry for barley, but it was not very extensive, and was soon satisfied. . Potatoes are still dull of sale, as there is only small■ coastwiso, trade doing in addition to local consumption: .. So far as quality is concerned stocks:have kept very well this ( 'season,, '.'."" .. LONDON-MARKETS, r .'.'. .;A •The Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile; Agency have' .received • tho following ■ cablegram from their London house under-date October. 16:— Sheepskins—There is every appearance ■• of themarket remaining firm. . • .'...'■,' '~LONDON WOOL .SALES. 'A. The wool- sales-for" 1910- have been' fixed; for March 8- (when the limit will be 175,000- bales), April .26,. July 12.- September 27, ahd:'Nbvembc.r / 22.-- The-limits for-tne-last'.four.dates.'wlirbo fixed later.':.' ' - .-.' ■'■';",' '.".-;A' - ' -'•'
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 639, 16 October 1909, Page 8
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2,219LIVE STOCK SALES. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 639, 16 October 1909, Page 8
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