■■ « •' , A BIRD'S EYE VIEW. (By M.OK) ; • Ministerialist .press is so' manfully : ;up-; T.beri'.jiiaiutiona 'of _' journalism."' . by .their; grave and stately references to' "the :.--i- organ of -Funk".;and ■ tlio "despicable brood- ( of ncst-foulers" that it- would bo churlish to deny, I':somelittle: recogiiitioii. . Accordingly, an, V;'; ex-resident of. Eatonsvrill, w\o 1 is:obviously •/'- ' delighted at th4restoration.:by-th6 Ministerialjournals -of tlw- fine old^fciethods. that he ; to.Vadiiire. KyoutHi intends to adjfVi . dress'the'(following, let ter.'-.10 'the .editor of each V . of tlw newspapers in question: t',—MayVl ;use*your valuable paper : _™Q.say. how-fino your phosphorescent Heht 13 ;-.5.-..r.Jßeaide which pales'tho.ineffectual taper-• 01 purulent Thersitea. ; -. Your napor,, air, won't rise to notoriety -lAs .being, Quite.-indubitably yellow,. >vh: ■-.<■ .while.; you, can, call your rival—with propnoty— .A really "festering" Jellow. . : :.".Bo eell-reißlrained, eo dignified, so witty,- : . _ Yonr - hireling rival daily you demolish— ; *?Sese; 11 tleddlera.;; wallowing "in - the mire" is' s pretty; ." v.-,-. Nest-foulorßl'' . Pull of polish I • But eveni.jrou, dear sir, I should distrust II 1 Were:,ignorant that your dabbling in tho dirt • , . is meant .-. v'. ' ; ; •®o teach us dignity, and not to .justify The Government advertisement. • • TV ,: :.. And .every morn, when smells like'gas. escaping Announto the prompt arrival of your leader, I wish you luck — . Tour thunderstruck and gaping, ■ But'loving CONSTANT BEADEE. ■ . ".'.The Auditor-General is a' worthy gentle-;>Xf;man,-'but:;he;shouldendeavour.vto'get abreast Sof ' the times. - ; This - -is. rather. a harsh: . thing j -T-to'say,.-bnt there will-bo.general:agreement as Ss^r^™>i^M';off'ißiV.Jot ? did he - not "stiok J ; up" .an-item of expenditure by.'the -Mackenzie i . County Council on-""cntertainmg the v/Pre-ii : '3mot"j' V'Tiiat is' bad' enough, and - abundant jrfrju^catioo-;of "irecent .attack :«n - the. back-stabbers. . But what makes the 1 'Auditor-General's action .worse is tho. reason 1 : ;he .gaveVfor it. This > expenditure, '-he said, 1 ;Was not-"for the: service- and in 'the .interests ..., of , the:; inhabitants' 'of -' the, district." Perhaps. :this incomprehensible official: will '6ay -.for; . .'what purpose tho money, was spent. ,At tho' time 1 one: cannot-help 1 , envying .hiin his J;fii. ideligHtfnl'innocent." What-a' charming world i. Jit .would be. if, it were :what the'Anditor:Gen--IcraK thinks it .is... A world in which people t-;4v:;an^^in;: : Preiniers : 'iafc'/!ainn'ers ; for 1 the r, pure'' 'uivo'of -.being a pure" . ; Jccident that .-the /things ithat'.Bangitikei.ivants \ »re'.granted. just, before;.,polling-day, iri' which -'.nominees.' in the legislative -r -; Oowicil;feol called ,upon :to attack and oppose -/' ■ . '.'the'.Government ■with fepec-ial fierceness just'i'aS®.,Klheir.; term(of*ofEceAi? ending,: in. : which ! the v- Ministerialist' newspaper .. protests; furiously f!:.;-S.';^w n ; the; Government- advertise-., r,-;-i.;-njents,; m ..which tho district "that ' 4v;V: f>'iake.s . Sir .by .tlio hnnd warns biin ;•. privately, not to spoil -tho purity ,of their'. af- • ; fection'-by giving :.tKem ; in-' the way v of.-roads ajd: bridges—a- ixorld,- in short,, -in .whioh simplicity; kindliness, and self-sacrifice "ore .the prevailing .virtues; where politics ;are' f ? 7i" ;.can 'imagint scene :wlien':the : -.''-'Auditor-General'stuckup.the -MaokenzieCounty ; ; SV-: l Q ) nnoirs expenditure-on :the: dinner';. oV' what-P&^,*VW^V-^*rciii ! .tliis-be".iiii tto: interests : ' • '5« the inhabitants of:.the ."district?" >he asks' -- his chief clerk. ".Well, sir," says tho clerk, ■- _7 0U ' 'a ißood, thing';to,-entertain ,&ir, Joseph. . Certainly, it is—a most proper" But how can it. help the' district?" Well,, the olerk replies, "it—er—it pleases' t? 0 people . who—er—who, -in . shorti -have' - the - - dispcraition"of roads and ' bridges." v "I can't' ' .. -see.the coanMHon,«.:»^'.th«.Anditw; s -lookiiw.: ' , "Well, to put iUblnnUy," says thl ..r^cierk,.. the .County Cotincir'jdoesn't'give 'awav ; ' dinners for nothing.-' Bread on the waters. rou knojr Sir," says th« Auditor, in a bA:' ! s .wror ? y,OiM,3i,&r,^L,do,!notvbelieve , :snch,things;' it > -. .Tou; an- evjlviQind,- sir' -Tho {°'--'«ich. .-'a.- :parpose-.'f: - Well, quakes-the clerk, "the County Oiun-' til implies,that„it was',' -. Bjifc the idealism •',, »nd simplicity, of the Auditor were proof :Xty is.; plainly ' the-■ dnfk, qf -: s !F-iPM»sher,,to- get.the'-Autfitoßr. , ST^ls^ 1 few on . "New Zealgndißli;
V:; 1 of.' life'*-that is wanted in this, country. ,AIL that, is < neces* [; ■' I m . e . 3 ' aT, °- -bad- 'is.'; that everybody aljout, : ih';stpckinged feeti [.V-.i- i'lest tho. noiso of their boots alarm-tho London Joseph preached' I of Hush I" to tho New, Zealand i Llnb. His object in alluding to the subject t:o call.,attentioh;;to::the ; 'fact' : that. ; when "® interests;, of New-. Zealand' ; were. at stake : [ everybody ...should do-, their best'fiooa :iiame- unbesmirihed'. If the'! Dominion .^rtoate;' enough• rtoV strike :btvd'- v times,-j t-s'H&^rfl ß^a®4 a r^;vthe'Muty ; :bf "all: to;help' -to put it back again on the road to a proaparous, condition of affairs whioh would be for tto good iof everyone irrespective of their -ririgffS. v ;j]i other FOrag; ' lnk ' brethren, think of Cohen ' ' : *"vit n -P; . trouble ■ and the. woe in ■ v-" you U> death? an 4 boSMn neally mviy For Sir has said it: ■ 'rf '-' «' rou help.'olongvour credit :' a breath UenM ' y ° n mUBt Kriml S' t hold Ton must Bhow your loyal feeline ion. 7 :^our firmness in concealing ; ivcry, tingling fibre /is impelling you for our Inck consists, you know; in ■ ' i _ Sticking tight to Mr. Cohen- , Hna..tais.Oohens- ears■; are 'lengthy, and 'his .. . 1 y. • ■■ nerves. aro Tcry rveak-' When he casts his baleful eyes on \ " :iv. ; : v.:' • ■ JUie -.'horizon, ;;r , your. cold and. clammy silence /and. your - .i^nerce;. aetcrminedHgTin " '' ■)r;: Wa 'oyes and- wondor ' ■ i. -V could have made -the blunder ■ ' ' waß , to him to nut tho i bailiffs in ' ' !' 11, , Toilijandiiprndence.bring, salvation, H But ;a.young. progressive: nation' ■ ■':' -■ •' :: " .. v Earn t;.;time' or, .inclination' for - those methods out-of-date; . - . ....And..there.couldn' a creator ■ - '* ■ _, -® r -."'.. nior e-.disßnetinß'.traitor. . : ... auian _the,;man .who. thinks--the naked truth 'a' 1 ;. . .-. pipper • thing; to state/... '. •' r:a Hampden, Joan of .'Aro,: Horatius,' ( ■' v.:.i w .And- : the others—goodness, gracious I Rot oa^.on.e.has; got .-a - fraction of .the -patriotic^ Of the nan vrho/saves tho nation •- " .V - 3y.,his 1 lack.of■ conversation,. "- --- :'And .wno_'only..bre'alß, the . silence -.with ■ the '.tense "• o'!]i :; hard whisper .'.'.'Liar l":' '; . Therefore, hnfih! mv : brothers, hueh!' ■ i;f■; when you're anything .but flush;,. ... Do - not '. breathe a .word about ' it' when "yourcup of/caro is full. For we'll.QUickly end if. we are .nice ■ a'oout Sir Joseph— ' "■ ' . Ii we stretch the lec' of Cohen with' a.'stronrr .. • , united pull. '. : .s .<. i j'.':- v/.y..-' '.'Well,.Jawn," Eaid -Ifr. Dooley, ."ye-live an 1 ; ' learn.--:.!Eho;nowest.4hing 'I've learrnedvia that th' pollytician ;is mot vapirate , with a skin . that mnnny . a;, hippotomus wud .' be gla-ad f 3j'A'r;My e ;^>^' : jV- pathriteS;; ! gather,'lis thV tondherest blossonis .^;i?3yV;hnniadly/-.;fiail.;llttlo;-,l)udS' l 4v,'.'Wisd6m''anS pathritism;"- , ;"Sinco .whin?" asked Mr. Ilennessy. ; . ' _ "Since'ann'ywhin. i.Whin' member .' in; th''.;.House .defending 'vh: ;sitchooation that ' makes ;ye';wondher wheie's the /police, ye: wqd .. .not think .that he's ..a. dclicato ilower—that lie' " s?rf? r3 ac ? to !-Pain \wKii' yo' look' sevare 'at' hirif; - ...Whin, ya,see him:'.'vote himsilf an . exthra lump, iv .yero money, yo may think ; . \ wandher home thinkin'i. out <;which. : yo ;.WTid.'.rather •;; Whether 'twud: riot .; come chaper'.f be btirrgled .thin t' bo repre- * .6inted- in th'; House. But th' poor feller is really so sensitive'that ho'd blush if yo askid him.r;han' th' cash backlf ye::" Th' : torrtures .;,i: they, enjure, Hogan tells 'me, is turr'ble.- ! He got it fr"m wan .ivV.thim 'atVfirrst han';;> "Me ! good: frind, :he - says, teppin' Hogon loh'.'.th' chist; .-'manny.s, th'-:night. 1 .set: up wondhe'rin'.' ■ whether i.'fas worth ' : while," ho says,; ,'f ,slave" -f r th nation m tli face iv th' harsh criticism iv th' ongrateful: public.-. Why do ..J.: do't? ... Bomewan must do . t,. an' ofther all, "it gives % :me bread an' butthcr,' says ho, 'an' maybe " • jam ..wance. 'a week, an' now '(in* thin a scrap iv meat, but. th' : turr'ble. • An' -what ;r„ • I get? Abuso,, Hogan, van', what is worso, .; opp'eition at th' i'eliptioh.i this i coat,' .■ ■ .-•• he says, 'I hido a bleedin'. hearrt,' says he 'an' a. few other things.' An' whin Hogan got '''.-"'home ;he;,mißsed : 'his: watch .-an'-pockot-book,-"/ftv -on'i he. is. now a misanthrope. But 'tis wrong . . . t' . suppose that 'tis th' harrd worrds that ia ■:; said about, thim;that breaks' down th' courage ::: an' desthroys th' bloom* on th 1 tnndhor potes ;that fight liko blazes f'r th' road't' Kelly'r'anth' biidpe. over .Jones's Creek.' 'ffii). not • that;. , What tins: out theso ; noble :martyrs is th'" ; slfort iv-. -remimbering what 'it - was' they pro. mised f vote f'r, an' th' sthram iv decidm' . whether.:.their: J 'constitneE^; J ';is' ':wafchin'-': thim":. An', the throuble is intensified bo th'" effort iv provin' thdt th' .pathnte, opp'site is a horr.-e thief an a nntoryous evil liver." .... '' Ti3. a harrd .life," said Mr;. Hennessy, •- "It 14. Jaurn, Lite th' buirglari,
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 633, 9 October 1909, Page 6
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1,350THE CHANGING SCENE Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 633, 9 October 1909, Page 6
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