A statement published in an Auckland Paper to'the ttt'cct that Admiral' Sir Wiunot Jt'inines will succeed Lord i'lunket as Governor of JSew Zealand was reieired to tae Pritno Minister yesterday by n Dominion reporter, Sir Joseph. Ward replied t/wit it was much too early lor any ofhciad pronouncement to be made us to who will bo Lord Plunket's • successor. The term of otiico of the present Uorernor does not expire until next June. Sir Joseph added that it. he knew who was to succeed Lord Hunket he would not say at tho prostut time.
The abnormal death-rate among members of Parliament was referred to by Mr. Laurenson, member for Lyttelton, yesterday, when speaking to the motion in regard to the ■lav Mr. ■ Remington. Mr. Laurenson said that if the average age of members was taken as beuia from 40 to 60. years, during the nine ur; ;en years ho had been in the House, the deathrate of members was 52 per cant higher than the average death-rate for those ages. He did not know what was the cause of this, whether it was the anxieties and distresses. caused to men of highly-sensitive minds by tho criticism that was sometimes levelled against them, not by political opponents, but by irresponsible persons. He did not say that sucn was the cause, but it was worthy of consideration that the doath-rate among members of the House should be over 50 per cent, higher than the ordinary death-rate. Two Ministers, two Whips, and a large number of private members had died since he first entered the House. The operations of the gentleman who recently, in a very, thorough manner, baptised a number of his converts at Purakanui, wore referred to by the Kev. E, C. Tennent at Tuesday's meeting of the Duncdin Presbytery, and used by him ns an, ingenious argument in favour of the establishment of a church at Sawyers' Bay He said that owing to theabsence of a Presbyterian minister or.missionary at Sawyers' Bay a possible large Presbyterian congregation was attaching itself to other denominations, and at the sanio time opportunity .was being taken by an energetic evangelist of the "salvation-by-words-and-total-immersion order" to urge his teachings upon the people. This man worked vory hard ana was getting quite a number of peoplo after him j'he. <had secured some 30 converts' at i Purakanui. He himself (Mr. Tennent) had gono around where ho had been working, and exposed the, fallacies that this man taught;, but the people wero not readily affected by argument, and, as this evangelist was living amongst them and putting forth all his energies, and was really extremely plausible, he had within a week reasserted himself, and hail them nil nibbling ngain.—"Otago Daily Timos."
.'Owing to complaints received from passengers using the Brooklyn trams, the Tramway Cominitteo of the CityiCounoil has instructed the electrical engineer to issue explicit instructions to conductors on this route that cars are to bo allowed to proceed as long as passengers are actually seated, irrespective" of the number of persons in each seat.
The Greymouth correspondent of "The Vrcss lelearaphs' that the Noaley end of the Otira tunnel is now in eight chains, thu ground being favourable to progress. At the Otira the distance now exceeds three-quarters of a mile, whilst with bricking aud lining good progress is being mads, -. • ■ ■ '•• • •
The Citizens Anti-Gambling Committee Intend to represent to the Prime Minister, on the earliest possible opportunity, .by means of a largo deputation, certain views on the gambling question. Tho committee will urgo the limitation of race days to tho number of totahsator permits, nnd tho placing of pony IwLVi l* a ! nB pQ ? if ?, ou M-fttWutic sports, so that bookmakers shall bo prohibited. QuostX/X/rfU th °■* tB , 8 of , bookmakers/and lattersall s Club, will also be brought under tho. notice of the Prime Minister. Excellent progress is being inado with the S»J t£e f King's Theatre inTaranaki mLv '\ ; scctl .°" s '^'fchos back for 'Svcr i, ■ '„ t « nk i n P ln the late site of Young's chemical' factory which building has sfnee been removed Solid foundations havo' S "of! all b r ; & r°V s «»» VSS,o four Sli C rfnext d "t0 b ° ° Pened «W™**\ tra\e' S t, Co«t ni thi: ri " be . ollar eed at the Magischaser. ™ m and ""H" «*. "» A recommendation was mnde bv t'-e TraminfthatT£" i **■?* y il fast evening that bonuses to conductors for the quarter ended August 24, '1909, amounting to mil iw., do paid, as recommended by tho electriadoptld emeer * I' e recommendat '° ll V»s nJwicS Cn fe d draf . t ot^thc Order-in-Coijncil authorising the construction of the Lyellß'ay tramway has'been passed by tho Government, and is now m tho hands of tho printers. The order gives authority for the levying of charges o,- goods and animals carried over the line, «-wi m! s nnhie] J that .these will be enforced wane tho present prohibition in respect of such if n T° Be miT cn i a I n ? ,' n forco on the other city lines. Tho total length of tho tramway, from the junction at Coutls Street to tho terminus at Oncpu Road will bo 3204 foot. It is provided uinc cars are to commence running, not later cnau 7 a.m., and are to continue to at least 10 p.m., and a car is to bo dispatched from each tciminus at least onco in every hour, except wtere repairs to the line or stress of weather intervene. Provision for tho running of workers cars is also made. Amongst the recent additions to tho Auckland Museum ,Maori collection is an ancient treasure-box, which was used for holding greenstone and other valuables of a deceased cniet, and then deposited in the same cave as the- chief a bones. Tho box is carved in the shape of a human figure, with its "hands" raised to its head in an attitndo ot supplication. It is very old, being probably .a relic of a couple of .hundred years back. The tront is covered with spirals and ornaments m snailow carving.
tu i "element recently arrived at between t&i Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners (Napier and Hastings branches) and tha employers has been embodied in an award pi the Arbitration Court. It operates from October H, 1909, until July 31, 1910. Tho Arbitration Court has also made an award which enforces the agreement, between tho Hawke's "?y Drovers' and Shepherds' Industrial Union or-Workers and the emplovers. The award comes into operation on October 11, 1909, and remains in fores until August 31, 1911, An award has'been'filed which embodies the ngrconicnt recently drawn up between tho Wcl-' Imgton Drivers'• industrial Union of Workers and the employers, the operation of the award being from October 11, -1900, until April 5, The opening services in connection with tho Brooklyn Methodist Church were continued last evening,' when a tea and public meeting were held. The - tea, which was served in Fullfords. Hall, was largely attended, and the. moeting.held in the church wus crowded. At tho latter, the chair was occupied by the' Rev. F.. J. Serpell, the Rev, T. Fee offered up prayer, and interesting addresses were given by the Revs. J. R. Clarke and B. S.Rothwcl). Vocal; solos were contributed by Mrs. Burnham, -Misses Phipps, and Tunley, a duet by the Misses Brittnin, a pinnoforto duct by Mr. and Misslove, recitations by Miss Bessie Luke and .Muster Picot, and an instrumental quar-, tet by Miss Coventry, Messrs. Wilson (2), and M'Lcllnn. The accompaniments wero played by Miss Clarke, and ■ Messrs.' Drew and Aston. The'whole 1 of the proceeds of- the tea and meet-* ing go towards tho building fund. Before the meeting dispersed hearty votes of thanks were passed toUhoso who had assisted in tho enjoyable evening's'programme, and to.the-friends ,who'l{Ku'\vh. IJ? nVonV' wr(ys"helped forward the building of the' church, '■" ,'•'■ {■'■ -;" . ■.. The Town Clerk (Mr. J.. R. Palmer) lias been appointodj Registrar of Cremnt'.ous.in, connec; tion with tho working of'the'new-croma>rium, -The City Council resolved last, night to.call 'tenders■', for. two miles of. trolly wire for. the Mirani.ir tramway-extension,' and the Charlotte Street loop. '..-'-..' • ;• ;. -'~ ,
Mr. .William Noswo.rthy, M.P., has been instrumental in having placed under offer to tho Government about ,700 acres of land in tho Longbeach district for' closer settlement pur. poses.—"The Press.". •■'With'reference to a leading article in yesterdav's Dominion, Mr. H. F. von Haast writes to point out that the Senate of the New Zealand University provided in 1905 for the establishment of a degree'-in. agriculture, which can bo taken by a student,!'who has passed the necessary examinations, - kept two years at the Canterbury Agricultural College at Lincoln and who holds a certificate from such college of haviug passed a practical'examination in farm work." Tho University, therefore, must be acquitted of any remissness. But provision is not mado at the University colleges for teaching in tho special subjects of the course. , ' ' ■'...-.. Excavation worh is still proceeding at tho Fever Hospital site/but should be completed very shortly. The site for the administrative portion of tho hospital is already completed.; In tho meantime the final set of plans is under preparation,-and-when theso are completed, tenders will be called for tho work of greeting the hospital. '.- , ' , Brigadier Bray, head of the social work of tho Salvation Army in the North Island, was Waited on yesterday by a Dominion reporter and asked it ho.had.anything to say regarding the meeting held at Island Bay on Wednesday evening protesting against the establishment there of a Prison Unto Homo. The brigadier-had a good, deal to say, but thought, it would not bo.vviso to say much for publication' at present. He did not desire to have a war of,words with people that should bo their friends, "But I.will say this," said tho brigadier, 'that there was more said at tho meeting to disturb tho minds of tho (vomen and children of the district than tho homo would- do in ten years."
, One' of the wonders of Messrs, Kirkcaldio - and, Stains's new and palatial warehouse on Lumbton Quay is tho system in practice for the handling .of. money,' obtaining change, etc. To save time and give the staff and customers a minimum of, inconveniencb, there, has been installed throughout tho warehouse the patent pneumatic cosh-carrier system, which has been fitted up by" the Lawson Despatch Company, under the supervision of Mr. It. C. Cambridge, the firm's resident engineer. This means tne reticulation of tho hugo building with 21-inch cold-drawn seamless pipes, all of which lead to the cashier's, office, the plugged junctions, or cash terminals, being situated at convenient intervals along,the route. By tho aid of an engine a vacuum is maintained in tho pipes, which oxhausts them at, the cashier's end of the tubes. The cash- or cheque, with the amount-of tho purchase, is placed in a littlo brass'cylinder with felt ends that fit tho pipo exactly, and when pushed in they are drawn swiftly to their destination. There oro 31 miles of piping and 54 cash stations, whilst'tho vacuum is maintained by a 26 horse-powor gas engine driving a blower, exhausting 2733 cubic feet of air per minute., Special cylinders carry messages to Jho heads of the firm and the manager. A thoroughly successful-demonstra-tion of the system was given boforo a number of business men yesterday morning.
Ttfo Chinamen wil lbe brought, up : on ret'ckt '' ° n ? selling pak-a-poo Acting-Detective Cntueron arrested a women yesterday on n charge of stealing two ostrich feathers from a dj'cr's shop. At the' Mount Cook Polico Court yesterday morning, before Mr. Thomas Bland, J.P., Yt.imom Naulls and Samuel' Hunt, charged with being' drunk and disorderly, were each fined 10s.. in default .18 hours' imprisonment. On a charge of insobriety one first offender was convicted and discharged. The City Council decided last evening that the Government bo requested to .promote it Dill for the amendment of the Public Health Acton the lines of the draft Bill prepared by the city solicitor. The obiect of the Uill is to harmonise fhe Public Health Act »•::;, the Municipal Corporations Act. Whilst spookins: on the above subject, Councillor Shirtcliffo remarked that ho had: noticed a paragraph in the Governor's Speech whioh stated that the Government Intended bringing down a measure for the control of the.milk supply of the boroughs and cities of the Dominion. The Council's Milk Supply Bill would probably be merged in the Government measure. He was glad the (joverliment was taking action in this matter, winch would strengthen the hands of the municipalities. ••- :•
For the fortnight, September 21 to . October 5, a' total of. 25 applicants has been received by the 'oity building inspector for permission to . erect, alter, or extend buildings', and in 21- instances plans were examined and approved, and permits issued. The total value of the work for .which permits were issued was ,£O4OI, the figures being as undor:—City, £1873; MoJroso, .£1528; Wadcstown, nil; Northland, nil. ,
An application from residents of Nairn htreet, asking the Oity Council to dbdicato a portion of the Town Holt, CCft. wide, for road formation at the rear of'their property in Nairn .Street, has been considered, and the < Koserves Comtuittco recommended' Inst night that the matter he ! dealt with as follows-.-. Ono .half, viz., 33ft.,-. to ho taken from tho Aown Bolt, conditionally upon the petitioners netting apart a like 33ft.,- the owners of this, property to pay for the road formation. . The recommendation was discussed at considerable length, and referred back to tho committee.." ~T he Tramways Committed of the City Conn." cil brought forward a recommendation at last nights meeting to the effect that the 12-section JW.. devised .by the electrical engineer, to n ~c„ i p i ? f , thl »-'penny coupons formerly Shirt Mii • d ? pl<!tl > the cou » c »- Councillor bhirtclinFo informed the council that tho to IL S,m nnd ™'Id. riot lead agreed t„'r1 Ulty - *he ■ W holde of P« tT 83 ?,t en ?- wm ™oHthat tho: nome.l of a ticket wll be ablo to nav for ttWnit n° sh derfrta pSdurJ - cession tici<,tfA ,tt6d " hd ,<L r thfl 24-tri P :con in th™v nf « Aa V^! 11 of the reduction : Department -t«t cash ° ffl <* of the Tramways th? ticket UE\ g -t° . tho alteration ,n to di S p e „ se r wffh ) U * bw » found possible cash clerks lt swvl<: « _of one of th. prise l 'teSl i6 f ? in ''!*'^f• G««rtto com. : Herdman R « »' 0n °f Untenant. F. W. G. tt NIW Z( ? ,and Field Arl he Activo TM % h 2?T m ? to ,)0 P lnce d on ment „f th„ t (^ ttaC M>- and tbodisbond- | ment of the YYaikanao Defence Eiflo Club. witlii ! n D th o ft Tl ? ? T } n f: d,,e ' from tivorpool ' «e ■«.SSr^?h' : « for fc ZMlßnd - o"'y five migrant Ll., ¥***<$ passages. The irahvo dolS ?' Sl \labourers, three joiners,one each of -\i Cr f a ,l ts - - tvo dressmakers, and boSre? rln/v'r callings:-Farm la-' Sm-iS m , „ t . mp - nte^ orker ' f "™ r > : tailor, -■ ■;»«*?• ;p^e r ; . Tl i < * TraniTFays Committee of tho Citv Council'' nginlt r n O " S t? n froß .«'» 4 eSS . engineer on tho questions raised by the 'donnta. ■ ton as? lon l K ° SCaea , th l a tWWerf ffl. : eZeirktetf' WUI roport to :V th ':. i-^ h « p ' a i?^ n s' of forest', trees on the Town Belt" ' ?«£ ;n rti r tho 6eason on-SiJptcmbor 18/ ™ ( f «">. trec * nrooar- to bo starting info V ?, fu'n are looking very well. According" • to the Ecscrvcs Committee of tho City ' in .nil, M news of-land,- and upwards of 41,000 trees of various varieties were planted. N ; - " The City Council has granted tho following;, permits for practico wickets for tho,-present •' rv w „f aso n, : -Wellingtoii North District r, ric A ct £ lub - tllree practice wickots v (Kolbume Park) v Trinity Cricket Club, ono practice wicket (Newtown Park);.and Whitcombo•-' nnd Tombs's Cricket Club, ono wicket (Now... town Park)., , • The' City Council'has' decided to retain th( services of.Mr. ,C."l>. Skerrett, K.C., to act with the city solicitor (Mr. John O'Shoa) in objections to tho granting of tho applications for exemption .from the Wadcstown Tramway - Loan rating orea.- .: • By Order-in-Council. gazetted last night, the season for godwits (curlew) 'is fixed fronJanuary 1 to March 31, each year, v
A deputation from the Kilbirnio Ratepayers' Association waited on the. Tramways Committee of the City-.Council recently,, and asked that tho present system of concession ticket/" bo dono away with, and the'old. system "'of coupons reverted to; also.that a shelter blic/ be erected at tho end of the.section opposit* the Kilbirnie Recreation' Reserve. Tho commit*' tee reported to. last night's meeting •of tha council that it had no recommendation -,to make in regard to the! first request; and that it would report on the second proposal at a later date. ''. -,■ ; '•■■•.' ■■■ '■
'About eighty applications have, been received for-the" position of caretaker of the GitAbattoirs. Tho applications were .put befor't ' last night's'meeting-of the City Council, buf ■ .were, ordered-'to be scheduled and referred, to- ■ the Abattoirs Committee, with instructions that : theft should go through the list", and bring down tkrpo.-namcs. ,to .th.e.,c,ouncil.;'.-..' - On -the recommendation of its Finance Com', 'raittec, the City Council passed a vote of £i last (evening, towards tho funds 'of the Society 'i; (for IhOiiPreientionoofjCruelty.- to iAnini'ttls.'.:.:ij)* M n Tr ] a'fal'ga'r.'D.ay in Wellington \iillbe marked ' to,a supper, which is being arranged bv.the .-::' ocal branch of the Navy League.' His Excel.'-. Jcncy'the/Governor--has accepted >'ah'- invito.- ■'' turn to-be present, and it is'expected officers of one or more warships, which will then bo'-•' ui port, will attend. . Tho Prime Minister and other Parliamentarians and the garrison officers are likely to; tie there, and Mr. J. Foster I'raser has been invited. Tho function wi'l take place at the.Hotel Windsor. .; The .Tender's Board sat yesterday mornini • and afternoon, and dealt with a larije nurobei of tenders for works and supplies.for various departments of the' Government. ./ \ ° . 'While-H.M.S.. Prometheus was e.t Gisbormr she was .yisi.lcd by-about 700 juvenile members of the Navy; League from, town and country schools. 'Iho branch of tho league in- that disil • 1 on ! y; started, the impulse which led to its organisation having come from ' the Wellington ;. branch:.. At Napier alsc several hundred school members of theleairua .were shown over the cruiser. •' . ■-,-•; '; No further information is available concern; - ing the missing steamer Duco. It is not likeiv that anything ,of interest will be heard until' tho. Ripple;.arrives- at Lyttelton from tho •' .Jhathams. . > ■'-~. , . ...-..'. .-. -I ;■ •' , A letter from tho Karon 'Borough Council '•'< vith respect to tne proposed extension 6t Karon tramway, nsk.ug whether the city will' equip and run tho.extension as under x M - present system,, whether the charge of Is. rer< ' car mile can bo reduced to lOd. over the Whole ' line, and whether the city will grant the co-i operation of the engineers in the preparation of plans, has been considered by the Tramwnv* Committee of. the City. Council. The com ! mittco is obtaining a report, on tho matter, and will bring down their recommendation, ■«„■-«" later period. -~.•■ ;
The attendances at the New Zealand Acs. demy ot Fine Arts .Show yesterday afternoon and evening lycre. .meagre, and if. has been suggested (battho out-of-the-way location of 11.9 l!L 1 , ' 1 "f 1 * responsible for this. After, all.-an art show is a show, and like any other attraction, artistic or otherwise, that makes a mill upon the public,, it has to h, thrust under tno public notice much mor«' ! prominently than is possible with the ArtGallery m its piesont position. A presentableart gallery appears to be as far off as ever in Wellington /but this should not deW the academy from. af ler.st considering the pre-! po.pl .ot holding the annual show in a suit" able place 011 a.thoroughfare more frequented hau Whitmoro.Strce ,of an evening Saps the must remofe and deserted street in tie ?} ty - ~l . h e. ( ? n ly , s»le,.recorded- yesterday was Howortk's "In the CI nton Valley" (N 0 J ogg) S catalogued at 10s. Van 'dcr.Vel ten's ut finished painting was exhibited for a few hours yesterday but was removed las', even-' ing, the committee having come to the decision that if was not sulficiently near com. pie ion tor exhibition purposes. Tho art union will bo drawn this evening.■. ' ; , "■ " a . The great ;Japan lUritish1Uritish Exhibition, whicV opens at the "Great Win 0 City," SI enherd's bush, London, on May 3, 1910, is the first exhibition of- Japanese manufactures'and pro. has been held in Europe, tiy the last mail there,reached the Consul of Japan in Welling.. to:i some interesting information respecting the exhibition. Prince Arthur of Conwughl is honorary president, and the Duke of .Norfolk the president, while the General Committee is a strong one. The exhibition will bo'launched under the most influential- and Iho , Jnijaaoso, section ■of/ (e ex. - hibits will be divided into eigbtct .-'groups, relating,.among other -. things, to industries food products, agriculture, horticulture, mining; and.metallurgy, textiles, civil and mechanical engineering, electricity, transportation, decoration and-furnishing, fine arts, armament and social economy. Visitors from New Zealand who happen to bo in London next vear will certainly inspect tho specimens of 'tho uniforms, armour, and weapons, and tho models . ot the Japanese mou-of-war, which avo to bo on view, with very great interest, Horticulture, fishing, forestry, and. mining will also bo adequately. illustrated, because Japan is particularly rich in these departments. Then tlicro will bo some beautiful exhibits appertaining to ti,« textile industries, and costumes. \Allothcl nj&vel.feature will be the reproduction of Jan. awse gardens in the "Great White; City;'' Skilled experts in horticulture and, landscape gardening arc to go to England from Japan, and are there to create.-at Karl's ■ Court'tyni cnl Japanese gardens. r
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 632, 8 October 1909, Page 6
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3,589LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 632, 8 October 1909, Page 6
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